Affichage de 344 résultats

Description archivistique
GB 0099 KCLMA MF 866-869 · 1940-1955

This microfilm collection contains copied official documents relating to US naval operations and administration in Europe, the Mediterranean, and the Middle East, 1940-1955. Many of the microfilmed documents were official reports sent to the Historical Section, US Navy, in 1971, for the purposes of compiling an official history. The collection includes US Navy command papers relating to the planning for naval co-operation between the United States and Great Britain, 1940-Dec 1941; microfilmed copies of Adm Harold Raynsford Stark's typescript diaries during his command of COMNAVEU, including passages relating to the establishment of a combined naval command with Britain 29 Apr 1942-31 May 1944; microfilmed copies of draft chapters of an administrative history of US naval forces in Europe, including an official narrative of US Naval Forces in Europe, 1 Sep 1945-1 Oct 1946, compiled by the Commander, US Naval Forces Europe; an official draft of an administrative history of US naval forces in Europe, Aug 1945-Mar 1947, compiled by the Commander, US Naval Forces Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean; quarterly summaries of US Navy operations issued by the Commander, US Naval Forces Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean, 1 Apr 1947-31 Mar 1949; chapters submitted by the Commander, US Naval Forces Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean, to the Director of Naval History, US Navy, relating to the transition of US naval forces to a post-war status and the reduction of US forces in the region; microfilmed copies of official reports sent by the Commander in Chief, US Naval Forces, Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean (CINCNELM), to the Chief of Naval Operations, relating to operations, communications, logistics, personnel, and condition of command of Commander in Chief, US Naval Forces Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean (CINCNELM), 30 Oct 1947-1 Jul 1955.

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GB 0099 KCLMA MFF 17 · 1941-1946

This microfilm collection contains copied official documents relating to US naval operations in Europe and US naval liaison duties in Britain, 1941-1946. Many of the microfilmed documents are official reports sent to the Historical Section, US Navy, in 1946, for the purposes of compiling an official history. The collection includes material relating to the US naval administration, 1940-1946; the US Navy Special Observer missions in London, 1940-1946; the decision to post Adm Harold Raynsford Stark as Commander, [US] Naval Forces in Europe (COMNAVEU); COMNAVEU organisation and personnel, 1940- 1946; operational reports concerning [US] Naval Forces in Europe (COMNAVEU) and associated commands of COMNAVEU, including US 12 Fleet, 1941-1946; US naval intelligence and naval attaché duties; units under the command of COMNAVEU, including task forces and amphibious forces; supply and logistical activities, 1940- 1946; the history of Lend-Lease and Reciprocal Aid in Britain; the history of US naval bases in Britain; logistical planning for US Naval Forces in Europe for cross- channel operations; COMNAVEU's role in the planning and execution of Operation OVERLORD, the Allied invasion of France, 6 Jun 1944, and Operation NEPTUNE, the air and land assault on France, Jun 1944, including the naval bombardment of Axis forces and the use of US Navy amphibious forces to assault the beaches at Normandy, France assaults; a history of US Naval Task Forces in France, Germany, the Azores, the Mediterranean, and Italy, 1945-1946; relations with US Navy Pacific Command, 1941-1946.

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GB 0099 KCLMA MFF 6 · 1942-1946, 1988

Wartime Translations of Seized Japanese Documents: Allied Translator and Interpreter Section Reports, 1942-1946 is a themed microfiche collection of 7,200 translated Japanese documents. The collection includes translated seized Japanese diaires, Allied interrogation reports of Japanese soldiers and civilians, Japanese reconnaissance reports, US summaries of enemy activities, and Allied tactical and strategic reports on Japanese military movements issued by Allied General Headquarters, Southwest Pacific Area (GHQ SWPA), and Advanced Echelons of the Australian New Guinea Force; US 6 Army; US 1 Corps; US 11 Corps; US 10 Corps; US 8 Army; US 14 Army; 1 Australian Corps; and US 24 Corps. Included are all documents bearing the notation 'Allied Translator and Interpreter Section, Southwest Pacific Area' and issued during the period 1942-1946. As noted above, the Allied Translator and Interpreter Section (ATIS) was re-organised after the terms of Japanese surrender were signed on 2 Sep 1945, and its mission was altered to reflect the needs of the Supreme Command, Allied Powers (SCAP), occupation force. During its transition to a service within SCAP, ATIS continued to issue documents under the aegis of General Headquarters, Southwest Pacific Area (GHQ SWPA) and these documents are included in the collection. Major subjects covered in ATIS documents are Japanese military strategy and tactics; specific intelligence on Japanese troop movements, equipment, and order of battle; indigenous political movements and political geography of the Southwest Pacific; technical data on Japanese military equipment; and, information obtained from Japanese prisoners of war. ATIS translations of seized Japanese materials also made available English language versions of documents, maps, charts, and other official Japanese visual records. Principal among the types of materials collected and translated by ATIS were: personal diaries obtained from Japanese prisoners of war or removed from the bodies of Japanese killed in action, detailing Japanese military operations and objectives as well as personal accounts of the war; letters and personal correspondence, paybooks, and Military Postal Savings Books carried by Japanese soldiers; official Japanese unit field diaries; official Japanese military orders and orders of battle; maps and charts relating to Japanese shipping routes, military positions, airfields, and order of battle plans; Japanese propaganda and psychological warfare documents; Allied interrogations reports of Japanese prisoners of war, detailing Japanese military positions and troop morale; and, Japanese technical manuals, detailing weaponry and supplies.

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GB 0099 KCLMA MISC 16 · 1953

Copy of typescript letter sent by Sir John Gerald Lang, Permanent Secretary of the Admiralty, to V Adm Sir William Gerrard Andrewes, Commander in Chief, America and West Indies Station, regarding the efficiency of the cryptographic staffs of HMS SUPERB and HMS SNIPE during naval operations in the Antarctic, 13 Apr 1953

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GB 0099 KCLMA MISC 34 · 1945

US Strategic Bombing Survey, Civil Defense Division, report entitled Target Report of Civilian Defense Division Field Team No 82, covering air-raid protection facilities and allied subjects in the city of Hamburg, Germany, 1945. The report is in two volumes. The first volume contains the field report of the US Strategic Bombing Survey, Civil Defense Division, and includes information on the organisation and operation of German civil defence, including fire control and incident control precautions; German passive defence installations and precautions, including gas protection and camouflage; information on German evacuation techniques and civil defence training measures. The second volume contains photographic, manuscript, and typescript exhibits for the first volume. Included in the second volume are population figures of Hamburg, 1940-1945; damage statistics for dwellings, cultural buildings, and industrial buildings, 1940-1945; statistics on those killed during the bombing of Hamburg, 1940-1945; organisation of German anti-aircraft divisions; organisational chart of German air raid personnel; photographs of oil refinery and storage fires caused during Allied bombing raids in Jul 1943; photographs of civilians killed during Allied bombing raid in Jul 1943; translation of German instructional regulations on how to handle the dead; report on the activities of German medical and emergency personnel; statistics on the heavy raids on Hamburg, 24 Jul-3 Aug 1943; reports of interviews with German civil servants, police and fire personnel, and air defence personnel.

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GB 0099 KCLMA MISC 44 · 1933

Edition of History of British Aviation, 1908-1914 by R Dallas Brett (Aviation Book Club, London, 1933), with foreword by Rt Hon Sir Philip Alfred Gustave David Sassoon, 3rd Bt, Under Secretary of State for Air.

