Relaciones laborales

Área de elementos



Nota(s) sobre el alcance

  • Collective relations between employers and employees, between employers and trade unions, or between employers, unions and the government. Use "personnel management" for individual relations between employers and employees.
  • Relations collectives entre employeurs et employés, entre employeurs et syndicats, ou encore entre employeurs, syndicats et le gouvernement. Utiliser "gestion du personnel" pour signifier les relations individuelles entre employeurs.
  • Relaciones colectivas entre patronos y trabajadores, entre patronos y sindicatos, o entre patronos, sindicatos y el gobierno. Utilizar "gestión del personal" para referirse a las relaciones individuales entre patronos.

Nota(s) sobre el origen


Mostrar nota(s)

    Términos jerárquicos

    Relaciones laborales

    Términos equivalentes

    Relaciones laborales

    • Usado para Industrial relations
    • Usado para Labour-management relations
    • Usado para Relations employeurs-employés
    • Usado para Relations employeurs-travailleurs
    • Usado para Relations industrielles
    • Usado para Relations patronales-syndicales
    • Usado para Relations professionnelles
    • Usado para Relaciones de trabajo
    • Usado para Relaciones patronales
    • Usado para Relaciones patronos-sindicatos
    • Usado para Relaciones patronos-trabajadores
    • Usado para Relaciones profesionales
    • Usado para Relaciones sindicales

    Términos asociados

    Relaciones laborales

    222 Descripción archivística resultados para Relaciones laborales

    222 resultados directamente relacionados Excluir términos relacionados
    GB 0097 COLL MISC 0650 · Colección · 1898-1901

    Minute book of the Independent Labour Party Central Finsbury Branch, including membership list and rules, and minutes of the Management Committee.

    Sin título
    South Wales Miners Federation
    GB 0097 COLL MISC 0895 · 1913-1950

    Papers and pamphlets relating to the South Wales Miners' Federation, including: Correspondence regarding the settlement of individual wage disputes, 1913-1914 (four letters); Bethesda Support Fund for the 1895-1897 strike: yearly report; the South Wales Wages Agreement, 22 Apr 1910; the Lodges of the Anthracite district: Appeal for Financial Support from the Abercrave and International Workmen.

    Sin título
    International Marxist Group

    The papers of the International Marxist Group consist mainly of conference papers for the World Congress of the Fourth International, and discussion documents regarding industrial relations, Labour Government policy, and ways in which the group planned to further their aims within the class struggle. The collection also includes publications from various trade unions and the Trades Union Congress concerning unemployment, industrial relations, and legislation affecting unions; pamphlets and information sheets opposing the presence of the British in Northern Ireland including issues of An Phoblacht (Republican News); and issues of Red Camden (the newsletter of the movement known as the Vietnam Solidarity Campaign to 1970, and Camden Movement for Peoples Power thereafter), and pamphlets on abortion issues, women's right to work, Labour Party reform and the Iranian revolution.

    Sin título
    London Ambulance Service Strike
    GB 0097 LASS · Colección · 1987-1995

    Papers, correspondence, reports and official publications regarding the London Ambulance Service strike, disputes and select committees on the ambulance service, 1987-1995, collected by Nigel Spearing.

    Sin título
    Omnibus Strike 1937
    GB 0097 OMNIBUS STRIKE · 1926-1937

    Papers relating to the 1937 Central London Omnibus Strike, notably proceedings of the Court of Inquiry into the Central London Omnibus Dispute, 1937; documentary evidence submitted to the Court of Inquiry by the London Passenger Transport Board, 1926-1937, including details of rates of pay and conditions of service, correspondence of Ernest Bevin to Frank Pick and Theodore Thomas of the LPTB, statistics relating to driver illness, and details of London traffic and bus speed; left-wing material regarding the strike, 1936-1937, notably pamphlets issued by the London Busmen's Rank-and-File Movement, the Transport and General Workers' Union and the Communist Party of Great Britain, as well as copies of The Daily Worker; miscellaneous material, including a memorandum of agreement between the TGWU and the LPTB as to rates of pay and conditions of service for conductors and drivers.

    Sin título
    GB 0097 ORME · Colección · 1974-2004

    Political papers of Stanley Orme, 1974-2004, comprise papers relating to his work as a government minister in the Northern Ireland Office and subsequently the Department for Health and Social Security (1974-1979), Labour Party Opposition Spokesman on Trade and Industry (1979-1983), Energy (1983-1987), and Chairman of the Parliamentary Labour Party (1987-1992). Papers from Orme's period in the Northern Ireland Office are related mainly to his work on industrial democracy in Harland and Wolff shipyard, and also contains reports of visits to USA to meet politicians to discuss Northern Ireland politics. Section 2 contains many articles and speeches by Orme relating to health and social security. Section 3 consists mainly in correspondence, and includes discussions of industrial policy and unemployment. Orme's role as Opposition Spokesman on Energy has been divided into two sections. Section 4 covers the general policy area of energy, dealing with such issues as fuel poverty, nuclear power, and industrial relations in the energy sector, whilst Section 5 is devoted to the significant amount of material relating to the 1984-1985 miners' strike. Section 6 contains material from Orme's Chairmanship of the Parliamentary Labour Party, and Section 7 contains articles and speeches written throughout Orme's career.

