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      Hiërarchische termen

      Gelijksoortige termen


      • UF Groupement
      • UF Agrupación
      • UF Agrupamiento

      174 Archivistische beschrijving results for Groups

      174 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
      GB 0074 LMA/4462/S · Collectie · [1990]-2000

      Records of the African Caribbean and Minorities 2000 Cooperative. This material consists of a draft letter introducing the idea for a cooperative and a list of invited persons.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0074 LMA/4539 · Collectie · 1971-1989

      Records of the Southwark and Lambeth Group of the Campaign for Homosexual Equality. The records reflect a number of issues being dealt with by gay rights campaigners in the '70s including the trial of Gay News for blasphemy, the fight against fascism, and an involvement in women's and lesbian rights. Local matters touched on in the papers include the branch's deliberation over joining the Southwark Campaign against Rascism and Fascism, and application for recognition by the national council.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0074 LMA/4540 · Collectie · 1991-1995

      Papers of Lesbian London Publications, producers of the Lesbian London newsletter. The archive includes a file of over a hundred completed (anonymous) survey forms, relating to lifestyle, relationships and feedback on Lesbian London (LMA/4540/03/007). Other papers include minutes; correspondence; press releases; financial accounts; papers relating to advertising; issues of the newsletter and photographs.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0074 LMA/4622 · Collectie · 1866-2007

      Records of the Casual Club, 1866-2007, including minutes, papers and correspondence concerning administrative issues, membership cards, members' directories, attendance books, subscription books, papers and correspondence concerning members, lecture material, photographs of members, account books, papers and correspondence relating to accounts, printed histories of the club, meetings' programmes and an engraved gavel.

      Zonder titel
      SPRAGGS, Gillian (b 1952)
      LMA/4616 · Collectie · 1980-199-

      Records of Gillian Spraggs, 1980-199-, including numerous leaflets, pamphlets, magazines and posters produced, printed and publicised by various gay and lesbian action and support groups during the latter part of the 20th century. Many of them advertise the existence and need for such support groups, while others work to promote necessary information and advice for lesbians and gays who had either suffered from discrimination or wanted to help campaign against such discrimination. They document the campaign against the introduction of Clause 27 and the campaign to ensure equality and equal opportunities for lesbians and gays within the work place.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0074 A/NEA · Collectie · 1887-1959

      Records of the National Education Association, including minutes; papers relating to the formation and endowment of the Association; financial accounts; annual reports; correspondence; case files; NEA publications; other publications; Parliamentary publications; circulars from the Ministry of Education; education pamphlets and reference papers.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0074 A/PMC · Collectie · 1899-1967

      Records of the London Council for the Promotion of Public Morality, later known as the Public Morality Council. Scarcely any of the early records survive, the earliest useful series being the annual reports, 1901-1913 and 1932-1954. Minutes of the council and its sub-committees cover 1940-1965.

      Records include constitution of the Council; Council and committees minutes and papers; membership lists for the council and committees; annual reports; papers relating to annual public meetings and Hyde Park meetings; paper relating to conferences and talks; general correspondence; financial accounts; records relating to links with other societies, both national and international; PMC publications and related magazines, films and other publications.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0074 A/SCA · Collectie · 1892-1952

      Records of the Society for Checking the Abuses of Public Advertising (SCAPA), including Executive Committee minute books; financial accounts; lists of members; correspondence, including letters relating to subscriptions, byelaws, cases and litter; petitions; annual reports; publications by SCAPA and others; newspaper cuttings and posters.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0074 CLC/017 · Collectie · 1844-1962

      Records of the Union Society of London, debating society. They comprise: regulations, 1877-1938 (Ms 22403-4); minutes, 1844-1947 (Ms 22405-6); report re treasurer's account, 1904 (Ms 22407); records concerning members, 1876-ca. 1959 (Ms 22408-10); accounts, 1862-1962 (Ms 22411-16); instructions regarding procedures, undated (Ms 22417); papers regarding the history of the Society, 1885-ca. 1924 (Ms 22418-19); and papers regarding debates, speeches and annual dinners, 1921-58 (Ms 22420-3). Although the Society appears to have ceased meeting formally in 1957 or 1958 (notices of debates last appear in the Law Journal for 1957), two of its members continued to pay subscriptions until 1961/2 (Ms 22413). Records catalogued by a member of Guildhall Library staff in 1987.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0074 CLC/100 · Collectie · 1788-1793

