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46 Archival description results for Hygiene

46 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
GB 0505 BC AL200-900 · 1849-1985

Material relating to Academic Departments of Bedford College, including papers of the German Department, 1973-1983; recollections of the Dutch Studies Department by Professor Theodore Weevers, 1985; Departmental files of the History Department, 1958-1985; papers of Professor C H Lawrence, History Department, 1970-1985; Departmental files of the Sociology Department, 1930-1984; papers relating to Nursing Studies Courses, 1896-1985, including the Public Hygiene Course; papers relating to the Bedford College Art School, 1900-1913; papers relating to the Training Department, 1902-1922, including reports, registers, correspondence relating to scholarships and Council grants, accounts and Board of Education papers; papers of the Mathematics Department, 1978-1982; papers of the Biochemistry Department, 1964-1978; papers of the Botany Department, 1908-1985, including material relating to the E N Thomas affair, 1908-1916, and papers collected by Dr Linna Bentley, 1918-1984; building plans for the Zoology Department, 1970. Papers relating to Staff Publications, 1926-[1969], including Minutes and papers of the Research and Publications Fund Committee.

Bedford College , Academic Departments
GB 0120 MSS.1162-1163, 5996-6005 · 1884-1927

Correspondence and papers of Thomas Bickerton, 1884-1927, mainly concerning professional matters. The papers reflect Bickerton's interest in colour blindness, and his studies of seamen and railwaymen in this respect. Also his work at Liverpool Medical Institution is well documented, with details of opthalmic surgery and case photographs surviving.

Bickerton , Thomas Herbert , 1858-1933 , ophthalmic surgeon
Bonnet, Charles (fl 1854)
GB 0120 MSS.1303-1315 · 1849-1854

'Notes médicales prises dans les hôpitaux de Paris aux Cours de MM. Velpeau, Claude Bernard, Wurtz, Orfila, etc.' Produced in Paris.

(1) Bouillaud (J. B.) médecine clinique. n.d. (40 ll. + 4 bl. ll.).

(2) Velpeau (A. A. L. M.) Clinique chirurgicale. 1852 (46 ll.).

(3) - Observations de chirurgie. 1852 (32 ll.).

(4) Andral (G.) Observations de chirurgie. 1852 (46 ll.).

(5) Velpeau (A. A. L. M.) Pathologie externe. 1854 (26 ll. + 12 bl. ll.).

(6) Bernard (C.) Cours de physiologie. 1849-50 (46 ll.).

(7) Wurtz (C. A.) Chimie organique. 1849 (92 pp.).

(8) - Chimie organique. 1849 (48 ll.).

(9) - Chimie inorganique. [Incomplete] (27 ll.).

(10) Orfila (M. J. B.) Chimie inorganique (26 ll.).

(11) Velpeau (A. A. L. M.) Notes de pathologie chirurgicale. (14 ll. + 10 bl. ll.).

(12) Notes de médecine légale. (30 ll.).

(13) Notes de médecine légale. [Incomplete] (18 ll.).

(14) Notes de l'hygiène. (34 ll.).

Bonnet , Charles , fl 1854 , medical student
GB 0120 MSS.1371-1373, 8226-8233, 8298, 8527-8528, 8542 · 1897-[1905]

A collection of material for, and drafts of, professional papers by William Brown, 1897-[1905]. Several of these works remain unpublished. The papers were concerned with: the use of animal substances for the cure of disease; urinary tests and diathesis; the history of Scottish medicine; and the history of the Medical Periodical Press.

Brown , William Lauzun , d 1919 , physician
GB 0120 MSS.1384-1386 · 1892-[1895]

Reports of Thomas Lauder Brunton's lectures on therapeutics and notes from a lecture on chloroform with three fragments of lectures on eye affections, on the effects of alcohol, and the effect of drugs on the brain given at St. Bartholomew's Hospital, 1892-[1895].

Brunton , Sir , Thomas Lauder , 1844-1916 , first baronet , physician and pharmacologist
COL/CC/PHS · Subfonds · 1956-2001

Records of the Port and City of London Health and Social Services Committee, Court of Common Council, including minutes, 1957-2001 (records closed after 1975) and papers regarding the delegation of statutory powers and duties from the Common Council, 1956-1957, including notes on: the appointment of Medical Officers of Health and Sanitary Inspectors, imported food regulations, the sale of alcoholic liquor, powers and duties of the Corporation regarding weights and measures, transport arrangements of Port Health Inspectors, the Corporation's powers and duties regarding public health, the responsibilities of Shops, the Corporation as the Port Health Authority and the functions of the County Purposes Committee.

