Mostrando 957 resultados

Descripción archivística
Termanini, Gaetano, 1771-1831
GB 0120 MSS.4766-4768 · c 1815

'Trattato di chirurgia'. Lettered on spine 'Instituzioni Chirurgiche': an unnamed student's notes of lectures taken from the lectures Gaetano Termanini. Produced in Bologna, c 1815.

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Testa, Giuseppe Antonio (1756-1814)
GB 0120 MSS.4771, 4772 · 1807-1809

Lezioni di Clinica Medica, per l'anno scolastico 1807-1808, 1808-1809. On the fly-leaf of the first volume is the following inscription: 'Queste lezioni di Clinica Medica/che il Professore Testa/diceva/Le raccolse e scrisse di mano propria/un mio compagno di studio/il quale/dappoi per bisogno vendeva/chi li compri/fu il Dottor Vincenzo Minelli/chi vendette/Alessandrini/[Signature of Minelli]/Sant' Agata Bolognese, 16 Gennaio 1876/Visto autografa la soprascritta/firma del Sig. Dr. Vincenzo Minelli/Il Sindaco/[Signature of Antonio Cave, Lodi, Asst. delegato. Official Stamp of the Munioipio di Sant' Agata. Bologna]. Produced in Bologna.

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Tozzi, Luca (1638-1717)
GB 0120 MSS.4829-4830 · c 1685

Notes taken from the lectures of Luca Tozzi on 'Anathomica synthesis, Anthropologia selecta, Synthesis geneanthropologica and Liber practices', c 1685.

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Trismosin, Salomon
GB 0120 MSS.4853, 4854 · 1920

Splendor Solis, alchemical treatises of Solomon Trismosin, adept and teacher of Paracelsus. Including allegorical pictures reproduced from the original paintings on vellum, dated 1582, in the British Museum. With introduction, elucidation of the paintings, aiding the interpretation of their occult meaning, Trismosin's autobiographical account of his travels in search of the Philosopher's Stone, a summary of his alchemical process called 'The Red Lion', and [explanatory notes]. By Julius Kohn. Two typescript copies, one on large 4to. sheets mounted, and prepared for the press, with the Editor's holograph corrections and additions: the other on folio typing-paper. The last illustration (No. 22) has been cut out. There are 21 photographic illustrations, of which Nos. 16, 19-24 have been coloured by hand. The folio set does not include the illustrations, but has the title-page and preliminary matter, which are missing in the 4to. set. The MS. from which this edition is transcribed is B. M. Harley 3469.

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Turner, Walter Pickett ( -1934)
GB 0120 MSS.4868-4884 · 1887-c 1910

Notebooks of Walter Pickett Turner, 1887-c 1910, containing lectures and observations on tuberculosis: with other notes on medical and scientific subjects, drafts of letters, etc. Author's holograph MSS.

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Venel, Gabriel François (1723-1775)
GB 0120 MSS.4914-4917 · 1761-1796

Student notes taken from Gabriel François Venel's lectures including on materia medica and chemistry, 1761-1796.

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Vitagliano, Niccolo
GB 0120 MSS.4943-4945 · c 1750

Notes of lectures given at Naples University, all apparently taken by the same student, c 1750.

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Wedel, Georg Wolfgang (1645-1721)
GB 0120 MSS.4983-4984 · 1694-1698