      Membership list of the Revolution Society in London.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0074 CLC/181 · Collectie · 1732-1909

      Records of the Protestant Dissenting Deputies, comprising three series of committee minute books and one secretary's letter book.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0074 ACC/1446 · Collectie · 1903-1975

      Records of the London Liberal Party, including minutes and accounts of the London Liberal Foundation; minutes of the Holborn Liberal Association; minutes of the Peckham and Camberwell Liberal Association; and financial accounts of the Willesden East Liberal Association.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0074 ACC/3122 · Collectie · 1833-1992

      Records of the National Licensed Victuallers Association including administrative papers; minutes; papers regarding banquets and official dinners; annual reports; publications; badges and banners.

      Other records include papers and publications of related organisations including the Licensed Victuallers Central Protection Society of London; the London and Home Counties Licensed Victuallers League; Licensed Victuallers Defence League; National Union of Licensed Victuallers; Women's Auxiliary League (Licensed Trade) and the National Committee for the Protection of Tenant Licensees.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0074 ACC/3162 · Collectie · 1928-1977

      Papers of the British Records Association, comprising:
      ACC/3162/BRA/01: Foundation Papers;
      ACC/3162/BRA/02: Council and Committees;
      ACC/3162/BRA/03: Conferences and Annual General meetings;
      ACC/3162/BRA/04: Finance and Treasurer's Papers;
      ACC/3162/BRA/05: Committees;
      ACC/3162/BRA/06: Secretary's Files;
      ACC/3162/BRA/07: Publications;
      ACC/3162/BRA/08: Archives publication and Editor's Papers;
      ACC/3162/BRA/09: Technical Section;
      ACC/3162/BRA/10: Legislation;
      ACC/3162/BRA/11: Staff;
      ACC/3162/BRA/12: Press Cuttings.

      Papers of the Records Preservation Section, comprising:
      ACC/3162/RPS/01: Committee minutes and papers;
      ACC/3162/RPS/02: Correspondence;
      ACC/3162/RPS/03: Correspondence and memoranda;
      ACC/3162/RPS/04: Publications;
      ACC/3162/RPS/05: Correspondence and circulars;
      ACC/3162/RPS/06: Correspondence concerning types;
      ACC/3162/RPS/07: Salvage correspondence;
      ACC/3162/RPS/08: Correspondence concerning staff;
      ACC/3162/RPS/09: Related documentation;
      ACC/3162/RPS/10: Family and Estate records;
      ACC/3162/RPS/11: Related documentation;
      ACC/3162/RPS/12: Minutes;
      ACC/3162/RPS/13: Administrative files.

      Zonder titel
      GB 106 TWL.badge · 1907-2000

      As at Jan 2009, The Women's Library held approximately 562 badges in the Museum Collection, with c 200 additional badges identified in the archives.

      The earliest badges held in The Women's Library were produced by women's suffrage campaigns, organisations represented include: the National Union of Women's Suffrage Societies, the Women's Social and Political Union, Women's Freedom League, and faith-based organisations such as the Catholic Women's Suffrage Society and the Jewish League for Women's Suffrage.

      In addition, the collection contains women's liberation movement and contemporary badges dating from the 1970s to the present day. It includes a selection of badges produced by women's anti-nuclear and peace organisations, campaigns against male violence, pro-choice (abortion) organisations and lesbian support and campaigning groups.

      A small number of modern women's campaigning jewellery items, such as earrings and pendants that are currently stored in this collection.

