Trabajo de campo

Área de elementos



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    Nota(s) sobre el origen


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      Términos jerárquicos

      Trabajo de campo

      Término General Trabajo de investigación

      Trabajo de campo

      Términos equivalentes

      Trabajo de campo

      • Usado para Field research
      • Usado para Travail de terrain
      • Usado para Travail sur le terrain
      • Usado para Trabajo de terreno
      • Usado para Trabajo in situ

      Términos asociados

      Trabajo de campo

      7 Descripción archivística resultados para Trabajo de campo

      7 resultados directamente relacionados Excluir términos relacionados
      GB 2108 KUAS113 · 1959-[1989]

      Records created or held by Dennis Berry while he was the Head of the Architecture department at Kingston School of Art/ Kingston College of Art/ Kingston Polytechnic (now Kingston University). Includes photographs, scrap books, notes on town plan exhibitions and projects, notes on curriculum and examinations, meeting minutes, diaries, leaflets and publications from the Architecture department, and posters for an Architecture talk 1959.

      Sin título
      ALDRICH, Pelham (1825-1875)
      GB 0402 PEA · 1872-1875

      Journal of the scientific research voyage of HMS Challenger from 1872-1875. Illustrated with watercolours and line drawings. The typescript contains the text of the journal.

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      GB 0099 KCLMA MFF 6 · 1942-1946, 1988

      Wartime Translations of Seized Japanese Documents: Allied Translator and Interpreter Section Reports, 1942-1946 is a themed microfiche collection of 7,200 translated Japanese documents. The collection includes translated seized Japanese diaires, Allied interrogation reports of Japanese soldiers and civilians, Japanese reconnaissance reports, US summaries of enemy activities, and Allied tactical and strategic reports on Japanese military movements issued by Allied General Headquarters, Southwest Pacific Area (GHQ SWPA), and Advanced Echelons of the Australian New Guinea Force; US 6 Army; US 1 Corps; US 11 Corps; US 10 Corps; US 8 Army; US 14 Army; 1 Australian Corps; and US 24 Corps. Included are all documents bearing the notation 'Allied Translator and Interpreter Section, Southwest Pacific Area' and issued during the period 1942-1946. As noted above, the Allied Translator and Interpreter Section (ATIS) was re-organised after the terms of Japanese surrender were signed on 2 Sep 1945, and its mission was altered to reflect the needs of the Supreme Command, Allied Powers (SCAP), occupation force. During its transition to a service within SCAP, ATIS continued to issue documents under the aegis of General Headquarters, Southwest Pacific Area (GHQ SWPA) and these documents are included in the collection. Major subjects covered in ATIS documents are Japanese military strategy and tactics; specific intelligence on Japanese troop movements, equipment, and order of battle; indigenous political movements and political geography of the Southwest Pacific; technical data on Japanese military equipment; and, information obtained from Japanese prisoners of war. ATIS translations of seized Japanese materials also made available English language versions of documents, maps, charts, and other official Japanese visual records. Principal among the types of materials collected and translated by ATIS were: personal diaries obtained from Japanese prisoners of war or removed from the bodies of Japanese killed in action, detailing Japanese military operations and objectives as well as personal accounts of the war; letters and personal correspondence, paybooks, and Military Postal Savings Books carried by Japanese soldiers; official Japanese unit field diaries; official Japanese military orders and orders of battle; maps and charts relating to Japanese shipping routes, military positions, airfields, and order of battle plans; Japanese propaganda and psychological warfare documents; Allied interrogations reports of Japanese prisoners of war, detailing Japanese military positions and troop morale; and, Japanese technical manuals, detailing weaponry and supplies.

      Sin título
      Fürer-Haimendorf, Christoph von
      GB 0102 PP MS 19 · c1917-1990

      Papers, c1917-1990, of Christoph von Fürer-Haimendorf relating to his work on tribes and anthropology in India, Ceylon, Nepal, Tibet and the Philippines.

      Papers relating to anthropological fieldwork, 1936-1989, comprise diaries, 1936-1985, some by Betty Fürer-Haimendorf, including detailed accounts of fieldwork; field-notes, 1936-1989; research proposals and reports relating to fieldwork, c1953-1985; fieldwork questionnaires, 1949-1957, on marriage, economic status and kinship; house-lists and genealogies, undated; diagrams and charts on distribution of tribes, families, households, and herds, undated; maps, undated; official correspondence and permits to travel, c1974-1988; miscellaneous papers, c1960-1981, including some relating to travel arrangements.

