Internal politics

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      Equivalent terms

      Internal politics

      • UF Domestic affairs
      • UF National politics
      • UF Affaires domestiques
      • UF Politique domestique
      • UF Politique interne
      • UF Politique nationale
      • UF Asuntos domésticos
      • UF Política autonómica
      • UF Política doméstica
      • UF Política interior

      Associated terms

      Internal politics

      450 Archival description results for Internal politics

      450 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
      GB 0101 PP.XM · 1957-

      Speeches, constitutions, reports, manifestos, speeches, statements, letters and newsletters issued by the Commercial, Technical and Allied Workers' Union (Saint Vincent), the Labour Party (Saint Vincent), the Movement for National Unity, the National Progressive Workers' Union (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines), the New Democratic Party (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines), the People's Political Party of Saint Vincent, the Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Human Rights Association, the St. Vincent Junior Chamber and the Youlou United Liberation Movement. They are concerned amongst other things with the problems of economic development in the islands, with the position of the country in the Caribbean as a whole and of course with the transition to independence. There are also materials issued by trades unions as well as by human rights and business groups.

      Institute of Commonwealth Studies
      GB 0097 SANDELSON · Collection · 1923-1996

      The collection of the politician Neville Sandelson, 1923-1996, includes a series of scrapbooks of press cuttings covering Sandelson's period as an MP, files relating to the Hayes and Harlington constituency, and papers on the Labour Party and the SDP. Sandelson took a keen interest in foreign affairs, and there are files on the Middle East, Afghanistan, Gibraltar and Northern Ireland. There is also an extensive collection of photographs documenting his political life.

      Sandelson , Neville Devonshire , 1923-2002 , politician
      GB 0099 KCLMA Sandline · 1996-1998

      Papers and supporting materials used in a Sunday Times article by Michael Bilton on the role of Sandline International in precipitating a coup in Papua New Guinea, 1996-2002; including Commission of Enquiry minutes of evidence and report, interview notes, and background information on Sandline, 1997; correspondence on Sandline, 1996; copy of the initial report of the Commission of Inquiry into transparency in government dealings and accountability of public office holders in Papua New Guinea, Aug 1998; three floppy disks covering the proceedings of the First Commission of Enquiry, Papua New Guinea, 1997; two video tapes entitled Dispatches - the war business and The cocanut [sic] revoluion.

      Bilton , Michael , fl 1996-1998
      GB 0101 PP.SK · 1962-[1970]

      Sarawak political material, 1962-[1970] produced by the following groups: Barisan Pemuda Sarawak, Sarawak Government, Parti Bumiputera Sarawak, Party Pesaka Sarawak, Sarawak Alliance Party, Sarawak Chinese Association, Sarawak National Party, and Sarawak United People's Party.

      Institute of Commonwealth Studies
      SARGEANT, Jean (1933-2011)
      GB 0372 SARGEANT · Fonds · 1950-2011

      Papers of writer and political activist Jean Sargeant (1933-2011), including: correspondence, papers and cuttings regarding involvement with various political campaigns, including the Stop the Seventy Tour, Labour Party and anti-fascist activities, 1964-2008; typescripts and papers regarding Sargeant's publications 'Sign of the times - Woman in the Wapping Dispute' and 'Liberation Christianity on the Wapping Picket Line', including transcripts of interviews, 1986-1992; publications by Sargeant, including typescript of autobiography 'The Turning Point', cuttings of published journalism and various press cuttings, 1970-2003; personal papers, including scrapbook from a visit to London, photograph albums, correspondence with Ray Fletcher MP and order or service for Sargeant's funeral, 1950-2011.

      Sargeant , Jean , 1933-2011 , writer and political activist
      LMA/4037 · Collection · 1811

      Petition of the inhabitants of Savoy Precinct to the House of Commons protesting against the Strand Bridge Bill, 1811.

