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        Bellas artes

        138 Descripción archivística resultados para Bellas artes

        135 resultados directamente relacionados Excluir términos relacionados
        SYMONS, Cecil (1921-1987)
        GB 1530 D7 · 1972-1988

        Papers of Cecil Symons, cardiologist, 1972-1988, comprising:
        Correspondence on the commissioning of Peter Jones' pictorial representations of the Royal Free Group of Hospitals, 1972-1973, and the subsequent bequest to the Hospital in 1987-1988. Copies of the paintings are exhibited in the RFH Committee Room, and the originals are held in the Archives Centre, and known as the Symons bequest.
        Correspondence on the commissioning of the 150th Anniversary group portrait of the RFH Consultants, 1978.

        Sin título
        KORMIS, Fred I, (1897-1986)
        GB 0100 KCLCA K/PP26 · 1975-1983

        Papers and photographs, 1975-1983, concerning the placing of a memorial sculpture of victims of war on their way to work camps/concentration camps, called 'Marchers', by Fred I Kormis, at King's College London, in 1975, comprising brochure, 1975, of Fieldborne Galleries, London, containing 'Sculpture, Fred Kormis'; photograph of 'Marchers', [1975]; press cutting, 1975, detailing 'Marchers' acquisition and presentation to the Department of Philosophy, King's College London; correspondence, 1975, between Kormis and Professor Peter Winch, Department of Philosophy, King's College London, and other departments of King's College London, about the unveiling ceremony of the 'Marchers' plaque; correspondence between Professor Winch and Bernard Sternfield of Fieldborne Galleries, London, 1975, concerning photographs taken of 'Marchers'; list of invitees to the ceremony, 1975; article by Professor Winch about 'Marchers', for the College magazine 'Viewpoint', 1975; correspondence, 1979-1983, between Professor Winch and the Decorations and Amenities Committee, King's College London, about the conditions under which 'Marchers' was displayed and its possible relocation.

        Sin título
        Barlow Papers
        GB 0103 BARLOW · 1714-1876 (predominant 1821-1876)

        Papers of Henry Clark Barlow, comprising papers relating to his Dante studies, both published and unpublished work, including manuscripts and notes for unfinished essays and lectures, titled manuscript notebooks, titled manuscripts, notes from codices and other sources, printed matter, and papers relating to the festivals of Dante; papers relating to his other studies, including a few items on geology and theology, and many sketches relating to the history of art, to architecture and to topography; personal papers, including Barlow's diaries and journals in which he wrote his observations on the architecture, art, geology, history and people of the places he visited, travel notes, and correspondence devoted almost entirely to Dante matters; acquired papers, including photographs, pictures, books, maps, plans, printed matter and ephemera.

        Sin título
        Mackenzie, Peter: letter
        GB 0096 AL511 · Fondo · 1834

        Letter from Peter Mackenzie of Glasgow to Joseph Hume, 8 Jan 1834. Returning the 'Major's portrait'. Sends Hume volumes [2 and 3] of the Reformers' Gazette.

        Sin título
        GB 0098 M · Created 1908-1987 (ongoing)

        Records comprise correspondence and notes relating to the College armorial bearings, 1908-1980, the College flag, 1938-1945 (MA); correspondence relating to photographs of Imperial College and members, 1910-1953 (MN); papers and correspondence relating to paintings and portraits of Rectors, Chairmen, Prince Consort, 1954-1987 (MP).

        Sin título
        BUSS, Frances Mary and family papers
        GB 2457 FMB and family · 1845-1935

        Records comprising:

        papers of Frances Mary Buss including scrapbook of articles, notes, anecdotes, pamphlets, [1886 1881; Queen's College Teaching Certificate 1848-1849; sketch of family tree; volume containing copies of Girton Songs, [1890]; letters to and from FMB, [1870s], and letters from friends, colleagues and former pupils, including Dorothea Beale, Emily Davies, Jane Storrar, Annie Ridley, Sara Burstall, Elizabeth Garrett Anderson, Maria Gray, Anne J Clough and David Laing;

        letters out copybook of Alfred J Buss, 1882-1889, 1897-1906 (2 vols); letters to AJB, [1870s];

        illustrated journals of Septimus Buss, 1860-1875 (3 vols), continued in 1935 by Francis Fleetwood Buss; watercolour;

        scrap book of Jane Buss, including photographs, illustrations, printed drawings etc, 1878-1894;

        papers and art work of Robert William Buss including scrapbook of prints of engravings of titled 'Illustrations of University Life', 1842; volume of sketches, drawings and etchings by RW Buss (owned by Mary Caron Buss, 1914); sketchbook (undated); 'RWB extemporary compositions and sketches' (1845) - related to a sketching club, containing works by various members of the club; 5 portraits by R W Buss, in pen and ink; pastel portrait of FMB as an infant; and two oil paintings; file of papers, 1859-1909; photos, 1850s; designs and prints;

