Womens employment

Elements area


Source note(s)

  • http://vocabularies.unesco.org/thesaurus/concept9632

Hierarchical terms

Womens employment

Womens employment

Equivalent terms

Womens employment

  • UF Womens work
  • UF Travail des femmes
  • UF Trabajo de las mujeres

Associated terms

78 Archival description results for Womens employment

78 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
GB 0106 9/10 · Fonds · 1860-1939

The collection contains 2 parts. Part A contains letters regarding Elizabeth Garrett Anderson's struggle to secure an entry into the medical profession. Part B contains letters which discuss the Franco-Prussian war, the London School Board and her engagement to James Anderson.

Anderson , Elizabeth Garrett , 1836-1917 , physician and supporter of women's suffrage
ARNOLD, Roxane
GB 106 7RAR · Fonds · c 1993

The archive consists of papers relating to Roxane Arnold's work as Treasurer of the International Federation of Women Lawyers (UK section). The archive contains the following:

  • Subscription form for the International Federation of Women Lawyers (UK section), c 1993

  • Flyer for the International Federation of Women Lawyers (UK section), c 1993

  • List of participants at an International Federation of Women Lawyers conference held in Paris, 7-11 Sep 1989

  • Balance sheets for years ending 1968, 1990, 1991 and 1992

  • 2 letters in Italian

  • Two photographs of the Married Women's Association Tea Party, House of Lords, 23 Jun 1988.

Arnold , Roxane , fl 1950-1993 , feminist
GB 106 10/44 · Fonds · 1936-1938

Scrapbook of press cuttings, 1936-1938, concerning women's work in a wide variety of occupations and general employment issues such as equal pay and insurance contributions; also deals with the employment of women outside Britain.

Provenance unknown
BAKER, Alice G (b c 1923)
GB 1753 RSP 4 4 BAK · c1942-1944 [1999]

Papers of Alice G Rigden (subsequently Baker), comprising three notebooks, c1942-1944, containing manuscript notes and diagrams on electrical subjects, all marked 'restricted', from her ATS training; and a brief typescript memoir [1999] of her service in World War Two.

Baker , Alice G , b c 1923 , née Rigden
BARTON, Dorothea M
GB 106 7DMB · Fonds · c 1900-1920

The archive consists of historical and contemporary notes, statistics, press cuttings and correspondence on women's wages including specific classes of trades (1914-1919); printed reports on conditions of juvenile employment (1912), of the sub-committee of the Women's Industrial Council (1917), on women's employment in industry (c 1910-1915); press cuttings, articles and reviews, on women and their welfare (1912-1917); papers, reports and typescript of articles on women's wages and conditions (1912-1919); notes on the employment of women in the Civil Service (1914-1916); questionnaire of the Fabian Society's Women's Group and other organisations (undated).

Barton , Dorothea M , fl 1890-1933 , nee Zimmern , feminist and social researcher

Minutes and papers of the Ministry of Reconstruction, 1917-1919, acquired by Sir William Henry Beveridge during his work as a civil servant during World War One. Includes papers of the Reconstruction Committee, notably reports, memoranda, statistics, committee papers, minutes and other documents collated by the Women's Employment Sub-Committee and its Industry Group concerning the types and conditions of employment of women in England and Wales, notably in key industries such as munitions, and details of schemes to substitute them with men; and correspondence, memoranda, reports, minutes and the final report of the Civil War Workers Committee, concerning the demobilisation of women employed as clerks, secretaries, shop assistants etc during World War One, including memoranda by the Women's Industrial Council.

Beveridge , William Henry , 1879-1963 , 1st Baron Beveridge of Tuggal , economist Ministry of Reconstruction
GB 106 7TBG · Fonds · 1903-1964

The archive consists of two parts.

Part 1 consists of records collated during Billington-Grieg's membership of a large number of international women's organisations, associated correspondence, drafts of papers presented at conferences, as well as publications received from the organisations. In addition there are papers related to her unpublished biography of Charlotte Despard.

Billington Grieg was a keen suffrage historian, and her historical writings on suffrage (as well as papers reflecting her own suffrage activism) are represented in her archive.

Subjects covered include: women's suffrage, post-suffrage campaign period, status of women, equal pay, women workers, women's education, war and peace, sex and prostitution, international women's activism.