      Residents of Savoy Precinct
      GB 106 9/22 · Fonds · 1850-1970

      The collection contains correspondence related to the theme 'Scholars and Learned Ladies', including letter from Anna Gurney to Sir William Hooker, c. 1850. Correspondence dealing with the election of Miss Mary A Blagg as a Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society. Extract from Professor Turner's introduction to Miss Blagg's 'Collated List of Lunar Formations'. Letters from Professor Turner. Letter from Frank Dyson. A short account of the life and work of Mary Blagg produced by her nieces, 1968. Correspondence in 1962 about the late Miss Pernel Strachey's typescript edition of the Emmanuel College manuscript. Admission of women Fellows to the Royal Society. Correspondence between Royal Society, Society for Women's Service, Mrs Hutton and Miss P Strachey, 1954. Correspondence between Lucy Norton, John Carter and Joan Bennett about some George Eliot letters and an article on them by Joan Bennett, 1968. Copy of a letter from Mrs Baines (Bedford College) to Miss Pernel Strachey about a tapestry for Newnham College, 1945. Letter from Myra Curtis (Newnham) to Pernel Strachey, 1945. Letter from Hertha Ayrton to Dr Gorthon, 1911. Autograph signatures of Margaret McNair Stokes, Mrs Agnata Frances Butle, Jane Ellen Harrison.

      GB 106 10/29 · Fonds · 1908-1910

      This scrapbook consists of press cuttings, leaflets, posters and other ephemera relating to the suffrage campaigns in Sheffield and the activities of the Sheffield Women's Suffrage Society.

      Wilson , Helen Mary , 1864-1951 , social purity campaigner and physician
      GB 106 10/11 · Fonds · c 1906-1911

      Scrapbook of press cuttings on a wide range of topics, including divorce law reform, imprisonment for debt, the suffrage campaigns, home work and the sweated trades, 'the white slave traffic', and any others.

      Lawrence , Emmeline , Pethick- , 1867-1954 , Lady Pethick-Lawrence , suffragette
      Scrapbook [of Eunice Murray]
      GB 106 10/46 · Fonds · 1908-1913

      This scrapbook consists of press cuttings with a strong visual content, ephemera, postcards and a few original photographs relating to the suffrage campaigns. The photographs include images of the Women's Social and Political Union procession in Edinburgh, Oct 1909.

      Murray , Eunice Guthrie , 1878-1960 , suffragist and author
      GB 106 10/15 · Fonds · 1908-1919

      This scrapbook consists of press cuttings, the provenance is unknown. The volume contains the bookplate of Lucy Adela Jenner and it is possible that this is an indication of the provenance of the suffrage cuttings. The suffrage press-cuttings, including from the local press in London and Hampshire are about the suffrage campaigns, 1908-1909.

      Additional press-cuttings from a press agency from 1918-1919 and those relating to domestic service, appear to have been added at a later date [possibly from the same added by the Library source as those in 10/06].

      Jenner , Lucy Adela , b 1859
      GB 106 10/09 · Fonds · c 1910

      Scrapbook of press cuttings and printed ephemera on a range of subjects, 1910, including the suffrage campaigns, the General Election and the death and funeral of King Edward VII. Includes commemorative postcards of the latter.

      Winterne , A E W
      GB 106 10/21 · Fonds · 1910-1912

      This scrapbook consists of press cuttings concerning tax resistance, the Women's Tax Resistance League and general issues concerning women and tax, 1910-1912.

      GB 106 10/10 · Fonds · 1908-1909

      This scrapbook consists of press cuttings from the national and regional press relating to the suffrage campaigns, 1908-1909.

      GB 106 10/47 · Fonds · 1929-1932

      This scrapbook consists of press cuttings of obituaries; ephemera relating a memorial service held for Millicent Fawcett in 1919 and to the unveiling of a memorial in Westminster Abbey in 1932; also includes a photograph of Fawcett, seated and with a cat on her lap.