Two volumes of notes, in Latin comprising 'Collegium formulare habitum ab illustri Domino Georgio Wolfgangio Wedelio. A.O.R. MDCXCIV coeptum Die 19 Novembris'. The last four leaves contain an account of a 'Zermabschwechtende hitzigen Fieber', which broke out in 1696. At the end of the main text 'Finit die 27 April 1695'. On the t.p. is an inscription 'Sorte obtinuit Johannes Philippus Huth, Doctor Fridburgensis in Wetterau. 1712. 14 Novembris'. MS. No. 4984, a copy of Wedel's 'Collegium casuale', 1695-98, has a similar inscription on the t.p. in which it is stated that the MS. was inherited by J. P. Huth from his uncle Philippus Huth, Doctor at Gemersheim 1712, who was probably the compiler of both these MSS. At the end of this MS. is inserted a printed leaflet containing an account of a disturbance in the city of Thorn between Polish and German students on 16 July 1724. (This leaflet is entered in the Catalogue of Printed Books, s.v. 'THORN'.) and 'Collegium casuale' (in two books). 'Collegium therapeuticum'. The two folding leaves have been inserted, and contain a 'Tabula de methodo consultandi epistolari et renunciatoria'. On the recto of the first of these is written 'Collegium casuale a chymista Wedelio habita' and below this 'Sorte obtinuit hoc manuscriptum ex hereditate beati Domini Patruelis Philippi Huth, Medicinae Doctoris et Physici Germersheimensis 1712. 14 Septembris. Johannes Philippus Huth'. The second inscription is by a different hand from that of the text. A similar inscription is found in MS. No. 4983, Wedel's 'Collegium formulare', 1695-96. At the end of the second book of the 'Collegium casuale' is written 'Finit. Anno [16]98 die 23 Januarii', and at the beginning of the 'Collegium therapeuticum' 'Mense Maii 1695 inceptum'.

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White, Anne (and others)
GB 0120 MSS.4992-4993 · 1789-1845

Cookery book. Procuring diseases. The first volume is lettered as above, on the upper cover, below this is 'Receipt Book. 1789. Vol. I.' The second volume is similarly lettered 'Cookery Book curing and Procuring Diseases. Vol. 2.' Inscribed on the first leaf of the first volume 'Anne White. 1789.' The medical and household receipts begin from the other end of the volume: the first part to p. 122 is mainly cookery: there are entries by several other hands, the latest on p. 72 dated 1809. The same arrangement is found in Vol. II, and the date 1845 is found on p. 96 of the cookery section. Here again in this volume the entries are by several other hands.

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Young, Thomas ( 1730 -1783)
GB 0120 MSS.5103-5107 · c 1770

Holograph notes taken down by [Sir] Charles Blagden [1748-1820] when a student at Edinburgh University, from Thomas Young's lectures on midwifery .

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GB 0120 MSS.5274-5275 · 1840

Proceedings in the case of Richard Paternoster versus William and Charles Finch, proprietors of a lunatic asylum at Kensington, John Paternoster, surgeon, and others, in the Court of Common Pleas, 1840.

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Bracey, Herbert Richard (c 1849-1901),
GB 0120 MSS.5286-5295 · 1869-1889

Letters and diaries of Herbert Richard Bracey, ship's surgeon, 1869-1876 and 1889.

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GB 0120 MSS.5296-5303 · 1835-1866

Albums containing medical prescriptions written for members of Lord Kenyon's family. The prescriptions were written mainly by Sir Charles Herbert (d. 1855), and Arthur Noverre (1816-1878), FRCS.

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Ware, James (1756-1815)
GB 0120 MSS.5365-5369 & 5428 · 1760s-1780s

Papers of James Ware including notes for lectures on the eye and its disorders, notes on anatomy and mathematics, and a partnership indenture, 1760s-1780s.

Sin título
GB 0120 MSS.5373-5374 · 1818-1824

Notes and correspondence of an unpublished second edition of Nicholas Carlisle's A concise description of the endowed grammar schools in England and Wales (London, 1818).

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Kellgren, [Jonas] Henrik (1837-1916)
GB 0120 MSS.5406-5409 and 7869-7872 · 1871-1892 and undated

The collection comprises prescriptions issued by Kellgren at various institutes for Swedish medical gymnastics; namely, the Schwedisches Heilgymnastisches Institut in Gotha, Germany (MSS.5406-5407 and 7869), the Schwedisches Institut für Manuelle Behandlung der Krankheiten, Baden-Baden (MS.7872), the Swedish Institution for the Cure of Diseases by Manual Treatment, London (MSS.5408 and 7870), the Institutet för Manuel Sjukbehandling, Sanna, near Jönköping, Sweden (MS.5409), and the Institution Suèdoise pour le Traitement Manuel des Maladies, Paris (MS.7871). Patients include members of the nobility of the United Kingdom and of Germany, as well as members of the Kellgren and Cyriax families.