        Buss family papers including volume of press cuttings, relating to the death of Frances Mary Buss, 1894; scrapbook compiled by F F Buss, 1854-1922; Frank Fleetwood Buss chronicle of the Buss family, (undated); List of persons named Fleetwood who have served in the naval and military forces, compiled by Robert Woodward Buss, 1920 (privately printed); The family of Fleetwood of Calwich co. Stafford with a pedigree, by RWB, London, 1908; The ancestry of William Fleetwood..., 1926; papers relating to the Fleetwood family history, 1908-1926 (13 printed booklets); letters photos, family memorabilia, notes on family tree, printed papers, 1860s- 1980; photographs of FMB and family members including Mary Caroline Buss, and Mary Caron Buss; and sketches and watercolours, [1870s-1920s].

        Sin título
        GB 2753 Central Saint Martins College of Art & Design · 1989-2002 (ongoing)

        Records of Central Saint Martins College of Art & Design, 1989-2002, comprising prospectuses for 1989-2004; postgraduate degree and research directory for 2002-2003; material relating to degree shows, 1989-2002.

        Sin título
        GB 0102 AFRICA95 · [1957]-1996

        Archives, [1957]-1996, of Africa95, including material from the festival administrators, producers and participants.

        Various deposits, c1980-1996, on individual artists or on planning Africa95 include correspondence, printed material, photographs, and slides of the work of artists from Algeria, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Morocco, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa, Sudan, Uganda, Tanzania, Tunisia, Zambia, Zimbabwe, and the USA.

        Records of the central administration, 1991-1996, comprise planning papers and correspondence, 1991-1993; minutes of the Executive Committee, 1993-1995, Board of Trustees, 1995-1996, Funding Committee, 1993-1994, and Annual General Meeting, 1995; Chairman's correspondence, 1993-1996; research materials on non-western arts in Europe; Executive Council records, comprising correspondence, 1992-1995, reports received, 1993, 1995, and Trustees' report and financial statements, 1995; contracts, information and correspondence of the Co-ordinator, 1993-1994; International Council of Artists proposals, contact lists and correspondence, 1993-1994; brochures, 1993-1995; legal papers concerning incorporation, lease of premises, and charitable status, 1993-1995.

        Records relating to arts management, 1980-1996, cover funding and sponsorship, 1993-1995; publicity, 1994-1995; press activity, 1994-1996, including cuttings; posters, 1993-1995; general administration, including personnel and finance, 1994-1995; arts organisations and other festivals, 1991-1995; subject files, 1985-1996, including exhibition catalogues on people and places including Algeria, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Morocco, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa, Sudan, Tunisia, the USA, and Zimbabwe; videos, 1980-1995, including artists and their work; publications and exhibition catalogues, 1980-1995, for Algeria, Angola, France, Korea, Morocco, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa, Zimbabwe, and the UK.

        Records relating to finance and development, 1991-1996, cover budgets and funding, companies and sponsorship, and Trusts.

        Records on receptions and launches, 1993-1995, relate to events in various locations.

        Records relating to Africa95 Nigeria, 1994-1995, include correspondence and photographs.

        Records relating to arts events across the UK cover visual arts (photography, fine art, sculpture, calligraphy, metalwork, textiles, and architecture), 1991-1996; cinema, 1993-1995; music, including classical, traditional, gospel, world, jazz, reggae, and popular music [1957]-1996 (including videos, sound recordings and scores); performing arts, including dance, theatre, and puppetry, 1989-1996 (including videos); literature, including poetry, 1993-1995.

        Records relating to other activities cover conferences on African arts, including events at the School of Oriental and African Studies, Royal African Society, and Courtauld Institute of Art, 1993-1996; education and young peoples' events, 1993-1996; international workshops and residencies, including events in Senegal, Zimbabwe, London, and Yorkshire, 1990-1996; television and radio, 1992-1995 (including sound recordings of programmes on Radios 1, 3 and 4).

        Records relating to post-festival administration, 1994-1996, cover evaluation, celebratory concert, finance, and archive arrangements.