      GB 0096 MS 285 · Fonds · 1637

      Manuscript book containing various tracts and writings concerning the monarchy, constitutional history and royal revenue compiled by Sir Richard Grosvenor, 1637, and copied 'at Sir Roger Mostyn of Mostyns house at my being there from Christmas to May, which was drawen out of the books of . . . Richard Grosevenor Esqr sole son and heire until Sir Richard Grosevenor Knight and Barronett of Eathen [Eaton]-Coate in Cheshsire . . . finished and bound upp the 25th of Aprill 1637". A list of contents shows 23 items: 'An appollogy for the raigne of Queene Eliz'; 'A discourse of Courte and Courtiers'; 'Consideracions of Intercourse dedicated to the Kinge'; 'De sepultura by Sir Hen.Spelman'; 'A tracte sheweinge howe all the kings of England . . . have made meanes for money in their wants, with an Abstracte of the Revenue of most of the Princes of Christendome'; 'The Cause of the Marches of Walles'; 'Off the office of Composicions for Alienacions by Sir Francis Bacon'; 'A Treatise of the Lawe of wrecke of the sea, of the Inundation of the sea, and Cases uppon the Comission of Sewers'; 'The oppinion of the Judges uppon divers questions Concerninge parishes, and . . . toucheing the Comission, by which the Comissioners sitt at Newegate, 1633'; 'Letters of Sir Francis Bacon uppon several occacions'; 'Mr Cuff his letter to Secretary Cecill declareinge the Instruccions [of] the Earle of Essex, to the scottishe Ambassador touchinge the Kings Tytle to the Crowne of England'; 'The Lord Norris his letter to the Kinge after hee had slayne a servant of the Lord Willoughbies; 'The Lord Chancellor Ellesmore his letter to King James desireinge to bee dischardged of his office'; 'A Letter by the Lords of the Counsell to King James toucheinge meanes to advance the Kings Revenues by unusuall wayes soe as the Kinge would take the Acte uppon himself'; 'A Letter from the Bishopp of Lincolne to the Minister of Grantham concerninge the placeinge of the Communion Table' [1636]; 'Twoe Lettres . . . one from the States of Bohemia to the Elector of Saxony, the other from the Pope to the Emperor concerninge the Trobles of Germany'; 'Sir Tho. Smythe his protestacion toucheinge the speeche used to the Earle of Essex'; 'An admonition from a friend nameles to Sir Edward Cooke after his degradation 1616'; 'A Speech of Sir Francis Bacon Lord Keeper at the takeinge of his place in Chancery 1617'; 'Sir Edw.Cooke his speech at the instellation of 11 Serjeants 1614'; 'The lyfe of Sir Tho. Bodley'; 'The death of Queene Eliz'; 'Mr Seldens discourse of the twoe greate offices of state, the Chancellorshipp and Keepeinge of the greate seale of England 1617'.

      GB 0101 PP.SE · 1964-

      Seychelles political and trade union material, from 1964 onwards, including constitutions, manifestos, speeches, letters, newsletters, lists of candidates, congress reports and policy statements issued by the National Workers Union (Seychelles), the Seychelles Democratic Party, the Seychelles People's Progressive Front, the Seychelles People's United Party and the United Opposition (Seychelles).

      Institute of Commonwealth Studies
      GB 0106 7HSH · Fonds · [1988]

      The archive consists of a typescript illustrated biography entitled 'The World of an Insignificant Woman' and biographical note, both by Catherine Thackray.

      Sharp , Hilda Marjory , 1882-1967 , suffragette
      GB 106 7MSH · Fonds · 1952-1953

      Typescript of Mary Sheepshank's autobiography 'The Long Day Ended' (1880s-1930s). These reminiscences provide interesting descriptions of South America in the 1920s, and of a chapter in the history of the Ukrainian fight for independence.

      Sheepshanks , Mary Ryott , 1872-1960 , educationalist, feminist, and internationalist
      COL/SF · Subfonds · 1627-1999