      Zonder titel
      London Trades Council
      GB 1924 London Trades Council · 1860-1971

      Records of the London Trades Council, 1860-1971, comprising: Minute books, 1860-1971, series also contains minutes of TUC General Arrangements Committee, 1901-1902, and extracts of minutes relating to the National Workmen's Exhibition, 1892; Annual Reports, 1873-1878, 1882-1888, 1890-1899, 1913-1915, 1924, 1926-1927, 1929-1930, 1932, 1935-1952; Press cuttings 1885-1886, 1930-1947, 1954-1957; Account Book, 1860-1874; Minutes of Central Workers' Committee on Unemployment, 1905-1907; Jubilee Souvenir, 1860-1910; London Joint Advisory Council of Trade Unionists and Co-operators: Annual Report, 1919-1920; file of correspondence/nomination forms on representation on outside bodies, 1970-1971.

      Zonder titel
      Anti-Racist Alliance
      GB 0372 ARA · Archief · 1990-1994

      Papers and correspondence of the Anti-Racist Alliance, [1990-1994].

      Zonder titel
      GB 0372 AYRO · Archief · 1985-1987

      Papers of Action on Youth Rights and Opportunities (AYRO) (1985-1987), including: YTS Training flyers; 1985, correspondence with various organisations and government bodies such as Greater London Council and The Advertising Standards Authority, 1985-1986; conference papers, 1985-1986; Workshop Bulletin for Training and Employment, 1985-1987.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0372 CAMAC · Archief · 1970-1972

      Papers of the Campaign Against Museum Charges (1970-1972), including: file of papers, correspondence and press cuttings regarding CAMAC and the campaign against museum admission charges, 1970-1972; posters for the campaign against museum charges, produced by CAMAC, including poster designed by Alan Fletcher and Colin Forbes, winner of a British Poster Design Award for 1971-72, n.d.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0101 PG.BG · 1956-1992

      Letters, press cuttings, manifestos, constitutions, resolutions and pamphlets issued by the Bangladesh Scheduled Castes' Federation and the Commission for Justice and Peace, reflecting the interests of Bangladesh political pressure groups.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0101 PG.CE · 1979-

      Pamphlets, press releases, conference reports and declarations, 1979 onwards, issued by the Association of Tamils for a United Sri Lanka, the Movement for Inter Racial Justice and Equality (Sri Lanka), the National Peace Council of Sri Lanka and the Sri Lanka Foundation.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0101 PG.NZ · 1971-

      Pamphlets, leaflets, addresses, papers, posters, stickers, letters, newsletters, press cuttingas and other miscellaneous materials, 1971 onwards, issued at national and local level by the Apartheid Information Centre, the Auckland Committee on Racism and Discrimination, the Auckland Council for Civil Liberties, the Campaign Against Foreign Control in New Zealand, the Campaign for Better Government, the Campaign for Equality (New Zealand), the Citizens Association for Racial Equality, the Coalition Against Police Oppression (N.Z.), the Coalition for Open Government (N.Z.), the Federated Farmers of New Zealand, the Freedom Leadership Foundation Inc. (N.Z.), Halt All Racist Tours (HART), the Maori Organisation on Human Rights, the National Anti-Apartheid Committee (N.Z.), the National Council of Women of New Zealand, the National Interest Day Campaign Organisation (N.Z.), the New Zealand Anti-Common Market Association, the New Zealand Coalition for Trade and Development, the New Zealand Council for Civil Liberties, the New Zealand Employers Federation, the New Zealand League of Rights, the New Zealand Nuclear Free Zone Committee, the New Zealand Race Relations Council, the New Zealand Women's Electoral Lobby, Public Eyes (New Zealand), the Progressive Youth Movement (New Zealand), the South Island Movement (New Zealand), the Wellington Marxist-Leninist Organisation, the Wellington Organisation for Women Incorporated, and the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (New Zealand Section).

