Field work

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Termos equivalentes

Field work

  • UP Field research
  • UP Travail de terrain
  • UP Travail sur le terrain
  • UP Trabajo de terreno
  • UP Trabajo in situ

Termos associados

128 Descrição arquivística resultados para Field work

128 resultados diretamente relacionados Excluir termos específicos
Trapnell, Colin Graham (1907-2004)
GB 0068 CGT · 1926-1970

Papers of Colin Graham Trapnell, 1926-1970, comprising four series. The first (CGT/1) consists of Trapnell’s collecting notebooks in Zambia; the second of one file of correspondence sent and received by Trapnell, mostly relating to his work CGT/2); the third series comprises notes, reports and surveys on a variety of topics, such as soil, grazing and South African vegetation (CGT3). The fourth and final series (CGT/4) contains photographs of Zambia, Kenya and Malawi recording the work carried out by Trapnell, and showing vegetation, agricultural practices and also native people and habitations.

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Kerr, Arthur Francis George (1877-1942)
GB 0068 KER · 1906-c.1940

Papers of Arthur Francis George Kerr, 1906-c 1940, comprising 28 diaries, some relating to his daily life and others are expedition diaries retracing various itnieraries, including field diaries from Siam and the Siam-Burman border; photographs of landscapes, people, vegetation and other subjects, chiefly on trips within Siam; plant records including 158 plant tag books mentioning their numbers and the areas covered; typescript and manuscript lists recording plants collected by others on behalf of Kerr; 16 files and volumes relating to the flora of Siam, some are for specific regions such as Bangkok or Kaw Tao and some for specific plants such as orchids; volumes containing Siamese local plant names; twenty three notebooks of notes taken from various Herbaria, namely Geneva, Kew, Paris and the British Museum (Natural History Museum); records of other collectors including some commissioned by Kerr; records of plants from Siam for the publication of Flora Siamensis Enumeratio; notes and correspondence relating to Siamese drugs and medicinal plants; slips for various plant groups; 11 files of correspondence, mainly related to botanical matters including the publishing of Florae Siamensis Enumeratio, one with Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew and seven relating to ferns, including correspondence and fern lists from Eryl Smith; and publications including reprints from The Record and reports on Botanical Tours undertaken in Siam as well as crops such as cotton and various other plants, published by The Botanical Section, Ministry of Commerce, Bangkok and volume of sketches of Orchids from Chengmai.

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Burchell, William John (1781-1863)
GB 0068 WJB · 1806-1871

Papers of William John Burchell, 1806-1871, comprising 4 series. The first series (WJB/1) contains notes which relate to Burchell's time on St. Helena. The second series (WJB/2) contains documents of the flora of Africa. The third series (WJB/3) contains notes from Burchell's expedition to Brazil via Portugal, Madeira and Tenerife. The fourth (WJB/4) contains manuscripts, correspondence and notes which date from 1800 to 1859 and relate to different plant collecting expeditions.

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GELB, Norman
GB 0099 KCLMA Gelb · Created 1983-1984, 1986

Thirty eight audiotapes of interviews, conducted by Gelb between 1983 and 1984, with veterans of the Battle of Britain, 1940, used as research material for Gelb's book Scramble: a narrative history of the Battle of Britain (Michael Joseph, London, 1986), including interviews with ACM Sir Christopher (Neil) Foxley-Norris, AM Sir Denis Crowley-Milling, AVM Harold Arthur CooperBird-Wilson, AVM George Philip Chamberlain, Maj Gen Basil Perronet Hughes, AVM Alexander Vallance Riddell Johnstone, Air Cdre Edward Mortlock Donaldson, Air Cdre John Lawrence Wemyss Ellacombe, Gp Capt Sir Hugh (Spencer Lisle) Dundas, Wg Cdr Robert Roland Stanford-Tuck, 1983-1984; two paperback editions of Scramble: a narrative history of the Battle of Britain (Pan, London, 1986).

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ISMAY, Gen Hastings Lionel, 1st Baron Ismay of Wormington
GB 0099 KCLMA Ismay · Created 1893-1965