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GB 0099 KCLMA MISC 61 · [1941-1991]

Photocopy of manuscript account by Lt Col Oliver Brian Masters North, 3 Bn, 17 Dogra Regt, 8 Indian Bde, Indian Army, relating to the landing of Japanese forces at Khota Bahru, Malaya, 7 Dec 1941; photocopy of unpublished transcript account of the British counter-attack during Japanese attacks at Khota Bharu, Badang, and Kuala Krai by 3 Bn, 17 Dogra Regt, Dec 1941; photocopies of articles relating to 3 Bn, 17 Dogra Regt, during the invasion occupation of Malaya, 1941-1945, including most notably lecture given by Lt Gen Sir Lewis Macclesfield Heath, General Officer Commanding 3 Indian Corps, relating to the fall of Singapore and his experiences as a prisoner of war, [1946]; photocopy of transcript account of the Japanese landings at Kota Bharu for inclusion into the 1947 edition of The Dogra Quarterly; photocopy of transcript account, 'A History of 21st Mountain Battery, Indian Artillery during the Campaign in Malaya', detailing action with 3 Bn, 17 Dogra Regt, at Khota Bahru, Dec 1941; photocopy of typescript obituary of North for inclusion into the Dogra Regimental Association newsletter, detailing North's career in Malaya during World War Two, May 1991

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GB 0099 KCLMA MISC 71 · 1942-1943

Edition of Combined Operations pamphlet number 14(b) prepared under the direction of the Chief of Combined Operations entitled, Landing Craft Signal Pamphlet, relating to signals requirements for RN landing craft; methods of communication available to the RN; radio/telegraphy and wireless/telegraphy equipment procedure; formation deployments; and flag signalling, Aug 1942. Edition of Combined Operations pamphlet number 14(e) prepared under the direction of the Chief of Combined Operations, entitled R/T Procedure Pamphlet, relating to radio/telegraphy procedure for combined operations, including table of the phonetic alphabet; procedure phrases; call signs; and message verification procedure, Aug 1943

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GB 0099 KCLMA MISC 77 · 1940-1954

British publications relating to the Allied war effort and the Home Front, 1940-1954, including editions of His Majesty's Stationery Office (HMSO) pamphlets Frontline, 1940-41; The official story of the civil defence of Britain (HMSO, London, 1942), Combined Operations, 1940-1942 (HMSO, London, 1943), Target: Germany. The US Army Air Forces' official story of the VIII Bomber Command's first year over Europe (HMSO, London, 1944), Among those present: the official story of the Pacific Islands at war (HMSO, London, 1946). Also pamphlet, 'The battle of South London', by Arthur L Woolf (Crystal Publications Ltd, London, c 1945), with photographs and accounts of bombing in South London, Second World War, and Westminster at War by William Sansom (Faber and Faber, London, 1947).

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GB 0099 KCLMA Montanaro · 1938-1965

Personal and military papers of Brig Gerald Charles Stokes Montanaro, 1938-1965. Comprising pocket diaries, 1938-1946, 1948, including detailed diaries for 1941-1945, of service with 101 Troop, Special Service Brigade (Commando Special Canoe Troop), 1941-1942 and as commander of MF Flotilla of large submersible diesel-engined craft designed for anti-submarine work, 1942-1945; correspondence and papers (3 files) on administration and training and operations of 101 Troop, Special Service Brigade, 1940-1942, comprising standing and daily orders, reports on training, including landing and anti-invasion exercises, shooting, map-reading and navigational work, swimming, canoeing, mountaineering, and signalling; chart of proposed general organisation for small boat operations; notes on proposed establishments for Special Boat Squadrons attached to the Royal Navy; memorandum 'Lessons from Crete, with points of particular interest to Commandos' by Brig Joseph Charles Haydon, Commanding Officer Special Service Brigade, Jul 1941; printed leaflet 'Commando Training Instruction No.1', Aug 1940; report on 101 Troop's raid on sinking of an oil tanker in Boulogne Harbour, Apr 1942, including correspondence about the raid with Maj Gen Ridley Pakenham Pakenham-Walsh, 1950; report on reconnaissance between Gravelines and Calais, France, Nov 1941; photographs (4 albums and 15 packets of loose photos) on personal and service subjects (1940-1945), including commando training construction and operation of midget submarines and photgraphs of girlfriends and family friends; propaganda material from Korea, 1952-1954; album of photographs of Montanaro's inspection of 653 Sqn, Army Air Corps, Aden, Feb 1965

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MULLENEUX, Cdr Hugh Headworth Hubback
GB 0099 KCLMA Mulleneux · Created 1939-1946

Copies of detailed narrative diaries and transcripts of Naval signal messages on RN operations, 1939-1945, including service at RN Gunnery School, Chatham, Kent, 1939, on HMS JERVIS in the North Sea, 1940, with the Mediterranean Fleet, 1940-1941, with Combined Operations Command, Dieppe and Normandy, 1942-1944, and the British Pacific Fleet, 1945-1946. Also, typescript copies of operational orders for Operation NEPTUNE, Normandy, 1944.

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NIND, Maj Philip Frederick (b 1918)
GB 0099 KCLMA Nind · Created 1943-1944, [1977-1985]

Scrapbook of his service with SOE Force 133, North West Greece, 1943-1944, compiled in [1944] and [1977-1985], including copy of his official report on resistance activities, Sep 1943-Dec 1944, with particular reference to relations between the National Republican Greek League (EDES) and the National People's Liberation Army (ELAS), written in Dec 1944; essay on the political situation in Greece, 1942-1944, written in May 1944; typescript copies of messages sent by Nind to Force 133 HQ, Cairo, Oct 1944, copied in [1977-1985]; photographs, 1943-1944.

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GB 0099 KCLMA Phillips · Created 1916-1918, 1935, 1940-1941, 1976

Papers relating to his service in East Africa, 1912-1923, and Iceland, 1940-1941, dated 1916-1918, 1935, 1940-1941 and 1976, notably including maps of German East Africa (Tanzania), 1916, and Portuguese East Africa (Mozambique), 1918; field service correspondence book, including war diary entries, covering his service with 3 Bn 2 King's African Rifles, East Africa, 1917; letter to the Historical Section of the Committee of Imperial Defence, giving an account of action fought near Lindi, German East Africa on 11 Jun 1917, written in 1935; letter to Phillips from Harry Curtis, giving instructions relating to operations in Iceland, 1940; diary covering his service in Iceland, 1940-1941.

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GB 0099 KCLMA Prentice/Wickstead · Created 1942-1945, 1989-1991

Prentice's manuscript diaries, mainly detailing his services at General Headquarters, Middle East Command, Cairo, Egypt, including mention of Long Range Desert Group operations in the Western Desert, 1942; manuscript diaries and notebooks kept by Prentice and Wickstead, mainly relating to SOE operations in West Macedonia, Greece, 1943-1944; reports, mainly compiled by Allied Military Mission personnel, detailing demolition, intelligence and reconnaissance missions in West Macedonia, combined missions with Ethnikos Laikos Apeleftherotikos Stratos (ELAS) 9 Div, liaison operations with Raiding Support Regiment and US Operational Group 7 personnel, sabotage targets, and administrative and operational procedures, 1943-1944; papers, in Greek, mainly relating to ELAS partisan activities in West Macedonia, including a copy of the 'National Bands Agreement', memoranda to Allied Military Mission regarding struggles with Ellinikos Dimokratikos Ethnikos Stratos (EDES) factions, political proclamations and ELAS propaganda; papers, in Greek, relating to Greek partisan forces not under the jurisdiction of the Allied Military Mission, including memoranda, propaganda and military orders from the Ellinikos Ethnikis Stratos (EES) and Kommounistiko Komma Elladas (KKE) and official Greek government notices, 1943- 1944; maps and photographs of Allied Military Mission areas of operation, 1943- 1944; correspondence between Allied Military Mission commanders and sub-area commanders, 1943-1944, including correspondence between Greek partisan commanders and Prentice, 1944; personal letters from Allied personnel to Prentice, 1946-1955; correspondence between Wickstead, Officer Commanding Signals, Area 1, and Allied personnel, 1944; papers relating to wireless/telegraphy signals, Allied Military Mission, 1943-1944; papers, relating mainly to the administration and supply of the Allied Military Mission; German papers, including German 1 Mountain Div operational orders, propaganda, personal letters from German soldiers to family members and German-language newspapers; Greek political papers, notably including propaganda newspapers and party leaflets, including letters to Maj Gen Arthur Wilmot Wadeson Holworthy, 1941-1946; Wickstead's post-war index of Allied Military Mission signals, [1989]; papers relating to post-war publications about SOE operations in Greece, including the working papers for Lt Col Nicholas Geoffrey Lemprière Hammond's, The Allied Military Mission and the Resistance in West Macedonia (Institute for Balkan Studies, Thessaloniki, 1993); post-war Greek newspapers, leaflets and war memorial publications, 1945-[1991]. 3.3.4 Arrangement: Arranged in the following sections: diaries and notebooks of Maj Ronald R Prentice and Capt H Arthur Wickstead, 1942-1944; documents and papers relating to Allied Military Mission operations, West Macedonia, 1943-1944; papers relating to Greek partisan activities, 1943-1944; maps and photographs of Allied Military Mission areas of operations, 1943-1944; correspondence between Allied Military Mission commanders, 1943-1944 and former Greek partisans, 1946-1955; papers relating to wireless/telegraphy signals, Allied Military Mission, 1943-1944; papers relating to the administration, finances and logistics of the Allied Military Mission, 1943-1944; German papers, documents and newspapers during the occupation of Greece, 1943-1944; Greek political papers, documents and newspapers, 1941-1946; Wickstead's post-war partial index of signals, Allied Military Mission, West Macedonia, [1989]; papers relating to post-war publications about the resistance movement in West Macedonia, [1989-1991]; post- war Greek newspapers, leaflets and war memorial publications, 1945-[1991].

