Politique internationale

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    • http://vocabularies.unesco.org/thesaurus/concept574

    Note(s) d'affichage

      Termes hiérarchiques

      Politique internationale

      Termes équivalents

      Politique internationale

      • Employé pour Geopolitics
      • Employé pour International affairs
      • Employé pour World politics
      • Employé pour Affaires internationales
      • Employé pour Géopolitique
      • Employé pour Asuntos internacionales
      • Employé pour Cuestiones intrenacionales
      • Employé pour Geoestrategia

      Termes associés

      Politique internationale

      87 Description archivistique résultats pour Politique internationale

      GB 0074 O/529 · Collection · 1876-1878

      Minute book of Workman's Neutrality Committee, includes address on School Board Election from the General Political Vigilance Committee.

      Sans titre
      GB 0099 KCLMA Graham · Created 1967-1994

      Thirty seven typescript speeches and texts of lectures, given by Graham, 1972-1991, mostly relating to the Middle East, Anglo-American relations, Rhodesia, 1977, the Iranian revolution, 1979, the Iran-Iraq War, 1980-1988, NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organisation), and the Gulf War, 1990-1991, notably 'The Middle East', 1972, with copy of UN Security Council Resolution 242 relating to the Arab-Israeli Six Day War, 1967, and copy of speech on the Middle East by Rt Hon Sir Alec (AlexanderFrederick) Douglas-Home, Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, given to Harrogate Conservative Party, Oct 1970; address to NATO Defence College, 'Developments outside the NATO area in the next 15 years of concern to the Alliance', Feb 1985; article 'The Iran-Iraq war - eight years on', written for NATO's sixteen nations, Nov 1987; article, 'Reflections on the Gulf Crisis', Nov 1990, with briefing notes on the Gulf Crisis from Martin Fuller, Research Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, and related press cuttings, 1990.

      Sans titre
      GB 0099 KCLMA MF 161-171 · 1945-1982, 1985

      Documents on Disarmament, 1945- 1982, is a themed microfilm collection including documents on arms control and disarmament developments, 1945-1982. Subjects include relations with the US Atomic Energy Commission; proposed prohibition requirements for the production of biological and chemical weapons; bilateral talks between the Soviet Union and the United States, including the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (START); US negotiations with aligned and non-aligned states; Commission on Security and Co- operation in Europe (CSCE) arms control talks; negotiations with UN organisations including the Ad Hoc Group on Disarmament and Development, the Commission for Conventional Armaments, the Disarmament Commission, international Atomic Energy Agency, and the Security Council, 1945-1982.

      Sans titre
      GB 0099 KCLMA MF 333-337 · 1949-1953, 1980

      Official Conversations and Meetings of Dean Acheson, 1949-1953 are microfilmed copies of the minutes of conversations and meetings of Dean Acheson during his tenure as Secretary of State during the Truman administration, 1949-1953. Material includes minutes for meetings and conversations with Senator Arthur Hendrick Vandenberg concerning the Rhodes negotiations on the future of Palestine, 1949; Foreign Service employee George Frost Kennan relating to US-Soviet relations, 1949-1950; Rt Hon Sir Oliver Franks, British Ambassador to the US, concerning the former Italian colonies, the western mark for Berlin and the North Atlantic Pact, 1949; the US National Security Council relating to the re-training of the Austrian Army, Palestine, and the appointment of a military commander in Germany, 1949; President Harry S Truman concerning the Military Assistance Program, atomic energy, Palestine, British finances and the revolutionary situation in the Caribbean, 1949; Muhammad Riza Pahlevi, Shah-an-Shah of Iran, relating to financial assistance to Iran, 1949; Professor Hans Joachim Morgenthau concerning Cold War international relations; President Truman concerning the Korean crisis, 1950; US Department of Defense representatives concerning the Treaty of Peace with Japan, 1950, and the war in Korea, 1951-1953; US Gen George Catlett Marshall relating to the Economic Recovery Program (Marshall Plan).

      Sans titre
      CHICHESTER, Cdr Michael Guy, RN (b 1917)
      GB 0099 KCLMA Chichester · 1960-1992

      Publications, mostly official, relating to UK defence policy, notably, defence expenditure, and equipment procurement, 1960-1990, including ninety-seven editions of House of Commons Official Report. Parliamentary debates (Hansard) (HMSO, London, 1964-1990) and thirteen editions of House of Lords Official Report. Parliamentary debates (Hansard) (HMSO, London, 1975-1990); fifty, mainly UK and USA official printed reports, 1960-1989, including Navy estimates, 1960-1963, Statement on the Defence Estimates (HMSO, London, 1966-1973, 1975-1981, 1988-1989); reports from the House of Commons Defence Committee, 1981-1989; reports relating to specific issues, notably strategic nuclear deterrence, 1973-1982, and the Falklands conflict, 1982-1987. Newspaper cuttings, 1968-1992, mostly relating to Malta, 1968-1972; Soviet seapower in the Mediterranean, 1969-1972; International naval affairs, 1970-1971; South Africa, 1970-1971; the Iran-Iraq War, 1980-1988; the Falklands conflict, 1982; US intervention in Grenada, 1983; Soviet defence policy, 1984-1988; NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organisation), 1984-1990; UK, US and European defence policy, 1984-1992; the US bombing raid on Libya, 1986; the Gulf War, 1991.