Papers relating to his life and career, 1917-1963, principally comprising official correspondence with Lt Gen M Brocas Burrows, British Military Mission, Moscow, 1944-1945, Gen Mark Wayne Clark, US Army, 1943-1944, 1951-1952, Maj Gen Richard Henry Dewing, UK Army and RAF Liaison Staff, Australia, 1943-1944, Maj Gen Gordon Edward Grimsdale, Military Attaché andhead of Military Mission to Chungking, China, 1942-1943, AF Sir Roger John Brownlow Keyes, Bt, Director of Combined Operations, War Office, 1940-1942, Lt Gen Sir Henry Pownall, South East Asia Command HQ, 1944-1945, Lt Gen Sir Harold Redman, British Joint Staff Mission, Washington DC, 1943-1944, AF Sir James Somerville, Commander-in-Chief Eastern Fleet, 1943-1947, and Maj Gen Sir Edward Spears, Minister to the Lebanon, 1940-1944, and Lt Gen Albert C Wedemeyer, US Army, Deputy Chief of Staff; South East Asia Command, 1944; personal correspondence with and about FM Lord Alanbrooke, 1946-1947, 1957-1963, FM Sir Claude John Eyre Auchinleck, 1941-1961, and FM Archibald Percival Wavell, Viscount Wavell of Cyrenaica and of Winchester, 1943-1946; official andpersonal correspondence with Dwight David Eisenhower, 1942-1965, and AF Louis (Francis Albert Victor Nicholas) Mountbatten, 1st Earl Mountbatten of Burma, 1943-1954, 1960-1964; correspondence with publishers and colleagues, including Gen Sir Richard Nugent O'Connor; papers relating to India, 1947-1951, including his correspondence as Chief of Staff to Mountbatten, 1947, notes on interviews with Jawaharlal Nehru and Mahomed Ali Jinnah, 1947, letters describing the political situation in India, 1947-1948, and correspondence concerning compensation for Indian Government servants, 1948-1951; correspondence concerning the proposed defence reorganisation, 1955-1963; papers relating to his service as Secretary General, NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization), 1952-1957, including his official progress reports, 1952-1956; newspaper cuttings, statements to the press and texts of speeches and broadcasts, 1952-1957; papers relating to his memoirs, [1940-1960] including correspondence with publishers, 1960-1961, and colleagues, 1957-1960, notebooks, 1940-1960, and drafts and proofs, [1960]. newspaper cuttings, 1943, 1948, 1951-1952, 1957; texts of speeches, 1943-1958; correspondence relating to operations in Somaliland, 1917-1920; notes and papers relating to his studies at Staff College, Quetta and RAF Staff College, 1922-1924. Papers relating to Rt Hon Sir Winston (Leonard Spencer) Churchill, 1940-1965, including personal correspondence with Churchill, 1940, 1943-1945, 1947-1964; correspondence relating to Churchill's memoir The Second World War (Cassell, London, 1948-1954), 1946-1956, including correspondence relating to Dieppe Raid, Aug 1942, dated 1950, and galley proofs, [1948-1954]. Printed material, 1941-1945, 1947, 1951, notably including copies of telegrams sent by Winston Churchill as Prime Minister, 1941-1942; minutes of Chiefs of Staff meetings, 1943-1944; minutes of Combined Chiefs of Staff meetings, 1943, 1945.

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National Birthday Trust Fund
GB 0120 SA/NBT · 1928-1993

Papers of the National Birthday Trust Fund (NBTF), 1928-1993, comprising minutes; committee papers; records of annual general meetings; accounts; administration including maintenance of the building; correspondence relating to members, other organisations and individuals; fundraising and publicity; records relating to analgesia; records of research projects funded by the NBTF; reports to outside bodies; surveys; records relating to the Perinatal Mortality Survey, 1958; records relating to the British Births Survey, 1970; press cuttings; miscellaneous papers; administrative records of the Joint Council On Midwifery; records relating to the Abortion Survey conducted by the Joint Council On Midwifery; records relating to the Nutrition Survey conducted by the Joint Council On Midwifery; personal papers of Juliet, Lady Rhys-Williams DBE (1898-1964), founder member and Chairman for a period until her death; and records relating to non-NBTF organisations.

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Godber, Sir George (b 1908)
GB 0120 GC/201 · 1942-1995

Unpublished lectures, articles and reports from Godber's time as Chief Medical Officer onwards form the bulk of this collection, but his wider career is represented by such papers as a draft of his 1944 'Hospital Survey of Sheffield and East Midlands Area' and published articles spanning over 50 years from 1942 to 1995. Although the collection does not include Godber's official papers from his various appointments or his personal papers, it nevertheless conveys a strong impression of his personality, energy and breadth of interests throughout his career. Godber's papers at the Ministry of Health and the Department of Health and Social Security were left almost entirely for his successors, to be transferred as appropriate to the Public Record Office.

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GB 0100 KCLCA IOP/SCAN · 1986-1995

The records of the Schedules for Clinical Assessment in Neuropsychiatry (SCAN) at King's College London Institute of Psychiatry are made up of editorial committee papers, data tables, statistical data, notes of meetings and other correspondence and papers, 1986-1995. These include correspondence with Geoff Der of the Social Psychiatry Unit at the Institute, 1988-1995; editorial committee papers, 1986-1994; notes on international meetings arranged by Geoff Der relating to SCAN, 1989; field trial data in hard copy and floppy disks, [1989]; training manuals, reviews of statistics and other supporting literature, 1987-1991.

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WHILE, Alison (fl 1995)
GB 0100 KCLCA K/PP86 · 1995

The collection comprises 44 audio tapes of interviews with the bereaved parents of children with life limiting illnesses, 1995; including a bundle of record cards indexing the tapes with the names of the children, their ages and notes on individual cases.

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GB 2108 KUAS113 · 1959-[1989]

Records created or held by Dennis Berry while he was the Head of the Architecture department at Kingston School of Art/ Kingston College of Art/ Kingston Polytechnic (now Kingston University). Includes photographs, scrap books, notes on town plan exhibitions and projects, notes on curriculum and examinations, meeting minutes, diaries, leaflets and publications from the Architecture department, and posters for an Architecture talk 1959.

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FOX, Professor Harold Munro (1889-1967)
GB 0098 B/FOX · 1905-1968

Papers of Professor Harold Munro Fox, 1905-1968, comprising biographical papers, 1905-1965; notebooks and working papers, 1915-1967, including a journal, scientific observations and photographs relating to the Suez expedition, 1924-1925, laboratory notebooks,1925-1967; broadcast talks to schools, 1937-1939; lectures, chiefly from his last years at Bedford College, 1953-1955; publications, 1960-1967, including notes, correspondence, obituaries; personal and scientific correspondence, 1936-1970.

