
Zone des éléments



Note(s) sur la portée et contenu

  • Use for works concerning the science of law. For individual laws, use "legislation", "environmental legislation", etc.
  • S'emploie pour des ouvrages se rapportant à la science du droit. Pour ce qui concerne des lois spécifiques, utiliser "législation", "législation de l'environnement", etc.
  • Se emplea para las obras que se refieren a la ciencia del derecho. Para las leyes específicas utilizar "legislación", "legislación medioambiental", etc.

Note(s) sur la source

  • http://vocabularies.unesco.org/thesaurus/concept546

Note(s) d'affichage

    Termes hiérarchiques


    Termes équivalents


    • Employé pour Legal sciences
    • Employé pour Science juridique
    • Employé pour Ciencia jurídica

    Termes associés


    1218 Description archivistique résultats pour Droit

    1218 résultats directement liés Exclure les termes spécifiques
    Civil Partnership Collection
    GB 106 8CPC · Fonds · 2003-2008

    This collection consists of items relating to Civil Partnership ceremonies in 2006: photographs, invitations, audio-visual recordings, celebration menus, registration forms, council registrar booklets. It also includes the participants' answers to a questionnaire about their civil partnership. The documented ceremonies and celebrations include those held in Kent (on International Women's Day, 2006); at Bromley Town Hall in Bow; in Hertfordshire and at the Liberal Jewish Synagogue, London. It also includes one folder of Civil Partnership ephemera.

    As at 2008 the collection contains records donated by:

    • Sarah Ingle and Carol Goulden

    • Jan Pimblett and Meg Davis

    • Bridget Leach and Susan Flanagan

    • Susan Crane and Karen Newman.

    Sans titre
    GB 106 8NLS · Fonds · 1990-1992

    The archive consists of reading copies of tapes, summaries and transcriptions of fourteen individual interviews. The National Life Stories (formerly National Life Story Collection (NLSC)) was established at the British Library in 1987 to 'record first-hand experiences of as wide a cross-section of present-day society as possible'. This small collection focuses on the lives of pioneering career women, each of whom made their mark in traditionally male-dominated areas such as politics, the law and medicine. The project was supported by the Women's Library and the Friends of The Women's Library (formerly known as the Fawcett Society Library).

    Sans titre
    GB 106 PC/05 · 1745-[2008]

    Over 3,000 periodical titles are held dating from 1745, some in single issues, but many in complete or representative runs. The Periodicals Collection brings together academic, popular and campaigning women's journals in one location and gives a unique insight into periodicals published about, for and by women. Titles range from commercially-produced popular magazines (Vogue, Harper's Bazaar, Cosmopolitan), to academic quarterlies (Gender and History, Feminist Review), organisational journals (One Parent Families, National Association of Women Pharmacists), special interest publications (Executive Black Woman), and older titles such as the English Woman's Journal. Many of these titles are not held in other research collections. The non-commercial nature of many of these periodicals with limited self-published print runs, resulted in periodicals that were issued irregularly, on poor quality paper and often only selectively deposited with the main copyright libraries.


    The Library's collection of commercially published magazines, a key resource for research into social history and popular culture, begins with the Ladies' Almanack of the 1740s and documents women's fashion and domestic concerns from runs of the Englishwoman's Domestic Magazine, The Queen, Ladies' Magazine, Ladies Monthly Magazine and Lady, Gentlewoman, in the 19th century; Home Chat, Woman's Weekly, Woman, Woman's Own, Honey,, Cosmopolitan and Marie Claire in the 20th century; Grazia, Glamour and Easy Living of more recent years. Also included are some magazines aimed at girls and young women such as The Girls' Own Paper, Petticoat, Just 17 and Jackie.


    At the heart of the Periodical Collection are the women's campaigning journals and feminist periodicals. The collection of feminist periodicals at The Women's Library is unrivalled in its extent and breadth. It begins with the English Woman's Journal of the mid-19th century, and continues with titles such as The Young Women and includes complete runs of titles such as The Women's Penny Paper, the Woman's Herald, Victoria Magazine, the Woman's Signal, the Woman's Leader, Englishwoman's Review, Englishwoman, Freewoman, Time and Tide, Woman's Gazette, and Shafts all of which were key to the development of feminist theory and progressive ideas.


    The Library's extensive collection of suffrage periodicals is central to the study of women's rights in the 20th century, titles including Votes for Women, Common Cause, Woman's Dreadnought, The Vote, the Women's Suffrage Journal, Women's Franchise, the Suffragette Newssheet, the Independent Suffragette, Britannia, and the Suffragette as well as titles such as the Anti-Suffrage Review.


    The collection of journals documenting 'second-wave' feminism in the UK includes complete runs of titles such as Spare Rib and Trouble and Strife and near complete runs of other liberation titles such as Red Rag, Shrew, WIRES, Outwrite and the London Women's Liberation Newsletter. Regional involvement was an integral part of the movement and this is charted through a number of regional titles including Brighton and Hove Women's Liberation Group, Edinburgh Women's Liberation newsletter, Leeds Women's Liberation newsletter, Leicester Women's Liberation newsletter, Manchester Women's Liberation newsletter and Norwich Women's Centre newsletter.


    The periodical holdings continue to document the development of contemporary feminism, sometimes referred to as 'third wave', with titles including Verve and Subtext. Additional contemporary feminist publications can be found within our 'zine' collection (dating from 2002).


    Periodicals created by women's organisations, networks and campaigns. These can include weekly or monthly newsletters and magazines aimed at members, quarterly and annual journals aimed at members and a wider academic audience, and annual reports aimed at a wider audience. Given the short life of many campaigning organisations, their newsletters and bulletins often provide the main record of their activities. Few of these publications are held elsewhere, and they are only selectively deposited with national collections, organisations include: the Fawcett Society, National Council of Women, The National Federation of Women's Institutes (Home and Country), Townswomen's Guilds (The Townswoman), UK Federation of Business and Professional Women, Girls' Friendly Society, Executive Black Woman, Catholic Citizen and National Association of Women Pharmacists document women's efforts to come together to improve the quality of their lives.


    Whilst retaining the collecting focus of women's lives in the UK, there are a number of subject specialist interest areas including:

    • The Arts - titles such as Feminist Arts News, Heresies: a feminist publication on art and politics, n.paradoxa: international feminist art journal, Vogue and Women's Art Magazine.

    • Domestic Violence - titles such as Rights of Women Bulletin, Violence Against Women: an international interdisciplinary journal and Women at War: preventing gun violence, WAVAV - Women Against Violence Against Women.

    • Education - titles such as Gender and Education, The Woman Teacher, Gen: an anti-Sexist Education Journal, British Federation of University Women, and The Parents' Review.