    Sin título
    GB 0097 PASSFIELD · 1835-[1985]

    Papers of Beatrice and Sidney Webb, 1835-[1985], comprising the following: Diaries of Beatrice Webb, 1873-1943, including the original manuscript volumes and various typed transcripts, comprising a detailed account of her life and work, notably relating to the history of socialism in Great Britain. The volumes include entries concerning Charles Booth, the Fabian Society, the Labour Party, trade unionism, the suffrage movement, the LSE, local government, and communism, as well as descriptions of friends, colleagues and acquaintances. The diaries also include entries by Sidney Webb, mainly during their 'world tours' in 1898 and 1911 and a visit to the USSR in 1932. Correspondence, 1853-1947, including correspondence of the Potter family before Beatrice's marriage, 1862-1892, including letters of her parents, Richard and Lawrencina Potter, and her sisters, as well as correspondence between Beatrice and Herbert Spencer, Joseph Chamberlain, Charles and Mary Booth, Professor Alfred Marshall, and Auberon (Edward William Molyneux) Herbert; early correspondence of Sidney Webb, 1885-1892, notably with Graham Wallas and George Bernard Shaw; letters between Beatrice and Sidney Webb, 1890-1940, including material relating to their courtship, marriage, work and life together; general correspondence of the Webbs following their marriage, 1892-1947, with a wide range of correspondents including politicians, Fabians, historians, social scientists, and staff of the London School of Economics and Political Science; additional letters and photocopies of letters given to the Library after the deposit of the Passfield papers in 1949, 1888-1944, including correspondence with Edward Reynolds Pease, Charlotte Payne-Townshend (later Shaw), Professor William Alexander Robson, Mrs Lucia Turin, Herbert George Wells, Richard Burdon Haldane, Viscount Haldane, and Hubert Hall; later correspondence relating to the Webbs, [1970-1985], collated by Norman MacKenzie. Material concerning personal and private affairs, 1865-1948, including financial and legal papers of the Webbs and their families, 1873-1945, such as wills, probates, birth and marriage certificates and insurance policies; material relating to educational awards of Sidney and Beatrice, 1876-1945, as well as papers concerning his Barony; correspondence, legal and business papers concerning property, 1893-1948, including Passfield Corner; financial material, 1902-1947, notably banking correspondence and dividend vouchers; photographs, 1865-1947, mainly of the Potter family and Beatrice and Sidney Webb, and including several of George Bernard Shaw and his wife Charlotte. Material relating to political and public work, 1892-1948, including material relating to the London County Council, 1892-1907; papers concerning the Poor Law, 1909-1948, including the foundation of the National Committee for the Prevention of Destitution, and papers of the National Poor Law Reform Association; memoranda by Beatrice Webb on the administration of the Prince of Wales's Fund, 1914; documents from the International Socialist Congress of Vienna, 1914; material concerning Beatrice Webb's work on the Reconstruction Committee, 1917-1918, including letters from William Henry Beveridge, David Lloyd George and Christopher Addison, and committee papers; memoranda on war aims for the Inter-Allied Labour and Socialist Conference, 1918; political papers regarding Sidney Webb's candidature for the University of London in the general election of 1918, and his role as Labour MP for Seaham Harbour, 1920-1931; prospectus and notices of the Half-Circle Club, 1921; notes by Sidney Webb on the Labour Government of 1924; material concerning the living wage policy of the Independent Labour Party, 1926; political papers of Sidney Webb, 1929-1931, mainly concerning his role as Secretary of State for the Colonies in the Labour Government of 1929, and including a report on the legislative programme of the Parliamentary Labour Party, correspondence with Sir Edward William Macleay Grigg, Governor of Kenya, and notes on the political crises of 1931 and Webb's resignation; notes and drafts of an article by Beatrice Webb on the 1929 Labour Government, 1929-1931; memoranda by Beatrice Webb on Employment Insurance, 1931. Business papers concerning publications, 1890-1947, notably general correspondence between the Webbs and their actual and prospective publishers, 1890-1947; printed prospectuses, advertisements, book jackets, 1898-1941, for Industrial democracy, A constitution for the socialist commonwealth of Great Britain, The History of Trade Unionism, various volumes of English local government, The decay of capitalist civilisation, Methods of social study, and Soviet communism; manuscript notebooks, 1920-1947, mainly in Sidney Webb's hand, containing details of subscribers to English local government, and accounts connected with Webb publications. Printed, typescript and manuscript copies of lectures, interviews, speeches and talks by the Webbs, [1870]-1942, notably texts of lectures given by Sidney Webb at venues including the Working Men's College, the Argosy Society, the Sunday Lecture Society, the Fabian Society, the City of London College, and South Place Institute, 1883-1891, mainly relating to political economy and economic history; printed reports of interviews with Sidney and Beatrice Webb, and speeches and lectures by them, 1889-1942, on subjects including political economy, socialism, the London County Council, education, the USSR and trade unions; reprints and texts of lectures and talks by Beatrice Webb, 1906-1932, and Sidney Webb, 1900-1936, on the poor law, Herbert Spencer, social research, politics, and soviet communism; an album of press cuttings relating to Sidney Webb, 1887-1891. Articles, essays, published letters and reviews by the Webbs, 1877-1945, notably manuscript and typescript essays, 1877-1887, on marxism, economic theory, and social research; typescript copies of articles, 1912-1933, mainly relating to the Labour Party, politics and Soviet Russia; printed copies of articles by Beatrice and Sidney Webb, 1887-1942; published letters, 1897-1910, on trade unions, and destitution; notes and diary entries made by the Webbs during and after a visit to the Soviet Union, 1932; drafts and proofs of books by the Webbs, 1913-[1940]. Bibliographical material and research notes gathered by Beatrice and Sidney Webb during the production of some of their books, 1881-1948, including printed material, scrap books, biographical notes and index cards on subjects such as political economy, social conditions and local government in London, poor law, socialism, trade unionism, and the co-operative movement. Material relating to the Webbs' involvement with the Fabian Society, 1886-1947, including general material and lectures, 1888-1947; papers of the Fabian Research Department and the Labour Research Department, 1912-1929; papers of the New Fabian Research Bureau, 1936-1938; material regarding the Fabian Summer School, 1913-1926; papers concerning the Fabian Women's Group, 1914-1915; and material relating to the Fabian Colonial Bureau, 1946. Papers relating to the London School of Economics and Political Science, 1893-1924, comprising early material concerning the Hutchinson Bequest and Trust, 1893-1924, namely legal documents, correspondence and financial papers; correspondence, legal documents, accounts and maps regarding the foundation, early history and administration of LSE, 1895-1945, including letters from Sir William Henry Beveridge, Sir Alexander Carr-Saunders, William Albert Samuel Hewins and others; correspondence regarding library acquisitions, 1934-1935; material concerning LSE buildings, 1898-1903, including correspondence with architects and builders, accounts, maps and plans. Material concerning the New Statesman and the Statesman Publishing Company, 1912-1943, comprising papers relating to the foundation, financing and planned format of the journal, 1912-1913; correspondence with William Pember Reeves, Professor Charles Mostyn Lloyd, (Basil) Kingsley Martin, George Bernard Shaw, Edward Whitley and Ernest Darwin Simon, 1912-1943; financial material, 1913-1943, including banking correspondence, share statements, loan certificates, and circulation figures; material concerning the takeover of the Nation by the New Statesman, 1923; correspondence with Clifford Dyce Sharp relating to his resignation as Editor, 1924; transcripts of Beatrice Webb's diary relating to the journal, 1912-1928. Material published about Beatrice and Sidney Webb and the Potter family, 1869-1960, including press cuttings and short published reviews of published works by the Webbs, 1889-1960; photographs and notes relating to the Potter family, 1869-1947, including Richard Potter, Lady Kate Courtney, Sir Richard Durning Holt and Sir (Richard) Stafford Cripps. Papers of the Beatrice Webb relating to the government Reconstruction Committee, 1916-1918, mainly comprising memoranda, reports and letters concerning the work of the Machinery of Government Committee, with proposals concerning the reorganisation of the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries, the Board of Trade, the Department of Justice, the Board of Education, the Home Office and the civil service, as well as methods of controlling national expenditure; memoranda and reports of the Sub-Committee on Functions of Government Departments; and material created by the Control of Industry and Commerce Panel. Miscellaneous material, 1835-[1950], including items found loose in Beatrice Webb's diary, including the passport of Richard Potter, reports on trade unionism, conscientious objectors, wage regulation in World War One; a letter from Sir Oswald Ernald Mosely to Sidney Webb, enclosing a paper on unemployment and reconstruction, [1930]; cabinet papers on national expenditure and national insurance and pensions, [1930-1931]; material concerning agriculture in the Soviet Union; photographs, [1850]-1932, comprising a photograph album of Sidney Webb's parents, and pictures removed from Beatrice Webb's diary.

