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11 Archival description results for Hunting

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GB 0402 SWB · 1844-1894.

Papers of Sir Samuel White Baker including diaries (which include sketches) of expeditions to the Upper Nile between 1861 and 1873, and notes on hunting in Ceylon 1844-1853; cash book for 1869; observations taken in Central Africa, 1860-1873 and papers and letters to John Petherick (1863) and Mr Kerrison (1873).

Baker , Sir , Samuel White , 1821-1893 , Knight , traveller and sportsman
GB 0120 MSS. 5958-5963, 7589-7594 · 1853-1858, 1861-1862, 1967 and undated

MSS. 5958-5963 comprise journals of A B Barton, mainly written while he was a medical officer in the service of the Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company (P & O), 1853-1858. They cover his journeys between Bombay, Singapore and Hong Kong; to the Crimea; and to the Far East. They include descriptions of the progress of the Chinese rebellion (MS. 5959), tending to and transporting the sick and wounded from Balaclava to Scutari (MS. 5960), and his shipwreck off the coast of Ceylon, together with General Henry Havelock, on the steamer Erin (MS. 5962). Some are manuscript or typescript copies. MSS. 7589-7594 comprise journals and sketches mainly relating to the Yangtse expedition, led by Captain Thomas W Blakiston, on which Barton served as a medical officer, 1861. One journal, MS. 7591, also records the end of the expedition and Barton's journey to Ceylon via Singapore, with entries on hunting expeditions in Ceylon. The journals are all fair copies. MS. 7592 comprises a narrative of the Yangste expedition read by Barton to the Royal Geographical Society, based on his journals. MS. 7593 is a series of mainly topographical illustrations relating to the expedition, comprising sketches by Barton, plus photographs and engravings based on other sketches by Barton, some of which were used to illustrate Five Months on the Yang-Tse by Thomas W Blakiston (London: John Murray, 1862). MS. 7594 comprises later papers of Brian M Gould relating to Barton and his journals, 1967 and n.d.

Barton , Alfred Bowyer , 1825-1905 , physician Gould , Brian M , fl 1967
GB 0099 KCLMA Donlea T A M · Created 1935, 1937, [1939]

Copies of papers relating to his life and career, 1935, 1937, [1939], comprising an account by John Masters of the shooting of a tiger at Bakloh, Punjab, 1937 (an incident in which Donlea was involved); photograph of Donlea, 1935; photographs relating to his service in North West Frontier Province, India, [1939], including 4th Gurkha Rifles and Royal Ulster Rifles.

GB 1446 MS 65-76 · 1906-1926

Papers of Melville William Hilton-Simpson including:

MS 65

Journals of the Congo expedition: containing narrative of the journey, [1907-1909]. 7 volumes.

MS 66

Manuscript and typescript drafts of Among the hill-folk of Algeria: Journeys among the Shawia of the Aurcs Mountains, by Hilton-Simpson. (London: T. Fisher Unwin. 192I), including 17 photographs and a map.

MS 66A

Annotated proofs of Algiers and beyond: by Hilton-Simpson (London, Hutchinson, 1906).


Notes by Hilton-Simpson taken in Algeria including on magic, arts and crafts, medical magic, villages, geography, buildings and textiles, 1913-1925.

MS 68

Ethnographical and bibliographical notes by Hilton-Simpson in Algeria, arranged by subject, c 1914-1926.

MS 69

Typescript and manuscript notes used for an article by Hilton-Simpson, 'Some Arab and Shawia Remedies and Notes on the Trepanning of the Skull in Algeria'

The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, Vol. 43, (Jul. - Dec., 1913), pp. 706-721.

MS 70

Manuscript and typescript drafts of a paper on Berber and Arab surgery for the Royal Society of Medicine, Oct. 1919.

MS 71

Manuscript and typescript drafts for a book entitled 'The wandering Arabs of the Sahara: a sketch of life among the Nomads of the great African desert', by Hilton-Simpson. c 1921.

