Showing 285 results

Archival description
Phillipps collection
GB 0064 PLA · Collection · 1603-1672

General Records: This group contains a large vellum-bound volume of Spanish diplomatic papers, mainly dating between 1603 and 1672, but with a section dealing with the Armada, 1587 to 1588; two English documents relating to the expedition to Cadiz, 1596; an enquiry into the loss of ships in the convoy guarded by Sir George Rooke (1650-1709) and the Streights Squadron, 1693; a gathering of Italian papers relating to the capitulation of Malta, 1799 to 1807. There are also a number of items relating to Lord Nelson and his family, 1805 to 1845. (PHB/: PHB/P: 2 vols: 3 items) Merchant Shipping Records: relating to merchant shipping, including the journal of the Blackham on a voyage to Constantinople, 1696 to 1698; the log of H.E.I.C.S. Ceres, 1743 to 1745; of H.E.I.C.S. Wager, 1745 to 1746; and an account in verse of H.E.I.C.S. Ceres, 1812 to 1814, on a voyage to China. There is also a memorial of 1774 by a Harwich pilot to the Treasury, seeking to establish an excise cutter there. Among the documents are Bills of Sale, 1651, 1695, 1775; Letters of Marque, 1780, 1799. (PHB/: PLA/P: 4 vols: 12 items) Royal Navy: Administration: This group consists of nineteen volumes and four documents relating to the administration of the Navy. It includes the naval accounts from 1422 to 1427 of William Soper (fl.1410-1459), Clerk of the King<sup>1</sup>s ships; a list of ships' stores 'wasted' in the Prymrose after the Rochelle expedition, 1573; a volume of the records collected by Sir Robert Cotton (1571-1631), the antiquarian and collector, containing summaries of papers on naval matters and defence from the time of Henry III to Elizabeth I; a copy, dated 1638, of the first 'Discourse of the Navy of England' by John Hollond (fl 1624-1659); regulations for the Ordnance Office, 1683; an account, written by a clerk, of the dispute between Samuel Pepys and Colonel Middleton (d 1672) about the importation of cottons and kerseys, 1667 to 1668; two lists of official documents transferred by Pepys to his successor on leaving the Admiralty, 1689; two volumes of Navy Board orders to Deptford and Woolwich dockyards, 1644 to 1722; and eleven volumes of papers, bound by Phillipps in no particular order, relating to general administrative matters, including sea-men's pay, 1711 to 1790; however, among these papers are three letters from Vice-Admiral Benbow (1653-1702) written from Jamaica, 1699. Finally, there are a number of lists; of Admiralty Commissioners, 1673 to 1782; of ships, 1625 to 1636, 1705, 1706 to 1745, and of foreign navies, 1755 to 1778 (PLA/: PLA/P: 2 1/2ft: 76cm) Royal Navy: Law and Prize Money: This group consists of a volume, 1658 to 1673, containing a collection of sentences and decrees made at the Court of Admiralty; a volume of 1685 chiefly concerning the powers and rights of the Lord High Admiral, with an abstract of the judgements of Oleron, translated from the French; a further seventeenth-century volume concerning maritime customs and law from the time of Henry III; a French treatise of maritime law, 1690; a volume containing bound letters from senior naval officers expressing their opinion on the prize money dispute between Lord Nelson (q.v.) and Lord St Vincent (q.v.), 1801 to 1802; vindication of the conduct of Surgeon D.T. McCarthy, court-martialled 2 lines 1 field in 1804.

PHILLIPS, Richard Cobden
GB 0402 RCP · 1883-1885

Papers of Richard Cobden Phillips, including Phillips' letter book recording out-letters from Ponto da Lehna and Banana Congo, Sep 1883-Oct 1885, including to his family on personal matters and to the Standard on political and social conditions; eighteen sepia photographic prints of scenes along the Congo river including of Henry Morton Stanley and party; two certificates of corresponding membership from the Bremen and Hamburg Geographical Societies, 1883.

Phillips , Richard Cobden , 1846-1912 , trader
Pinto, Isaac de
GB 0096 MS 129 · c1770

Manuscript of a book on finance between England and Holland, c1770.

