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  • UF Dictionary making
  • UF Confection de dictionnaires
  • UF Composición de diccionarios

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32 Archival description results for Lexicography

32 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
Abraham, Roy Clive
GB 0102 MS 193280 · Created 1921-1959

Papers, 1921-1959, of Roy Clive Abraham, comprising personal manuscript notebooks of grammar and vocabulary notes on the various African, Middle Eastern and European languages studied by him.

Abraham , Roy Clive , 1890-1963 , linguist
Arnott, David Whitehorn
GB 0102 PP MS 73 · 1950s-1980s

Papers, 1950s-1980s, of Professor David W Arnott on West African languages, comprising papers, including notes and questionnaires, from his study leave (1955-1956) spent travelling from Nigeria through Niger, Dahomey (Benin), Upper Volta (Burkina Faso), French Sudan (Mali), Senegal and Gambia to Guinea and Sierra Leone; copies (photocopied and photographic) of manuscripts; translations and transcriptions; transcriptions of language recordings; seminar and conference papers; teaching material; offprints of articles by Arnott; typescripts or corrected proofs of articles; and reviews of books by other authors. The papers relate largely to Nigeria but also to Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Gambia, Guinea, Mali, Niger and Senegal, relating mainly to Fulfulde, Fula and Fulani (language of the Fulani people of West Africa), and also to Tiv and to Hausa poetry and songs. The subjects include literature, including poetry (religious and non-religious), oral literature and folklore, proverbial lore, Islamic influences on African literary cultures, grammar, including morphology, verbal and nominal systems, nouns, vocabulary, and the distribution of dialects.

Arnott , David Whitehorn , fl 1955-2000 , linguist
GB 0102 MS 380565 · 1943-1974

Papers, largely undated, some dated 1943-1974, by various authors, some unidentified, concerning the study of Bantu and other, mainly East African, languages, comprising typescript and manuscript papers on Bantu and its various forms, 1973 and undated, including word lists; typescript and manuscript papers on non-Bantu languages, c1957-1974 and undated, including phonetics, grammar and word lists; papers on other subjects, 1943 and undated, including English vocabulary with reference to African education; general files, 1954-1973 and undated, on linguistics, including glottochronometry and lexico-statistics, and related subjects.

Bargery, George Percival
GB 0102 MS 380516 · Created c1946

Papers, c1946, of George Percival Bargery, comprising Hausa grammar and vocabulary notes.

Bargery , George Percival , 1876-1966 , missionary and linguist
GB 0117 CB · 1771-1820

The correspondence, papers and diaries of Sir Charles Blagden. Blagden's papers are interesting on several levels, generally for his close contact with European men of learning, and his relationship with Sir Joseph Banks. Blagden's professional researches are represented by medical notes in the boxed sequence. These are grouped with papers on other subject interests, including linguistics, e.g. a draft Tahitian-English dictionary, compiled from conversations with Omai, whom Blagden inoculated after Omai's voyage to England with James Cook. Blagden's interest in antiquities and travel is documented by diary entries, as is his intercourse with fellow scientists, particularly those associated with the founding of the Royal Institution.

Blagden , Sir , Charles , 1748-1820 , Knight , physician
Booth Correspondence
GB 0103 MS ADD 193 · Created 1806-1840

Letters to David Booth from various correspondents.

Booth , David , 1766-1846 , author
Broadbent, Samuel
GB 0102 MMS/Special Series/Biographical/South Africa/FBN 10 ( Box 604) · 1815-1894

Papers, 1815-1894, of and relating to Samuel Broadbent, comprising his ordination certificate, 1815; notes for a sermon preached in Greetland before leaving for Ceylon, 1815; family letters, 1818-1872; printed Encyclopaedia of Knowledge [before 1826] belonging to Broadbent, vestige of his possessions destroyed at Maquassie in 1826, with a manuscript note by him [after 1826] concerning its history; volume containing manuscript English-Bechuana vocabulary and Lord's Prayer, undated, and other loose Bechuana texts; South African scalping knife; account [after 1832] of the life of Louisa Frances Broadbent; notes of Broadbent's journey to southern Ireland on missionary deputation with the Rev W Toase, 1833; printed article by Broadbent on agriculture in South Africa, 'Incidental results of Christian Missions', 1850; printed map of south-eastern Africa, 1857; various manuscript reminiscences by Broadbent, undated; photograph of Samuel Broadbent, unframed, and another, framed (with copy negative), both undated; manuscript copies [19th century] from letters of Miss Broadbent concerning the last hours of Samuel Broadbent, 1867; the Rev T A Chalker's 'The Story of an African Mission', from the Methodist Record (1894), mentioning Broadbent; undated photograph of the gravestone of Samuel and Sarah Broadbent; manuscript transcript [19th century] of the epitaph on the gravestone of Louisa Frances Broadbent.

