
Elements area


Scope note(s)

  • Manner in which power and authority are exercised by both public and private bodies. Includes such issues as public sector management, legal framework, accountability and transparency.
  • Manière dont le pouvoir et l'autorité sont exercés, tant par les organismes publics que privés. Recouvre des questions telles que la gestion du secteur public, le cadre juridique, la responsabilité et la transparence.
  • Forma de ejercer el poder y la autoridad de los organismos públicos y privados. Incluye cuestiones como la gestión del sector público, el marco jurídico, la responsabilidad y la transparencia.

Source note(s)


Hierarchical terms

2 Archival description results for Governance

2 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
GB 378 GSL/AGM · Series · 1809-current
Part of Records of the Geological Society of London

Records of the Annual General Meetings of the Geological Society of London, 1809-current, comprising:

Rough manuscript minutes of the AGMs of the Geological Society of London, 1840-1891; Fair copies of the minutes of the AGMs of the Geological Society of London, 1844-current [incomplete]; Papers presented at AGMs, including President's agenda, ballot papers, scrutineer reports listing newly elected Council members, Officers and Fellows of the Society [pdf format after 2009], 1941-current; Printed ballot papers to elect Officers and members of Council, 1919, 1963-1996; Tickets, menus, programmes relating to the Anniversary Dinner, later President's Evening, 1853-1998; Printed notices and other ephemera regarding Annual General Meetings, 1809-1902.

Geological Society of London
GB 378 GSL/CM · Series · 1810-current
Part of Records of the Geological Society of London

Records of the Council of the Geological Society of London, 1810-current, comprising:

Minutes of the meetings of Council, 1810-current; Rough manuscript minutes of the meetings of Council, 1838-1905; Agendas for the meetings of Council, 1843-1979; Alphabetical subject indices to the minutes of the meetings of Council of the Geological Society of London, 1810-1981; Volumes containing of signatures of Council members attending Council meetings, 1882-2003; Annual reports, 1810-2010; Resolutions of Council, 1868-1931; Register of the letters presented at Council meetings, 1901-1912; Correspondence and papers relating to the meetings of Council, 1918-current.

Council of the Geological Society of London , 1810-