      Sans titre
      GB 0099 KCLMA MFF 2 · [1947-1989], 1992

      The collection presents an integrated record of US decision making during the 1962 nuclear confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union. Much of the documentation focuses on the period from Special Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs McGeorge Bundy's 16 Oct 1962 briefing of President Kennedy on the discovery of Soviet missiles in Cuba to Soviet Prime Minister Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchev's 28 Oct 1962 decision to withdraw the weapons. Papers include intelligence reports, diplomatic cables, political analyses, military situation reports, and meeting minutes relating to the immediate backdrop to the crisis, the crisis (16 Oct-28 Oct 1962), and its aftermath. Papers concerning the background to the crisis relate to US attempts to overthrow Cuban Prime Minister Dr Fidel Castro following the Bay of Pigs invasion, Apr 1961; US and Soviet nuclear capabilities and doctrine in the early 1960s; the deployment of US Intermediate Range Ballistic Missiles (IRBMs) to forward bases in Europe; and the concern over the resurgence of Soviet military aid to Cuba in the summer of 1962. Papers relating to the crisis include US intelligence reports confirming the construction of Soviet missile bases in Cuba; National Security Council minutes relating to a potential invasion of Cuba by US conventional forces, possible US air attacks against Cuba and the resultant Cuban casualties, the possibility of imposing an economic blockade around Cuba, the maintenance of US U-2 High Altitude Reconnaissance Aircraft flights over Cuba, and the possibility of Soviet retaliatory military actions against North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) states in the event of US attacks on Cuba, 16 Oct 1962; Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) daily intelligence reports concerning Soviet missile bases and possible Soviet surface to surface SS-4 ('Sandal') nuclear missiles in Cuba; reports from the UN Security Council and General Assembly from the US Ambassador to the UN Adlai Ewing Stevenson; meetings between Kennedy and Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Andreevich Gromyko; US estimates of Cuban ground forces; articles from Soviet news agency TASS denouncing American motives in Cuba; reports from US Secretary of Defense Robert Strange McNamara regarding the possible withdrawal of US missile bases in Italy and Turkey in exchange for Soviet withdrawals from Cuba; discussions of the possible US 'Naval Quarantine' of Cuba; CIA estimates relating to possible Soviet first strike military capability with missiles in Cuba; NSC reports relating to the construction of IRBM and Medium Range Ballistic Missile (MRBM) bases in Guanajay and San Cristóbal, Cuba, 21 Oct 1962; President Kennedy's announcement to world heads of state regarding the US 'Naval Quarantine' of Cuba (24 Oct-20 Nov 1962) to prevent further Soviet arms shipments of offensive weapons and development of further missile bases, 23 Oct 1962; message from Khrushchev to Kennedy stating that the US 'Naval Quarantine' is an act of aggression against both Cuba and the Soviet Union, 23 Oct 1962; statements by US Ambassador Stevenson, Cuban Ambassador Mario Garcia Incháustegui, and Soviet Ambassador Valerian Zorin in the UN Security Council, 23 Oct 1962; documents relating to the operational readiness of US continental nuclear forces; minutes from UN Security Council meeting, 25 Oct 1962; letter from Khrushchev to Kennedy suggesting that the Soviet Union would withdraw missile bases in return for a US 'non-invasion commitment' towards Cuba, 26 Oct 1962; negotiations over verification of the Soviet missile withdrawal; the US non-invasion 'guarantee' to Cuba and the Soviet Union; and, the question of Soviet Ilyushin IL-28 ('Beagle') bombers and troops remaining in Cuba. The collection also includes retrospective studies of the missile crisis, including the US Department of State internal history of the crisis, US Department of Defense comprehensive reports describing the actions of military commands and units during the missile crisis, and US government records relating to the US-Soviet rapprochement developed in the 1970s and 1980

      Sans titre
      GB 0074 ACC/2793 · Collection · 1933-2004

      Records of the Central British Fund for World Jewish Relief, predecessor organisations and associated organisations. The archive details the work of the Fund in shelters, hostels, internment camps, schools and foster homes.

      Records include correspondence; reports; appeals; records relating to relief organisations including the Jewish Committee for Relief Abroad, the Pioneer Welfare Fund; the Medical Committee for Relief Abroad and the Jewish Board of Guardians; records relating to refugee organisations including the Central Committee for Refugees; the Central Office for Refugees; Jewish Refugees Committee and Children's Refugee Movements; records relating to the Agudas Israel World Organisation and the Israel Colonisation Organisation; administrative papers including Committee minutes and papers; and case files for Afghan, Argentine, Austrian, Belgian, British, Czech, Egyptian, Ethiopian, German, Hungarian, Iranian, Lebanese, Moroccan, Polish, Rumanian, Russian, South African, Syrian, American and Yugoslavian cases.

      LMA also holds case files for the "Kindertransporte" through which children were evacuated from Germany and Austria in 1938 and 1939. PLEASE NOTE: These case files are only accessible in digital form and by application to World Jewish Relief.

      Sans titre
      MURRAY, Eunice Guthrie (1877-1960)
      GB 106 7EGM · Fonds · 1895-1960

      The archive consists of three diaries of Eunice Guthrie Murray, a member of the Women's Freedom League (with full transcript by her grand-niece Frances Sylvia Martin), covering the period 1895-1918; with copy death certificate of Eunice Guthrie Murray. Subjects covered include the women's suffrage campaigns, temperance, social conditions in Glasgow, politics, foreign travel, family life and Scotland.

      Sans titre
      HELER, Una M
      GB 106 7UMH · Fonds · 1974-1982

      The archive consists of copies of papers Una Heler collated, acting as the representative of Women's Advertising Club. It includes minutes and agendas of Women's Royal Voluntary Service (WRVS) Advisory Council and Stand Committee (1975-1981); women's organisations' publications (1974-1979); EVS report (1979); correspondence with WRVS (1975-1982).

      Sans titre
      SAWERS, Chief Inspector Matthew
      GB 0099 KCLMA Sawers · Created 1994-1996

      Typescript job description for Deputy Chief of Operations, Western European Union Police Contingent [1995]; one manuscript and nine typescript letters by Sawers to his family relating to his service with Western European Union Police Contingent, Mostar, Bosnia, Feb-Aug 1996; two letters praising Sawers' work as Deputy Chief of Operations, Western European Union Police Contingent, Mostar, from Lt Gen Sir (John) Martin (Carruthers) Garrod, Western European Union Special Envoy in Mostar, and Superintendent S P Jordan, Police Commissioner, Mostar, Aug 1996. Typescript notes entitled 'European Union Administration of Mostar, Bosnia. Briefing for officers serving with the WEU Police', 13 Oct 1994; typescript briefing notes on the history of the Western European Union (WEU), on the WEU element of the Unified Police Force of Mostar (UPFM), Bosnia [1995], and on the recent history of Bosnia-Hercegovina [1995]; typescript 'De-brief notes from the first contingent of UK officers seconded to Mostar' [1995]; typescript report entitled 'Policing in Mostar' by Deputy Chief Constable Clive J R Roche, West Midlands Police Force, 27 Sep 1995; typescript report on the policing operation in Mostar by Rt Hon David (John) Maclean, Minister of State, Home Office, 3 Jan 1996; copy of article entitled 'Peace in Bosnia. The Balkan end-game' from The Economist, 20 Jan 1996.

      Sans titre
      GB 0370 CW · 1902-1960

      Memorabilia and collected ephemera of Sir Charles Webster, 1902-1960, including: school cap with crest 1902-1903; official British delegation pass to the Peace Congress in Paris 1919; passports, 1928-1931, 1937-1942, 1957-1962; 3 medals, c 1960; 2 United Nations badges, San Francisco and London 1945; Unesco badge, 1950; Badge, XI Congrès International des Sciences Historiques, 1960; 2 medals in box, Order of St.Michael and of St George; certificates for war service 1915; postcard to Charles Webster from R Dyloski 1915 and 1950; 2 letters from Clement Attlee dated 7th and 12th August 1947, offering Webster the post of Regius Professor of Modern History at the University of Cambridge, and draft reply from Webster respectfully declining. Various other certficates.

      Sans titre
      BARNES, Michael Cecil John (b 1932)
      GB 0372 BARNES · Fonds · 1971-1989

      Papers of Michael Cecil John Barnes (b 1932), including: handwritten notes and photographs taken by Barnes during War-on-Want mission to India and West Bengal shortly after the Pakistani 'crackdown', May 1971; handwritten notes and photographs taken by Barnes on a Parliamentary Delegation visit to Bangladesh, November 1973; miscellaneous papers relating to Bangladesh and Bengali politics, including newsletters, photographs of a visit by Sheikh Hasina to the United Kingdom Immigrant Advisory Service (UKIAS) and press cuttings, 1971-1989.

