Employment opportunities

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      Hiërarchische termen

      Employment opportunities

      Employment opportunities

        Gelijksoortige termen

        Employment opportunities

        • UF Débouché
        • UF Perspective d'emploi
        • UF Possibilité d'emploi
        • UF Perspectivas de empleo
        • UF Posibilidades de empleo
        • UF Salidas laborales

        8 Archivistische beschrijving results for Employment opportunities

        GB 0074 LMA/4432 · Collectie · 1968-2002

        Records of London South Bank Careers, 1968-2002. This collection contains the records of the Chief Executive and Executive Director of Education (Operations). It includes management minutes, policy and correspondence files relating to the provision of independent Careers Services for young people in the London Boroughs of Greenwich, Lambeth, Lewisham and Southwark, and the involvement of the LSBC in national developments in Careers Service provision. Correspondence also includes local projects including work on housing estates, with local schools, and 'Skills for the Millenium' which looked at the employment benefits brought to Greenwich by the Millenium Dome, and Government funded initiatives including the 'Learning Card' and projects such as 'New Deal' which sought to provide career 'Gateways' for disaffected young people.

        The Chief Executive and Executive Director's correspondence also highlights the importance which partnerships with local schools, employers, local authorities, other Careers Services and Training and Enterprise Councils, had in supporting bids for funding projects and developing careers provision across the London area.

        The collection includes publications and web site pages produced by the company showing the distinctive public image of the company, and the range of services which were available. The photographs cover career service company launch, outreach and party events

        The collection also covers former Careers Services which included the Inner London Education Authority (ILEA) and South Thames Careers Limited, which operated in the four boroughs prior to the LSBC. The correspondence, photographs and publications detail their work and charts the establishment of LSBC through competitive bidding.

        Zonder titel
        Open Door Council
        GB 106 5ODC · Archief · 1926-1965

        This archive consists of annual reports (1926-1938, 1941, 1947-1956, 1959, 1961, 1963-5); agendas and resolutions of Annual Meetings (1948-1963); memoranda (1929-1957); printed leaflets and pamphlets (1926-c.1947)

        Abbreviations used include:

        Cmd - Command Paper;

        ILO - International Labour Organisation (United Nations);

        ODC - Open Door Council;

        ODI - Open Door International;

        UNESCO - United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation.

        Zonder titel
        GB 106 6WEF · Archief · 1910-1983

        The archive consists of minutes and papers of the Executive Committee, the Advisory Committee, the Employment Committee and the Annual General Meeting; annual reports and reports of the Women's service Bureau; Financial Committee minutes, papers and accounts; Advisory Department agendas and reports; correspondence; circular letters.

        Zonder titel
        GB 0097 HCA/CROSSMAN · c1970-1996
        Part of HALL-CARPENTER Archives

        Papers of Robert Crossman, mainly comprising material relating to local government, gays and lesbian rights, particularly regarding equal opportunities and and the teaching of homosexuality in schools, his term as Mayor of Islington and papers regarding gay organisations and events.

        Zonder titel
        CUB · Collectie · 1904-1938

        Minutes of the Central Committee for the Unemployed and various sub-committees, 1904-1905.

        Minutes of the Central Unemployed Body for London, 1905-1930, with minutes, agendas and reports of sub-committees including the Classification Committee, Emigration Committee, Employment Exchanges Committee, Finance Committee, Hollesley Bay Rota Committee, Women's Work Committee, Local Advisory Committees, Working Colonies Committee, Works Committee and Special and Joint Committees. Also legal papers, 1905-1914, including tenancy agreements, insurance policies, agreements to supply labour for carrying out works and retention of services of clerical staff on war service; file regarding Workmen's Compensation Insurance, 1906; file regarding deputation to the Local Government Board, 1900s; correspondence with the Ministry of Health, 1919-1929; correspondence regarding activities of the Central Unemployed Body, 1905-1928; annual reports, 1906-1930; report on work in workrooms for women, 1915; report on employment of disabled soliders and sailors, 1915; report on Salvation Army Colonies, 1905; emigration and immigration tables, 1914; report on trade and employment after the First World War, 1916; standing orders, 1906-1913; newspaper cuttings, 1905-1930; emigration register, 1909; Sailing Register (giving age, occupation, destination and number of dependents), 1912-1914; emigration loan registers, 1906-1915; financial records, 1905-1930; plans showing a proposed swimming pool at Burnham on Crouch, 1900s.

        Papers relating to the Hollesley Bay Labour Colony including particulars of the sale of the Colonial College, report of surveyors and legal papers, 1903-1926; subject files, 1914-1938, on various subjects including emigration, payment of war bonus to staff, schemes of work, employment of discharged soldiers, administration of the Colony, reports of London Boards of Guardians, publicity, Burnt House Farm, accidents, and sale of the Colony to Prison Commissioners; papers regarding staff including salary forms, 1930-1938; individual case notes, cards and registers of inmates, 1930-1938, including register of applications, admissions and discharge registers and creed register; visitor's books, 1922-1938 and cash books, 1907-1930.

        County of London Appeal Tribunal (for Conscientous Objectors) minutes, 1916-1918.

        Zonder titel
        GB 106 5ODI · Archief · 1929-1974

        This archive consists of minutes of board meetings (1947-1973), reports and conference resolutions (1929-1966), conference papers (1952-1957), constitutions and charters (1929-1970), correspondence files of president and honorary secretary (1947-1974); incomplete series of the publication Open Door (1929-1938), circular letters (1949-1959), leaflets and pamphlets (1929-1964), headed stationery, reports and publications of other organisations including United Nations commissions and International Labour Organisation. Most of the papers originate from the organisation's Honorary Secretaries.

        Zonder titel
        GB 106 5SPG · Archief · 1919-1981

        The archive consists of minutes of the Executive Committee (1935-1937, 1939-1980), Annual General Meeting papers and reports (1931-1979), papers and correspondence files of the treasurer, honorary secretaries, chairs and vice-chairs (1932-1977), papers of the Hampshire (1964-7) and Northwest (1973-7) Branches, administration papers including publicity material, financial items and correspondence regarding the dissolution of the group, correspondence, printed materials and papers related to various campaigns (1937-1976), weekend conference materials (1948-65) and meetings papers (1943-1979), leaflets of and correspondence with other organisations (1938-1979), newsletters and circulars (1941-1979), issues of Time and Tide (1921-1929) and press cuttings (1920s-1970s), correspondence of the Honorary Secretary (1950-1981)

        Zonder titel