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HEWER, Professor Humphrey Robert (1903-1974)
GB 0098 B/HEWER · 1918-1974

Papers of Professor Humphrey Robert Hewer, 1918-1974, comprising biographical papers, 1918-1974, including diaries, photographs; notebooks, journals and working papers, 1929-1973, relating to field trips, his work on seals, zygaena and woodpeckers; papers and correspondence of various natural history committees and societies on which he served, 1967-1974; drafts and material relating to Hewer's publications (especially British seals), 1926-1972; photographs, drawings, notes, and scripts for various wildlife films, 1951-1974; correspondence;
notebooks on zoology, cytology, made whilst a student at the Royal College of Science (Imperial College), [1920-1926].

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Committees of Imperial College
GB 0098 GD · Created 1912-1996 (ongoing)

Records of committees of the Governing Body, Board of Studies and Rector of Imperial College, comprising papers of the Vacation Work Committee, notably annual reports, 1935-1956, introductory leaflets, [1957-1976], papers relating to the International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Expertise, including correspondence concerning vacation training, 1956-1975, conference, 1962, Memorandum and Articles of Association, 1960, (GD1); papers of the Appointments Board, including minutes, 1912-1971, reports, 1920-1933, and correspondence, 1969-1971, statistics, 1926, 1954-1961, sub-committees papers 1953-1963, correspondence, 1920-1945, 1960-1961 (GD3); papers relating to careers, notably booklets, 1912-1956, talks, 1985, recruitment programme, 1986-1994, annual report, 1996 (GD4);
Overseas Students Committee papers, including minutes, 1958-1970, introduction courses, 1961-1964, correspondence between Chairmen and the Rector, 1958-1963 (GDAA); Senior Common Room Committee minutes, 1956-1972 (GDAC); Exploration Board papers including minutes, 1955-1973, reports, 1955-1981, reports and correspondence relating to expeditions, 1936-1971, photographs and maps of expeditions, 1956-1966 (GDAE); Garden Committee minutes and correspondence, 1959-1967 (GDAG); Student Residence Committee papers, including minutes 1957-1988 (GDAH); Catering and Conference Services Management Committee minutes, 1985-1988 (GDAI); papers relating to Computing Committees, including minutes of the Computing Commitee, 1960-1980, Computing Policy Committee, 1971-1975, Computing Services Committee, 1971-1974 (GDAK); papers relating to Health and Safety, comprising Safety Committee (later the College Safety Council and Technical Advisory Safety Committee) minutes, 1966-1980, Safety Council minutes, 1975-1992, Safety precautions for the use of equipment and laboratories, 1970-1974, Safety Officer annual reports, 1964, Safety policy, 1976-1991, permits for students, 1937-1965; papers relating to accidents, 1975; papers relating to the Radiation Safety Committee, including codes of practice, 1957-1986, Rector's correspondence, 1960-1976, Health and Safety visits, 1972-1982 (GDAS); Parking and Traffic Committee minutes and correspondence, 1958-1988, papers of Sir Patrick Linstead, 1962-1966 (GDAT);
papers of the Joint Committee of the Union, Rector and Governors, 1968-1970 (GDB); notes and correspondence relating to Rector's meetings with non-professorial staff, 1957-1971 (GDC); Dean's Committee minutes, 1954-1979 (GDD); papers of the Rector's Policy meetings, 1979-1987 (GDDE); Management and Planning Group papers, 1987-1992 (GDDM); Growth Points Steering Committee papers, 1969-1971 (GDDP); papers relating to Heads of Departments' meetings, 1968-1988, (GDK).

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SLATER, George (1874-1956)
GB 0098 KGA SLATER · Created [1922-1949]

Papers of George Slater, [1922-1949], comprising notebooks, containing drawings, photographs, maps, expenses and letters; notes on Leighton Buzzard, 1922, journals of field trips to Rügen, Germany, 1926, Switzerland, 1926, notes of trips to the Rhone Glacier, 1927, Capetown, South Africa, 1929; notes on a book and Geoloogical papers, 1929; reprints of papers, photographs of model glaciers; correspondence, [1925]-1949.

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Records of the Geological Society of London
GB 378 GSL · 1807-

Records of the Geological Society of London, 1807-current, notably comprising:

Minutes and papers of Annual General Meetings, 1840-current; minutes, correspondence and papers relating to meetings of the Council, 1810-current; minutes and papers of Ordinary Meetings, 1807-1998; minutes and papers of Special General Meetings; 1834-2001; Minutes and papers of Standing and Ad Hoc committees of Council, [1810-current] [section is currently undergoing revision]; Charter and Bye-laws, 1810-1993;

Correspondence and other administrative papers relating to the running of the Geological Society, including: Presidents' Papers, 1977-1997; Elected Officers' papers, 1956-1995; Executive Secretary's papers, 1950-2013; Financial records, including bequests, trust funds, 1820-2011; Letterbooks of the Assistant Secretary and other Officers, [1807]-1960;

Administrative records of departments, including: Membership, 1807-current; Conferences and scientific meetings, 1932-2006; Library, 1835-current; Archives and conservation, 1971-2004; Education Department, 1993-1998; Society's Museum, 1808-1911; Publications, 1906-2009;

Portraits and photographs of Fellows, 1792-2011; Images of the interior and exterior of Burlington House, 1873-[1995]; Plans of the Society's apartments at Somerset House and Burlington House, 1828-[1982]; Obituaries and biographical information on Fellows, [1895]-current; Records of the Society's Centenary celebrations, 1907-1908; and Bicentenary celebrations, 1994-1998;

Records of the Geological Society Club, 1824-2006; Records of the Society's Specialist Groups and Joint Associations, 1964-[2009].