MS 72

Manuscript and typescript papers on material culture in Algeria including on the modern use of the 'water-clock' in Algerian irrigation, oil mills and the pole-lathe in Algeria and England.

MS 73

Manuscript, typescript and printed papers on the Congo by Hilton-Simpson, [c1910], including 'At the court of an African King', 'Sport at a Congo mission station', 'Two years among strange tribes', 'Buffalo shooting in the Belgian Congo', 'Loango to Kasai' and corrected proofs of introduction and index to Land and Peoples of the Kasai, (London, Constable, 1911-17) with copy of agreement with Constable.

MS 74

Manuscript and typescript papers and notes on North Africa, [1906-1920s] on topics including the cave dwellers of Southern Tunisia; a sandstorm in the Sahara; Algerian children's games and toys; some Algerian superstitions noted among the Shawia Berbers of the Aures Mts and their nomad neighbours; magical medicine; medicine among the Berbers of the Aures; purges and laxatives; charms and superstitions; Shawia festivals; folklore of the Algerian hills and deserts; big game and Tuareg warfare.

MS 75

Notebook containing sketches and notes on Shawia and Arabs.

MS 76

Manuscript and typescript notes on the material culture of the Shawia, [1920s], including on villages, habitations and dwellings; textiles; pottery; woodwork; basketry; leather work; agriculture; irrigation and time measurement; corn milling; olive oil; war and weapons.

Simpson , Melville William , Hilton- , 1881-1938 , anthropologist
League Against Cruel Sports
GB 2392 · 1925- 2003

Minutes of the Executive Committee, 1927-2003; Annual reports 1925-1934, 1957-2003; printed Memorandum and articles of association, 1967-1989; Constitution, adopted 1995; League publications including leaflets 1920s-2003; posters [1990s-2003]; Wildlife Conservation(formerly titled Cruel Sports, changed in 1980s) journal of the Against Cruel Sports, Jan 1927-2003; League Doings, bulletin of the League Against Cruel Sports, 1940-1959 (quarterly newsletter); press releases 1978-1995; Support Group press releases 1994-1996; copies of Letters to the Editor (letters and cuttings) 1979-1995; correspondence files, 1990-1994;

Files relating to Fell and moor land working terrier clubs, including cuttings and related papers, 1985-1994; terrier work, 1992-1993; Badger cases - adjourned and dismissed [1985-1994]; Shooting News - lists of adverts, letters and articles by people with convictions (re badgers and dog fighting) 1982-1990; Undercover Britain - the killing set, Channel 4, 18 Jan 1994 including response from the Countryman's Weekly and the Broadcasting Complaints Committee [1994]; Hare coursing bill research 1975-1976; Creatures and wild plants protection Bill (Mr P Hardy) 1975 and Badger Bill (Lord Arran) 1973; Badger convictions adjourned or dismissed cases and investigations [1983-1995]; Research file - lamps, cats, baiting/diggings, terrier men photos, anti-fox campaign; Hunt monitoring files, including applications forms and handbooks and lists of hunts, 1994-1997;

News cuttings relating to cruelty to animals, arranged annually by subject including hunt havoc; fox hunting; deer hunting; hare hunting, beagles, bassets and harriers; hare coursing; mink, coypu and otter hunting; illegal blood sports; badger baiting and dog fighting; letters - pro blood sports, anti blood sports and miscellaneous; hunt bans - councils, farmers, landowners; shooting, fishing and poisoning; poaching, cross-bows and airguns; terrier work, ferrets; illegal activity; League fundraising shows, walks, trails and sanctuary publicity; drag hunting and bloodhounds; miscellaneous animal welfare; conservation general and falconry; European blood sports; personalities, other animal welfare groups; political; opinion polls; BSE / mad cow disease; hunt saboteurs; pro-blood sports - violence and damage; illegal blood sports - dog fighting; badger digging, baiting, cockfighting and bull fighting; hunt bans - councils, farms, landowners, National trust, church and MOD; conservation; Alan Meale - wild animals Bill ; Foster Bill and Committee; Bateson Report and Ban; 1926-1967s, (7 files); 1980-2001 (420 files);