      Records relating to the office of Sheriff in the Corporation of London, including scruting [scrutinization] papers for elections of Sheriffs, Chamberlains, Ale Conners [inspectors] and Auditors, 1676-1730 (with gaps); Acts of Common Council regarding the nomination and election of Sheriffs, 1631-1834; accounts received under the Greenwax [a seal of green wax was fixed to documents delivered by the Exchequer to sheriffs] and paid into the Chamber of the Corporation of London, 1680-1748; accounts of fines imposed at various courts, 1681-1732; estreat rolls [copies of an original record of fines entered on the rolls of a court, to be levied by the bailiff or other officer] 1670-1858; bailiff's and sheriff's accounts (copies of the estreat rolls, with marginal notes as to the collection or non-collection of the fines), 1795-1839; appointments of Bailiffs of the Greenwax to make the City's claims in the Exchequer and to collect fines due to the City, 1646-1803; bailiff's and sheriff's accounts including expense claims, 1738-1807; 'account of monies paid, laid out and expanded for the use of His Majesty in the Shrievalty 1793-4 for which the sheriffs crave allowance' [Sheriff's expense accounts], 1793-1797; extracts from repertories and journals relating to the fines due to the Sheriffs and the City under various charters, 1449-1803, compiled by the City Solicitor in 1816, and other papers relating to the collection of fines and the rights of the City to those fines, 1685-1874; copy acquittances from the Pipe Roll, 1637-1832; copy petitions and lists of Sheriffs elected, 1627-1678; bonds, in a penalty of £1000, 'that the Sheriffs-Elect shall appear at Guildhall on the Vigil of St Michael to take upon themselves the office of Sheriffs of the City of London for the year ensuing', 1672-1762; 'A letter to the Livery of London relative to the view of the writer in executing the office of Sheriff' by Sir Richard Phillips, 1808; papers relating to the Sheriff's Yeomen, 1829-1859; notes regarding nominations for the office of Sheriff, including numbers of persons nominated each year, 1733-1999, list of Sheriffs from 1832, list of nominations by the Lord Mayor, 1889-1901 and notes on nominations by the Lord Mayor, 1971; precepts for the election of Sheriffs and other officers, 1832-1852; royal approvals of newly elected Sheriffs, 1861-1982; returning officer's files from the election of Sheriffs, which may include correspondence, election addresses, nomination forms signed by Liverymen, notes of poll results, 1933-1999; newspaper cuttings relating to the election of 1980 in which the first woman stood for election as sheriff, 1980; a brief history of the City of London Sheriffs' Society, 20th century; list of Sheriffs and Justiciars of London and Middlesex, 1100-54 and a list of Sheriffs of London and Middlesex, 1154-1216, compiled 1972; notes on the office of Sheriff, 1988; and various other administrative papers relating to the role of Sheriff.

      Corporation of London
      GB 0101 PP.SL · 1951-

      Sierra Leone political material, 1951 onwards, including constitutions, announcements of meetings, manifestos, resolutions, speeches, conference reports, declarations, electoral guides, court statements and pamphlets issued by the All People's Congress Party (Sierra Leone), the Electoral Commission (Sierra Leone), independent candidates, the National Unity Party, the Sierra Leone and Israel Friendship Association, the Sierra Leone Alliance Movement, the Sierra Leone Democratic Party and the Sierra Leone People's Party.

      Institute of Commonwealth Studies
      SIMMONS, Bayard: Scrapbooks
      GB 106 7BSI · Fonds · 1931-1951

      The archive consists of two scrapbooks of manuscript poems, reviews and press cuttings. The volumes contain items relating to the suffrage movement and general news items about politics, art, literature and theatre. There are many press cuttings from 'The Freethinker' and manuscript poems by Simmons. The archive also includes a photocopied surrogate version of parts of the scrapbooks and an index.

      Simmons , Bayard , fl 1906 , author
      GB 0101 PP.SI · 1961-

      Singapore political material, from 1961 onwards, including posters, pamphlets, leaflets, newsletters, speeches, commemorative programmes, letters, reports, conference reports, manifestos, constitutions and aother miscellaneous election materials issued by the Barisan Sosialis, independent candidates, the National Solidarity Party (Singapore), the People's Action Party (Singapore), the People's Association Youth Movement (Singapore), the Singapore Chinese Party, the Singapore Malay National Organisation, the United Front (Singapore), the United National Front (Singapore) and the Workers' Party (Singapore).

      Institute of Commonwealth Studies
      GB 0074 CLC/539 · Collection · 1556-1943

      Collection of documents relating to national events or institutions. The documents relate to varied subjects including Parliamentary elections and proceedings; taxation including tax assessments, tax agents and accounts; military commissions; the Tower of London; excise; military orders; passwords issued by royalty; bankruptcies; militia; licences; warrants; petitions; and patents.

      GB 0372 LABOUR HISTORY MANUSCRIPTS/9 · Fonds · 1996-1997

      Minutes, papers and correspondence of the Hampstead and Highgate/Holborn and St Pancras constituency Socialist Labour Party (1996-1997).