    • Employment - titles such as Work and Leisure, Women's Union Journal, Labour Woman, Women's Trade Union Review, Equality Now: magazine of the Equal Opportunities Commission, Executive Woman, the Woman Worker, The Woman Engineer: journal of the Woman's Engineering Society and Double shift: working women's newsletter.

    • Family and the home - titles such as Women's Weekly, Woman's Own, Family Planning Today and New Home economics.

    • Feminist Theory - titles such as Feminist Studies, Feminist Economics, Feminist Theory, and the International Journal of Feminist Studies.

    • Health - titles such as Women and Health, Top Sante, London Black Women's Health Action project newsletter and Mental Health.

    • Law - titles such as ALRA newsletter: Campaigning for a Woman's Right to Choose on Abortion, Family Law, Individualist: monthly journal of personal rights, Lesbian Employment Rights, and Rights of Women Bulletin, National Abortion Campaign.

    • Literature - titles such as Mslexia, Silver Moon Quarterly and Writing Women.

    • Media - titles such as Feminist Media Studies, The Woman Journalist and Women's Media Action Bulletin.

    • Medicine - titles such as Women in Medicine: newsletter of the Medical Women's Federation and National Association of Women Pharmacists newsletter.

    • Motherhood - titles such as Home and Family: journal of the Mother's Union, Journal of Marriage and Family, Maternity Alliance, Gingerbread, One Parent Families, World Congress of Mothers News and Information.

    • Sexuality - titles such as Sappho, Sex Roles: a journal of research, Journal of the history of sexuality, Chroma, Diva, Arena Three and Dykelife.

    • Women and peace - titles such as Woman today, Greenham Newsletter, Peace and Freedom News: journal of the British Section of Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, Sellafield Women's Peace Camp Newsletter, Women for a Nuclear Free and Independent Pacific Newsletter and WoMenwith Hill: Women's Peace Camp Newsletter.

    • Politics - titles such as Equal Opportunities International, Gender and Society and the NAWO e-bulletin (National Alliance of Women's Organisations).

    • Prostitution - titles such as The Shield: to promote the repeal of Contagious Diseases Act, Network: news from the English Collective of Prostitutes and WHISPER: Women hurt in systems of prostitution engaged in revolt.

    • Ethnicity - titles such as Pride, Race Today and Manushi.

    • Religion - titles such as Church Militant, Jewish Women's Review, Catholic Citizen, Newsheet/Women Living Under Muslim Laws International Solidarity Network, and Movement for the Ordination of Women.

    • Science and Technology are The Woman Engineer, Science for People, Women Chemists Newsletter and Forum: Journal of the Association for Women in Science and Engineering.

    • Sport - titles such as Poise: the Health and beauty magazine, Ladies' Alpine Club, The Dyke: Lesbian Walkers' Magazine, Women in Sport: the Voice of Women's Sport and Outdoor Women.

    Sans titre
    RATTRAY, Robert Sutherland (1881-1938)
    GB 1446 MS 101-109 and 445 · [1919-1930]

    Papers of Robert Sutherland Rattray, [1919-1930] including:

    MS 101 and 102

    19 anthropological papers by various authors, [1919-25].

    MS 103

    Manuscript transliteration of Hausa laws [from Arabic to Hausa] in a number of hands; with an introduction and preface by Rattray.

    MS 104

    Three notebooks containing manuscript notes on Nankani customs, [1928-1929].

    MS 105

    Six notebooks containing notes on language, grammar and vocabulary of a number of languages including Mole and Isal, 1928-1929.

    MS 106

    25 note-blocks containing notes on subjects including genealogy; prohibited marriages; Ashanti weights; Abrammuo; Kobina Winak, Headman; Baya ceremony; drum talking cylinders; weaving Ntama-nweno; Obonus ceremony at Tekimas; Nsa, cloth use at funerals; Ashanti law, constitution, history and folklore; Maine's Ancient Law; enstoolment; training of a priest; Adamfo in Kuman and the history and constitution of Kwawu.

    MS 107

    Notebooks containing field notes and genealogies on Ashanti law and constitution, 1925.

    MS 108

    Note blocks containing field notes, 1927, on subjects including Kwawu; Nkyinnyewa or Nkwawie and genealogy notes of Osai Bonsu mamid.

    MS 109

    Note blocks containing field notes, 1928-1930, on subjects including: vocabularies of a number of African languages; Nankani customs and folk tales; the Dagaba classification-system; Isala modern constitution claims; Isala and Dagaba tribes; kobi classification system, inheritance and clans; Kusassi custom; Mamprum constitution; Dagomba constitution and history of Gwalo.

    MS 445

    Photographs and illustrations taken in Ashanti and the Northern Territories, Ghana, with letters and record books.

    Sans titre
    Neumann, Karl (1895-1971): Family papers
    GB 1556 WL 1303 · 1909-1971

    Papers of the Neumann family, 1909-1971, including personal papers of Karl Neumann comprising school certificates, marriage certificate, job references and family correspondence and the personal papers of Irma Neumann (née Traub) including birth certificates and school certificates.

    Sans titre
    BROOKE, Eileen Minnie (-1989)
    GB 0370 EB · c1880-1977

    Photographs and related memorabilia, including signed photographs and cards, of attendees at various international conferences largely concerning mental health issues, in Geneva, Washington and Brazil, between c1960 and 1977. Includes photographs of a symposium of the Brazilian Association of Psychiatry and the World Psychiatric Association in 1973. Also includes a photograph of family group (possibly featuring Eileen Brooke's mother), c1880. Brooke publications regarding mental health information systems 1961-1980, report of a meeting regarding suicide as a mental health issue, Dec 1978. Brooke publications c1959-1976, World Health Organisation reports of studies 1969-1975, Curriculum vitae Eileen Brooke. Various articles and reports used for research and evaluation into cost benefit of drugs, mental health rehabilitation programmes and systems c1966-1970s.

    Sans titre
    Clapham Common Boundaries Dispute
    GB 0347 D73 · Collection · 1824-1859

    The collection consists of letters and papers relating to the boundaries dispute between the parishes of Battersea and Clapham, 1824-1859, numbered 1-32; also 5 items relating to Penge.

    Sans titre
    Amos Lecture Notes
    GB 0103 MS ADD 90 · 1828-1831

    Notes for lectures on English law at University College London.

    Sans titre
    James, Robert Rutson (1881-1959)
    GB 0114 MS0042 · 1933-1945

    Papers of Robert Rutson James, 1933-1945, comprising transcripts of sources relating to 17th and 18th century surgeons: transcripts of the Admiralty Surgeon's Passing Certificates, 1933-1934; transcripts of the Barber Surgeon's Apprentice Books, 1936; transcripts of the Freemen of the Barber Surgeon's Company, c 1936; transcripts of the Warden's Great Account Book, c 1930s; transcripts of the Lambeth Archbishop's Licences, 1937; transcripts of Fleet Prison Marriage Registers, 1930s-1940s; transcripts of Medical Wills, 1933; transcripts of the List of Marriage Licences from the Harleian Society, including some medical wills, 1933-1945; and transcripts of the St George's Hospital Pupil Register, c 1930.

