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Archivistische beschrijving
British Computer Society
GB 2107 BCS · 1966-1977

Papers of the British Computer Society and its library, comprising correspondence, minutes and reports, 1966-1977.

Zonder titel
GB 2107 Ephemera · 1893-1997

Ephemera collections of City University and predecessors, including presscuttings, 1909-1939, 1958-1963, 1967-1993, 1996-1997; Colleges of Advanced Technology presscuttings, 1963-1964; City Press press releases, 1979-1982; City Press presscuttings arranged by Department, 1980s; Business School presscuttings, 1990s; City Technology presscuttings, 1980s; boxes of photographic negatives; photographs, 1890s-1990s, including album, 1898; tapes of lectures and interviews, 1966-1984; slides of buildings, exteriors and interiors, and courses, 1950s-1960s; films of events, 1950s-1970s; Arms of The City University, with copies of coloured bookplate of arms and the heraldry described; various documents, 1894-1997; The Northampton: A History of Northampton College by John Thole (1966); various accounts of the history of the institution with early prospectuses, 1898-1960s; City University: A History by S John Teague (1990), typescripts and copies.

Zonder titel
Gresham College and Lectures
GB 2107 Gresham · 1966-1986

Books relating to the foundation of Gresham College, the history of Gresham School, the lives of the professors of Gresham College, the Gresham lectures of Sir John Flamsteed, the Sir Thomas Gresham trusts, the life and times of Sir Thomas Gresham and genealogical memoranda.

Zonder titel
Library papers
GB 2107 Library · 1948-1998

Papers relating to the library of Northampton Polytechnic, Northampton College of Advanced Technology (CAT) and the City University, 1948-1998, including papers on Library Development, 1960s, 1990s and the Library extension, 1996-1998; Library Advisory Committee signed minutes, 1958-1965; Senate Library Committee minutes, 1966-1994; papers of the Library Acquisitions sub-committee, 1971-1989, and Library and Information Services Liaison Group, 1990-1995; Library guides, handouts and annual reports, 1960-1992; Library News/Newsheet, 1972-1976, 1983, 1994-1998; Library files, 1960s-1990s; Inter-library Loan procedure, 1968; various presscuttings on the Library, undated; Library Standards for CATs [1950s]; ALSL issue system proposal, 1971; CLSI library computer system, 1980s; OCLC Europe Master copy files, 1980s; Library Accession registers, 1948-1966; file relating to the possible acquisition of the Tasiemka Cuttings Archive, 1980-1981; file relating to the housing of the London Society and its library at CU, 1976-1991.

Zonder titel
Estates and buildings
GB 2107 Estates · 1892-1990s

Estates and buildings records of City University and predecessors, including papers regarding the competition for the first building of the Northampton Institute, its erection and furnishing, 1892-1897, including correspondence with the architect, Edward W Mountford; site and building plans, 1892-1894; correspondence regarding sale of forecourts in Myddleton Street, 1939-1940; correspondence regarding building extension schemes, 1933-1956, including correspondence with architects and London County Council, 1954-1959; war damage repairs correspondence, 1948-1956; papers regarding Palmers Green Playing Fields, 1945-1964; records relating to sports equipment, grounds, events and facilities, 1970s-1990s; plans, 1950s-1960s; buildings and services papers relating to extension schemes and new buildings, with reports and plans, 1930s-1970s.

Zonder titel
External bodies
GB 2107 External · 1893-1997

Papers of external bodies associated with the City University, including City Parochial Foundation publications, 1887-1937; Inspectors' reports, 1907-1951; statement of Governing Bodies of Teaching Institutions regarding proposals of Academic Council of the University of London to Royal Commission on University Education in London, 1911; reports on provision of engineering education in London, 1927-1928; correspondence relating to withdrawal of grants, 1932-1937; General Regulations, 1936, and Staff Regulations, 1937; University of London, minutes of Senate, 1965; University Grants Committee (UGC) visits, 1965, 1970, 1980, and papers, 1970s-1980s; London County Council Rules of Education Committee, 1954, 1958, Quality Audit Report, 1993.