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Insanity, France, 19th Century
GB 0120 MSS.5643-5646 · 1816-1890

Miscellaneous letters and papers relating to asylums and the insane in France, 19th century.

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Paget, Sir James (1814-1899)
GB 0120 MSS.5701-5706 & 7377 · 1830-1909

Correspondence and papers of Sir James Paget and miscellaneous papers of his son, Stephen Paget, 1830-1909.

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GB 0120 MSS.5707-5711 · 1886-1931

Correspondence and papers of Sir William John Ritchie Simpson including miscellaneous correspondence, newscuttings and papers, including photographs and papers relating to Simpson's service with the Anglo-Serbian Military Red Cross in 1917; photographs and papers relating to Simpson's investigation of sanitary conditions in the mines of Northern Rhodesia with a typewritten copy of his 'Report on the conditions of hygiene at the Roan Antelope, Chambishi, and Mufulira mines'; obituaries of Simpson; address to Simpson on leaving his post as Health Officer of Calcutta with signatures of members of the medical profession and officers of the Calcutta Corporation and diplomas, comprising Simpson's appointments as surgeon in the Volunteer Forces of India, signed by H C K Petty-Fitzmaurice, 5th Marquess of Lansdowne, as Viceroy, 27 April 1892; FRCP 11 May 1899; Serbian Relief Fund diploma 30 May 1926.

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Gollancz, Sir Hermann (1852-1930)
GB 0120 MSS.5729-5732 · 1874-1924

Lecture notes and other papers of Sir Hermann Gollancz including notes from lectures on the philosophy of mind, given by George Croom Robertson (1842-1892) at University College, London; notes from lectures at University College, London, comprising lectures on applied mathematics by William Kingdom Clifford (1845-1879), and on physics by George Carey Foster. Also included are notes on the history of the Jews in Sicily; notes on aspects of Jewish religion and theology. Signature inside the front cover, 'H Gollancz, Jews' College' and medical prescriptions written for Sir Hermann Gollancz, and miscellaneous medical ephemera.

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Bashford, J.E.L. (fl 1907-1918)
GB 0120 MSS.5733-5740 · 1907-1918

Notebooks and diary including notebooks containing notes taken from lectures on physics and electricity given at the Royal Naval College, Greenwich, illustrated with sketches and diagrams, 1902; pilotage notes, 1907; Diary while serving with HMS VIRAGO, a destroyer on the China station, including visits to Hong Kong, Japan and elsewhere in the Far East, 1908 and notebooks containing lecture notes on electricity and mechanics, illustrated with small sketches and diagrams. Inscriptions 'J E L Bashford, HMS Vernon, Aug. 1911.' MS. 5740 also includes notes on mine-sweeping and on torpedoes fired, 1916-1918.

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British Army Surgeons
GB 0120 MSS.5756-5776 · 1787-1826

Certificates issued by the Company of Surgeons, London (and subsequently by the Royal College of Surgeons), certifying candidates as qualified to serve as surgeons or surgeons' mates in the Army, 1787-1826. Each document is signed by the Master and Wardens (subsequently the Governors) and by the Examiners. The certificates are addressed to the Secretary at War, and some are endorsed with the date of receipt at the War Office.

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Baker, Thomas (1710-1770)
GB 0120 MSS.5780-5781 · 1732-1770

Journal and account book of Thomas Baker comprising journal of a visit to Paris containing narratives of visits to the Surgeons' College of Saint-Côme, and to the hospitals of Les Invalides, L'Hôtel-Dieu, and La Charité. At the latter Baker witnessed operations for fistula in ano and facial abscess by Sauveur François Morand (1697-1733), whose collection on the pathology of bones he also inspected and account book containing accounts of his income and expenditure. Included are accounts of annual income from surgery and bleeding, and from named apprentices, dressers and surgical pupils at St Thomas' Hospital, London, where Baker held the post of Surgeon from 1739. On ff. 1, 2, 40, 41 and on the end-papers are notes by Baker and others on his family and on surgeons at St Thomas' Hospital, 1703-1768.