    Sans titre
    COLEMAN, Millicent Lucy (1910-1990)
    GB 0100 KCLCA K/PP88 · 1842-1989

    The papers of Kathleen and Millicent Coleman comprise three classes of material: the private papers of the sisters and the Coleman family, 1842-1957; records relating to the National Children's Home, 1935-1981; and the Pestalozzi Village Trust, 1948-1989. Personal papers include a diary and pharmacopoeias, correspondence, examination certificates, photographs and printed books, 1842-1957, notably including a detailed manuscript medical diary describing life on board ship and a medical practice in Africa, 1842-1844, probably compiled by John Albert Sidney Coleman, grandfather of Kathleen and Millicent Coleman; pharmacopoeias containing remedies and prescriptions, with printed pharmacopoeias, compiled by Mark Coleman and others, reflecting the transition of the Coleman family business from patent remedies to modern pharmacy, 1851-1894; correspondence with Kathleen and Millicent Coleman, mainly descriptions of daily life in the National Children's Home and describing psychological testing of the children, 1927-1948; family correspondence and legal documents including letting agreements and deeds of partnership, the will of Mathew Coleman, the sisters' great uncle, and relating to their father and his career, letters containing family news and gossip, 1845-1928; examination certificates and prize lists relating to the education of Kathleen and Millicent Coleman, 1922-1933; photographs of the Coleman family during the 1890s, during World War One and of Kathleen and Millicent Coleman on holiday, [1928], of Lady Eleanor Holles School, 1921-1933, group photographs of students and staff in King's College London Department of History, 1929-1955, photographs of various National Children's Home establishments, 1934-1957; a small collection of printed books concerned with the history, customs and government of London and the Home Counties, [1945-1985] (Boxes 70-74, now on open access in the Archive reading room).

    The records of the National Children's Home, 1935-1981, notably comprising Vocational Guidance Record Sheets, consisting of files on individual children that included intelligence test results, memory tests and individual comments, arranged in alphabetical order, 1938-1964 (Boxes 1-23); test results and evaluations of named children for tests organised by the National Institute of Industrial Psychology including the Porteus Maze Test and scoring sheets, 1957-1960 (Boxes 24-28); psychological evaluations of children at different branches of the children's home, notably in Cardiff, Harpenden, Nottingham and Glasgow, including individual test results and assessments with broad statistics and educational recommendations by visitors, 1942-1963 (Boxes 29-40); pupil record cards containing biographical information, aptitude tests and psychological test results for children at various homes, [1948-1960] (Boxes 41-42); material relating to the Brentwood College of Education including a working party on syllabuses, staff lists, the relationship with the University of London Institute of Education, manuscript notes and some psychological test results of children engaged in the so-called Gifted Child Study, 1971-1974 (Boxes 43-44); material relating to vocational aptitude and the placement of older children in trades and professions such as the armed forces and Civil Service, notably including psychologists' reports, 1935-1965 (Boxes 45-56); questionnaires of 18 year-old former residents conducted in 1954-1956 (Box 57); material relating to European refugees resident in the NCH including named children and correspondence with the Central Committee for Refugees, 1942-1949 (Boxes 58-59); general correspondence with Millicent Coleman relating to local authorities, staff and the emigration of children to Australia, 1951-1962; manuscript visitation report book assessing particular homes, 1946-1949; report on the incidence of enuresis (incontinence) in homes, 1946-1950; publicity material mainly created at the time of the centenary and on other children's charities, 1951-1981; careers and apprenticeship literature, 1938-1954; photographs and negatives of students and buildings, 1938-1939 (Boxes 60-62); psychological testing materials including test cards displaying words and pictures, [1958] (Boxes 63-69).

    The records of the Pestalozzi Village Trust, 1948-1989, comprise typescript notes compiled by Millicent Coleman, who served on its governing Council. These consist mainly of Council minutes and supporting material, 1948-1989; Committee minutes including Finance and Management Committees, 1953-1985; Annual Reports and Accounts, 1961-1974; policy reports on the development and strategic direction of the Village, 1959-1973; correspondence with Millicent Coleman regarding Trust business and liaison with the National Children's Home, 1953-1985.

    Sans titre
    GB 0101 ICS 82 · 1982-1983

    Papers relating to the University of Cape Town's opposition to the South African Universities Amendment Bill, under which univerisities were to be prohibited from admitting black students beyond a quota to be stipulated annually by the Government, 1982-1983.

    Sans titre
    Eighteenth Century Deeds
    GB 0103 MS ADD 186 · 1708-1783

    Collection containing documents concerning John Lee Warner and His Majesty's Band of Gentlemen Pensioners, 1764-1783; documents concerning Alexander Emerton and his invention 'artificial stone', 1737-c1781; various legal documents, 1708-1757; and miscellaneous undated documents.

    Sans titre
    Wilkinson (John) Lecture Notes
    GB 0103 MS ADD 210 · Created 1758

    Notes from a course of lectures in law, given in Oxford by Sir William Blackstone.

    Sans titre
    GB 0096 AL132 · Fonds · 1892

    Letter from Richard Doddridge Blackmore to B C Pugh, Esq, 11 Jan 1892. 'I cannot pretend to say what will be the effect of the new Copyright Act and I have thought very little about it'. Autograph with signature.

    Sans titre
    Cobden, Richard: letter, 9 Apr [1844]
    GB 0096 AL34 · Fonds · 9 Apr [1844]

    Letter from Richard Cobden to R C Chawner, Esq of Wall, near Lichfield, [Staffordshire], 9 Apr [1844]. Asking him to give a 'free trade address from the boards of Covent Garden.'

    Autograph, with signature. With the original envelope, bearing the seal of the National Anti-Corn Law League.

    Sans titre
    Seaman, P K: letter
    GB 0096 AL354 · Fonds · 1851

    Letter from P K Seaman of HMS Wolverine, docked at St Helena, to his father, 1 Jun 1851. '... I have already told you that we have caught 3 slavers ...'.

    Autograph, with signature. 4 sketches of vessels captured by the Wolverine are pasted to the second leaf of the letter.

    Sans titre
    Manning, William: letters (1800-1801)
    GB 0096 AL388 · Fonds · 1800-1801

    (1) Letter from William Manning of 14 New Street, Spring Gardens, [Westminster] to Thomas Tyrell, Esq, 29 Nov 1800. Concerning proposals for the regulation of a new coal market. Asking whether Tyrell sees any difficulty in it being managed by the Lord Mayor of London and whether the Corporation interferes with any market in the City. The building in Mark Lane is open to all on market days, but the Coal Exchange is open to subscribers only; the first buyers do not exceed about one hundred.