Corporation of London
COL/CC/PLH · Subfonds · 1872-1957

Records of the Port of London Health Committee, Court of Common Council, including minutes, 1872-1957; committee papers, 1872-1956; report books, 1873-1946 and subject files, 1878-1957. Subjects include air pollution, smoke abatement, Basildon New Town (with plans), the disposal of condemned meat, the transfer of Denton Hospital to the National Health Service (NHS), bye-laws regarding houseboats, the inspection of ships and reports of the Medical Officer of Health.

Corporation of London
GB 0120 MSS.2046 and 5677 · 1944-c.1950

The collection comprises lectures and papers by Davey on administration and health issues as they relate to East Africa

Davey , John Bernard , 1875-1967 , colonial medical officer
GB 0120 MSS.7034-7035 · 1793-1813

Letters and papers of René Desgenettes, 1793-1813, mainly official orders relating to medical services in the French army in Egypt, of which he was physician in chief. With a few letters from Desgenettes to his wife. The letters and papers concerning the Egyptian campaign complement Desgenettes' own published account, Histoire médicale de l'Armée d'Orient (Paris, 1802), which was largely compiled from copies of his out-letters.

Desgenettes , Rene Nicolas Dufriche , 1762-1837 , Baron Desgenettes , physician
Dixon, John (1832-1930)
GB 0120 MSS.2135-2195, 5191, 5950 and 6794 · 1848-1903

Notes by John Dixon on medical matters and on things of personal interest to him such as astrology and photography spanning his entire career, 1848-1903. MS.5191 comprises more formal material, namely certificates and indentures.

Dixon , John , 1832-1930 , physician
GB 0120 GC/193 · 1885-1987

Papers of Dr. Letitia Fairfield, reflecting her interests in social hygiene, in mental health, in medico-legal matters and criminology, mother and child health and welfare, and as a Roman Catholic convert, as well as her broader political and feminist convictions. There is also some biographical material.

Fairfield , Josephine Letitia Denny , 1885-1978 , doctor x Fairfield , Letitia
GB 0120 MSS.2511-2515 · 1706-[1740]

Two large manuscripts of works by Jean Julien Giberti, apparently prepared for publication entitled "Traitè des médicamens" and "Traité de l'hygiène".

Giberti , Jean Julien , 1671-1754 , physician
GB 0120 MSS.5462 & 8414-8420 · 1830-1850

Letters and papers of Thomas Graham (1818-1850), naval surgeon, mainly relating to his education at Edinburgh University and subsequent service aboard various warships in home waters, Ireland, the Mediterranean, the Atlantic and the Far East.

Graham , Thomas , 1818-1850 , naval surgeon
GB 0120 MSS.2672-2719 · 1874-1902

Note-books of William Dobinson Halliburton chiefly of lecture notes taken while a student at University College, London. Author's holograph MSS. Produced in London, 1874-1902.

Halliburton , William Dobinson , 1860-1931 , physiologist and biochemist
GB 0120 MSS.5165-5177 · 1876-1932

Scrapbooks of A B Hill, 1876-1932, mainly relating to his career in public health, containing newscuttings, programmes of events (especially dinners and conferences of societies concerned with public health and local affairs in the Birmingham area), and miscellaneous papers.

Hill , Alfred Bostock , 1854-1932 , Professor of Hygiene and Public Health
GB 0074 O/189 · Collection · 1884

Letter to Reville, Esq. from Henry C. Scott, secretary of H.P. Truefitt Limited, hairdressers, concerning the sale of Truefitt's business at Sandhurst to Mr. Herbert Cottrell, 1884.

H P Truefitt Ltd , hairdressers x Truefitt and Hill
GB 0074 ACC/3090 · Collection · 1923-1949

Records of the Jewish Health Organisation of Great Britain, comprising committees, case histories, personnel and general correspondence.

Jewish Health Organisation of Great Britain
GB 0366 EL · Collection · 1881-1973

Papers of Elsie Lane, including personalia, autobiographical notes and correspondence about her life, training, career and views on education and training, 1912-1973; also a few cuttings about the National Association for Gifted Children; also includes her father's apprenticeship indentures as a print cutter, 1881.

