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        296 Description archivistique résultats pour Santé

        296 résultats directement liés Exclure les termes spécifiques
        LCC/PH/REG · Collection · 1851-1965
        Fait partie de LONDON COUNTY COUNCIL

        Records of the London County Council Public Health Department relating to registration and licensing functions and the enforcement of legal requirements, 1851-1965, including registers of common lodging houses (some registers transferred from the Metropolitan Police); proceedings at special meetings of the Public Health Committee for the purpose of licensing common lodging houses; register of seamen's lodging houses; register of Police Court proceedings relating to common lodging houses and seamen's lodging houses; Special Licensing Meetings of Public Health Committee relating to Common Lodging Houses; notices and posters for display in lodging houses; registers of Licensed Slaughterhouses; registers of Licensed Cowhouses, registers of Cowkeepers, Dairymen and Purveyors of Milk, register of Premises approved as Dairies; street index to Dairies, Cowsheds, and so on; special meetings of Public Health Committee for licensing slaughterhouses, knackers yards and cowhouses; report by the Medical Officer of Health on the provision of public slaughterhouses; card indexes of foster parents registered under the Children Act 1908; registers of lying-in homes; registers of nursing homes; register of intimations sent to the metropolitan boroughs of infringements of the Offensive Businesses by-laws and registers of complaints of insanitary conditions and action taken thereon.

        Sans titre
        LMA/4034 · Collection · 1912-1970

        Health Visitor's report book, 1912-1921, prepared for the Sanitary Committee of Hanwell Urban District Council; with examination questions on infant welfare, 1918; Health Visitor's reports for Ealing Public Health Department, 1926-1927, and booklet "A Synoptic History of Health and Related Services 1801-1969", 1970.

        Sans titre
        SHAW, George (fl 1884)
        GB 0074 CLC/261 · Collection · 1884

        Miscellanea, or scraps and correspondence relating to 'Old London', as represented at the International Health Exhibition in 1884, arranged by George Shaw.

        Sans titre
        GB 2134 ACE G · 1952-1993

        Most although not all of the material relates to the 1950s and 1960s when the College was at its height of research activity.
        Research Committee minutes A CE G 1 - Minutes of meetings of Education and Research Committee (1952-1953), of Research Committee (1953-1975), and of Research and Practice Organisation Committee (1975-1976); Research Committee papers A CE G 2 - Supporting papers for meetings of Research Committee (1953-1969) and Research and Practice Organisation Committee (1975-1976).

        Research Committee circulars A CE G 3 Progress reports, 'Blunderbus' letters, Between Ourselves, consolidated comment circulars and related material (1955-1969).

        Research Committee general correspondence ACE G4 (1953-1978); Chairman's [Dr Pinsent] correspondence ACE G 5 (1952-1970).

        Policy Subcommittee papers A CE G 6 Papers, including minutes of meetings, agendas, reports and correspondence, of the Policy Subcommittee of the Research Committee (1964-1965).

        Research Foundation Board minutes A CE G 7 Minutes, mostly signed, of meetings of Research Foundation Committee (1960-1961), of the Research Foundation Board (1961-1974) and of the joint meetings of the Research Foundation Board and the Education Foundation Board (1960-1976); Research Foundation Board papers A CE G 8 Supporting papers for meetings of Research Foundation Board, including duplicate minutes and agendas, reports, applications and some correspondence (1960-1971).

        Clinical Research Ethics Committee minutes A CE G 9 Minutes, mostly signed, of meetings of the Clinical Trials Ethical Committee (1981-1989) and of the (renamed) Clinical Trials Ethics Committee (1989-1993).

        Oral Contraception Working Party papers A CE G 10 Reports and correspondence of the Oral Contraception Working Party, later called the Oral Contraception Executive Committee (1965-1970). See also papers ARE Manchester Research Unit.
        Hospitals and Preventive Medicine Working Party A CE G 10 Papers of Working Party on Relationship of General Practitioners with Hospitals and Preventive Medicine. (1959-1961).

        Psychiatry and the General Practitioner Working Party A CE G 12 Reports and correspondence (1956-1958).

        General Practice Research Unit Advisory Panel A CE G 13 Minutes, agendas and reports of General Practice Research Unit Advisory Panel (1968-1974).

        Records Unit A CE G 14 Reports and correspondence of the Records Unit (later the Records and Statistics Unit) Working Party (1954-1965).

        Epidemic Observation Unit A CE G 15 Reports and correspondence of the Epidemic Observation Unit, based in Dr. G. Watson's Surrey practice (1954-1963) See also papers ARE Research Units.

        Research Symposium papers A CE G 16 Reports and correspondence concerning College research symposia (1955-1968).

        Diagnostic indices A CE G 17 Diagnostic indices developed by Research Committee (c.1962-1968).

        Research Registers A CE G 18 Register of members' interests and participation in research, and central register of faculty research. (c.1953-1970); Research Register papers A CE G 19 Reports and correspondence concerning research register (c1953-1969).

        Measles investigation papers A CE G 20 Reports and correspondence concerning investigation into the complications of Measles (1953-1958).

        Respiratory disease investigation papers A CE G 21 Reports and correspondence concerning investigation into respiratory tract disease and acute chest infection, including chronic bronchitis (1953-1960).

        Tonsillectomy Study A CE G 22 Reports and correspondence of tonsillectomy study carried out by the North Midland (Sheffield) Faculty (1953-1961).

        Morbidity Survey A CE G 23 Reports and correspondence concerning first national survey of morbidity (1953-1965). [See ARE A5-7 Papers of Birmingham Research Unit for later Morbidity Surveys].

        Congenital Deafness Investigation A CE G 24 Reports and correspondence concerning investigation into congenital deafness (1954-1955).

        Obstetric Card A CE G 25 Reports and correspondence concerning development of obstetric diagnostic record card (1954-1964).

        Prescribing Habits Study A CE G 26 Reports and correspondence concerning prescribing (or therapeutic) habits (1954-1960).

        Pink Disease Investigation A CE G 27 Reports and correspondence concerning investigation into Pink Disease [babyhood mercury poisoning] conducted by the South-West England Faculty (1955-1956).

        Asthma Investigation A CE G 28 Reports and correspondence concerning investigation into asthma in childhood conducted by Welsh Faculty (1955-1959).