        Sin título
        Rigby, Sir Hugh Mallinson (1870-1944)
        GB 0114 MS0113 · 1904-1927

        Papers of Sir Hugh Mallinson Rigby, 1904-1927, comprising cases notes, correspondence, watercolour illustrations and photographs relating to patients with gall bladder diseases, 1910-1926; case notes, correspondence and illustrations relating to patients with arterial surgery and arterio-venous aneurism, 1915-1924; and case notes, correspondence, illustrations, photographs, radiographs and X-rays of various medical cases, mostly from the London Hospital, 1904-1927.

        Sin título
        Cheselden, William (1688-1752)
        GB 0114 MS0221 · 1749-c 1990

        Papers of William Cheselden, 1749-c 1990, comprising a deed of sale for the copyright of Anatomy of the Human Body by William Cheselden, to the publishers, Charles Hitch and Robert Dodsley for £200, dated 8 Apr 1749; two receipts for shares, dated 19 Oct 1771 by W Woodfall, for one 16th share in Cheselden's Anatomy to Mr Dodsley, and dated 22 Oct - 25 Nov 1778 by the trustees of Mr William Nicoll, also for one 16th share of Cheselden's Anatomy to James Dodsley; and photographs of the original drawings for Cheselden's Osteographia, 1733. The drawings for the vignettes in the Osteographia were by Jacobus Schijnvoet of Amsterdam, and the drawings for the plates were by Gerard van der Gucht. The photographs are mounted on card and numbered on the back.

        Sin título
        Owen, Lady Caroline: Commonplace book
        GB 0114 MS0283 · c 1790-1835

        Papers of Lady Caroline Amelia Owen, c 1790-1835, comprising a letter from Joanna Baillie, 1831, including a transcript of a sonnet by William Wordsworth; a watercolour sketch of Keeper's House, Hyde Park, c 1790; a watercolour of execution dock, by William Clift, 1816; a pen and ink sketch of the opening of the theatre at the Royal College of Surgeons, by William Clift; a sketch of Caroline Clift by her father; a pencil portrait of Eugenius Roche, by William Home Clift, 1824; a printed caricature of Richard Owen lecturing, by Richard Doyle; a volume titled Select Sentences or a Collection of Moral Precepts by John Gregor, 1792; a pencil drawing of three pigs by 'R H'; a pen and ink sketch showing Oxford Street with placards referring to Owen's researches, by Robert Lee; an unfinished watercolour titled 'Sketch of church and castle, Lancaster, from my mother's house (the procession of the judges was to have filled the foreground)', by Richard Owen, 1835; a volume of French verse titled Envoi a Caroline by Eugenius Roche, 1829; a flyer for Mr Mears' Benefit at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, 25 Jun 1839; and a list of 'books consulted in the progress of the catalogue of the Gallery'.

        Sin título
        CALLCOTT, Sir Augustus Wall (1779-1844)
        GB 1518 CI/AWC · 1786-1837

        Papers of Sir Augustus Wall Callcott, 1786-1837, comprising travel journals and papers largely from Callcott's honeymoon in Europe in 1827-1828, notably including lists, descriptions and sketches of pictures from various art collections visited in Italy, Germany, Austria and Czechoslovakia.

        Sin título
        HARDING, James Duffield (1797-1863)
        GB 1518 CI/JDH · 1819-1996

        Papers of and relating to James Duffield Harding, 1819-1996, comprising annual diaries which include notes on the weather, art lessons given, photography, family birthdays and marriges, financial details, 1828-1861 (not all years are covered);
        journals, some including a few sketches, recording journeys to the North of England, 1827, Llandough, Glamorgan 1828, France and Italy, 1830, the Continent, 1832, 1844, 1856; accounts, 1823-1863, including lists of pupils with accounts of fees paid, 1832-1837; lists of subscribers to Sketches at Home and Abroad, 1836; sales of pictures and income from lessons, 1845-1846; daily expenditure diary, 1856;
        miscellaneous papers including manuscript entitled Remarks on Water Colouring, 1819; passport to France, 1845; letter offering Harding a teaching post, 1846; poem by Mrs Valentine Bartholomew, inspired by a picture by Harding, 1848; manuscript of the 'Use of the Brush etc', possibly printed (in part) in Lessons in Taste; undated notes on "Objects", their form and function, and art; undated extracts from various items including a paper on Coleridge; an Essay on Taste by Oliver Goldsmith; Locke's Essay on the Human Understanding; items (title page and vignettes) from Harding's book Sketches at Home and Abroad, 1836; lists of the collection, by the Reverend A A Duffield Harding [1953]; James Duffield Harding 1797-1863: A Centenary Memoir, by Charles Skilton, 1963.

