Littérature européenne

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    Note(s) d'affichage

      Termes hiérarchiques

      Littérature européenne

      Terme générique Littérature nationale

      Littérature européenne

      Termes équivalents

      Littérature européenne

      • Employé pour Western literature
      • Employé pour Littérature occidentale
      • Employé pour Literatura occidental

      Termes associés

      Littérature européenne

      121 Description archivistique résultats pour Littérature européenne

      121 résultats directement liés Exclure les termes spécifiques
      GB 0096 AL176 · Fonds · 1918-1939

      Letters and cards from Henry Arthur Jones, his daughter Doris Arthur Jones (Doris Thorne), and W B Kempling, to M H Spielmann, 1918-1939.

      Sans titre
      Davies, William Henry: letter (1915)
      GB 0096 AL206 · Fonds · 1915

      Letter from William Henry Davies of 14 Great Russell Street, London to Mrs Bax [? wife of either Ernest Bax or Arnold Bax], 16 Nov 1915. Declining an invitation, instead suggesting: 'I wonder if you would care to come here to tea on Friday next, or the following Monday'.

      Autograph, with signature.

      Sans titre
      GB 0096 AL262 · Fonds · 1867-1875

      3 letters from James Orchard Halliwell to Charles Roach Smith, 1867-1875. Topics covered include Frederick William Fairholt (whose executor Smith was) and William Shakespeare.

      All letters are autograph, with signatures.

      Sans titre
      Easdale, Gladys Ellen: correspondence
      GB 0096 AL341 · Fonds · 1934-1961

      (1) 7 letters from Vita Nicolson [the marrried name of Vita Sackville-West] to Gladys Easdale, 1949-1961.

      (2) 18 letters and postcards from Virginia Woolf to Gladys Easdale, 1934-1940.

      Some items are autograph and most bear signatures.

      Sans titre
      Lee, Laurie: letter (c 1944)
      GB 0096 AL522 · Fonds · [c1944]

      Letter from Laurie Lee of 614 Russell Square House, London to Roger [Senhouse], [c 1944]. Thanking him for a copy of The Rescue.

      Sans titre
      Thoroddsen Manuscript
      GB 0103 MS ADD 66 · Created c1885

      Piltur og stulka: Indride and Sigrid, an Icelandic tale translated from the Danish of Kr. Kalund. Manuscript of the beginning of the work, comprising about one-tenth of the whole.

      Sans titre
      Hanley, James
      GB 0096 SLV/90-91 · Fonds · {1950]-1951

      Correspondence of James Hanley, 1951 and undated [1950].

      Sans titre
      Richnell, Donovan (1911-1994)
      GB 0096 MS1135 · Fonds · c1922-c1991

      Notebooks, [1922-1991]; manuscripts including "Emancipated Women", "Heart-Shaped Ladies"; Library Association papers, 1959-1972; correspondence with Philip Larkin, 1965; diary, 1966-1970.

      Sans titre
      Hanley, James: letter (1933)
      GB 0096 MS1160 · Fonds · 1933

      Letter from James Hanley to Frank Hollings, bookseller, offering to sell manuscript of his first novel Drift and also the manuscript of Captain Bottele, 6 Nov 1933.

      Sans titre
      Hans van Marle Collection
      GB 0096 MS1169 · Fonds · 1871-2005

      Correspondence, mostly in English, with scholars and the Conrad family relating to van Marle's research into Joseph Conrad, 1959-2001; photographs including Conrad's relatives, ships associated with him, Conrad scholars, 1871-1995; card indexes of Conrad's correspondence; annotated editions of Conrad novels and letters, 1946-2001; festshrifts for van Marle, tributes to van Marle, copy of Norman Sherry's Phd on Conrad, 1963-2005.