Lane , Elsie Victoria , c 1900-1981 , hairdresser, wigmaker and teacher
GB 0100 KCLCA K/PP152 · 1875-1990

Photographs, portraits and other images relating to Joseph Lister including the operating theatre where he worked; surgical equipment used by Lister; copies of portraits of Lister, one autographed by Lister; photograph of Lister with his House Surgeons and Dressers 1861-1893; photograph of Lister at complementary dinner to Dr William Playfair; card with signatures of the Principal and senior staff of King's College and King's College Hospital presented to Lister on his 80th birthday; photographs of Lister memorials including plaques, centenary celebrations and his representation in television and film; review of biography of Lister, Times Literary Supplement; captions and photographs used for an exhibition on Lister.

Lister , Joseph , 1827-1912 , 1st Baron Lister , surgeon
GB 0120 GC/104 · Collection · 1891-1945

Collections of reprints, 1891-1945, on topics including basal metabolism, temperature, radiation, hygiene, thermal adjustment and barometric pressure. These reprints were collected by Sir Charles Martin, although very little of the reprints were written by him. Many of the files contain manuscript notes by Martin, usually on other articles. Some of the reprints have been annotated.

Martin , Sir , Charles James , 1866-1955 , Knight , doctor
GB 0120 MSS.6201-6207 · 1877-1943

Correspondence and papers of Sir George Newman including letters from Henry Drummond (1851-1897) and John Campbell Gordon (1847-1934) and correspondence concerning the Board of Education.

Newman , Sir , George , 1870-1948 , Knight , health reformer
GB 0809 Newsholme · 1891-1935

Papers of Sir Arthur Newsholme, 1891-1935, comprising articles, reports and notes on the following areas: tuberculosis with particular reference to compulsory notification; infectious and epidemic diseases; preventive medicine; public health, all aspects including 'social' and 'moral'; rheumatic fever; child health and welfare including morbidity and mortality; maternity and midwifery; phthisis; proprietary and patent medicines, dangerous drugs; statistics; scarlet fever; small pox, and cancer; Annual Reports of Local Government Boards; private correspondence.

Newsholme , Sir Arthur , 1857-1943 , public health physician
GB 0097 NIGHTINGALE · Collection · 1851-1897

Works by Florence Nightingale, and works by various authors, the property of, or containing contributions by Florence Nightingale, on subjects including nursing, public health, hospital administration, and military hospitals.

Nightingale Florence, 1820 - 1910, reformer of hospital nursing
GB 106 7MEP · Fonds · 1891-1924

The archive consists of lecture material, including notes, schedules and lists of lecturers (1891-1919), printed material, including newspapers, pamphlets and posters (1891-1924) and general papers, which include leaflets and correspondence (1860-1896).

Pillow , Margaret Eleanor Scott , 1859-1929 , teacher
GB 0120 GC/33 · 1930-1966

Papers of Carl Prausnitz-Giles including memorandum on the teaching of hygiene in the German Empire, 1930; lecture 'In Quest of Allergy', 1959; notes; obituary.

Giles , Carl , Prausnitz- , 1876-1963 , physician
LCC/PH/SHS · Collection · 1905-1964

Records of the London County Council Public Health Department relating to the School Health Service, 1905-1964, including papers relating to partially-sighted children, medical examination of scholarship candidates, feeding of schoolchildren, sex education in residential schools, medical inspection of schoolchildren, medical and dental treatment of schoolchildren, statistics for annual reports, open air classes, treatment of stammerers and the Joint Working Party on Transfer to the London Boroughs.

Papers of individual hospitals, clinics and treatment centres which provided medical treatment for school children (please consult catalogue for full list). Papers relating to the cleansing of verminous schoolchildren including warm baths in schools, cutting of hair, use of paraffin for cleansing heads, procedures for cleansing, provision of mackintosh capes for cleansing verminous children, cleansing of children in open air schools, procedure for cleansing children when the parents are illiterate, synchronising of cleansing of homes and of children, vermicide experiments and papers of individual cleansing stations and shampoo stations.

Samples of case-papers of children dealt with under the Rheumatism Scheme; report 'The Ascertainment, Care, Education and Training of Educable Mentally Handicapped Children'; report on Social Workers and the Health Visiting Service; report on Psychological Services for Children in London; leaflets 'Health Hints to Parents' (1910) and 'The Health of Schoolchildren' (1912); leaflet of breathing exercises (1922) and samples of School Health Service forms.