      Papers relating to tribal welfare and development, Andhra Pradesh, c1918-1985, comprise tour notes, c1918, 1945-1946; correspondence between Fürer-Haimendorf and the Revenue Department of the Nizam's Government, 1939-1949; reports on Hyderabad Tribal Affairs, c1935-1949; Gondi reading charts for adults produced as part of an education scheme, 1943-1948; correspondence with tribesmen concerning the alienation of tribal land, 1976-1978; notes on the position of Indian tribal populations, c1960-1985; press cuttings on tribal affairs in India, c1977-1984; Government reports and publications, c1949-1979; miscellaneous papers on tribal welfare, undated.

      Working papers for teaching and research, c1949-1979, comprise conference and symposia papers, 1960-1978; lectures and seminar papers, c1949-1977; working papers (subject files) on miscellaneous research topics, c1960-1979 but largely undated; working papers created by René de Nebesky-Wojkowitz on Tibetan dance, religion and ritual, and on medicine and medicinal plants, undated.

      Publications and accompanying material, c1917-1990, comprise published texts and articles, 1932-1990; rough drafts and working copies (books) [1939]-[1990]; rough drafts and working copies (articles), largely undated; publications containing photographs by Fürer-Haimendorf, 1937-1960; illustrations used in texts by Fürer-Haimendorf, undated; reviews of Fürer-Haimendorf's publications, 1943-1982; reviews by Fürer-Haimendorf, 1958-1983; extracts and notes from anthropological works by other authors, undated; bibliographies compiled by Fürer-Haimendorf, undated; a large collection of published and unpublished works by other authors, c1917-1989, largely on social and cultural anthropology, and particularly on India, Nepal and Tibet.

      Miscellaneous papers, c1935-1989, include further correspondence with colleagues, other scholars, students, publishers, academic institutions and other organisations.

      Sin título
      BALFOUR, Andrew F (fl 1850-1890)
      GB 0402 ABA · 1873-1896

      Seven bound journals of Andrew F Balfour with enclosures including three journals covering Balfour's service on the HMS Challenger scientific expedition; one journal describing his command of the gunboat HMS Stork off east Africa (1889-1891); and three journals describing his command of HMS Penguin on a Pacific survey (1893-1896). Loose papers and newspaper cuttings are enclosed with the journals.

      Sin título
      GB 0120 WA/HSW · 1800-1985

      Papers of Henry Solomon Wellcome, 1800-1985, comprising articles, publications, financial records, legal records, administrative documents, property details, probate records, marriage and divorce records, diaries, microfiche of letter books, details of events, subscription lists, field and geological reports, press cuttings, photographs, ephemera, objects, and family papers dating back to 1800.

      Sin título
      RAMSAY, Sir Andrew Crombie (1814-1891)
      GB 0098 KGA RAMSAY · Created 1812-1933

      Papers of Sir Andrew Crombie Ramsay, 1812-1933, comprising notebooks and diaries, 1841-1882, recording both professional and personal details, including geological observations and drawings from field work in Britain, the Rhine, Canada, Switzerland, North Africa, France; sketches of landscapes, details of personal and official expenses, principally for travelling and accommodation; verses; inserted copies of correspondence; notices of deaths;
      rough notes for lectures at the Royal School of Mines, Royal Institution, [1850-1880]; miscellaneous notes and printed papers, 1840-1889, principally relating to his book on Arran, 1841; appointment to University College London, 1847-1849; articles by Ramsay in the 'Saturday Review', 1858-1873; Bedfordshire palaeontology; examination papers, 1858-1875, for various institutions including the Geological Survey and Royal School of Mines, London University and University College, Cambridge University; sketch books and drawings of scenery, geological sections, portraits, [1840-1880]; miscellaneous printed papers, 1836-1892, notably papers relating to the Metropolitan Red Lion Association, 1836-1854; obituary notices for Ramsay, 1892;
      family correspondence, 1812-1933, comprising letters of family members, including Ramsay's parents, wife, and daughters; correspondence with Sir Henry de la Beche, 1841-1854; general correspondence, 1833-1895, comprising letters from various correspondents, including Charles Robert Darwin, 1846-1864, Edward Forbes, 1844-1854, the Geological Survey, 1844-1876, Thomas Henry Huxley, 1854-1855, Joseph Beete Jukes, 1846-1867, Charles Kingsley, 1864, Sir Charles Lyell, 1841-1872, Sir Roderick Impey Murchison, 1848-1869, John Phillips, 1842-1867, Lyon Playfair, 1837-1854, Adam Sedgwick, [1865], Alfred Richard Cecil Selwyn, 1846-1881, James Sharpe, 1840-1851, Sir Warrington Wilkinson Smyth, [1840-1890], Joshua Trimmer, [1840-1857], Anna Maria Williams, 1842-1852.

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