    Sin título
    Labour Representation League
    GB 0097 SR 0061 · 1873-1878

    Minute book of the Labour Representation League, 1873-1878, also containing press cuttings, circulars and correspondence.

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    Seventies (TV documentary programme)
    GB 0097 THE SEVENTIES · Colección · 1970-1988

    This collection contains betacam videotapes and transcripts of interviews with leading political figures and members of the public during the 1970s and broadcast as the documentary 'The Writing on the Wall'. The collection covers many areas of political and social history during the period, most notably trade unionism and industrial relations.

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    Webb: Trade Union papers
    GB 0097 WEBB TRADE UNION · [1814-1924]

    Materials on trade unionism collated by Sidney and Beatrice Webb, [1814-1924], mainly during research for The history of trade unionism, 1666-1920 (Longmans and Co, London, 1894), Industrial democracy (Longmans and Co, London, 1897) and other works, including manuscript notes relating to various trades, pamphlets and printed material concerning trade unions, trade union rule books, and printed reports and other periodical material.

    Sin título
    ACC/2295 · Colección · 1969-1988

    Papers of the Elizabeth Garrett Anderson Hospital Staff Action Committee, 1969-1988, including Committee minutes; general correspondence; proposals for the future of the Hospital; correspondence with peers and Members of Parliament; papers concerning dealings with health and local authorities; letters of support; papers regarding publicity; pamphlets and publications.