Pinto , Isaac de , fl 1770 , writer on finance
GB 0097 PLANT · 1918-1972

Papers of Professor Sir Arnold Plant, 1918-1972, comprising the following: Papers concerning Plant's education, 1919-1923, mainly comprising lecture notes taken during his studies at the London School of Economics and Political Science, and examination papers for the London BCommerce. Material concerning Plant's teaching career, 1918-1969, notably at the University of Cape Town, South Africa, 1918-1931, including lecture notes on subjects including banking, economics and statistics, notes for the Commerce degree, and correspondence from former students relating to their professional work; papers relating to the LSE, 1928-1969, notably Plant's work in the Department of Business Administration, including administrative papers, lists of students, seminars and test results, material concerning the teaching of the Commerce degree including lecture notes and examination papers, papers concerning research projects, research material into higher education training for business and management, and material concerning the formation of a Central Institute of Management; minutes, correspondence and papers of the Commerce Degree Bureau, 1937-1972; material concerning the University of London Council for External Students, 1961-1972, including reports, minutes and papers. Material concerning lectures, writings and publications, 1924-1964, notably working papers and drafts for talks on various subjects including patent law, modern industry, copyright of publications, transport economics, marketing and economic conditions in South Africa; background material, notes and drafts for BBC broadcasts, 1931-1961, notably on pay as you view television, trade and industry and South Africa; correspondence, drafts, notes and offprints of various published articles, lectures and reports, 1925-1964, mainly relating to commerce and business, copyright and nuclear energy. Correspondence, 1921-1972, mainly relating to the teaching of business and commerce, with correspondents including Sir John Carruthers Beattie, Sir William Henry Beveridge, Sir Alexander Carr-Saunders, Sir Henry Clay, William Harold Hutt, Eric Anderson Walker, Professor Lilian Knowles, Professor Lionel Robbins and Professor Richard Henry Tawney. Personal material, 1950-1972, concerning employment, salary, pensions and stays in hospital. Papers concerning Plant's work on the Monopolies and Restrictive Practices Commission, 1948-1959, comprising memoranda, reports, minutes and agenda, evidence and correspondence relating to electrical machinery, industrial gases, linoleum, copper semis, tea, tyres, timber, calico printing, electric batteries, radio valves and street lighting, as well as general reference materials, press cuttings, and correspondence concerning membership of the Commission. Material concerning Plant's work on the Industrial Injuries Advisory Council (IIAD), 1954-1967, including minutes, reports and papers of the Council, 1950-1967; minutes and working papers of the Industrial Diseases Sub-Committee, 1955-1967, especially concerning byssinosis, teeth erosion, lung cancer, vibration syndrome (Raynaud's Syndrome), industrial deafness, cadmium poisoning and respiratory diseases; papers of the Industrial Health Advisory Committee (Ministry of Labour), 1955-1966; Secretary's correspondence with Plant, 1966-1968; general IIAC correspondence, 1954-1959, mainly relating to meetings and expert opinion on industrial health. Papers concerning Plant's work on the Cinematograph Films Council, 1938-1968, including minutes, agenda and working papers of the Council, 1938-1968; material relating to the Committee on Film Distribution and Exhibition (Portal Committee), 1943-1949, including minutes and working papers, evidence, reports and drafts of the final report; papers relating to the Plant Report into Distribution and Exhibition of Cinematograph Films, 1945-1951, including press cuttings, parliamentary reports, and expert views; correspondence and papers, 1946-1965, including letters from Sir (Alexander) Frederick Whyte and J(oseph) Arthur Rank; papers of the Advisory Committee on Amendments to Cinematograph Films Acts, 1957-1958; minutes of the Structure and Trading Practices Sub-Committee, 1962-1963. Material concerning Plant's work on other committees, societies and bodies, 1932-1972, notably minutes, reports, bulletins and research papers of the London and Cambridge Economic Service, 1932-1966; papers relating to the Council for National Academic Awards, 1964-1968, including minutes and working papers, minutes of the Arts and Social Studies Committee and the Economics and Business Studies Board, and applications for recognition from higher education institutions; reports, minutes and correspondence relating to the Advertising Standards Authority, 1962-1967; papers of the Naval Education Advisory Committee, 1946-1970, notably course outlines, minutes and reports; annual reports and publication notices of the National Institute of Economic and Social Research, 1966-1971; correspondence, circulars and Council minutes of the Royal Economic Society, 1970-1972; reports, press cuttings and correspondence of the Committee on Fowl Pest Policy, 1962-1964; and minutes and working papers of the Board of Management of Athlone Press, 1969-1972.

Plant , Sir , Arnold , 1898-1978 , Knight , Professor , economist
GB 0096 AL136 · Fonds · 1890

Letter from Samuel Plimsoll of 28 Park Lane, London to [?a newspaper editor], 26 Feb 1890. Complaining of frequent allegations that: 'I seek to subject English ship-owners to restrictions and regulations from which foreigners are exempted.' He has obtained evidence from the Board of Trade to show that foreign ships are not thus privileged.

Autograph, with signature.

Plimsoll , Samuel , 1824-1898 , politician and shipping reformer
Postlethwayt, Malachy
GB 0096 MS 493 · 1746-1750

Two unpublished manuscripts written between 1746-1750 regarding trade and commerce. References are made to the South Sea Company and British trade in America.

Postlethwayt , Malachy , c 1707-1767 , economic writer
Previté, Joseph
GB 0096 MS 434 · 1840-1843

Letters and accounts from Gunter, Greenway & Co. to Joseph Previté concerning the import and export of groceries. The account books cover the period March 1840 to March 1843.

Previté , Joseph , fl 1840-1843 , businessman
Prinsep, George Alexander
GB 0096 MS 694 · 1824

Manuscript appendices, including statistics, 1821-1823, bound as additions into the author's copy of Remarks on the external commerce and exchanges of Bengal, with appendix of accounts and estimates, 1823-1824.

Prinsep , George Alexander , fl 1824 , writer
Privy Council papers
GB 0096 MS 20 · c1560-1624