Zonder titel
GB 2107 Roscoe · 1945-1951

Laboratory reports of A D Roscoe, 1945-1951, with portfolio of drawings, relating to his work conducted in the Department of Electrical Engineering, Northampton Polytechnic, London.

Zonder titel
GB 2107 Administration · 1894-2000

Administrative papers of the City University (CU) and its predecessors, including Senate records, 1970-1977; index of Senate Meetings, 1966-1976; Senate meetings minutes, 1966-1998; Senate Committee on Research papers, 1979; Senate Committee on Planning minutes, 1969-1975; General Purposes Committee minutes, 1966-1979; Research reports on Northampton College of Advanced Technology (CAT), 1959-1963, and CU, 1970s; Prizes and Scholarships deeds of trust and correspondence; Academic Board minutes, 1962-1966; Engineering Board of Studies meetings minutes, 1937-1972; Working Party on Liberal Studies, 1969-1970; Committee on Instructional Techniques Questionnaire and results, 1966, Information sheets, 1971; Academic Advisory Committee Report, 1966. Papers relating to ceremonies, including Centenary papers, 1894-1994, including calendar, magazine, logo, letterhead, lectures; Centenary material, 1994, details of Departmental centenary events and review; correspondence with recipients of Honorary degrees, 1971-1974; Honorary Degree citations and orations, 1975-1980; copies of Honorary Degree certificates, 1966-1989; articles by Journalism students for Centenary research project, 1994; invitation cards for official opening of Northampton Institute, 1897-1898, and other events, 1950s-1980s; papers relating to openings and extensions, 1898-1976, Fiftieth Anniversary, 1946, and inauguration of the University, 1966; correspondence regarding portrait of Sir James Tait by Ruskin Spears, 1969-1970; menu cards for various dinners, 20th century; CU Foundation and Graduation Day Service programmes, 1966-1988; CU Installation of Chancellor and Degree Congregation programmes, 1966-1990s; annual prize-giving ceremony programmes, 1999-2000; inauguration of the Skinners' Library, 1955: Chairman's address and photographs; Jubilee dinner attendance book, 1946.
Publications, including Northampton prospectuses, 1930s-1966; CU prospectuses, 1966-1998; Northampton College Gazette, nos.1-47, May 1961-May 1966; The City University Gazette, Jun 1966-Oct 1971; TCU Gazette, Jun 1966-Nov 1976; QUEST: Journal of TCU, London, 1-35, 1967-1981; QUEST index 1-5, 16-30; QUEST editorial board minutes, Sep 1967-Mar 1977; Business QUEST: Supplement 1-2, 1974-1976; CITY NEWS, 1977-1981; Weekly Information Sheets, 1971-1975; Monthly events sheets, 1971-1986; CU Newsletter, Feb 1982-July 1992; CITY NETWORK, CITY NEWS, CITY PLUS, 1994-2000.

Zonder titel
GB 2107 Finance · 1893-1986

Financial records of City University and predecessors, 1893-1986, comprising Ledgers, 1893-1960; Cash books, 1924-1963; Invoice books, 1938-1959; Salaries ledgers, 1926-1958; Statements of account, 1968-1986.