      Zonder titel
      GB 0101 PP.MM · 1955-

      Newspapers, journals, pamphlets, speeches, press releases, policy declarations, reports, press excerpts and other miscellaneous materials, from 1955 onwards, issued by the Christian Workers Party (Malta), the Democratic Christian Party (Malta), the Democratic Nationalist Party (Malta), the General Workers' Union of Malta, the Malta Labour Party, the Maltese Labour Movement (U.K.), the Nationalist Party (Malta), and the Progressive Constitutional Party (Malta).

      Zonder titel
      GB 0101 PP.SL · 1951-

      Sierra Leone political material, 1951 onwards, including constitutions, announcements of meetings, manifestos, resolutions, speeches, conference reports, declarations, electoral guides, court statements and pamphlets issued by the All People's Congress Party (Sierra Leone), the Electoral Commission (Sierra Leone), independent candidates, the National Unity Party, the Sierra Leone and Israel Friendship Association, the Sierra Leone Alliance Movement, the Sierra Leone Democratic Party and the Sierra Leone People's Party.

      Zonder titel
      GB 2925 LAGNA · 1930s-1990s

      Over 80,000 newspaper and journal cuttings from national and local press, 1930s-1990s, covering all aspects of gay life from the 1930s to the present time. The range of topics covered in the collection is very broad and includes arts and the media (film, television, theatre, literature, and entertainment), censorship and obscenity laws, counselling and sex education, employment, international and British lesbian and gay organisations, sexual law reform, trials, prisons, lesbian and gay politics, "the pink economy", religion, transsexuals, transvestism, sex education, health and biographies. The collection is of prime interest to those studying visual culture and the influence of the media on public and private attitudes, but also to law students, twentieth century historians, psychologists and social scientists. The collection also includes a complete bound set of Gay News and its photograph collection, a nearly complete set of Gay Times, and a collection of banners (including those of OutRage!), badges, T-shirts and other artefacts.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0097 COLL MISC 0456 · 1916-1992

      This collection consists of the records of the main Fellowship of Reconciliation, England, supplemented with the records of the London Union of the FoR, the Ilford and Hornchurch branch, and the papers of Stella St John relating to her imprisonment as a consequence of her pacifist position during World War Two. The records of the main Fellowship of Reconciliation, England cover the period 1915-1962 and consist almost entirely of the minute books of the various committees and sub-groups of the organisation. Also included are albums of press cuttings and other ephemera relating to F T Haddon Bradley's conscientious objection in 1917. The records of the London Union cover the period 1916-1978 and consist of correspondence, minutes of various meetings including the annual meeting, accounts, campaign papers, policy papers, conference papers, press cuttings and reports of the London Union.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0097 HCA/Campaign for Homosexual Equality · 1940-1996
      Part of HALL-CARPENTER Archives

      Papers of the Campaign for Homosexual Equality (CHE), 1940-1996, notably Annual Reports, 1973-1983, 1986; Executive Committee minutes, 1971-[1996], and election papers, 1971-1977; Executive Committee papers, 1970-[1996], including reports, abstracts, leaflets, conference papers and circulars; minutes of the Management Committee, 1975-1977; papers of the National Council, 1971-1981; material relating to CHE publications, 1969-1982, including copies of the Bulletin, 1970-1974, the Broadsheet, 1975-1980, and Out magazine, 1976-1977, as well as numerous newsletters and financial files relating to sales; administrative correspondence of the CHE Executive Committee, 1970-[1996], including the Chairman, the General Secretary, the Administration Officer, and the Information Officer; correspondence relating to membership of CHE, 1970-1976; correspondence with local and national gay organisations, 1970-1981; general correspondence, 1970-1987, on subjects including the media, discrimination, police harassment, homosexual law reform; CHE financial papers, 1965-[1996], including committee papers, account books and invoices; substantial numbers of papers concerning the activities of local CHE groups, 1970-[1996], from throughout the UK; material relating to the organisation of CHE conferences, 1972-[1996]; subject files compiled for CHE working parties and campaigns, 1970-[1996], mainly relating to homosexual law reform, discrimination, the women's movement, the media, education, the homosexual age of consent and AIDS; reports compiled by CHE, 1976-1981, relating to gay rights; leaflets and pamphlets, 1970-1982, of CHE and other gay organisations; material collated by CHE regarding other organisations, 1960-[1996], notably the Gay Activists Alliance, the Gay Liberation Front, Outrage!, Outright Scotland, the National Lesbian and Gay Health Foundation and the Lesbian and Gay Switchboard; general papers, 1940-1987, including posters, newsletters, conference papers, National Council papers, CHE accounts, and material concerning gay student groups; papers of the Discrimination Commission, 1976-1980, including chairman's papers, treasurer's documents, case files, reports, conference papers and press cuttings.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0097 HCA/GMAP · 1980-1983
      Part of HALL-CARPENTER Archives