    (2) Letter from William Manning of Totteridge, Hertfordshire to Thomas Tyrell, Esq, 4 Apr 1801. Discussing the fees to be incurred in passing the Coal Bill through the two Houses of Parliament [ordered Mar 1801; order for second reading discharged 12 May 1801], and the means of paying them. Asks Tyrell to show the letter to Mr Stracey, 19 Fludyer Street, and to confer with him about it.

    Both letters are autograph, with signatures, and headed 'private'.

    Sans titre
    Martin, Mordaunt: letter (1801)
    GB 0096 AL389 · Fonds · 1801

    Letter from Mordaunt Martin of 'Burnham' to Dr [John Coakley] Lettsom, Sambrook House, London, 8 Mar 1801. Stating that he has despatched to Lettsom a parcel of mangelwurzel seeds. Explaining that he was prevented from answering Lettsom's letter of 3 Jan by an attack of gallstones, since relieved by pills of soap and rhubarb. Discussing the 'Brown Bread Act' [probably 41 Geo.3.c.16] to which, he says, Lettsom was in some degree accessory; quoting Lettsom and Horne Tooke on the Act; Martin prefers brown bread for his breakfast, using his own wheat 'sifted in the coarsest hair sieve', but deprecates the 'indiscriminate use of it'. Attacking at length the Potato Premium Bill, which had just been rejected, according to 'the paper of this night'; claiming that such a bill would force by premiums an unnatural produce on land which the occupiers could use for more profitable crops. Adding that his and Lettsom's 'hearts will beat in unison' on reading pages 109-110 of the 2nd edition of [Robert] Fellowes's Christian Philosophy [1799].

    Autograph, with signature.

    Sans titre
    Blain, Henry: letter
    GB 0096 AL445 · Fonds · [1842]

    Letter from Henry Blain to Joseph T Pooley of 5 Church Court, [c1842]. Discussing the corn laws (with reference to Blain's pamphlet on the subject) and proposed duties [taxes]. Autograph, with signature ('H.B.'). Dated 'Sunday night'.

    Sans titre
    GB 0096 AL460 · Fonds · 1843

    Letter from Richard Griffiths Welford of 6 Chancery Lane, [London] to [William Pleydell-Bouverie,] Earl of Radnor, 20 Mar 1843. Explaining that he has 'ventured to direct' his publisher to forward a copy of his 'tract upon the agricultural view of the corn law question' to Lord Radnor; giving his reasons for doing so.

    Autograph, with signature.

    Sans titre
    Harrison, George Leib: letter (1881)
    GB 0096 AL516 · Fonds · 1881

    Letter from George Leib Harrison of Claridges Hotel, London to Bonamy Price, 15 Aug 1881. Concerning a report on the effects of the Education Act of 1870 and its amendments, and 'Industrial education'.

    Sans titre
    Joplin, Thomas: letter, 14 Feb 1844
    GB 0096 AL68 · Fonds · 1844

    Letter from Thomas Joplin of Gravesend, [Kent] to Sir Edward Knatchbull, Baronet and MP, 14 Feb 1844. 'It is these distresses that give life and power to the Anti-Corn Law League, although the Corn Laws have nothing to do with them.

    Autograph, with signature.

    Sans titre
    GB 0096 MS 64 · [1635]-1728

    Manuscript volume containing an historical treatise on the office of Admiral and the jurisdiction of the Admiralty entitled 'Mare Clausam', [1700], and an abridgement in English of fifteen chapters of Mare Clausam (1635) by John Selden, [1635]; details of proceedings of the Court of King's Bench in the case of William Shaw versus Catherine Weigh, 1728; a transcript of the judgements of Sir George Treby, Chief Justice of Common Pleas, and Sir John Holt, Chief Justice of the King's Bench, in the case of Joseph Hardy (the 'Bankers Case'), 1696.

    Sans titre
    GB 0096 MS 669 · 1679

    Tripartite indenture made 13 June 1679 between Thomas Jameson, vicar of the parish church of St John, Hackney, the Wardens and Commonalty of the Goldsmiths' Company of London, and Josiah Williams, blacksmith, and Josiah Ebrell, merchant, churchwardens of the said parish, whereby Jameson entrusted the Company and the churchwardens with £100, the interest of which at 5% was to finance two annual sermons (on Good Friday and Ascension Thursday) to be delivered in St John's by its vicar, and alms for the poor.

    Sans titre
    Treatise on canon law (fragment)
    GB 0096 MS 683 · 14th century

    One folio of a Latin treatise on canon law, containing part of sections headed 'De prebendis et dignitatibus' and 'De monachis'. The form is that of a 'Summa Summarum' with reference to the gloss rather than to substantive law, and with discussion of the views of particular glossators and doctores. Marginal subject headings and running titles have been added by the scribe responsible for the text. The manuscript was probably written in Italy during the 14th century.
    The fragment was formerly used as fly-leaves in a binding of a printed edition of the statutes of 1589, Anno XXXI Reginae Elizabethae, At a session of Parliament holden...the fourth day of Februarie...untill...the XXIX of March...were enacted as followeth (London, 1589).

    Sans titre
    Legal opinions of Sir Edward Northey
    GB 0096 MS 73 · 1701-1704

    Manuscript volume, 1701-1704, containing the legal opinions of Sir Edward Northey, Attorney General, on cases submitted by the Treasury Board between 2 Oct 1701 and 29 Sep 1704 on matters including Customs and Excise, maritime law including the Navigation Act, prizes taken by Her Majesty's ships of war, the colonies, the Post Office, and the armed forces.

    Sans titre
    Wills (Kent, miscellaneous)
    GB 0096 MS 773 · 1615-1777

    Four wills, details as follows:

    1. Probate copy of the will of William Batte of Shoreham, Kent, making 'my loving master John Baker' the overseer of his will, 27 Dec [1615]. Lacking letters of probate and seal.
    2. Probate copy of the will of Joseph Wright of Maidstone, Kent, 'practitioner of physick', 12 May 1701. Lacking letters of probate and seal.
    3. Copy of the will of John Streatfield of Maidstone, Kent, 12 Apr 1766, with a note of probate on 4 Nov 1768, 'Extracted from the registry of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury. The will mentions bequests to the Charity School of Maidstone and monies to be distributed to the poor of the parished of Maidstone, Hever, Mayfield (Sussex), Tonbridge and Penshurst.
    4. Copy of the will dated 11 Oct 1777, with a codicil of 28 Mar 1781, of Robert Streatfield of Burwack [Burwash], Sussex, with a note of probate on 19 Mar 1782. The will was extracted from the registry of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury.
    Sans titre
    Papal letters
    GB 0096 MS 854 · 1562

    Letters of Pope Pius IV, dated 9 Jul 1562, to the Archbishop of Florence, or his vicar the Archdeacon of Florence, concerning the rights of Peter Tuccio, priest, Frederick and Francis 'de Tucciis' in property owned by the Church of St Verdian 'in castro Florentini' (possibly Castelfiorentino?).