Collection of transcripts, [1560]-1624, mainly relating to Privy Council matters, notably a petition presented to King James I by Sir Robert Heath, Solicitor General, 1624; a survey of the Forests and Chaces [Chases] of Bringwood, Mocktree and Darvell, with the Manor of Buriton, 1604; a letter from King James I to the Peers of England and the Privy Council concerning the composition of the Privy Council and the replacement of the ailing Lord Chamberlain by Thomas Howard, Lord Howard of Walden, 1603; copies of documents relating to the French conquest of Guiana, South America, including commissions granted by King Henry IV of France to Renée Marie, Lord Mountbarrot, and Daniel de la Touche, Lord of Raverdiere, for the conquest of Guiana, 1605 and 1609, the appointment of Robert Le Brette, Lord Dubosc, as Raverdiere's lieutenant in Guiana and other parts of America, including Brazil, 1609; the commission of Sir John Digby, Vice-Chamberlain, to negotiate a marriage between Prince Charles of England and the Infanta Maria, daughter of King Philip III of Spain, 1615; a letter written by Captain Charles Parker, one of Sir Walter Raleigh's company at Guiana, to Captain Alley, 1607; a declaration of proceedings in the Star Chamber against John Wrenham, who charged the Lord Chancellor of injustice against the King, 1618; a discourse of marriage written by Charles Blount, Earl of Devonshire, in defence of his wedding to Penelope, Lady Rich, [1605]; a discourse written by Dr Lancelot Andrewes, Bishop of Ely, against second marriage following a divorce, 1601; a discourse made by merchant adventurers on the occasion of a bill preferred to the High Court of Parliament, requiring free trade to all kingdoms and countries, [1610]; a consideration of the office and duty of a herald in England by John Dodridge, the Solicitor General, 1605; proceedings in the Star Chamber against Mary Countess of Shrewsbury for her refusal to give evidence against Arabella Seymour, Duchess of Somerset, 1618; an Act of Council upon the proceedings against James Whitlocke and Sir Robert Mansell for speaking against the King's Commission for reform of the Navy and also against the King's power and prerogative, 1609; speeches, and a memorandum on the union of England and Scotland, by Sir Francis Bacon, Lord Keeper of the Great Seal of England, 1617; a copy of 'The present state of things as theye nowe stand, betweene the three greate kingdomes, France, England and Spayne, [1623], and 'A breviarie of the historie of England from William I, intitled the Conqueror, both written by Sir Walter Raileighe, Knight'; a speech by John Williams, Bishop of Lincoln and Keeper of the Great Seal of England, on the occasion of the collecting of the subsidy, Aug 1621; two versions of instructions by William Cecil, Lord Burleigh, Lord Treasurer to his son, Robert Cecil, 1561 and [1598]; letters from Sir Henry Sidney to his brother and to his son, Phillip, [1560]; a treatise entitled 'Toucheinge the Antiquities of Baronies delivered in the College of Antiquaries', [1600].

GB 0074 CLC/B/173 · Collection · 1826-1980

The records of PW Flower and Sons, merchants, concern the company's trading interests and property investments, and the affairs and investments of the Flower family (see CLC/B/173/MS19469 for a Flower family tree) and of other families with shared or related interests; they include the papers of various trustees by whom some family and business activities were administered.

The records include:

  • Mss 19338-55: business records: general, or relating to more than one country;
  • Mss 19356-78: business records: Australia, including some Salting family papers (see also Mss 19470-89);
  • Mss 19379-93: business records: India, including some Pearse family papers;
  • Mss 19394-99: estate records: general or relating to more than one estate;
  • Mss 19400-9: estate records: individual estates or properties (except Park Town);
  • Mss 19410-38: estate records: Park Town, except maps and plans which are catalogued in the Print and Maps Section;
  • Mss 19439-46: family records: executors of P.W. Flower, including references to business and estate matters;
  • Mss 19447-69: family records: general, including references to business and estate matters;
  • Mss 19470-89: Papers relating to the Salting family of Australia (with which the Flower family had business connections; see also Mss 19356-78) and in particular to George Salting (d 1909) art collector and benefactor to public art galleries.
P W Flower and Sons , merchants
Pyott, Thomas Robert
GB 0096 MS 122 · 1760-1786

Papers and autobiographical memoirs, 1763-1786, apparently compiled for circulation amongst family and friends. Consists of an 'Account of Madeira wine for costs and charges' (ff.2v-3), 'Transactions of three years in trade [1760-63]' (ff.4-12) and 'Letters that were written to me in the progress of my misfortunes' concerning business, bankruptcy as a result of war, and personal matters (ff.13-146).

Pyott , Thomas Robert , fl 1760-1786 , merchant
GB 0074 CLC/B/186 · Collection · 1814-1960

Records of Ralli Brothers Limited, merchants, comprising printed annual reports 1953-60; financial records 1814-1857; powers of attorney 1839 and 1847; correspondence 1868-1872; business papers 1836-1866 and 1908, and report on organisation 1939; letting agreement 1843 and historical notes 1902-1952.

Ralli Brothers Ltd , merchants
GB 3172 RAMPHAL · Collection · 1975-1977, [1990]

Created during Ramphal's time in office, the collection comprises of papers arranged under the following sections: Committees 1975-1976, includes agendas, supporting papers and minutes for committees such as the Meeting of Commonwealth Fund for Technical Co-operation and of the Secretariat Finance Sub Committee. Ministerial Meetings 1975-1977, holds minutes and papers from meetings of Law Ministers, Health Ministers, Senior Officials but especially Finance Ministers Meetings. Conference 1976, has documents from the Non-Aligned Conference. Correspondence 1975-1977, contains letters to and from the Secretary-General and other senior Secretariat officials. Country Files 1975-1977, mainly contain briefs prepared by each area of responsibility within the Secretariat; legal, health, youth, education, food production and rural development, science, applied studies, Commonwealth Fund for Technical Co-operation, international affairs, trade and finance.

Specific issues covered relate to The New International Economic Order, Lome Convention and the North South Dialogue as well as the situation in Southern Africa including Commonwealth Aid to Mozambique and sporting links with apartheid South Africa. Divisions 1975-1976 relates to the Youth Affairs Programme and Meetings of the Youth Affairs Council. Economic 1975-1977, contains the Report by a Commonwealth Expert Group: McIntyre Report Towards a New International Economic Order and papers of the Commonwealth Technical Group on the Common Fund. Internal 1975-1977, covers Commonwealth Day, including the first simultaneously observed Commonwealth Day. Organisation 1975-1977, covers Ramphal's appointment to the Dag Hammarskjold Foundation Board of Trustees as well as papers from the Anglo-French Colloquium 1976. Reviews 1975-1976, includes the Internal Review of Secretariat Activities, 1975.