      Papers of the Gay Monitoring and Archive Project of the Campaign for Homosexual Equality, including newsletters, indices and general papers about the work of the project, 1980-1983.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0097 HCA/Grey Papers · 1958-1992
      Part of HALL-CARPENTER Archives

      Papers of Antony Grey, 1958-1992, comprising the following: Material relating to the Homosexual Law Reform Society (and its later incarnation, the Sexual Law Reform Society), 1958-1984, including minutes, correspondence and papers of the Executive Committee; draft sexual offences bills, 1958-1966; correspondence with members of parliament and papers relating to parliamentary debates on sexual law reforms, 1963-1965; general correspondence, 1963-1982, with respondents including the Home Office, the Campaign for Homosexual Equality, and the HLRS Honorary Committee; reports and memoranda, 1958-1980, on the Wolfenden Report, the Sexual Offences Act (1967), and the homosexual age of consent; material relating to conferences and seminars, 1974-1984.
      Material relating to the Albany Trust, 1958-1990, notably copies of the original 1958 Albany Trust deed; minutes of the Trustees, and the Development Committee, Management Committee and the Counselling Service, 1966-1983; internal and general correspondence, 1963-1981, mainly relating to the officers of the Trust, grant applications, the National Federation of Homophile Organisations, Gay News, the Speijer Report and the National Viewers and Listeners Association; questionnaire and analysis of the Social Needs Survey, 1970-1972; financial material, 1964-1979; copies and drafts of Albany Trust publications on gay issues, 1966-1970. Material relating to the Albany Society, 1968-1992, including the memorandum and articles of association, 1968; minutes of the Annual General meeting, 1969-1991; members' correspondence, 1978-1991; correspondence and papers relating to financial matters, 1979-1992, including annual accounts, grants and fundraising; briefings and memoranda on various, 1980-1990, including counselling, AIDS, and social services. Working papers and other material, [1960]-1991, on subjects including homosexual law reform (including in Scotland and Northern Ireland), rape, prostitution and street offences, treatment for sex offenders, venereal disease, sex education, censorship, homosexuality and religion, homophobia, homophile organisations, AIDS, and the Albany Trust and HLRS archives. This section also includes notes, drafts and texts for speeches and articles on the above subjects. Papers relating to other gay campaigns, 1987-1991, including an OLGA conference on legislation for lesbian and gay rights, and opposition to Clause 28 and the Criminal Justice Act (1991).

      Zonder titel
      GB 0097 HCA/Joint Council for Gay Teenagers · 1970-1983
      Part of HALL-CARPENTER Archives

      Papers of the Joint Council for Gay Teenagers, 1970-1983, including minutes, 1978-1981; 4 issues of Gay Youth newsletter, 1970; correspondence, 1979-1983, relating to business, international links, counselling and surveys; financial material relating to Breaking the silence: gay teenagers speak for themselves (JCGT, London, 1981), 1981; material relating to campaigns and working parties, 1978-1981, including parliamentary lobbying and law reform; reports and articles, 1980-1982, mainly relating to the homosexual age of consent; pamphlets, 1970 and 1976-1982, mainly drafts of Breaking the silence and other material relating to young people and homosexuality.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0097 HCA/Robert Palmer papers · 1970-1983
      Part of HALL-CARPENTER Archives