        Farmer's Lung ACE G 29 Reports and correspondence concerning investigation into Farmer's Lung conducted by Dr F Staines (1955-1961).

        Pernicious Anaemia ACE G 30 Reports and correspondence concerning study of pernicious Anaemia (1955-1960).

        Epilepsy Investigation ACE G 31 Reports and correspondence concerning investigation into epilepsy and convulsive disorders of children under five years old (1955-1968).

        Virus Disease A CE G 32 Reports and correspondence concerning Dr. R. Pinsent's paper on virus disease (1955-1956).

        Headache investigation A CE G 33 Reports and correspondence concerning investigation conducted by the Hull and East Riding Subfaculty into headache (1955-1956).

        Research Techniques A CE G 34 Reports and correspondence concerning study of research techniques, including the 'Family Folder' and the 'Portfolio Plan' (1956-1957).

        Herpes Zoster Investigation A CE G 35 1956 Reports and correspondence concerning investigation conducted by Midland Faculty into the use of Vitamin B12 in the treatment of herpes zoster (1956).

        Diabetes Survey A CE G 36 Reports and correspondence concerning a proposed survey conducted by the Hull and East Riding Subfaculty on diabetes (1957).

        Daffodil Dermatitis Investigation A CE G 37 Reports and correspondence concerning investigation conducted by South-West England Faculty into daffodil dermatitis (1956-1957).

        Hypertension study A CE G 38 Reports and correspondence concerning studies ofhypertension variously conducted by Dr. A. de la Mallett, Dr. D. Wheatley, the Northern Home Counties Faculty, and the New South Wales Faculty (1957-1960).

        Pharmacopoeia Revision A CE G 39 Reports and correspondence concerning revision of the British Pharmacopoeia (1953-1962).

        Intercontinental Medical Statistics ACE G40 Reports and correspondence concerning Intercontinental Medical Statistics (1958-1961).

        Operational Research survey A CE G 41Reports and correspondence concerning survey of operational (or organisational) research in general practice (1959-1963).

        Persantin trial A CE G 42 Reports and correspondence concerning trial of 'Persantin' by Dr. L. Hunt of Pfizer Ltd. (1959-1960).

        Drug Addiction Working Party A CE G 43 Reports, correspondence, and minutes of meetings of the Drug Addiction Working Party (1959).

        Alcoholism study A CE G 44 Correspondence concerning proposed study group on alcoholism, including material regarding the Joseph Rowntree Social Service Trust's Steering Group on Alcoholism (1959-1960).

        Flumidin trial A CE G 45 Reports and correspondence concerning trial of 'Flumidin' organised by Bayer Products Ltd. (1959-1960).

        Cancer Study Group A CE G 46 Reports and correspondence of Cancer Study Group (1960-1967).

        Glaucoma survey A CE G 47 Correspondence concerning glaucoma survey (1960).

        Tamar Valley Soil study papers A CE G 48 Reports and correspondence concerning study of the consequences for human health of the mineral composition (particularly lead concentrations) of soil in the Tamar Valley (1963-1964).

        Hernia study A CE G 49 Reports and correspondence concerning study of hernia conducted by Dr. E. Gancz of the South-East England Faculty (1963-1966).

        Roadside Lead survey A CE G 50 Reports and correspondence concerning comparative study of levels of lead concentration in roadside privets near Newcastle, Falmouth and Tavistock (1963-1966).

        Multiple Sclerosis study A CE G 51 Reports and correspondence concerning study of multiple Sclerosis.

        Air Pollution study A CE G 52 Reports and correspondence concerning a study of air pollution in London and Sheffield (1964-1966).

        Linkage study A CE G 53 Correspondence concerning studies of linkage of medical records conducted by the College Records Unit (in North Staffordshire) and the Northern Ireland Faculty (1964-1966).

        Mental Illness survey A CE G 54 Reports and correspondence concerning survey of mental illness (1964-1965).

        Nurse referral study A CE G 55 Reports and correspondence concerning study of general practitioners' patterns of nurse referral (1964-1967).

        Nutrition in Pregnancy survey A CE G 56 Reports and correspondence concerning survey of nutrition in pregnancy conducted by the College in conjunction with the Ministry of Health (1964-1966).

        Records Summary Card A CE G 57 Reports and correspondence concerning development of a records summary card ('S' card) by the College Records and Statistical Unit (1956-1968).

        Diabetes Survey Working Party A CE G 58 Reports and correspondence of Diabetes Study Working Party (1962-1968).

        Congenital Abnormalities survey A CE G 59 Reports and correspondence concerning a survey of congenital abnormalities (1960-1966).

        Epsom College survey A CE G 60 Papers concerning health survey of Epsom College schoolchildren (1965).

        Nutrition and Disease study A CE G 61 Reports and correspondence concerning a 'longitudinal' study of nutrition and disease, particularly dietary sugar, conducted by Prof. J. Yudkin (1965).

        .Trace Element Uptake study A CE G 62 Reports and correspondence concerning study of mineral trace element uptake in vegetation conducted by the College in conjunction with the Chester Beatty Research Institute (1965-1966).

        Schizophrenia study A CE G 63 Reports and correspondence concerning study of schizophrenia (1966-1970).

        Welsh Soils Discussion Group A CE G 64 Reports and correspondence of Welsh Soils Discussion Group of University College of North Wales (1967-1971).

        Urban Mineralization Study A CE G 65 Reports and correspondence concerning study of mineral composition of the soil in the Birmingham urban area (1972).

        Viral Diseases in Pregnancy study A CE G 66 Reports and correspondence concerning a study of viral diseases in pregnancy (1972).

        Meldon Reservoir study A CE G 67 Reports and correspondence concerning mineral trace elements in the Meldon Reservoir (formerly West Okemont Valley) (1968-1972).

        Scientific Foundation Board A CE G 68 Records relating to the Scientific Foundation Board. (1976-1993).

        Sans titre
        RCGP Research Units Records
        GB 2134 ARE · Fonds · 1957-1993

        Correspondence, reports and minutes generated by Royal College of General Pracitioners Research Units: A RE A Birmingham Research Unit; A RE B Scottish General Practitioner Research Support Unit; A RE C Manchester Research Unit.