Broadbent , Samuel , 1794-1867 , missionary
GB 0402 SSC/25 · 1903-1924

Papers of Bolton Glanville Corney, 1903-1924, comprise manuscripts and corrected proofs for volumes edited by Corney for the Hakluyt Society; unpublished, edited transcripts of documents and articles including 'Sidelights on Captain Cook's call at Rio de Janeiro in HMS Endeavour' , 'The narrative of Te-ehe-te-Atua-o-noa', 'The career of the Harrington snow', notebook containing a Fijian vocabulary for medical officers; notes copied from a variety of sources relating to islands inlcuding Easter Island and the Falkland Islands.

Corney , Bolton Glanville , 1851-1924 , geographer
Crabtree, William Arthur
GB 0102 MS 380335 · Created 1902-1921

Papers, 1902-1921, collected by William Arthur Crabtree, including a card index of English/Bantu and Bantu/English vocabularies, incorporating 13 different Bantu languages and symbols relating to their hypothetical common roots, with some tentative conclusions about Bantu origins, together with material on Luganda and Kavirondo (Masaba dialect).

Crabtree , William Arthur , b 1868 , missionary and philologist
Dawes, William
GB 0102 MS 41645 · 1790, 1793 and undated

Notebooks of William Dawes, one dated 1790, comprising grammatical forms and vocabularies of the language spoken in the neighbourhood of Sydney, New South Wales; short vocabularies of the language of natives of Van Diemen's Land, collected by the officers of the French frigates La Recherche and L'Espérance in 1793.

Dawes , William , 1762-1836 , Lieutenant
GB 1446 MS 90-98 · 1925-1982

Papers of Bernard Deacon on Malekula including:

MS 90

16 notebooks made on Malekula including on Malekula vocabulary; notes in Malekula languages; sketches; genealogies and notes on the social organisation; exogamous groups; folk tales; cultural heroes; masks and music of the Malekula people, with an accompanying index by Camilla H. Wedgwood.

MS 91

Correspondence and letter extracts concerning Deacon's journey to and work in Malekula, 1925-1926, including letter to Armstrong from Deacon, 4 Nov 192[5], written aboard the SS Orimonds near Colombo, and photocopied extracts of letters to Margaret Gardiner from Deacon, written from South West Bay, Lambumbu and Bushmans Bay, Jun 1926 and a photocopy of a photograph of Deacon taken in Malekula, 1927. Also included in this collection is correspondence between Margaret Gardiner and Jonathan Benthall, director of the Royal Anthropological Institute relating to the archive, 1982.


Five notebooks containing glossaries of Malekula words and phrases, compiled from Deacon's notes by Camilla H. Wedgwood, [c1930].

MS 93

Genealogies of Lagalag villages, compiled from Deacon's notes by Camilla H. Wedgwood, [c1930]. 51 files.

MS 94

Draft of 'Geometrical Drawings from Malekula and Other Islands of the New Hebrides' by the late A. Bernard Deacon, edited by Camilla H. Wedgwood with notes by A C Haddon; The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, Vol. 64, (Jan-Jun 1934), pp. 129-175.

MS 95

Figures, drawings and description from Malekula, by Deacon. 1926-1927 including 8 coloured drawings, 4 wax rubbings, and a genealogical table.

MS 96

Place name index of Malekula Island by Camilla H. Wedgwood with notes on clans, totems, map references, survivors and descent locality and bibliographical references to Pacific Island boats, [1930s].

MS 97

Notes on linguistics and folktales of the Malekula people by Deacon, 1926-1927.

MS 98

Notes, geometrical drawings, diagrams, plans and maps made by Deacon on Malekula, 1925-[1927]. Also, a few additional notes by A.C. Haddon and J. Layard and correspondence with W.E. Armstrong, Margaret Gardiner, A.C. Haddon and A. Radcliffe-Brown.

Deacon , Arthur Bernard , 1903-1927 , social anthropologist
Wedgwood , Camilla Hildegarde , 1901-1955 , anthropologist
GB 0102 MS 380574 · 1958

Typescript papers, 1958, of David P Gamble of the Colonial Office on the Fula language, comprising Firdu Fula Grammar, Gambia Fula Verb List, and Fula-English Vocabulary (Gambian dialects).

Gamble , David Percy , b 1920 , scholar on the Gambia
GRAZ, César L M Des
GB 0402 LMG · 1837-1840

Papers of César L M Des Graz on the voyage of the ASTROLABE, 1837-1840, including journal entitled 'Impressions et remarques pendant le voyage des corvettes l'ASTROLABE et la ZELEE', 7 Sep 1837-22 Jun 1840, in three volumes; a varient draft of the journal, 7 Sep 1837-6 Feb. 1838, including pen and ink sketches; 'Tableau comparatif des idiomes des disserents peuplades visitees par l'expedition' (French and fifteen native languages of Pacific Islands, Australia and New Zealand); eulogy of Dumont D'Urville, and some account of the expedition and 'Latitudes et longitudes et direction des vents de chaque jour pendant le voyage des corvettes l'ASTROLABE et la ZELEE', 1837-1840.