Ramphal , Sir l Shridath , b 1928 , Knight , second Commonwealth Secretary-General
GB 0096 MS 79 · 1703-1760

Three manuscript volumes containing decrees, legal judgements, and conventions regulating Venetian trade, 29 Nov 1703-29 Mar 1760.

GB 0096 MS 103 · 1735-1739

Manuscript volume containing a collection of copy regulations and decrees relating to Venetian commerce, 1735-1739, some printed, including broadsheets on tarifs, and levies paid by couriers to Italian cities, and tables of duty paid on goods imported into and out of Verona, 1738-1739.

RICHARDS, John (d 1736)
GB 0074 CLC/B/189 · Collection · 1716-1772

Records of merchants John Richards and John Rooke, comprising invoice and account of sales books.

Richards , John , d 1736 , merchant Rooke , John , d 1771 , merchant
GB 0096 AL103 · Fonds · 1775

Letter from Victor de Riqueti, Marquis de Mirabeau to 'mon cher Monsieur duchesne', 25 Jun 1775. Asking him for his good offices on behalf of 'un pauvre provençal', who was in Paris 'pour une affaire à la terray qui ruineroit tout le commerce'.

Autograph, with signature.

Riqueti , Victor de , 1715-1789 , Marquis de Mirabeau , economist x de Riqueti , Victor x Mirabeau , Marquis de
GB 0074 CLC/B/227-156 · Collection · 1882-1899

Agreements for the hire of vessels at Bathurst, Australia, to the River Gambia Trading Company Limited.

River Gambia Trading Co Ltd x Bathurst Trading Co Ltd
GB 0097 NEWMAN · Collection · 1774-1955

The collection of primarily bound volumes comprises the business documents of Robert Newman and Co., and related companies, 1774-1955. The documents themselves include letter books, journals, ledgers, account books, memorandums and ship registers, and relate chiefly to trading in Newfoundland, Canada. Many of these internal working documents were originally intended to serve as permanent records. They can provide the researcher with a general overview of the financial and statistical history of the firm, giving a record of transactions as they occurred. In addition, they offer a degree of descriptive information, showing the development of codes and ciphers used by the firm, an insight into labour relations, and a detailing of the raw materials used for trade.

The records relate to the following company names; Hunt Newman Roope and Co; Hunt Roope and Co; Hunt Roope Teage and Co; John Newman and Co; Newman and Co; Newman Hunt and Co; Newman Hunt and Lyon; Newman and Land; Newman Land Hunt and Co; Newman and Roope; Robert Newman and Co.

Volumes 2 and 102 are missing from the collection and number 91 was not originally used when the items were acquisitioned.

Robert Newman and Company and related companies
GB 0096 MS 109 · 1742

Manuscript volume containing transcripts of documents relating to the Royal African Company, 1742, namely a copy of a petition to the King in Council for a charter to enable the Company to fit out a naval force to attack Spanish settlements and shipping in America, dated 26 Mar 1742; copy of a report made on the petition by a committee of the Privy Council, dated 22 Jul 1742; copy reports to the committee by the Attorney and Solicitor General; a copy memorial of the Company in reply to certain questions in the various reports, dated 6 Dec 1742.

GB 0096 MS 217 · [1725]

Manuscript volume containing a report signed by Alexander Archbold to the Royal African Company on the commerce and value to the Company of their establishment at Sierra Leone, [1725]. Archbold had been an employee of the Company in Sierra Leone for 7 years.

Royal African Company of England
GB 0101 ICS 62 · 1962

Papers relating to the Royal Institute of International Affairs (Chatham House) (RIIA) Commonwealth Conference in Lagos, Nigeria, 1962, comprising correspondence between Professor Charles Edmund Carrington, RIIA and Prof Kenneth Robinson, Institute of Commonwealth Studies, draft papers on African politics, aid and trade, draft reports on the cold war in Africa, pan-africanism, Britain's application to join the European Common Market, and the future of Commonwealth co-operation in Africa

Royal Institute of International Affairs
GB 0403 RSA · 1634-2002 (printed material from 1634, archival material from 1754)

Archive, 1754 to date, of the Royal Society of Arts (RSA; formerly the Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce, or Society of Arts), created by the Society in the course of its activities, and comprising records of its administration (Ref: AD), and records of its activities and events (Ref: PR), also including some printed material dating back to 1634.

Administrative records of the Society include:

Records of Miscellaneous Committees to discuss the programme and administration of the Society, including the Committee of Correspondence and Papers and the Committee of Miscellaneous Matters, 1754-1848 (Ref: AD.MA/104).
Records of the Society from 1754, later the Council (established 1845) (Ref: AD.MA/100).

Records concerning Chairmen of Council (from 1846) and Council membership (Ref: AD.MA/102).

Records of Secretaries (administrative head of the Society), after 1994 known as the Director (Ref: AD.MA/101).

Records of Presidents (Ref: AD.MA/103).

Records of Membership/Fellowship, relating to subscribers to the Society, originally termed 'members', referred to as 'Fellows' from 1908 (Ref: AD.MA/900). (The archive does not include extensive biographical information on RSA Fellows, although dates of membership of Fellows are usually recorded.)
Records concerning the Society's House in John Adam Street from its design and construction by the Adam Brothers, including correspondence, papers, notes, leases and other legal documents, relating to administration, management, alteration and repair of the building (Ref: AD.MA/300).

