Papers relating to the foundation of Bedford College, comprising a Declaration of Trust, 28 Jul 1849, between Elizabeth Jesser Reid and Hensleigh Wedgwood, Erasmus Darwin and Thomas Henry Farrer, settling the sum of £1000 for the purpose of setting up Bedford College, with a later addition in 1850 promising a further £500; the will of Mrs Reid dated 4 Aug 1860, setting up the Reid Trust, with a codicil dated 14 May 1866. Correspondence and papers, 1881-1909, relating to the alteration of the Constitution of Bedford College, including pamphlets containing the By-Laws, 1871, and Memoranda and Articles, 1881 and 1896; Special Resolution Certificate, 1891, altering the constitution of the Bedford College Council; Notice of an Extraordinary General Meeting, 1896; memoranda, correspondence and minutes, 1901-1902 and 1907, concerning the alteration of the Articles and Statutes to allow greater representation of the teaching staff of the College, including correspondence with the Board of Trade, and a memorandum on the subject by Erasmus Darwin, Honorary Treasurer of the Council; memoranda and draft By-Laws and Articles, 1907-1909, by the Staff and others concerning the change in composition of the Council to allow staff representation and the constitution of the Academic Board. Papers, 1908-1913, relating to the gaining of a Royal Charter for Bedford College, including copy minutes of a meeting of the Sub-Committee on the Charter, Mar 1908; typescript drafts of proposed petitions for a Royal Charter written by R J Mure for the Council, May 1908; proofs of draft petitions and draft Royal Charter, 1908, several annotated by Professor Hills; memorandum containing recommendations from the Staff to the Council concerning the draft Charter, May 1908; correspondence with the Privy Council, Jul 1908-Jan 1909, mainly concerning amendments to the draft Charter, including the official Royal letter of agreement, Jan 1909; correspondence with the Board of Trade relating to the liquidation of Bedford College as a Company, 1909; papers and correspondence regarding modifications to the Charter, 1910-1911, including draft petitions and Supplemental Charters; correspondence with the Earl Marshal concerning the Grant of Arms to the College, 1913. Printed pamphlets, 1909-1985, containing the Charter of Incorporation and Statutes of Bedford College, with all alterations up to1985, with typed copies of the above noting all changes to particular Articles, Statutes and By-Laws, and printed copies of By-Laws. Correspondence relating to research on the College Arms, 1916-1961. Correspondence regarding instructions as to the correct days on which to fly the College Flag, 1963 and 1977. Illuminated bound Fellows Book, listing the names and positions of all Bedford College Fellows, 1928-1985. Correspondence concerning attempts by Bedford College to obtain a photograph of the Bedford College Founders Book by Edward Johnston held in the British Library, 1980-1981. Correspondence between Bedford College and Messrs F Sangorski and G Sutcliffe, Bookbinders, regarding the making of a Visitors Book for the College, 1959, and the writing of new pages for it, 1959-[1985]. Boxed Supplemental Charters with seals, 1957, 1965, and 1975. Boxed Charter of Grant of Arms to Bedford College, 1913.
Bedford CollegeElements area
Scope note(s)
- Arrangement into an organic whole of the interdependent institutions and programmes providing formal and nonformal education.
- Configuration en un tout organique d'institutions et de programmes interdépendants de l'éducation formelle et non formelle.
- Configuración en un todo orgánico de instituciones y de programas de educación formal y no formal.
Source note(s)
Display note(s)
Hierarchical terms
Educational systems
Equivalent terms
Educational systems
- UF National educational systems
- UF Système éducatif national
- UF Sistema educacional
- UF Sistema educativo nacional