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GB 0099 KCLMA Quinlan · Created 1982

Copies of 'The credibility of an independent British contribution to NATO deterrence' and 'How much striking power is enough for British strategy?', texts of lectures given at a conference at Windsor Castle, 1982; copy of text on 'NATO nuclear deterrence concepts', a shortened version of a talk given at the Royal College of Defence Studies, 1982. Also obituary from the Times, 3 March 2009.

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RAVEN, R Adm John Stanley (1910-1987)
GB 0099 KCLMA Raven · Created 1939-1964

Papers relating to service in HMS GLOUCESTER, Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve, World War Two, including photocopy of diary, 1939-1940, naval messages, 1940-1943, and photographs; official service records, 1941-1958; and papers relating to naval career, 1949-1964, including article dated 1965, 'A Perspective View of Naval Engineering', on the Electrical Branch of the Royal Navy.

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REDMAN, Wg Cdr James George (1914-1981)
GB 0099 KCLMA Redman · 1930-1943

Papers of Wg Cdr James Redman, 1930-1943, comprise copy photographs relating to the career of Wg Cdr James Redman: aircraft including Vickers Victoria V, Bristol Type 105 Bulldog, Handley Page Heyford, Hawker Hart, Hawker Hind, and various crashed aircraft, 1930s; HMS GLORIOUS after refit as an aircraft carrier, [1935]; and group personnel photograph with an Avro Lancaster, [1943].

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GB 0099 KCLMA Revell-Smith · 1939-1940

Personal letters to Maj Gen William Revell-Smith's sister in law, `Tricia' (Ann Patricia Lowson, 1919-2003, wife of Sir Denys Colquhoun Flowerdew Lowson, 1st Bt, 1906-1975), as Commander, 53 Light Anti Aircraft Regt, British Expeditionary Force, UK and France, 1939-1940. Includes reference to recruiting his wife Norma (First Aid Nursing Yeomanry 1914-1918 and 1939-1945), to give gas training to militia troops, July 1939. With signed photograph of Revell-Smith in uniform.

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GB 0099 KCLMA Roberts, O L · 1898-1986

Papers of General Sir Ouvry Lindfield Roberts, 1898-1986, including Roberts'

memoirs, with drafts and notes; personal and appointment diaries, 1931-1985, including diary in Germany, 1931-1932 and diaries in Malaya, 1945; papers relating to World War Two including training instructions for 23 India Div, Burma and 16 Infantry Bde, Ceylon; summary of operations, 1941; papers relating to Malaya, 1945; published report by Roberts for military use entitled 'Notes on castes and tribes enlisted in the corps: King George V's own Bengal Sappers and Miners', 1938 and Roberts' letters home, Oct 1939-Apr 1945. Personal and official photographs, including of India, [1935-1938]; papers relating to Germany in 1931 including Robert’s diary in Freiburg, 1931, photographs, postcards and notebooks with quotations, chiefly in German; letters of appointment and congratulation, 1941-1952; issues of Southern Command newsletter, Southland Times and other newsletters, 1951; Royal Engineers lists, 1975, 1979, 1982, 1983 and 1985; overhead slides of maps of the Pacific theatre; retrospective correspondence with authors relating to his Army service, [1973-1983]; press cuttings; obituaries and other biographical material relating to Roberts and papers relating to his funeral; certificates including birth, death and exam certificates; papers relating to reunions and memorial services and papers relating to Royal events.

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GB 0099 KCLMA Robertson W R · Created 1898-1930

Pre-war papers and correspondence, 1898-1914, including lectures, texts and notes written whilst Commandant of the Staff College, Camberley, Surrey. Papers relating to his service as Quartermaster General to the BEF (British Expeditionary Force), Western Front, 1914-1915, including correspondence with Maj Gen Sir Stanley Brenton von Donop, Master General of the Ordnance, and Maj Gen Sir John Steven Cowans, Quartermaster General to the Forces, relating to supplies of equipment, provisions and munitions. Papers and correspondence, 1915, as Chief of General Staff, BEF (British Expeditionary Force), Western Front, principally comprising reports and memoranda prepared for the War Office and the War Council by General Headquarters Staff, 1915; memoranda relating to general military strategy, 1915, notably in the Balkans, Dardanelles, Gallipoli and Egypt; papers in French concerning the Allied Conference at Chantilly, 1915. Papers relating to service as Chief of the Imperial General Staff during World War One, 1915- 1918, principally comprising Army Council and War Cabinet papers relating to manpower, 1915-1918; papers of FM Horatio Herbert Kitchener, 1st Earl Kitchener of Khartoum and Broome, Secretary of State for War, given to Robertson following Kitchener's death in Jun 1916; personal telegrams, 1916- 1917, mainly comprising unofficial messages to and from various army commanders and military attachés in Salonika, Russia, Egypt, Mesopotamia, Italy, Romania, Palestine and the Western Front; memoranda and papers on military operations in the Middle East, 1915-1917, and general strategy, 1917-1918, prepared by Robertson for the War Cabinet; documents relating to the creation of the Allied Supreme War Council, and its various powers and functions, 1917-1918. Papers created as Commander in Chief, Eastern Command and Home Forces, 1918-1919, consisting of inspection reports of various depots and units in the UK, and general correspondence. Papers created as General Officer Commanding in Chief, BAOR (British Army of the Rhine), 1919-1920, including printed memoranda by French Marshal Ferdinand Foch, Allied Supreme Commander on the Western and Italian Fronts, on the conditions required to ensure peace in Europe, 1918-1919; papers relating to the organisation and functions of the British Zone of Occupation in Germany, 1919; correspondence with Gen Sir Henry Hughes Wilson, Chief of the Imperial General Staff, the Rt Hon Winston (Leonard Spencer) Churchill, Secretary of State for War, and Maj Gen Sir Charles 'Tim' Harington Harington, Deputy Chief of the Imperial General Staff, 1919; inspection reports of BAOR (British Army of the Rhine) units, 1919. Private correspondence, mainly relating to Robertson's work during World War One, including correspondence with Lt Col Arthur John Bigge, 1st Baron Stamfordham, Private Secretary to HM King George V, 1914-1918; Maj Gen Charles Edward Callwell, Director of Military Operations at the War Office, 1915; Gen Sir Archibald (James) Murray, Chief of the Imperial General Staff and General Officer Commanding in Chief, Egyptian Expeditionary Force, 1915-1916; the Rt Hon David Lloyd George, Secretary of State for War, 1916, and Prime Minister, 1916-1918; FM Sir Douglas Haig, Commander in Chief, British Armies in France, 1915-1918; Maj Gen Frederick (Barton) Maurice, Director of Military Operations at the War Office, 1917-1918; and the Rt Hon Winston (Leonard Spencer) Churchill, Secretary of State for War, 1919-1920. Also including correspondence, memoranda and notes concerning the events leading up to the resignation of Robertson as Chief of the Imperial General Staff in Feb 1918, dated Jan-Feb 1918. Semi-official papers and private correspondence, 1915-1918, collected by Brig Gen Cecil Courtenay Lucas, Robertson's Aide de Camp, mainly comprising correspondence between Robertson and Gen Sir Archibald (James) Murray, Gen Sir Beauchamp Duff, Gen Sir Charles Carmichael Monro, and Gen Sir Edward Henry Hynman Allenby, relating to military operations in India, Mesopotamia, Egypt and Palestine, 1916-1918; Lt Col Sir Maurice Pascal Alers Hankey, Secretary to the War Cabinet and the Committee of Imperial Defence, 1916-1917; Lt Gen the Rt Hon Jan Christian Smuts, South African Representative on the British War Cabinet, 1917; Gen Sir (Francis) Reginald Wingate, Governor General of the Sudan, 1916, and High Commissioner of Egypt, 1917; and Lt Col Charles A'Court Repington, Military Correspondent of The Times, 1916-1917. General correspondence with various on military matters, 1916-1918, including Reginald Baliol Brett, 2nd Viscount Esher, Lt Gen George Francis Milne, French Gen Robert Georges Nivelle, Italian Gen Luigi Cadorna, Lt Gen Sir Frederick Stanley Maude, and Gen Sir Herbert Charles Onslow Plumer.

