Affichage de 34 résultats

Description archivistique
Council of Women Civil Servants
GB 106 6CCS · Fonds · 1920-1959

The archive consists of minutes of the Council of Women Civil Servants (CWCS) Executive Committee (1920-1959), Standing Joint Committee of Women in the Civil service (1920-1924), Committee of Representatives (1932-1952) and Equal Opportunity Sub Committee (1951,1955-6); Annual General Meetings papers (1923-1958); annual reports (1940-54); subject and correspondence files (1925-1957), publications (1935-1958); membership documents; circular letters of the British Federation of Business & Professional Women (1948-1955); Administrative papers including Parliamentary reports, memoranda and Whitley Council papers.

Sans titre
WARD, Helen
GB 106 7HEW · Fonds · 1924-1925

The archive consists of Report of the Blanesburgh Committee, Minutes of Evidence and miscellaneous papers, including some correspondence.

Sans titre
GB 1556 WL 1305 · 1939

Copy of a circular issued by the Reichsbund der Deutschen Beamten to all members regarding Jewish mixed race membership of the RDB, 1939, stating that whereas full Jews can no longer be members, Jews of mixed race can still be members under certain conditions.

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LIDDERDALE, Jane (1909-1996)
GB 196 7JLI · Fonds · 1962-1969

The archive consists of material relating to a memoir of Harriet Shaw Weaver that Lidderdale was invited by the family to write in 1962. These two files contain Lidderdale's correspondence with the authors Margaret Storm Jameson and Dame Rebecca West, whom she approached while writing the book. Jameson recollected only an invitation in 1914 from Harriet Shaw Weaver to work for the magazine 'The Egoist' (which she could not accept) and brief contact with the author and publisher Dora Marsden. West was more closely involved with Dora, as she worked on the latter's journal 'The New Freewoman' and introduced to it various contributions of literary fame, including Ezra Pound and Richard Aldington. On receiving Miss Lidderdale's drafts of the relevant sections of her memoir, Dame Rebecca sent detailed comments and suggestions which provide interesting information on Dora Marsden and various contributors to 'The New Freewoman'. Included with her papers is a photograph of Dame Rebecca taken in about 1935 and presented to Miss Lidderdale in 1969.

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HAMMOND, George, 1763-1853, diplomat
GB 0097 COLL MISC 0698 · Collection · 1791-1827

Correspondence to Hammond from George Canning, John Pitt 2nd Earl of Chatham, Henry Goulburn, Charles Manners-Sutton, William Pitt the younger, William Wilberforce and William Windham.

Sans titre
Hall, Francis George
GB 0102 MS 225864 · Created 1880-1901

A detailed and informative series of typescript letters, 1880-1901, from Francis Hall to his father relating to his life and activities in South Africa (1880-1891) and East Africa (1892-1901). It also includes typescript copies of four letters, 1883-1884, from Francis's brother Albert Lambert Hall to their father, miscellaneous letters received, and extracts from Hall's diary, 1893-1901.

Sans titre
Cromwell, Tom Pearson
GB 0102 PP MS 33 · Created 1923-1966

Papers, 1923-1966, of Tom Pearson Cromwell, comprising letters written mainly by Tom Pearson Cromwell to his parents (1926-1964). There are also some photographs taken in Malaya of Tom, his wife Betty, Malaya people, flora, fauna etc.

Sans titre
Pratt, Sir John Thomas
GB 0102 PP MS 5 · Created 1892-1960

Papers, 1892-1960, of Sir John Thomas Pratt, largely dating from after 1941, including correspondence concerning his various publications, files on his campaign against British involvement in the Korean War, articles, lecture notes and press cuttings. Also includes correspondence with his brother William (Billy) Pratt (1949-1957), whose stage name was Boris Karloff.

Sans titre
Coates, Patrick Devereux
GB 0102 PP MS 52 · (1841-1938), c1940-1990

Papers, c1940-1990, created and accumulated by P D Coates as part of the research for his book The China Consuls. They include correspondence with former consular staff, notes taken whilst researching materials in the Public Record Office and notes from printed and non-printed sources (1841-1938). A list of the China Consuls 1843-1939 is also included.

Sans titre
Migeod, Frederick William Hugh
GB 0102 PP MS 59 · Created 1898-1948

Papers, 1898-1948, of Frederick Migeod, comprising notebooks and other manuscript material relating to West Africa. Topics covered include natural history and botany in addition to language materials.