      Sans titre
      GB 0101 ICS 126 · 1962-1986

      Research notes and papers of Professor Wyndraeth Humphreys Morris-Jones on Jamaican politics, 1962-1986, including copies of official publications and press cuttings; also copy of the Constitution of the Republic of Ghana, 1979.

      Sans titre
      Greaves, Prof Harold Richard Goring
      GB 0096 MS 822 · 1942-1953

      Six letters relating to the proposed Provisional Committee to create a United Nations University Institute, Nov 1942, addressed to Harold Richard Goring Greaves (subsequently Professor of Political Science in the University of London); and six other letters relating to lectures arranged by the Centre for Studies in International Affairs, 1943-1951. The letters are as follows:

      1. Letter to Greaves from Eduard Benes, President of the Czech Republic, 16 Nov 1942. 'I have received and read with much interest your letter of 10th November in which you furnish me with particulars of your Provisional Committee for creating a United Nations University Institute in London. I note that amongst those with whom you are in touch is Dr. Slavik, our Minister of Education, as well as Dr. Ripka and Dr. Císar;. These gentlemen will, I am sure, let you have their views on the project from the Czechoslovak point of view.We have also in England a Czechoslovak Association of University Teachers, who will certainly be most interested in the idea. For myself, as a former Professor of Sociology, I naturally welcome any effort to promote understanding between university teachers of different nationalities. At the present epoch especially such association is of outstanding importance'.
      2. Letter to Greaves from John Gilbert Winant, United States Ambassador, 16 Nov 1942. 'Thank you for your letter of November 12th telling me about the suggestion for the establishment in London of an International University Institute. I was interested in this and would like to attend the meeting to be held at the British Academy on Monday November 23rd. Unfortunately I have a previous engagement at that time and am sorry I cannot be with you. I would appreciate, however, your keeping me informed concerning any plans which may be decided upon in this matter and I am gratified for your courtesy in writing [to] me'.
      3. Letter to Greaves from (George) Gilbert (Aimé) Murray, 17 Nov 1942. 'I am afraid I cannot come to the meeting at the British Academy on November 23rd, and I am still not quite clear in my mind about the purpose of the International University Institute. Of course I can see that there is great danger that all over the world intellectual values will be thrust aside and the whole intellectual side of life undervalued and neglected. This is partly the deliberate influence of both Nazism and Communism. If the International Institute is to be concerned with the preservation of these intellectual values, I can see important work for it'.
      4. Letter to greaves from Richard Austen Butler, Board of Education, 8 Nov 1942. 'Thank you for your letter of 12th November...I should like to keep in touch with progress with this scheme but I shall be unable to attend meetings personally. I am, however, asking my Public Relations Officer, Mr. D.H. Leadbetter, to attend the meeting next Monday...'.
      5. Letter to Greaves from Joseph Bech, Luxembourg Minister for Foreign Affairs, 18 Nov 1942. 'I am entirely in agreement with this scheme which I consider would be of immense value in helping to solve the problems of reconstruction which will arise in the near future and I am grateful to you for having invited me to take part in the launching of such an Institute. I, therefore, accept with much pleasure, your kind invitation to be present at the meeting on Monday, 23rd November, at the British Academy...'
      6. Letter to Greaves from Ivan Mikhailovich Maisky, Soviet Ambassador, 20 Nov 1942. 'Thank you for your letter of the 12th November inviting me to attend the meeting your Provisional Committee are holding...which I regret I am unable to attend'.
      7. Letter from Prince Bernhard of The Netherlands to Mr. Clow Ford, 23 Oct 1943, regarding a lecture series at the Centre for Studies in International Affairs. 'I am extremely sorry that owing to an important conference I am unable to attend the opening night on Tuesday next. I have asked General Phaff to represent me...'.
      8. Letter from Henry Moore to Allen M. Parker, Organising Secretary of the University of London, 5 Jul 1950, acknowledging his letter of 23 Jun.
      9. Letter from Robert (William) Speaight to Allen M. Parker, 10 May 1951, acknowledging his letter.
      10. Letter from Robert (William) Speaight to Allen M. Parker, 16 Jun 1951, concerning a dinner engagement.
      11. Letter from Cecil Day-Lewis to Allen M. Parker, 3 Aug 1951, concerning a dinner engagement.
      12. Letter from Hugh (Todd Naylor) Gaitskell to Allen M. Parker, 21 May 1953, concerning his lecture to be delivered on 24 Jul at the Centre for Studies in International Affairs.
      Sans titre
      Gili, Joan (1907-1998)
      GB 0096 MS1154 · Fonds · 1844-1997

      Papers of Joan Gili, 1844-1997, comprise Catalonia: press-cuttings, leaflets regarding cultural events; some minutes, circulars of the Anglo-Catalan society, 1976-1995; leaflets by British-based exiles protesting against Spanish government; Monserrat manifesto, 1970; memoranda on Catalonia to international organizations, 1950s; posters from Barcelona, 1844-c 1933.

      Sans titre
      Refugee Council
      GB 2381 C42396 · Collection · 1951-

      Papers of the Refugee Council relating to all aspects of refugee history, policy and practice, both in the UK and worldwide, from the 1950s to the time of writing. The collection comprises published books and journals, published and unpublished articles and reports; conference papers; pamphlets and leaflets; newsletters, research papers including interviews, questionnaires and case studies; field reports; working papers; statistical data; press cuttings; bibliographies and audio-visual resources including videos, DVDs, tapes, CDs, multi media CD-ROMs, photographs and slides. Topics include conditions in the countries of origin of refugees; causes of flight; migration; asylum; assistance and relief programmes; adaptation and integration of refugees into new communities; groups including ethnic groups, religious groups, gender groups, age groups, social class and family; and organisations including intergovernmental and non-governmental organisations.

      Sans titre
      Charter 87
      GB 2381 C50522 · Collection · 1987-1997

      Papers of Charter 87, 1987-1997, including minutes of a Steering Group; a complete run of the 'Newsletter' and occasional publication 'News Updating'; correspondence, chiefly with the Home Office and press cuttings relating to asylum-seekers and refugees.

      Sans titre
      RAMPHAL, Sir Shridath (b1928)
      GB 3172 RAMPHAL · Collection · 1975-1977, [1990]

      Created during Ramphal's time in office, the collection comprises of papers arranged under the following sections: Committees 1975-1976, includes agendas, supporting papers and minutes for committees such as the Meeting of Commonwealth Fund for Technical Co-operation and of the Secretariat Finance Sub Committee. Ministerial Meetings 1975-1977, holds minutes and papers from meetings of Law Ministers, Health Ministers, Senior Officials but especially Finance Ministers Meetings. Conference 1976, has documents from the Non-Aligned Conference. Correspondence 1975-1977, contains letters to and from the Secretary-General and other senior Secretariat officials. Country Files 1975-1977, mainly contain briefs prepared by each area of responsibility within the Secretariat; legal, health, youth, education, food production and rural development, science, applied studies, Commonwealth Fund for Technical Co-operation, international affairs, trade and finance.