      Papers of Robert Palmer, 1970-1983, mainly relating to gay rights, and including correspondence created during his role as Treasurer and Chair of the Campaign for Homosexual Equality (CHE), 1976-1980, notably relating to the media, the administration of CHE, research and surveys into homosexuality, local groups, and publications; financial papers of CHE, 1973-1981, including general accounts and progress reports, material relating to fund raising activities, and Treasurer's papers; minutes of the CHE Executive Committee management group, 1977-1978; minutes of the Gay Rights Committee of the National Council for Civil Liberties, 1978; CHE administrative and working files, 1970-1981, on subjects including the history of CHE, the Friend counselling service, education, social services, Gays in Media, women's issues and campaigns, trade unions, law reform and legal campaigns, and discrimination cases; correspondence and newsletters relating to CHE local groups, 1976-1980; CHE conference papers, 1975-1980; CHE files on other gay organisations, 1975-1980; CHE files on anti-gay associations, 1976-1983, gathered by Palmer under a pseudonym; CHE files on international gay organisations, 1973-1980; CHE reports and articles, 1976-1980; personal papers of Palmer, 1977-1980, mainly relating to his work for CHE.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0097 HCA/Tatchell papers · Deelarchief · 1966-2007
      Part of HALL-CARPENTER Archives

      Papers of Peter Tatchell, 1966-2007, including press cuttings, articles [by Tatchell] and letters to the press, 1984-[2000], on subjects including government policy on AIDS, lesbian and gay equality, ethnic minorities, green socialism, European strategies for socialism, South Africa, the Church of England, Clause 28, relations between the police and the gay community, and papers relating to Stonewall, OutRage! and Act Up; material relating to campaigns and protests, 1983-[2000], notably the Bermondsey by-election of 1983, AIDS research, lesbian and gay rights in Europe and South Africa, gays and the military, the homosexual age of consent, psychiatric treatment of lesbians, gays and bisexuals, gay marriage, Clause 28, Labour Party policy on gay rights, homophobic violence, and Tatchell's trial at Canterbury Magistrates Court following OutRage!'s Easter Sunday protest in 1998; writings, interviews, press cuttings, texts of speeches and correspondence relating to Tatchell's activism, 1971-2007, especially relating to his work for gay rights.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0097 HCA/Woods papers · 1983-1993
      Part of HALL-CARPENTER Archives

      Papers collated by Christopher Woods, 1983-1993, on gay issues, notably subject files concerning HIV/AIDS, including leaflets and press releases of the Terence Higgins Trust and Gay Men Fighting AIDS, campaigns against the Church of England, overseas issues and organisations, the outing of closet homosexuals, and discrimination against gay men and women in the tabloid press; files containing leaflets and correspondence relating to gay organisations, 1983-1993, including Stonewall, Outrage!, the Gay London Policing Group (GALOP), the International Lesbian and Gay Organisation and Amnesty International, London Gay and Lesbian Centre and the National Council for Civil Liberties.

      Zonder titel
      Kindred of the Kibbo Kift
      GB 0097 KK · Collectie · 1919-1993

      Papers of the Kibbo Kift Kindred, the Green Shirt Movement for Social Credit, and the Social Credit Party, 1919-[1989], notably administrative material, 1928-1932, including the Kinlaw with suggested improvements, reports and minutes of the Kin Council, constitutional papers, and mandates and charters of individual members and clans; material concerning rituals, vestments and totems, 1923-1930, including correspondence and designs; material concerning teaching undertaken by the Kindred, 1924-[1932]; administrative material of the Green Shirt Movement and the Social Credit Party, 1932-1951, comprising annual reports, minutes and papers of the National Assembly, the Consultative Council and the Executive Council, and membership records; correspondence of the General Secretary and other officials, 1929-1952; correspondence and files on particular subjects, 1932-1951, including Social Credit, the Public Order Act, and SCP candidates in the general elections of 1935 and 1950; publications and propaganda for all three organisations, 1921-1950, also including drafts of articles, song sheets and poems, play scripts, and newspaper cuttings; correspondence with, and material on, other social credit organisations, 1933-1949; papers of individual members, 1921-1951; photographs of Kibbo Kift activities, [1921-1931], including photographs taken by Angus Rowland McBean; photographs relating to the Green Shirt Movement and the Social Credit Party, [1933-1950]; sound recordings, [1979], including interviews with John and Diana Hargrave relating to the Kibbo Kift; printed materials and periodicals, 1919-1965; photocopies of books by John Hargrave, 1924-1964; material deposited by the Kibbo Kift Foundation concerning its inception, history and continuing activities, 1976-[1989], such as photographs of Kibbo Kift activities taken by Angus Rowland McBean.
      Also two additional accessions deposited in 2002:
      M3153: Additional correspondence and papers relating to the Kibbo Kift, the Social Credit movement and John Hargrave. Also papers relating to the foundation of the Kibbo Kift Foundation, 1921-1993.
      M3135: The Log of the Vagari Lodge of the Kibbo Kift and related papers, 1930-1982.