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FERMOR, Sir Lewis Leigh (1880-1954)
GB 378 LDGSL/348 · Série · 1889-1998

Personal papers, notebooks and diaries relating to Sir Lewis Leigh Fermor, particularly his early life. Personal papers include marriage certificate to second wife (Lady Frances Fermor), and birth certificate of son (Patrick Leigh Fermor), CV, photos, and his initial contract with the Geological Survey of India, with diaries covering 1902-1904 and 1908, and notebooks on natural history.

The series also includes extensive correspondence between Lady Frances Fermor, the Geological Society, and other individuals on the subject of Lady Fermor's will and the establishment of the Fermor Fund and Fermor Lecture, as well as the will itself and conditions of the Fund.

Material ranges in date from 1889 to 1998.

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SEDGWICK, Adam (1785-1873)
GB 378 LDGSL/57 · Série · 1816, 1843-1854

Papers of Adam Sedgwick, 1816 and 1843-1854, comprising:

Two notebooks from Sedgwick's tour through the continent of Europe, June-September 1816; manuscripts of Sedgwick's papers, mostly on the geology of Wales, which were read and later published by the Society, 1843-1854.

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HAWKSHAW, John Clarke (1841-1921)
GB 378 LDGSL/73 · Série · 1871

Manuscript of paper 'Notes on the Peat and Underlying Beds observed in the construction of the Albert Dock Hull', by John Clarke Hawkshaw, 1871. Paper is illustrated at the back with diagrams of sections of borings taken before and during the progress of works.

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COOKE, John Henry (1862-1933)
GB 378 LDGSL/936 · Série · 1893-[1894]

Black and white albumen photographs of the Pleistocene geology of Malta, 1893-[1894], which accompanied a paper by John Henry Cooke.

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Iran and the West, television documentary archive
GB99 KCLMA Iran and the West · Coleção · 1979-2009

The collection includes transcripts of interviews recorded with 62 individuals in the making of Iran and the West from the USA, Iran, the UK, France, Germany and other countries. The interviews examine relations between Iran and countries of the West, 1979-2009. The collection also contains footage on DVD of the recorded interviews, as well as documentaries, press cuttings, and published works gathered in the research and production of the documentary.

Subjects covered by the interviews include: the Iranian Revolution, 1979; the fall of Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, 1979; the holding of US Embassy staff as hostages, 1979-1981; the Iran-Iraq War, 1980-1988; the Lebanon hostage crisis, 1982-1992; the Gulf War, 1990-1991; the assassination of Afghan military leader Ahmad Shah Massoud, 9 Sep 2001; the terrorist attacks in the USA, 11 Sep 2001; Iranian involvement in Afghanistan; the labelling of Iran as part of an 'axis of evil', 29 Jan 2002 and the Iran nuclear programme.

Individuals interviewed include Javier Perez de Cuellar, Secretary-General of the United Nations, 1982-1991; Roland Dumas, Minister of Foreign Affairs, France 1984-1986 and 1988-1993; Joseph Martin 'Joschka' Fischer, German Vice-Chancellor and Foreign Minister, 1998-2005; Ambassador Amir Aslan Afshar, Chief of Protocol at the Imperial Court of Iran, 1979; Ali Afshari, member of the Office to Foster Unity, National Islamic Student Association in Iran, 1999-2004 (coordinator of Khatami's student political campaign, 1996-97, student leader of demonstrations, Jul 1999); Abolhassan Bani-Sadr, President of Iran, 1980-81; Queen Farah Pahlavi, Queen of Iran, 1959-1979; Adm Kamal Habibollahi, Commander of the Imperial Iranian Navy, 1975-1979; Abbas Jadidi, Iranian wrestler; Grand Ayatollah Hossein-Ali Montazeri, Iranian cleric and former adviser to Ayatollah Ruhollah Mousavi Khomeini, 1985-89; Gen Mohsen Rafiqdoust, Commander, Minister for Revolutionary Guard, 1982-89; Gen Mohsen Rezaee (also Mohsen Rezai), Commander in Chief of the Revolutionary Guard, 1981-1997; Mohsen Sazegara, Khomeini's press officer in Paris, October 1978-February 1979; Sadeq Tabatabai, negotiator with the USA for Khomeini 1978-1979, Government Spokesman 1979; Ebrahim Yazdi, Foreign Minister of Iran 1979; Ardeshir Zahedi, Iranian ambassador to the USA, 1959-1962 and 1973-1979, Iranian ambassador to Britain, 1962-1966, Iranian Minister of Foreign Affairs, 1966-1973; Ambassador Mohammad Javad Zarif, Iranian Permanent Representative to the United Nations, 2003-2007; Sir Geoffrey Adams, British Ambassador to Iran, 2006-2009; Margaret Beckett, British Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, 2006-2007; John Sawers, British Ambassador to Egypt, 2001-2003, Special Representative for Iraq, 2003; Political director of British Foreign and Commonwealth office, 2003-2007; British Ambassador to the United Nations 2007-2009; Jack Straw, British Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, 2001-2006; Michael Williams, United Nations Assistant Secretary-General and Special Advisor on the Middle East, 2006-2007; Madeleine Albright, US Secretary of State 1997-2001; Ambassador John Bolton, US Under Secretary of State, Arms Control and International Security, 2001-2005, US Permanent Representative to UN, 2005-2006; Zbigniew (Kasimierz) Brzezinski, US National Security Advisor, 1977-1981; James Earl 'Jimmy' Carter, US President, 1977-1981; Warren Christopher, Deputy US Secretary of State 1977-81; US negotiator for the release of the US embassy hostages held in Iran, 1980-81; US Secretary of State, 1993-1997; Ambassador Richard Haass, Special Assistant to United States President and National Security Council Senior Director for Near East and South Asian Affairs, 1989-1993; Director of Policy Planning, US Department of State 2001-2003; Martin Indyk, US Ambassador to Israel 1995-1997 and 2000-2001; Assistant Secretary of State, Near East, State Department 1997-99; Walter Mondale, USA Vice-President, 1977-1981; Adm John Poindexter, US National Security Advisor 1983-1986; Brent Scowcroft, National Security Advisor to US Presidents 1974-1977 and 1989-1993; George Shultz, US Secretary of State 1982-1989; Commander Gary Sick, Principal Adviser on Middle East Affairs, US National Security Council, 1977-81; Yusuf Allawai Bin Abdullah, Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, Oman; Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, President of Russia, 2000-2008, Prime Minister of Russia 1999 and 2008- ; Javier Solana, European Union Secretary-General and High Representative for Common Foreign and Security Policy, 1999-; Sheikh Subhi al-Tufayli, follower of Iranian Ruhollah Mousavi Khomeini, first Secretary-General of Hezbollah, 1989-1991.