    Sans titre
    Law Compendium
    GB 0096 MS 28 · [1619-1628]

    Manuscript volume containing a law compendium, [1619-1628], compiled for the use of a Justice of the Peace, with notes under headings arranged alphabetically, giving references to Elizabethan and Jacobean statutes. It contains references to alehouses, archery, armour, artificers, assault, sadlers, drovers, bastardy, brewer, burglary, butchers, captains, soldiers, churchwardens, clergy, clerks of the market, cloth and dyers, witchcraft, constables, correction houses, coopers, coroners, counterfeiting, extortion, fairs and markets, forcible entry, forgery, goldsmiths, guns and crossbows, hawking, highways, bridges, horses, the hue and cry, hunting, husbandry, indictments and presentments, informants, enrolements, jurors, juries and inquests, labourers, servants and apprentices, larceny, liveries and retainers, manslaughter and murder, masons, matrimony and bigamy, mortuaries, Parliament, petty treason, plague, plays and games, preachers and ministers, prison and prisoners, bail, rape, recusants, restitution, riots, routs, unlawful assemblies, robbery and theft, sheriffs, transportation, treason, treasurers, trespass, vagabonds, usury, watch and ward, weights and measures, wines, wool and yarn.

    The manuscript cites early editions of Ferdinando Pulton A Kalender, or Table, comprehending the effect of all the statutes that have been made and put into print beginning with Magna Charta...(Company of Stationers, London, 1606) and Michael Dalton The countrey justice, conteyning the practice of the Justices of the Peace out of their Sessions. Gathered for the better helpe of such justices...as have not been much conversant in the studie of the lawes of this realme (Company of Stationers, London, 1618).

    Sans titre
    Excise Act, 1650
    GB 0096 MS 35 · [1650]

    Manuscript volume containing a copy of a Parliamentary 'Act for Continuance of the Receipt of Excise until 29th Sept 1653', 1650.

    Sans titre
    Hamburg, civic ordinances
    GB 0096 MS 482 · [1600-1625]

    Civic ordinances for the city of Hamburg, Germany, comprising 76 articles, with an index, concerning the regulation of civil life.

    Sans titre
    French legal papers
    GB 0096 MS 529 · 1791-1800

    A collection of 26 miscellaneous legal papers, 1791-1800, most of them printed forms filled in in manuscript and issuing mainly from Paris, comprising summonses for non-payment of taxes, licences to distrain goods and chattels, notices to quit, safe-conducts, summonses requiring attendance at court, etc.

    Sans titre
    Marriage settlement
    GB 0096 MS 554 · 1678

    Counterpart indenture of a marriage settlement, dated 6 Aug 1678, whereby Scarborough Chapman, of Lyncombe and Widcombe in Somerset, in consideration of his intended marriage with Anne Brinsden, widow, of Bristol, and the sum of £400 received from her, conveyed to Humphrey Little, goldsmith, of Bristol, Samuel Price and Arthur Hart, merchants, of Bristol, a messuage in Lyncombe and Widcombe, near the church of chapel there, formerly in the occupation of Robert Fisher the elder and Robert Fisher the younger, both deceased, and now of John Weekes the younger and several others, for the term of the lives of Chapman and his future wife and their heirs male, and then to Little, Price and Hart for the term of 1000 years. Signed and sealed by Humphrey Little, Arthur Hart; the third seal is unsigned.

    Sans titre
    Juby, Alan James
    GB 2127 JUBY, A J · 1926-1984

    Papers, 1926-1984, of Alan James Juby, relating to the development of anaesthesia and anaesthetic apparatus.

    Records relating to Juby's career comprise typescript lease of premises at no 34 Devonshire Street, St Marylebone, London, to Arthur Charles King, 1926; typescript financial accounts of A Charles King Ltd, 1942, 1946; printed catalogue with illustrations of anaesthetic apparatus produced by A Charles King Ltd, undated [mid-20th century]; typescript copy letter from I W Magill to the Editor of The Lancet, 1942, concerning A Charles King's inquiry in 1932 for rotameters for gas and oxygen rather than anaesthetic flowmeters then in use, and their subsequent adoption; records relating to patent specifications, including photographs of apparatus, for Juby's work for A Charles King and subsequently for the British Oxygen Company Ltd, for improvements in retaining devices for anaesthetic mouthpieces, 1929, a portable stand for gas cylinders, 1929, an instrument for introducing intra-tracheal catheters, 1929, improvements in endotracheal tubes, 1953, improvements in cuffed catheters, 1955, improvements in gas-administering apparatus, 1956, connectors for endotracheal tubes, 1959, and means for producing a spray of gas-entrained liquid, 1960.

    Records relating to organisations comprise reports and notices of meetings, lectures and other events, 1937-1984, of organisations including the Royal Society of Medicine Section of Anaesthetists, the Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland, the Royal College of Surgeons Faculty of Anaesthetists, and the British Oxygen Company Ltd; dinner menus (some with collected signatures) and other ephemera, 1955-1971, including photographs including British Oxygen Company events, 1956-1957, and undated menu belonging to A Charles King.

    Other records comprise printed booklets, articles, brochures, leaflets, diagrams and typescripts, 1939-1976, on subjects in anaesthetics including equipment (including apparatus produced by A Charles King Ltd and the British Oxygen Company Ltd), the development of anaesthetic techniques and drugs, and the history of anaesthesia and eminent anaesthetists including printed Inventory of the A Charles King Collection of early anaesthetic apparatus present to the Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland by A Charles King March 6th 1953; copies of the K Bryn Thomas's article, 'The A Charles King Collection of early anaesthetic apparatus', Anaesthesia, vol xxv, no 4 (Oct 1970); and various British Standards, 1950-1970, on anaesthetic and other medical equipment.