        Sin título
        BOASE, Thomas Sherrer Ross (1898-1974)
        GB 1518 CI/TSRB · [1930]-1972

        Papers of Thomas Sherrer Ross Boase, [1930]-1972, comprising notes and drafts for lectures and essays by Boase, 1963-1972 and undated, including maps and photographs, sketches of buildings, notes on people and places; typescript articles and lectures etc, undated; correspondence, 1938-1939, largely with David Wallace, but also including a letter from Dame Freya Stark; photographs and negatives, mostly taken by David John Wallace, of sites of archaelogical interest of the Crusader period, largely located in Greece and Turkey, but also in Cyprus, Albania, Italy and Yugoslavia, undated [1930s]; photographs and postcards of sculptures, general views, architecture and illuminations, mainly located in Great Britain, Greece and the Middle East (many used as the illustrations to Boase's various books on the Crusader kingdoms and the art and architecture of the period), undated; printed maps and leaflets of the Middle East, Italy and Serbia, 1942-1970, both historical and contemporary; miscellaneous publications and printed matter, 1954-1972.

        Sin título
        Pyne, Thomas
        GB 0102 MS 380668 · 1835-c1975

        Papers, 1835-c1975, of and relating to the Rev Thomas Pyne, comprising correspondence and accounts, 1839-1845 and undated, documenting Pyne's guardianship of (John) Ossoo Ansah and (William) Quanti Massah in England (1840), associated expenses, and aspects of their trip including invitations to dinner, entrance permits to London Zoo and to George Heriot's Hospital [School], Edinburgh, undated plan of a breakwater, Falmouth(?), undated print of Brighton Pavilion and other ephemera relating to places visited, photographs of paintings of the princes, and various visiting cards; other correspondence and papers of Pyne, 1835-1873 and undated, including printed Thanksgiving sermon preached at St Peter's Church, New York, including anti-slavery sentiments, 1835, pamphlets by Pyne on peace, 1844 and undated, and astronomy, 1852, a letter from L'Institut d'Afrique to Pyne concerning honorary membership, 1843, miscellaneous pamphlets relating to African affairs, and a photograph of Pyne, 1870; correspondence, notes, transcripts from original documents, and other papers, 1950-1953, c1975 and undated, concerning Pyne and his papers, and the two princes, including their portraits.

        Sin título
        WOODS, Ethel Gertrude
        GB 0402 EGW · Colección · 1921-1985

        Papers of Ethel Gertrude Woods, 1921-1985, including a typescript of 'Scenery, its nature and origin' (confused pagination, approx 350 pp), unpublished; 87 watercolour and black and white sketches and diagrams prepared by Miss K Chandler Thomson as illustrations; note on the author; covering letter from donor, William Skeat (nephew) and other correspondence concerning the MS with Dr Joby of the Open University, 1985.

        Sin título
        HAYWARD, George (d 1870)
        GB 0402 GWH · 1868-1871

        Fifteen watercolours of Turkistan (Ladakh, Kashgar and Yarkand) by George Hayward some with descriptive text on backs; two sketch plans of Kashgar and Yarkand forts and photograph of the grave of Hayward.

        Sin título
        CHAMBERS, Margaret A (fl 1912-1928)
        GB 0402 SSC/17 · 1912-1913

        Papers of M A Chambers, 1912-1913, comprise 'The lure of the Caucasus': sketches in prose and paint of travels under the old regime.

        Sin título
        Charles Graham-Dixon Collection
        GB 2000 CGD · c1500-1820

        Thirty three paintings dating from c1500-1820 with accompanying contextual records. The subject of the paintings ranges from cathedral and church interiors, Rembrandt's father, Venice, biblical scenes including building the Tower of Babel, the Adoration of the Magi and the Madonna and Child, landscapes, ships, portraits, still lifes, flowers, battle scenes and domestic interiors. The mediums used include oil on canvas, oil on copper and oil on panel. The collection includes one triptych, one alter panel and all other paintings are framed wall paintings.

        Sin título
        COL/LBD/AG · Colección · 1670-1965

        Records of the Guildhall Art Gallery, comprising memorandum on the establishment of the Guildhall Art Gallery and the appointment of a Director, 1944; article The Corporation's Picture Collection and the Guildhall Art Gallery, 1965; extracts relating to the portraits of the Fire Judges, 1670-1705, and reports on the restoration of the portraits, 1945; Chamber vouchers, orders for payment and receipts for drawing, framing, setting up, inscribing and decorating the Fire Judges portraits, 1671 and order for payment for painting the pictures of the King and the Duke of York, 1672.

