Legal procedure

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      Legal procedure

      Legal procedure

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      Legal procedure

      • UP Judicial procedure
      • UP Litigation
      • UP Trials
      • UP Contentieux
      • UP Litige
      • UP Procédure judiciaire
      • UP Procès
      • UP Contencioso
      • UP Juicio
      • UP Litigio
      • UP Procedimiento judicial
      • UP Proceso

      Termos associados

      Legal procedure

      231 Descrição arquivística resultados para Legal procedure

      231 resultados diretamente relacionados Excluir termos específicos
      Antisemitism in South Africa
      GB 1556 WL 695 · 1929-1946

      Papers concerning Antisemitism in South Africa, 1929-1946, reflect opinions concerning the Jewish presence within South Africa, the activities of South African nationalists and a law suit against a leading South African antisemite. The collection notably includes a typescript extract from the antisemitic encyclopedia, Sigilla Veri (Bodung Verlag, Erfurt, 1929), in which a South African describes the extent to which Jews have infiltrated every layer of society; leaflet reprinted from the Rand Daily Mail in which the Witwatersrand Church Council denounces antisemitism; letter documenting the activities of South African nationalists including the founding of a new newspaper, De Transvaler, their annual congress, and their connections with the ex-patriate German community; report concerning a law suit against a leading South African antisemite, Salomon Gerhardus Maritz (General Manie Maritz).

      The collection also includes a memorandum entitled 'South Africa: Synopsis of memorandum on the in-roads of Nazism'; leaflet advertisng The Forum, South Africa's first national weekly review; copy of an extract from typescript letter reporting on the trial of von Moltke and his antisemitic activities and an extract from Sigilla Veri.

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      Osnabrück war crimes trial and appeal
      GB 1556 WL 1050 · Coleção · 1968-1970

      Papers of Osnabrück war crimes trial and appeal, 1968-1970, comprise a trial judgement against 5 former members of Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler, in which the state court of Osnabrück found 3 of the defendants guilty of mass murder and 2 of being accomplices to mass murder in Italy in 1943, 1968, and a trial judgement of the appeal of the 5 defendants, in which the Bundesgerichtshof upheld the appeal on the grounds that the period of 20 years under the statute of limitations had lapsed, 1970.

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      GB 1556 WL 1208 · 1938-1948

      Papers from seven of the twelve Subsequent Nuremberg Trials, 1938-1948, comprising copies of trial transcripts including trial judgements, reports and correspondence. The trial transcripts are verbatim. The cases are as follows:

      The 'Medical Case', officially entitled United States vs. Karl Brandt: 20 of the 23 defendants were doctors, and the charges related principally to medical experimentation on human beings. Including 'CINFO Report No. 5': confidential report from the US Director of Intelligence, Military Government, Germany, consisting of an account of Nazi medical experimentation on Jews, including the case of Ahnenerbe, the institute for war related scientific research; sterilization; luminescent microscopy; and various other forms of experimentation, interspersed with transcripts of documents and a commentary, including appendices which provide short biographical details of staff involved in SS medical research and a roster of Ahnenerbe personnel and copy of an extract from the trial judgement entitled 'Permissible Medical Experiments'.

      The 'Justice Case', officially designated United States of America vs. Josef Altstoetter, et al, of the 16 defendants indicted, nine were officials in the Reich Ministry of Justice. The others included the chief public prosecutor of the People's Court and several prosecutors and judges of both the Special Courts and the People's Courts. These papers comprise a part of the official transcript of the judgement and sentencing, 3-4 Dec 1947.

      The 'IG Farben Case', the trial of 23 officials of I.G. Farben, officially designated United States of America vs Carl Krauch et al. Krauch was a member of the company's managing board from 1934 to 1940, and thereafter, until 1945, the chairman of its supervisory board. The material in this collection consists of transcripts of parts of the proceedings and documents relating to the case.

      The 'Hostage Case', officially designated United States of America vs Wilhelm List et al. The term 'hostages' was used by the Germans to designate innocent civilians executed in retaliation for German soldiers killed. Comprising opening statement for the prosecution, 15 Jul 1947.

      The 'Krupp Case', officially designated United States of America vs Alfred Felix Alwyn Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach et al, was the trial of the 12 officials of the Krupp concern. Papers include trial judgement, 31 Jul 1948; dissenting opinions of trial judges; reports on the Krupp complex produced by the German Economic Department of the Foreign Office, 1945; report and other papers on Baron Kurt von Schroeder prepared by Foster Adams and Emil Lang, of the Finance Division of the Military Government for Germany.