Graz , César L M , Des , fl 1837-1840 , Secretary to Commandant of the ASTROLABE
Green, Margaret Mackeson
GB 0102 PP MS 15 · Created 1937-1987

Papers, 1937-1987, of and relating to Margaret Mackeson Green, comprising personal correspondence (1946-1973); Igbo material, including her original field notes and work on the Igbo language, preparatory drafts of the Igbo Language Course, notes on Igbo texts, vocabulary lists intended for inclusion in an Igbo/English dictionary, and a few miscellaneous items of anthropological significance; material relating to the Division of Inter-Church Aid Refugee World Service (DICARWS) (1968-1969); and miscellaneous material on other African languages.

Green , Margaret Mackeson , 1895-1979 , anthropologist and linguist
GB 0113 MS-GREEW · Fonds · 1839-1894

Correspondence and papers of William Alexander Greenhill, 1839-1894, mainly relating to medical biography including notes on Galen; notes on the classification of animals; printed drawings of surgical instruments; notes on Arabic medicine and transcripts of Arabic texts; five engravings of Halle and engraving of A H Francke's Monument; prescriptions; biographical notes on doctors and other eminent men and correspondence, chiefly on his work on Galen.

Greenhill , William Alexander , 1814-1894 , physician and sanitary reformer
Grote Letters
GB 0103 MS ADD 134 · 1852-1870

Letters from Grote to Sir William Smith, lexicographer, concerning Smith's work and Grote's History of Greece, plus other subjects. Also included is a printed notice by Joseph Mazzini dated 8 November 1852, appealing for money, and a duplicated circular letter to Grote relating to 'The Hungarian Fund', signed by Lajos Kossuth, with a note from Grote, 1853.

Grote , George , 1794-1871 , politician and historian
Guthrie, Malcolm
GB 0102 PP MS 27 · Created 1918-1978

Papers, 1918-1978, of and relating to Malcolm Guthrie, including personal material; field data, grammar and vocabulary notes on over 180 Bantu languages (major section on Bemba); notes on his comparative work on the Bantu languages; early drafts of the four volumes of Comparative Bantu; and general notes on the features of Bantu grammar.

Guthrie , Malcolm , 1903-1972 , Professor of Bantu languages
Hichens, William
GB 0102 MSS 34882, 47707-8, 47770, 47779, 47781, 47796-7, 53489-98, 53500-5, 53507-9, 53823-7, 53829, 54342, 193290-2, 196884, 205000, 210002-11, 210013-14, 228624, 253028-9, 256191, 263325 · 1792-1943

Collected papers, 1792-1943 (some undated), manuscript and typescript, of William Hichens, largely dating from the 1930s, comprising Swahili stories, verses, histories, and vocabularies, including transcriptions and translations of sources, and some correspondence of Hichens relating to Swahili literature.

Hichens , William , d 1944 , Swahili scholar
Johnston, Sir Harry Hamilton
GB 0102 MS 193299 · Created c1919

Manuscripts of the collected vocabularies, c1919, of Sir Harry Hamilton Johnston. The manuscripts were used in the compilation of A Comparative Study of the Bantu and Semi-Bantu Languages, and were contained in the first of the two-volume set, the second volume being an analysis and comparison of the phonologies, syntax and word roots detailed in volume one.

Johnston , Harry Hamilton , 1858-1927 , Knight , explorer, colonial administrator and linguist
GB 0103 SAINTE-PALAYE · 18th century

Manuscript 'Glossaire des moeurs, coûtumes etc de France', compiled by Jean Baptiste de La Curne de Sainte-Palaye for his Glossaire de l'ancienne langue françoise, 18th century, and comprising an alphabetical arrangement of topics on French manners and customs, with marginal references giving the volume and page of the manuscript or printed source from which the extracts were made.

Palaye , Jean Baptiste , de La Curne de Sainte- , 1697-1781 , lexicographer
MAN, Edward Horace (d 1929)
GB 1446 MS 100-119a · 1863-1920

Papers of Edward Horace Man including:

MS 110
Andaman vocabulary, in 25 volumes, English-Andamanese and Andamanese-English.

MS 111
Andamanese grammar, annotated by Sir R.C. Temple, Port Blair, 1878.

MS 112
Loose notes on Nicobar, Andamanese and comparative vocabulary; Port Blair, 1878.

MS 113

Pamphlet entitled 'A grammar of the Bôjingîjîda or South Andaman language', by E.H. Man and R.C. Temple. (Calcutta, Thacker, Spink and Co., 1878) interleaved with manuscript notes.

MS 114

Proof for an article by Man entitled 'Notes on the Nicobarese' by despatched to Bombay 4 Jan 1899 from Port Blair with accompanying manuscript and typescript notes and numerous annotations.

MS 115

Notepad containing manuscript notes on Andaman vocabulary by Amy F. Man, with notes in the margin, by E H Man, 1885-1886. Inserted is a reprint of 'Notes on analogies of manners between the Indo-Chinese races and the races of the Indian Archipelago', by Colonel Yule, with holograph letter of the author to A F Man affixed.

MS 116

Personal papers of E H Man including letters from parents; issue of his school magazine, Uppingham, Oct. 1872, containing memorial to Arthur C Man (inserted photograph); 'Memo of periods during which I have officiated in higher grades'; copies of correspondence dated 1863 between the Superintendent of Convicts, P.W. Island, and Resident Councillor P.W. Island, H. Man; press cuttings; transcripts of poems; reviews of Andaman Islanders and a photograph.