        Sans titre
        GB 2134 BWO · Fonds · 1958-1988

        Papers of Dr. W. O. Williams comprising:

        B WO A Williams committee papers 1966-1971
        Records relating to Dr. W. O. Williams' membership of the Research Committee and the Academic Review Committee of the Royal College of General Practitioners. B WO B Williams Research Unit papers 1972-1988
        Records relating to Dr. W. O. Williams' involvement with the Epidemic Observation Unit and the Swansea Research Unit of the Royal College of General Practitioners.B WO C Williams research and publications 1954-1988
        Records relating to Dr. W. O. Williams' research projects and publications, includes bornholm disease, whooping cough, death certification, genetic cancer and doctors' workload. B WO D Williams miscellaneous papers.

        Sans titre
        GB 106 PC/03 · [1860-2008]

        The Josephine Butler Society Library is an unrivalled resource for the study of sexuality and public morality from the late nineteenth to the mid twentieth century. This unique collection of books, pamphlets, periodicals, leaflets and, campaigning documents, covers subjects ranging from the regulation of prostitution, venereal disease, social purity, sexuality and public health to criminology, penology, eugenics and population control. Although a small number of individual items continue to be added to the collection by the Josephine Butler Society, the bulk of the printed materials date from the late nineteenth and early to mid twentieth centuries.

        The Josephine Butler Society Library is particularly important because it brings together the Library of the organisation alongside its campaigning literature and business papers. In addition to sources for the study of prostitution and attitudes to sexuality in Britain the collection includes significant amounts of material on slavery, procuring, public health and the armed forces in India. It contains late nineteenth century works on sexology by Havelock Ellis, Bloch, Forel and Krafft-Ebing and psychology by Freud, Jung and Ellis, as well as works on marriage, the family and sex education. Although most material in the collection is in English there are small but significant numbers of works in European languages. The geographic scope of the collection extends beyond Britain and the Commonwealth; papers of the International Bureau for the Suppression of Traffic in Persons 1899-1968, for example, relate to the Bureau's work with the League of Nations.

        Sans titre
        Printed Collections: Pamphlet Collection
        GB 106 PC/06 · 1930-[2008]

        The catalogued Pamphlet Collection comprises over 12,000 titles dating from approximately 1830 to the present. The Pamphlet Collection consists of printed material less than 60 pages in length and includes government policies, reports, annual reports and campaigning material, primary law, including Bills and Acts. The subject material of the collection reflects and enriches the wide range of topics held elsewhere in the Women's Library.The topics covered include: English fiction, children's stories, poetry, women's organisations, feminism, role of women in society - UK and abroad, nursing, sex discrimination law, divorce law, employment, occupations, careers, equal opportunities, labour law, pension law, social security, taxation, housing, health, pregnancy, abortion, birth control, domestic violence, mothers, one-parent families, children, family life, housekeeping, religion, ordination, arts, costume, suffrage. Organisations include Equal Opportunities Commission, Elizabeth Garrett Anderson Hospital, National Union of Suffragettes, National Society for Women's Suffrage, US Women's Bureau, American National Red Cross, Union of Jewish Women, National Union of Townswomen's Guilds, National Federation of Women's Institutes, Fawcett Society, National Council for the Unmarried Mother and Her Child, British Federation of University Women, Association of University Women Teachers, Divorce Law Reform Union. Most of the material is in English, but there are also pamphlets in other languages, such as Italian, German and French.The pamphlets are arranged in two sections - one for standard sized pamphlets and one for oversized pamphlets.

        The 'UDC Pamphlet Collection' [Universal Dewey Decimal Classification]: In addition to the main Pamphlet Collection is the 'UDC Pamphlet Collection.' The UDC collection was the first pamphlet collection created by the Library and consists of approximately 10,000 pamphlets dating from mid nineteenth to mid twentieth centuries, covering all subjects. As the collection was gradually acquired during the Library's first 20 years of life, it was arranged by subject, using the Universal Decimal Classification system. The pamphlets were primarily deposited by organisations and individuals, although some purchases were made. There is a finding aid kept with the collection but the collection was never catalogued and therefore remained a hidden resource within the Library for more than 80 years. Unsurprisingly other libraries did not collect most of these pamphlets. In 2007 as part of a cataloguing funding bid preliminary sampling of the collection against Copac (the merged online catalogues of 24 university research libraries in the UK, plus the British Library and the National Library of Scotland) found that over 60% of the UDC pamphlets were not listed in these major research collections. This is a very significant level of unique printed material.Cataloguing of the UDC collection started in 2007 and as the pamphlets are catatogued, they are transferred to the main pamphlet collection described above. As at 2009 the collection was partially catalogued and The Library was seeking additional funds to complete the project.

        Sans titre
        Student notebooks
        GB 1510 SN · [1811-1973]

        Notebooks containing manuscript notes from lectures given at the Royal Veterinary College c 1811-1974. Highlights include lecture notes by James McCunn as a student on pathology, bacteriology, veterinary surgery, hygiene and dietetics, 1916-1917; notes of lectures on hygiene delievered by Professor Harold Addison Woodruff, 1899-1909 and notes of lectures on pathology delievered by Professor John McFadyean, 1894-1923.

        Sans titre
        Longmoor Baby Week, 1930
        GB 1530 RFH/D3 · 1930

        Volume commemorating Longmoor Baby Week, May 1930, containing programmes, leaflets, reports, press cuttings and photographs illustrating the events of baby week including a baby show, mothercraft examinations and exhibitions, handicraft classes and competitions, cookery classes and lectures and films on child welfare and hygiene This was the first local Baby Week to be held by a military centre, and events were also open to mothers and children from the nearby communities, Liphook, Liss, Longmoor, Petersfield, Blackmoor, Bordon, Greatham, Headley and Langrish.

        Sans titre
        PILLOW, Margaret Eleanor (1859-1929)
        GB 106 7MEP · Fonds · 1891-1924

        The archive consists of lecture material, including notes, schedules and lists of lecturers (1891-1919), printed material, including newspapers, pamphlets and posters (1891-1924) and general papers, which include leaflets and correspondence (1860-1896).

        Sans titre
        Forest Gate Hospital
        RLHFG · Fonds · 1913-1986

        Administrative records, Chaplaincy records, financial records and patient records.