Records of various House Committees set up at different times to look at the building, its use, function, administration and management (Ref: AD.MA/305).

Accounting and financial records produced by various committees including the Accounts Committee and Finance and General Purposes Committee (Ref: AD.MA/400).

Annual Reports recording the Society's activities over the year, initially within the Journal (from 1852), but later as a separate publication (Ref: AD.MA/701).

Records relating to general lectures (developed from the 1850s when the Society ceased the award of premiums for inventions), with correspondence mainly concerning administrative arrangements for speakers and publication of their texts (in the RSA Journal) and suggestions for topics for discussion (Ref: AD.MA/800).

Records relating to the RSA Silver Medal awarded annually for the most interesting lecture over the preceding year (Ref: AD.MA/803).

Records relating to production of the Journal and other publicity, promotion and communication (Ref: AD.MA/203).

Donations and collections, comprising objects and artefacts donated to or bought by the Society (Ref: AD.MA/204).

Records of the Society's activities (such as award schemes, exhibitions, conferences, seminars and lectures), including joint initiatives with a range of other organisations, include:

Guard Books (30 volumes), 1754-1770, containing correspondence and papers about all Society activities and committees, on a range of subjects (Ref: PR.GE/110).

Manuscript versions of the Society's Transactions, comprising draft versions of the printed Transactions, including drawings, plans and diagrams in support of claims for premiums and awards. Also general correspondence to the Society on various 19th century campaigns, conferences and committees, covering subjects including lectures (arrangements for dates, speakers, chairmen, participants; suggestions for subjects, submission of lecture texts, corrections to texts, requests for tickets/programmes, acceptances, apologies for non-attendance etc), examinations (requests for syllabus, copies of certificates, programmes, rules; complaints, arrangements, agreements with colleges, details of examiners etc), membership (requests for information, applications, replies to circulars, notes accompanying subscriptions, resignations, complaints), Council/committee chairmen (intention to attend meetings, acceptances, general arrangements for meetings, requests for information, dates, times etc), Journal (receipt/non-receipt of copies, reciprocal arrangements with other libraries, requests for extra copies, corrections to proofs, advertising, arrangements for making blocks, photogravures etc), House (letters from freeholders, solicitors, contractors; booking of rooms), staff (applications for employment, testimonials, sick notes etc - a very small number of items), general (invitations, letters from bankers, auditors, business circulars, requests for funding, suggestions for campaigns, policies, events etc), and including artistic copyright, uniform musical pitch, domestic economy, art workmanship, musical training, food committees, patent law reform, prevention of fires in theatres and education exhibitions (Ref: PR.GE/118-19, 121).

Records relating to Premium and Programme committees (Ref: PR.GE/112); Albert Medal (founded 1863) (Ref: PR.GE/101); Memorial Tablet (blue plaque) scheme (founded 1866) (PR.GE/122); War Memorials Advisory Council (established 1944, disbanded 1948), concerning memorials of the Second World War (Ref: PR.GE/117); Exhibition of Exhibitions (1951), concurrent with the Festival of Britain, to commemorate earlier ground-breaking Society exhibitions on contemporary art (1760), industrial design (1847-1850), photography (1852), industry (1761), and the first international exhibition (1851) (Ref: PR.GE/102); R B Bennett Commonwealth Prize (endowed 1944) for outstanding contribution to the promotion of the arts, agriculture, industries and commerce of the Overseas Empire (Ref: PR.GE/116); Commonwealth Committee (Ref: PR.GE/113); proposals and planning for the Festival of Britain (1951) (Ref: PR.GE/103); events for the RSA Bicentenary (1954) (Ref: PR.GE/107); Benjamin Franklin Medal (instituted 1956) (Ref: PR.GE/100); Trusts, bequests, fundraising and development (Ref: PR.GE/111).

Records relating to manufacture and commerce, including the Paris Exhibitions (1844-1900) (Ref: PR.MC/109); Great Exhibition (1851) (Ref: PR.MC/107); International Exhibition (1862) (Ref: PR.MC/108); Chicago Exhibition (World's Columbian Exposition, 1893), British Section (Ref: PR.MC/112); Industry Year/Industry Matters (1986) (Ref: PR.MC/100); Tomorrow's Company (begun 1994), concerning the role of business in a changing world (Ref: PR.MC/115); Redefining Work (launched 1995) (Ref: PR.MC/116); Forum for Ethics in the Workplace (1997) (Ref: PR.MC/117); Manufacturing, Wealth Creation and the Economy (1998) (Ref: PR.MC/118).

Records of subject-based standing committees set up by the Society from 1754 to judge awards and premiums in particular areas, including minutes and correspondence about awards and attendance at and structure of committees: Agriculture (Ref: PR.MC/103), Chemistry (Ref: PR.MC/105), Colonies and Trade (Ref: PR.MC/104), Manufactures (Ref: PR.MC/102), Mechanics (Ref: PR.MC/101), and Polite Arts - including prints, drawings and other artwork submitted for award (Ref: PR.AR/103).

Records relating to fine and applied arts, including exhibition of works of Ancient and Medieval Art (1847-1850) (Ref: PR.AR/105); exhibition of the works of William Etty and William Mulready (1848-1849), including general correspondence, printed matter, catalogues, press cuttings, tickets and notices about mounting of exhibitions, and attendance (Ref: PR.AR/112); British Art in Industry Exhibition (1935) to publicise good design in articles of everyday use (Ref: PR.AR/101); Humorous Art Exhibition (1949-1950) (Ref: PR.AR/100); Art for Architecture scheme (from 1990), aiming to enhance the urban environment by encouraging cross disciplinary approaches to building and landscape projects, and associated with the Jerwood Art for Architecture Award (introduced 1994) (Ref: PR.AR/110); Shakespeare in Schools (begun 1992), a pilot project to introduce Shakespeare to children (Ref: PR.AR/108).

