Foreign aid

Elements area


Scope note(s)

  • Aid from the viewpoint of the donor country.
  • Aide envisagée du point de vue du pays donateur.
  • Ayuda desde el punto de vista del país donante.

Source note(s)


Hierarchical terms

Equivalent terms

Foreign aid

  • UF Aide extérieure
  • UF Assistance extérieure
  • UF Apoyo al exterior
  • UF Asistencia al exterior

Associated terms

Foreign aid

6 Archival description results for Foreign aid

6 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
Agence France Presse
GB 0102 PP MS 13 · 1965-1972

Press reports, 1965-1972, of Agence France Presse from Jakarta, Indonesia, chiefly by Brian May, on foreign affairs, including relations with Malaysia, Japan, the United States, and others; foreign aid; visits of overseas politicians; political affairs, including the Indonesian Communist party and Muslim parties; political unrest, including student militancy; the Chinese community; natural disasters and disease; sport; affairs in West Irian (Irian Jaya); economic policy, industry, mining and agriculture.

Agence France Presse , French news agency
GB 0099 KCLMA Collier · Created 1968-1969

Correspondence relating to Collier's work as Air Attaché in Moscow, 1934-1937, and as Head of the Air Section of the British Military Mission to Moscow, 1941, with particular reference to the role of Brig Gen Philip R Faymonville, United States Army, Military Attaché and later Lend-Lease Administrator in Moscow, 1934-1943, in relations between the USA and the USSR during the period 1918-1943, consisting of photocopies of letters to Collier from Lt Col Thomas A Julian, Associate Professor of History at the USAF Academy and carbon copies of Collier's replies, dated 1968-1969.

Collier , Sir , (Alfred) Conrad , 1895-1986 , Knight , Air Vice Marshal
LMA/4288 · Collection · 1852-1998

The collection consists of records relating to the Dietrich Bonhoeffer Church and other German Churches in London, 1852-1998: Saint Georg (Alie Street, London E1), Saint Paul (Goulston Street, London E1), Camberwell Church (Denmark Hill SE5), Saint Marien (Sandwich Street, WC1) and Brighton Church. The greater part of the collection originated from Pastor Dr Julius Rieger (reponsible for the parish 1945-1953) and Pastor Wallman who assisted Rieger from 1951. The records also include the archives of the Camberwell Church which closed in 1914.

The collection includes papers relating to Church Constitution and meetings; Council correspondence; relations with the church in Germany; pastoral correspondence; Parish history and statistics; papers relating to staff including Pastors and Curates; registers of baptisms, confirmations, weddings and burials, 1876-1977; records of services held; hymn books, prayer books and sermons; records of different Church organisations and societies; newsletters; correspondence with German prisoners-of-war, correspondence regarding the organisation of aid for prisoners of war and prisoner of war camp newspapers and newsletters, Second World War; correspondence regarding the organisation of aid for refugees, Second World War; correspondence regarding aid for post-Second World War Germany; papers regarding the welfare of German immigrants in Great Britain; financial and legal papers relating to property; papers relating to Church buildings and Vicarage buildings.

Papers relating to other German congregations including registers of baptisms, confirmations, marriages and deaths for the Camberwell Church, 1854-1914; administrative papers of the Camberwell Church; papers relating to other German churches both in London and Great Britain; papers relating to work with other Lutheran churches and the Union of Lutheran churches; reports, conference papers and correspondence from the German-speaking Evangelical Synod in Great Britain; correspondence and other papers from the Geistlicher Rat (Lutheran Council); papers regarding relations with other churches and copies of the Inter-congregational newsletter.

Publications including pamphlets, newsletters, booklets and press cuttings; photographs of Pastors, church members and church buildings.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer Church xx German Evangelical Church , Sydenham
GB 0099 KCLMA MF 358-360 (USSR and Eastern Europe); 374-383 (Western Europe); MF 523-532 (Asia and the Pacific) · 1961-1963, 1987

The John F Kennedy National Security Files, 1961-1963, reproduces in microfilm memoranda, cables, intelligence projections, telegrams, conversations, correspondence and special studies relating specifically to the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) and Central Europe, Asia and the Pacific and Western Europe. The collection provides documents maintained and organised by NSC adviser McGeorge Bundy and his staff of 'New Frontiersmen' and relate to foreign policy and national security issues including US attempts to achieve a state of détente with the Soviet Union, 1961-1963; US political, ideological and psychological perceptions of the First Secretary of the Soviet Communist Party, Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchev, 1961-1963; the development of nuclear weapons technology and the massive build-up of nuclear deterrent forces, 1961-1963; the expansion and modernisation of US conventional forces to permit a 'flexible response' to Third World threats, 1961-1963; the establishment of guerrilla warfare programmes, 1961-1963; increased US economic and technical aid to the Third World under the Alliance for Progress; the Berlin Crisis and the resultant construction of the Berlin Wall, Aug 1961; statements issued by Deputy Secretary of Defense Roswell Gilpatric relating to American nuclear second strike capabilities, 1961; the Cuban Missile Crisis and its aftermath, 1962; Kennedy's promotion of the 'Grand Design', increased economic and military trade with Europe; US reactions to growing West European scepticism of US nuclear deterrence; the increased US political and military commitment to Vietnam, including mention of the South Vietnamese military coup d'état which overthrew President, Ngo Dinh Diem, 1 Nov 1963.

National Security Council and McGeorge Bundy, Special Assistant for National Security Affairs,
GB 0099 KCLMA Pitchforth · Created [1943-1944]

Copy of dossier containing maps, plans and technical data on the port of Boulogne, produced by the Director of Ports and Inland Water Transport, War Office, for the use of port construction and repair companies engaged on the rehabilitation of ports damaged by enemy action, [1943-1944].

GB 0099 KCLMA Waite · Created 1942-[1953]

Papers relating to his RAF career, 1942-[1953], principally comprising correspondence relating to the development of a submersible target at RAF St Eval, Cornwall, 1942, dated 1948; manuscript notes on the problems of establishing Coastal Command Station, Nassau, Bahamas, as a training centre for Coastal Liberator crews, 1942; official report on the RAF occupation of Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, 5-11 May 1945; printed reports on the progress of air disarmament in Germany in 1944-1946, produced by British Air Forces of Occupation, 1945-1947; correspondence relating to his work as Director of Air Branch, Control Commission, Berlin, 1947-1949, and to the planning of the Berlin Airlift, 1948-1949; official report on organisation and structure of Berlin Airlift administration; RAF training course notes and papers, 1950; papers relating to his service as Assistant Chief of Staff, Allied Air Forces Central Europe, [1951-1953], notably including photographs of Waite, [1951-1953]; published RAF manuals, 1948, 1950.