      Socialist Labour Party, Hampstead and Highgate Branch Socialist Labour Party, Holborn and St Pancras Branch
      GB 106 2SEC · Fonds · 1911-1933

      The archive consists of an agenda, accounts and duplicated manuscript annual report for the annual general meeting of the Petersfield Society in 1912 and annual reports 1921-1933. Annual reports of the St Pancras Society 1927-1930.

      Petersfield Society for Equal Citizenship St Pancras Society for Equal Citizenship
      GB 0074 CLC/103 · Collection · 1783-1790

      Papers of the Society for the Benefit of the Widows of the Clergy, comprising petitions to the Society and letters patent.

      Society for the Benefit of the Widows of the Clergy
      GB 0074 ACC/1338 · Collection · 1915-1954

      Records of the South Ealing Conservative Association, comprising minute books; minutes and reports of the Young Britons club; and minutes of the Junior branch (later the Young Conservatives).

      South Ealing Conservative Association
      ACC/0427 · Collection · 1888

      Overseers' List (Occupiers List) of persons entitled to be registered as parliamentary voters and as county electors in the parish of South Mimms in the Hadley Polling District of the Enfield Parliamentary Division, at this date part of the County of Middlesex; and also as county electors only in the Barnet Urban Polling District in respect of property in South Mimms, 1888.

      MCC , Middlesex County Council x Middlesex County Council
      GB 0074 ACC/1267 · Collection · 1923-1971

      Records of the Southall Labour Party, comprising minutes, financial accounts and membership records for the Uxbridge Divisional Labour Party, the Southall and Norwood Trades Council and Labour Party, and the Southall Divisional/Constituency Labour Party.

      Southall Constituency Labour Party
      GB 0101 PP.CE · 1944-

      Constitutions, speeches, manifestos, pamphlets, conference reports and instructions, histories, programmes, newspaper cuttings and letters, 1944 onwards, issued by the All Ceylon Tamil Congress, the Communist Party of Sri Lanka, Eksat Jatika Paksaya (Sri Lanka) or United National Party, Janata Vimukti Peramuna, Lanka Sama Samaja Party, Lanka Sama Samaja Party (Revolutionary), Nava Samasamaja Paksaya, Nava Samasamaja Paksaya (UK Branch), Sri Lanka Nidahas Paksaya or Sri Lankan Freedom Party, the United Front (Sri Lanka), the United Left Front (Sri Lanka) and other miscellaneous groups.

      Institute of Commonwealth Studies
      GB 0101 PG.CE · 1979-

      Pamphlets, press releases, conference reports and declarations, 1979 onwards, issued by the Association of Tamils for a United Sri Lanka, the Movement for Inter Racial Justice and Equality (Sri Lanka), the National Peace Council of Sri Lanka and the Sri Lanka Foundation.

      Institute of Commonwealth Studies
      GB 0101 TU.CE · 1963-1992

      Reports, rules and regulations, manifestos, resolutions, statements, constitutions and addresses issued by the All Ceylon United Workers Congress, the Ceylon Bank Employees' Union, the Ceylon Federation of Labour, the Ceylon Workers' Congress and the Government Clerical Service Union.

      Institute of Commonwealth Studies
      Stanton, Hannah
      GB 0102 PP MS 54 · Created 1938-1993

      Correspondence, diaries, photographs and papers relating to South Africa, 1938-1993, collected by Hannah Stanton. They include a large amount of correspondence concerning her campaign work on issues such as apartheid; journals covering her trips abroad and appointment diaries; speeches and sermons; material concerning Helen Joseph; and a large number of photographs of friends of Hannah Stanton.

      Stanton , Hannah , 1913-1993 , missionary and anti-apartheid activist
      GB 106 9/11 · Fonds · 1885-1924

      The collection contains 30 letters written between 1885 and 1924. Correspondents include William Thomas Stead, Frances Power Cobbe, Millicent Garrett Fawcett, Herbert Stead, the Governor of Holloway Prison, Mrs Stead, Mr W Shaen, Miss Kensington the Secretary of Girton College, Mrs Frederic Whyte; the materials also include W T Stead's 'Holloway' New Year Cards, 1885. The letters discuss the Criminal Law Amendment controversy, speeches, his term in jail and emotional state, theology, Leslie Stephens, Edmund Garrett Fawcett, women's suffrage and education, the Royal Commission of 1871, trips for working women and the loan of Millicent Garrett Fawcett's Stead letter collection to a biographer.