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GB 0099 KCLMA Sanders · Created 1911-1966

Papers relating to Sanders' life and military career, 1911-1966, including five letters of appreciation, 1911-1927, mostly relating to Sanders' work as Superintendent, Army Remount Service, No 3 Depot, Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire, 1914-1920, notably typescript letter from Gen Sir Douglas Haig, Commander in Chief, British Armies in France, 3 Jun 1918; manuscript letter to Sanders from Lt Gen Adrian Carton de Wiart, from Rome, Italy, relating to his capture and imprisonment by Italian forces, 10 Aug 1941; painting of final mounted parade, 4/7 Royal Dragoon Guards, Edinburgh, 15 Aug 1938; edition of Wandsworth Borough News, with photograph and article on the 28 Bn, (Wandsworth), County of London, Home Guard, commanded by Sanders, 26 Sep 1941.

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GB 0099 KCLMA Sanderson · Created 1915-1948, 1966, 1975

Copies of typescript Indian Corps Intelligence Summaries, France, Aug 1915, and typescript account in French entitled 'Quelques faits importants de la Guerre par rapport a Merville', 1919. Papers relating to Sanderson's military intelligence work, 1940-1945, including typescript intelligence reports and summaries relating to the likely invasion of UK, 1940-1941, notably typescript Southern Command memorandum entitled 'Enemy craft likely to be used in invasion of UK and their employment', Jan 1941; typescript translations of German directives on the planned invasion of the UK, Operation SEELÖWE, 1940, taken from documents captured by the Allies in 1945; typescript copies, with translations, of Adolf Hitler's last will and his private and political testament, dated 29 Apr 1945. Printed volume, 'Notes on German preparation for invasion of the UK', prepared by General Staff, War Office, and issued to officers of MI14, Apr 1941. Printed volume in German entitled Informationsheft GB, produced by the Germans in World War Two as a manual on British life, customs, Government and administration [1940].

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GB 0099 KCLMA Scotter · Created 1953-1981

Copies of papers, 1953-1981, including typescript article by Scotter entitled 'Streamlining the Infantry Division', 1953; three typescript articles by Scotter, 'Streamlining the Infantry Division' [1954], 'Tactics in nuclear war' 1955, and 'Unification-Management and Command' 1970; typescript notes for Joint Services Staff College Exercise GAZETTE, 1959; typescript essay by Scotter on future options for global deployment of British forces, Staff College Camberley Bertrand Stewart essay competition, 1961; correspondence with Maj Gen Terence Douglas Herbert McMeekin, General Officer Commanding 3 Div, on Army relations with civilians, 1968; correspondence with Gen Sir John Mogg, General Officer Commanding in Chief Army Strategic Command, on future planning for Army administration, 1969; typescript memorandum entitled 'Needs for Canadian forces', 1970; correspondence with Maj I E Kerr, Royal Corps of Signals, 1976, on Scotter's command of 19 Infantry Bde (1967-1969); typescript texts of speeches, 1977-1981, including address as Vice Chief of the General Staff to the Director of Infantry's Conference, 1977, and speech made at Headquarters 1 (British) Corps Study Period, Bielefeld, West Germany, 1980; lecture text by Scotter on command and motivation, 1981, prepared as a Kermit Roosevelt lecture to be delivered shortly after his new appointment as Deputy Supreme Allied Commander, Europe (DSACEUR), though Scotter died before taking office.

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SIMPSON, Lt Cdr Denis Louis (d 1987)
GB 0099 KCLMA Simpson · Created [1940]-1946

Microfilm copies of papers relating to his naval career, 1942-1946, principally comprising 'Africa Navy blues', an illustrated account of his experiences in the RN, 1942-1946, written in 1946, covering his service on HMS BIRMINGHAM in a convoy from Egypt to Malta (Operation VIGOROUS), June 1942, and on anti-submarine trawlers in the Bay of Bengal, 1942, during the Allied invasion of Madagascar, 1942, and in South Africa, 1942-1945; diary, 1943-1945. 'War time trawler', a transcript of a broadcast by James McClurg of the South African Broadcasting Corporation concerning his experiences on board an anti-submarine trawler during World War Two, written in [1940-1945].

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GB 0099 KCLMA Baker · 1955-2003

Papers of Maj Gen Ian Helstrip Baker, notably concerning armoured warfare, 1955-2003, including instructions, memoranda, reports and notes on training exercises including Exercise GAMEBIRD, Cyclops Sqn, 2 Royal Tank Regt, Libya, Jul 1964; Exercises OPEN GLOVE and TREBLE CHANCE, Cyclops Sqn, 2 Royal Tank Regt and 16 Parachute Bde Group, Sep 1964; Exercise DOUBLE STRETCH 72, 7 Armoured Bde, Germany, Feb-Mar 1972; Exercise RED RAT, 7 Armoured Bde, Germany, Sep-Oct 1972; MACLEOD, 7 Armoured Bde, Germany, Aug-Sep 1972; Exercise READY RAT, 7 Armoured Bde, Germany, 11 Sep 1972; Exercise LONG LOOK, for 7 Armoured Bde trials of ZB298 radar, Oct 1971-Apr 1972; organisational trial Exercise SQUARE RAT, Germany, 28 Dec 1972; Exercise FIRST STRETCH 73, 7 Armoured Bde, Germany, Feb 1973; Exercise DOUBLE STRETCH 73, 1 Armoured Bde, Germany, Mar-Apr 1973; Exercise HURST PARK 73, 7 Armoured Bde, Germany, Apr 1973; Exercise QUEEN'S PATROL, 7 Armoured Bde, Germany (relating to operations in Northern Ireland), May 1973; Exercise RED RAT 73, 7 Armoured Bde, Germany, Aug 1973; Exercise FOUR SQUARE, 7 Armoured Bde, Germany, Sep-Nov, 1973; photographs of [FV214 Conqueror battle tanks], Royal Armoured Corps, Bovington, Dorset and photograph of an amphibious jeep, partially submerged, 1960; photograph of Crown Prince Birendra of Nepal and others watching a Hornet Launcher vehicle being loaded with Malkara missiles by personnel of Cyclops Sqn, 2 Royal Tank Regt, Candahar Barracks, Tidworth, 15 Apr 1964; captioned photographs relating to Baker's visit to [1 Bn, Royal Green Jackets], Belfast, Northern Ireland, including: battalion personnel on patrol; Falls Road and Hamilton Street, Belfast, showing the aftermath of explosions; IRA weapons discovered, including rifles, knives, an RPG7 rocket launcher and RPG7 rockets, a car bomb and smaller incendiary devices, Aug 1972; photographs of Baker, Nov 1979 and in Brigadier's uniform; handing over briefing notes by Baker as Deputy Assistant Adjutant General, 17 Gurkha Div, Overseas Commonwealth Land Forces, 25 Jun 1962; training instructions for Cyclops Sqn, 2 Royal Tank Regt, Tidworth, Mar 1963-May 1964; briefing notes on the Parachute Sqn, Royal Armoured Corps, by Baker, 1964; Royal Armoured Corps training pamphlet, 'The technique of shooting from AFVs. Part 4: the application of fire from Saladin armoured cars' (MoD, Feb 1967); 1 Royal Tank Regt standing operational procedures, Jun 1969; briefing notes for Baker as Commander, 7 Armoured Bde, by Administration and Quartering staff, 7 Armoured Bde, 18 Jan 1972 and by Brigade Majors, 7 Armoured Bde, 7 Feb 1972; 7 Armoured Bde standing operating procedures relating to headquarters and operations (vol. 1), and administration and logistics (vol. 2), Feb 1972; training directives by Baker as Brigadier Commanding 7 Armoured Bde, Mar-Sep 1972; notes on the creation and history of the Desert Rat badge of 7 Armoured Bde, 1940-1972; training directive by Baker as Brigadier Commanding 7 Armoured Bde, Mar 1973; correspondence and accounts by Lt Col R A Pascoe, 1 Bn Royal Green Jackets, of the battalion's service in Belfast, 8-14 Oct 1972.