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Outer London Inquiry
GB 0097 OUTER LONDON INQUIRY · 1890-1909

Papers of the Outer London Inquiry, 1890-1909, comprising material relating to life and labour in West Ham, notably correspondence and administrative papers, including correspondence and papers of the Inquiry Committee, the scheme of the Inquiry and related material regarding methodology, and records of visits to employers and factories; and financial material, 1905-1909, notably account books, papers concerning the financial appeal, and subscription lists. The material was published as West Ham: A Study in Social and Industrial Problems (J.M. Dent and Co, London, 1907), by Edward Goldie Howarth and Mona Wilson.

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COLE, Professor Monica Mary (1922-1994)
GB 0505 PP19 · 1967-1970

Obituaries of Cole, 1994, taken from the Transactions of the Institute of British Geography, the Independent, the Times, and the Royal Holloway and Bedford New College Journal. Papers relating to a Bedford College geobotanical project [Project Gamma for Trust Mining] in Botswana, 1967-1970, including receipts and financial documents, 1967-1969, concerning expenses for the land rover used in the project; copies of Geobotanical Transect Sheets and Plant Ashing Sheets, 1968-1970; carbon book, 1970, containing a monthly report by Cole on the progress of the project during March, including work completed, summary of results, lists of plant and soil samples, maps, plans and photographs; carbon books, 1969-1970, belonging to André Boshoff and containing copies of correspondence relating to the analysis of soil and plant samples and reports on the progress of the project from Feb 1969-Feb 1970; field maps of Mwaku Pan, Botswana, [1968-1970].

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HAWKES, Professor Leonard (1891-1981)
GB 0505 PP3 · 1924-1962

Notebook, 1922-1957, containing the results of Geology students in examinations, practical and field work, and including names of students and class sizes; field report, 1923, by Hilda Kathleen Cargill (later the wife of Leonard Hawkes), on a Geology expedition to Edinburgh, Scotland, led by Hawkes, containing photographs of the expedition members; Murchison and Wollaston Medals, awarded to Professor Hawkes by the Geological Society in 1946 and 1962 respectively; expedition report from Iceland, 1901; geological trimming hammer.

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DUNCAN, Dr Annie (Nan), 1926-2000
GB 0505 PP42 · 1952-2001

Comprising material relating to the Zoology Department at Royal Holloway College, University of London, particularly during the 1960s and 70s; including a large number of photographs depicting staff and students from the Zoology Department, of fieldwork, particularly in freshwater ecology, and of trips to Poland; papers relating to the courses run by Dr Duncan for the Water Board, and research notes, correspondence and photographs on Cartesian Diver Respirometers; proposal for a University of London Institute of Hydrobiology; personal material including copies of Dr Duncan's CV and offprints of journal articles written by her, obituaries, and details of a meeting held in Vienna in her honour, which were collected together after her death.

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Early Discharge Survey
GB 1538 M3 · 1962-1963

Correspondence and other material relating to preparations for the 'early discharge' survey, 1962-1963. The material relates only to the preliminary survey, and comprises correspondence and related papers, including individual hospital survey papers.

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GB 1538 M34 · 1984-1987

Papers of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists working party on the role of women doctors in obstetrics and gynaecology, 1984-1987, including Minute book, 1983-1984; Committee meetings' papers, 1983-1985; Working party's secretary's papers, 1983-1984; Committee chairman's correspondence, 1984-1985; Correspondence relating to oral evidence to the working party, 1984-1985; Memorandum of Council on the Role of Women Doctors in Obstetrics and Gynaecology (published report, 2 copies), 1987; Draft report of the working party on the role of women doctors in obstetrics and gynaecology, 1975-1984; Antenatal and gynaecological clinics, questionnaire: Responses; Questionnaires completed by medical students and doctors.

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Royal Society Kinabalu Expeditions
GB 0117 MS 778 · sub-fonds · 1961-1965

Identifications and field notes by Edred John Henry Corner and Wee Lek Chew from the Royal Society's expeditions to Kinabalu, North Borneo, 1961 and 1964; with a preliminary report on the Cambridge expedition to Mount Kinabalu, 1965.

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Hackett, Peter
GB 0102 MS 380514 · Created 1949

Photocopies of the manuscript field notes of Peter Hackett, 1949, for linguistic survey on eastern Bantu languages.