      Specific issues covered relate to The New International Economic Order, Lome Convention and the North South Dialogue as well as the situation in Southern Africa including Commonwealth Aid to Mozambique and sporting links with apartheid South Africa. Divisions 1975-1976 relates to the Youth Affairs Programme and Meetings of the Youth Affairs Council. Economic 1975-1977, contains the Report by a Commonwealth Expert Group: McIntyre Report Towards a New International Economic Order and papers of the Commonwealth Technical Group on the Common Fund. Internal 1975-1977, covers Commonwealth Day, including the first simultaneously observed Commonwealth Day. Organisation 1975-1977, covers Ramphal's appointment to the Dag Hammarskjold Foundation Board of Trustees as well as papers from the Anglo-French Colloquium 1976. Reviews 1975-1976, includes the Internal Review of Secretariat Activities, 1975.

      Sans titre
      GB 0102 MS 186361-MS 186387 · Created c1927-1962

      Collection of miscellaneous papers, including embassy handouts, conference papers, correspondence, reports and speeches, accumulated by the Far East Department of the Royal Institute of International Affairs, c1926-1962. They address political and economic issues in the Far East and South East Asia including China, Japan, Korea and Formosa.

      Sans titre
      Agence France Presse
      GB 0102 PP MS 13 · 1965-1972

      Press reports, 1965-1972, of Agence France Presse from Jakarta, Indonesia, chiefly by Brian May, on foreign affairs, including relations with Malaysia, Japan, the United States, and others; foreign aid; visits of overseas politicians; political affairs, including the Indonesian Communist party and Muslim parties; political unrest, including student militancy; the Chinese community; natural disasters and disease; sport; affairs in West Irian (Irian Jaya); economic policy, industry, mining and agriculture.

      Sans titre
      GB 0074 LMA/4569 · Collection · 2007-2015

      Brent Black Music History and NARM (Naming and Role Models) Heritage Lottery Funded projects published booklets and DVD recordings (the latter are available by prior appointment). Also African Histories Revisited's published 'Race/Racism Primer' (2014).

      Sans titre
      GB 0099 KCLMA Dimoline · Created 1914-1965

      The papers cover the period 1914-1965 and include papers relating to service in England, France and with British Army of the Rhine, 1914-1919 in particular 35 Division Artillery Signals; Iraq, including diary, 1920-1921; Nigeria, including field message book, 1924; Quetta, India, including earthquake diary, 1935; newspapers covering death of King George V, 1936; command of Northern Rhodesia Regt, Lusaka, 1937-1940, including scrap albums; command of 26 (East African) Infantry Brigade, East Africa and Abyssinia, 1940- 1941, including operation reports; command of 22 (East African) Infantry Brigade, Madagascar, 1942, including operation reports; command of 28 (East African) Infantry Brigade and 11 (East African) division, Burma and India, 1944-1946 including accounts of operations; General Officer Commanding East Africa, 1946- 1948, including official circulars, speeches and addresses; General Officer Commanding Aldershot Command, 1948-1951, including speeches and lectures; Representative on Military Staff Committtee, United Nations, 1951-1953, including diary; Col Commandant of Northern Rhodesia Regiment, King's African Rifles and Kenya Regiment, including correspondence, 1952-1964, committee papers and publications; papers relating to Army Cadet Force Association including minutes of meetings, 1956-1959; Inter-Parliamentary Union, including account of journey to Warsaw, Poland, 1959; maps, 1914-1943, including Western Front, Iraq and India, Nigeria and Madagascar.

      Sans titre
      GB 0099 KCLMA Hardy-Roberts · Created 1945

      Two typescript copy letters home by Hardy-Roberts, written from British Red Cross Commission, theNetherlands, 6 May 1945, describing in detail the local reaction to the German surrender.

      Sans titre
      JOFFÉ, (Emile) George (Howard) (b 1940)
      GB 0099 KCLMA Joffé · Created, 1959-1993

      Comprising copies of journals, maps, newspaper cuttings and supporting printed literature relating to politics, trade, international development and relations between nations in North Africa and the Middle East, 1959-1993; notably including personal papers and notes compiled by George Joffé for Menas (Middle East and North African Studies Press) Ltd, and in the course of his work as a journalist, principally correspondence with publishers, consultants and experts in the oil industry relating to legal action over disputed damages estimates, 1978-1986, papers on Project Profile Ltd, a consultancy company established in 1982; cuttings and typescript articles and lecture texts by Joffé mainly on Morocco and North Africa delivered to the African History seminar at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), London, and Institute of Commonwealth Studies, 1976-1977 (Ref: Joffé 1/1-3); research papers compiled for Menas, mainly correspondence with experts on the various arbitration and court proceedings between international oil companies and national governments with which Menas was involved, including on Iran, the Iranian oil industry, economy, borders and politics, 1966-1993, Libya and Malta and the 'Continental Shelf Case', 1983-1990, Saudi Arabia and Yemeni border issues, 1991, disputes concerning international water resources, 1982-1986, cost analysis, accounting standards and background articles on the Khemco and Phillips oil cases, 1985-1988, notes on Morocco including offprints, press cuttings, national economic statistics and statistics of neighbouring countries in North Africa, 1974-1988 (Ref: Joffé 2/1-8); typescript court reports, claimants' and respondents' submissions, evaluations, expert testimony and supporting evidence in a number of international disputes aired at the Iran-US Claims Tribunal, The Hague, Netherlands, and International Chamber of Commerce Arbitration, concerning several major international oil companies or local subsidiaries including Phillips Petroleum, Amoco, Mobil Oil, Arco, Gatoil, Lapco and Khemco in their claims against Iran, 1983-1989, the Saudi Arabia-Yemen boundary dispute, 1991-1992, Mobil Oil Libya v Libya, 1982-1986, Libya-Malta Continental Shelf Case with extracts from numerous Maltese parliamentary papers and Mediterranean geological studies, 1966-1983 (Ref: Joffé 3/1-14); Menas publications, notably on Iran, Libya, Morocco, international boundaries and water resources, 1979-1991 (Ref: Joffé 4); on the politics, economies and international relations of numerous North African or Middle Eastern countries and regions including Algeria, Chad, Egypt, Europe, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Middle East, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, Turkey, and on various topics such as oil, Islam and the Salman Rushdie affair, 1980-1989 (Ref: Joffé 5/1-4); Economist Intelligence Unit publications, mainly Special Reports on countries, industries, trends and energy reviews, 1983-1993 (Ref: Joffé 6/1-3); copies of various journals and periodicals including International Affairs, 1980-1986, The Middle East Journal, 1980-1987, Third World Quarterly, 1981-1984, 1986-1987, Cedies informations, 1983-1987, Middle East Business Weekly, 1985-1990, Middle East Economic Survey, 1987-1989 (Ref: Joffé 7); statistical publications on various Middle East and African countries including Iran, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Morocco, company reports, OPEC reports, 1959-1990 (Ref: Joffé 8/1-5); copies of maps, mainly topographical and geological, of Iran, [1950-1985] (Ref: Joffé 9); diverse bibliographies including on Afghanistan, uranium, Africa and the International Court of Justice, 1979-1980 (Ref:Joffé 10); copies of archival documents used in research undertaken by Menas and in court and arbitration proceedings, employed to establish historical precedents and resolve boundary disputes, on Malta, including copies of documents in the Archives of the Knights of St John, Public Record Office (PRO), London, and the State Archives in Venice, in Italian, French and English, [1728-1950], Israel-Jordan water resources mainly from the US National Archives' Eric Johnson manuscripts, Public Record Office (PRO) Colonial Office and Foreign Office documents on the same subject, 1876-1959], Saudi Arabia-Yemen territorial dispute copies of diplomatic records from the Public Record Office, India Office and Ottoman Archives, Istanbul, [1890-1930], copies of treaties mainly on the Mediterranean and Morocco, in French, [1761-1985], Libya disputes with Chad and Malta, French plans for Libya and the former Italian colonies, including PRO Foreign Office 371 and 146, and the Rennell papers, Nuffield College, Oxford, [1883-1991], Iraq-Kuwait territorial claims including PRO Foreign Office 371 documents and India Office papers, [1909-1956] (Ref: Joffé 11/1-6).