        The City of London's first commissions were portraits of the judges appointed to assess property claims in the wake of the Great Fire of London - the so-called 'Fire Judges'. These were followed by portraits of kings and queens and of other individuals who had rendered a service which the City of London wished to recognise.

        Sin título
        Chelsea College of Art & Design
        GB 0000 Chelsea College · 1928-2001

        Records of Chelsea School of Art, 1928-2001, later Chelsea College of Art & Design, comprising minutes and agendas of Academic Board meetings, 1975-1991; minutes of the Board of Studies, and related papers, 1991-1993; minutes of the Academic Committee and related papers, 1992-1993; papers of the Advisory Committee of the New School of Art in Chelsea, notably minutes, agendas and papers, 1958-1964, including schedule of accommodation for proposed College, 1958; minutes of the Chelsea School of Art/Hammersmith College of Art and Building (Art Department) Formation Committee, 1974, relating to the merger of the colleges; minutes of the Fine Art Area Committee, 1990-1993; minutes of Library Committee, 1978-1980;

        Principal's reports to the Governors, 1959-1965; instrument of Government and draft Articles of Government, 1970; list of former staff and students at the College, 1958 and minutes of H S Williamson presentation committee, 1958 (retiring head of College); summaries of part time teaching staff contracts, 1971-1976;

        correspondence with Professor Gowing concerning the administration of the new college, 1958; inventory and papers relating to equipment and furniture for the new college, [1960-1963]; correspondence concerning the building of school, 1963-1964, including furniture catalogues; papers concerning the opening ceremony of the new College building, 1964-1965, including programme for the opening of new building, 1965; correspondence and papers relating to Henry Moore's sculpture Two Piece Reclining Figure no.1, purchased by the College in 1963; photographs of its erection at the College, 1964; survey of accommodation and equipment, 1975;

        papers concerning the Academic Development Plan, 1976; report of the Council for National Academic Awards, 1975; papers relating to bursaries and awards, 1975; papers relating to Council for National Academic Awards visit, including review of MA in Fine Art, 1977; papers relating to Quinquennial reviews, 1977-1982; papers concerning the Council for National Academic Awards review visit to Chelsea, 1982; programme for opening of South Park Annexe, 1982; submissions for new course in 3D Design, 1982; proposed MA in History of Modern Art, 1986; papers and circulars relating to ILEA, 1970s-1986;

        Chelsea School of Art programmes for end of term plays/entertainments, 1932-1962; copies of The Queel, 1928-1929, Chiaroscuro, 1949, Chelsea College of Art magazines; magazines and works produced by students, including Pump, Chelsea School of Art magazine, 1977-1978; MONTAGE 4, 1984; newsletter, 1977; Chelsea School of Art Graphics magazines, 1977-1982; Insight, 1991, Review, 2000, London Institute magazines; briefing, London Institute newspaper, 2001; Entitled, London Institute students union magazine, 2001;

        prospectuses, 1959-2001; publicity leaflet for new courses, 1962; Chelsea College of Science and Technology annual report, 1958-1959; press cuttings, 1970-1991, relating to the College and Government policy; press release concerning the creation of London Institute, 1985; album of photographs of social events and work at the College, 1970s; correspondence, related papers and exhibition catalogues for the school gallery exhibitions, 1965-1973; papers relating to general studies open lectures, 1970-1972; photographs, articles and catalogues for degree shows, 1977-2001; portfolios of prints by students and staff of the Printmaking Department, [1965-1986]; papers relating to the London Institute, [1987]-1991, including course monitoring reports, 1990; annual reports, 1990-1992; student handbooks, 1991;

        memoir of Anne Baer, nee Sedgwick, student at Chelsea Art School, 1933-1936; correspondence and papers relating to Frederick Brill's (Principal, Chelsea School of Art) book, Matisse (Paul Hamlyn, London, 1967), 1965-1967;

        records of Hammersmith College of Art and Building, comprising Department of Art prospectus, 1973-1974; programme for the opening of the new Hammersmith School of Building and Arts and Crafts, 1930; 35mm slides and photographs of student work, 1960s; publicity leaflets, 1960s.

        Sin título
        Inventory magazine
        GB 0000 Inventory · [1995-2000]

        Material relating to the production of Inventory magazine, [1995-2000], comprising flyers, private view cards, christmas cards and letters.

        Sin título
        MORI, Mariko (b 1967)
        GB 0000 Mariko Mori Archive · 1992-2000

        Papers compiled by Chelsea College of Art & Design relating to Mariko Mori, a former student, 1992-2000, comprising her BA thesis, exhibition guides, private view cards, press cuttings and photographs.