MS 117

Loose notes, botanical and others, [c 1877].

MS 118

Reprints and cuttings from The Times, 25 May 1920 and pamphlets annotated by E H Man.

MS 119

Manuscript vocabulary of the languages spoken by the people of South Andaman, 1875 in 5 volumes with photographs and maps.

MS 119a

'Vocabulary of dialects spoken in the Nicobar and Andaman Isles', by Fr. Ad. De Röepstorff, Extra Assistant Superintendent Andaman and Nicobars, 1874, annotated by E H Man.

Man , Edward Horace , d 1929 , colonial administrator
Mandingo vocabulary
GB 1446 MS 3 · Collection · c 1880

Mandingo vocabulary comprising handwritten list of words and phrases from Mandingo and other languages used in Timbuktu, West Africa, collected by Réné Caillié (1799-1838), a French explorer, and the first to return alive from Timbuktu; also mentions African explorers Mungo Park (1771-1806), Captain [George Francis] Lyon (1795-1832) and Major [Dixon] Denham (1786-1828), [Thomas Edward] Bowditch (1790-1824), and others.

E J [or S?] Unknown: although cover of notebook mentions R. Caillié the notebook is obviously compiled by another, and includes word lists gathered by several explorers.
GB 0100 KAL/A22 · Collection · [1925]

Manuscript volumes of Revd Bertram Seaborne Mercer, [1925], comprising 'Biblical Hebrew and Aramaic Lexicon', by Mercer; Greek lexicon by Mercer and notebook containing notes on Biblical passages in English, Hebrew and Greek.

Mercer , Bertram Seaborne , b 1883 , clergyman
Parsons Family
GB 0102 MS 380686 · (1902-1926), 1951-1998

Papers, 1902-1998, of the Parsons family, comprising three volumes of typescript copies of letters (1902-1926) written by the Rev and Mrs Parsons from Yunnan, China, the subjects including family matters and mission activities, descriptions of local people and culture, and references to the Miao language; unpublished Hua Miao-English dictionary and phrase book written by P Kenneth and R Keith Parsons, 1998; publications using 'Reformed' Pollard script, 1951-1994, including text books and school primer (some photocopies), collected by them.

Parsons , Harry , 1878-1952 , missionary Parsons , Edith Annie Kate , b 1876 , missionary Parsons , Richard Keith , b 1916 , Methodist minister Parsons , Philip Kenneth , b 1916 , Methodist minister
Parsons, Frederick William
GB 0102 PP MS 50 · Created 1940s-1970s

Research and teaching materials, 1940s-1970s, created by F. W. Parsons, relating to his work on the Hausa language. They reflect his knowledge of Hausa grammar and include writings on a variety of topics including syntax, semantics, morphology and phonology.

Parsons , Frederick William , 1908-1993 , colonial administrator and linguist
GB 1446 MS 101-109 and 445 · [1919-1930]

Papers of Robert Sutherland Rattray, [1919-1930] including:

MS 101 and 102

19 anthropological papers by various authors, [1919-25].

MS 103

Manuscript transliteration of Hausa laws [from Arabic to Hausa] in a number of hands; with an introduction and preface by Rattray.

MS 104

Three notebooks containing manuscript notes on Nankani customs, [1928-1929].

MS 105

Six notebooks containing notes on language, grammar and vocabulary of a number of languages including Mole and Isal, 1928-1929.

MS 106

25 note-blocks containing notes on subjects including genealogy; prohibited marriages; Ashanti weights; Abrammuo; Kobina Winak, Headman; Baya ceremony; drum talking cylinders; weaving Ntama-nweno; Obonus ceremony at Tekimas; Nsa, cloth use at funerals; Ashanti law, constitution, history and folklore; Maine's Ancient Law; enstoolment; training of a priest; Adamfo in Kuman and the history and constitution of Kwawu.

MS 107

Notebooks containing field notes and genealogies on Ashanti law and constitution, 1925.

MS 108

Note blocks containing field notes, 1927, on subjects including Kwawu; Nkyinnyewa or Nkwawie and genealogy notes of Osai Bonsu mamid.

MS 109

Note blocks containing field notes, 1928-1930, on subjects including: vocabularies of a number of African languages; Nankani customs and folk tales; the Dagaba classification-system; Isala modern constitution claims; Isala and Dagaba tribes; kobi classification system, inheritance and clans; Kusassi custom; Mamprum constitution; Dagomba constitution and history of Gwalo.

MS 445

Photographs and illustrations taken in Ashanti and the Northern Territories, Ghana, with letters and record books.

Rattray , Robert Sutherland , 1881-1938 , colonial official and ethnographer
GB 0402 WSR · 1913-1933

Papers of William and Katherine Routledge from their expedition to Easter Island, 1913-1916 together with some papers concerning Jamaica, including notebooks, papers, sketches, maps, photographs, slides and correspondence; extensive notes of writings of earlier visitors to the island; log books of the expedition yacht MANA, 20 Feb 1913-31 Jul 1916; burgee of the MANA; lists of yacht's stores, expenses etc.; draft of Katherine Routledge's book, The Mystery of Easter Island; tracings of rock carvings, sketch plans, lantern slides, photographs, correspondence and notes from Easter Island; albums of press cuttings, chiefly reviews of The Mystery of Easter Island and With a Prehistoric People; index cards with a vocabulary of Mangarevanotes and correspondence concerning Jamaica and the expedition to cross the John Crow Mountains, 1920-1933.