    Sans titre
    West Ham College of Technology
    GB 2381 WHM · 1898-1970

    Records of the West Ham College of Technology and its predecessors, 1898-1970, comprising:

    Minutes of the Board of Governors, 1959-1965; Minutes of the Board of Studies, 1924-1960; Minutes of the Academic Board, 1964-1969; minutes and report of the University Board, 1933-1958; Board of Education circulars, 1911-1919;

    Correspondence and general administration, 1911-1970, notably the establishment of the new Polytechnic, 1968-1970;Annual Report, 1966-1967;

    Day student lists (incomplete),1914-1961; Sessional reports for evening and part-time courses (incomplete), 1905-1957; Fee Registers, 1949-1955; Exam results (incomplete), [1914]-1957;

    Exam papers, 1951-1956; Prospectuses and Course Handbooks (incomplete), 1899-1970;

    Records of the Engineering Department, 1904-1962; Financial records (incomplete), 1948-1970; Records of the Students' Union and its Clubs (incomplete), 1930-1970; Staff and student publications, 1963-1970; Student Laboratory Reports, 1955-1964;

    Minutes of the Technical Instruction Committee of the County Borough of West Ham, 1898-1918; Minutes of Council and Reports of Committees of the County Borough of West Ham, 1946-1964; Minutes of Education Committee of the County Borough of West Ham, 1954-1963.

    Sans titre
    League Against Cruel Sports
    GB 2392 · 1925- 2003

    Minutes of the Executive Committee, 1927-2003; Annual reports 1925-1934, 1957-2003; printed Memorandum and articles of association, 1967-1989; Constitution, adopted 1995; League publications including leaflets 1920s-2003; posters [1990s-2003]; Wildlife Conservation(formerly titled Cruel Sports, changed in 1980s) journal of the Against Cruel Sports, Jan 1927-2003; League Doings, bulletin of the League Against Cruel Sports, 1940-1959 (quarterly newsletter); press releases 1978-1995; Support Group press releases 1994-1996; copies of Letters to the Editor (letters and cuttings) 1979-1995; correspondence files, 1990-1994;

    Files relating to Fell and moor land working terrier clubs, including cuttings and related papers, 1985-1994; terrier work, 1992-1993; Badger cases - adjourned and dismissed [1985-1994]; Shooting News - lists of adverts, letters and articles by people with convictions (re badgers and dog fighting) 1982-1990; Undercover Britain - the killing set, Channel 4, 18 Jan 1994 including response from the Countryman's Weekly and the Broadcasting Complaints Committee [1994]; Hare coursing bill research 1975-1976; Creatures and wild plants protection Bill (Mr P Hardy) 1975 and Badger Bill (Lord Arran) 1973; Badger convictions adjourned or dismissed cases and investigations [1983-1995]; Research file - lamps, cats, baiting/diggings, terrier men photos, anti-fox campaign; Hunt monitoring files, including applications forms and handbooks and lists of hunts, 1994-1997;

    News cuttings relating to cruelty to animals, arranged annually by subject including hunt havoc; fox hunting; deer hunting; hare hunting, beagles, bassets and harriers; hare coursing; mink, coypu and otter hunting; illegal blood sports; badger baiting and dog fighting; letters - pro blood sports, anti blood sports and miscellaneous; hunt bans - councils, farmers, landowners; shooting, fishing and poisoning; poaching, cross-bows and airguns; terrier work, ferrets; illegal activity; League fundraising shows, walks, trails and sanctuary publicity; drag hunting and bloodhounds; miscellaneous animal welfare; conservation general and falconry; European blood sports; personalities, other animal welfare groups; political; opinion polls; BSE / mad cow disease; hunt saboteurs; pro-blood sports - violence and damage; illegal blood sports - dog fighting; badger digging, baiting, cockfighting and bull fighting; hunt bans - councils, farms, landowners, National trust, church and MOD; conservation; Alan Meale - wild animals Bill ; Foster Bill and Committee; Bateson Report and Ban; 1926-1967s, (7 files); 1980-2001 (420 files);

    LACS support group newsletters, 1992-1994, including letters from the following groups- West Midlands, Bucks, East Dorset, Bath and Bristol, Salisbury, Leeds, Wiltshire, Aberdeen, Isle of Wight, Leicester, Stamford, North East, Banbury, Basingstoke, Gloucester, New Forest, Sussex area, North Hampshire, East Yorkshire, Caerphilly and district, Yeovil, Berkshire, Cornwall, Bedfordshire, Cheshire and Shropshire, Southampton and Waterside;

    pro-hunt and non-League leaflets [1970s];

    non League publications including those of bodies monitored by the League, including Countryman's Weekly, 1995-2001; BBC Wildlife 1995-1997; British Field Sports Society Country Sports, 1987-1995; British Wildlife (with indexes) 1991-1996; Earth dog - running dog, 1996; Horse and Hound, 1970s, 1986-2001; Hounds, 1997; Hunting, 1994-1996; National Geographic, 1996-1998; Shooting Gazette, 1993-1995; Shooting News, 1983-1993; Shooting Times, 1975-6, 1995-2001; Sporting Dog, 1992, 1994; The Field 1977-78, 1983-2001; The Veterinary Record, 1994-1996; Wildlife Conservation, 2001; RSPCA Annual Reports, 1959-1983 (incomplete);

    photographs including black and white, and colour images relating to League activities, arranged in the following categories: Beagling, basset hounds, fox hunting, stag hunting, deer, sanctuaries, dog fighting, buck hunting, hare coursing, shooting; cock fighting, hares and rabbits, fell hunting, wild birds, mammals, fur trade, fluffy foxes (domesticated), drag hunting, foxes general, Euro, kennels, hunting scenes, digging out - terrier work, mink hunting, number plates and tax discs, hunt havoc and violence, meetings, fundraising, personalities - pro and anti, people, exhibitions, annual and extraordinary general meetings, general, Council hunt bans, demonstrations, marches and rallies, [1959-2003];

    slide collection of images relating to the League's activities, arranged in the following categories, fox, hare, pro-hunt supporter, LACS AGMS; legal; mink and otter; badger / dog / cock sports; deer; sanctuaries and wildlife; snares and traps; European blood sports; drag and blood hound hunting; other organisations; anti-hunt supporters; politicians; shooting and falconry; hunt monitoring; hunt bans; hunt havoc; artificial earths; farm animals; miscellaneous, 1974, 1981-2003;

    film and videos collection including footage of hunt monitoring, and television programmes concerning League activities, 1960s-2003;

    audio cassettes recordings of radio broadcasts, reports, interviews and meetings relating to League activities, 1983-1996.

    Sans titre
    Constitutional Reform Centre
    GB 0097 CRC · 1970-1992

    Working files of the Constitutional Reform Centre, 1970-1992, comprising general files, 1970-1991, organised by project, on the Bill of Human Rights, the Civil Service, the David Harlech Democracy Prize (a video-making competition for 16-23 year olds), the Europe and European Convention on Human Rights, the 'Good Government, Better Business' campaign, legal system reform, proportional representation in local government, local government relations with central government, and opinion polls; material relating to conferences and seminars, 1984-1992, on subjects including the European Convention on Human Rights, the conduct of elections, constitutional change, the abolition of the metropolitan authorities, major planning inquiries, and a written constitution; papers relating to work with the National Committee for Electoral Reform, 1976-1988, notably on the Campaign for Fair Votes in 1987, including correspondence with the Labour Party and the Conservative Party, press releases, questionnaires and leaflets; material relating to the CRC's Working Party on Company Donations, 1985-1987, including reports, minutes and working papers; printed material, 1978-1991, mainly on the British electoral system and proposals for its reform.