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BETHELL, Lt Maurice John, RN (1894-1916)
GB 0099 KCLMA Bethell, M J · Created 1894-1932

Papers relating to Bethell's life and career, 1894-1932, and to his death in action, as First Lt, HMS NESTOR, 13 Destroyer Flotilla, Battle of Jutland, North Sea, 31 May 1916, including Birth Certificate and Certificate of Baptism, 1894; RN record and certificates relating to Bethell's naval career, 1907-1915; one Christmas card, 1913, and three letters to his sister Agatha [Hilda] Bethell, 1915, and eight letters to his mother, Hilda Mary Bethell, Lady Bethell, 1914-1916. Two letters from the Admiralty notifying the family of Lt Bethell's death, 1916; two letters to Hilda Mary Bethell, Lady Bethell, from Cdr Hon (Edward) Barry (Stewart) Bingham, Capt of HMS NESTOR, on Lt Bethell's heroism and on the loss of HMS NESTOR at the Battle of Jutland, 1916; two letters to Agatha [Hilda] Bethell from Lt William Stephen Richard King-Hall, HMS SOUTHAMPTON, on the Battle of Jutland and the sinking of HMS NESTOR, with extract from account of Jutland by Lt Harold Percy Keeley, HMS ATTACK, 1 Destroyer Flotilla, Grand Fleet, Jun 1916; seven letters and telegrams of condolence, notably including HM King George V, Rt Hon Arthur James Balfour, First Lord of the Admiralty, V Adm Sir David Beatty, 1 Battlecruiser Sqn, Grand Fleet, Capt Wilmot Stuart Nicholson, HMS AURORA, and Capt Charles Edward Le Mesurier, HMS CALLIOPE, 1916-1918; three letters on the loss of HMS NESTOR and the death of Lt Bethell from Surgeon Probationer Alexander Joe, Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve, 1918. Edition of Supplement to the London Gazette, containing details of the award of a posthumous Mention in Despatches for Lt Bethell, 4 Oct 1918; nine letters between Adm Hon Sir Alexander Edward Bethell and the Admiralty relating to whether Lt Bethell's heroism was worthy of the award of the VC, Jan-Feb 1919; edition of Parliamentary debates, House of Commons (Hansard) containing questions asked in Parliament by Rt Hon Thomas James Macnamara, Financial Secretary to the Admiralty, relating to Lt Bethell's heroism during the Battle of Jutland, 12 Mar 1919. Photograph of Bethell [1914]; edition of Falklands, Jutland, and the Bight by Cdr Hon (Edward) Barry (Stewart) Bingham, RN (John Murray, London, 1919); official scroll and bronze plaque, sent to the next of kin of servicemen killed in action [1919]; certificate of Mention in Despatches, 1920. Copy of manuscript poem relating to the loss of HMS NESTOR by Robert Malise Bowyer Nichols entitled 'The souls of the righteous', 1931, with related correspondence from John Masefield, Poet Laureate, Cdr Hon (Edward) Barry (Stewart) Bingham, RN and Lt Dudley Rowe, RN, 1931.

Sans titre
GB 0099 KCLMA Binney · Created 1942

Printed 'Report of the Board of Enquiry appointed to enquire into the circumstances in which the German Battle Cruisers (SCHARNHORST and GNEISENAU) and Prinz Eugen proceeded from Brest to Germany on 12th February, 1942, and on the operations undertaken to prevent this movement', Mar 1942, relating to Operation CERBERUS or the 'Channel dash', with typescript covering letter from Binney to AF Sir (Alfred) Dudley (Pickman Rogers) Pound, Mar 1942.

Sans titre
GB 0099 KCLMA Bridgeman · 1928-1978

Papers including maps, relating to operations of British Expeditionary Force in France and Belgium, 1940-1941; Staff College study of Italian campaign, 1915; papers including those by Maj Gen G M Lindsay relating to armoured support for 7 Infantry Brigade, 1933-1934; appendix, including maps of Britain annotated for exercises including SPARTAN, 1943; correspondence dated 1977-1978 with Martin Alexander of St Antony's College, Oxford including Franco-British military relations, 1939-1940; notes of conversation in 1975 with Dr A W J Houghton relating to the evacuation of Dunkirk, 1940.

Sans titre
BROWN, Lt Col Arthur Brian (1902-1985)
GB 0099 KCLMA Brown A B · Created 1922, [1948], 1950

Papers relating to his military career, 1922, [1948], 1950, including letter from Maj Gen W Robb relating to Brown's retirement from King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry, [1948]; two letters of thanks and congratulation from Gen Sir Allan Francis John Harding, Commander-in-Chief, Far East Land Forces, 1950; two photographs of Brown in Malaya during Operation NAWAB, [1947-1951], one with Harding, the other in the jungle near Guron.

Sans titre
GB 0099 KCLMA Burnett · 1922-1996

Papers of Rear Adm Philip Whitworth Burnett, relating to his life and career, 1922-1996, chiefly photographs, reports and press cuttings relating to Nanking, China, 1927 (where Chinese National Government troops attacked British and American residents: Burnett was a midshipman in HMS EMERALD, which bombarded city); photographs of Shanghai, Karachi and Diyatalawa, 1927; photographs of Abadan, Basra and Kuwait, 1928; photographs and correspondence relating to his service in HMS KELLY, 1939-1940, and to the sinking of HMS KELLY, May 1940; photographs and press cuttings relating to North Atlantic anti-submarine operations, 1943-1945.

Sans titre
GB 0099 KCLMA Cadogan · Created 1998

Typescript notes and copies of photographs, compiled by his nephew, Bruce O B Williams, relating to Cadogan's life and career, 1908-1998, including genealogical information and notes on bibliographic sources on the Chindit operations in Burma, 1943-1944 (Operations LONGCLOTH, Feb-Mar 1943 and THURSDAY, Mar 1944). Also, brief typescript notes on the life and military careers of Lt Ernest Llewellyn Williams, 160 Bde, Royal Field Artillery, 34 Div, Western Front, 1917-1918, and Maj Lewis Bernard Williams, Royal Artillery, World War Two, 1939-1945.

Sans titre
CHARTERIS, Brig Gen John (1877-1946)
GB 0099 KCLMA Charteris · 1895-[1920], 1925, 1928-1931, [1933]-1934, 1940, 1944-1946

Microfilm copies of papers relating to his life and career, dated 1906, 1913, 1914-1918, 1925, 1928-1931, [1933]-1934, 1940, 1944-1946, principally comprising letters, telegrams and postcards to his wife Noel Charteris, 1914-1918, notably describing his intelligence work at 1 Army HQ and BEF General HQ, 1914-1918; letters from Brig Gen Sir James Edward Edmonds commenting on the proofs of At GHQ (Cassell and Co, London, 1931), 1929, 1931; correspondence relating to his writings on FM Douglas Haig, 1st Earl Haig, 1928-1931; typescript text of lecture on the role of the Intelligence Service during World War One, dated 1925; notes and newspaper cutting concerning allegations about British use in World War One of a propaganda story about the German Army boiling down dead troops for fats, 1925; obituary reprinted from The Royal Engineers Journal, 1946. Copies of group and family photographs, [1895-1920], with photograph of railway bridge over the River Beas at Rohi, India, under construction by No 1 Company, 1 Prince of Wales' Own Sappers and Miners, 1910.