Records relating to promotion of design, including the Design Bursaries Board, Design Committee, the Design Board, Design Advisory Group and Design Section (Ref: PR.DE/106-7); Industrial Art Bursaries Competition (started 1924), succeeded by the Design Bursaries Competition, Competition of Industrial Designs and Student Design Awards (Ref: PR.DE/100); Royal Designers for Industry (RDI) scheme (created 1936) to encourage a high standard of industrial design (Ref: PR.DE/101); Bicentenary Medal (instituted 1954) for exceptional influence in promoting art and design in British industry (Ref: PR.DE/102); Presidential Awards for Design Management (instituted 1964) to recognise outstanding design policy (Ref: PR.DE/105).
Records relating to education, including the RSA Examinations Board (PR.ED/100); the Education for Capability programme (initiated 1979) to counteract academic bias in British education and promote practical, organising and co-operative skills (Ref: PR.ED/107); the future of Technological Higher Education in Britain (1982), a study group to consider the problems facing Britain in the development of technological higher education (Ref: PR.ED/118); Home-School links (from 1988) (Ref: PR.ED/108); Parents in a Learning Society, a development project to involve parents in education and assess home-school work (Ref: PR.ED/104); the National Advisory Council for Careers and Educational Guidance (established 1994), to promote and advise on provision of guidance for learning and work (Ref: PR.ED/103); Education Futures (2000) (Ref: PR.ED/116).

Records relating to the environment, including the Campaign for the Preservation of Ancient Cottages (begun 1926) to protect cottage architecture, establishing a fund which purchased or restored cottages near Worthing, at Bibury, Gloucestershire, West Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, Chiddingstone, Kent, and elsewhere (Ref: PR.EN/100); three 'Countryside in 1970' Conferences (1963-1970) (Ref: PR.EN/104); Environment Committee (formed 1971) to identify and anticipate major environmental problems and provide a forum for discussion (Ref: PR.EN/107), which began the Pollution Abatement Technology Award Scheme (PATAS) (1983-1986) (Ref: PR.EN/103), succeeded by the Better Environment for Industry/European Better Environment Awards for Industry (BEAFI/EBEAFI) (1987-1991) (Ref: PR.EN/101); the Environment Committee's sub-committee the RSA-Cubitt Trust Panel (to 1991), devoted to the built environment and working with the Cubitt Trust to convene conferences, seminars and an annual Cubitt Lecture (Ref: PR.EN/106); After the Earth Summit - What Next? (1992) (Ref: PR.EN/128); RSA Environmental Management Awards (begun 1993) (Ref: PR.EN/102).

The Early Library (Ref: SC/EL/1-5), comprising c500 printed works collected by the Society before 1830, including journals and periodicals, and c300 pamphlets and tracts covering broad-ranging topics relating to premiums and awards of the various sectional committees (Agriculture, Polite Arts, Chemistry, Manufactures, Mechanics, and Colonies and Trade), and including extracts from proceedings of other societies and learned institutions.

Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce
Society of Arts
RSA , Royal Society of Arts
GB 0074 CLC/B/195 · Collection · 1554-2005

Records of the Russia Company, including:

  • Copies of charters, 1554-1628;
  • Court minute books, 1666-1999;
  • Financial records, 1699-1995;
  • Correspondence, 1879-1943;
  • Correspondence and other papers, 1711-1888, 1885-c.1908, 1916-1919, 2005;
  • Annual reports, 1905-1953;
  • Stamp duty book, 1896-1947;
  • Administrative records, 1877-1946;
  • Papers relating to the Anglican chaplaincies in Russia, 1894-1917, 1993-7;
  • Records of the Council for British Repatriated from Russia, 1919-1932;
  • Records of the British Factory, St. Petersburg, 1774-1875.
Russia Company
GB 0074 ACC/2305/44 · Collection · 1959-1963

Records of Saccone and Speed Limited, wine and spirits merchants, comprising papers and correspondence, mainly related to purchase by Courage, Barclay and Simonds and subsequent re-organisations.

Saccone and Speed Ltd , wine and spirits merchants
GB 0096 MS 677 · 1808-1909

Correspondence relating to the trade of Sandbach, Tinné and Co. with British Guiana, 1808-1909, including correspondence with McInroy, Parker & Co. of Glasgow (9 letters, 1817-1829), with McInroy, Sandbach & Co. of Demerara, British Guiana (about 40 letters 1815-1852), with Blackwood, Conor and Co. from 1879 and with Sandbach, Parker and Co. from 1870.
Single correspondents include P.J. Tinné, Liverpool (1816); James McInroy, Demerara (1808) and Glasgow (1811), both to Samuel Sandbach in Liverpool; Peter McLagan, Georgetown, Guiana (1821), to S. Sandbach; George Rainy, Demerara (1828-1832), and Cheltenham (1839); and some copies of letters from other correspondents.
The letters concern the shipping of coffee, rum, sugar, cotton, and other merchandise to England, and contain incidental references to French, Dutch and English plantations in Guiana, financial arrangements, the state of crops and the labour force, and the use of machinery in plantations e.g. for cane-grinding. The letters of George Rainy also discuss the partnership, apparently between himself, Sandbach, and Tinné.
Also included are an invoice of goods shipped to Demerara, 1810; an account of McInroy, Parker & Co., with Sandbach, Tinné & Co., 1817; copies of the loading lists of ships; 5 printed cheques of Messrs. Hodsoll & Stirling, 345 Strand, London, May 1810, and 2 of Sir Charles Price, Kay, Price & Coleman, 1 Mansion House St., London, 1815 and 1816; a 'Memorandum of Copper, Bricks, Tools etc. required in the new machinery in Plantation Providence' (1866); a printed prospectus for Dissolved Peruvian Guano (1866); a 'Sketch showing proposed exchange of land between Plantations Peters Hall and Providence' (1869); and a 'Memorandum on Sandbach, Parker & Co.'s Sugar Purchases from Estates [in Guyana]' (1907).