Formats include: correspondence, drafts and notes of speeches and articles, photographs and printed material (press cuttings, newspapers, leaflets, pamphlets, journals and books).

Part 2 contains leaflets, circulars, election papers and reports of meetings of the Central Women's Electoral Committee established by the Women's Freedom League (1937-1939); papers of the Women's Freedom League itself including incomplete executive committee minutes (1937-1941), papers of conferences (1937, 1938, 1952, 1953, 1955), publications and circulars; files, publications, committee papers and other official papers of the Women for Westminster group and Teresa Billington Greig's notes and related correspondence (1938-1950); minutes, related correspondence and official papers of the Married Women's Association (1937-1961); publications of the Fawcett Society (1937-1961); publications, notices of meetings and agendas of the Women's Council (1948-1959); publications and papers of the Six Point Group (1959-1961); the Women's Publicity Planning Association (1942-1949); the International Alliance of Women (1946-1961); the British Commonwealth League (1947-1961), periodicals, invitations and news sheets (1950-1960); minutes, conference agendas, correspondence and papers of the National Women Citizen's Association (1939-1961); notes and quotations for articles, miscellaneous leaflets, pamphlets and government publications (1905-1961); notes and press cuttings related to the Commonwealth and the 'Third World' (1949-1961); and materials collected by Teresa Billington Greig for articles and a biography of Charlotte Despard including notes, a draft memoir and essays, list of interview questions and replies, pamphlets by Despard, correspondence and photographs.

Greig , Teresa , Billington- , 1877-1964 , suffragist
GB 106 6BFB · Fonds · 1933-1972

The archive consists of minutes of the predecessor body, the British Federation of Business and Professional Women Clubs (1933-1935); minutes of the British Federation of Business & Professional Women's Executive Committee (1953-1969), finances and general purposes (1960-1967) and Bridge Committees (1949-1955); minutes of the membership (1954-1955), augmented officers on organisation (1958-1959), publicity (1958-1959), constitutional review (1960), United Nations (1960) and ad-hoc (1955) sub-committees; papers of Annual General Meetings (1942-1971), conference papers, publications (1936-1970); journal 'Women at Work' (1946-1951), newsletters (1960-1967), correspondence and case files (1941-1966), annual accounts (1958-1971), press cuttings (1964-1967); publications of the International Federation of Business and Professional Women including journal 'Widening Horizons' (1942-1958) and reports (1936-1965).

British Federation of Business and Professional Women
GB 106 7RCB · Fonds · 1894-[1959]

The archive consists of letters and articles written by Ruth Cavendish-Bentinck, press cuttings and articles relating to the suffrage movement, press cuttings and manuscript notes on women's employment, a drawing of and letter from George Bernard Shaw.

Bentinck , Ruth , Cavendish- , 1867-1953 , suffragist
Committee on woman power
GB 0097 COLL MISC 0548 · Collection · 1940-1945

Minutes of the Committee on woman power.

Committee on woman power
GB 106 6CCS · Fonds · 1920-1959

The archive consists of minutes of the Council of Women Civil Servants (CWCS) Executive Committee (1920-1959), Standing Joint Committee of Women in the Civil service (1920-1924), Committee of Representatives (1932-1952) and Equal Opportunity Sub Committee (1951,1955-6); Annual General Meetings papers (1923-1958); annual reports (1940-54); subject and correspondence files (1925-1957), publications (1935-1958); membership documents; circular letters of the British Federation of Business & Professional Women (1948-1955); Administrative papers including Parliamentary reports, memoranda and Whitley Council papers.

Council of Women Civil Servants
CROWLE, Mary Beatrice
GB 106 7MBC · Fonds · 1914-1966

The archive consists of Mary Beatrice Crowle's annotated scrapbook entitled 'women pioneers'. This contains correspondence, photographs, leaflets, press cuttings, etc. It relates mainly to her family; Lady Astor, and the Conservative and Unionist Women's Franchise Association; Women Police; Australians in First World War; vivisection; natural healing. Below are given selected detailed item descriptions for visual material, the references indicate the page numbers.