      Zonder titel
      National Peace Council
      GB 0097 NATIONAL PEACE COUNCIL · Collectie · 1908-1973

      Minute books of the National Peace Council, Executive and Finance committees; annual reports; NPC print material, including 'Peace Year Book'; and papers relating to the London Council for the Prevention of War and the United World Education and Research Trust.

      Zonder titel
      Progressive League
      GB 0097 PROGRESSIVE LEAGUE · Collectie · 1939-2001

      Minutes of the Council and standing committees; constitution of the Progressive League; 'Plan', the League journal; correspondence concerning conference arrangements; papers relating to the Committee of Enquiry on the treatment of children deprived of a normal home life; correspondence with members and MPs, and concerning the publication of 'Plan'; and financial papers.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0366 GRT · Collectie · 1971-2001

      Papers of the Group Relations Training Association (GTRA), 1971-2001, comprising GTRA publications including leaflets; fliers for special events, 1983-1990; Annual General Meeting notices and reports, 1983-1986; Calendar of Events, 1983-1986; Newsletter, 1973, 1983-1992; conference fliers, 1983-1984 and 1993-1994; Annual Training Laboratory fliers, 1983-1991; Bulletin, 1976-1988; 'Group Relations', 1989-1992 and 'The Groupvine', 1992-1995. Papers relating to conferences, mainly comprising committee minutes, planning materials and conference notes, 1971-1988. Papers relating to the Training Labs including on finance, correspondence, membership and applications, 1981-1995. Papers relating to the Executive Committee including minutes and papers on membership and publicity, 1971-1989. Papers on GTRA events including 'The gift relationship', at Beechwood College, Leeds, 1981; 'Women and men' workshop, 1981; 'Mini-Society' event at Beechwood College, Leeds, 1983; 'Mini-economy' event at Beechwood College, Leeds, 1985; 'Mini-economy II' event, 1986 (cancelled) and Berlin Summer School ('Men and women in groups'), 1987. Cassette tapes, including of an interview with Cary Cooper on T groups, 13 Mar 1986; a GRTA Workshop, 2 Sep 1983 and a rehearsal for GRTA Conference, 1985. Academic papers on training groups including PhD thesis by Nod Miller 1989, 'Personal experience, adult learning and social research: developing a sociological imagination in and beyond the T-Group' (University of Manchester) and MSc in Group Relations thesis by Guy Marsden Wareing 2001, 'Pilgrim's Process: making sense of experiential group events through narrative accounts of participants' (University of the West of England, Bristol).