      Stead , William Thomas , 1849-1912 , journalist and author
      GB 0097 STEEL · 1966-1999

      Papers of David Martin Scott Steel, Baron Steel of Aikwood, 1966-1999, including correspondence, 1976-1999, relating to his role as Liberal Party leader, Liberal Party funding and party political broadcasts, European monetary union and foreign affairs; material concerning elections, 1975-1987, notably correspondence and reports by the Joseph Rowntree Social Services Trust Ltd on tactical seats and seat assessments, papers of the General Election Committee concerning policy and election strategy, and correspondence and publications relating to by-elections; papers relating to the Lib-Lab Pact, 1977-1978, including notes on shadow administration committees and correspondence with Labour politicians; material concerning the Liberal/SDP Alliance, 1982-1988, including minutes and working papers of the Joint Leaders Advisory Committee, the Alliance Planning Group and the Alliance Strategy Committee, correspondence concerning the Alliance defence policy and the Alliance Fund; papers concerning the Liberal Party and SDP merger, 1987-1988, notably general correspondence and memoranda concerning the merger negotiations, and media coverage; constituency (Tweeddale, Ettrick and Lauderdale) correspondence and casework, 1971-1994; subject files, 1986-1995,comprising correspondence and papers on subjects including agriculture, defence, environment, housing, health, education, transport and Scottish home affairs; general party papers, 1970-1993, relating to party policy, election campaigns and conferences; correspondence and papers regarding foreign affairs c1989-1999, including papers regarding democratic elections, government and human rights in Malawi 1991-1999 and Kenya 1992-1997; desk diaries, 1966-1998; papers concerning Liberal International meetings, 1981-1995; correspondence and papers relating to EDLR meetings 1982-1992; papers regarding Scottish home rule, including the work of the Scottish Constitutional Convention 1969-1994; membership of organisations and charities 1978-1994; audiotapes and videotapes with appearances by Steel c1978-1999; and speeches, articles and press releases (1974-1993).

      Steel , David Martin Scott , b 1938 , Baron Steel of Aikwood , politician
      GB 106 7ESW · Fonds · 1910-1914

      The archive consists of correspondence between Eva Stephenson and her fiance Maurice Wilkins, covering the period 1910-1914. The letters describe Stephenson's experiences in Holloway prison for suffrage activism in 1910 (some letters are written on prison regulation notepaper), her life as an office worker and her family relationships. Subjects covered include: relationships with other suffragettes in prison; trials of the prison regime; Christmas in Holloway; her relationship with her mother who disapproved of her suffrage campaigning; reflections on her upbringing; employment in an office and enjoyment of her independence; her relationship with her future husband.

      With typescript transcriptions of the letters by William Paul Wilkins, son of Eva and Maurice Wilkins (produced in 1998). The transcriptions include a name and place index.

      Wilkins , Eva , fl 1913 , nee Stephenson , suffragette
      STEVENS, Florence C: Memoir
      GB 106 7FCS · Fonds · [1909]

      The archive consists of a manuscript memoir headed 'Manchester, 19 Jun 1909: Women's Social & Political Union (WSPU) Drum and Fife'. Details journey from London to Manchester and back for the meeting to welcome Miss Patricia Woodlock, provides an account of the meeting, the actions of the police and anti-suffragists, and gives Florence's opinions on the suffrage issue; also contains an account of learning to play the fife with the WSPU Drum & Fife Band and a list of the members of the Band.

      Stevens , Florence C , b [1890] , suffragist
      GB 106 7MDS · Fonds · [1954]

      The archive consists of a Fawcett Society programme for Spring 1954; manuscript of a talk given by Mrs Stocks to a local London audience about the story of the campaign for the women's vote and Dame Millicent Fawcett.

      Stocks , Baroness , Mary Danvers , 1891-1975 , nee Brinton , women's activist and college head
      Stopes (Charlotte) Papers
      GB 0103 MS ADD 157 · Created 1888-1926

      The collection mainly relates to Stopes' work on Shakespeare, though there is a little general correspondence, and some notes on women's suffrage and other women's questions.