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Oral Archive: British in India Oral Archive Project
GB 0102 OA2 · 1975-1987

Cassette copies and transcripts of sound recordings of over 80 interviews with British and indigenous inhabitants of India, covering the pre- and post-Independence periods, made for the British in India Oral Archive Project, 1975-1976, 1984, 1987.

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Guthrie, Malcolm
GB 0102 PP MS 27 · Created 1918-1978

Papers, 1918-1978, of and relating to Malcolm Guthrie, including personal material; field data, grammar and vocabulary notes on over 180 Bantu languages (major section on Bemba); notes on his comparative work on the Bantu languages; early drafts of the four volumes of Comparative Bantu; and general notes on the features of Bantu grammar.

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Kaduna Housing Survey
GB 0102 PP MS 41 · 1978

Housing survey, 1978, comprising completed questionnaires on households in Kaduna province, Nigeria.

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Arnott, David Whitehorn
GB 0102 PP MS 73 · 1950s-1980s

Papers, 1950s-1980s, of Professor David W Arnott on West African languages, comprising papers, including notes and questionnaires, from his study leave (1955-1956) spent travelling from Nigeria through Niger, Dahomey (Benin), Upper Volta (Burkina Faso), French Sudan (Mali), Senegal and Gambia to Guinea and Sierra Leone; copies (photocopied and photographic) of manuscripts; translations and transcriptions; transcriptions of language recordings; seminar and conference papers; teaching material; offprints of articles by Arnott; typescripts or corrected proofs of articles; and reviews of books by other authors. The papers relate largely to Nigeria but also to Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Gambia, Guinea, Mali, Niger and Senegal, relating mainly to Fulfulde, Fula and Fulani (language of the Fulani people of West Africa), and also to Tiv and to Hausa poetry and songs. The subjects include literature, including poetry (religious and non-religious), oral literature and folklore, proverbial lore, Islamic influences on African literary cultures, grammar, including morphology, verbal and nominal systems, nouns, vocabulary, and the distribution of dialects.

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ALDRICH, Pelham (1825-1875)
GB 0402 PEA · 1872-1875

Journal of the scientific research voyage of HMS Challenger from 1872-1875. Illustrated with watercolours and line drawings. The typescript contains the text of the journal.

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GB 0097 CAB · Coleção · 1972-1975

Papers of the Review Committee of the Greater London Citizens Advice Bureau Service Limited, 1972-1975, comprising:
Official Review Committee papers, 1972-1975, including agendas, minutes and correspondence between members, with the National Citizens Advice Bureau Council and London Borough CABs.

Research papers and survey material used by the Review Committee, 1972-1975, regarding the structure, finances and organisation of the Greater London Citizens Advice Bureau Service Limited and London borough CABs.

Research and survey material regarding information and advice services offered by local councils in Greater London.

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Cotton, Arthur Disbrowe (1879-1962)
GB 0068 COT · 14 Nov 1907-11 Dec 1952

Papers of Arthur Cotton, 1907-1952, comprising four series. The first is a collection of correspondence, dating from 1907 to 1952, addressed to and from Arthur Cotton, primarily from other botanists and botanical in subject (COT/1). The second series consists of a bound notebook containing Cotton's findings of his trips to Clare Island from 1909 to 1911 (COT/2). The third series contains photographs relating to various species of Senecio from botanical trips to Africa between 1930 to 1948 (COT/3). The fourth and final series contains botanical works, papers and a monograph written by Cotton, referring to his work on Myrionema, c 1910 to 1935 (COT/4)

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Rose-Innes, Reginald (1915- )
GB 0068 ROS · 1923-2009

Papers of Reginald Rose-Innes comprising correspondence and diary relating to his studies in America, there is also other correspondence relating to projects and work carried out later in his life. There are a large number of notebooks relating to research carried out throughout various countries in Africa. There are reports and essays by Rose-Innes while he was a student and later article off prints and reports (some of which are co-authored), and published works by other authors. A large number of photographs also compliment the collection many of which were taken during Rose-Innes' studies in America and his research in various African countries.

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GLENNIE, Brig Edward Aubrey (1889-1980)
GB 0099 KCLMA Glennie · Created 1915-1959

Seventeen volumes of Survey of India. Geodetic Report, 1922-1940 (Surveyor General of India, Survey of India, Dehra Dun, India, 1928-1945), with editions of Survey of India. Supplement to the Geodetic Report Volume VI. Indian deflection and gravity stations (Surveyor General of India, Survey of India, Dehra Dun, India, 1931) and Survey of India. Supplement to the GeodeticReport 1937. Isostatic reductions of Indian Gravity Stations (Surveyor General of India, Survey of India, Dehra Dun, India, 1939). Eight volumes of Survey of India. General Report, 1947-1955 (Surveyor General of India, Survey of India, Dehra Dun, India, 1949-1959).Twelve volumes of Survey of India. Technical Report, 1947-1954 (Surveyor General of India, Survey of India, Dehra Dun, India, 1949-1957). Six volumes entitled Survey of India. Professional Paper No 15. The pendulum operations in India and Burma 1908 to 1913 by Capt Harold John Couchman, Royal Engineers, Deputy Superintendent, Survey of India (Government of India, Dehra Dun,India, 1915); Survey of India. Geodetic triangulation by Capt Guy Bomford, Royal Engineers, Superintendent, Survey of India (Surveyor General of India, Survey of India, Dehra Dun, India, 1931); Survey of India. Professional Paper No 27. Gravity anomalies and the structure of the Earth's crust by Maj Edward Aubrey Glennie (Surveyor General of India, Survey of India, Dehra Dun, India, 1932); Survey of India. Professional Paper No 30. Gravity anomalies and the figure of the Earth by B L Gulatee, Mathematical Adviser, Survey of India (Surveyor General of India, Survey of India, Dehra Dun, India, 1940); damaged volume entitled Survey history [1950]; The Survey of India during war and early reconstruction 1939-1946 by Brig Sir Oliver Wheeler (Surveyor General of India, Office ofthe Geodetic and Research Branch, Survey of India, Dehra Dun, India, 1955). War Office map case containing forty three printed maps of western Europe, mainly France and Germany, and twenty two printed maps of the UK, various scales [1944].