LCC , London County Council x London County Council
GB 0100 KCLCA QAL/PUB, QAL/M, 1992/QAL, 1999/QAL · 1905-1986

The records of Queen Elizabeth College Library include minutes, correspondence and publications, 1905-1986; notably an incomplete series of Library Committee minute books, 1905-1977 (Ref: QAL/M); loose minutes, correspondence and other papers concerned with the management and operation of the Library, in particular working party notes, policy documents, Library Committee papers, donations, accessions lists, finance, redevelopment, computing, and relating to the teaching of physics and social studies, 1962-1986 (Ref: 1992/QAL/F, QAL/F1); correspondence and architectural plans relating to the planning and development of a proposed new library, statistics and inspections, 1971-1979 (Ref: 1999/QAL); publications including copies of articles from a wide range of physiological and medical journals, mainly concerning obesity, hormonal and metabolic balance with the results of studies carried out on humans and rodents, 1912-1975 (Ref: QAL/PUB1); papers relating to catering, domestic planning and appliances, including on electric cookers and refrigerators, [1963-1970] (Ref: QAL/PUB2); Harrow Consumer Group publications including its magazine, Query, 1967-1971 (Ref: QAL/PUB3); publications concerned with recipes and diet and kitchen hygiene [1915-1960] (Ref: QAL/PUB4); pamphlets, brochures and other publications issued by the Government of Malawi and organisations in Rhodesia and Nigeria, on nutrition, health education, agricultural development and farming practices, 1969-1973 (QAL/PUB5).

King's College London , Women's Department King's College for Women , Household and Social Science Department , 1915-1928 King's College of Household and Social Science , 1928-1953 Queen Elizabeth College , 1953-1985
Recupero, Carmelo
GB 0120 MSS.4172-4174 · Collection · [1745]

Institutionum medicinae pars prima [-sexta]. Vol. I. Economia animalis. Pathologia. Vol. II. Semilogia. Hygiene. Therapeutica. Vol. III. Praxis medicinae specialis. Apparently the author's holograph MSS., and perhaps the text of lectures. Produced in Catania?.

Recupero , Carmelo
LCC/RC/GEN · Collection · 1940-1956

Records of the London County Council Restaurant and Catering Department (later the School Meals and Catering Department), 1940-1956, including a history of the Londoners' Meals Service (1944); correspondence with the Ministry of Food; papers of the Inter-Departmental Committee on the organisation of the Londoners' Meals Service; papers on the delegation of powers to Borough Councils under the Civic Restaurants Act 1947; annual accounts and reports on operations; papers on the re-organisation of the Restaurants and Catering Department; paper by Chief Officer on 'Emergency Feeding in London, the Experience of World War II and Plans for the Future', given at the Combined Conference on Administrative and Scientific Problems of Food Aspects of Civil Defence; general files on meals for old age pensioners, nutrition of young people in wartime, closures of restaurants, school meals, take-away lunches, outdoor catering and special functions catering, opening hours, serving alcohol, and the discontinuance of restaurants service.

Papers of individual civic restaurants including the Bun House Restaurant, 111 High Holborn, Bell Tower Restaurant, 76-79 St Paul's Churchyard, Netherhall Restaurant, 251-253 Finchley Road and Ramillies Restaurant, 197-205 Oxford Street. Statistics and analysis including weekly returns of meals provided for children under the School Scheme, weekly returns of adult meals, weekly summaries of meals served in each division or area and weekly analyses of returns.

Blitz Circulars relating to the Londoners' Meals Service; Ministry of Food Circulars; directories of restaurants and children's meals centres; handbook of instructions for superintendents; pamphlet on hygiene in relation to the service of meals; newspaper cuttings on civic restaurants and on the Department's activities; informative notices for display at Meals Centres; 'The Organisation and Work of the Restaurants and Catering Department', handbook for new entrants and training notes.

LCC , London County Council x London County Council
Rodati, Luigi (d 1832)
GB 0120 MSS.4235-4238 · Collection · [1830]

Notes of Rodati's lectures compiled by students, c 1830, produced in Bologna.

Rodati , Luigi , d 1832
GB 0120 MSS.4284, 4285 · 1796

'Prophilactique et thérapeutique'. This MS. appears to be a précis of Nicolas François Rougnon de Magny's 'Traité d'hygiène et médecine pratique', published in 1799, and to have been taken from his own MS. Produced in Besançon.