Sans titre
GB 0099 KCLMA Chater · 1915-1978

The papers cover the period 1915-1978, and include papers on his service in World War One, in particular extracts from diary on Galliopoli offensive May 1915 and Allied raid on Zeebrugge, Apr 1918; correspondence, narratives of operations and photographs from service as Officer Commanding Sudan Camel Corps, 1927-1930; reports on defence of British Somaliland and accounts of Italian invasion of Somaliland from service as Officer Commanding Somaliland Camel Corps, 1937-1940; papers on service as Military Governor and Officer Commaning, British Somaliland, 1941-1943; papers on service as Officer Commanding Portsmouth Div Royal Marines, including narrative of Operation OVERLORD, 1943-1944; papers on service as Director of Combined Operations, India and South-East Asia, including notes on Operation LIGHTNING, 1944-1945; papers on service as Commander Chatham Group Royal Marines, including lecture notes1946-1948; unpublished manuscripts on aspects of Allied war effort in British Somaliland; papers on service as Honorary Colonel Somaliland Scouts, 1948-1958, and membership of Anglo-Somali-Society, 1960-1978.

Sans titre
GB 0099 KCLMA Clive G S · 1914-1918

Letter book containing letters and telegrams received and sent by Clive as head of British missions, General HQ, France, 1917-1918, including letters concerning the movement of troops and administration, supplies of artillery and equipment, French infantry resources and liaison between French and British High Commands; letter from [Maj Gen Frederick Barton] Maurice, War Office, 18 Aug 1917, concerning move to establish Allied General Staff in Paris and possible transfer of troops from British front to Italy. Diaries, 1914-1918, containing detailed descriptions of daily events at General HQ, France, 1914-1918.

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GB 0099 KCLMA Cousland · 1974

Photocopy of privately published memoir, 'The Great War, 1914-1818: a former 'Gunner' of the First World War looks back', a detailed account of his military career, 1913-1919, covering mobilisation in Edinburgh, artillery, gas warfare and veterinary training, service with the Royal Field Artillery on the Western Front, 1915-1918, notably action around Vimy, May-Jun 1917, Lens, June-Oct 1917, and the Somme front, Feb-Oct 1918, and entry into Lille, Oct 1918, and demobilisation in Brussels, Feb 1919, written in [1974]. Includes reproductions of photographs and extracts from his letters home and his diary.

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COVERNTON, Capt Ralph Henry (1869-1952)
GB 0099 KCLMA Covernton · [1945-1967]

Bound typescript entitled 'Fifty odd years of memoirs', covering his life and career, 1893-1945, notably his work as an engineer in South Africa, 1894-1899, 1901-1904, 1909-1911, his travels in South Africa, 1895, East Africa, 1904, and Canada, 1907, his service as a volunteer stretcher bearer with the Royal Army Medical Corps, South Africa, 1899-1900, including the siege of Ladysmith, 1899-1900, his service with the South African Engineer Corps, German South West Africa, 1914-1915, and with the South African Signal Company, Royal Engineers, France, 1916, including the Battle of the Somme, Jul 1916, and his experiences in the Channel Islands during German occupation, 1940-1945, dated [1945-1967].

Sans titre
GB 0099 KCLMA Crawfurd · 1940-1943

Typescript copy of account of Crawfurd's service with 29 Battery, 19 Field Regt Royal Artillery, 3 Infantry Bde, 1 Div during Operation DYNAMO, the evacuation of the BEF (British Expeditionary Force) from Dunkirk, France, 1-3 Jun 1940. Also, copy of Crawfurd's obituary from The Times, Aug 1943, and a printed obituary by Col Robert Townsend Hammick, dated 19 Aug 1943, Crawfurd's Commanding Officer, 19 Field Bde, Royal Artillery, 1930-1934.

Sans titre
GB 0099 KCLMA Daly · Collection · 1913-1945

Papers of Gp Capt Albert Peter Vincent Daly on his Army and RAF service, 1910-1945; comprising papers on service as Private with 1st Canadian Expeditionary Force, Aug-Dec 1914; notebook 'My Experiences with the British Expeditionary Force, France, 1915' giving account of service with 4th Connaught Rangers, 6-11 May 1915; transcripts of letters to his mother, 1914-1918; copy of Daily Sketch, 13 July 1915, containing paragraph on Daly; papers on service with 8 Sqn and 29 Sqn, Royal Flying Corps, Western Front, 1916-17, including account of being shot down by Lt Werner Voss on 1 Feb 1917, and subsequent imprisonment as prisoner of war; cutting from German newspaper (with English translation), 24 April 1918, article by W Scheuermann, 'Richthofen's Last Flight' on the death of Baron Von Richthofen; papers on service with RAF, 1919-1939, including copy of The London Gazette, 1 Aug 1919, containing list of officers granted permanent commissions in the RAF; service with Inter-Allied Aeronautical Commission, Bulgaria, 1920; service with 60 Sqn, North West Frontier Province India, 1922-1923, including two "Blood Chits"; and service as Air Attaché, British Embassy, China, 1930, including Chinese passports; account of service in World War Two, as Station Commander, RAF Marham, 1937-1940, St Athan, Wales, 1940-1942; Base Commander, North Africa and Italy, 1942-1944; President of Courts Martial, Italy, 1944-1945; Representative of British Red Cross, Sweden, 1945; photographs of Daly, his decorations and of RAF Marham, 1939, with Fairy Hendons of 38 Squadron and Handley Page Harrows of 115 Squadron

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GB 0099 KCLMA Davidson F H N · Created 1935-1972

The collection consists of pamphlets written by Davidson, papers relating to his part in the Allied Military Mission to Moscow, USSR, 1939 and papers relating to his career in World War Two as Commander in the Royal Artillery and as Director of Military Intelligence. The World War Two material includes maps used in the retreat of the BEF (British Expeditionary Force) to Dunkirk, France, maps used as Director of Military Intelligence to illustrate the progress of the war to Queen Mary, mother of George VI and a personal diary kept while Director of Military Intelligence. There is also a file containing correspondence with E E Thomas of the Cabinet Office Historical Section relating to aspects of Military Intelligence during World War Two.

Sans titre
GB 0099 KCLMA Dempsey · Created 1944-1945

One volume of 23 typescript 2 Army planning intelligence summaries, dated 28 Jan-20 May 1944, relating to Operation NEPTUNE, the assault phase of Operation OVERLORD, the Allied invasion of Normandy, France, Jun 1944, with 31 aerial photographs of Normandy. Fourteen volumes of 336 typescript 2 Army intelligence summaries, dated 24 May 1944-5 May 1945, relating to the Allied campaign in North West Europe, 1944-1945, with 7 photographs of ice formations in the river Waal, the Netherlands, 1945.

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DIVERS, Brig Sydney Thomas (1896-1979)
GB 0099 KCLMA Divers · 1914-1979

Papers, 1914-1979, of Brig Sydney Thomas Divers, including correspondence and papers relating to service with Territorial Force and Army Service Corps, 1915-1926; correspondence and papers relating to employment in Civil Service and other civilian posts, 1915-1952; Tropical topics magazine, produced on Troopship ARANDORRA STAR, 1941; account of 50 Div, Cyprus, 1941; correspondence and cuttings relating to award of DSO, 1942; 'Ships Orders' by Divers, Officer Commanding Troops, HMS HILARY, 1943; RASC Depot on Operation AVALANCHE, 1943; account of invasion of Italy, 1943; recommendation of award of US Legion of Merit; report to RASC services, Italian campaign, 1945; 'Supply and transport 8th Army Operation Instruction No 1' on formation of RASC Regt for assault on Argenta, Italy, 1945; Deputy Director Supply and Transport 8 Army Administrative Instructions, 1945; Deputy Director Supply and Transport 8 Army Appreciation, Spring offensive, 1945; message of appreciation from Lt Gen Sir Richard (Loudon) McCreery, General Officer Commanding 8 Army; Deputy Director Supply and Transport 8 Army planning memoranda on supplies for British troops in Austria, 1945; report of Deputy Director Supply and Transport on 'Lessons of the fighting in Italy 1945'; '8th Army Leave Scheme', papers, cuttings and photographs, 1945; 'A collection of Gen Montgomery's, Lt Gen Leese's and Lt Gen McCreery's messages to the 8th Army, 1942-1945'; Special Order of Thanks from Divers to the RASC on leaving 8 Army, 1945; commendation of Divers from US Lt Gen Mark Wayne Clark, commanding US 5 Army, 1945; correspondence with Lt Gen McCreery, 1944-1953; personal correspondence, 1948-1979, including with US Gen Mark Wayne Clark and US Gen Alfred Maximilian Gruenther; account entitled 'Left hook at Mareth' on 1943 North African campaign, 1948; RASC Review, 1951, including article by Divers on formation of RASC Regt in 1944, with related notes and correspondence, including with McCreery; 'A wanderer returns', Divers' reflection on post-war UK, 1945; notes on career and on 50 Div, TA, during World War Two, compiled for inclusion in The story of the Reserve Army (1968). Printed material comprises issues of the periodical The illustrated war news (1914-1915); Generals of the British Army [1917]; The war in North Africa [1943]; The advance on Rome [1944]; The road to Rome [1944]. The collection also contains programmes for a reception of 56 Div and 47 Div, TA, at the Guildhall, 1934; Silver Jubilee of George V, 1935; visit of Queen Elizabeth II to Newcastle upon Tyne, 1954; 'Last reunion, El Alamein', 1976; menu for El Alamein dinner, signed by Montgomery (FM Bernard Law Montgomery, 1st Viscount Montgomery of Alamein); photographs, chiefly groups and functions [1940-1945].