    Sin título
    GB 0074 CLC/L/FC · Colección · 1620-1895

    Records of the Association of Fellowship Porters. The records were compiled between 1620 and 1895. However they also include a copy of the ordinances of 1566, and copies of acts from 1619. No membership records are available before 1756. The collection also includes rules and regulations; Court minute books; quarterage books and financial accounts.

    IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING ACCESS: These records are stored at the Guildhall Library site rather than the LMA Clerkenwell site. Researchers wishing to access these records should do so at the Guildhall Library Rare Books table. The Library is open Monday to Saturday, 9:30 to 16:45. Researchers will need to have an Archives History Card or a Library Readers Card. An archivist will be available at Guildhall Library on Thursday mornings to answer any queries.

    Sin título
    GB 0074 CLC/013 · Colección · 1944-1987

    Records of the National Society of Operative Printers and Assistants Daily Mirror and Sunday Mirror day reel and machine staff chapel and federated house chapel. The records comprise minutes, attendance registers, members' subscription books, correspondence and related papers.

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    GB 0074 ACC/2305/02-4 · Colección · 1958-1971

    Staff records of Blue Nile Brewery Limited, including papers relating to appointments, trainees and head brewers; papers relating to salaries; papers relating to trade unions; and records relating to the Institute of Brewing.

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    GB 0074 ACC/3029 · Colección · 1967-1987

    Records of Alan Payling relating to the London Transport Workers Union. Papers in this collection cover three main areas of interest, Stamford Hill Bus Garage, TGWU Branch 1/312, Public Transport Workers Jobs Campaign (Leaside District) and trade union publications such as Busworker and Transport Worker. The main archival interest of the collection are the branch resolutions of Stamford Hill Bus Garage, TGWU Branch 1/312.

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    GB 0074 ACC/3289 · Colección · 1930-1980

    Minutes and papers of the London District Committee of the National Union of Vehicle Builders.

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    MCC/X/PJIC · Colección · 1920-1962

    Records of the Middlesex County Council Provincial Joint Industrial Council, 1920-1962, including correspondence; bank book; agendas, reports and minutes of the Executive Committee; constitution, functions and recommendations of the Industrial Council; schedule of wages and working conditions, and decisions of the Industrial Disputes Tribunal affecting Middlesex staff.

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    Union Branch papers and correspondence
    GB 0060 DF 5011 · 1851-1975

    Administrative papers of the two union branches that represented the scientific staff of the Museum from 1918 until they merged as the Museum branch of the Institute of Professional Civil Servants, later the Institute for Professional and Managerial Staff. Also included are some earlier papers relating to the grievances of the attendant class between 1854 and 1914, and some papers of the Departmental Whitley Council.

    Sin título
    GB 0074 LMA/4467 · Colección · 1830-2003

    Records of Crosse and Blackwell Limited, food manufacturers, 1830-2003. The records include business agreements; correspondence; published histories; financial records; papers relating to shareholders; papers relating to production including agreements, ledgers, notebooks, reports, and labels; price lists; papers relating to staff organisations and staff photographs; property records including inventories, leases and photographs; papers relating to advertising including newscuttings, publications, adverts, correspondence and photographs.

    Also papers of subsidiary companies including British Vinegars Ltd, Elizabeth Lazenby Ltd, James Kellier and Sons and Allards Wharf Ltd.

    Sin título
    GB 2856 (NEW)LT000496 · Serie · 1937-1948

    This series contains London Transport Passenger Board minutes, including details on special meeting notices, financial assistance and pensions, and memoranda concerning the Railway Benevolent Institution, London General Omnibus Company Employees' Friendly Society, London Transport (Railways) Clerical Staff Benefit Fund, London Transport (Country Buses) Employees' Friendly Society, Metropolitan Railway Provident Savings Bank, Pension Fund, Central Charities Fund, Railway Convalescent Homes and the Omnibus Railway Tramway and Equipment Companies' Staff Superannuation Fund.

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    Dominican Republic: Political Pamphlets
    GB 3032 ED 320 PAM · 1965-

    Pamphlets, poems, declarations, reports, manifestos and conference proceedings from 1965, issued by the Central General de Trabajadores (Dominican Republic), Centro de Estudios de la Educación (Dominican Republic), Centro de Investigación y Apoyo Cultural (Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic), Centro de Planificación y Acción Ecuménica (Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic), Grupo de Acción Crítica (Dominican Republic), Instituto de Comunicación y Educación (Dominican Republic), Instituto Dominicano de Investigaciones, International Student Conference, Núcleo Comunista de los Trabajadores (Dominican Republic), Partido Revolucionario Dominicano, Sociedad de Amistad con los Pueblos, and the Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo.

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    Venezuela: Political Pamphlets
    GB 3032 V 320 PAM · 1967-

    Pamphlets, histories, speeches, programs, obituaries, reports and conference reports, 1967 onwards, issued by Amnesty International, Bandera Roja, Comite Homenaje a Americo Silva, Confederación General de Trabajadores de Venezuela, COPEI, Curso-Seminario Latinamericano de Cooperativismo-Sindicalismo, Equipo de Formación, Frente de Liberación Nacional (FLN), Información y Publicaciones (Venezuela), Instituto de Asuntos Internacionales, Juventad del Movimiento al Socialismo, Juventud Venezolana, Ministro de Energía y Minas (Venezuela), Movimiento Obrero de Base (Venezuela), Partido Comunista de Venezuela, Seminario Internacional sobre la Historia del Movimiento Obrero Latinoamericano.