      Sans titre
      GB 0099 KCLMA MF 384-387 · 1985

      Memos of the Special Assistant for National Security Affairs: McGeorge Bundy to President Johnson, 1963-1966 are microfilmed copies of declassified memoranda relating primarily to American foreign policy, 1963-1966. The papers include Bundy's comments on the Alliance for Progress; atomic energy; the Atlantic Nuclear Force; European security; relations with the People's Republic of China; foreign assistance; the Vietnam War; the International Monetary Fund; the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO); the Test Ban Treaty; and the United Nations. Reels include specific mention of the assassination of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy, 29 Nov 1963; meetings with former President Dwight David Eisenhower, 9 Dec 1963; visit by French President Charles André Joseph Marie de Gaulle; interview with First Secretary of the Soviet Communist Party, Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchev, 5 Mar 1964; the French split with NATO; press attacks on Latin American policy, 25 Mar 1964; National Security Council meeting relating to Indochina, 15 May 1964, Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) reports relating to the Cuban assassination of alleged agents, 3 Jun 1964; the civil crisis in the Congo, 1964; meeting with John Kenneth Galbraith, Paul M Warburg Professor of Economics, Harvard University, 15 Jul 1964; reports from the US ambassador to the Republic of Vietnam, Maxwell Taylor, 1964; statement on the Gulf of Tonkin Decision, 15 Aug 1964; correspondence with Ethiopian Emperor Haile Selassie relating to economic aid to Congo, 20 Aug 1964; the escalation of the Gulf of Tonkin 'incident', 18 Sep-6 Oct 1964; United Kingdom Arms Purchase Program, 26 Oct 1964; correspondence with British Prime Minister Rt Hon (James) Harold Wilson, Baron Wilson of Rievaulx; meeting with UN Secretary General U Thant concerning North Vietnamese aggression at the Gulf of Tonkin, 5 Aug 1964; meetings with CIA Director John McCone, Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara, and Secretary of State Dean Rusk; the revolt in the Dominican Republic, 1965; the Warren Commission Report, 7 Jul 1965; and the Kashmir Crisis, 1965

      Sans titre
      GB 0099 KCLMA Waite · Created 1942-[1953]

      Papers relating to his RAF career, 1942-[1953], principally comprising correspondence relating to the development of a submersible target at RAF St Eval, Cornwall, 1942, dated 1948; manuscript notes on the problems of establishing Coastal Command Station, Nassau, Bahamas, as a training centre for Coastal Liberator crews, 1942; official report on the RAF occupation of Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, 5-11 May 1945; printed reports on the progress of air disarmament in Germany in 1944-1946, produced by British Air Forces of Occupation, 1945-1947; correspondence relating to his work as Director of Air Branch, Control Commission, Berlin, 1947-1949, and to the planning of the Berlin Airlift, 1948-1949; official report on organisation and structure of Berlin Airlift administration; RAF training course notes and papers, 1950; papers relating to his service as Assistant Chief of Staff, Allied Air Forces Central Europe, [1951-1953], notably including photographs of Waite, [1951-1953]; published RAF manuals, 1948, 1950.

      Sans titre
      GB 0099 KCLMA Boyd · 1933-1959

      Photographs of landscape, towns and local Pathans, North West Frontier, India [1930-1936]; photographs of civilian engineering training, UK, 1934-1936; diary, 1939-1940, narrative of service as Engineer Staff Officer and Field Engineer, Rawalpindi and Staff Officer Royal Engineers 3, Delhi; diary, 1957-1959, narrative of service as Chief Engineer, Far East Land Forces. Photographs of official duties as Chief Engineer, Northern Army Group NATO and British Army of the Rhine, 1959-1962.

      Sans titre
      GB 0099 KCLMA Brind · Created 1916-1958

      Copies of papers, 1916-1958, including account of the Battle of Jutland, witnessed by Brind from HMS MALAYA, 5 Battle Sqn, 1916; text of lecture 1919, relating to anti-submarine warfare, 1914-1918, and possible future development; notes, dated 1931, on the conduct of the Dardenelles campaign; report on night fighting by single ships, 1924; night order book, HMS BIRMINGHAM, South East Asia, 1929-1940; report written in 1946 on the sinking of HMS ROYAL OAK, Scapa Flow 1939, by German submarine U47, quoting from U-boat's log; texts of speeches, 1947-1958; letter of condolence from Adm Hon Sir Reginald Aylmer Ranfurly Plunkett-Ernle-Erle-Drax to Edith Blagrove, widow of R Adm Henry Evelyn Charles Blagrove, killed in the sinking of HMS ROYAL OAK 1939, with details of the circumstances of his death; letters home from the Far East, 1949; official report on the blockade of Shanghai and British inability to defend Hong Kong from possible future attack by Chinese Communist forces, 1949; newspaper cuttings relating to the HMS AMETHYST Incident, Yangtze-Kiang river, China, 1949, and Brind's order, as Commander-in-Chief Eastern Fleet, for the successful breakout 1949; notes and lecture texts relating to the role of NATO, 1953-1955; typescript notes on the post war role of the Royal Navy, 1955.