LACS support group newsletters, 1992-1994, including letters from the following groups- West Midlands, Bucks, East Dorset, Bath and Bristol, Salisbury, Leeds, Wiltshire, Aberdeen, Isle of Wight, Leicester, Stamford, North East, Banbury, Basingstoke, Gloucester, New Forest, Sussex area, North Hampshire, East Yorkshire, Caerphilly and district, Yeovil, Berkshire, Cornwall, Bedfordshire, Cheshire and Shropshire, Southampton and Waterside;

pro-hunt and non-League leaflets [1970s];

non League publications including those of bodies monitored by the League, including Countryman's Weekly, 1995-2001; BBC Wildlife 1995-1997; British Field Sports Society Country Sports, 1987-1995; British Wildlife (with indexes) 1991-1996; Earth dog - running dog, 1996; Horse and Hound, 1970s, 1986-2001; Hounds, 1997; Hunting, 1994-1996; National Geographic, 1996-1998; Shooting Gazette, 1993-1995; Shooting News, 1983-1993; Shooting Times, 1975-6, 1995-2001; Sporting Dog, 1992, 1994; The Field 1977-78, 1983-2001; The Veterinary Record, 1994-1996; Wildlife Conservation, 2001; RSPCA Annual Reports, 1959-1983 (incomplete);

photographs including black and white, and colour images relating to League activities, arranged in the following categories: Beagling, basset hounds, fox hunting, stag hunting, deer, sanctuaries, dog fighting, buck hunting, hare coursing, shooting; cock fighting, hares and rabbits, fell hunting, wild birds, mammals, fur trade, fluffy foxes (domesticated), drag hunting, foxes general, Euro, kennels, hunting scenes, digging out - terrier work, mink hunting, number plates and tax discs, hunt havoc and violence, meetings, fundraising, personalities - pro and anti, people, exhibitions, annual and extraordinary general meetings, general, Council hunt bans, demonstrations, marches and rallies, [1959-2003];

slide collection of images relating to the League's activities, arranged in the following categories, fox, hare, pro-hunt supporter, LACS AGMS; legal; mink and otter; badger / dog / cock sports; deer; sanctuaries and wildlife; snares and traps; European blood sports; drag and blood hound hunting; other organisations; anti-hunt supporters; politicians; shooting and falconry; hunt monitoring; hunt bans; hunt havoc; artificial earths; farm animals; miscellaneous, 1974, 1981-2003;

film and videos collection including footage of hunt monitoring, and television programmes concerning League activities, 1960s-2003;

audio cassettes recordings of radio broadcasts, reports, interviews and meetings relating to League activities, 1983-1996.

League for the Prohibition of Cruel Sports , [1923] -1938 League Against Cruel Sports , 1938-
LODER, Maj Reginald B
GB 0402 RBL · 1910-1924

Reginald Loder's journals of hunting expeditions interleaved with photographs: Vol. 1, British East Africa, 1910-1911; Vol. 2, British East Africa, 1912-1913, Vol. 3, Abyssinia, 1924 and Vol. 4 Red Sea Hills and Eritrea.

Loder , Reginald B , fl 1910-1931 , Major
GB 0402 FRR · 1892-1932

Notebooks and travel diaries, describing fishing and hunting trips with some notes on birds observed in the following regions: Sweden and Norway, 1892-1899; Russian Lapland, Ireland and Denmark, 1901-1902; Russian Lapland, Norway and Denmark, 1902; Guadiana valley, Spain, 1905; Norway and Sweden, 1905; Spain: a travel diary including notes on cae dwellings and prehistoric remains, 1908; Romania, 1911; Algeria and Iceland, 1913; England and Scotland, 1915-1918; Scotland, 1919-1920; Scotland and Iceland, 1921; England and Iceland, 1922; Iceland, 1922; England, 1923-1924; Sweden and New Zealand, 1924-1925; England and Sweden, 1926; Iceland, 1927-1929; Iceland and England, 1929; Iceland, 1930; England and Ireland, 1931-1932 and England, 1932.