Sans titre
GB 0099 KCLMA Dobrski · Fonds · 1939-1945, 1949-1950, 1953

Papers principally relating to operations of the Special Operations Executive (SOE) in Italy, Greece, the Aegean and the Balkans, 1941-1945, including: SOE training manuals, and various SOE memoranda relating to the 'Rhine mine', poisons, inland waterways, and the 'New Zionists', 1941-1944; memoranda and directives on SOE infiltration of Italy and the recruitment of Italian agents, the production of propaganda for use in Italy, transcripts of subversive propaganda broadcasts to the Italian people via Radio Jerusalem, letters from Stefano Terra, regarding the activities of the anti-fascist group Giustizia e Libertà, 1940-1943; diary of Capt R Guy Turrall during his SOE sabotage mission to Crete, 1941-1942; papers concerning SOE Operations BASILIC and ERRATIC (infiltration of Scarpanto and Rhodes), 1943; papers concerning propaganda operations in conjunction with the Political Warfare Executive, particularly Operations KREIPE and KRIMSCHILD, May 1944, to demoralize German troops on Crete; reports, 1943-1945, relating to SOE activities on Crete, including reports on the kidnapping by SOE of German Maj Gen Heinrich Kreipe; appreciations of SOE activities in Greece, Hungary, Bulgaria, Rumania, 1943; correspondence of Headquarters Force 133 (SOE Cairo, Egypt) in regard to promotion, welfare, training, transfers and postings of personnel, including confidential reports on individual staff, 1944-1945; diary of Maj John Mulgan, British Liaison Officer in Greece, 1944; correspondence relating to the winding up of SOE organisation in Greece, 1944-1945; various other papers, comprising correspondence with Anne René Pleven, 1939-1941, on the German bombing of London and the reaction of the French people to German occupation and the Vichy government; report on René Pleven, French Minister of Defence, concerning Pleven's attitude to the French political situation, policy towards Indo-China and the French High Command, 1949; papers relating to the reorganisation of Lyons Silks Ltd, French Silhouettes and Arnold Securities, 1949-1950; newspaper article on German penetration of the SOE network in the Netherlands, 1942-1944, dated 1953.

Sans titre
DOWSON, Valentine Hugh Wilfred (d 1980)
GB 0099 KCLMA Dowson · 1915-1944

Bound volume of weekly intelligence reports by Valentine Hugh Wilfred Dowson, Basra, 1 Jan - 23 Dec 1944, including comment on: Iraqi politics and political appointments, propaganda, Iraqi economics, commodity prices, attitudes towards Britain, exports and supplies. Reference material relating to Iraq and the Middle East comprising: Extract from the geographical and statistical gazetteer of the Persian Gulf, Oman and Central Arabia (Superintendent, Government Printing, India, 1915); Brief notes on tribes of the Tigris below Kut', Government Press, Simla, 1917; Extract from the Persian Gulf Gazetteer (Superintendent, Government Printing, India, 1917);Administrative report, Amarah Division', 1918; Administrative report of the Muntafiq Division', 1919;Review of the civil administration of Mesopotamia', 1920; Personalities: Iraq (exclusive of Baghdad and Kadhimain)', nd [c 1922];Military report on Mesopotamia (Iraq), area 1 (Northern Jazirah)', General Staff, British Forces in Iraq, 1922; Military report on Iraq, area 2 (Upper Euphrates)', General Staff, British Forces in Iraq, 1922;Military report on Mesopotamia (Iraq), area 7 (Tigris)', General Staff, British Forces in Iraq, 1923; Military report on Mesopotamia (Iraq), area 8 (Western Kurdistan)', General Staff, British Forces in Iraq, 1923;Personalities: Mosul, Arbil, Kirkuk, Sulaimani and frontiers. Note on Mosul Town', Government Press, Baghdad, 1923; Military report on Arabistan', 1923;Military report on Iraq, Chapter 3: population', Sep 1933; A gazetteer of the place names which appear in the small scale maps of Palestine and Transjordan, Departments of Lands and Surveys, Government of Palestine, nd [c 1935]; Military report on Iraq, Vol 2 (routes)', Air Ministry, 1936;Military report on Iraq, Vol 1 (general)', Air Ministry, 1941; MT routes in Syria, Vol 2', GHQ Middle East Forces, Feb 1942;MT routes in Iraq, Vols 1 and 2', GHQ PAIFORCE, 1943; Iraq: index gazetteer', PAIFORCE, Baghdad, 1943;Iraq and the Persian Gulf', Naval Intelligence Division, 1944. Copies of the King-Hall Newsletter, 1936-1944.

Sans titre
GB 0099 KCLMA Evans · Created 1943-1944, 1991-1993

Manuscript diaries, detailing his SOE training in Haifa, Palestine, Cairo, Egypt, his service as an instructor at the Allied Military Mission Commando School at Pendalophos, British relations with allied Greek partisan units, and SOE harassment and demolition activity prior to and during the German withdrawal from the Greek peninsula, 1943-1944; reports, mainly compiled byEvans as commander of the Vitsi sub-area, relating to intelligence, reconnaissance and demolition missions alongside Greek Ethnikos Laikos Apeleftherotikos Stratos (ELAS) units, the pro-German infiltration of West Macedonia, and the conduct of Operation NOAH'S ARK; papers relating to SOE commando missions, including notes detailing weapons, ammunition and supplies used; lists of alliedPolish, Czech and French participants in the Allied Military Mission, autumn 1943; papers relating to the construction of the SOE airfield at Grevena, 1944; list compiled by Evans concerning hostile Armenian, Italian, German and Greek forces, 1944; notes detailing the nominal roll of partisan forces in the Vitsi sub-area, 1944; papers relating to SOE and ELAS border assaults into Yugoslavia and Albania, 1944; papers detailing the splintering of relations between British and Greek forces in Greece, 1944; booklets of deciphered signals messages received and issued by the Vitsi sub-area station, relating to the movement of German forces and Yugoslavian partisans, under the command of Marshal Josip Broz (Tito), and the execution of Operation NOAH'S ARK, 1944; correspondence with Lt ColArthur Edmonds, Officer Commanding Area 1, West Macedonia, Lt Col Nicholas Geoffrey Lemprière Hammond, Officer Commanding Allied Military Mission, West Macedonia, and allied British, American and Greek soldiers, 1944; policy and procedure papers, including his official secrecy declaration, 1944; papers relating to SOE technical training, finances and supplies; papers, in Greek, relating to combined operations between the Allied Military Mission and ELAS 9 Div, including command and control agreements and messages from Gen Karayannis, commander ELAS 9 Div, relating to German movements in the Vitsi sub-area; official report, in Greek, from theGreek government, detailing the history of Greek partisan forces in Greece, 1940-1944; Greek propaganda leaflets and newspapers relating to Greek partisan activity in West Macedonia, and Ellinikos Dimokratikos Ethnikos Stratos (EDES) and ELAS power struggles, 1944; German divisional daily order concerning the psychological state of German occupation troops; personal correspondence from German 1 Mountain Div soldiers; papers relating to the proposed publication of an account of Evans's career in the SOE; papers relating to the publication of Hammond's article, 'The Allied Military Mission in Northwest Macedonia', Balkan Studies (Volume 32), 1993.