Zonder titel
GB 2107 Staff · 1895-1997

Papers of City University and predecessors relating to staff and staff associations, including papers regarding appointment of Dr Robert Mullineux Walmsley, first Principal, 1895; papers regarding appointment of first Heads of Departments, late 19th century; biographical information regarding staff of the Northampton Institute, 1896-1897; register of full-time teachers, 1896-1926; staff handbooks, 1958, 1961; academic handbooks, 1990s; Guide to Organisation and Services: The Orange Book, 1991-1997; Personnel Dept publications, 1990s; internal telephone directories, 1970s; Conditions of Service papers, 1960s-1970s; papers relating to Sir James Tait (1912-1998), Vice-Chancellor: photocopies and memorial service; tape recordings of interviews with past members of staff by John Teague, 1977-1978, with transcripts; Academic Wives Association minutes and papers, 1967-1987; Senior Common Room minutes and papers, 1968-1979; ATTI (Association of Teachers in Technical Institutions) branch minutes and papers, 1951-1966; Staff Association reports and papers, correspondence, memos and minutes, 1950-1962; Academic Staff Association (ASA) minutes, handbooks, newsletters and papers, c1959-1974; ASA Journal 1-4, 1970-1971; Northampton College of Advanced Technology staff club minutes, accounts and papers, 1960s-1970s; Association of University Teachers (AUT) officers, 1970s-1990s; AUT branch minutes, 1964-1967; pay claim papers, 1984; Welfare Committee papers, 1970s; Safety Committee minutes and booklets, 1970s; Computer Advisory/User Committee papers, 1970s-80s.

Zonder titel
GB 2107 Students · 1899-1995

Papers of City University and predecessors relating to students and student societies, including prizes and certificates Lists, 1899-1925, 1930-1964; Northampton Prize Distribution programmes, 1918, 1924, 1936-1937, 1960s; Northampton Prizes and Certificates, 1912, 1937, 1947-1961; Academic Registrar's Dept publications, 1960s-1990s; PhD theses (4), 1982-1997; Students Union (SU) Annual Ladies Night Programmes, 1927-1939; NEWSCITY, 1970-1994, SU newsletter; SU handbooks, 1940s-1960s; Univercity, 1966-1988, 1991, SU handbook; Senate Committee on Courses papers (SU President's copy), 1973-1975; N'Ions Committee minutes, correspondence and other papers, 1973-1978; Old N'Ions War Memorial Fund minutes and reports, 1947-1961; Old N'Ions War Memorial Travelling Bursary minutes, applications, reports, leaflets and correspondence, 1951-[1960s]; Convocation papers, 1968-[1970s]; Union Society archives including minutes, 1939-1980s; Student Services papers, 1960s-1980s; OCCAM Society (named after the medieval philosopher and theologian William of Occam) correspondence, members' attendance book, reports and minutes; Northampton Engineering Society minutes, 1905-1961, attendance books, 1929-1958, and student papers, texts of papers read before the Society, 1905-1914, 1925-1945, 1951-1954; Actuarial Science and Statistics Alumni Newsletter, CU, Autumn, 1995.
Publications including Northampton Magazine nos 1-40, 1912-1935; The N'Ion, 1935-1971; Magazines of Past Day Students Association, The Northampton Gazette, 1910-1915, 1919-1935, and N'ION, 1936-1966; Northampton Polytechnic Institute Day Students Magazine nos. 1&2, Dec 1912, Apr. 1913; Northampton Institute Clubs Gazette, Jan 1902-Dec 1904; Mickle Chinese Society Magazine, 1979-1981; CITYSCAPE and SPORTSCITY, 1973; BEACON, 1966-1987.

Zonder titel
GB 2107 · 1892-2000

Records of City University and predecessors, 1892-2000, covering all aspects of the establishment and development of the University, and including foundation documents and University charter, 1966; Governing Body records including minutes, 1892, annual reports, 1897-2000, and various management schemes, 1912-1960s; general administrative records including prospectuses, 1930s-1960s, records of prizes, scholarships, and ceremonial occasions, and in-house publications; financial records, 1893-1999; estates and buildings records and plans, 1892-2000; academic administrative records including Departmental syllabuses, 1927-1996, research and publications reports, 1952-1992, publications, 1970-1997, and promotional literature, 1960s-1990s; lists of students, 1899-1960s; staff records, 1895-1926; Library records, 1940s-1990s; Student Union records and records of other student societies, 1906-1999, including student magazines, 1912-1999; records of staff associations, 1950s-1990s; presscuttings, 1909-1999; photographs, 1892-1999; and audio tapes of special lectures, 1960s-1980s.