      The 'Ministries Case' was officially designated United States of America vs Ernst von Weizsaecker et al. It became known as the 'Ministries Case' because most of the 21 defendants were charged with criminal conduct arising principally out of their functions as officials of the Reich government. Papers comprise a partial transcript of the case proceedings.

      The 'High Command Case' was officially designated United States of America vs Wilhelm von Leeb et al. The defendants held various leading command or staff positions in the German armed forces. They were charged with having committed, together with other leaders of the Third Reich, crimes against peace, war crimes, and crimes against humanity, and with having participated in a common plan or conspiracy to commit crimes against peace. Papers include the trial judgement, 27- 28 Oct 1948; confidential memo of incriminating evidence based on an analysis of documentation, referring to Brauchitsch, Runstedt, Manstein and Strauss; typescript annotated draft analysis of the role of the SS; annotated draft section of the indictment dealing with allegations against Raeder, head of the German navy from 1928-1943 and part of a document containing chapters on the Commando Order, the Commissar Order and Walter Warlimont.

      Sem título
      Herzer, Edith: correspondence regarding restitution claim
      GB 1556 WL 1234 · Coleção · 1938-1980

      Papers, 1938-1980, documenting the compensation claims made by Edith Herzer and her sister Hilde, German Jewish immigrants to Great Britain, whose parents were murdered at Auschwitz; comprising correspondence and other papers of compensation for loss of profession, loss of inherited property and suffering under the Nazi regime; rejection by the American Consulate, London, of application for immigration visa (1234/7) and copies of extract from the municipal authorities, Nice, regarding the fate of Hugo Herzer, Edith's father.

      Sem título
      Kristallnacht in Nuremberg: Copy papers
      GB 1556 WL 1285 · 1947-1950

      Papers, 1947-1950, relating to the trial of former SA men who were guilty of aggravated breach of the peace on Kristallnacht in Nuremberg, including statements of defendants, indictment, verdict and judgement.

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      Reheis, Josef: Indictment (1944)
      GB 1556 WL 665 · Coleção · 1944

      Certified copy of an indictment of a forester, Josef Reheis from Brannenburg, Bavaria the Oberlandesgericht, Munich, 1944.

      Sem título
      GB 1556 WL 842 · Coleção · 1938-1939

      Copies of contracts and notarial certificate documenting the sale of a house at Burgschmietstrasse 12, Nuremberg, property of Max and Frieda Landenberger, to Gauleiter Hölz for the sum of RM 4,000 and a summary of the event, 4 Dec 1938-27 Feb 1939. This collection is an example of the way in which the Nazis forcibly appropriated Jewish property under the guise of a legitimate transaction into which both parties freely entered.

      Sem título
      GB 1556 WL 883 · Coleção · 1934

      Copy of a sworn statement by Philip Perceval Graves, former correspondent of The Times on The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, 24 Oct 1934, addressed to a court in Berne, Switzerland. The statement confirms that the content of a pamphlet entitled 'The Truth about the 'Protocols'- a Literary Forgery' by Graves, published in The Times, Aug 1921, is true.

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      SACHS, Albert Louis (Albie) (b 1935)
      GB 0101 ICS 142 · 1956-1968

      Microfilm of papers of Dr Albert Louis (Albie) Sachs, lawyer and political activist, concerning legal cases and political trials of approximately 100 individuals, in South Africa, 1956-1968; charges include murder, sabotage, rape, contravention of Emergency Regulations, membership of the Pan African Congress, incitement, distribution of banned literature, banning orders, arson, corruption, race classification and entering native locations.

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      HORVITCH, I O (fl 1957-1960)
      GB 0101 ICS 34 · 1957-1961

      Papers of I O Horvitch on the South African Treason Trials, 1957-1960; comprising material concerning the Treason Trial, 1957-1961, including lists of the accused and the charges against them and a copy of the final judgement; typescript deafts for issues of 'Treason Trials Press Summary, 6 Feb 1959 - 10 Mar 1960'; miscellaneous material concerning the Treason Trials, 1957-1958; including appeals for funds by the Treadson Trials Defence Fund; Horvitch's personal papers, 1957-1958 including details of payments received from the Treason Trials Defence Fund, and details of Horvich's architectural practice; publications; papers on Ghana, 1960; press cuttings on the Treason Trials.