      Stopes , Charlotte Carmichael , 1841-1929 , writer on sixteenth-century literature
      GB 106 9/27 · Fonds · 1805-1962

      The collection contains letters between members of the Strachey family and other correspondents. Writers include Philippa Strachey, Ralph Strachey, Richard Strachey, Oliver Strachey, Sir Richard Strachey, Pernel Strachey, James Strachey, Lady Jane Strachey, Dorothy Strachey, Marjorie Strachey, Elinor Rendel, Dorothy Bussy, Roger Fry, Virginia Woolf and Mlle Souvestre.

      9/27/A- Letters between Roger Fry and Philippa Strachey 1915-1933.

      9/27/B- Letters from Ralph Strachey to Philippa Strachey 1869-1893.

      9/27/C- Letters to Philippa Strachey from Richard Strachey 1886-1917 and to Philippa Strachery from Oliver Strachey 1906-1912 (Begin at AL/4767).

      9/27/D- Ralph at School 1878-1889; James at School 1899; Elinor Rendel 1889-1896; Sir Richard Strachey 1889-1899; Pernel Strachey 1891 & 1894-1895.

      9/27/E- Letters from: Pippa to her mother 1902/1905; Passport 1915; Dorothy Strachey to Pippa Strachey 1895-1903; Dorothy Bussy to Pippa Strachey 1903-1929; Marjorie Strachey to Pippa Strachey 1898-1956; Ray Strachey to Pippa Strachey 1911-1929.

      9/27/F- Letters from friends and acquaintances to various members of the Strachey family 1865 to 1958; Letters from Marietta Pallis to Philippa Strachey Nov 1955-Jan 1957 - begin AL/5073; Letters of Condolence on the death of Pernel Strachey. Arranged alphabetically 1951-1952 - begin AL/5097.

      9/27/G- Letters from Mlle Souvestre to Mrs Strachey written in French from 'Les Ruches'; The Strachey letters Volume 27 Part G II, Letters from Mlle Souvestre to Mrs Strachey, Written in French 1874-1879 - Begin AL/5156.

      Strachey family
      Strachey Family Papers
      GB 106 7BSH · Fonds · 1656-1999

      The archive consists of the papers of Mary Berenson, her daughter Ray Strachey and her granddaughter Barbara Strachey Halpern. It comprises letters and correspondence mainly concerned with personal and family news, typescripts and manuscript notes, press cuttings mainly relating to suffrage and equal pay activities, photographs of Ray Strachey and other members of the Strachey family, and some material relating to Ray's grandmother, Hannah Whitall Smith. Also a manuscript recipe book owned by members of the Strachey family and a file of material relating to Kathleen Halpin.

      Strachey Family namely: Berenson , Mary , 1864-1945 , Strachey , Rachel Pearsall Conn [Ray] , 1887-1940 , nee Costelloe , feminist activist and writer Strachey , Barbara Halpern , b 1912 , writer
      GB 106 7JMS · Fonds · 1860-1920

      The archive consists of copies of speeches (1903-1914), correspondence on women's suffrage (1907-1917) and National Union of Women's Suffrage Societies work (1907-1919), papers related to the Women's Local Government Society including letters, leaflets, notes and reports (1901-1920), materials related to the Lyceum Club (1907-1913) and miscellaneous other papers (1860-1914).

      Strachey , Lady , Jane Maria , 1840-1928 , nee Grant , suffragist
      GB 106 7PHS · Fonds · 1909-1968

      The archive consists of papers relating to organisations and societies with which Philippa Strachey was involved as part of her activities promoting equal pay, employment and training for women. For some she was the representative of the London and National Society for Women's Service (later the Fawcett Society), while others represent her direct work for education (Cambridge University Women's Appointments Board) and employment (the Women's Service; for which is held notes and correspondence with various trade associations).

      There is also a series of personal papers and ephemera. These appears to have been collected by Philippa and includes obituaries, notes on the history of the women's suffrage movement, order of service for Millicent Garrett Fawcett's memorial and a typescript of a play by George Bernard Shaw.

      Strachey , Philippa , 1872-1968 , feminist activist and organiser
      GB 0096 MS 128 · 1767-1777

      Manuscript volume containing the minutes of the sub-committee of the House of Lords for printing the Rolls and Journals of Parliament, 9 Mar 1767-30 May 1777.