        Sans titre
        RLHLH · Fonds · 1713-2011

        Administrative records; records of the Cardiac Department; records of Chaplain's Department; records of the Neurophysiology Department [a.k.a. E.E.G. Department]; title deeds, leases, trusts etc; records of the Dermatology Department; financial records; records of the Department of General Medicine; records of the London Linden Hall Association; patient records; records of the Department of Medical Photography; Medical Unit records; nursing records; records of the Nutrition and Dietetics department; nursing education records; records of the Department of Neurology and Psychiatry; records of the Obstetrics and Gynaecology Department; records of Orthopaedics Department; Occupational Therapy Department; photographs; records of the Pharmacy Department; records of the Public Relations Department; records of the London Hospital Photographic Society; records of the Radiotherapy Department; records of the Radiology Department; surveyors and estate records; records of the Social Society; records of the Works Department; records from unofficial sources, and persons and subject files.

        Sans titre
        Plaistow Maternity Hospital
        RLHPM · Fonds · 1890-1971

        Administrative records, financial records, patient records, nursing and midwifery training records.

        Sans titre
        Tower Hamlets Community Health Council
        RLHTC · Fonds · 1974-1993

        Minute books, annual reports, plans and reports (taken from LT Chief Executives files).

        Sans titre
        GB 0809 Burton and Chadwick · 1840-1851 and 1954

        Papers of Sir Edwin Chadwick, 1840-1851 and 1954, comprise copies of letters from Chadwick to John Hill Burton on public health matters, 1840-1851, and correspondence between the School, Chadwick Trust and Professor Finer on the copying of these letters, 1954.

        Sans titre
        GREENWOOD, Major (1880-1949)
        GB 0809 Greenwood · 1924-1950

        Papers of Major Greenwood, 1924-1950, comprise correspondence and papers relating to his work as Professor of Epidemiology and Vital Statistics and as Acting Dean of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine; speech on the work of the School and some miscellaneous letters.

        Sans titre
        MURPHY, Sir Shirley Foster (1848-1923)
        GB 0809 Murphy · 1890s-1900s

        Papers of Sir Shirley Foster Murphy, 1890s-1900s, comprise correspondence and both unpublished and published work in the fields of health and medicine and relate to his work as a medical officer. The collection notably comprises correspondence from Dr Ernest Pfeiffer, 1899-1901 (Murphy/01); handwritten extracts and notes from works concerning slaughterhouses and meat inspection, [1890s-1900s] (Murphy/02); manuscript titled 'Alcohol in relation to the Child and to National Health', [1890s-1900s] (Murphy/03); manuscript notes on topics including 'liberty and authority' and 'alcohol and poverty', [1890s-1900s] (Murphy/04); published paper concerning the sale to the public of tuberculous meat (British Congress on Tuberculosis for the Prevention of Consumption, by Shirley Murphy, Medical Officer of Health of the Administrative County of London), [1890s-1900s] (Murphy/05) and an address, perhaps given to his colleagues at County Council of London on the subject of food supplies, with reference to tuberculosis, [1890s-1900s] (Murphy/06).

        Sans titre
        Pellagra Investigation Committee
        GB 0809 Pellagra · 1910

        Papers of the Pellagra Investigation Committee, 1910, relate to the establishment of the Committee and resourcing of funds for the facilitation of Dr Louis Sambon's research trip to Italy. The collection notably comprises correspondence between Pietro J Michelli, Secretary of the Seamen's Hospital Society and James Cantlie and other members of the Committee regarding donations and funds, 1910; 'Pellagra Investigation Committee', article including a list of committee members, outlining the intentions of the committee, 1910; printed list of donations received, 1910, and a handwritten list of funds received in cash, guarantees made and funds received from the Colonial Office, [1910].

        Sans titre
        ROSS, Col Sir Ronald (1857-1929)
        GB 0809 Ross · 1880-1928

        Papers of Sir Ronald Ross, c1880-1928, including correspondence, manuscripts, reprints and newspaper cuttings collected by Ross. Includes information on the major campaigns for the control of malaria, closely documenting his own work through his notebooks, diagrams and thousands of letters from medical scientists, principally with Sir Patrick Manson in regard to Ross's research into malaria in India, and including correspondence with Joseph Lister, 1st Baron Lister, (Heinrich Hermann) Robert Koch, (Charles Louis) Alphonse Laveran; correspondence relevant to the early discoveries in trypanosomiasis and leishmaniasis; records of malaria researches during the World War One, and during his work at the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, 1902-1918; papers and correspondence relating to Ross' efforts to improve the pay of research workers and the improvement of sanitation in the colonies, including letters from political figures such as James Ramsay MacDonald, (William) Waldorf Astor, 2nd Viscount Astor, John Edward Bernard Seely and Sir (Joseph) Austen Chamberlain; correspondence relating to publications by Ross; papers relating to Ross' work at the War Office, and his visit to South East Asia and India in 1926-1927, including photographs, medals, diplomas and copies of his literary works; papers relating to Ross' literary interests, including correspondence from Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Sir Henry Rider Haggard, Herbert George (H G) Wells and (Joseph) Rudyard Kipling; photographs and biographical information on Ross, including family correspondence containg letters from his two younger brothers discussing their work and careers, and a few letters from other relatives, primarily connected with researches into his family background for his autobiography.

        Sans titre
        GB 0809 Sexual Health · 1980s-1990s

        Papers of The Centre for Sexual and Reproductive Health Research comprise posters and ephemera relating to sexual and reproductive health, and evaluation and campaign material, 1980s-1990s. Posters notably concern AIDS prevention and originate from countries across Europe including Norway, Greece, Switzerland and UK. Posters use strong imagery including condoms and syringes to illustrate the importance of sexual health, for example a Swedish poster includes an image of man and woman with condoms as halos, the caption reads 'Var din egen skyddsangel' or 'Be your own guardian angel'. Ephemera includes badges, bags, leaflets and tapes and videos from various countries concerning AIDS and sexual health campaigns.

        Evaluation and campaign material relates to work carried out in 1980s and 1990s concerning AIDS and notably includes pamphlets and leaflets from campaigns carried out across Europe, AIDS Strategic Monitor publications and surveys and research collated by various market research companies. The material was presumably collected from and hence relates to Sweden, Switzerland, Spain, Netherlands, Poland, Austria, Italy, Luxemburg, UK, Germany, Belgium, Denmark, France, Ireland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Norway and Greece.