Routledge , William Scoresby , 1859-1939 , ethnographer
Routledge , Katherine Maria , 1866-1835 , née Pease , archaeologist
GB 1446 Manuscripts · Collection · 1760-2001

The manuscript series, 1760-2001, includes field notes, research notes, vocabularies, transcripts of lectures, essays, cards, drawings, diagrams and photographs of anthropologists. Collections range from single volumes to many boxes and are assigned a numerical running number

1 Sir Alfred Claud Hollis, genealogical notes on the history of Vumba, East Africa, with an account of the descendants of its Diwans, 1899; 2 A L Lewis, stone circles and monuments: a collection of lectures; 3 Réné Caillié, Mandingo vocabulary; 4-5. John Clarke, A vocabulary or dictionary of the Fernandian tongue, 1854; African dialects, Fernando Po, 1841; 6. James Günther, Vocabulary of the Aboriginal dialect called Wirradhurri, 1839; 7. Hugh Stannus, The practice of scarification (tattooing) among the natives of Nyasaland, 1927; 8. James Philip Mills, Mongsen Ao word list, 1926; 9. H J Knox, Notes on figures engraved on rocks in the great trap dyke in the Peacock Hills near Bellarey, 1893.

10-11. William George Archer, Civil justice in tribal India, 1946; 12. Grammar of the Binandele language, Mamba River, British New Guinea; 13. Gerhard Lohmeyer, Recht und Zauberei in Nordwest-Amerika, 1948; 14. Thomas Crawford Johnston, Correspondence on 'Did the Phoenicians discover America?' 1913; 15. Vocabularies: West African dialects; 16-17. R Baudin, Dictionnaire Français-Yoruba; 18. Thomas Vincent Holmes, On some recent criticisms of the Denehole exploration report of the Essex Field Club, 1908; 19. August Vogl, Wahrhafte Heilkunst, 1949; 20. Sir George Laurence Gomme, A handbook to folk-lore, 1890.

  1. Francis J Hambly, Peru, the cradle of South America, post 1930; 22-23. Elphinstone Dayrell, More folk stories from Southern Nigeria; Anthropology, 1911; 24. Monique de Lestrange, Contributions à l'étude des plis palmaires chez l'homme, 1945; 25-25a. Adolph Brewster, Genealogies and histories of the Matanitu, 1923; 26. W A Buckingham, Beliefs and religious symbols in the bronze age of England; 27. Charles William Hobley, Anthropological papers by various people and correspondence, 1947; 28. Amedée Vignola, Translation of the introductory chapters and tables, from the French, in Tous les femmes, 1925; 29. G A Turner, Some anthropological notes on the South-African coloured mine labourer, 191-; 30. Tracey Philipps, The continental-European ethnic and cultural composition of Canada, 1947.

    1. Aliston Blyth, Tedi River tribes, 1922; 32. Granville St John Orde Browne, Physical peculiarities of the minor tribes of Mount Kenya, British East Africa, 1915; 33. Sir Herbert Gibson, Notes on the Indian tribes of the Paraguayan and Bolivian Chaco, 1922; 34. John Mathew, Explanation of some of the Australian class names, 1926; 35. H Olaf Hodgkin and others, Malagasy folk-lore; 36. Edward E Long, The mystery of the Sakai; 37. Johann Friedrich Blumenbach, XIV observations on some Egyptian mummies opened in London, 1792; 38. W Champ, Aboriginal vocabulary, 1862; 39-40. Guybon Henry Damant, The wild tribes of north eastern India, 1900; Scrap album, 1867-78.

41-59. Mary Edith Durham, Collection, 1900-1940; 60-63. E Dora Earthy, Collection, 1939; 64. George Bellas Greenough, Ethnological dictionary; 65-76. Melville William Hilton-Simpson, Collection, 1906-26; 77-89. Richard E C Long, Collection, 1885-1950; 90-98. Arthur Bernard Deacon, Collection, 1926-1927; 99. L Marillier, Notes and extracts; 100. Charles Samuel Myers, Anthropometric measurements of Egyptians, 1901-1902.

101-09. Robert Sutherland Rattray, Collection, 1919-1930; 110-19a. Edward Horace Man, Collection, 1874-1920; 120. V Stefansson, Some Eskimo words of possible historical significance, 1911; 121. Paul Schebesta, The Zimbabwe - Kultur in Africa, 1923; 122. E T C Werner, Report on a journey N. and E. of Peking, 1887; 123-39. William Crooke, Collection, [1890]-1921; 140-52. Joseph Barnard Davis, Collection, 1800-1875; 153. Corpus of Indian Pottery: A card-index of Indian cairn and urn-burial pottery forms, 1929; 154. Anonymous, Jujus and Jujuism, 1913; 155-56. Gertrude M Godden, Naga and other frontier tribes of Eastern India, 189-; The Naga tribes, 1897; 157. Joseph Daniel Unwin, Tax and custom, 1913-34; 158. John Ogilvie, Notes and myths of aboriginal Indians of British Guiana; 159. J W Ogilvie Bennett, English native vocabulary of the Woolner dialect, Adelaide River, North Australia, 1869; 160. Francis Turville-Petre, The stone age in Palestine, Syria and Transjordania, 1927.