      Sans titre
      GB 0099 KCLMA Collier · Created 1968-1969

      Correspondence relating to Collier's work as Air Attaché in Moscow, 1934-1937, and as Head of the Air Section of the British Military Mission to Moscow, 1941, with particular reference to the role of Brig Gen Philip R Faymonville, United States Army, Military Attaché and later Lend-Lease Administrator in Moscow, 1934-1943, in relations between the USA and the USSR during the period 1918-1943, consisting of photocopies of letters to Collier from Lt Col Thomas A Julian, Associate Professor of History at the USAF Academy and carbon copies of Collier's replies, dated 1968-1969.

      Sans titre
      Misc: Publications relating to NATO
      GB 0099 KCLMA MISC 55 · 1948-1988

      Publications relating to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and western European defensive strategy, procurement, and technology, 1948-1988, most notably editions of NATO's Fifteen Nations, a journal devoted to NATO alliance politics, force structure, integration, combined training, and procurement, May 1958-Jun 1988; an edition of Laboratory of the Air (HMSO, Ministry of Supply, 1948), detailing the history and function of the Royal Aircraft Establishment, Farnborough, Hampshire; seven aerial photographs of the Royal Aircraft Establishment; an edition of Facts about NATO (NATO Information Service, Paris, 1959), detailing NATO history, organisation, and force structure; edition of NATO: Facts about the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (Bosh: Utrecht, 1962)

      Sans titre
      RUSSELL, Richard F
      GB 106 4RFR · Fonds · 1956-1957

      The archive consists of papers relating to Richard Russell's and his wife's work for the organisation 'Aid to Displaced Persons: Great Britain', later the 'Aid to European Refugees'. Containing correspondence with the Garbagnate Committee (1957); correspondence, financial details, reports and publicity material on aims and patrons of Aid to Displaced Persons (1957); accounts of various funds administers by Aid to Displaced Persons (1956-1957).

      Sans titre
      PANKHURST, Sylvia (1882-1960)
      GB 106 7ESP · Fonds · c 1930-2001

      The archive consists of articles and essays by Sylvia Pankhurst, her prison discharge notice of 1914, and her correspondence relating to the International Ethiopian Council. The archive also includes articles by her son, Richard Pankhurst, and the correspondence of her daughter-in-law, Rita Pankhurst, relating to Sylvia Pankhurst.

      Sans titre
      GB 1556 WL 558b · Collection · 1936-1939

      This microfilm collection contains a variety of pre-Second World War propaganda materials produced for consumption in Great Britain, 1936-1939, including reports, publications, leaflets and transcript of a radio broadcast: Hitler's speech to the Winter help, 10 Oct 1938; chiefly produced by the Anglo-German Fellowship, Deutsche Ausländer Dienst, Deutsche Fichte Bund and the Anglo-German Information Service.

      Sans titre
      GB 1556 WL 859 · 20th century

      Papers of the British Fund for German Jewry comprising lists of contributors to it and an appeal leaflet. Including printed list, 'Further List of Contributions to the Central British Fund for German Jewry'; list of contributions to the Central Jewish Fund and postwar appeal leaflet entitled 'Remember Buchenwald'.

      Sans titre
      GB 1446 MS 54 · 1912-1920

      Papers of Mary Edith Durham, 1912-1920, comprise album of newspaper cuttings, largely taken from The Nation, on various subjects including World War One, Christianity, and mainly by W.H. Nevinson and including letters to the editor of The Nation, and other publications by Durham. Loose items include a typewritten copy of a 'Memorandum for His Excellency the Minister of Foriegn Affairs, The Consulta, Rome' concerning Albania's supply of copper and coal, Foriegn Affairs: A Journal of International Understanding (No 8, Vol 1, 1920) and Yllit Mengjezit (The Morning Star) (No 6, Vol 2, 1917).

      Sans titre
      Northern Refugee Centre
      GB 2381 C201014 · Collection · 1983-

      Papers of the Northern Refugee Centre, from 1983 to the time of writing, chiefly comprising files arranged by country containing material on refugees including: pamphlets and leaflets, published and unpublished reports, offprints of articles, press cuttings, newsletters and press releases. The collection also comprises annual reports from other refugee organisations and published material on refugees.

      Sans titre
      SMITH, Arnold (1915-1994)
      GB 3172 SMITH · 1965 -1976

      Created during Smith's time in office, 1965-1975, the collection comprises of papers arranged under the following sections: International Affairs 1965-1975, contains material on the Heads of Government and the Senior Officials Meetings, additionally there are Country Files and the records of the Secretary-General's Visits which detail specific issues such as Rhodesia and Southern African or the Anguilla dispute with St Kitts. These records also contain informative country briefs prepared by the Secretariats divisions. There are a small number of files on the issue of sanctions and on liaison with other organization. Economic Affairs 1964-1976, material comprises of the Finance Ministers Meetings, work on Commodities plus a significant number relating to liaison with EEC as well as other organisations. The Education 1969-1976, Legal Activities 1970-1975, and the Health 1969-1975, sections mainly concern the relevant Commonwealth conferences. Files in Science and Technology 1968-1973, address specific issues such as metrication, mining and metallurgy. Food Production and Rural Technology 1975, comprises of conference material and Youth 1972-1975, mainly details youth awards. Commonwealth Fund for Technical Co-operation (CFTC) 1968-1976, comprises of records relating to the governance of the CFTC as well as to specific projects undertaken. Smith's speeches and other public addresses are located in the Information 1966-1975, section. The Secretary-General's files in Secretariat Administration 1965-1976, cover internal meetings of the Executive Committee, the Finance Committee, some aspects relating to individual divisions as well as preparation for the Annual Reports. Commonwealth and International Organisations 1965-1975, details co-operation and liaison with institutions such as Commonwealth Parliamentary Association; Commonwealth Broadcasting Association; Commonwealth Foundation; La Francophonie; Commonwealth Institute; International Planned Parenthood Federation and United Nations.

      Sans titre
      League of Nations Union
      GB 0097 LNU · 1918-1971

      Records of the League of Nations Union, 1918-1971, including minutes of the General Council, 1919-1945, with some background papers; minutes of the Executive Committee, 1918-1946, including some minutes of its predecessor, the League of Free Nations Association; minutes of the Organisation Committee of the League of Free Nations Association and the LNU, 1918-1919; minutes of the LNU Administration Committee, 1936-1939 and 1944; minutes of the LNU Management Committee, 1918-1929; financial material, namely minutes of the Finance Committee, 1922-1938, and accounts, 1945-1975; material relating to specialist committees and sub-committees of the LNU, 1918-1957, notably the Advisory International Committee, 1940-1941, the Appeals Committee, 1930-1936, the Branches Committee, 1930-1939, the National Youth Committee, 1933-1936, the Christian Organisations Committee, 1921-1939, the Council for Education in World Citizenship, 1940-1944, the Economics Committee, 1928-1939, the Editorial Committee and the Publicity Committee, 1925-1938, the Education Committee, 1919-1939, the Industrial Advisory Committee, 1930-1944, the International Policy Committee, 1919-1925, the Overseas Committee, 1931-1939, the Refugees Committee, 1935-1939, the Regions Committee, 1930-1937, the Religious Ethics Committee, 1921-1930, the Research Committee, 1918-1919, the Services Committee, 1931-1932, the Women's Advisory Committee (later Council), 1937-1957, and the Standing Committee of National Youth, 1935-1939; material relating to branches of the LNU, namely the British Universities League of Nations Society, 1926-1936, the Geneva Institute of International Relations, 1925-1938, the Hampshire Federation of the LNU, 1932-1938, and the London International Assembly, 1941-1945; pamphlets, reports and leaflets produced by the LNU, [1918]-1962; miscellaneous material removed from the volumes of minutes and retrieved from the United Nations Association collection, [1919]-1971, including papers relating to the LNU Peace Ballot, [1934-1935], the transfer of the LNU membership to the UNA, [1945-1946], and the LNU Youth Groups.