        Sans titre
        MOONMAN, Eric (b 1929)
        GB 0372 MOONMAN · Fonds · 1968-1979

        Papers of politician and academic Eric Moonman, including: general papers, correpsondence and press cuttings regarding mental health, industry, local constituency issues, the Laker Skytrain and the Middle East, 1975-1979; press cuttings regarding Moonman's local and national political activities, 1968-1972; election ephemera, 1974-1979; papers regarding the energy crisis and oil policy, 1973-1974; constituency correspondence, 1976-1978.

        Sans titre
        ROBERTS, T W (b 1880)
        GB 0101 ICS 66 · 1963 (covers 1902-1916)

        Memoir of TW Roberts, as office assistant, Magistrate and District Judge in Matara, Kurunegala, and Chilaw, Ceylon, 1902-1916; containing an account of the daily routine, comments on public health, comments on relations with village headmen and Mudaliyars (Chief Headmen), notes on the administration of Crown land and on the administration of justice.

        Sans titre
        Chadwick Papers
        GB 0103 CHADWICK · 1798-1923

        Papers, 1798-1923, of Sir Edwin Chadwick. Over half of the collection consists of correspondence dating from around 1820, but most of the letters were written after 1834. Some of the earliest papers in the collection are notes on the police. There are papers relating to Chadwick's service as Secretary of the Poor Law Commission, including material on his troubled relationship with the Poor Law Commissioners and his unsuccessful attempts to be made a Commissioner. There is a good deal of material on public health and sanitation. There are also drafts and notes for many of his published writings to do with the reform of central and local government and military training and education.

        Sans titre
        Chadwick Trust Archives
        GB 0103 CHADWICK TRUST · [1820s]-1984

        Records, [1820s]-1984, of the Chadwick Trust. Administrative papers comprise legal papers setting up the Trust, 1890-1896; minute books, 1895-1983; annual reports, 1962-1978; lists of securities, 1914-1917; corrected booklet The Chadwick Trust, 1926-1937; script of a proposed film treatment of Sir Edwin Chadwick, 1958; signing-in book for meetings, 1972-1980. Financial papers comprise account books, 1958-1979; tax claims, 1972-1976; financial files, 1972-1980; correspondence on tax reclaimed, 1980. Papers on lectures given under the auspices of the Trust comprise announcements of lectures, 1913-1935; printed copies of lectures held under the Trust's auspices, 1930-1967, the subjects including public health and buildings, sewerage, nutrition, disease, air quality, training and public health, medical provision, and public health work overseas; other printed lectures and writings, 1896-1932, the subjects including aspects of sanitation, disease, and Sir Edwin Chadwick. Correspondence comprises general correspondence, 1913-1924, 1971-1982; correspondence of the Clerk of the Trust, 1969-1979; correspondence of G M Binnie, 1944-1980; Charity Commission correspondence, 1962-1978; correspondence relating to medals and a memorial prize, 1966-1978; Trustees, 1969-1977; receptions, meetings and lectures, 1970-1978; blue plaque, 1972-1976; costing of activities, 1974; annual reports, 1974-1979; transfer of the Trust to University College London, 1974-1984. Miscellaneous items pertaining to Edwin Chadwick, [1820s]-1889, include his diary [1820s] and patents of his inventions, 1871-1872. Other acquired papers comprise printed ephemera including circulars against inoculation [1914-1918] and undated printed extracts from a hymn on sanitation. Photographs include undated prints of Edwin Chadwick and other eminent scientists; undated slides for a lecture, including various 19th-century public figures, 19th- and 20th-century mortality rates, and various London hospitals; and photographs, 1980, of a plaque to Chadwick at his birthplace in Longsight, Greater Manchester.

        Sans titre
        MILROY, Gavin (1805-1886)
        GB 0113 MS-MILRG · 1870-1881

        Gavin Milroy's papers, 1870-1881, consist of reports and correspondence, between Milroy and the Colonial Office, on the subject of leprosy, particularly the contagiousness of the disease, and more specifically Milroy's inquiry into Louis Daniel Beauperthuy's treatment of leprosy in the West Indies, 1870-1881.

        Sans titre
        THRESH, John Clough (1850-1932)
        GB 0113 MS-THREJ · Fonds · 1902-1922

        Record books, 1902-1905 and 1921-1922, relating to the examination of water and water supplies.

        Sans titre
        Cooke, Willliam (fl 1785-1873)
        GB 0114 MS0212 · 1790-1815

        Papers of William Cooke, 1790-1815, comprising a volume of manuscript notes by Cooke, of lectures by John Abernethy at St Bartholomew's Hospital, including anatomy, physiology, and bone diseases, 1806; a volume of manuscript notes by Cooke, of anatomical lectures by John Abernethy at St Bartholomew's Hospital, including notes on Dr Powell's and Dr Robert's Lectures on Medicine, 1806; a volume of manuscript notes by Cooke, of lectures by John Abernethy at St Bartholomew's Hospital, titled Extracts from Mr Abernethy's Lectures on Surgery 1806, including additions dated 1815, and a section titled Extracts from Cooper on Hernia relating to Sir Astley Cooper, 1806-1815; a volume of manuscript notes by Cooke, of surgical lectures by Henry Cline, including notes on bandages, and Goulard's Preparations of Lead, 1800; 2 volumes of manuscript notes by an unidentified hand, of lectures delivered by Osborn and Clark, titled Lectures on the Theory and Practice of Midwifery and the diseases of Women and Children by Drs Osborn and Clark 1790-1791, including manuscript notes probably taken by Cooke, of lectures by Andrew Thynne, dated Oct 1805.