Magny , Nicolas François , Rougnon de , 1727-1799 , Professor of Medicine and Botany
GB 0120 MSS.4385-4413 · 1845-1876

Collection of short works of Thomas Scattergood, mostly on physiological subjects. Author's holograph MSS. Produced in Leeds, 1845-1876.

Scattergood , Thomas , 1825-1900 , surgeon and physician
GB 0120 MSS.4423-4463 · 1837-1885

Holograph manuscripts of publications by Joseph von Schneller, notes, and some material by other persons collected by von Schneller, 1837-1885.

Schneller , Joseph , von , 1811-1885 , physician
GB 0120 MSS.5707-5711 · 1886-1931

Correspondence and papers of Sir William John Ritchie Simpson including miscellaneous correspondence, newscuttings and papers, including photographs and papers relating to Simpson's service with the Anglo-Serbian Military Red Cross in 1917; photographs and papers relating to Simpson's investigation of sanitary conditions in the mines of Northern Rhodesia with a typewritten copy of his 'Report on the conditions of hygiene at the Roan Antelope, Chambishi, and Mufulira mines'; obituaries of Simpson; address to Simpson on leaving his post as Health Officer of Calcutta with signatures of members of the medical profession and officers of the Calcutta Corporation and diplomas, comprising Simpson's appointments as surgeon in the Volunteer Forces of India, signed by H C K Petty-Fitzmaurice, 5th Marquess of Lansdowne, as Viceroy, 27 April 1892; FRCP 11 May 1899; Serbian Relief Fund diploma 30 May 1926.

Simpson , Sir , William John Ritchie , 1855-1931 , Knight , physician and specialist in tropical medicine
GB 0120 SA/SMO · 1856-1998

Papers of The Society of Medical Officers of Health, 1856-1998, comprising the constitution, 1892-1993; council records, 1856-1997; records of the general purpose committee, 1937-1981; records of the standing and temporary committees, and working parties and joint meetings, 1892-1996; general meeting records, 1856-1997; attendance books, 1872-1965; financial records, 1892-1996; members lists, 1895-1997; publications and official publicity, 1856-1997; historical material, 1866-1908; comments and evidence c 1879-1998; miscellaneous files, c 1879-1998; records of special interest groups, 1920-1997; papers, minutes and publications relating to the Society's Faculty of Community Health, 1988-1998; public health literature and sources, 1902-1997; files relating to the journal The Medical Officer, 1897-1973; non-Society records documenting public health measures, policies and issues in the first half of the 20th century; and minutes, files, transcripts of papers, correspondence, photographs, and ephemera relating to the regional Branches and Groups of the Society, 1875-1997.

The Society of Medical Officers of Health x The Association of Metropolitan Medical Officers of Health x The Incorporated Society of Medical Officers of Health x The Society of Community Medicine x The Society of Public Health Limited x The Society of Public Health x The Royal Institute of Public Health and Hygiene and Society of Public Health
GB 1753 STA · Collection · 1938-1975

The collection was assembled and annotated by Leslie Henry. The items mostly relate to Joseph Stacey, but a few concern Henry. The largest group is of photographs, with a few cuttings, relating to the evacuation of Regent Street Polytechnic School of Hairdressing to Winscombe in Somerset from 1939-1942; a few letters, photographs and cuttings relating to the careers of Stacey and Henry, 1938-1975.

Henry , Leslie , fl 1938-1975 , hairdresser
GB 0120 MSS.4693-4697 · 1905-1909

Papers of Sir Ambrose Thomas Stanton, 1905-1909, comprising original tables, statistics, etc. relating to researches into the etiology of Beri-beri, and its connection with a rice diet. Author's holograph MSS. Vols. II and IV are indexes to Vol. I and Vol. III respectively. Vol. V contains case-papers from the Hospital at Jelebu, some with notes by Stanton. Produced in Jelebu (Negri Sembilan), FMS.

Stanton , Sir , Ambrose Thomas , 1875-1938 , Knight , medical researcher
Student notebooks
GB 1510 SN · [1811-1973]

Notebooks containing manuscript notes from lectures given at the Royal Veterinary College c 1811-1974. Highlights include lecture notes by James McCunn as a student on pathology, bacteriology, veterinary surgery, hygiene and dietetics, 1916-1917; notes of lectures on hygiene delievered by Professor Harold Addison Woodruff, 1899-1909 and notes of lectures on pathology delievered by Professor John McFadyean, 1894-1923.