Zonder titel
GB 2107 Birley · 1924-1981

Papers of Robert Birley, 1924-1981, relating to his writing and speaking activities in the fields of education, including post-World War Two educational reconstruction in the British Zone of Germany; English universities in South Africa and apartheid; human rights issues. The papers comprise letters, manuscripts, typescripts of speeches and articles, related printed material, presscuttings and reprints of articles.

Zonder titel
GB 2107 CATs · 1957-1965

Papers of the Committee of Principals of the Colleges of Advanced Technology (CATs), comprising signed minutes, 1957-1965, with some copies, 1960s; CAT Monitor, Newsletter sent to CAT Principals, 1960s; Charters of new universities, 1966.

Zonder titel
Departmental records
GB 2107 Departments · 1927-2000

Departmental records of City University and predecessors, including Dept of Aeronautics course details and syllabuses, conference reports and other papers, 1957-1986; Centre for Arts and Related Studies, later Dept of Continuing Education, prospectuses and some examination papers, 1972-1984, and prospectuses and programmes, 1983-1990s; Business School papers, 1960s-1970s; Dept of Chemistry examination papers, students' marks, and syllabuses, 1948-1986, with Heat Engines Laboratory stockbook, 1927-1938; Royal Institute of Chemistry examination papers and reports, 1969-1973; Dept of Civil Engineering, including Nuclear Power Plant, syllabuses and progammes with other papers, 1957-1988, and papers of design course, 1960, and International Conference on Behaviour of Slender Structures Proceedings, 1977; Centre for Educational Technology programmes and other papers, 1969-1990; Dept of Electrical Engineering syllabuses and other papers, 1969-1990; Health Sciences annual reports, 1989-1990, 1995-1996; Dept of Information Science papers, 1960s; Dept of General Studies examination papers, 1984; Dept of Mathematics syllabuses and other papers, 1962-1995; Dept of Mechanical Engineering Board of Studies meetings, 1961-1984, student handbooks, syllabuses, course details and research reports, newsletters, 1957-1990, with G. Haley's Engineering Dept course work file on Theory of Machines, 1943; Dept of Music prospectuses, leaflets and other papers, 1975-1989; Dept of Optometry and Visual Science prospectuses, syllabuses and other course information, 1953-1996; Dept of Physics syllabuses and other papers, 1957-1979, with summer school proceedings, 1954; Dept of Social Science and Humanities Board of Studies minutes, syllabuses and other course details, 1962-1983; Dept of System Science and dependent centres syllabuses and other course details, 1957-1990, with summer school proceedings, 1979; Details of conferences, courses, summer schools, Open Days, lectures and other events, 1957-2000; Music and Drama events, 1960s-1970s; Public lectures, 1950s-1990s.

Departmental research reports: City Consultancy Service Reports, 1990-1992; Aeronautical Engineering, 1966-1975; Business School, 1968-1981; Chemistry, 1956-1984; Civil Engineering, 1967-1977, 1983-1988; Centre for Clinical Communication Studies research programme, 1986-1987; Computer Science, 1984-1989; Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 1952-1957, 1963-1970, 1990-1991; Centre for Information Science, 1979; Mathematics, 1966-1985; Mechanical Engineering, 1966-1988; Music, research and performances including Advanced Composition Research Group, 1988; Opthalmic Optics and Visual Science, 1966-1970; Dept of Physics, 1966-1985; School of Community Planning, 1970-1982; Social Science and Humanities, 1968-1980; System Science, 1969-1988.

