Financial audit

Área de elementos


Nota(s) da fonte


Termos hierárquicos

Financial audit

Termos equivalentes

Financial audit

  • UP Audit des comptes
  • UP Contrôle des comptes
  • UP Révision des comptes
  • UP Vérification comptables
  • UP Vérification des comptes
  • UP Vérification des états financiers
  • UP Control de las cuentas
  • UP Examen de la gestión económica
  • UP Revisión de las cuentas
  • UP Verificación contable
  • UP Verificación de las cuentas
  • UP Verificación de los estados financieros

Termos associados

Financial audit

3 Descrição arquivística resultados para Financial audit

3 resultados diretamente relacionados Excluir termos específicos
Report on the state of coinage in Barcelona
GB 0096 MS 483 · 1714

Manuscript report entitled 'A State of the Coynage in Barcelona', [1714], with a note that 'This paper was attested upon oath before the Commissioners of Accounts the 14th day of May 1714 by Mr. [John] Mead'. The remainder of the volume comprises a printed copy of the answer of James Stanhope, 1st Earl Stanhope, to allegations concerning his financial administration as Commander-in-Chief of the British Army in Catalonia during 1708, and contains manuscript annotations in Stanhope's hand.

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GB 0813 POST 8 Series · Série · 1802-1991

This series consists of records of the Public Accounts Audit Commissioners' checks on GPO annual accounts and the Accountant General's checks on accounts received from agents and postmasters in the first half of the 19th century. Also included are various reports and other papers relating to financial systems, methods of accounting and collecting, collating and presenting business statistics in the Post Office.

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Commissioners for Examining Public Accounts
GB 0096 MS 77 · 1703

Manuscript volume containing minutes of the proceedings of the Commissioners for Examining Public Accounts, 30 Mar-14 Aug 1703. The manuscript is volume four of a series, and has an index at the end.

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