      Sans titre
      Returned Volunteers Association
      GB 0097 RVA · Collection · c1962-c1997

      Records collected or created by the Returned Volunteers Association, [1962-1997] including: correspondence and papers relating to VSO, including volunteers reports and papers relating to reorientation weekends; correspondence and papers relating to European Non Governmental Organisations and BOND (British Overseas NGOs for Development), including EVI (Ex-Volunteers International) and European Community projects; correspondence and papers relating to sending agencies, including CIIR (Catholic Institute for International Relations), IVS (International Voluntary Service) and UNAIS (United Nations Association International Service); RVA Policy Group papers; BVALG (British Volunteer Agencies Liaison Group) minutes, November 1986-July 1993; BVP (British Volunteers Programme) Committee papers, c1978-c1983; RVA national conferences, 1979-1990; training courses and events for returners and local groups; publications, c1967-c1997, including VOSA News, RVA London Newsletter, VOSA/RVA Newsletter, Feedback, Comeback, plus handbooks, guides and pamphlets; BVP (British Volunteer Programme) Committee minutes 1969-1983 and Council minutes, 1974-1983, plus Overseas Development Group report on BVP, 1978; Council for Volunteers Overseas minutes, 1964-1972; Lockwood Committee minutes, 1962-1969.

      Sans titre
      GB 0097 WEBSTER · 1901-1962

      Papers of Sir Charles Kingsley Webster, 1901-1962, including diaries, 1918-1949, including details of work at the Paris Peace Conference, the League of Nations, the United Nations, the Foreign Office and the British Academy; correspondence, 1906-1961, with family, friends, students and colleagues, notably relating to his historical research and writings, academic employment and engagements, European politics, work for the Foreign Office during World War Two, and his work for the British Academy, and the United Nations; material concerning his early career, 1901-1914, including examination papers and conference programmes; papers relating to his work at Liverpool University, 1914-1928, including teaching materials; papers concerning Webster's service during World War One, mainly comprising material relating to the Paris Peace Conference and the League of Nations Union; papers concerning the League of Nations, 1920-1931, comprising reports and memoranda presented to various sessions of the Assembly; papers relating to Webster's work at the University College of Wales, Aberystwyth, 1924-1932, notably administrative and teaching material, newspaper cuttings and other papers concerning Webster's trips to Germany, Canada and the USA, and copies of articles on reparations and the League of Nations; material concerning his work at the London School of Economics, 1932-1953, including teaching materials such as reading lists, examination papers, lists of students and correspondence relating to funding, and minutes and papers of LSE committees, notably the Editorial Board of Politica; material relating to committees, meetings and visits, 1933-1940, including the International Committee of Historical Sciences, the League of Nations Union, the Royal Institute of International Affairs, the Bloomsbury Society and the British Council; material concerning Webster's work at the Foreign Research and Press Service, Royal Institute of International Affairs (later the Foreign Office Research Department), 1939-1944, on subjects related to international organisation and post-war settlement, including correspondence, memoranda, and minutes of the Minister of State's Committee on Future World Organisation; papers relating to work at the British Library of Information, New York, 1941-1942; papers on the Dumbarton Oaks Discussions on the organisational structure and form of the United Nations, 1944, mainly comprising memoranda and printed material, with personal notes and official conference papers; papers on the United Nations Conference on International Organisation, San Francisco, 1945, including UK Delegation papers, records of meetings, and conference documents; background papers to the Preparatory Commission of the United Nations, 1945-1946, comprising conference documents and committee papers; papers on the United Nations General Assembly First Session and the League of Nations Final Assembly, 1946, including memoranda, minutes, committee papers and records of meetings; material concerning other committees and societies, 1946-1958, including UNESCO; lectures and speeches, [1906]-1960, mainly concerning nineteenth century history and European alliance; papers concerning published works, 1911-1962, including research material, manuscripts, typescripts, proofs and correspondence; newspaper cuttings relating to Webster's career and general political interest, 1909-1961; photographs, 1919-1961, including official pictures relating to Webster's work regarding the United Nations.

      Sans titre
      World Education Fellowship
      GB 0366 WEF · Collection · 1920-1980s

      Records of the World Education Fellowship's central administration, including officers' correspondence, constitutional papers, minutes and committee papers, 1929-1970s; files relating to individual regional sections, 1930s-1970s; records of international conferences, 1921-1972; files concerning special projects, 1942-1968 and relations with UNESCO, 1948-1973; audio-tapes, including conferences and personal reminiscences, 1959-1971; publications, pamphlets, and newsletters, including the journal The New Era.
      Records of the English New Education Fellowship, [1940s-1980s], including minutes, correspondence, administrative and subject files and publications.
      Minutes of the Home and School Council of Great Britain, 1929-1950s.

      Sans titre
      GB 0074 CLC/B/082 · Collection · 1911-1975

      Records of the Federation of Commonwealth Chambers of Commerce, which comprise annual reports, minutes and reports of conferences.

      Sans titre
      GB 0074 LMA/4475 · Collection · 1940-1999

      Organisational papers of the League of Jewish Women, including meeting minutes from various committees; reports; general administrative records; correspondence; papers relating to the organisation of various events and conferences; magazines and press cuttings; and films and photographs.

      PLEASE NOTE: to access this collection written permission is required from the depositors.

      Sans titre
      LMA/4288 · Collection · 1852-1998

      The collection consists of records relating to the Dietrich Bonhoeffer Church and other German Churches in London, 1852-1998: Saint Georg (Alie Street, London E1), Saint Paul (Goulston Street, London E1), Camberwell Church (Denmark Hill SE5), Saint Marien (Sandwich Street, WC1) and Brighton Church. The greater part of the collection originated from Pastor Dr Julius Rieger (reponsible for the parish 1945-1953) and Pastor Wallman who assisted Rieger from 1951. The records also include the archives of the Camberwell Church which closed in 1914.