Departmental promotional literature, 1960s-1990s for all departments as above and Arts Administration; SBH School of Nursing and Midwifery; Business School; Centre for Banking and International Finance; Adult Education; School of Informatics; Dept of Journalism; Centre for Legal Studies; Studies in Property Valuation and Management; Validated Courses: Ashridge Management College; City Literary Institute; Cordwainers College; Gyosei International College in the UK; Guildhall School of Music and Drama; Inns of Court School of Law; Laban Centre London; Nordoff-Robbins Music Therapy Centre; School of Psychotherapy and Counselling; City Innovation Centre, 1988; Halls of Residence; Industrial Liaison Centre, 1968-1973.

Departmental publications, including TCU Business School Economic Review, Spring 1983-Summer 1988; Informaniac, undated, Information Science Society publication; Islington Angel and City Star with other CU Journalism students publications, 1980s-1990s; Insight, 1992-1997, newsletter of CU Business School; Evening MBA Newsletter, 1990-1991; Research News, 1970-1976; GEORGE, PROBE and Newsheet, 1974-1976, newsletters of the Dept of Social Science and Humanities; Journal of Arts Policy & Management 1-3, 1984; TCU Computer Unit Bulletin/Newsletter, 1972-1982, 1992-1997; Careers Service Newsletters and Bulletins, 1970s, 1990s.

Zonder titel
Governing Body and Council
GB 2107 Governing Body · 1891-1999

Records of the Governing Body of City University and predecessors, 1891-1999, including signed minutes, 1892-1999; Committee minutes books, 1892-1933; Council minute book, 1906-1918; Principal's Report books, 1896-1937; Lady Superintendent's Report book, 1896-1914; Letter book, 1892-1893; Title deeds and documents re various premises, 1887-1969; papers regarding designation as a College of Advanced Technology (CAT) with scheme of management, 1956-1957; papers and documents regarding University Charter, 1964-1967, with Charity Commission schemes and agreements, 1891; record of discussions with Sir John Cass College regarding possible amalgamation, 1965; annual reports, 1932-1999; printed minutes with annual reports, 1897-1999; Governing Body attendance books, 1934-1966; Governing Body agendas, 1939-1947, 1949-1952, 1955, 1957, 1965-1966; Council agendas, 1963-1999; Council minutes (unsigned), 1970-1979; Council minutes, reserved items, 1978-1979; Special Council meeting minutes, 1964-1968; Council minutes, 1999; Ordinances, 1966-1973, 1987-1999; Governing body management schemes for Battersea, Chelsea and Northampton Colleges, 1962 (photocopy), with schemes for management of Northampton Polytechnic Institute, 1912, and Northampton CAT, 1960s; schemes, drafts and agreements with London County Council (LCC) following direct grant status, 1961-1966; reports of Charity commissioners, 1892; City Parochial Foundation "Polytechnics and the Poorer Classes", 1933; LCC reviews and schemes, 1923, 1928,1949,1964; development Plan, 1967-1968; leaflets regarding compact with Islington Council, 1996, and affiliation of Inns of Court Law School, 1997; corporate plan responses to consultation, 1999; CU proposed Institute of Education, 1972; records relating to the foundation of City University, comprising Draft Charter, Statutes and Petition, 1965; copies of petition and University Charter, 1966, with index.

Zonder titel
GB 2107 Marquand · 1923-1924

Notebooks of Philip de la Hay le Marquand, 1923-1924, relating to his work on telegraphy, magnetism and electricity at City University, London.

Zonder titel
GB 2107 NCHIT · 1946-1980

Papers of the National College of Horology and Instrument Technology, 1946-1960, comprising Declaration of Trust, 1947, and Ministry of Education appointment of governors, 1949-56; governing body signed minutes, 1946-1960, with annual reports and accounts; Director's reports, 1948-1960, with brief history and register of students; annual accounts, 1947-1960; invoice book, 1947-1960; journal, 1947-1960; cash book and ledger, 1947-1960; ledger sheets, 1947-1960; correspondence, 1944-1950; Directors' attendance book, 1946-1950; propectuses and correspondence relating to courses, 1947-1957.

Zonder titel