Crowle , Mary Beatrice , 1874- fl 1930 , suffragist and voluntary worker
GB 106 7WCU · Fonds · [1900]-1950s

The archive consists of papers relating to Cullis' lecture tour of the USA from 1941-1942 on the subject of women's war work in Britain. The archive also includes biographical material such as portrait photographs of Cullis, the order of service for her funeral and press cuttings of obituaries. The archive contains two articles by Cullis on physiology and a publication: 'What British Women are doing in the War'.

Cullis , Winifred Clara , 1875-1956 , physiologist
GB 0099 KCLMA Denman · Created 1939-1946

Copies of correspondence and papers relating to the Women's Land Army, 1939-1946, covering clothes rationing and uniform, housing and billeting, conferences, wages, and related printed memoranda, circular letters and leaflets.

GB 1924 Dilke · 1891-1892

Notebook of Emilia Frances, Lady Dilke, 1890-1891, containing notes on labour questions affecting women, used by Lady Dilke in speeches for the Women's Trade Union League; subjects include women in unskilled trades; labour in the great towns; notes for speech in Newcastle-unon-Tyne, 1891; shop assistants and notes for speech to Girls' Letter Guild, Birmingham, 1892.

Dilke , Emilia Frances , 1840-1904 , nee Strong, art historian and trade unionist
GB 106 7DEL · Fonds · 1914-1969

The archive consists of a typescript of Dorothy Elliot's memoirs (1914-1969) in which she described a lifetime of work in organisations dealing with the problems of women in employment. See her biographical history for details of the organisations she worked for. Mrs Elliott concluded the memoir with a tribute to the power of 'domesticity in its fullest sense'.

Elliott , Dorothy Mary , 1897-1980 , feminist and trade unionist
ELLIOTT, Dorothy (1895-1980)
GB 1924 Elliott · 1969

Typescript of unpublished autobiography of Dorothy Elliott, Women in Search of Justice, written c1969; concerning her career in the trade union movement, 1916-1959; including account of munitions work during World War One and her work as organiser for the National Federation of Women Workers at Woolwich Arsenal, 1916-1918; her work for the General and Municipal Workers Union, 1921-1945, particularly as Chief Women's Officer and her work as Chairman of the National Institute of Home Workers, 1946-1959.

Elliott , Dorothy , b 1895 , trade unionist
Equal Pay Campaign Committee
GB 106 6EPC · Fonds · 1943-1956

The archive consists of minutes and agenda of the Equal Pay Campaign Committee (EPCC) Executive Committee (1944-1956), subcommittee (1947-1956) and Milestone Dinner Subcommittee (1955); correspondence and administrative files including press cuttings and newsletters (1943-1956); press cuttings files (1943-1956); Finance files including audit accounts, balance sheets, cash books, correspondence and bank documents (1944-56); Card indexes; rubber stamps; poster; publications of Committee and other groups (1944-1955).

Equal Pay Campaign Committee
GB 106 7DME · Fonds · 1933-1934

The archive consists of drafts, typescripts, proofs, correspondence, comments on the drafts of Miss Evans' book 'Women and the Civil Service', published by Pitman. (4 folders)

Evans , Dorothy Elizabeth , 1889-1944 , feminist and writer
GB 106 7EFA · Fonds · [1830-1890]

The archive consists of one album containing 125 autograph letters written to Emily Faithfull (and a few to her father, the Revd Ferdinand Faithfull) over the period 1830s-1890s. The letters are from a wide range of individuals, including prime ministers and statesmen, medical men, artists, scientific and literary figures, clergymen and philanthropists. All undated letters have been given a default circa date of c.1890.

A volunteer transcribed these letters in Jan 2004. Transcriptions are included in the item descriptions below.

Faithfull , Emily , 1835-1895 , founder of the Victoria Press
Fanny Adams pressure group
GB 106 6FYA · Fonds · 1992-1993

The archive consists of copies of information pieces that appeared in art magazines during their media campaign to draw attention to discrimination and inequality in the art world. It also includes an article about Fanny Adams, a bibliography of 'Fanny's moments in the press' and video footage of events, including 'Fanny's Big Ball', 28 Oct 1992.