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      LEWIN, Julius (fl 1941-1958)
      GB 0101 ICS 48 · 1941-1966

      Papers of Julius Lewin and his wife Eleanor Hawarden on native law in South Africa, 1941-1966. Comprising copies of 18 articles by Lewin on native law, the legal status of African women, Africans and the police, political representation of Africans in South Africa, Britain's colour bar in Africa, inheritance in native law, marriage by natives in South Africa, and racial equality and Commonwealth universities. Two articles by Eleanor Hawarden on prejudice in the classroom and South African history and western civilisation, 1965-1966.

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      MATTHEWS, Zacharaih Keodirelang (1901-1968)
      GB 0101 ICS 55 · 1933-1967

      Papers of Zachariah Keodirelang Matthews, 1933-1967; comprising typescript drafts for autobiography, including chapters on the Native Representative Council of South Africa, his role in the African National Congress (ANC) and his detention and trial for High Treason in 1956; microfilm of Z K Matthews personal papers comprising papers on his academic research on anthropology and native law, 1933-1935; correspondence and papers on his political activities, including material on the Native Representative Council of South Africa, 1942-1946, the ANC, 1942-1955; papers on Treason Trials, 1956-1961; general political correspondence, 1936-1967, includes letters from Govan Mbeki, Helen Suzman, Canon L John Collins and others, political articles and statements by Matthews, 1930-1967; correspondence and papers on education, including correspondene on his resignation from Fort Hare University, 1959, lecture notes, articles and statements on education; personal correspondence, 1937-1968; correpondence and papers on his work for the World Council of Churches, 1960-1966; papers on political and educational affairs in Botswana, 1933-1966; miscellanea, including articles by Matthews and others.

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      Grenada: Pressure Groups Material
      GB 0101 PG.GD · 1983-1987

      Eyewitness accounts, trial reports, platforms, papers, pamphlets and letters, 1983-1987, issued by the British Grenada Friendship Society, the Committee for Human Rights in Grenada, the New Jewel 19 Committee, and the New Jewel Movement Support Group (UK).

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      Lester Collection
      GB 0103 LESTER · 1989-1998

      Legal papers of Lord Lester on various cases, 1989-1998, pertaining to Derbyshire County Council v Times Newspapers Limited, House of Lords, 1989 (concerning libel and freedom of speech); Pepper v Hart, House of Lords, 1992 (concerning Derek John Pepper and John Thornton Hart, the payment of tax by public school teachers for reduced fees for their sons, the relationship between Parliament and the judiciary, and whether the intentions of the law and comments in the House of Commons, not just the words of a statute, should be used as evidence in court); Equal Opportunities Commission v Secretary of State for Employment, House of Lords, 1993 (concerning Patricia Elizabeth Day, and the relationship between European Community and UK law); Fayed v the United Kingdom, European Court of Human Rights, 1993; Queen and Chief Constable of Sussex ex parte International Ferry Traders Limited, House of Lords, 1998.


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      Glanville Reports
      GB 0103 MS ANGL 10 · 18th century

      Manuscript volume, 18th century, containing William Glanville's reports of cases on the King's Bench. A note on the flyleaf is dated 1746.

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      Memorial of Arthur Lemuel Shuldham
      GB 0096 MS 730 · c1800

      Copy of the memorial of Arthur Lemuel Shuldham [of Dunmanway, Co. Cork] to the commissioners of the Excise, asking them to remit the costs of a suit begun by the Commissioners against Shuldham's pleasure yacht, built at Bristol in May 1789 at a cost of £2000. The yacht was condemned by the jury, and orders were given to dispose of it 'and your memorialist thereby lost many things therein not belonging to the said vessel'. The peculiar hardship of the case, and the largeness of Shuldham's family make him hope that the commissioners will remit the costs. The document is neither signed nor dated.

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      Court proceedings
      GB 0096 MS 751 · [1590-1600]

      Manuscript volume of extracts from the record of the Court of Queen's (and King's) Bench, and also from the Court of Common Pleas, for proceedings from the 15th century to the reign of Elizabeth, probably compiled c1590-1600. The extracts include pleas, posteas and memoranda of the 15th and 16th centuries, with marginal notes describing the subjects of the pleas, and perhaps acted as a lawyer's precedent book. References to the original court rolls are sometimes given.

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      Lee and Pembertons
      GB 0096 MS 881 · 1916-1938

      The first bundle, 1916-1926, is concerned with the legal case of Kofi Numah vs. Kojo Pamping, before the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council, on appeal from the Supreme Court of the Gold Coast Colony (Ghana). The second and third bundles, 1937-1938, relate to the case of Sifton vs. Sifton, on appeal from the court of Appeal for the Province of Ontario.