    Sans titre
    GB 0097 FINER COMMITTEE · 1966-1974

    Papers of the Committee on One Parent Families (Finer Committee), 1966-1974, comprising Committee meeting minutes and background papers, 1969-1974; Committee papers, 1969-1973; documents circulated to the Committee members, 1969-1974; minutes and papers of the Research Sub-Committee, 1970-1972; evidence files, 1969-1974, containing evidence presented to the Finer Committee by Citizens Advice Bureaux, local authorities, charities and individuals; papers collated by the Committee relating to government responses to the needs of one parent families, 1969-1974, including Hansard correspondence, a DHSS study of deserted wives claiming benefits, and replies to a questionnaire sent to the governments of Norway, Belgium, Denmark, West Germany, Netherlands, Italy, Switzerland, France, Luxembourg, Sweden and the UK; subject files, 1966-1973, containing material gathered on specific topics, such as marriage, the National Children's Bureau, income and maintenance, social security provision in other European countries, cohabitation, and family law.

    Sans titre
    GB 0097 HCA · 1940-2000

    Records and publications of gay organisations and individuals in the UK and worldwide, notably the records of the Albany Trust and the Homosexual Law Reform Society, later the Sexual Law Reform Society, 1950-1984; the papers of Rupert Beach, 1970-1972, mainly relating to the Gay Liberation Front; the records of Body Positive, 1985-2000, a support organisation for those diagnosed as HIV positive; the records of the Campaign for Homosexual Equality, 1940-1996; the papers of John Chesterman, 1970-1978, mainly relating to the Gay Liberation Front; the papers of Adam Christie, 1981-1998, concerning his work as an AIDS educator; the records of the Conservative Group for Homosexual Equality, later known as the Tory Campaign for Homosexual Equality (TORCHE), 1977-1993; the papers of Robert Crossman, [1970-1990], mainly comprising material relating to his work as a Labour politician; the papers of Anthony Edward Dyson, 1958, concerning the Wolfenden Report and the formation of the HLRS; records of (National) Friend, 1970-1995, a national counselling organisation for gays and bisexuals; the records of the Gay Activists Alliance, 1977-1980; the records of the Gay Christian Movement, later known as the Lesbian and Gay Christian Movement, 1969-1998; records of the Gay Community Organisation, 1978-1989; the records of the Gay Liberation Front, 1970-1979; the records of the Greater London Council's Gay Rights Working Party, 1976-1987; the papers of Antony Grey, 1958-1992, relating to his work in the HLRS and the Albany Trust; the records of the Joint Council for Gay Teenagers, 1970-1983; the records of the London Gay Campaign Group, 1980-1987; the papers of Christine Murray, 1972-1980, concerning women's involvement in gay activism; the records of the National Colleges of Education's Gay Rights Committee, 1971-1975; the records of the National Council for Civil Liberties, mainly relating to gay rights, 1962-1989; the papers of Robert Palmer, 1970-1983, concerning his work with CHE; the records of the Scottish Minorities Group, later known as, successively, the Scottish Homosexual Rights Group and Outright Scotland, 1970-1984; the papers of Peter Tatchell, [1970]-1999, relating to gay rights and politics; the papers of Simon Watney, [1970-1998], mainly concerning his work as an AIDS campaigner; the papers of Christopher Woods, 1983-1993, relating to gay issues. The Hall-Carpenter Archives also holds a large collection of gay, lesbian and bisexual journals, 1954-1999, collected from the UK and the rest of the world, particularly the USA; an extensive collection of ephemera, 1953-2000, relevant for the for study of gay, lesbian and bisexual history; and the administrative papers of the Archives, 1973-1994.

    Sans titre
    GB 0097 HCA/Friend · 1970-1995
    Fait partie de HALL-CARPENTER Archives

    Papers of Friend, 1970-1995, a national counselling and befriending organisation, including and incomplete set of Annual Reports, 1974-1995; minutes of the London Friend Collective, Jan-Sep 1983; incomplete set of the Annual Reports of the Campaign for Homosexual Equality, 1982-1990; material relating to the constitution of Friend, 1982-1986; papers relating to the formation of National Friend Ltd in 1987, including the memorandum and articles of association; National Friend newsletters, 1981-1982; reports, 1982-1985, on liaison visits by members of National Friend to local Friend groups in Coventry, Cardiff, West Kent, London, Bradford, Newcastle and Belfast; Friend administrative correspondence, 1971-1982, mainly concerning counselling; general correspondence between local groups and National Friend, 1978-1991, particularly concerning the organisation of conferences and the production of Annual Reports; comprehensive material relating to the activities of the affiliated local groups which make up Friend, usually working under the title of Friend or Gay Switchboard, 1973-1977 and 1982-1994, including correspondence, Annual Reports and newsletters; papers relating to specific campaigns and projects undertaken by Friend and National Friend, 1970-1988, including law reform, equal opportunities, AIDS and HIV, and opposition to Clause 28.

    Sans titre
    HORNER, Francis, 1778-1817, Politician
    GB 0097 HORNER · 1795-1817

    Correspondence of Francis Horner with individuals including Charles James Fox, Francis Lord Jeffrey, James Loch, Rev Thomas Robert Malthus, Sir John Archibald Murray Lord Murray, and Professor Dugald Stewart; correspondence received by Horner's father and brother after his death; miscellaneous political notes by Francis Horner; and brief letters from John Allen reporting the progress of the illness of Charles James Fox.

    Sans titre
    GB 0097 KAHN-FREUND · [1940-1979]

    Papers of Sir Otto Kahn-Freund, [1940-1979], mainly relating to his work in the field of legal science, and comprising extensive working papers for publications and lectures, as well as correspondence with colleagues and friends.

    Sans titre
    Labour Campaign for Criminal Justice
    GB 0097 LCCJ · Collection · 1985-1999

    Papers of Labour Campaign for Criminal Justice, 1985-1999, include minutes, financial papers, newsletters and publications.

    Sans titre
    GB 0097 MACDONALD · 1893-1923

    Margaret MacDonald's correspondence, papers and lectures, on subjects including factory and shop legislation, the employment of women, housing, the Licensing Bills of 1901-1902, Sunday School teaching, vagrant children, women's organizations and women's suffrage, and the Franco-British Exhibition at Hammersmith in 1908. James Ramsay MacDonald's papers, correspondence and press cuttings on subjects including the financing and aftermath of World War I, Labour Party policy and his leadership of the party, working conditions, and women's education.