Fanny Adams
GB 106 6FCS · Fonds · 1915-1942

The archive consists of minutes of the Executive Committee and Council of the Federation of Women Civil Servants (1915-1931) and of the subcommittee (1921-1929); Southborough Committee files (1919-1926); payments and receipt books (1929-1934); annual reports (1920-1931); correspondence and papers related to the Civil Service Alliance (1919-1920), the National Whitley Council (1917-1920), Joint Committee of the Organisation of the Civil Service (1920-1921) and on the Equal Pay Campaign (1910-1935); publications (1917-1919); minutes of the National Council for the Administrative and Legal Departments of the Civil Service (1919-1920); minutes and papers of the National Whitley Council (1919-1920).


NWC National Whitley Council.

FWCS Federation of Women Civil Servants.

Federation of Women Civil Servants
FEENY, Everild
GB 106 7EMF · Fonds · 1977-1999

The archive consists of:

  • press cutting album (1977-1994) and index

  • UK research material relating to St Joan's Alliance, Catholics for a Changing World, Women in Ministry, Distinctive Dioconate, the Society of St Margaret, etc (1988-1995)

  • United States of America and Canada research material relating to Priests of Equality and the Women's Ordination Conference (1992-1995)

  • correspondence re Catholic Women's Ordination Day (1993-1995)

  • campaign file for Catholic Women's Ordination Day (1994-1995) and Vatican II and Planet Earth; further resource material (1994-1995)

  • books and photocopy manuscript by Feeny (1995-1996)

  • scrapbook by Feeny (1937-1999).

Feeny , Everild M , 1911-fl 2000 , Campaigner for the Ordination of Catholic Women Priests
GUNDREY, Elizabeth
GB 106 7ELG · Fonds · 1959-1975

The archive consists of papers and correspondence about 'Jobs for Mothers', papers about widows, working mothers and others, press cuttings, working notes, replies to questionnaires and lists of publications on careers.

Gundrey , Elizabeth , fl 1959-1975 , journalist
GB 106 7MJH · Fonds · 1928-1968

The archive consists of a bound volume of printed articles by Marjorie Hayward in the Commercial Bulletin of South Africa (1928-1930); promotional materials for ICI (1930-1939); reports, publications, correspondence, memoranda and working papers written for the Ministry of Labour related to woman power during the Second World War (1942-1944); memoranda, notes and working papers of the International Federation of Business and Professional Women 1953 and report produced for the Ministry of Labour's use (1953); reports and correspondence on women's employment (1940-1953); notes for proposed by Hayward on women power in the Second World War (1960-1); printed materials on women at war, the Civil Service and women's employment (1943-1950); press cuttings (1910-1963); publicity material (1970s), photographs (1923-1968).

Hayward , Marjorie , 1905-1974 , publicist, civil servant and business woman
GB 106 7MHE · Fonds · 1875-1923

The archive consists of two commonplace books kept by Margaret Heitland before her marriage, (1875 and 1884-1926); a register of articles received for publication in Queen Magazine (1909-1915); correspondence (including a letter from author Charlotte M Yonge); press cuttings and photographs.

Heitland , Margaret , 1860-1938 , suffragist and journalist
GB 106 9/12 · Fonds · 1869-1907

The collection contains a series of letters addressed to Louisa Hubbard concerning articles for the Woman's Gazette, Work and Leisure and the Englishwoman's Yearbook; women's education; professions for women and letters of condolence written to Louisa's brother on her death.

Hubbard , Louisa Maria , 1836-1906 , promoter of employment for women and journal editor
GB 106 6JCS · Fonds · 1919-1954

The archive consists of minutes of the Joint Committee on Women in the Civil Service (JCWCS) (1919-1936, 1943-1954) and of the Parliamentary Committee on Equal Pay (1935-6); reports and publications (1919-1944); leaflets (1935-1936); correspondence (1919-1928, 1944-1945).

Joint Committee for Women in the Civil Service
League of Church Militant
GB 106 5LCM · Fonds · 1928

The archive consists of one file relating to the dissolution of the League of Church Militant, including some information about its history, 1928.

League of Church Militant
LOWE, Eveline Mary
GB 106 7EML · Fonds · 1924-1972

The archive consists of awards and certificates presented to Lowe, a commemorative album describing her achievements, various photographs, medals, memorabilia, press cuttings and publications.