GB 1556 WL 1179 · Collection · 1945

Minutes of a meeting held between Ing. Georg Vogel and Major Kusmin, 1945, concerning the repatriation of some Czech nationals which Kusmin authorised on receipt of medical certificates and a statement that they are free of lice. The remaining minutes deal with applications for food and clothing and the need for more disinfectors following the removal of the Russian ones.

Theresienstadt post-war camp management
GB 0113 MS-THREJ · Fonds · 1902-1922

Record books, 1902-1905 and 1921-1922, relating to the examination of water and water supplies.

Thresh , John Clough , 1850-1932 , physician
VENEER, Eva (fl 1940)
GB 0100 KH/NL/PP32 · 1940

Small ring binder containing manuscript lecture notes of Eva Veneer on hygiene, dietetics, practical and theoretical nursing, 22 Oct 1940-Nov 1940.

Veneer , Eva , fl 1940 , pupil nurse
GB 0074 CLC/B/222 · Collection · 1853-1980

Records of Welch, Margetson and Company Limited, menswear manufacturers, including memorandum and articles of association; Board minutes; correspondence; annual reports and accounts; photographs of offices in Australia and of staff at work in offices, shops, factories and laundry; file on products, process and other firms; advertising; catalogues and price lists; papers relating to staff clubs; papers relating to property; and notes on the history of the company.

Welch, Margetson and Co Ltd , menswear manufacturers
GB 0120 PP/GSW · 1891-1987

Although the collection is by no means comprehensive, there are interesting records of many aspects of Wilson's career.

Section A. Biographical: Brings together material relating to obituaries, tributes, honours and awards. Includes Wilson's account of his First World War experiences and his assessment of his scientific publications. Section B. Research: Although not extensive, provides documentation of a number of Wilson's principal interests including the Salmonella group of bacteria and milk hygiene. There are three laboratory notebooks with experimental data covering the period 1919-45. Section C. Public Health Laboratory Service (PHLS): Relates chiefly to the unpublished history written by Wilson after his retirement as Director of the PHLS. There is also a little material relating to laboratory design and equipment and PHLS personnel. Section D. Lectures and publications: The most substantial in the collection. There are records of Wilson's lectures for a period of forty years from 1944, extensive documentation of the later editions of Principles of bacteriology and immunity, and editorial correspondence and papers for the British Journal of Experimental Pathology and the Journal of Hygiene. Section E. Societies and organisations: Documentation of Wilson's association with ten British organisations including the Medical Research Club, Medical Research Council and Veterinary Club. The Medical Research Council material relates to the Working Party on Tristan da Cunha which was set up to supervise medical investigations when the inhabitants were evacuated to Britain after the island's volcano erupted in 1961. There is also material relating to the Research Foundation, Chicago, which specialised in tuberculosis research, on whose medical advisory committee Wilson served. Section F. Visits and conferences: Records of a number of overseas trips in an advisory capacity for the World Health Organisation, including to Ethiopia 1964, Iraq 1965, Iran, Sudan and Egypt 1971 and the Philippines 1972, and records of international microbiology congresses. Section G. Correspondence: Although not extensive, includes a chronological sequence of scientific correspondence, 1930-1987, Wilson's collection of autograph letters addressed to Topley and himself, and references and recommendations. Section H. Photographs: Photographic records of Wilson, colleagues, conferences and PHLS laboratories. Section J. 'Biographical History of Bacteriology': Manuscript of Wilson's history, with correspondence about publication.

Wilson , Sir , Graham Selby , 1895-1987 , Knight , microbiologist
Women - Public Health
GB 1924 HD 6661 Z12 · Fonds · 1922-1957

Collection includes: Periodicals 1925- , annual reports 1923-1957, rules, pamphlets etc of the Women Sanitary Inspector's and Health Visitors Association (founded 1896) renamed Women Public Health Officers' Association and later renamed again Health Visitors' Association. News sheet, 1925-1946, (incomplete) Women Public Health Officers' Association journal 'The Woman Health Officer' 1928, 1936-1937; Health Visitors' Association rules; Woman Health Officer: official organ of the Health Visitors' Association; pamphlets and annual report; A History in Health 1896-1996 by Jennifer Smith, 1996. Association for Moral and Social Hygiene founded by Josephine Butler in 1870, annual reports 1922-1934 (incomplete).

Various: collected by TUC Library