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Lind-af-Hageby Libel Case
GB 0120 GC/89 · Colección · 1913

Incomplete set of notes of proceedings in anti-vivisection cause célèbre, the Lind-af-Hageby Libel Case, 1913. 19 items. Notes for the first two days of the case are missing.

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GB 0120 GC/92 · Colección · 1908

Translation of Alfred Denker's 1904 monograph Die Otosklerose (Otosclerosis) into English by Alexander Robert Tweedie (d 1936).

Sin título
GB 0120 AMS/MF/3 · 19th century - 20th century

Microfilm of the letters and papers by or relating to Thomas Hodgkin MD (1798-1865) and his extended family, including his brother John Hodgkin junior (1800-1875) and the latter's father-in-law Luke Howard (1772-1864).

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Medical Society of London
GB 0120 AMS/MF/4 · Colección · 1773-1938

Council minutes 1773-1938; minutes of meetings, 1773-1937; minutes of meetings and statutes, 1773-1937; documents relating to John Coakley Lettsom, 18th and 19th Century; case study and minutes, 1774-1922.

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In the Club' TV series
GB 0120 GC/105 · Colección · 1987-1988

'In the Club' television series including transcripts of interviews and background material. These transcripts of video recordings were made between October 1987 and January 1988.

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Blood Transfusion Service
GB 0120 GC/107 · Colección · 1943-1954

Three files concerning liaison between the Lister Institute, Medical Research Council, and the Ministry of Health over arrangement of and publicity for the Blood Transfusion Service, 1943-1949; photos of Minister of Health's party for Blood Transfusion Service, 1954.

Sin título
GB 0120 GC/109 · Colección · 1945-1988

Papers of Jaques Frederic Alexandre Schupbach, 1945-1988, relating to the Society for the Study of Physiological Patterns (of which he was a founder), and other materials on alternative medicine, including lecture notes, correspondence and case notes, 1945-1988.

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Pool, William Arthur (1889-1969)
GB 0120 GC/111 · Colección · c 1921

Papers of William Arthur Pool, namely notes taken at the Institut Pasteur, Paris, c 1921, while following a course on animal disease. Book VI of seven.

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Physician's Register
GB 0120 GC/115 · Colección · 1901

Summary of cases, classified by disease, by an unnamed doctor at an unidentifiable London hospital, 1901. The volume contains very brief tabulated entries of cases treated, arranged by disease and giving number of patient, surname, age and sex, a number which is presumably that of the ward, and a letter or letters indicating outcome: C=cured, D=died, Un=?unknown, Transf=?transferred to another ward or hospital, AOR=?admitted on another register? Entries sometimes include a brief note of other conditions found or discovered to be the problem rather than the presenting trouble. At the end are some summary lists of deaths, patients transferred to other registers and patients sent to the surgeon.

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Malaria Prevention, India, 1912
GB 0120 GC/117 · Colección · 1912

Copy of 'Government of India: Department of Education: Sanitary-A. Proceedings, Jan 1912', relating to the views of Sir R Ross and Col W G King on malaria prevention in India (the 'Mian Mir' Controversy). Contains despatch from the Secretary of State to the Government of India, 5 May 1911, enclosing letters to and from Professor Ross, 1910-1911, and Memorandum by Ross and Col W G King; and despatch to the Secretary of State in response, 25 Jan 1912, enclosing address by Surgeon-General Sir C P Lukis, President of the Bombay Malaria Conference, and resolutions passed at the Bombay Malaria Conference.