Sans titre
GB 106 6JCS · Fonds · 1919-1954

The archive consists of minutes of the Joint Committee on Women in the Civil Service (JCWCS) (1919-1936, 1943-1954) and of the Parliamentary Committee on Equal Pay (1935-6); reports and publications (1919-1944); leaflets (1935-1936); correspondence (1919-1928, 1944-1945).

Sans titre
PRENDERGAST, Mollie: Memoirs
GB 106 7MOP · Fonds · 2000

The archive consists of an illustrated typescript autobiography of Mollie Prendergast spanning the greater part of the twentieth century. Includes accounts of her family history and background; her rural childhood and her time in service; the education and working lives of herself and of other family members; her life in London, including during the Blitz; her work as a civil servant; holidays and trips abroad; and her involvement with left wing political and social action.

Sans titre
Higgins, John Comyn
GB 0102 MS 95022 · Created c1838-1946

Papers of John Comyn Higgins, comprising notes and narratives, c1838-1946, of political and social significance regarding the Manipur State, India.

Sans titre
Baker, Alan Custance / Evans, William
GB 0102 PP MS 11 · Created 1883-1922

Correspondence of William Evans to his wife and family (1883-1905), giving anecdotal experiences of his time in Singapore and China. Also the correspondence of his son-in-law, Alan Baker, primarily to his mother (1905-1922) giving news and accounts of his experiences in Oxford (Keble College) and in Malaya.

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Mills, James Philip
GB 0102 PP MS 58 · Created 1924-c1958

Papers, 1924-c1958, of James Philip Mills, comprising correspondence, diaries, reports, lecture notes and articles, relating to his experiences in North East India, and his later teaching and research on the area.

Sans titre
HOGGART, Richard (b 1918)
GB 2603 Hoggart · 1976-1988

Papers of Richard Hoggart, 1976-1988, mainly comprising correspondence files relating to his work with organisations including the British Association of Former UN Civil Servants, 1978-1982; the Broadcasting Research Unit, 1981-1983; the proposed Broadcast Resource Centre, 1979; the Campaign for Press Freedom, 1979-1984; the Channel 4 Group, 1978-1984; a proposed Research and Study Centre on Communications and Society, 1976-1983; the Education, Science and Arts Select Committee, 1984; the European Economic Community (EEC), 1976-1982, regarding its cultural and educational policy; the European Museum of the Year Award, 1978-1984; the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation's Enquiry into the Economic Situation of the Visual Artist, [1976-1985]; the National Centre for Orchestral Studies, [1978-1988]; the National Theatre Inquiry, 1978; the New Statesman, 1977-1981; UNESCO Communication Advisory Committee, [1976-1980]; the Royal Society of Arts, 1977-1980; the Advisory Council for Adult and Continuing Education, 1977-1983; and the Arts Council of Great Britain, 1977-1984, including the Drama Panel, the Opera and Dance Working Group, and the Working Party on Photography.

Sans titre
GB 106 10/37 · Fonds · c.1931-1932

This scrapbook consists of press cuttings on a range of subjects relating to women in public life with particular reference to women in the civil service.

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Federation of Women Civil Servants
GB 106 6FCS · Fonds · 1915-1942

The archive consists of minutes of the Executive Committee and Council of the Federation of Women Civil Servants (1915-1931) and of the subcommittee (1921-1929); Southborough Committee files (1919-1926); payments and receipt books (1929-1934); annual reports (1920-1931); correspondence and papers related to the Civil Service Alliance (1919-1920), the National Whitley Council (1917-1920), Joint Committee of the Organisation of the Civil Service (1920-1921) and on the Equal Pay Campaign (1910-1935); publications (1917-1919); minutes of the National Council for the Administrative and Legal Departments of the Civil Service (1919-1920); minutes and papers of the National Whitley Council (1919-1920).


NWC National Whitley Council.

FWCS Federation of Women Civil Servants.