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    Federation of Women Civil Servants
    GB 106 6FCS · Fondo · 1915-1942

    The archive consists of minutes of the Executive Committee and Council of the Federation of Women Civil Servants (1915-1931) and of the subcommittee (1921-1929); Southborough Committee files (1919-1926); payments and receipt books (1929-1934); annual reports (1920-1931); correspondence and papers related to the Civil Service Alliance (1919-1920), the National Whitley Council (1917-1920), Joint Committee of the Organisation of the Civil Service (1920-1921) and on the Equal Pay Campaign (1910-1935); publications (1917-1919); minutes of the National Council for the Administrative and Legal Departments of the Civil Service (1919-1920); minutes and papers of the National Whitley Council (1919-1920).


    NWC National Whitley Council.

    FWCS Federation of Women Civil Servants.

    Sin título
    GB 106 6NCS · Fondo · 1931-1959

    The archive consists of minutes of the Executive Committee (1931-1959) including officers meetings (1938-1940, 1953-1959), subcommittees (1931-59), of the Finance Committee (1952-1959) with monthly financial statements (1938-1941, 1955-1959), subcommittees (1935-1936) and annual delegates conference (1932-42, 1948-59); papers of Whitley Councils (1952-1955) and arbitration awards (1925-1940); correspondence files (1932-1945); miscellaneous papers (1948-1959); pamphlets, publicity materials and publications (1914-1950s) including newsletters (1936 [incomplete], 1939-43, 1944-1952), monthly letters to branch secretaries (1933-40) and Opportunity (1935-40); papers of constituent bodies including Association of Post Office Women Clerks (1901-1932), the Association of Women Clerks and Secretaries (1919-1935); correspondence regarding typing grades (1914-1949), branches (1936-7, 1950-2), general secretary (1933-1935), organising secretary (1943-1944) and with other bodies (1938, 1945-50); membership records (1955-1958) and personal case files 1949-1958); papers related to equal pay campaigns (1918-1948) and the establishment of temporary staff (1919-50), evacuation (1940-1946) and reconstruction (1942-1946); papers related to the dissolution of the group (1958-1961).


    NAWCS National Association of Women Civil Servants.

    Sin título
    HEATHFIELD, Betty (1927-2006)
    GB 106 7BEH · Fondo · 1962-1986

    The archive consists of transcripts of interviews with members of the Women Against Pit Closures group collected by Betty Heathfield, relating to their involvement in the 1984-1985 miners' strike. It includes a draft of an unpublished book by Betty Heathfield about the strike entitled 'Women of the Coalfields' based on these oral history interviews. This portion of the collection is available in the form of transcripts that have been anonymised to protect the identity of the interviewees.

    The archive also consists of transcripts of oral history interviews, collected by Betty Heathfield, with older members of the Women's Co-operative Guild (WCG) and working papers and drafts on the history of the Guild; papers relating to the WCG and Age Exchange Theatre Company, 1983. This portion of the collection is uncatalogued and not yet available.

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    SHAW, Dr Patricia
    GB 106 7PTS · Fondo · 1876-1965

    The archive consists of subject / research files containing press cuttings, letters, extracts from books and reports and other manuscript material relating to the employment of shop workers and other occupations, and occupational health implications. The files were created in the course of Shaw's work for Boots Pure Drug Company, and date mainly from the 1940s-1950s, though some original reference material has earlier dates. Included is material relating to Margaret Bondfield, legislation, working conditions, health, economics and trade unions. Some of the material has a Nottingham focus (e.g. press cuttings) reflecting the position of the Boots Head Office.

    Sin título
    GB 106 7ROD · Fondo · 1970s-1980s

    The archive consists of correspondence, background biographical material relating to Margaret Bondfield, press cuttings and working papers of Ross Davies relating to the biography of Margaret Bondfield.

    Sin título
    GB 1556 WL 548 · Colección · 1936-1943

    Copies of original essays, memoranda and private papers, 1936-1943, covering such subjects as the Weimar Republic, the rise of National Socialism, German Communist and Socialist parties and trade unions, and the Jewish refugee problem. Also a fairly comprehensive collection of the 'Political Group Papers' (1941-1943) from the Royal Institute of International Affairs, Committee on Reconstruction.