        Sin título
        Cree, Edward Hodges (1814-1901)
        GB 0064 CRJ · Colección · [1841-1961]

        Papers of Dr Edward H Cree, including volumes one to twenty-one, 1937-1961, and comprises Cree's personal journals whilst serving at sea. The text is supplemented by circa seventeen hundred watercolours and sketches. The journals account details of his sea voyages, experience whilst in foreign lands, his impressions of people and places, his recollections amongst family and friends and writings concerning his life at home and with his wife. In addition to the illustrated journals are his 'rough journals' 1841, 1847, 1849, 1851-2 and 1854, his medical journal kept 1841-1847, journal notes (1837), sketchbook (1839), newspaper cuttings, service records and certificates and invitations. An index to the journals provides useful information on the vessels served on, the places visited and the illustrations within.

        Sin título
        GB 0064 DRW · Colección · [1815-1835]

        Papers of Charles Ramsey Drinkwater Bethune comprising letters, written mainly by Bethune to his family, 1815 to 1835, and a number of watercolours.

        Sin título
        PERI, Peter (1899-1967)
        GB 0070 TGA 704 · Fondo · 1920s-1967

        The photographs in this collection cover areas of Peri's work between 1920 and 1966. They include images of his early constructivist work, bronze figurines, cement sculptures and pictures of the artist at work. The drawings and sketches are mainly of people in a variety of simple poses, but are all undated. The correspondence refers to possible commissions for the London County Council, 1958 and an exhibition of his work at St. Pancras Public Library, 1963.

        Sin título
        GB 0070 TGA 721 · Fondo · 1895-1966

        Alfred Wolmark was a painter whose range included figurative, landscape and graphic art. The papers and sketches in this collection reflect the various areas and influences in his life and work. The collection includes sketches, transcripts of his lectures, a diary, examples of posters and programmes designed by him, lists of his works, and correspondence with friends, associates and possible sitters.

        Sin título
        Mackintosh, John Stewart (1870-1939)
        GB 0120 GP/42 · c1899-1900

        66 Ear, Nose and Throat pathology illustrations, in pencil, ink and watercolour, by Dr John Stewart Mackintosh, c 1899-1900.

        Sin título
        GB 0099 KCLMA Sanders · Created 1911-1966

        Papers relating to Sanders' life and military career, 1911-1966, including five letters of appreciation, 1911-1927, mostly relating to Sanders' work as Superintendent, Army Remount Service, No 3 Depot, Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire, 1914-1920, notably typescript letter from Gen Sir Douglas Haig, Commander in Chief, British Armies in France, 3 Jun 1918; manuscript letter to Sanders from Lt Gen Adrian Carton de Wiart, from Rome, Italy, relating to his capture and imprisonment by Italian forces, 10 Aug 1941; painting of final mounted parade, 4/7 Royal Dragoon Guards, Edinburgh, 15 Aug 1938; edition of Wandsworth Borough News, with photograph and article on the 28 Bn, (Wandsworth), County of London, Home Guard, commanded by Sanders, 26 Sep 1941.

        Sin título
        GB 2108 KUAS83 · [1940-1970]

        Collection of photographs previously owned by Iris Murdoch. Includes images of Iris Murdoch alone, Iris Murdoch pictured with others and portraits of individuals who Iris Murdoch knew. As well as Murdoch those depicted include John Bayley, Frank Thompson and Elias Cannetti.

        Sin título
        GB 378 LDGSL/613-616 · Serie · 1831-1844

        Drawings and watercolour paintings of fossil fish by Joseph Dinkel, J C Weber, Cécilie Agassiz, Jacques Bourkhardt, G A H Köppel and Sixtus Heinrich Jarwart and others, commissioned by Jean Louis Rudolphe Agassiz for his publications 'Recherches sur les Poissons Fossiles' (1833-1844) and the follow up 'Monographie des Poissons Fossiles du Vieux Grès Rouge' (1844-1845). Also includes drawings commissioned by Lord William Willoughby Cole (1807-1886), later the Earl of Enniskillen, and Sir Philip de Malpas Egerton (1806-1881) of their own fossil cabinets.

        Sin título
        GB-70-tga-200413 · Fondo · c 1919-1924

        A sketchbook by Stanley Spencer, c 1919-1924 with one loose sketch of Gilbert Spencer by Stanley Spencer, c 1906-1908.

        The Sketchbook contains 37 pages with sketches on front and back of pages, 4 loose sheets and 2 torn pages. Most sketches are made in pencil. However, 12 sketches are finished in pencil and wash, and 1 sketch in pencil and oil.