Sans titre
GB 106 6NCS · Fonds · 1931-1959

The archive consists of minutes of the Executive Committee (1931-1959) including officers meetings (1938-1940, 1953-1959), subcommittees (1931-59), of the Finance Committee (1952-1959) with monthly financial statements (1938-1941, 1955-1959), subcommittees (1935-1936) and annual delegates conference (1932-42, 1948-59); papers of Whitley Councils (1952-1955) and arbitration awards (1925-1940); correspondence files (1932-1945); miscellaneous papers (1948-1959); pamphlets, publicity materials and publications (1914-1950s) including newsletters (1936 [incomplete], 1939-43, 1944-1952), monthly letters to branch secretaries (1933-40) and Opportunity (1935-40); papers of constituent bodies including Association of Post Office Women Clerks (1901-1932), the Association of Women Clerks and Secretaries (1919-1935); correspondence regarding typing grades (1914-1949), branches (1936-7, 1950-2), general secretary (1933-1935), organising secretary (1943-1944) and with other bodies (1938, 1945-50); membership records (1955-1958) and personal case files 1949-1958); papers related to equal pay campaigns (1918-1948) and the establishment of temporary staff (1919-50), evacuation (1940-1946) and reconstruction (1942-1946); papers related to the dissolution of the group (1958-1961).


NAWCS National Association of Women Civil Servants.

Sans titre
ROBERTS, Michael W (fl 1965-2001)
GB 0101 ICS 65 · 1965-1966

Transcripts of interviews with various individuals, and questionnaires, on colonial administration in Ceylon, from research by Michael W Roberts; interviewees include Sir Hilary Blood, R N Bond, Edward Trevor Dyson, G H Ferguson, Sir Franklin Gimson, F Leach, R B Naish, T W Roberts, Walter Terence Stace, F G Stevens, A N Strong, C E Tilney, W N Williams and Leonard Woolf.

Sans titre
Oral Archive: Plain Tales from the Raj
GB 0102 OA1 · (1876-1949) 1972-1974

Cassette copies and transcripts of recordings of unedited interviews assembled, 1972-1974, for the radio series 'Plain Tales from the Raj', including material not included in the broadcast programmes, and comprising c200 hours of material. The 82 subjects interviewed, including men, women, adults and children, lived and worked in India from the late 19th century to Independence (1947) and the interviews cover a wide range of civilian and military experience between 1876 and 1949. Military personnel range from the Commander in Chief of the Army in India to Army privates. Civil servants of various ranks and members of the business and commercial world, for example tea planters, are also included. Women mainly comprise wives and daughters, but also include a few nurses and governesses. The project covered the lives of the British in India and, although the material touches upon the effect of the Raj on India and its indigenous inhabitants, only a small number of Indians and Eurasians were interviewed. Subjects covered include accommodation and living conditions; daily routine; social life and recreation; health and sanitation; the effects of India postings on family life; relations between the British, other Europeans, Indians and Eurasians in social and work environments; events such as riots and earthquakes; the fauna and landscape of India; and political events. Full typescript transcripts (including inaccuracies in some cases) exist for most, but not all, of the recordings.

Sans titre
Blythe, Wilfred Lawson
GB 0102 PP MS 31 · Created 1800-1964

Papers, 1800-1964, assembled by Wilfred Lawson Blythe for his research on secret societies in Malaya, used in his subsequent publication Secret Societies in Malaya (1969), comprising official departmental annual reports, intelligence reports, despatches, photographs and other reference material.

Sans titre
Michell, Roland Lyon Nosworthy
GB 0102 PP MS 70 · Created 1870-1914

Papers, 1870-1914, of Roland Lyon Nosworthy Michell, including his diaries, 1872, 1873, 1878, journals, 1870-1872, 1874-1876, and correspondence, 1878-1914, together with research material for his publications, including notes on the Dervish sects, of which he had a first hand knowledge.

Sans titre
GB 0074 CLC/489 · Collection · 1641/2-1698

Letters and papers relating chiefly to Samuel Pepys (1633-1703) in his work at the Navy Office 1660-73 and at the Admiralty 1673-9 and 1684-9, and also to the family of Richard Pepys (c 1589-1659), first cousin to the diarist's father, 1642-1689.

Sans titre
VICKERS, Phyllis
GB 106 7VIC · Fonds · 1958

The archive consists of answers given by Phyllis Vickers to a questionnaire on the 'position of married women in the British civil service', sent to Lady Paton, wife of the vice-chancellor of Melbourne University, at the request of Mary Field (with covering letters). The questionnaire specifically relates to the following issues: the marriage bar, Equal Pay, Equal Access to Jobs, Equal Promotion, maternity leave, superannuation, pension rights, relationships between single and married female employees, absence and punctuality of married women (compared to single women and men), retention and recruitment, grades. Vickers appears to have been a civil service employee, and her answers provide facts about civil service policy mainly gleaned from official literature.