        Sans titre
        GUNN, John Charles (b 1937)
        GB 0100 KCLCA IOP/PP2 · 1962-2002

        Papers of John Gunn, 1926-2002, including extensive correspondence, notes, memoranda, funding applications, lecture presentations and press cuttings. The collection includes: files concerning the administration of the Institute of Psychiatry and its Department of Forensic Psychiatry, 1975-2000 (including policy, planning, funding, assessments and staffing), and the running of the Denis Hill Unit forensic in-patient service, Bethlem Royal Hospital, 1985-1998; published articles, book, chapters and book reviews by Gunn, 1966-2001, on topics including epilepsy, aggression, sex offenders, mental health legislation and suicide prevention in prison; research and research applications, 1966-2001, on topics including epileptic offenders, violence, and the discharge and subsequent care of Special Hospital patients; psychiatric questionnaires and assessments, 1967-1988; files relating to the Home Office, chiefly 1966-2000, and relating to the treatment of mentally disordered offenders, also copy medical evidence given to the Wolfenden Committee on Homosexual Offences and Prostitution, 1954, and papers relating to the May enquiry, 1989-1992, into the convictions for IRA bombings in Guildford and Woolwich, 1974.

        Prison Service correspondence and reports, 1975-2000, covering the provision of secure psychiatric units and psychiatric care of the general prison population; papers, 1975-2000, relating to the UK Special Hospitals (high security psychiatric hospitals), and to Grendon experimental prison for offenders with antisocial personality disorders; correspondence, meeting papers and background information on the impact of amendments and proposed amendments to UK mental health legislation, 1972-2000, including the Floud Committee on dangerous offenders, 1976-1981, and the work of the Parliamentary Mental Health Group in formulating policy to restrict the spread of AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome), 1987-1988; reports and correspondence, 1972-2001, relating to the conduct of psychiatry, psychiatric facilities and prison welfare in countries including Australia, China, Egypt, Greece, Ireland and Turkey; papers, 1967-1999, relating to the Effra Trust, founded by Gunn in 1974 to provide accommodation and support to homeless male ex-offenders suffering from physical or mental disability.

        Sans titre
        BUCHANAN, Dr Alec William (b 1958)
        GB 0100 KCLCA IOP/PP8 · [1984]-2001

        The collection consists of working papers relating to Buchanan's professional career as a forensic psychiatrist in the UK, [1984]-2001, chiefly research papers relating to the Special Hospitals Service Authority and psychiatric reports relating to Maudsley Hospital patients.
        Section 1 comprises papers arising from the daily administrative operations of Maudsley Hospital London. Section 2 contains research notes, questionnaires and criminal record 'multiple enquiry forms' produced from the Home Office Offenders Index. This material relates to an unpublished study conducted by Buchanan from 1992-1995 of discharged special hospital patients convicted of violent re-offences. The findings, intended to inform the decision making of those entrusted with the care of special hospital patients, were funded by the Special Hospitals Service Authority. There are also confidential psychiatric reports (see ref 3/1 to 3/6), produced by forensic psychiatrists at Maudsley Hospital, London. The reports evaluate an individual's competency to stand trial, defences based on mental diseases or defects (for instance the "insanity" defence), and sentencing recommendations. Section 4 contains questionnaires relating to a project funded by the John D and Catherine T MacArthur Foundation focused on developing the Maudsley Assessment of Delusions Schedule to provide a more accurate and effective way of assessing patient's delusions. Section 5 consists of papers relating a psychiatric case assessed by Buchanan in his capacity as a member of the Serious Untoward Incident Panel of the Hounslow and Spelthorne Community and Mental Health NHS Trust. The collection also includes photocopies of articles from medical publications and on-line resources compiled by Buchanan which relate to the ethical connotations of patient confidentiality in connection with medical trials and research (see ref 6/1).

        Sans titre
        GB 0100 KCLCA Q/EPH/SYL, Q/EPH/RPT, Q/EPH/PBN, QSU, QOSA · 1909-1986

        Queen Elizabeth College publications, including prospectuses, handbooks and reports, 1909-1986. This class of material comprises printed literature describing the history of the College, its students and staff and the academic content of individual subjects and departments and consists mainly of brochures, guidebooks and reports. It comprises a set of the Department/College's prospectuses for prospective students, with brochures covering the work of particular courses and specific qualifications and degrees, including Nutrition, Biology, Physiology and Mathematics, 1909-1985 (Ref: Q/EPH/SYL); Annual Reports, 1916-1984, loose and some bound reprints, containing calendars of College events, staff changes and publications, clubs and societies, the first destination of former students, and lists of registered students in the reports between 1924-1965. Reports from 1966-1984 also contain student statistics and accounts (Ref: Q/EPH/RPT1); Annual Reports of the Principal covering examinations, benefactions and reports on teaching, 1925-1950 (Ref: Q/EPH/RPT2); Dean's/Warden's Reports, containing examinations, benefactions and information on the destination of students, 1917-1923 (Ref: Q/EPH/RPT3); Report of the auditors to the College Council, 1972-1980 (Ref: Q/EPH/RPT4); a variety of booklets and brochures advertising appeals, careers information for students, descriptions of the work of departments for prospective students, health and safety issues and the facilities of the College Library, and describing the history of the College, 1919-1986 (Ref: Q/EPH/PBN); Students Union handbooks, 1954-1964 (Ref: QSU); Old Students' Association handbooks with a small quantity of editorial correspondence, the constitution and rules of the Association, its membership and finance (Ref: QOSA).

        Sans titre
        VENEER, Eva (fl 1940)
        GB 0100 KH/NL/PP32 · 1940

        Small ring binder containing manuscript lecture notes of Eva Veneer on hygiene, dietetics, practical and theoretical nursing, 22 Oct 1940-Nov 1940.

        Sans titre
        GB 0097 COLL MISC 0092 · 1915-1920

        Beveridge's papers as Second Secretary of the Ministry of Food during World War One, including:
        Volume 6: The 9d loaf and the bread subsidy, May-Aug 1917.
        Volume 7: Sugar distribution scheme, Dec 1916-Sep 1917.
        Volume 8: Rationing. Jan-Apr 1917.
        Volume 9: Rationing, Apr 1917-Mar 1918.
        Volume 13: Papers on the future of the Ministry of Food, Nov 1918-1921.
        Volume 15: Industrial unrest. Railway strike, 1919.
        Volume 16: Industrial unrest. Coal strikes, Oct 1920 and Apr 1921.
        Volume 23: Diary of the Ministry of Food, 1917-1919.
        Volumes 24 - 26. Minutes of the Food Council, 1917-1920.