      The collection includes papers relating to Church Constitution and meetings; Council correspondence; relations with the church in Germany; pastoral correspondence; Parish history and statistics; papers relating to staff including Pastors and Curates; registers of baptisms, confirmations, weddings and burials, 1876-1977; records of services held; hymn books, prayer books and sermons; records of different Church organisations and societies; newsletters; correspondence with German prisoners-of-war, correspondence regarding the organisation of aid for prisoners of war and prisoner of war camp newspapers and newsletters, Second World War; correspondence regarding the organisation of aid for refugees, Second World War; correspondence regarding aid for post-Second World War Germany; papers regarding the welfare of German immigrants in Great Britain; financial and legal papers relating to property; papers relating to Church buildings and Vicarage buildings.

      Papers relating to other German congregations including registers of baptisms, confirmations, marriages and deaths for the Camberwell Church, 1854-1914; administrative papers of the Camberwell Church; papers relating to other German churches both in London and Great Britain; papers relating to work with other Lutheran churches and the Union of Lutheran churches; reports, conference papers and correspondence from the German-speaking Evangelical Synod in Great Britain; correspondence and other papers from the Geistlicher Rat (Lutheran Council); papers regarding relations with other churches and copies of the Inter-congregational newsletter.

      Publications including pamphlets, newsletters, booklets and press cuttings; photographs of Pastors, church members and church buildings.

      Sans titre
      GB 0099 KCLMA MF 856-865 · 1914-1919, 1987

      Microfilmed copies of the manuscript diaries of FM Douglas Haig, 1st Earl Haig, 1914-1919, and letters to his wife Dorothy Vivian Haig, Aug 1914-Mar 1919. Included in the papers are passages relating to the formation and composition of the British Expeditionary Force (BEF), under the command of FM Sir John Denton Pinkstone French, July 1914; Haig's reaction, as General Officer Commanding 1 Army, British Expeditionary Forces in France and Flanders (BEF), to the British retreat following the First Battle of Ypres, Dec 1914; plans for the British offensive at Loos, Jul-Sep 1915; correspondence with FM Horatio Herbert Kitchener, 1st Earl Kitchener of Khartoum and Broome, relating to the French's command of the Artois-Loos Offensive, Sep 1915; correspondence with Gen Sir William (Robert) Robertson, Chief of General Staff, relating to the proposed increase of British fighting forces in France, Oct 1915; the dismissal of French and the succession of Haig as Commander-in-Chief, British Armies in France, Dec 1915; Haig's recommendations for Lt Gen Sir Henry Seymour Rawlinson as his successor as General Officer Commanding 1 Army, Dec 1915; correspondence with Rt Hon Richard Burdon Haldane, 1st Viscount Haldane of Cloan, relating to Haig's appointment to Commander-in-Chief, British Armies in France, Dec 1915; orders from Kitchener to Haig concerning proposed Allied offensives in France and liaison with French Gen Joseph Jacques Cesaire Joffre, Jan 1916; letter from Robertson, Chief of the Imperial General Staff, to Haig relating to possible British offensives in the Balkans, Iraq and Germany, Jan 1916; discussions with Gen Sir Herbert Charles Onslow Plumer, General Officer Commanding 2 Army, British Armies in France, relating to possible British offensives at Ypres, Jan 1916; the German offensive at Verdun and the resultant requests by the French General Staff for a British relief offensive from Ypres to Armentières, Feb 1916; alleged incompetence within 2 Canadian Div command, Apr 1916; discussions with Robertson, Maj Gen Sir Launcelot Edward Kiggell, Chief of General Staff to British Armies in France, and Brig Gen Richard Harte Keatinge Butler, Deputy Chief of General Staff to the British Armies in France, relating to the proposed offensive at the Somme (Jul-Nov 1916), May 1916; Haig's instructions to Rawlinson, General Officer Commanding 4 Army, British Armies in France, regarding the proposed limited infantry attack on the Somme, Jun 1916; Haig's reaction to British Cabinet criticism of British casualty figures during the Somme offensive, Jul 1916; analysis of German casualty figures during the Somme offensive, Nov 1916; Haig's reaction to replacement of Rt Hon Herbert Henry Asquith, Prime Minister of Great Britain and First Lord of the Treasury, with Rt Hon David Lloyd George, 1916; Haig's reaction to replacement of Joffre as Commander-in-Chief of the French Armies with French Gen Robert Georges Nivelle, 1916; Haig's promotion to FM, 1917; supplies and manpower required for proposed British and French combined Nivelle offensive, 1917; Haig's reaction to German withdrawal to defensive positions along the Hindenburg Line, 1917; Haig's reaction to Calais Conference proceedings, in which combined British and French command council is proposed, 1917; Haig and Robertson' s veto of Gen Sir Henry Hughes Wilson as proposed British Chief of Staff liaison to Nivelle's Headquarters; the re-organisation of the Allied command structure as a result of the Calais Agreement, 1917; the failed French offensive at Aisne, Apr 1917; plans for the Passchendaele Campaign (Jul-Nov 1917) and the choice of General Hubert (de la Poer) Gough's 5 Army as the main British assaulting force, 1917; Haig's fears of a French civil and military collapse, 1917; conference with Gen John Joseph Pershing, Commander-in-Chief American Expeditionary Forces in Europe, Jul 1917; severe criticism levelled at Haig concerning his command of the Passchendaele Campaign, Jul-Nov 1917; Haig's reaction to the establishment of the Inter-Allied War Supreme War Council at Versailles, France, and the posting of Wilson as its British representative, 1918; Robertson's replacement as Chief of the Imperial General Staff by Wilson, 1918; the shortage of British military reserves in France, 1918; the failure of the German 'spring offensives' at Arras, France, Lys, Belgium, and Aisne, France, Mar-May 1918; straining relations between Haig and FM Ferdinand Foch, Marshal of France and Generalissimo of the Allied Forces, France, 1918; the Battle of Amiens, Aug 1918; the terms of the armistice, Nov 1918; perceptions of the Paris Peace Conference and the resultant Treaty of Versailles, 1919.

      Sans titre
      GB 0099 KCLMA Morriss · Created 1940-[1955]

      Papers relating to his civil and military career, 1940-1949, dated 1940-[1955], notably including typescript text concerning his service with the Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Malaya, 1942, dated [1945-1955]; photographs of Morriss and other POWs, Java and Japan, [1942-1943]; notes relating to his life as a POW, [1942-1945]; newsletters of the Java Fellowship, an organisation for families of RAF personnel missing in Java, 1943-1946; issues of Far East, the official journal of the Far East Section of the Red Cross and St John War Organisation Prisoners of War Department, 1944-1945; 'Publicity in connection with escaped, liberated or repatriated Prisoners of War', restricted circulation circular from General HQ, US Army Forces, Pacific, 1945; 'Homeward bound', pamphlet giving information about the 5th Replacement Depot, a processing camp for liberated POWs near Manila, Philippine Islands, [1945].

      Sans titre
      COWAN, Brig Colin Hunter (b 1920)
      GB 0099 KCLMA Cowan · [1985]

      Brief account of the visit of AF Louis (Francis Albert Victor Nicholas) Mountbatten, 1st Earl Mountbatten of Burma, to the UN HQ, New York, 1965, written in [1985].

      Sans titre