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      Prize goods, appointment of Commissioners
      GB 0096 MS 199 · 1649, 1655

      Manuscript volume containing a notarial instrument, 16 Sep 1655, by Frederick Ixem of London, public notary, with attestations by Bright and Daniell, also public notaries, recording the appointment by the Treasurers and Collectors of Prize Goods (John Sparrow, Richard Blackwall and Humphrey Blake) of Captain Dean of Cork as attorney to receive sums owed by William Hovell of Kinsale, County Cork, and Humberson Hurst. Also includes a printed copy of an Act of Parliament of 17 Apr 1649, An Act for appointing Commissioners for sale of prize-goods.

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      Court Baron roll, [1400-1425]
      GB 0096 MS 441 · [1400-1425]

      Copy of a Court Roll containing a grant to John Emyford, clerk, of 5 pieces of arable land of the lord's demesne, formerly in the farm of Thomas Dowe and recently in the farm of Gregory Brandon, by the annual farm of 10d. for each acre annually. The roll also includes livery of seisin to John Emyford, clerk, at the same court. The annual rent is 4s.9d. The document is dated 'Thursday after 6 October, temp. Henry [IV?]', probably [1400-1425].

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      Westington Manor, 1589
      GB 0096 MS 445 · 1589

      Copy of Court Roll made at the Court Baron of Sir John Brokett (Brockett), Lord of the Manor of Westington, containing a surrender by John Clerke (by the hands of John Cony and William Clerke, customary tenants) of a copyhold property and the admission of John Adams, his heir, for a fine of 16s. The property consists of 3 acres known as Grene Croft. Signed by Thomas Walkenden, steward.

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      Jury list, [18th century]
      GB 0096 MS 451 · [18th century]

      Manuscript list of twelve jurors sworn in the suit between Edward Gibbon, plaintif, and Richard Smith, defendant. The list notes the damages as 50s. and the costs as 12d. Addressed to Robert Walpoole.

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      Colquhoun, Archibald Campbell-
      GB 0096 MS 532 · 1807-1809

      Drafts of letters and opinions of the Lord Advocate from 1807 to 1809.

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      Legal commonplace book, 1683-1684
      GB 0096 MS 538 · 1683-1684

      Manuscript legal commonplace book compiled between the Hilary term 1683 and September 1684, with additions up to c 1698, and a printed index added in 1680, entitled A brief method of the law. Being an exact alphabetical disposition of all the heads necessary for a perfect common-place useful to all students and professors of the law. A pencilled note on the first leaf suggests that the manuscript was 'probably the property of Mr Serjeant Baynes - if not made by him', on the basis of a letter, wanting, addressed to Baynes and dated 1 Jan 1706. It could not, in fact, have been compiled by John Baynes, serjeant-at-law of the Inner Temple, but could perhaps have been the work of his father of the same name and inn of court.

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      Shedden family
      GB 0096 MS 622 · 1794-1823

      Letters and papers relating to Robert Shedden & Sons, merchants of London, 1794-1823, produced by E.M. Archibald in the case of Sheddon v Patrick, concerning the legitimacy of William Patrick Ralston Shedden. The papers comprise:
      Letters, written by Robert Shedden and Sons, London, to William Shedden, New York, introducing merchants travelling to North America needing credit and assistance. The merchants were agents of Boyce Benfield & Co. (12 Mar 1793 and 15 Mar 1794); J.J. Breene (4 Aug 1795); Guerlain & Co (25 Jan and 25 Jun 1794; John MacKenzie (5 Aug 1798); Mr. Piercy (18 Jun 1795); Nathaniel Robbins (12 Mar 1795); Robert Shedden Junior (5 Jun 1798) and Bruce Wilson (2 Jan 1794). The letters introducing the agents of Boyce Benfield & Co. mention trading activities in the Mediterranean. These letters are fastened together and numbered, and also include a receipt for £1659 paid by William Shedden to Elizabeth Paltry Mallet on 22 Aug 1794.
      Other documents comprise an authorised copy, made 21 Mar 1797, of an indenture of bargain and sale of 2 Mar 1796, by which David Wilson, a farmer of Harlem, New York, and Margaret his wife, sold to Mary Ker, wife of George Ker, for a consideration of £1800, a dwelling house and land in the seventh ward of Harlem, New York; a letter written from Robert Shedden in New York to James Farquhar, enclosing a printed bond of 26 Jun 1799; a letter written on 31 Dec 1823 by Robert Shedden (of 35 Gower St, London) to William Patrick Ralston Shedden 'at Dr Patrick's, 4th Street, Edinburgh'; and a synopsis of the Shedden papers in the hand of Mrs D. Goldsmith.
      All the above, with the exception of the last item, feature annotations in the hand of E.M. Archibald which note that they were produced as exhibits and referred to in the deposition of William Patrick Ralston Shedden.