Lowe , Eveline Mary , 1869-1956 , nee Farren , teacher and labour activist
GB 0097 MACDONALD · 1893-1923

Margaret MacDonald's correspondence, papers and lectures, on subjects including factory and shop legislation, the employment of women, housing, the Licensing Bills of 1901-1902, Sunday School teaching, vagrant children, women's organizations and women's suffrage, and the Franco-British Exhibition at Hammersmith in 1908. James Ramsay MacDonald's papers, correspondence and press cuttings on subjects including the financing and aftermath of World War I, Labour Party policy and his leadership of the party, working conditions, and women's education.

Macdonald, Margaret Ethel, 1870-1911, nee Gladstone, socialist, feminist and social reformer Macdonald, James Ramsay, 1866-1937, statesman
GB 106 7NMA · Fonds · 1937-1961

The archive consists of papers regarding the Australian position in respect of equal pay, legal status of women, women's organisations, local government papers; press cuttings. Papers contain minutes, correspondence, questionnaires, official documents, information sheets and leaflets.

Mackenzie , Norman , fl 1960-1963 , writer
GB 0097 MARKHAM · 1883-1958

This collection covers both the public and the private aspects of Violet Markham. The documents relating to her public works cover her involvement in the National Relief Fund, the Central Committee on Women's Employment, the Women's Section of the National Service Department, the Unemployment and Assistance Board, the Trade Board for the Cutlery Industry, and the Voluntary Social Services Enquiry, along with material on the issue of domestic service. The documents relating to Markham's private life consist of biographical and personal material, including diaries, correspondence, photographs, writings, speeches and broadcasts, and material documenting her education, domestic and household matters, and her work on Joseph Paxton, her grandfather, who designed the Crystal Palace.

Markham, Violet Rosa, 1872-1959, afterwards Carruthers, liberal activist and public servant
GB 0099 KCLMA Marsden Smedley A H · 1918-1919, 1928, 1932, 1935, 1942-1946, 1967, 1974, 1976

Papers and photographs relating to the life and career of Agatha H Mardsen Smedley, 1918-1935, notably her work with the WRNS, 1918-1919, British Red Cross Society, 1928-1935, and Auxiliary Territorial Service, 1938-1945, dated 1918-1919, 1928, 1932, 1935, 1942-1946. Papers relating to the celebrations held to commemorate the fiftieth anniversary of the formation of the WRAF, WRAC and WRNS, 1967. Photocopy of minutes of Greater London Branch of the WRAC Association, Aug 1974, and Marsden Smedley's WRAC Association membership card, 1976.

Smedley , Agatha H Marsden , 1895-1985
GB 0099 KCLMA Meechie · Collection · 1943-2000

Printed manuals including Military History Burma 1943-1945 and Guide to new arrivals: the British Army in Cyprus, nd. Pamphlet histories of the Queen Mary's Auxiliary Corps, University of St Andrews Officer Training Corps, The Womens' Royal Army Corps, Royal College of Defence Studies and the Imperial Defence College. Official publications including 'Report on the staff/promotion examination 1967' and 'The Armed Forces Pension Scheme' [1991]; Womens' Royal Army Corps (WRAC) items including WRAC: Corps Memorandum, 1978; WRAC Liaison Notes, 1987; Corps Day programme, 15 Jun 1996 and WRAC concert programme, 21 Mar 1992. Biographies for the 1987 course at Royal College of Defence Studies and obituaries and portrait photograph of Meechie.

Publications, 1943-2000, chiefly on women in the Armed Forces including Lioness (journal of the Womens' Royal Army Corps Association), issues 1963-2000; Women in Khaki, Roy Terry (1988); Marlborough's Campaigns, Maycock (1956); Je Maintiendrai: a concise history of the Dutch Army, Amersfoort /Kamphuis (1985); Service with the Army, Dame Helen Gwynne-Vaughan (1941); The Chilwell Story: VC factory and Ordnance Depot, Haslam (1982); Pig in the Middle: The Army in Northern Ireland, 1969-1984, Hamill (1985); The New Groundwork of British History, Warner, Marten & Muir (1943); F.A.N.Y. The Story of the Women's Transport Service, Hugh Popham (1985) and The Auxiliary Territorial Service, The War Office (1949).