    Sin título
    Aeronautical Engineers' Association
    GB 1924 AEA · 1943-1990

    Correspondence and papers of J H Stevenson relating to the Aeronautical Engineers' Association (AEA), 1943-1954, comprising:
    Photocopies of political correspondence, 1946-1958, correspondents include Brendan Bracken (1950), James Callaghan (1954), Ernest Marples (1952), Edward Heath (1952, 1958), H Montgomery Hyde (1951), Robert Carr (1950), Edward Grigg, Lord Altrincham (1958), Harold Macmillan, [later Earl of Stockton] (1950), Sir Gerald Nabarro (1950), Anthony Barber (1958), Sir Herbert Butcher, (1956), Lord Shawcross (1950), Fenner Brockway (1950), Viscount Hinchingbrooke (1958), and Enoch Powell (1953); copy of letter from Stevenson to The Times, on rear facing seats for aircraft passengers, 1990; group photographs of AEA annual conferences, 1946-1947; printed papers including Rule Books, 1943-1949, Wings: Official Organ of the Aeronautical Engineers' Association, 1943-1954 (incomplete series); pamphlets, 1944-1948; ephemera including Stevenson's membership cards, 1944-1963, and badges.

    Sin título
    BRAMLEY, Fred (1874-1925)
    GB 1924 Bramley · 1915, 1924-1925

    Papers and photographs of Fred Bramley, Secretary, Trades Union Congress (TUC), relating to trade unionism in the Soviet Union, 1915, 1924-1925, comprising:
    resolution of the National Amalgamated Furnishng Trades' Association, protesting against the alleged brutal treatment of trade unionists by the Russian Government, 1915; papers on visit of TUC delegation to the Soviet Union, Nov-Dec 1924 [Bramley was Secretary], including itinerary; diary notes on visits to Moscow Military Barracks and the principal prison in Moscow, the Leningrad Electricity Scheme, and the Palace of Labour, Lenningrad, note on the English Department of the Marx-Engels Instutute, Moscow; draft of official report; pamphlets, mainly in Russian, 1924-1925; ephemera including menus and railway tickets; papers on Anglo-Russian Trade Union Conference held at the TUC, Apr 1925

    Sin título
    DILKE, Emilia Frances (1840-1904)
    GB 1924 Dilke · 1891-1892

    Notebook of Emilia Frances, Lady Dilke, 1890-1891, containing notes on labour questions affecting women, used by Lady Dilke in speeches for the Women's Trade Union League; subjects include women in unskilled trades; labour in the great towns; notes for speech in Newcastle-unon-Tyne, 1891; shop assistants and notes for speech to Girls' Letter Guild, Birmingham, 1892.

    Sin título
    National Union of Domestic Workers
    GB 1924 Domestic Workers · 1938-1953

    Financial records of the National Union of Domestic Workers, 1938-1953, comprising: Ledger and cash books (including branch accounts), 1938-1953; St John's Wood Branch, London, account book, 1938-1941.

    Sin título
    National Federation of Women Workers
    GB 1924 HD 6079, HD 6135 · Fondo · 1907-1955

    Collection includes: The position of women after the war: report of the Standing Joint Committee, 1916; A comparison between the rates under certain trade boards for women, 1921; Women in the trade union movement, 1955; The Woman Worker - Journal 1907-1921; agenda of biennial conference; annual reports.

    Sin título
    NICHOLSON, Marjorie (1914-1997)
    GB 1924 Nicholson · 1934-1997

    Papers of Marjorie Nicholson, 1935-1997, mainly comprising research papers and cuttings collection documenting the work of the Trades Union Congress International Division, which she used for her books on TUC involvement overseas, including subject files on TUC organisation, 1916-1944; labour law, particularly the 1971 Industrial Relations Act ; the Co-Operative movement in the UK and the Commonwealth, 1952-1991; TUC International Committee minutes and papers, 1958-1970; the International Labour Office, 1919-1964; colonial welfare and development, 1929-1946; forced labour, 1953-1989; India, 1926-1973; Africa, particularly the Trade Union movement and Pan-Africanism, 1949-1984, and individual African countries, Ghana, Nigeria, Kenya, Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, South Africa, Rhodesia/Zimbabwe; the Caribbean, 1926-1978, particularly Jamaica, Barbados, Trinidad and Guyana; the United States, 1942-1971.

    Personal correspondence, papers, and photographs, 1934-1985, including drafts of two unpublished novels, journal and newspaper articles.

    Press cuttings, 1956-1991, subjects include trade unions, labour law, Russia and the Soviet Union and Africa.

    Sin título
    GB 1924 Plate Glass · 1893-1903

    Minute book of the National Society of Plate Glass Silverers, Siders, Cutters and Fitters, 1895-1903, particularly references to London, Belfast and Dublin branches [records for 1896-1897 are missing]. Volume also includes Rules of the Amalgamated Plate Glass Workers' Trade Union [c1893] and printed resolution of the Union, against hiring agreements.

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    Central Labour College Archives
    GB 1924 WEA Central Labour College · 1909-1918

    Archives of the Central Labour College comprising minute book, 1909-1918, and legal papers relating to a dispute between the warden and the Governors, 1918.

