Papers of Iris Murdoch, comprising correspondence with Hazel Bell, editor of The Indexer, concerning Bell's request that an index to all Murdoch's novels be created. The collection comprises Bell's initial letter seeking permission, 1987, and Murdoch's response, stating that she would not like an index to be compiled, 1987; Bell's later letter asking for permission to publish a quote from the letter from Murdoch, 1992, and Murdoch's written response, granting Bell permission to quote her, 1992.
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Nota(s) de âmbito
- Assignment of index terms to documents or objects with the aim to be able later on to retrieve the documents or objects according to the selected concepts designated by the index terms (essentially, descriptors).
- Attribution de termes d'indexation à des documents ou des objets, dans le but de les retrouver ultérieurement au moyen d'une sélection définie de concepts désignés par des termes d'indexation aussi appelés "descripteurs".
- Asignación de términos de indexación a documentos u objetos con el fin de poder localizarlos gracias a la asignación de estos términos o "descriptores" a una serie de conceptos seleccionados.
Nota(s) da fonte
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Termos hierárquicos
Termos equivalentes
- UP Concept analysis
- UP Subject indexing
- UP Analyse conceptuelle
- UP Indexation matières
- UP Análisis conceptual
- UP Indexación de materias
- UP Indización