  1. Ponape notes; 162. J M A J Dawson, Aborigines of Malaya, 1956; 163. G B Gloyne, The batik art of Java, 1933; 164. S Gillmore Lee, A study of crying hysteria and dreaming in Zulu women, 1954; 165. Voyages: Extracts from voyages of exploration; 166. Robert Wood Williamson and M Campbell, Bibliographical material in classified form; 167. Pigmentation survey of Scotland, 1906; 168. Great Britain: Colonial Office: Committee of Civil Research. Kenya Native Welfare Subcommittee, 1926-7; 169. Australia: Aboriginals, 1930; 170. Ajit Mookerjee, Bengal folk art, 1949; 171. Father Gardner, Drawings to Excavations in a Wilton industry at Gokomere, Fort Victoria, S. Rhodesia, 1928; 172. Folklore Institute of America: Second session, 1946; 173. G R Carline, Newspaper and periodical cuttings arranged according to subject, 1931; 174. C H Hawes, Individual measurements and observations of about 2700 Cretan men, 1905-9; 175. British Association for the Advancement of Science: Human geography file, 1934-5; 176. International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences: Papers, abstracts of papers and press-cuttings, 1934; 177. R J Hunt, Lengua dictionary, 193-; 178. Great Britain: Colonial Office: Extracts from a despatch from the administrator of Dominica, 1918; 179-80. Michael Garfield Smith, The social structure of the northern Kadara, 195-; Social organisation and economy of Kagoro, 1952.

  2. Hugh Stannus, Some anthropometrical observations among the natives of Nyasaland; 182. Francis A Allen, The Easter Island monuments and tablets, 1904; 183. E Wynstone-Waters, The arches of the human foot and how they are maintained, 1904; 184. Brab I Purcell, Rites and customs of Australian aborigines, 1893; 185. R A Stewart Macalister and E W G Masterman, Occasional papers on the modern inhabitants of Palestine, 19-; 186. E S Menen, marriage customs among the Nayars of Malabar; 187. F S Brockman, Notes on aboriginal paintings, Australia, 1901; 188. Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland: Curl Prize Essay, 1950 to date; 189. Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland: Wellcome Medal, 1931 to date; 190. Chicago University Department of Anthropology: Papers, reports and symposiums, 1955-1957.

  3. Ioan Myrddin Lewis, The Somali lineage system, 1958; 192-98. Emil Torday, Collection. 1908-1931; 199. Gambia: Native law and customs, 1908; 200. Nigeria, Southern: Reports to Colonial Office, 1906-1907; 201-02. Nigeria, Northern: Enclosures in despatch No. 459 of 9th September 1907; Reports to Colonial Office, 1907-1908; 203. Gold Coast: Native law and customs, 1906-8; 204. Sir Percy Sykes, Persian notes, 1914; 205. James Edge-Partington, Register of objects from the Pacific, 1896; 206. Cyril Belshaw, Economic aspects of culture contact in eastern Melanesia, 1949; 207. Samoan Affairs Office, Pago Pago: Genealogies, 1956; 208. T B Cliffe, anthropological notes on the Afo pagans, 1957-8; 209. Phyllis Mary Kaberry, Report on farmer-grazier relations and the changing pattern of agriculture in Nsaw, 1959; 210. Elphinstone Dayrell, Africa West; 211. Dorothy D Lee, values and mental health, 1958; 212. Association of Social Anthropologists: The teaching of social anthropology, 1958; 213. Susannah Vibert Pearce, The appearance of iron and its use in protohistoric Africa, 1960; 214. Filiberto Giorgetti, La superstition Zande, 1958-60; 215. Laura Longmore, The dispossessed, 1957; 216. Annette Rosenstiel, The Motu of Papua New Guinea, 1953; 217. William Halse Rivers and others, Simbo-English vocabulary; 218. Ruth Fulton Benedict, Miscellaneous notes, 1930-1935; 219-40. Sir Everard Ferdinand Im Thurn, Collection, 1760-1922.

