Théorie de l'information

Zone des éléments



Note(s) sur la portée et contenu

  • Includes the coding and decoding of messages.
  • Inclut le codage et le décodage de messages.
  • Incluye la codificación y la decodificación de mensajes.

Note(s) sur la source


Note(s) d'affichage

    Termes hiérarchiques

    Théorie de l'information

    Théorie de l'information

    • Terme spécifique Code

    Termes équivalents

    Théorie de l'information

    • Employé pour Coding
    • Employé pour Communication theory
    • Employé pour Decoding
    • Employé pour Messages
    • Employé pour Message
    • Employé pour Théorie de la communication
    • Employé pour Contenido
    • Employé pour Emisor
    • Employé pour Mensaje
    • Employé pour Receptor
    • Employé pour Teoría de la comunicación

    Termes associés

    Théorie de l'information

    4 Description archivistique résultats pour Théorie de l'information

    GB 0099 KCLMA MF 388-401 · 1938-1945, 1982

    The MAGIC Documents: Summaries and Transcripts of the Top-Secret Diplomatic Communications of Japan, 1938-1945, is a themed microfilm collection relating to US deciphers of Japanese diplomatic codes through the use of MAGIC decryption, 1938- 1945. The collection contains copies of deciphered official and unofficial Japanese diplomatic communiqués sent from Japanese personnel stationed at embassies and consulates in the Far East, Europe and the Middle East, to Tokyo, Japan, 1938-1945, and includes material relating to Japanese civil, political and economic conditions and policies, military expenditures, strategy, tactics, and campaigns, and eventual peace initiatives and surrender, 1938-1945. Included in the collection are deciphered messages concerning Japanese perceptions of Allied strategy against Japan; the effect of Allied air raids on Japan; Japanese relations with the German Foreign Office; Japanese relations with the governments of Burma, Indo-China; Korea, Netherland East Indies, Siam, China, the Philippines; perceptions of Allied chemical warfare capabilities; perceptions of Allied Lend-Lease naval forces and strategy; British and French relations with colonies in the Far East; control of industry in Manchuria (Manchukuo); perceptions of Axis strategy and Japan's role within it; Japanese interest in Indian nationalism and the Indian Independence League; the Burma-Siam railway; Japanese attacks on the Burma Road, the supply route which connected Burma to Generalissimo Chiang Kai- Shek's nationalist forces in China; administration of the government of Japanese occupied Nanking, China; the Chinese Communist Party; the rationing of clothing and food in Japan; perceptions of the Soviet Comintern Pact; Japanese relations with German, European, and Chinese banks; Japanese relations with Spanish Gen Francisco Franco Bahamonde, the German High Command and Italian Prime Minister Benito Mussolini; interpretation of the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere; concern for Japanese nationals abroad, 1937-1945; Japanese naval strategy and tactics; function of the Japanese Consular Police, China; territorial claims on the Kurile Islands; material relating to Japanese military campaigns during World War Two; Japan's search for strategic resources in the Far East; military strengths and dispositions of the German Armed Forces; the origins of the Russo-Japanese Neutrality Pact; Allied and Axis propaganda methods; the treatment of Allied prisoners of war; the surrender of Japanese armed forces in the Far East.

    Sans titre
    GB 0099 KCLMA Blagrove E G · Created [1945], 1978-1979

    Copies of papers relating to her work as an WRNS administrator at Bletchley Park Decoding Centre, notably two drafts of a text on WRNS at Bletchley Park, [1945], an account of the employment of WRNS at Bletchley Park and outstations, [1945]; copy photograph of Blagrove and her assistant Doreen Scott, [1944], and photocopies of photographs of buildings and WRNS personnel at Walton Hall, Wavenden, Gayhurst and Eastcote, 1944-1945; copies of papers relating to a reunion of ex-HMS PEMBROKE V WRNS personnel, 1978, notably a text of Blagrove's speech on HMS PEMBROKE V and an attendance list; copy of obituary from The Wren, Jun 1979.

    Sans titre
    Seymour, Henry
    GB 0096 MS 437 · 1921

    A bi-lateral cipher translation and transcription, prepared by Henry Seymour in 1921, from Bacon's The Historie of the raigne of King Henry the Seventh, 1622, using Bacon's own cipher, as given in the De Augmentis scientarum.

    Sans titre