        The sketchbook spans Spencer's time spent with the Slessers in Bourne End from late 1919-1920, with Muirhead Bone and his wife at Petersfield in 1921 and his stay with Henry Lamb in Poole, Dorset in April 1923 where he produced designs for what would later become the Sandham Memorial Chapel at Burghclere. The sketchbook is significant in that it includes initial ideas for a number of post-First World War religious works, including some Tate-owned paintings, notably 'Christ Carrying the Cross', 1920, 'The Robing of Christ and the Disrobing of Christ', 1922, and 'The Resurrection, Cookham', 1924-26. It also includes a number of designs (many in pencil and wash) for Sandham Memorial Chapel at Burghclare which are amongst some of the earliest sketches that Spencer created for this commission.

        The loose sketch of Spencer's brother, Gilbert Spencer, is a pre-Slade School sketch of c 1906-1908 of his magnum opus.

        Sin título
        Bankside Gallery
        GB 1744 BANKSIDE · 1980-present

        Records of the Bankside Gallery comprising: committee minutes, financial records, administrative records, files on exhibitions held at the Gallery, 1980-present; and press cutting collection 1980-2002.

        Sin título
        Royal Society of Painter-Printmakers
        GB 1744 RE · 1877-2003

        Records of the Royal Society of Painter-Printmakers comprising:

        Council minutes 1880-1954, 1855-1986; rules and regulations 1888-1927; reports from Council to the Annual General Meeting 1883-1925; reports of Annual General Meeting proceedings 1888-1978; financial records 1881-1954; newspaper cuttings book 1889-1910, 1933-1946; exhibitions registers 1889-1962, 1968-1983; sales books 1890-1942, 1955-1968; sales file 1969-1983; register of names and address 1900-1920; roll of candidates 1920-1933; council signatures 1890-1910, 1920-1960; correspondence between Seymour Haden and the Print Sellers Association 1877-1884; papers for society elections 1963-1978; general correspondence 1880-1989; lists of Diploma Etchings 1882-1891; scrapbooks, 1898, 1894; lists of contributors to exhibitions 1881-1887; prospectus 1881 (also in French and German); photographs of Haden [1902]; photos of exhibition galleries 1909; printed monographs of Haden 1880-1902; papers and correspondence relating to the dispute over the RE charter 1905-1906; files relating to Haden's will 1908;

        Catalogues of exhibitions 1881-1990, including annual exhibitions, open exhibitions and various visiting exhibitions;

        Joseph Webb Memorial Fund minute book 1922-1981; correspondence 1964-1972; competition papers 1972-1979; and ledger 1965-1976;

        Print Collector's Club records including minutes 1921-1991; sale book for Print Collectors Club publications 1939-1955; financial records 1928-1942, 1972-1983; correspondence 1921-1938, 1962-1974; Annual General Meeting reports and drafts 1922-1939; pamphlets for demonstrations of etching, mezzotint, wood-cutting and wood-engraving, acquatint, lithography, line engraving and dry point, 1922-1957; publicity materials 1933-1988; and rule book 1921;

        Personal papers collections of Sir Frank Short, c1905-1924 (see separate description); Nathaniel Sparks 1916-1923 (see separate description); Thomas Lupton 1827-1854; and John Landseer [1804].

        miscellaneous drawing of Frederick Goulding by James Tissot;

        and collection of tools used by Seymour Haden presented to the society by his family.

        Sin título
        SPARKS, Nathaniel (1880-1957)
        GB 1744 RE SPARKS · Subfondo · 1916-1923

        Papers of Nathaniel Sparks including letters to Sparks from Alfred Bentley, artist and drypoint engraver, 1916-1917, with 2 photographs; and letters and photographs from Malcolm Osborne, 1916-1925.

        Sin título
        GB 2108 KUAS65 · [1890]

        Photograph of the Murdoch family in Ireland c 1890s. Those pictured include William Murdoch and Louise Murdoch with their children Sara, Ella and Hugh. Hugh Murdoch was Iris Murdoch's father, and William and Louise her grandparents. Photograph taken at the Abernethy Studios in Belfast.