      Sans titre
      Butler, Eliza Marian (Elsie) (1885-1959)
      GB 0367 EMB · 1919-1959

      Professional papers of Eliza (Elsie) Marian Butler, 1919-1959, comprising:
      Teaching papers, including student handouts with examples of German poetry of the 19th and 20th centuries and lecture notes on Johann Wolfgang von Goethe and Rainer Maria Rilke: Poetry and Rainer Maria Rilke; Rilke and Orpheus; Rilke and Orpheism; Rilke and Russia; Germany and Greece; Goethe on his times; Legend and literature in Faustian rituals
      Research notes and papers including: Napoleon and the Poets (unfinished manuscript of a book dealing with Napoleon's influence on European poetry); papers relating to EMB's biography Rainer Maria Rilke, (Cambridge, 1941);
      Correspondence, 1937-1951, mainly relating to EMB's books, Myth of the Magus and Ritual Magic: correspondents include Bertrand Russell, 1948; Lord David Cecil, 1950; Professor Günther Müller, University of Bonn, 1948-1951; Edward Sackville-West, 1948; C.S. Lewis, 1940; Michael Burt, 1947-1948; William Keith Chambers Guthrie, 1948; Thomas Mann, 1948; Leonid Pasternak (artist), 1937; Gertrude Ouckama Knoop (wife of Gerhard and friend of Rilke); Ronald Peacock (Professor of German at Manchester University); Michael Polanyi (Fellow of the Royal Society and Professor of Chemistry, Manchester University), 1948; Professor Gerard van Rijnberk, 1948; John Tresidder Sheppard, 1948; Hermann Sinsheimer (author and theatre critic), 1948; Professor Leonard Ashley Willoughby, 1948; Nancy Wunderly-Volkart (friend of Rainer Maria Rilke), 1940.

      Sans titre
      Reese, George B
      GB 0367 GBR · c 1967-1968

      Typescript drafts of an unpublished life of Schiller to 1794 by George B Reese, c 1967.

      Sans titre
      Forster, Leonard William (1913-1997)
      GB 0367 LWF · 1933-1986

      Correspondence and papers of Leonard William Forster, comprising
      correspondence and articles by and about Joseph Breitbach, 1956-1986; correspondence with and about Wilhelm Lehmann, 1950-1975; correspondence about Frederick 'Bimbo' Norman, 1969-1973; correspondence with J R R Tolkein, 1960-1961; research notes and correspondence on publication of German Poetry, 1944-1948; correspondence on publication of the Penguin Book of German Verse, 1955-1957, including correspondence with academics on development of the anthology and notes on the poems, correspondence with publishers and editors, and letters of congratulation on publication; correspondence on publication of The History of German Literature (Pengiun Books), 1955-1961; correspondence with Henri Béhar (Association pour l'étude du Mouvement Dada), Antoine Fischer (Saisons d'Alsace) and Aimée Bleikasten on the poetry of Hans Arp, 1966-1972; correspondence and papers on Paul Celan and Immanuel Weissglass, 1969-1984; correspondence and papers on Erich Fried and the Darmstädter Akademia, 1987; correspondence and papers on Günter Grass, 1969-982; correspondence on Oskar Kokoschka, 1961-1988; correspondence with Hans and Ilse von Savigny, 1948-1972.

      Sans titre
      Griboyedov Collection
      GB 0369 GRI · 1995

      Translation by Mary Hobson of Gore ot uma [Too clever for comfort or The misfortunes of a thinking man] by Aleksandr Sergeyevich Griboyedov(1795-1829). Mary Hobson's translation won a bi-centenary prize for the best translation of the play awarded by the Griboyedov Prize Trust in 1996.

      Sans titre
      Hektorovic Collection
      GB 0369 HEK · 1979

      Translation of "Ribanje I ribarsko prigovaranje" [Fishing and fishermans' conversation] by E D Goy. This work is one of the few surviving pieces by Petar Hektorovic. It is an account of a three day fishing trip taken by Hektorovic around his home island of Hvar, Croatia. It was written in 1556 and first published in 1568. It is written in the form of an epistle addressed to Hektorovic's cousin and director of Hvar's school, Jerome Bartuchevich Hektorovic.

      Sans titre
      Jopson Collection
      GB 0369 JOP · 1935

      Correspondence and bills of Norman Brooke Jopson, from Werner Söderström Oy, Helsinki and Tallinna Eesti Kirjandud-Ühisus, Tallinn, about the purchase of Finnish and Estonian books respectively, 1935.