      Zonder titel
      GB 0074 ACC/1158 · Collectie · 1906-1968

      Records of the Wood Green and Lower Tottenham Conservative Association, including minutes of the Southgate Conservative and Unionist Association; Executive Committee and Entertainments Committee minutes of the Palmers Green Unionist Association; financial accounts for the Wood Green Constitutional Association; Executive and General Purposes Committee minutes for the Women's Constitutional Association Wood Green Branch; and minutes, correspondence and papers relating to ward organisation for the Wood Green and Tottenham Conservative Association.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0074 ACC/1267 · Collectie · 1923-1971

      Records of the Southall Labour Party, comprising minutes, financial accounts and membership records for the Uxbridge Divisional Labour Party, the Southall and Norwood Trades Council and Labour Party, and the Southall Divisional/Constituency Labour Party.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0074 CLC/011 · Collectie · 1882-1972

      Records of the Metropolitan Public Gardens Association, comprising: minutes, 1882-1972 (Ms 11097, 22284-5); subscription books, 1884-1957 (Ms 11098); financial records, 1884-1965 (Ms 11099-103); correspondence and related papers, [1857?]-1914 (Ms 21670-1); deeds, surveys and plans 1883-1958 (Ms 22286-8); reports and other papers, 1920-51 (Ms 22289-92); financial records relating to the wartime allotment gardens scheme, 1939-43 (Ms 22293-4); and records of London Children's Gardens Fund, 1921-62 (Ms 22295-7). They were catalogued by members of Guildhall Library staff between 1963 and 1987.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0074 CLC/018 · Collectie · 1877-2004

      Records of the United Wards Club covering 1877-1996 and comprising: minutes, 1877-2004 (Ms 11722-4, 19293, 21481); registers of members, 1902-59 (Ms 19294); financial records, 1910-65 (Ms 19295-6, 20352); transactions, 1907-29 (Ms 21483); and miscellaneous papers, 1951-96 (Ms 21482, 30762, 36859). They were catalogued by members of Guildhall Library staff between 1966 and 2006.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0074 CLC/033 · Collectie · 1859-1874

      Records of the Bishopsgate Ward Ratepayers Association, comprising: minute books, 1862-74 (Ms 21144); and rough minute book, 1859-62 (Ms 21145).

      Zonder titel
      GB 0074 CLC/034 · Collectie · 1801-1948

      Records of the Bouverie Society, a social club for pawnbrokers. The records comprise: rules, 1934 (Ms 22321); minutes, 1801-1948 (Ms 22322); visitors' book, 1935-45 (Ms 22323); miscellaneous papers, 1897-1914 (Ms 22324-5); and photograph albums, late 19th century-early 20th century (Ms 22326).

      Zonder titel
      GB 0074 CLC/088 · Collectie · 1894-1963

      London Municipal Society records comprising annual general meetings minutes, 1894-1962 (Ms 19526); council meetings minutes, 1894-1950 (Ms 19527); and executive committee meetings minutes, 1894-1963 (Ms 19528).

      Zonder titel
      GB 0074 CLC/106 · Collectie · 1873-1898

      Records of the Society of Junior Clergy in London, comprising minutes and annual reports.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0074 ACC/1338 · Collectie · 1915-1954

      Records of the South Ealing Conservative Association, comprising minute books; minutes and reports of the Young Britons club; and minutes of the Junior branch (later the Young Conservatives).

      Zonder titel
      GB 0074 ACC/1632 · Collectie · 1890-1900

      Records of the London County Council (LCC) Progressive Society, comprising minutes of the Society, including agendas and lists of candidates.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0074 ACC/1972 · Collectie · 1930-1976

      Records of the Ealing Labour Party, comprising minutes of the General Committee; Trades Council; Dormers Wells Ward; Ealing Council Labour Group and the Greenford Labour Party branch.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0074 ACC/2784 · Collectie · 1904-1970

      Papers of the Enfield East Constituency Labour Party relating to elections and policy. Also nominations books for the Stratford Cooperative and Industrial Society and the Yiewsley and West Drayton District Cooperative Society.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0074 ACC/3029 · Collectie · 1967-1987

      Records of Alan Payling relating to the London Transport Workers Union. Papers in this collection cover three main areas of interest, Stamford Hill Bus Garage, TGWU Branch 1/312, Public Transport Workers Jobs Campaign (Leaside District) and trade union publications such as Busworker and Transport Worker. The main archival interest of the collection are the branch resolutions of Stamford Hill Bus Garage, TGWU Branch 1/312.

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