        Sin título
        GB 1134 RCAA/ROSW · 1961-ongoing
        Parte de Royal College of Art Archive

        Photographic record of student work completed at the Royal College of Art, 1949-ongoing, including c5000 prints, 1949-1980s, c25,000 slides, 1961-2002, and upwards of 25,000 digital images, 2003-ongoing. The majority of images are installation shots of individual student works across all departments, including Painting, Printmaking, Photography, Sculpture, Ceramics and Glass, GoldsmithingSilversmithing Metalwork and Jewellery, Graphic Design, Illustration, Industrial Design, Interaction Design, Furniture, Design Products, Architecture, Vehicle Design and Textiles. Work exhibited in the Fashion (catwalk and static) shows and final-year exhibitions staged by Curating Contemporary Art students are also included.

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        WILSON, Henry (1864-1934)
        GB 1134 Wilson · [1864-1934]

        Papers of Henry Wilson, comprising correspondence, photographs and presscuttings [1864-1934].

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        HORNE, Herbert Percy (1864-1916)
        GB 1370 WIA, Herbert Horne · Colección · c 1883-1886

        Papers of Herbert Horne, architect and art historian, c 1883-1886, including correspondence with Grace Parkinson and some correspondence with Aby Warburg. Topics covered include: Italian Renaissance Art: Botticelli, Uccello and Piero di Cosimo.

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        Ruskin Letters
        GB 0103 MS ADD 117 · c1844

        Five letters of John Ruskin to the Rev Walter Lucas Brown on watercolour painting; letter to Miss Brown.

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        Donaldson Lectures, notes
        GB 0103 MS ADD 121 · 1863-1864

        Student's notes of lectures given at University College London, session 1863-1864, on fine art and construction by Thomas L Donaldson (1795-1885), first Professor of Architecture.

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        Flaxman Manuscripts
        GB 0103 MS FLAXMAN · 1788

        Manuscript items of John Flaxman, comprising his journal, kept by him in Naples in 1788, consisting of manuscript text and drawings; and a commonplace book containing manuscript notes on sculpture and art and some pencil and ink sketches.

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        Essay on miniature painters
        GB 0096 MS 248 · 1746

        Transcript of a work entitled 'Traitté ou sont enseignées toutes les manières de piendre en mignature, avec plusiers exemples des plus excellens peintres de ce siècle', 1746, comprising an account of the different styles of various miniature painters of that era, notably Louis du Guernier, Jean Eckman, Louis van de Bruggen, Jean Petitot, as well as paintings by Sir Anthony Van Dyck, Claude Vignon and Charles Lebrun.

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        GB 0096 AL15e · Fondo · 1923

        Letter from Sir Edward Henry Busk of Heath End, Checkendon, Oxfordshire to R A Rye. Asking for the name and address of a photographer to reproduce his portrait painted by [John Singer] Sargent, 'as many friends are asking me for a reproduction'.

        Autograph, with signature.

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        Telford, Thomas: letter
        GB 0096 AL478 · Fondo · 1811-[1834]

        Letter from Thomas Telford of Inverness to Rev John Warren, Dean of Bangor, [Caernarfonshire], 23 Sep 1811. Concerning a possible road to pass through Bangor, and giving instructions for the surveyor.

        Autograph, with signature.

        The following items are filed with the letter: (a) an engraving of Thomas Telford (1832); (b) engravings of Menai Bridge, the Vale of Llangollen and Conway, by W Radclyffe (undated); (c) a list of Telford's achievements, set out as if for a memorial plaque [produced after Telford's death in 1834].

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        Burton, Esmond
        GB 0096 MS 974 · Colección · c1955

        Papers of Esmond Burton, c 1955, comprise seven plaster miniatures of working men and women prepared by sculptor Edmond Burton, relating to the bas-reliefs on the three frontages of Bentham House, residence of the Faculty of Laws at University College London. The buidling was originally the headquarters of the General and Municipal Workers' Union (now part of GMB), and was designed by Hubert Lidbetter. Fourteen black and white photographs of the bas-reliefs and construction of the building. Note that the right-hand figure in the 'group of five' photograph is Hubert Lidbetter.

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        Masterpieces of Hogarth
        GB 0096 MS1100 · Colección · c1800-1950

        Masterpieces of Hogarth Scrapbook, c 1800-1950, contains cuttings of a majority of Hogarth's paintings and drawings.

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        BAX, Clifford (1886-1962)
        GB 0100 KCLCA Bax · 1924

        Letter to The Times, with covering letter, in reply to an article by the paper's dramatic critic, Arthur Bingham Walkley, concerning Expressionism, 1924.

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        Anisionov Collection
        GB 0369 ANI · c 1929

        Photographs of Russian icons intended to give "a picture of the development of ancient Russian icon painting" with an introduction signed by Anisionov and brief descriptions of each photograph. Inserted in the album are notes on an exhibition "Russia: her soul through the ages in life and art", 18 November 1929.

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