Sans titre
GB 1556 WL 767 · Collection · 1938

Confidential circular sent by the Ministry of Education and Science at the request of the Ministry of the Interior, 4 Feb 1938, stating that an enquiry is to be made into the marital status of civil servants and that promotion is not to be given to those unmarried or childless after 2 years of marriage unless there are good reasons.

Sans titre
GB 2108 KUAS134 · 1943-1978

Letters from Iris Murdoch to her friend, civil servant Leo Pliatzky dating from 1943 to 1978. Some of the letters are from the Second World War when Pliatzky was serving in the army and Murdoch was based at the Treasury, and then later at the UNRRA. Many of the later letters are confirming arrangements to meet up. With some accompanying documents including a photograph and press cuttings.

Sans titre
Scrapbook [of Cécile Matheson]
GB 106 10/36 · Fonds · 1907-1917

This scrapbook consists of press cuttings from the regional and specialist press, including many articles written by Cécile Matheson, relating to the Birmingham Women's Settlement and her other social welfare interests and activities.

Sans titre
POPPLEWELL, Nina (1890-1979)
GB 106 7POP · Fonds · c 1950-1968

The archive consists of typescript and manuscript lectures by Nina Popplewell, correspondence and papers relating to her work as secretary of the National Council of Women (mainly about women's employment and pensions), and a letter from the former suffragette Lilian Lenton describing her experience of being force-fed in Holloway.

Sans titre
JOHNSTONE, Professor Hilda (1882-1961)
GB 0505 PP37 · 1860-1961

Personal correspondence, 1921-1929, with Rev Canon Claude Jenkins, Professor of Ecclesiastical History at King's College, University of London, notably on Johnstone's application for the post of Head of History at Royal Holloway College and Jenkins' work with the Church of England. Visitors' book, 1913-1961, and autograph books, [1944], belonging to Johnstone. Presentation address from Royal Holloway College, given upon her retirement in 1942. Copy of 'Who's Who in relation to war trade', 1918, used by Johnstone in her work at the Board of Trade. Family papers, 1860-1916, including teaching certificates, 1860-1881, for Herbert and Sarah Anne Johnstone (Johnstone's mother and father); ledger, 1889-1910, containing a diary entry by Sarah Anne Johnstone describing Johnstone's exposure to scarlet fever; and a copy of 'Exile song', 10 Jan 1916, written by F H Johnstone (brother of Johnstone) and William Stephens. Photographs, [1890-1942], of Johnstone, her family, and students at Royal Holloway College.

Sans titre
Furnivall, John Sydenham
GB 0102 PP MS 23 · Created 1917-1961

Papers, 1917-1961, of John Sydenham Furnivall, comprising correspondence (1948-1956), mostly with C W Dunn (co-editor of the Burmese-English Dictionary); draft annotated chapters of Reconstruction in Burma; statistics and other research material gathered for the above work; Furnivall's lecture notes, scripts of his talks, articles and manuscript research notes.

Sans titre
Ogden, Sir Alwyne George Neville
GB 0102 PP MS 47 · Created 1888-1981

Papers, 1888-1981, chiefly comprising the correspondence and personal papers of Sir Alwyne Ogden, also including his diaries (c1920-1970), photographs, notes and drafts for his autobiography. The collection also adds detail to the life of his wife Jessie Ogden and her father, Albert Henry Bridge.

Sans titre
GB 0102 PP MS 55 · Created c1830-1925

Papers, c1830-1925, of Major-General Sir Henry Marion Durand and Sir Henry Mortimer Durand, giving a good picture of their work, particularly Henry Mortimer Durand. These include a set of Henry Mortimer Durand's diaries (1870-1907); a large selection of correspondence (1872-1922) (correspondents include Lord Lansdowne, Grey, Curzon and Roberts); and a collection of press cuttings (1902-1908) relating to the period when he was Ambassador in America. Henry Mortimer Durand also wrote a number of literary works, some of which are present in this collection. Also of interest are a number of family photograph albums, depicting scenes of India, Europe and America.

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