Sin título
Simons, John Antoine (1900-1971)
GB 0120 GC/125 · Colección · 1927-1960s

John Simons papers, comprising an annual report, handing-over files, etc., Sudan Medical Service, Kordofan Province, 1927-1931; copy of memoir of Second World War service in North Africa and Italy; papers relating to the Parachute Field Ambulance and description of return of GOC, British Troops in Hong Kong after end of Second World War.

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Lane, Sir William Arbuthnot (1856-1948)
GB 0120 GC/127 · Colección · 1880-1956

Sir William Arbuthnot Lane papers, 1880-1956, comprising autobiographical notes, scrapbook, reprints and biographical material.

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Napsbury Mental Hospital, St Albans
GB 0120 GC/135 · Colección · 1927-1956

Napsbury Asylum papers comprising: procedure book, reports from Pathological Department, 1930s, investigation into typhoid carriers in the Hospital, 1934, study of 16 cases of cerebral tumour, 1935; articles and cuttings relating to psychiatry and neurology, 1927-1956.

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Harte, Dr John Dudley (b 1916)
GB 0120 GC/136 · Colección · 1966-1977

Minutes and reports of Bedford Hospital Staff Occupational Health Department, 1960s-1970s, with reports to DHSS, tape-slide presentation, minutes and papers relating to setting up of Staff Occupational Health Department for Kensington and Chelsea and Westminster Health Authority, 1975-1977.

Sin título
Davies, Arthur (1858-1929)
GB 0120 GC/137 · Colección · 1878-1916

Arthur Davies collection, 1878-1916, comprising certificates of attendance, letters of appointment, etc.; papers on tuberculosis; address to the Assurance Medical Society including material on life expectancy, neurasthenia and shell-shock; correspondence with Sir Humphrey Rolleston, Harrington Sainsbury and Clifford Allbutt.

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Spirillum Fever in Swaziland
GB 0120 GC/138 · Colección · 1913

Report and correspondence on prevalance of spirilium fever and possible vectors, 1913.

Sin título
GB 0120 GC/14 · Colección · 1941-1945

'Memorandum on Yellow Fever in Africa' [1941]; notebooks on tropical medicine, including case histories of blackwater fever among military personnel in West Africa, 1941-1945, and anthropology and history of Africa.

Sin título
Clark, Frederick Le Gros (1892-1977)
GB 0120 GC/145 · Colección · 1935-1975

'Bulletin' of the Children's Nutrition Council, 1939-1946, and the Committee against Malnutrition, 1934-1936; writings, mainly on nutrition, 1941-1968.

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Psychiatry in Nigeria
GB 0120 GC/146 · 1907-[1964]

Letter book and reports of Yaba Lunatic and Leper Asylum, Lagos, 1907-1912; reports on mental illness and psychiatric services in Nigeria, 1928-c 1956; report on the laws and customs of the Yoruba people, c 1964.

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Cade, Sir Stanford, (1895-1973)
GB 0120 GC/147 · 1929-1971

Papers of Sir Stanford Cade including series of detailed manuscript and typescript case summaries, many illustrated with diagrams and photographs, 1929-1970. Original indexes to some of the case records are included, facilitating access by patient name.

Sin título
GB 0120 GC/153 · 1944-1971

Papers of Professor Leslie Harold Collier including laboratory notebook re heat-stable smallpox vaccine, 1949, and 8 files of correspondence and papers re trachoma research, 1944-1971.

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Burn, (Joshua) Harold
GB 0120 GC/154 · 1921-1977

Papers of J Harold Burns comprising letters received, 1920s, 1950s; reprints of papers, 1970s and photographs, 1930s-1950s. The letters in Section A were probably kept simply as autographs, but most of them discuss Burn's work and others'; the snapshot photographs in the albums (Section C) include pictures of very eminent individuals in pharmacology and physiology.

Sin título
GB 0120 GC/158 · 1929-1966

Papers of Emily Virginia Saunders-Jacobs including correspondence, reports, circulars and other papers as Medical Officer in South London, 1920-1960s.

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