Ratcliff , F R , fl 1892-1932
GB 0074 CLC/508 · Collection · 1878-1892

Personal papers of Reverend Charles John Todd, navy chaplain, comprising certificates of ordination as a deacon and priest, 1878-79; commission as a Navy chaplain, 1881; letters written home from Navy ships from Zanzibar, Suez, Sudan, India, Ceylon [Sri Lanka], and Japan; diaries and notebooks describing hunting expeditions in Ceylon and East Africa; diary of a diplomatic mission to King John of Abyssinia [Ethiopia], 1884; newspaper cuttings; photographs of Todd; and a description of Todd's Navy service, 1976.

Todd , Reverend , Charles John , fl 1878-1936 , clergyman and Navy chaplain
GB 0099 KCLMA Wells · Created [1931-1932], [1940-1945], 1955, [1982-1988]

Copies of extracts from 'Wells, a family history', produced by Tessa J Harfield, 1988, principally comprising a brief account of the life and RAF career of Sidney McLeod Wells (Wg Cdr Maurice Clunes Wells' brother), 1906-1941, written by Harfield in 1988; transcription of Brig (then Lt) Brian Gordon Wells' account of a big game hunt in Northern Rhodesia, 1931, written in [1931-1932], with his record of service, 1923-1955, dated 1955; transcription of 'My career in the RAF, 1935-1950' written by Wg Cdr Maurice Clunes Wells, written in [1980-1985]. Original manuscript of 'My career in the RAF, 1935-1950'. Photographs relating to Wg Cdr Maurice Clunes Wells' army career, dated [1940-1945] and [1980-1988], notably his internment as a POW, [1940-1945].

GB 0099 KCLMA Willcox · 1881-1918

Papers, 1881-1926; notably war diaries of the 3 Hussars during World War One, 1914-1919; private diary of Willcox, 1914; intelligence summaries with translated extracts from German documents, 1917-1918; typescript account of the 3 Hussars at Warneton, Belgium, Oct 1914; typescript account of the action of the 3 Hussars at Liez, France, March 1918 and near Hourges, France, Apr 1918; aerial photographs showing trench network, Beaucamp, France, 1916; copy of a diary by Willcox compiled during the siege of Ladysmith, South Africa, with two popular printed commemorative volumes describing the siege, 1899-1900; diary by Willcox of a visit by him as an observer of German army manoeuvres, Berlin area, with photographs, 1909; letters sent by Willcox to his parents and other relatives, 1881-1900; photographs of India, South Africa during the Boer War, in 1910 and the Western Front during World War One, showing groups of soldiers, equipment, the interiors and exteriors of buildings, including in Pretoria, of military exercises, parades, preparation for possible gas attack and of French chateaux, [1889-1919]; various papers compiled by Willcox during the compilation of his history of the 3 Hussars including operational summaries, biographical information and drawings and photographs, with reviews of Willcox's publications, 1908-1926; watercolours of the French landscape during World War One; manuscript hunting journal including detailed diaries and records of pig-sticking, tiger shooting and other hunts in Africa, Scotland and India, 1894-1932; colour illustrations of soldiers in various antique constumes.

Willcox , Walter Temple , 1869-1943 , Lt Col
WILSON, John (1811-1879)
GB 0402 JWI · Collection · 1839-1843

Log and private journal of John Wilson as ship's surgeon on the second voyage of the South Seas whaler GYPSY, 23 Oct 1839-19 Mar 1843 and portfolio of 23 watercolours, illustrating places named in the journal.

Wilson , John , 1811-1879 , ship's surgeon