  4. H K Fry, Dieri legends [South Australia]; 242. J Gibson Hall, The Alungu chiefs, their families and genealogical tree, 1902-7; 243. Lakemba (Fiji): Drawings by school boys, 1911; 244. H M M Scroggie, The sociology of Ngwaketse diet, 1946; 245. Herbert John Fleure, Anthropometric survey of Wales, 1906-36; 246. Ruth H Finnegan, survey of the Limba people of northern Sierra Leone, 1962; 247. George P Murdock and others, Outline of cultural materials, 1938; 248. E J Wayland, The age of the Oldoway human skeleton, 1932; 249. Neil Gordon Munro, Ainu material; 250. N Dyson-Hudson, The present position of the Karimojong, 1958; 251. H Du Plessis, Die politieke organisasie van die Venda, 1941; 252. Eva Leonie Lewin-Richter Meyerowitz, Akan traditions of origin, 1952; 253. Cambridge Expedition to northern Africa, report, 1964; 254-56. Alice Joan Metge, Some modern Maoris, 1953; Urbanisation and the pattern of Maori life, 1954; The urban Maori, 1953; 257. LSE Report on a conference on applied anthropology, 1963; 258. British Museum, Department of Ethnography: Excavations at Las Cuevas, 1958; 259. Margaret E Kenna and John C Kenna, list of portraits of anthropologists and archaeologists and workers in allied fields, 1966; 260. T B Naik, Anavils, the unspoilt Brahmins, 1954.

  5. Brenda Zara Seligman, Genealogies; 262. Brenda Zara Seligman, Seligman's psychology collection; 263. William Charles Willoughby, Index to the Willoughby papers in Selly Oak Colleges, Library, Birmingham; 264. R Webb, Genealogy of the Lihoja, 1964; 265. Eric Wilton Morse, Immigration and status of British East Indians in Canada, 1944; 266. G D Walker, Garo customs and folk-lore, 1967; 267. Henry Boyle Townshend Somerville, Orientation in megalithic monuments and associated papers, anthropological notes on Solomon Islands, Tonga, Fiji and Samoa, and maps of Chinese Turkistan and Kansu, 1892-1936; 268. Marian Smith collection; 269. British Solomon Islands Protectorate: Notes on native custom, tradition, organisation and culture, 1938; 270. F J Language, Kapteinskap onder die Tlhaping, 1941.

  6. Otto Friedrich Raum, The social functions of avoidance and taboos among the Zulu, 1960; 272. Adam Kuper, Kinship, marriage, and local groupings among the Ngologa, 1965; 273. P H Brinckner, Brief v. 28.6.1876, Otyikaugo etc.; 274. Anthropolgicky Kongres K 100. Vyroci Narozenin Alese Hrdlicky; 275. Isaac Schapera, Notes on some Herero genealogies, 1945; 276-77. G P Lestrade, Miscellaneous notes on laws and customs of the Bahuruthse; Preliminary summary of main heads of information obtained at Maahoana (Gopane), 1926; 278. Philip and Iona Mayer, Sexual and fighting behaviour among Red Xhosa youth; 279. Sir Arthur Grimble, Gilbertese myths, 1964; 280. J P Luce, Private journal, 1852-1867; 281. G O Whitehead, Spagnolo's Bari grammar, 1933; 282. Philip F W Bartle, African rural urban migration, 1971; 283. G M Clifford, The Igala chiefdom, 1934; 284. Jose Llopis Martin, De genealogia medica, 1970; 285. Antonio A Arantes, Compadrio in rural Brazil, 1971; 286. Nicas Kipengele, Marriage celebration among Wamatumbi and Wapogoro and its relation to canon law, 1961; 287. M R Allen, Report on Aoba, 1969; 288. Allen, Ganguly, Pranab and Pal, Anadi. The Onge of Little Andaman, 1964; 289. James Bol Kalmal, Marriage rights and duties among the Shilluk, 1973; 290. Hans Schindler Bellamy, Problems of Tiahuanaco, 1938.

  7. Dugald Malcolm, The Kuna Indians, 1974; 292. Barrington J Howard, Social organisation in Eskimo communities, 1976; 293. P R Foulkes-Roberts, Letters home from an administrative officer in Nigeria, 1924-44; 294. Miriam L Tildesley, Miscellaneous notes, papers, letters, calculations, tables and graphs; 295. Douglas A Lorimer, Racist theory in British anthropology, 1870-1900; 296. James H Chaplin, Tribal art and painting; 297. Charles Staniland Wake, Correspondence 1892-1909; 298. Meyer Fortes, First and second reports on fieldwork, 1934; 299. Hilda Beemer, (Mrs Hilda Kuper), First report on fieldwork, 1937; 300. Margaret Read, Second report on field work, 1936.

  8. G Tillion and T Riviere, Sixth report on fieldwork, 1936; 302. Godfrey B Wilson, First report on fieldwork, 1936; 303. Monica Hunter (Mrs Godfrey Wilson), Methods of fieldwork, 1933; 304. G Gordon Brown, Notes on the progress of fieldwork, 1933; 305. S Hofstra, Reports on fieldwork among the Mendi, 1934; 306. Walter Scott, Economic condition of Sind, 1846; 307. Elizabeth Bott (Mrs James Spillius), Miscellaneous papers; 308. Garth A Rogers, Kai and Kava in Niuatoputapu, 1975; 309. James Spillius, Conscience, 1947; 310. Yvonne Blake, Infantile development; 311. Leslie M Young, Notes on various published papers, 1914-1987; 312-13. M S Swede, Scrapbook folders containing miscellaneous newspaper and journal cuttings, 1926-1982; miscellaneous articles and pamphlets, 1945-1983; 314. Stuart E Mann, Albanian literature, 1955, and Laura E Start, The Durham collection of garments and embroideries from Albania and Yugoslavia; 315. Ivor Hugh Norman Evans, Bornean diaries, 1938-1942; 316-17. Laura Longmore, Multi-racial dilemma, 1959; Polygamy among the southern Bantu, 1988; 318. Derek Bickerton, Language and species, 1990; 319. C H Browner et al, A new methodology for medicine; 320. James Weiner, Mountain Papuans, 1988.