Sandbach, Tinné and Co. , Liverpool merchants
GB 0074 CLC/B/196 · Collection · 1790-1887

Records of George G Sandeman, Sons and Company Limited, wine shippers and cotton merchants, comprising financial records 1799-1812 and 1838-9; an order book 1792-1809; merchant bankers' ledger 1817-1819; letter books 1795-1797 and 1885-1887; shipment register 1869-72; trade circulars 1840-2; private account books of stocks and shares 1821-60; and a copy of a letter by George Sandeman dated 1790.

George Sandeman Sons and Co Ltd , wine shippers and cotton merchants
Sandys, Sir Edwin
GB 0096 MS 22 · 1604

Manuscript volume containing a report by Sir Edwin Sandys on behalf of the parliamentary committee on free trade, entitled 'Instructions touching the Bill for Free Trade'. The report was read to the House of Commons by Sandys on 21 May 1604. Catalogued by Reginald Rye, Goldsmith's Librarian of the University of London, as the original manuscript. The manuscript contains material which was not printed in the Journals of the House of Commons.

Sandys , Sir , Edwin , 1561-1629 , Knight , statesman
GB 0074 ACC/2305/53 · Collection · 1912-1964

Records of Santovin Limited, wine and spirits merchants, comprising Directors' and general meeting minutes; copy minutes of Yardley's London and Provincial Stores and of Santovin about withdrawal of authority to sign cheques; copy special resolution of extraordinary general meeting and certificate of incorporation.

Santovin Ltd , wine and spirits merchants
GB 0370 CMS · [1880-1990]

Papers of Clive Macmillan Schmitthoff, c 1880-1990, including official and personal correspondence on topics including royalties, publisher contacts, conferences, obituaries of friends, wartime correspondence, references, academic societies, course notes, arbitration rules in the London Chamber of Commerce summer schools, c 1980-1995 and professional commercial treaties - correspondents include the Board of Trade, the International Chamber of Commerce and the Institute of Import and Export; press cuttings; appointment diaries; notebooks; lecture notes; articles; videos and cinefilm, c 1960-1985; photographs, including family photographs c 1890-1994; minutes of meetings and other papers relating to arbitration, Frankfurt, 1968-1969, Turkey, 1968 and Uganda, 1990; City of London College photographs and correspondence with London Chamber of Commerce Law Committee, c 1945-1990; personal papers including nationalisation documents, revocation right to practice in Germany and papers relating to his change of name and correspondence and papers relating to his wife's family (Ilse Auerbach).

Schmitthoff , Clive Macmillan , 1903-1990 , jurist x Schmitthoff , Maximilian
GB 0102 PP MS 49 · Created 1893-1940

Papers, 1893-1940, of the Rev Charles Perry Scott and the Rev Percy Melville Scott, together with those of fellow missionaries of the North China and Shantung Mission. Also included is a continuous series of the North China and Shantung Mission Quarterly Papers (January 1893-October 1936), and the correspondence and diaries of Maurice Woodforde Scott dating from his time in China with Butterfield & Swire (1934-1937).

Scott , family , of northern China
Scottish trade report
GB 0096 MS 81 · 1703-1704

Manuscript volume containing a report on the state of Scottish trade, 1703-1704, so far as this can be gathered from the Custom House books, giving details of Scottish imports and exports. The report was ordered by the Council of Trade.

GB 0102 MS 380477 · Created 1909-1932

Records, 1909-1932, of Serdang Central Plantations Ltd, comprising Articles of Association, correspondence, annual reports and agreements relating to the voluntary liquidation and reconstruction.

Serdang Central Plantations Ltd
SHERRIFF, William (d 1903)
GB 0402 SW · [1885-1900]

Papers of William Sherriff relating principally to historical and survey work on plans for a Burma-China railway through the Shan States of Northern Burma, [1885-1900], including a survey by Sherriff on the feasibility of a Burma to China railway for Rangoon Chamber of Commerce, [1886-1899]; article by Sherriff in the Manchester Guardian, 'Railway communication with China - The Burmah-China Railway', 09 Mar 1900; correspondence, 1888-1890; blueprints for the Burma Railways Mandalay Kunlon railway, 1899; note by [A] R Colquhoun entitled 'Amongst the Shans', 1885; report by Capt A Bowers, 'Bhamo Expedition Report in the Practicability of reopening the trade route between Burma and Western China', 1869; memorandum on a possible railway route on to the Shan Plateau, 1889; reports on the Shan States, 1887-1889 and notes by Sherriff relating to Burma.

Sherriff , William , d 1903 , [cotton trader]
GB 0074 ACC/2305/40 · Collection · 1962-1963

Records of Slough Retail Centre Limited, comprising correspondence and papers relating to formation of company ('HPIC - Slough Retail Centre Ltd') and memorandum and articles of association.