      House of Lords , sub-committee for Printing the Journals and Rolls of Parliament
      GB 106 9/09 · Fonds · 1902-1916

      The collection contains correspondence of Edith Palliser, Pippa Strachey, Eva Gore-Booth, Eileen Hughes and Edith Dimmock amongst others, notes on various professions such as journalism, bookbinding and fashion designing, and materials issued by the Women's Industrial Council, the Women's Labour League and the London Society for Women's Suffrage.

      GB 106 7MMI · Fonds · 1908-1936

      The archive consists of a small notebook containing manuscript notes from books and lectures on subjects including women's suffrage, employment and legislation. The volume includes notes under the following headings:

      'Women's Suffrage Debate 28 Feb 1908'; 'United Kingdom Hospitals - Conference University College London Apr 1908'; organisation of a Votes for Women event; 'Mrs Wolstenholme Elmy on Married Women's Property Act 1882'; 'Meetings at Queen's Hall, Ladbroke Hall'; 'Self Denial Week'; 'Miss M Brockenbury - The Educated Woman and the Vote' [report of speech]; 'Mrs Brownlow's Pamphlet - Women and Factory Legislation'; Australia: Minimum Wage, Victor Clark Labour Movement; America - Licensing systems, Machinery, Factory, Jewish Competition, women voters in Colorado, New Zealand, Wyoming; 'Housing Bill 1908'; speech by John Burns; 'Pauperism 1st quarter 1908' [statistics]; dates of legislation affecting women 1844-1897; Reform Bill; women's work - florists, acrobats, pattern makers, married women in factories, cotton trade, carding hooks and eyes, cigar trade; posts closed to women - Law, medicine, church, politics; women in Inspectorate - prisons, factory , schools; women's wages; 'Government as Employers'; sweated labour; Anti-sweating Demonstration Queen's Hall Jan 28 1908; women prisoners; employment of children; Married women's savings; women married to aliens; Married Women's Property Act 1882; Guardianship of children.

      The volume also included the following loose inserts which have been removed and are held within the folder:

      Press cuttings:

      'Unemployment - Salford and the scheme for women', Manchester Guardian, 22 Jan 1909

      'Child labour in Egypt', Manchester Guardian,15 Jul 1908

      'Australia and women's suffrage', Manchester Guardian, 1 Feb 1910

      'Women as Councillors - the narrow range of choice', Manchester Guardian, 22 Jan 1909

      'Votes for Women - women voters', Manchester Guardian, 19 Jun c. 1910

      'University Women Teachers - the vote a necessary leverage in their work' Manchester Guardian, c. 1910

      'London's unknown Museums - special LCC survey', The Times, 11 Mar 1936

      'The Sacredness of motherhood', Common Cause, 24 Mar 1910

      'Infant mortality and working mothers', Common Cause, c. 1910

      'Why women need the vote', Common Cause, 21 Mar 1910

      'The equal standard', Common Cause, c. 1910

      Loose page from a leaflet on equal pay in Australia.

      Manuscript notes on working women

      Manuscript notes on The Present Conciliation Bill

      Manuscript notes on women prisoners and comparisons with conditions abroad

      Manuscript notes on women as a moral force

      Manuscript notes on two speakers: Miss Phillips and Miss Fothergill

      Manuscript notes on the function of the state and women's work

      Manuscript notes on infant deaths

      GB 0096 MS 107 · 1740

      Manuscript notebook containing details of supply granted by Parliament for 1740, with the votes from 17 Nov 1739 to 10 Mar 1740 authorising it. Includes details of the resolutions of the Ways and Means Committees from 26 Nov 1739 to 11 Mar 1740.

      GB 106 2SBA · Fonds · 1896-1949

      The archive consists of typescript copies of 14 letters by Anthony, typescript copies of newspaper articles by her, and press cuttings, list of public memorials created up until 1949 and typescript background documents including typescript articles on and manuscript note by sculptor Adelaide Johnston, programmes. The records consist of 3 folders, containing loose documents copied by the Susan B Anthony Memorial Committee of California.

      Susan B Anthony Memorial Committee