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GB 0099 KCLMA MFF 8 · 1971-1987, 1989

Armed Forces Oral Histories: US Army Senior Officer Oral Histories is a themed microfiche collection of 96 interviews of senior US Army personnel, 1971-1986. The interviews cover the entire career of the interviewee. As biographical interviews, they emphasise the significant events in which the subject took part and the personalities with whom the subject came into contact. Many of the interviewees had long careers that spanned World War Two, the Korean War and the Vietnam War. However, many of the interviews relate to non-combat roles, including the formulation of major doctrinal and policy programmes for the US Army. Included in the collection are interviews with Gen Mark Wayne Clark, relating to his service as Commander, US 2 Corps, and liaison duties with French forces in North Africa, 1942, his position as High Commissioner of Austria, 1945-1947, and his services as Commander-in-Chief, United Nations Command in Korea, 1952-1953; Gen Lucius DuBignon Clay, relating to his service as Deputy Military Governor of Germany, Commander-in-Chief, US Military Forces Europe, and Military Governor of US Zone in Germany, 1947-1949; Gen William E Dupuy, relating to the establishment of US Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC) following the Vietnam War; Gen Andrew Jackson Goodpaster, relating to his staff positions with Supreme Headquarters, Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE) and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), his services with US Special Forces in Vietnam and Laos, and his role as Supreme Allied Commander, Europe (SACEUR); Gen Lewis B Hershey, relating to the US selective service system operation during World War Two and the American debate over the draft; Gen Lyman L(ouis) Lemnitzer, relating to his position on the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, 1945-1947, his services as Commander-in-Chief, Far East, 1955-1957, and Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, 1960-1962; Gen Matthew Bunker Ridgway, relating to his command of US 82 Airborne Div in Sicily, Italy, and Normandy, France, 1942-1944, his position as US Commander, Mediterranean Theater and Deputy Supreme Allied Commander, Mediterranean, 1945-1946, Commanding General US 8 Army, Korea, 1950-1951, and NATO Supreme Allied Commander, Europe (SACEUR), 1952-1953; Gen Maxwell Davenport Taylor, relating to his service as US Military Representative to the President, 1961-1962, his views on counterinsurgency activities during the Vietnam War, US bombing tactics in North Vietnam, his role as US Ambassador to South Vietnam, and his views on Gen William Childs Westmoreland, Commander, US Military Assistance Command, Vietnam, 1964-1965.

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GB 0074 E/TMD · Coleção · 1765-1951

Records of the Three Mills Distillery, West Ham, 1765-1951, relating to property owned by the distillery, including copyholds of the Manor of West Ham; conveyances, easements, deeds, leases, abstract of title and mortgages; partnership deeds; legal papers relating to a proposed High Court Case (Chancery Division) relating to Three Mills Bridge; proposed Bills in Parliament relating to the River Lee Trust and Lee Conservancy Bills; solicitor's fees and expenses; surveyor's reports; financial accounts; insurance policies; plans and correspondence.

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Wellcome Historical Medical Museum
GB 0120 WA/HMM · 1874-[1984]

Papers of the Wellcome Historical Medical Museum, 1874-[1984], comprising reports, correspondence, administration records, staff files, inventories, diaries, registers, notebooks, financial records, details of exhibitions and events, visitors books, photographs, publications, presscuttings, and papers relating to Henry Solomon Wellcome's personal life including arrangements for his funeral.

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GB 0120 GC/248 · 1981-1985

The study was based on meetings and taped interviews with consultants, junior doctors and nursing staff, plus documentary evidence. The latter is not included in the records given to the Contemporary Medical Archives Centre, nor (with one exception) are the records of meetings, but the taped interviews have been deposited in full. The interviewees give pseudonyms rather than their actual names.

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GB 0809 Growth survey · 1977

Papers of survey of growth in the pre-school child in England and Wales, 1977, comprise original research data concerning the health and growth of children. The collection comprises data entry forms, dated 1977, used to collate data gathered from a sample of pre-school children in England and Wales. These questionnaires are all labelled 'part IV' and therefore possibly constitute a sample of the original research data collated.

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GB 0100 KCLCA CNU/COL, CNU/COL/NCR · 1962-1974

Records, 1962-1974, of the Nuffield Foundation Science Teaching Project Chemistry O-level course, comprising general papers and correspondence, 1962-1974, including staff appointments, training, interested schools, teaching materials, and revision of the course; papers relating to committee meetings and conferences, 1963-1972, including the revision committee; papers relating to examinations, c1964-c1974, including examination entrants; papers relating to revision of the course, including questionnaire, 1971-1974; publications and films, 1964-1968; drafts for the teachers' guides, 1960s-1972; drafts for pupils' handbook, c1970-1972, on various topics; revision of topics, 1971-1974 and undated, including drafts and final papers on various topics.