        Sans titre
        GB 1538 C13 · 1984-1990

        Papers of the Joint Working Party to consider a proposed Faculty of Family Planning (later the Faculty of Family Planning Steering Group), 1984-1990, containing Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists copies of the working party's minutes, papers and correspondence, and including correspondence with Hempsons, Solicitors, 1990; document "Proposed Faculty of Family Planning of the RCOG and RCGP", final draft, October 1990.

        Sans titre
        GB 1538 C15 · 1992

        Correspondence files of the joint meetings to discuss maternity care in the new National Health Service of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, the Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) and the Royal College of Midwives (RCM) Committee, including papers on the background to its establishment, from 1985-1992, including minutes of meetings and publications, particularly RCOG, RCGP & RCM, Maternity Care in the New NHS: A Joint Approach, July 1992.

        Sans titre
        GB 1538 M16 · 1978-1985

        Papers of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists' Stillbirth and neonatal death/management of perinatal deaths working party, comprising background papers and correspondence, 1983-1984; President's background papers and correspondence, 1978-1985; Committee chairman's correspondence and papers on publication of report, 1984-1986; background literature and chairman's papers, 1983-1984; Chairman's correspondence and papers, 1984-1985; Report of the RCOG Working Party on the Management of Perinatal Deaths, with circulation list, 1985; minute book of the working party, 1984.

        Sans titre
        Maternity Unit Planning Committee
        GB 1538 M25 · 1959-1960

        Correspondence, minutes and the draft report of the Maternity Unit Planning Committee of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, 1959-1960.

        Sans titre
        ALMENT, Sir Anthony (1922-2002)
        GB 1538 S62 · c1946-1948

        Five pen and ink cartoons made by Sir Anthony Alment concerning the controversies surrounding the establishment of the National Health Service, and the views of the medical profession, [1946-1948].

        Sans titre
        GB 0102 IMC/CBMS/A · 1910-1945

        Joint archive, largely dating from 1910-1945, of the International Missionary Council and Conference of British Missionary Societies, relating to co-operative missionary endeavours in Africa (chiefly British Africa, but also including areas under Belgian, Portuguese and French control).

        General files on Africa include records on missionary work and related issues including land rights, colonial administration, diet, co-operative organizations, customs including polygamy, initiation, and witchcraft, medical work, and alcohol traffic; the IMC and its relation to African mission councils; International Institute of African Languages and Cultures; population and health in Africa; Africa Education Group, relating to educational policy, provision and finance, including women's education, training of educational missionaries, African marriage customs and their relation to Christian practice, adult education, and missionary work in rural areas; High Leigh (Hoddesdon, Hertfordshire) Conference (1924) on educational missionary work in Africa; Le Zoute Conference (1926) on missionary work in Africa; educational policy; Advisory Committee on Education in the Colonies, relating to Colonial Office policy (including British colonies outside Africa), the topics including women's education, use of the vernacular and bilingualism, teacher training, language teaching, social and economic development, finance, indigenous art, biology, superannuation, English examinations, and higher education teaching materials, with sections relating to particular African colonies.

        Files on East Africa include general records on British colonial policy and administration, agriculture, and Swahili; and education in East Africa. Files on Kenya include records on the Kenya Missionary Council and Christian Council of Kenya; the political situation and land question; indigenous labour and slavery; Indian population; and educational policy, practice, finance, the conscience clause in religious education, women's education, and educational advisor; and correspondence on missionary work and related issues. Files on Tanganyika include records on the Tanganyika Missionary Council, relations between different missionary societies, indigenous life, colonial administration, German and other missions; Tanganyika Mission Property Trust; and education in Tanganyika. Files on Uganda include records on land tenure, education, including women's education, and Swahili; and missionary societies in Ruanda-Urundi. Files on Abyssinia comprise records on missionary work and religious freedom, including the Italian occupation.

        Files on West Africa include general records on education, including the Phelps Stokes Commission. Files on the Gold Coast include records on education, colonial administration, the Basel Mission, the Bremen Mission and other missionary societies, the Christian Council of the Gold Coast, medical and educational missionary work. Files on Sierra Leone include records on education. Files on Nigeria include records on the Christian Council of Nigeria and other Christian and missionary organisations and on education. Files on the Cameroons include records on various missionary societies. Files on French Africa include records on education.

        Files on French West & Equatorial Africa include records on missionary activity and education. Files on the Congo include records on the Congo Protestant Council, missionary activity and conferences, religious freedom and interdenominational relations including Roman Catholicism; Belgian government policy regarding missions and the Brussels Bureau representing Belgian missions; education; and missionary work of various nations.

        Files on Portuguese Africa include records on missionary work, including medical work, and interdenominational relations; religious liberty, Portuguese government policy, and the Lisbon Centre for liaison. Files on Portuguese West Africa include records on the Angola Evangelical Alliance, Portuguese colonial administration, and various missionary societies. Files on Portuguese East Africa include records on the Portuguese East Africa Evangelical Missionary Association, work of various missionary societies, religious liberty and Portuguese government policy.

        Files on Central Africa and Nyasaland include records on colonial administration, work of missionary societies, land tenure, indigenous labour and slavery, and on colonial educational policy in Nyasaland. Files on Northern Rhodesia include records on the General Missionary Conference of Northern Rhodesia, colonial administration, mining, and education; and on the United Missions in the Copperbelt, including its foundation, policy, annual reports, finance, miners' unrest, property, education policy, women's work, social welfare, literature and literacy, British Committee, correspondence with other societies, reorganisation, Team/Field Committee, and personnel. Files on Southern Rhodesia include records on the South Rhodesia Missionary Conference, indigenous affairs including land tenure, education, indigenous preachers, and colonial administration. Files on South Africa include records on the General Missionary Conference of South Africa and the Christian Council of South Africa, missionary work, indigenous affairs including land tenure, interethnic relations, and education. Files on South and South West Africa includes records on German missions and indigenous affairs. Files on the protectorates of Swaziland, Basutoland and Bechuanaland include records on education and the transfer of the protectorates to South Africa.

        There are also files on the Egypt Mission Property Trust.