      Sans titre
      Sinclair Collection
      GB 0369 SIN · 1962-1963

      Typescripts of lectures given by Archibald Riddell Sinclair on Janos Arany and William Shakespeare, and on Robert Burns and Sandor Petöfi. The latter lecture was given on Burns Night, 1962-1963

      Sans titre
      GB 0369 TOL · 1912

      Album of photographs of Count Leo Tolstoy and his surroundings and 28 photographs of the Tolstoy Museum in Moscow entitled "Tolstovskii muzei, Yanvar, 1912" [Tolstoy museum, January 1912]

      Sans titre
      PETT, Douglas Ellory (1924-2005)
      GB 0100 KCLCA K/PP170 · 1942-2005

      Papers of Douglas Ellory Pett, 1942-2005, including essay by Pett entitled 'The Christian as Citizen' (Winner of the Warden's Essay Prize), [1947]; essay by Pett entitled 'The Cavalier Poets - Carew, Suckling and Lovelace' (Winner of the Plumptre Prize for English Literature), [1947]; black and white photographs including of staff and students of King's College London English School, 1942-1943; staff and students of King's College London Faculty of Theology, 1946-1947 and 1947-1948; staff and students of King's College London Faculty of Theology at St. Boniface College, Warminster in Michaelmas term, 1948; staff and students of King's College London Faculty of Theology at St Boniface College, Warminster, 1949; King's College London discus medals, awarded to Pett, 1946, 1947 and programme from the Service of Thanksgiving for the life of Douglas Ellory Pett, including biography of Pett and tributes from Sir Ian Gainsford and Dr Rob Senior.

      Sans titre
      GB 0100 KCLCA K/PP78 · 1904-2000

      Copies of papers and photographs relating to Boxer's life and military and academic careers, 1904-2000, including correspondence and cuttings from the Portuguese press, 1963-1964, relating to the criticism by Dr António Oliveira Salazar, Prime Minister of Portugal, and Professor Armando Cortesão, of Boxer and his book Race Relations in the Portuguese Colonial Empire, 1415-1825, for proposing that Portugal had practised racial discrimination during its colonial expansion; letter of goodwill from Hisaakira Kano, Chairman of Kokusai Bunka Shinkokai (Japanese Society for International Cultural Relations), 4 Jan 1949; letter to Amanda Boxer from Richard Laurence Ollard, author, 8 May 2000, on Boxer declining the award of CBE; Homenagem ao Professor Charles Ralph Boxer. A tribute to Professor Charles Ralph Boxer (Centro de Estudos do Mar and Associão Fernão Mendes Pinto, Figueira de Foz/Montemor -o-Velho, 1999); Charles Ralph Boxer, 1904-2000 (commemorative booklet published by King's College London, 2000); 'In memoriam Charles Ralph Boxer' by Dr Frank Lequin, offprint from Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia and Oceania, vol 156.4, Leiden, 2000; obituaries on Boxer from The Guardian, The Independent, and the Jornal de Coimbra and obituary of Emily Hahn, [The Guardian], Feb 1997; copies of pages from the 'Codex Lynch' and Marsden Mss, held by King's College London Archives, relating to the Portuguese East India Company, 1629-1633, and to the Jesuit mission in the Moghul Empire, 1668; copies of dustjackets of a selection of books written by Boxer; photographs, 1904-[1999], including Boxer in China, Japan, Siam, 1938, as a POW in Hong Kong [1942], his marriage to Emily Hahn, 1945, and his receiving honorary degree at Liverpool, 1966, and Order of Santiago da Espada, Portugal, 1990; copy of speech given by José Gregório Faria, Ambassador of Portugal, at a memorial reception for Boxer held at King's College London on 11 Jul 2000, with commemorative booklet.

      Sans titre
      GB0096 MS1170 · c1824-2008

      Eight autographed letters by Jerrold ([1843-1856]), play bills including for "Rent Day" and "Mrs Caudle", 1845. Research files, correspondence relating to Professor Michael Slater's book Douglas Jerrold : 1803-1857 [London : Duckworth, 2002]. Includes a card index of Jerrold's plays, research file on the play "Black-Eyed Susan". "Douglas Jerrold's Weekly Newspaper", 1847 January-August.

      Sans titre