    Sans titre
    GB 0097 PROGRESS · Collection · c1985-c1994

    Papers of PROGRESS Campaign for Research into Human Reproduction, c1985-c1994, comprise minutes, subject files and correspondence relating to PROGRESS' campaign against the Powell Bill and for the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Bill.

    Sans titre
    Society of Labour Lawyers
    GB 0097 SLL · Collection · 1936-2005

    Papers of the Society of Labour Lawyers, mainly dating 1949-1979, including: Annual reports and accounts. Minutes of Annual General Meetings and Executive Committee meetings. Rules of the Society. Newsletters and circulars. Membership records. Papers regarding conferences and other Society events. Subject files on topics such as racial discrimination, illegitimacy, homosexuality and abortion. Subject files relating to reform of the justice system, such as: improving access to the law (provision of legal aid and advice); criminal procedure; and, ending capital punishment. The subject files include correspondence, memoranda, sub-committee papers and evidence to government inquiries and Royal Commissions. Correspondence with members of the Society, MPs and others, including Gerald Gardiner (Lord Chancellor, 1964-70) and Samuel Silkin (Attorney General, 1974-79). Correspondence of the Society's Honorary Secretaries, Jean Graham Hall and Conrad Ascher.

    Sans titre
    Chinese Government Purchasing Commission
    GB 0102 CGPC · 1926-1951

    Records, 1926-1951, of the Chinese Government Purchasing Commission (CGPC), including information on the state of Chinese communications; the workings of the Chinese Ministries of Communications, Railways and Industries; Chinese banking; construction and engineering technology and the work of British manufacturers; and some information on Chinese educational and cultural institutions in receipt of subsidies from the Board of Trustees for the Administration of the Indemnity Funds Remitted by the British Government.

    Records, 1926-1951, relating to the foundation and constitution of the CGPC comprise printed report of the Anglo-Chinese Advisory Committee (China Indemnity Advisory Committee), 1926; correspondence, largely letters from the Board of Trustees to the CPGC, 1931-1950, concerning the constitution of the Commission, procedural issues, personnel and financial matters; file on procedure on appointment of a new member of the Commission, 1947-1948; correspondence concerning events preceding the winding-up of the Commission, 1951.

    Financial records, 1931-1951, comprise papers on the Board Account, 1937-1950; papers on the Chin Fund (apparently a grant paid to Constance Chin, a patient of the Bethlem Royal Hospital), 1945-1951; summaries of expenses relating to purchase orders made by Chinese ministries, 1931-1951; Indemnity Fund cash books, 1937-1950; invoices and receipts relating to CGPC business, 1937-1951; financial statements and correspondence relating to banking matters with the Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank, 1931-1951, the subjects including investments and tax.

    Operational records, c1928-1951, relating to the administration of purchase orders, comprise register of tenders/purchase orders, 1942-1946; contract registers (not comprehensive), 1931-1949, recording the management of contracts for the supply and delivery in China of plant, machinery and other materials manufactured in the UK for the Chinese government, and over 1,000 related contract files for engineering companies and manufacturers for industrial, construction, railway and other projects; tender forms, 1934, issued to contractors by the CGPC; specifications and standards, c1928-1937 and undated, largely for the construction of railways and carriages; correspondence concerning administration of purchase orders, 1932-1951, relating especially to delivery of locomotive spare parts and related materials; registers of export licences issue to British manufacturers under wartime regulations, 1941-1946; applications for export licences, 1939-1945; registers of shipments, insurance, freight and inspection fees, 1931-1951; shipping letters, 1937-1950, issued for CGPC shipments; general correspondence concerning the administration of the CGPC, 1931-1951, including correspondence with solicitors and correspondence concerning the CGPC premises in Tothill Street, London.

    Annual reports and accounts, 1931-1950, comprise typescript accounts and reports, 1931-1950, of the CGPC and published annual reports, 1931-1950, including summaries of receipts and payments; and annual reports of the Board of Trustees, 1931-1938.

    Miscellaneous records, c1932-1950, comprise one file including papers on subjects including railways, training Chinese students, Japanese imperialism, and CGPC records, a photograph of ships in harbour, and maps of China and the Far East.

    Records, 1939-1943, of the China Purchasing Agency Ltd comprise standing regulations of the Board of Directors, undated; correspondence, 1939-1943, concerning various purchase orders; miscellaneous items, c1939-1940, including list of tenders passed for acceptance, 1939, and an undated schedule of materials shipped.

    Sans titre
    Council of Bedford College
    GB 0505 BC GB110-120 · 1849-1985

    Bound and unbound Minutes of Bedford College Council, 1849-1984; Agenda Book for the Council and its Committees, 1896-1954; bound list of papers presented to Council, 1971-1985; Attendance Register for the Council and its Committees, 1908-1939; Committee Signature Books, 1929-1933 and 1973-1985, including the Academic Board; alphabetical list of the Members of the College and the Council, 1872-1904; Register of the Members of the College, 1869-1888, including name, occupation and date of entry; List of members of temporary Committees, 1928-1934; Bound volumes and pamphlets containing the Annual Reports of the Council, 1888-1983; outward Letter Books of the Council, 1881-1895, with indexes; Notebook of Lucy Russell, Honorary Secretary of the Council, 1888-1902, including names and addresses of Professors and teachers, Members of the College, Associates, students previous to 1871, auditors, Visitors and tradesmen, as well as lists of the membership of the Council and Committees; material relating to the use of the College Seal, notably Seal Books of the Council, 1909-1948, the College Seal, 1965, and correspondence relating the need for a new Seal following changes of name, 1956, 1965 and 1984; legal documents, 1865-1983, relating to premises used by Bedford College, including deeds of property for the Shaen Wing, 1896-1899, 35-37 Dorset Square, 10 Dorset Square, 299a Edgware Road, 43 New Cavendish Street, 51 Harley Street, The Holme, Hanover Lodge, Headstone Lane Sports Centre, Sussex Lodge, York Place, East Street and Broadhurst Gardens. Legal documents relating to benefactors of the College, notably Deeds of Gift under the Pious Benefactors, 1926, and by the Marquess of Crewe, 1930. Correspondence and papers relating to the financing, construction and upkeep of the Busk Memorial Gates, 1931-1936. Minutes of the Committee of Management, 1868.

    Sans titre
    GB 1697 A.CLRP · 1984-1993

    The Archive of the Commonwealth Legal Records Project consists of administrative records, 1989-1993; records relating to the publication of Legal records in the Commonwealth, 1991-1993; general research files, 1984-1993; England and Wales research files, 1989-1993; Ghana research files, 1990-1992.

    Sans titre