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    Staff and staff association papers
    GB 2107 Staff · 1895-1997

    Papers of City University and predecessors relating to staff and staff associations, including papers regarding appointment of Dr Robert Mullineux Walmsley, first Principal, 1895; papers regarding appointment of first Heads of Departments, late 19th century; biographical information regarding staff of the Northampton Institute, 1896-1897; register of full-time teachers, 1896-1926; staff handbooks, 1958, 1961; academic handbooks, 1990s; Guide to Organisation and Services: The Orange Book, 1991-1997; Personnel Dept publications, 1990s; internal telephone directories, 1970s; Conditions of Service papers, 1960s-1970s; papers relating to Sir James Tait (1912-1998), Vice-Chancellor: photocopies and memorial service; tape recordings of interviews with past members of staff by John Teague, 1977-1978, with transcripts; Academic Wives Association minutes and papers, 1967-1987; Senior Common Room minutes and papers, 1968-1979; ATTI (Association of Teachers in Technical Institutions) branch minutes and papers, 1951-1966; Staff Association reports and papers, correspondence, memos and minutes, 1950-1962; Academic Staff Association (ASA) minutes, handbooks, newsletters and papers, c1959-1974; ASA Journal 1-4, 1970-1971; Northampton College of Advanced Technology staff club minutes, accounts and papers, 1960s-1970s; Association of University Teachers (AUT) officers, 1970s-1990s; AUT branch minutes, 1964-1967; pay claim papers, 1984; Welfare Committee papers, 1970s; Safety Committee minutes and booklets, 1970s; Computer Advisory/User Committee papers, 1970s-80s.

    Sin título
    GB 0372 ASE · Fondo · 1853-1879

    Seventy-seven volumes of handwritten quarterly report forms from branches of the Amalgamated Society of Engineers, Machinists, Millwrights, Smiths and Pattern Makers all over the country, including notes and figures on income and expenditure, membership numbers, excluded members, quarterly admissions, superannuated members, members gone abroad and the death of members or the wives (1853-1879).

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    HOWELL, George (1833-1910)
    GB 0372 HOWELL · Fondo · 1839-1912

    Papers of politician and writer George Howell, 1839-1912, including correspondence to and from Howell regarding various topics, 1865-1909; diaries, engagement diaries and accounts kept by Howell, 1864-1907; drafts of autobiographical works by Howell, 1896-1899; articles, pamphlets and press cuttings of material written by or regarding Howell, 1869-1909; biographical material including press cuttings, certificates, obituaries and election ephemera for the 1885, 1886, 1892 and 1895 election campaigns conducted by Howell in Bethnal Green and for general meetings featuring him and others, 1868-1910; photographs of Howell, the Howell family and associates and friends, n.d; research material collected by Howell for his work on Ernest Jones, including press cuttings, Jones' diaries, other miscellaneous papers and the cuttings of the work's serialisation in the Weekly Chronicle, 1839-1898; papers regarding Howell's Testimonial Fund, 1897-1904; papers and correspondence regarding the Howell Library Fund, 1903-1906; letters from Thomas Cooper to Thomas Chambers, 1848-1883; correspondence and papers regarding the administration of the Dowding Estate in Sussex (of which Howell was a trustee), 1904-1910; minutes, resolutions, motions, circulars, handbills and election reports of the Reform League, 1866-1868; reports, accounts, resolutions, circulars, branch records and other papers relating to the Plimsoll and Seamen's Fund Committee, 1872-1892; minute book (with accompanying correspondence regarding deposit) cuttings and notes relating to the General Council of the International Working Men's Association, 1866-1869; minutes and receipts regarding the Robert Applegarth Testimonial, 1910-1912; minutes and accounts of the Reform Demonstration Committee, 1884; printed minutes of the General Council of the First International, 1864-1868; press cuttings, reports and handwritten notes regarding annual meetings of the Trades Union Congress and the Parliamentary Committee of the Trades Union Congress, 1872-1890; reports on proceedings of meetings of various trade unions, 1834-1896.

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    Howell Ephemera Collection
    GB 0372 HOWELL EPHEMERA · Fondo · 1835-1945

    Howell ephemera collection, 1835-1945, containing handbills, prospectuses, circulars, advertisements, texts of addresses, annual reports, printed letters, certificates, membership cards, leaflets and other ephemera collected by George Howell for his own research and to document the late Victorian period covering various topics and organisations, including: advertising; America; Associations (including the Decimal Association, Working Men's Club and Institute Union, National Sunday League and the Sunday Society); banks, insurance, housing (including Post Office Savings Banks, Housing Associations, Dwelling Committee, insurance companies, building societies and pensions); bills, acts (including temperance and licensing bills, the Mutiny Act, employer's liability, the Compensation for Injuries Bill, the Criminal Law Amendment Act, the Contagious Diseases Act, the Arbitration Act, 1872, and the Master and Servants Act, 1867); church, religion (including trade unions and the church, and St Mary, Newington); Chartism; community welfare (including children's welfare); education (including the National Industrial Education League, the London School Board Policy Defence Committee and the National Association for the Promotion of Technical Education); demonstrations (including the Great Reform Demonstration, 1884); elections; financial reform (including the Bimetallic League and bimetallism); international affairs (including the International Arbitration and Peace Society, the Eastern Question Association and the National Conference on the Eastern Question); the International Working Men's Association; Ireland; land, property (including the Land Tenure Reform Association); parliamentary reform (including the National Reform Association, the National Reform Union, the National Reform League, the National Democratic League, the Representative Reform Association, the Labour Representation Committee and the Labour Representation League); newspapers, journals; miscellaneous subjects (including the Channel Tunnel and railways); poems, songs; political parties (including Libreral clubs and associations); trade unions (including tailors, miners, agricultural labourers, book binders and vellum binders); trade councils; women (including women's suffrage, the Married Women's Property Act, marriage with a deceased wife's sister, the Marriage Law Amendment Bill and the Marriage Law Defence Union) (1835-1945).