Meechie , Helen Guild , 1938-2001 , Director of the WRAC
GB 0106 7MSM · Fonds · 1920-1930

Papers of Margaret Stevenson Miller, comprising:
Articles by Miller in 'Incorporated Secretaries' Journal' (June-July 1927); copy of Stansfeld trust Lecture (1924); papers of the Six Point group including newsletter and leaflets on meetings (n.d.); press-cuttings on careers for women; manuscript and typed materials including summaries of books on women in industry and employment of women graduates and lectures given to women's organisations in Liverpool (1920s).

Miller , Margaret Stevenson , 1896-[1979] , lecturer
GB 106 TWL.poster · 1877-2000

As at Jan 2009, The Women's Library held approximately 1050 posters in the Museum Collection, with c 100 posters identified in the archives.

The earliest posters held result from suffrage activities and can be divided into three main groups; advertisements for meetings and events, illustrated propaganda posters arguing why women should get the vote, and thirdly newspaper bills bearing suffrage related headlines, used to promote paper sales.

All other posters are arranged by subject and date from the 1970s to the present day. The collection represents a mixture of women's campaigning, campaigning by organisations to promote gender equality, and posters produced to advertise women-focused events and publications. There are a small number of posters that portray women's issues and campaign work internationally. The work of The Equal Opportunities Commission in England and Ireland is particularly well represented as a result of a large donation of their obsolete posters during the 1990s. Also well represented with almost 80 posters is the work of See Red Women's Workshop, a women's liberation screen-printing collective (1974-1984).

The Women's Library
GB 106 6WEF · Fonds · 1910-1983

The archive consists of minutes and papers of the Executive Committee, the Advisory Committee, the Employment Committee and the Annual General Meeting; annual reports and reports of the Women's service Bureau; Financial Committee minutes, papers and accounts; Advisory Department agendas and reports; correspondence; circular letters.

National Advisory Centre on Careers for Women
GB 106 6NCS · Fonds · 1931-1959

The archive consists of minutes of the Executive Committee (1931-1959) including officers meetings (1938-1940, 1953-1959), subcommittees (1931-59), of the Finance Committee (1952-1959) with monthly financial statements (1938-1941, 1955-1959), subcommittees (1935-1936) and annual delegates conference (1932-42, 1948-59); papers of Whitley Councils (1952-1955) and arbitration awards (1925-1940); correspondence files (1932-1945); miscellaneous papers (1948-1959); pamphlets, publicity materials and publications (1914-1950s) including newsletters (1936 [incomplete], 1939-43, 1944-1952), monthly letters to branch secretaries (1933-40) and Opportunity (1935-40); papers of constituent bodies including Association of Post Office Women Clerks (1901-1932), the Association of Women Clerks and Secretaries (1919-1935); correspondence regarding typing grades (1914-1949), branches (1936-7, 1950-2), general secretary (1933-1935), organising secretary (1943-1944) and with other bodies (1938, 1945-50); membership records (1955-1958) and personal case files 1949-1958); papers related to equal pay campaigns (1918-1948) and the establishment of temporary staff (1919-50), evacuation (1940-1946) and reconstruction (1942-1946); papers related to the dissolution of the group (1958-1961).


NAWCS National Association of Women Civil Servants.

National Association of Women Civil Servants
GB 106 8NLS · Fonds · 1990-1992

The archive consists of reading copies of tapes, summaries and transcriptions of fourteen individual interviews. The National Life Stories (formerly National Life Story Collection (NLSC)) was established at the British Library in 1987 to 'record first-hand experiences of as wide a cross-section of present-day society as possible'. This small collection focuses on the lives of pioneering career women, each of whom made their mark in traditionally male-dominated areas such as politics, the law and medicine. The project was supported by the Women's Library and the Friends of The Women's Library (formerly known as the Fawcett Society Library).

British Library Sound Archive , National Life Story Trust
GB 1924 Domestic Workers · 1938-1953

Financial records of the National Union of Domestic Workers, 1938-1953, comprising: Ledger and cash books (including branch accounts), 1938-1953; St John's Wood Branch, London, account book, 1938-1941.