Sans titre
GB 0099 KCLMA Evetts · 1910, 1935-1986

Papers, 1910, 1935-1986, of Lt Gen Sir John (Fullerton) Evetts, including report on Evetts by Col William Baume Capper, Commandant, Royal Military College, Sandhurst, Jul 1910; 136 photographic negatives relating to Palestine and the North West Frontier, India, 1935-1941; letters of congratulation for service and for decorations, 1936-1940, including letters from AVM Richard Edmund Charles Peirse, Air Officer Commanding British Forces, Palestine and Transjordan, and Lt Gen Sir George Alexander Weir, General Officer Commanding British Troops in Egypt, 1936, Gen Sir Arthur Grenfell Wauchope, High Commissioner and Commander-in-Chief, Palestine and Transjordan, 1937, Lt Gen Archibald Percival Wavell, Jan 1939, Sir Harold Alfred MacMichael, High Commissioner and Commander-in-Chief, Palestine and Transjordan, Mar 1939, and Lt Gen Alan Fleming Hartley, General Officer Commanding-in-Chief, Northern Command, India, 1940; three copy typescript reports on operations carried out by British forces in Palestine and Transjordan, 20 May-31 Jul 1938, 1 Nov 1938-31 Mar 1939 and 1 Apr-30 Jul 1939, by Lt Gen Robert Hadden Haining, General Officer Commanding British Forces in Palestine and Transjordan; group photograph of Evetts and the staff of the 'Evetts Mission', Melbourne, Australia, 1946; papers relating to the Joint Anglo-Australian atomic test Project, Woomera, South Australia, including lectures, correspondence, eight volumes of manuscript diaries by Evetts, Jan 1947-Aug 1951, and printed map of missile and rocket ranges, Long Range Weapons Establishment, Woomera, South Australia [1950]; typescript text of lecture by Evetts, 'Woomera, yesterday and today', in English, French and Spanish [1957]; edition of Spanish magazine Ingenieria Aeronautica with illustrated article in Spanish by Evetts, 'Woomera ayer y hoy', Jul-Aug 1957; printed illustrated article by Chris Wren entitled 'The Commonwealth's Cape Canaveral', from The Aeroplane and Astronautics, Mar 1960; booklet entitled '14 May 1689 to 14 May 1968. 1st Battalion, The Cameronians (Scottish Rifles)' commemorating the Regiment on its disbandment, 1968, with manuscript note, returning the booklet to Evetts, from Most Reverend and Rt Hon Arthur Michael Ramsey, Archbishop of Canterbury, 14 Jun 1968; correspondence relating to legal action taken against Anthony Mockler over statements concerning Evetts' actions in Syria, 1941, in his book Our enemies the French: being an account of the war fought between the French and the British, Syria 1941 (Cooper, London, 1976); five letters to Evetts from Col George Alan Dawson Young, Middle East Commandos Historical Research Group and former Commanding Officer 50 and 52 Middle East Commandos, Jul-Aug 1983, relating to allegations made against 50 Middle East Commando by Martin John Gilbert in Finest hour, Winston S Churchill, 1939-1941 (Heinemann, London, 1983); papers, 1979-1986, on the Anglo-Australian Joint Project, including typescript draft chapters of Fire across the desert: Woomera and the Anglo-Australian Joint Project, 1946-1980 by Dr Peter Ralph Morton (published by Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra, 1989); Bristol Civil Defence Sub-Section, report by Evetts as retiring sub-regional controller, 1959.

Sans titre
FERNBANK, Wg Cdr E P M (1911-1985)
GB 0099 KCLMA Fernbank · Created 1938-1944, 1971

Copies of papers relating to his life and career, 1938-1945, dated 1938-1944, 1971, comprising two flying log books, Jan 1938-Jun 1944; letter to Martin Middlebrook concerning Fernbank's RAF service during World War Two, with particular reference to his involvement in radar intelligence, written in 1971.

Sans titre
FRASER, Brig the Hon William (1890-1964)
GB 0099 KCLMA Fraser, W · 1940-1960

Copies of the papers of Brig William Fraser, 1940-1960, relating to command of Stratforce, assembled to occupy western Norway, 1940, including: personal diary, 6 Apr 1940- 10 Jun 1940; memoir, 'Norwegian Adventure', including detailed descriptions of the formation of Stratforce, Jan 1940, the difficulty of taking occupied Narvik, April-May 1940, the problems of combined operations, poorly trained troops, lack of equipment, German air superiority and bad weather; the relationship between FM Sir (William) Edmund Ironside and Rt Hon Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill; the assumption of command by FM Sir Claude Auchinleck, May 1940; the withdrawal of the Scots Guards from the town of Mo, 18-22 May; assessment of reasons for failure in Norway; removal of Fraser from command due to shell wounds, 23 May 1940; accounts of German atrocities; the evacuation from Norway, Jun 1940; correspondence analysing the Norwegian operation, 1960.

Sans titre
GB 0099 KCLMA Stern · Created 1914-1959, 1964, 1994

Papers relating to his role in the development and production of armoured fighting vehicles, dated 1914-1959, 1964, 1994, principally comprising correspondence, memoranda and minutes relating to the Landships Committee, 1915-1916, and the Tank Supply Committee, Tank Supply Department (later Mechanical Warfare Supply Department) and Mechanical Warfare (Overseas and Allies) Department, 1916-1918; progress reports and memoranda on design and construction of landships, 1915; plans, drawings and blueprints for landships and tanks, 1915-1916; 'Notes on the employment of tanks' by Col Ernest Dunlop Swinton, printed at the Foreign Office, 1916; 'Mechanical warfare, a summary of British tank development, 1914-1918', typescript text by Stern, [1925]; papers relating to the establishment of the Allied Tank Factory at Neuvy Pailloux, Chateauroux, France, dated 1917-1918; notes and reports by Lt J Rackham and George Watson relating to the use of tanks on the Western Front, 1917; 'The tactical employment of tanks in 1918', unofficial report by Col John Frederick Charles Fuller, 1917; correspondence and memoranda relating to Ministry of Supply Special Vehicle Development Committee and the Tank Board, 1939-1943, and the design and development of TOG heavy tanks, 1939-1944, including correspondence with Rt Hon Edward Leslie Burgin, Minister of Supply, 1939-1940, Rt Hon Herbert Stanley Morrison, Minister of Supply, 1940, Rt Hon Sir Andrew Rae Duncan, Minister of Supply, 1940-1941 and 1942, Rt Hon William Maxwell Aitken Beaverbrook, 1st Baron Beaverbrook, Minister of Supply, 1941-1942, Sir James Lithgow, Chairman of the Tank Board, 1941, and Rt Hon Winston (Leonard Spencer) Churchill 1940-1942, Prime Minister, First Lord of the Treasury and Minister of Defence, Sir William Tritton of Tritton, Foster and Co, and Cdr R H Stokes-Rees, 1943-1944; official reports by Lt Col Gordon Hall on British and Italian use of tanks in the Middle East, 1940-1941, dated 1941; specifications and technical reports relating to tanks, 1939-1944; minutes of Special Vehicle Development Committee, 1939-1942; papers relating to investigation of Stern's position in the Ministry of Supply, 1942, dated 1939-1942, including transcriptions of interviews with Stern, 1942; correspondence and memoranda relating to Stern's evidence before the Sub-Committee on National Production and Supply of the House of Commons Select Committee on National Expenditure; publications and printed material relating to tanks, 1915-1919, 1939-1946, 1959; photographs, 1915-1918, 1939-1945, principally comprising British, French and Canadian photographs of tanks, 1915-1918; photographs of TOG tanks, 1939-1942; films concerning the development of the tank, 1918, 1941-1942, 1957. Other papers relating to his life and career, notably including photographs relating to his service with the Royal Naval Air Service, 1914-1915; copies of personal correspondence, 1918-1919.

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