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YULE, Professor William (b 1940)
GB 0100 KCLCA IOP/PP7 · 1964-2002

Papers of Professor William Yule mainly relating to child psychology, 1964-2002, including: questionnaires, test instructions, notes, progress reports, conference papers and articles, 1964-1969, relating to a longitudinal educational and medical survey of schoolchildren on the Isle of Wight (selected as a relatively static but socially and economically cross-representative population: this was the first epidemiological survey of this size to cover child health and the impact of health on educational achievement); questionnaire, articles and notes relating to 1982-1983 study on the effect of lead on children's development, and assessments of the tests used; reports and correspondence, 1987-1990, relating to survivors of the 1987 HERALD OF FREE ENTERPRISE cross-channel ferry disaster; reports, correspondence, questionnaires and articles, 1988-1996, relating to survivors of the 1988 sinking of the educational cruise ship JUPITER off the coast of Greece, including two studies, 1989-1992 and 1994-1996, of survivors and their experience of post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), which established the previously debated capacity of adolescents to suffer from PTSD; notes, questionnaires and articles, 1992-1993, relating to a World Health Organisation study, 'Brain development in utero', in Ukraine, Belarus and Russia, concerning the prenatal development of children born shortly after the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident; reports, 1993-2002, relating to the charitably-funded School for Life, assisting children with severe learning difficulties, Kiev, Ukraine; reports, correspondence and notes, 1995-1996, concerning the joint United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) and Institute of Psychiatry project to provide psychosocial support to war-affected children, Bosnia.

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JUDD, Professor John Wesley (1840-1916)
GB 0098 KGA JUDD · Created 1879-1914

Papers of Professor John Wesley Judd, 1879-1914, comprising course lectures, 1879, report of the sub-committee on the National Science Collections, 1886 (co-authored by Judd); general correspondence, 1879-1914, comprising accounts and observations on field work, geological articles and issues, including volcanic eruptions, photographs of geological features, including the Stromboli volcano, correspondents include Sir James Hector, William Johnson Sollas, Joseph Paxson Iddings.

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MUNRO, Professor James Watson (1888-1968)
GB 0098 KZB MUNRO · Created 1931-1961

Papers of Professor James Watson Munro, 1931-1961, comprising records relating to Imperial College, notably Departmental reports for Zoology and Applied Entomology, 1936-1961, papers on the establishment of the Biological Field Station, Slough, 1931-1938, correspondence concerning administration, 1940-1942, staff, 1937-1954, air raid precautions, 1940-1942 (A);

papers relating to committees, including Biology War Committee, 1942-1945, Empire Marketing Board Advisory Committee, 1930-1934, Forestry Commission Committee on Ecological Reserves, 1939-1946, Pest Control Research Committee, 1938-1942 (B);

papers relating to the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, notably correspondence relating to the Forest Products Research Laboratory, 1928-1941, student grants, 1931-1940, pest infestation and food storage, 1936-1943, staff, 1939-1944, relationship to the Department, 1938-1945 (C);

general correspondence, notably relating to committees, courses, staff appointments and testimonials, research, principally pest infestation and food storage including for the war effort, job vacancies, Slough Biological Field Station, Ministry of Food, 1932-1947 (D).

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HUXLEY, Thomas Henry (1825-1895)
GB 0098 B/HUXLEY · Created 1839-1931

Papers of Thomas Henry Huxley, 1839-1931, comprising scientific and general correspondence, 1846-1911; Huxley family letters, 1842-1931; personal papers, 1839-1891; working papers, 1846-1900, largely comprising notes, drawings, lectures and unfinished essays, relating to anthropology and ethnology, 1866-1890, biology, 1846-1900, including voyage of HMS RATTLESNAKE, 1846-1850, education, 1861-1893, geology and palaeontology, 1854-1891, philosophy and ethics, 1871-[1893], theology and biblical criticism, [1859-1895]; papers of the Fisheries Commissions and Scottish Fishery Board, 1858-1864; appointment diaries, 1857-1894; drawings, [1849-1872]; caricatures and cartoons, [1852-1883]; photographs and engravings, [1846-1890]; posthumous papers, [1895-1925];

scientific papers, 1846-1898, comprising notebooks made whilst with HMS RATTLESNAKE, 1846-1850; scientific notebooks, containing drawings, notes, correspondence and lectures, [1855-1888], principally relating to zoology and largely organised by zoological classification; drawings, [1847-1895], many relating to the notebooks;

correspondence between Huxley and Henrietta Anne Heathorn, 1847-1854.

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WOOD, Searles Valentine, the younger (1830-1884)
GB 378 LDGSL/713 · Série · [1862-1881]

Papers of Searles Valentine Wood Jnr, [1862-1881], comprising:

Illustrated manuscript, 'A memoir in explanation of the structure of the glacial and post glacial beds.... in the Thames valley between London and the sea...', 1867; Ordnance Survey maps of East Anglia and the Thames Valley, annotated with geological lines, notes and colouring by Searles Valentine WOOD jnr, which were used as field maps during his research into glacial deposits in the south east of England, [1862-1881]; File of letters concerning the complaint by Searles Valentine Wood jnr about the alterations made to Joseph Prestwich's published paper on the Crag of Norfolk, Mar-Apr 1875.

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BARRETT, Lucas (1837-1862)
GB 378 LDGSL/719 · Série · 1859

'Geological map of the Neighbourhood of Cambridge', by Lucas Barrett, 1859. Geological colouring with printed key on base map Ordnance Survey, one inch (Old Series) quarter sheet no.51 (SW Cambridge), by Lt Col Thomas Frederick Colby, published 1 June 1836.

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