Slough Retail Centre Ltd
Smalley and Co. Accounts
GB 0097 SR 1020 · 1697-1729

Account books of Smalley and Co., [merchants], 1697-1729, including details of goods for Ralph and Francis Smalley and others.

Smalley and Co. , [merchants]
CLA/016 · Collection · 1633-1997

Records of Smithfield Market, City of London, 1633-1997, including proposals for enlargements and removals; rules, orders and regulations; petitions; reports; correspondence; publications on the history of the market; account books and records of dues and tolls collected.

Corporation of London
GB 0064 SAC · Collection · 1892-1971

Papers relating to the South Africa Conference (1892-1971). The collection consists of a series of volumes dating from 1892 to 1971. SAC/1-4 relate to the various trade routes between Europe and Southern Africa, and consist of minutes of the various meetings held. SAC/6-9 consists of the South Africa Conference major meetings, including meetings with D.O.A.L, between shipowners, committee and joint minutes. SAC/10 is a volume containing various agreements between the conference and the countries it traded with.

South Africa Conference
South Sea Company
GB 0096 MS218 · Fonds · 1731-1739

Letters of attorney given by holders of South Sea stock in Amsterdam, The Hague and Geneva to London merchants respecting their stock, 1731-1739.

South Sea Company
GB 0097 SR 0083 · [1711], 1720

Notebook containing a draft address to Robert, Earl of Oxford, by the subscription commission of the Corporation for carrying on trade to the South Seas, [1711], including a list of subscribers of more than £3,000. The names of Governors and Directors of the Corporation are indicated by a mark in the margin. The last page of the book has been reused for personal accounts, including the purchase of female mourning clothes, 1720.

South Sea Company x Corporation for carrying on trade to the South Seas
GB 0097 SR 1073 · 1721

Printed reports of the House of Commons Committee of Secrecy, 1721, appointed to enquire into the 'Act for Enabling the South Sea Company to increase their present capital stock by redeeming such publick debts and incumbrances...and for calling in Exchequer Bills remaining uncancelled...'.

House of Commons
CLA/013 · Collection · 1682-1991

Records of Spitalfields Market, City of London, 1682-1991, including Superintendent and Committee reports; programmes of events; publications about the history of the market; brochures and newsletters; papers relating to the relocation of the market; legal and solicitor's papers; photographs, slides and negatives; rental and tenancy agreements; toll ledgers; accounts ledgers; cash and receipts books and wages books.

Corporation of London
GB 0064 SPR · Collection · 1850-1884

Papers of Thomas Abel Brimage Spratt, consisting of various reports, 1850 to 1884, which include surveys (particularly of the Black Sea area); remarks on Crete and the Cretans; on the coal trade of the Black Sea; on a new harbour at Malta; on an electric cable between Malta and Alexandria; reports submitted to the Teignmouth Harbour Commission and Fishery Commission reports for England and Ireland. Spratt's correspondence consists of a few letters received and some draft replies, 1853 to 1860. The memorandum of his service, 1837 to 1862, contains an account of his part in the Crimean War. His publications are also listed.

Spratt , Thomas Abel Brimage , 1811-1888 , Vice-Admiral
GB 0074 CLC/B/207 · Collection · 1851-1989 (deeds from 1730s)

Mainly records of predecessor companies of Standard Chartered Bank, including African Banking Corporation; Bank of British West Africa; Bank of Nigeria; Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China; Eastern Bank Limited; E D Sassoon Banking Company Limited and related companies, London and South African Bank; P & O Banking Corporation Limited; Standard Bank of South Africa Limited and Wallace Brothers and Company (Holdings) Limited (together with Bombay Burmah Trading Corporation Limited)

The papers include foundation papers; minutes and agendas (except signed Board and Committee minutes which are retained by the bank); annual reports and accounts; financial and taxation records; papers relating to branches and agencies; agreements; papers relating to shareholders and investments; correspondence (including a large series of letterbooks for Standard Bank of South Africa); statistics; photographs; publicity material; administrative records and original banknotes and cheques.

Standing Committee on Trade
GB 0096 MS 29 · [1622]

Manuscript volume containing Letters Patent of King James I, 1622, addressed to Henry Montague, Viscount Mandeville and several other Lords, Knights and Esquires, appointing them Commissioners on a Standing Committee on Trade. This manuscript would seem to be a contemporary copy of the original document, containing the composition of and the instructions issued to what was practically the first English Board of Trade.

GB 0074 CLC/B/208 · Collection · 1872-1974

The records of general merchants Steel Brothers and Company Limited mainly comprise annual reports and accounts, photographs and unpublished histories.

Steel Brothers and Co Ltd , general merchants
Stephensen, Magnús: letter
GB 0096 AL114 · Fonds · 1807

Letter from Magnús Stephensen of Copenhagen to His Excellency the Rt Hon Sir Joseph Banks, 17 Oct 1807. Referring to Banks's visit to Iceland and complaining of the severe effects of war [i.e the Napoleonic Wars] on the trade of that country. 'For it is altogether unavoidable for this Island to escape hunger if it is only to hold out one single winter without being supplied with provisions.'

Written in another hand and signed by Stephensen.

Stephensen , Magnús , 1762-1833 , Chief Justice of Iceland
GB 0074 CLC/B/209 · Collection · 1798-1817

Records of merchants Stratton and Gibson (later known as Stratton, Gibson and Fuller) comprising two series of account books, 1798-1817.

Stratton and Gibson , merchants Stratton, Gibson and Fuller , merchants