National Union of Domestic Workers
GB 0366 UWT · Collection · 1904-1961

Extensive collection of records of the National Union of Women Teachers, 1904-1961, including minutes of the Council and various committees, conference reports, branch records, correspondence, press cuttings, handbills, pamphlets, posters and photographs. There is also a large series of subject files on particular issues, individuals, organisations and campaigns documenting the wide range of the Union's interests. These include, for example, papers concerning women's organisations such as the Six Point Group, the National Union of Societies for Equal Citizenship, the Women's Freedom League, the Open Door Council, the Association of Women Clerks and Secretaries and others and educational groups such as the English New Education Fellowship and the Workers Educational Association. There is also a series of collected biographical material on a wide range of individuals.

National Union of Women Teachers
GB 106 10/07 · Fonds · 1914-1920

Two scrapbooks of presscuttings and printed ephemera documenting Miss Nettlefold's legal career and the campaigns relating to women's entry into the legal profession. It also includes legal documents relating to Bebb v. The Law Society, a ms paper [by Miss Nettlefold] entitled, 'Women and the Legal Profession'; and a ts paper entitled, 'History of the efforts to open the legal profession to women in England and Scotland', Mar 1920. Also included are articles on women lawyers in Britain and abroad and cuttings relating to the barrister Helena Normanton.

Nettlefold , Lucy Frances , 1891-1966 , lawyer
GB 106 7HLN · Fonds · 1905-1995

The archive consists of:

  • papers relating to Helena Normanton's career and legal work

  • papers relating to matrimonial law reform

  • publications and articles by Helena Normanton

  • correspondence with editors of publications

  • papers relating to Helena Normanton's other interests in history and to other organisations that she was involved with eg Union of Women Voters

  • photographs

  • press cuttings (eg Helena Normanton's career, articles and reviews, matrimonial law reform)

  • Barristers robe, barristers bands, badges

There are no personal papers.

Normanton , Helena Florence , 1883-1957 , barrister and feminist campaigner
Open Door Council
GB 106 5ODC · Fonds · 1926-1965

This archive consists of annual reports (1926-1938, 1941, 1947-1956, 1959, 1961, 1963-5); agendas and resolutions of Annual Meetings (1948-1963); memoranda (1929-1957); printed leaflets and pamphlets (1926-c.1947)

Abbreviations used include:

Cmd - Command Paper;

ILO - International Labour Organisation (United Nations);

ODC - Open Door Council;

ODI - Open Door International;

UNESCO - United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation.

Open Door Council
GB 106 5ODI · Fonds · 1929-1974

This archive consists of minutes of board meetings (1947-1973), reports and conference resolutions (1929-1966), conference papers (1952-1957), constitutions and charters (1929-1970), correspondence files of president and honorary secretary (1947-1974); incomplete series of the publication Open Door (1929-1938), circular letters (1949-1959), leaflets and pamphlets (1929-1964), headed stationery, reports and publications of other organisations including United Nations commissions and International Labour Organisation. Most of the papers originate from the organisation's Honorary Secretaries.

Open Door International for the Economic Emancipation of the Woman Worker
GB 106 8SUF · Fonds · 1974-1981

The collection consists of 205 interviews available in digital audio file format and one folder of contextual material relating to the interviews, including essays and reports by Brian Harrison. The digital files are copies of the original oral history interview recordings that are held on reel-to-reel cassette.

Harrison , Sir , Brian , b 1937 , Knight , historian
GB 106 7AMP · Fonds · 1912-1978

The archive consists of minutes and working papers for the organisations in which Pierotti was involved, namely the National Union of Women Teachers (1924-1964), the Joint Standing Parliamentary Committee of Women's Organisations (1942-1950) and the Status of Women Committee (1945-1978) including details of its establishment; Suffrage material relating to the movement in general, her membership of the Women's Freedom League (1919-1928). There is also material related to the Pethick Lawrences and Charlotte Despard; various press cuttings, pamphlets, photographs, postcards and objects. The pamphlets include material on equal pay and equal rights.

Pierotti , A Muriel , 1897-1982 , feminist and trade unionist
PRENDERGAST, Mollie: Memoirs
GB 106 7MOP · Fonds · 2000

The archive consists of an illustrated typescript autobiography of Mollie Prendergast spanning the greater part of the twentieth century. Includes accounts of her family history and background; her rural childhood and her time in service; the education and working lives of herself and of other family members; her life in London, including during the Blitz; her work as a civil servant; holidays and trips abroad; and her involvement with left wing political and social action.

Prendergast , Mollie , b 1907-fl 1977