        Sans titre
        GB 0102 LH · 1896-1997

        Records, 1896-1997, of the London General Committee of the Lebanon Hospital for Mental and Nervous Disorders (formerly Lebanon Hospital for the Insane), comprising:

        papers, 1907-1983, relating to the Hospital constitution, financial and legal postition, and closure, including copies of the constitution, 1907, 1965, and photocopies of the Wakf Deed (1912);

        minutes of the London General Committee, 1897-1982, and Sub-Committee, 1910-1920;

        copies of minutes of the Beirut Executive Committee, 1950-1982;

        accounts and balance sheets, 1941-1982, including some auditors' reports from 1953 onwards;

        ledgers, c1950-1982, recording transactions, investments, funds and expenses;

        cash book, 1977-1981, recording transactions and investments;

        correspondence and papers, 1896-1916, of and relating to Theophilus Waldmeier in connection with the Hospital, including correspondence with the London General Committee and Treasurer, and Waldmeier's progress reports written for donors and subscribers, the subjects including building and equipping the Hospital, patients, treatment and recovery, fundraising and financial matters, also including press cuttings and obituaries on Waldmeier, 1915-1916;

        general files of correspondence and papers relating to Hospital administration, 1902-1997, the subjects including staffing, trust funds and endowments, appeals for funds and other financial matters, and closure, including some correspondence of Sir Geoffrey Furlonge (Chairman of the London General Committee), 1971-1981, and correspondence with the Charity Commission, 1984-1997;
        annual reports, 1899, 1956-1974 (incomplete series);
        publicity material, c1897-1971, including speeches, texts of radio broadcasts, various publications, and autobiography of Theophilus Waldmeier;
        photographs, 1909, 1956, 1974, including the hospital at Asfuriyeh and the site at Aramoun;

        miscellaneous papers, 1898-c1992, including undated list of Chairmen of the London General Committee (1906-1970), reports on visits to the Hospital, 1964-1965, reports and photographs of damage to Aramoun, 1991-c1992, and ground plan of Asfuriyeh, revised 1907.

        Sans titre
        Mackenzie, Melville Douglas
        GB 0102 MS 380483 · Created 1930-1935

        Copies of the papers and photographs, 1930-1935 and undated, of Dr Melville Douglas Mackenzie, relating to his time as Special Commissioner, League of Nations Mission to the Kru (Kroo) peoples of Liberia (1931-1932).

        Sans titre
        GB 0097 AEGIS · 1946-1976

        Papers of the pressure group AEGIS (Aid to the Elderly in Government Institutions), 1946-1976, comprising the following.
        Group of material arranged by Barbara Robb and entitled 'Record of a Campaign', 1964-1975, notably a narrative by Robb illustrating the key events in the AEGIS campaign, including detailed accounts of meetings with ministers, care workers, journalists, members of hospital management committees, complainants and others, with leaflets, press cuttings, and correspondence from members, press and supporters, 1964-1966; material relating to AEGIS' activities, 1966-1973, notably a memorandum outlining the aims, methods and organisation of AEGIS; material relating to AEGIS' advisors, 1967-1972, and organisations in contact with AEGIS, 1965-1971; papers related to articles written for the AEGIS campaign, 1973-1975; files of documents relating to general events of the AEGIS campaign, 1967-1975; background material for public talks by Robb, [1962-1975]; material relating to patient and community care, and nurses' campaigns inspired by AEGIS, [1967-1972], including articles, press cuttings, extracts from official publications, and Nursing Times Occasional Papers; accounts of various hospital inquiries, 1964-1968; press cuttings, correspondence and memoranda related to Project 70, AEGIS' housing scheme for the elderly, 1966-1971.
        Group of material arranged by Barbara Robb and entitled 'Sans Everything', 1964-1975, including documents related to the publication of her book Sans Everything: a case to answer (Nelson, London, 1967), 1966-1967, such as an original manuscript of the work, and correspondence with publishers, agents, lawyers, the media, and various MPs and government officials; material relating to a proposed book entitled 'That which should accompany old age', [1966-1967]; background material on the subjects discussed in Sans Everything, 1966-1974, including press articles, cuttings, interview transcripts and correspondence relating to Parliamentary debates on the care of the elderly, the Health Ombudsman, and the NHS Reorganisation Bill, with a narrative by Robb concerning the 'Sans Everything' Government White Paper.
        Group of material arranged by Barbara Robb and entitled 'No Serious Deficiencies', [1967-1975], comprising a large collection of press cuttings relating to the AEGIS campaign, conditions in various hospitals across Great Britain, geriatric and psychiatric nursing, Government debates on health, the Ministry of Health, inadequacies in medical funding and training, reviews of Sans Everything, the National Health Service, and nursing shortages; notes and summaries by Robb on the collated press cuttings.
        Research material collected for AEGIS' campaigns, 1964-1975, arranged by Barbara Robb, mainly relating to hospital inquiries and comprising correspondence, press cuttings, memoranda, transcripts of interviews and evidence, reports and cassettes.
        Complainants' letters, 1965-1974, written to Barbara Robb and David Montague de Burgh Kenworthy, 11th Baron Strabolgi, regarding the abuse of geriatric and mental health patients in NHS hospitals and homes, from friends and relatives, doctors, hospital staff, and patients themselves, often containing lengthy reports on individual cases, press cuttings and copies of correspondence with hospitals, local and regional health authorities and the Ministry of Health.
        Research material gathered by Barbara Robb and other members of the AEGIS organisation, 1966-1974, notably on attitudes of healthcare professionals and the public to geriatric nursing, the Hospitals Advisory Service, the Briggs Committee, Richard Crossman and the NHS Reorganisation Bill, euthanasia, the Davies Committee and complaints procedures, the NHS under the Conservative government, the National Association for Mental Health, care of the elderly in other countries, and the Ministry of Health.
        Publications, 1946-1975, including official publications relating to parliamentary debates on matters of concern to AEGIS, particularly the NHS Reorganisation Act (1973); reports and memoranda produced by the Ministry of Health and Regional Health Boards, Committees of Inquiry and others; and papers, articles and books relating to the care of the elderly.
        Administrative material of AEGIS, [1965-1975], including office diaries, notebooks and contact details for the various bodies contacted by the organisation.
        Additional material relating to the AEGIS campaign compiled by Robb for Cecil Hewitt Rolph, editor of the New Statesman, 1964-1976, including papers relating to individual cases, correspondence and press cuttings.

        Sans titre