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    Not (Yet) The Times
    GB 0372 LABOUR HISTORY MANUSCRIPTS/42 · Fondo · 1979

    Newspaper, Not (Yet) The Times, printed by Slough Newspaper Printers, during strike (16pp) (August 1979).

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    GB 0372 LABOUR HISTORY MANUSCRIPTS/8 · Fondo · 1925-1956

    Records of the King's Cross branch of the Associated Society of Locomotive Steam Enginemen and Firemen (ASLEF) (1925-1956), including:

    • Minute book (5 August 1948 - 16 February 1950)

    • Minute book (2 August 1951 - 6 November 1952)

    • Minute book (20 November 1952 - 30 December 1953)

    • Minute book (17 March 1955 - 6 September 1956)

    • Yearly balance sheet book (1925 - 1936).

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    MANYONDA, Kenneth Vundukayi (b.1934)
    GB 0101 ICS 108 · nd [c1975]

    Copy of autobiographical account by Kenneth Vundukayi Manyonda, of his trade union and political activities in Rhodesia between c1957-1970, particularly his association with United Textile Workers' Union of Rhodesia, the African Trades Union Congress, the Zimbabwe African Peoples Union (ZAPU) and the Zimbabwe African National Union (ZAPU).

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    CHIGWENDERE, Ignatius (b 1939)
    GB 0101 ICS 12 · 1974 (covers 1959-1966)

    Notes and transcript of [? Brian Willan's] interview of Ignatius Chigwendere, trade unionist and activist, dealing with Rhodesian trade union movement and nationalist politics (1959-1966); partucularly Chigwendere's work as National Organising Secretary for the Tailors and Garment Workers' Union, 1961 and as Disputes Secretary for the Southern Rhodesia Trades Union Congress, 1961-1963; also his involvement with the Zimbabwe African People's Union (ZAPU and the Zimbabwe African National Union (ZANU), 1962-1963, and his arrest and deportation from Rhodesia in 1963-1964.

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    GB 0101 ICS 40 · 1940-1965

    Papers of Cyril Lionel Robert (CLR) James on Caribbean politics, 1940-1965; comprising papers on West Indian Federation, 1958-1962; West Indian Federal Labour Party (WIFLP) correspondence, 1958-1961, including correspondence with Norman W Manley, on Federation, politics in Trinidad and Jamaica, illegal voting at Jamaican elections, and James's resignation as Secretary of WFILP; papers on the University of the West Indies, 1962-1963; papers on political parties and trade unions in Barbados, 1940-1964; papers on politics in British Guiana, 1958-1963; papers on politics in Grenada, 1957; papers on politics in Jamaica, 1952-1963; papers on the People's National Movement, Trinidad, 1957-1962, including correspondence on James's appearance before the Disciplinary Committee, 1961; papers on the West Indian Independence Party, Trinidad, 1955-1956; papers on Sugar workers in Trinidad, 1963-1964; papers on Oil workers in Trinidad, 1954-1960; papers on West Indian organisations in Britain, 1963 (Union of West Indian Students, West Indian Editorial Committee, West Indies Committee for National Sovereignty, West Indies Committee for Peace and Sovereignty); lectures and essays by various authors; papers on arts and literature in the West Indies, 1957-1963; personal correspondence, 1959-1960; copies of publications by James.

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    Canada: Pressure Groups Material
    GB 0101 PG.CN · 1968-

    Leaflets, letters, newsletters, journals, posters and pamphlets at federal and state level issued by the British Columbia Federation of Women, the Canada West Foundation, the Canadian Advisory Council on the Status of Women, the Canadian Alliance in Solidarity with the Native Peoples, the Canadian Association in Support of the Native Peoples, the Canadian Civil Liberties Association, the Canadian League of Rights, Canadian Research Institute for the Advancement of Women, the Committee of Anglophones for Sovereignty-Association, the Citizens for Foreign Aid Reform, the Comité pour le réveil indépendantiste, the Conseil du patronat du Québec, the Elector's Action Movement (Vancouver), the Fondation des Québécois pour le Oui, the Groupe socialiste des travailleurs du Québec, Human Action to Limit Taxes, In Struggle!, the Ligue des droits de l'homme, L'organisation des jeunes indépendantistes pour un Québec communautaire, the Mouvement etudiant pour le oui, the Mouvement québécois pour combattre le racisme, the National Council of Women of Canada, the National Women's Liberal Commission, the Progressive Youth Movement, the Public Service Alliance of Canada, the Vancouver Status of Women, the Workers' Defence Alliance.

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    GB 0101 PG.KE · 1952-1989

    Constitutions, membership lists, newsletters, pamphlets and posters, 1952-1989, issued by the Central Organization of Trade Unions (Kenya), the Committee for the Release of Political Prisoners in Kenya, the Institute for Education in Democracy (Kenya), the Kenya Citizens' Association, the Kenya Pressure Group, the Nairobi African Advisory Council and the Voice of Kenya.

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