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      Living Wills Project
      GB 0100 KCLCA 1996/KFLE · 1985-1992

      The records of the Living Wills Working Group and Living Wills Project at King's College London consist of correspondence and completed survey questionnaires, 1985-1992. These include correspondence concerning the Living Wills Working Party set up by the Centre and the charity, Age Concern, 1985-1989; correspondence and completed questionnaires of a survey of patients, doctors and nurses to assess the needs of HIV sufferers as part of the Living Wills Project run by the Centre in association with the Terrence Higgins Trust, 1991-1992.

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      BURROWS, Ronald Montagu (1867-1920), private papers
      GB 0100 KCLCA K/PP47 · Created 1849-1921, 1958 (predominant 1910-1921)

      Correspondence and notes, some in Greek, 1910-1918, including two letters to Burrows from Alex P Ralli about Greek translation, and one letter to Percy Neville Ure, Assistant Lecturer in Classics, University of Leeds; volume containing notes on an annotated copy of Quinti Septimii Florentis Tertulliani Apologeticum et ad Nationes Libri Duo ex fide Optimorum Codicum Manuscriptorum edited by Franciscus Oehler (Eduardi Anton, Halae Saxonum, 1849); Greek vocabulary notebook addressed to Burrows; volume containing printed cuttings, notes and shorthand, on books, poems, authors and the pleasures of reading, [1886-1892]; framed letter, 5 May 1920, from Burrows to Eleftherios Venizelos, (1864-1936), statesman, and Prime Minister of Greece, wishing Venizelos luck with his political struggle on his return to Greece; framed photograph of Venizelos, 1913; framed photograph [of Burrows]; typed list of books given to the Classical department of King's College London by Burrows, 1920; probate of the will and codicil of Burrows, 1920; deeds of appointment of new trustees of will and codicil, 1921, 1958.

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      Royal Commission on Criminal Procedures
      GB 0097 RCCP · 1978-1984

      Papers of the Royal Commission on Criminal Procedures collected by its Chairman Sir Cyril Philips, 1978-1984, including minutes, oral and written evidence, associated correspondence and copies of final reports and research studies published by the Commission.

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      Philip, John
      GB 0102 CWM/LMS Africa Miscellaneous Boxes 12-14 · 1817-1951

      Papers, 1817-1951, of and relating to John Philip, comprising correspondence and papers, 1817-1849, including manuscripts and pamphlets, on his call to South Africa and the reluctance of his Aberdeen congregation that he should leave; the situation in South Africa and government policy, leading to the writing of his Researches; the ensuing court case (against William Mackay); the Wesleyan intrusion in Griqualand; also including editions of South African newspapers, 1824; letters from Robert Moffat concerning the mission station at Kuruman, 1845; manuscript papers by Philip concerning South Africa and the life of Sir Thomas Fowell Buxton sent to Sir Edward Buxton, 1846; papers concerning Philip and South Africa, 1910-1951, including correspondence and press cuttings, some relating to W M Macmillan's Cape Colour Question (1927). The subjects include missionary activities and journeys, settlement in the region, race relations, slavery, and colonial policy.

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      Arden-Clarke, Sir Charles Noble
      GB 0102 MS 380596 · 1949-1957

      Papers, 1949-1957, of Sir Charles Noble Arden-Clarke, giving an insight into events during the transition of the Gold Coast to independent Ghana, including the State of Emergency (1950). The papers comprise typescripts of speeches to local clubs and societies, discussions with the Legislative Council, and some correspondence arranging meetings, 1949-1957, including two congratulatory telegrams received on the independence of Ghana, 1956, and speech when sworn in as Governor-General of Ghana, 1957; text of a radio broadcast on democracy and elections at the General Election, 1956; other papers, 1954-1957, comprising letters received congratulating him on his work, legal documents concerning a libel by the Ghana Nationalist newspaper, articles on Arden-Clarke from The Observer and The Ghana Evening News, and copy letter by Arden-Clarke concerning appointment of the next Governor of Ghana, 1957.

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