  9. Derek Frank Bruce Roberts, The geographical distribution of the physical characters of man; 322. George W Stocking Jr, Reading the palimpsest of inquiry; 323. Douglas L Oliver, Somatic variability and human ecology on Bougainville, Solomon Islands; 324. Marilyn Hammersley Houlberg, Yoruba twin sculpture and ritual, 1973; 325. Shanthi Tambiah, Culture as adaptation: change among the Bhuket of Sarawak, Malaysia, 1995; 326. Mark Angus Jamieson, Kinship and gender as political processes among the Miskitu of Eastern Nicaragua, 1995; 327. Alexander Goldbloom, Thomas Bendyshe and the Anthropological Society of London 1863-1871, 1995; 328. Ethel John Lindgren, Anthropological film of the Reindeer Tungus of Manchuria, 1931-1932; 329. Association of Social Anthropologists/Social Science Research Council: Conference on the training and employment of social anthropologists, 1980; 330. Peter Johann Koblenzer, The state of health and the environment of the Rungus Dusun of Kampong Maksangkong-Dampirit of the Kudat Peninsula in the west coast residency of the Colony of British North Borneo, 1959.

  10. Bennet Greig, Memorandum on the Indians of the Peruvian Sierra, 1936; 332. Ethnological Survey of Canada: Copies of circular and of schedules, 1899; 333. Margaret Read, The value of social anthropology for nurses overseas, 1939; 334. Jonathan Benthall, 'And what should they know of England who only England know?', 1974; 335. George Soper Cansdale, String figures, 1937; 336. Johanna Felhoen-Kraal, Die Herkunft der sogenannten Portugiesischen Juden, 1942; 337. Kathy Curnow, The Afro-Portuguese ivories, 1982; 338. Daniel Carleton Gajdusek, Journals 1951-2000 and various papers (restricted access); 339. James Edge-Partington, An album of the weapons, tools, ornaments, articles of dress etc of the natives of the Pacific Islands, 1890; 340. Hua Cai, Les Na: une société sans père ni mari (Chine), 1995.

  11. Jonathan Benthall, Christianity and British anthropologists, 2000; 342. Suzanne Preston Blier, Kings, crowns, and rights of succession; 343. John Pemberton III, Ere Ibeji from Ila-Orangun, 1981; 344. Joseph Nevadomsky, The Benin bronze horseman as the Ata of Idah; 345. William Robin Gray Horton, Ijo ritual sculpture; 346. Henry John Drewal, Art, history and the individual; 347. Bernice M Kelly, contemporary Nigerian artists, 1988; 348. Gavin D White, Material on Eskimos; 349. William Robin Gray Horton, Untitled about the Ijo of the Rivers Province; 350. S Pughe, Brodribb. A preliminary report ... on the origins and ages of ... man-made structures in ... Kenya; 351. Jonathan Skinner, Impressions of Montserrat, 1997; 352. Arnold L Epstein, A Melanesian masquerade, 1988 (forbidden access); 353. Muhammadu Aliyu, Socio-economic aspects of Saukar Karatu, 1980; 354. Alhaji Isa Kebbe, A sociological analysis of a despised occupation in Hausa society, 1984; 355. Jarle Simensen, The Asafo of Kwahu, Ghana, 1974; 356. Ramon Ramonet Riu, Totem, the first one and the future, 1996; 357. Audrey Isabel Richards, Some aspects of clan structure among the Baganda, 1956 and Problems of Buganda clans, 1961; 358. Z R Dmochowski, Gidan Makama in Kano, 1963; 359. H Fleure, bibliography of his writings 1898-1954; 360. Charles Gabriel Seligman, Shilluk, 1902-1909.

  12. Ethel John Lindgren, Notes for the proposed handbook on methods and problems of social psychology and sociology, 1937; 362. W Perkins Foss, The arts of the Urhobo people, 1971; 363. Harold Fullard, Anthropometric cards for an anthropometric survey in Lancashire mid-1930's; 364. Charles Gabriel Seligman, Notes and papers on the art and anthropology of the Massim; 365. Ronald M and Catherine H Berndt, Native labour and welfare in the Northern Territory, 1946; 366. O Werner and Frank Willett, The composition of brasses from Ife and Benin, 1974; 367. Arnold Rubin, Notes on regalia in Biu division, Northeast State, Nigeria; 368. Angelika Tunis, Neue untersuchungen zur Berliner Beninsammlung; 369. Jacob Festus Ade Ajayi, The impact of Europe on African cultures and values, 1974; 370. African Studies Association of the United Kingdom: Meetings, membership, papers, reports, 1973-1974; 370. Jonathan Benthall, Forgetting and reminding, 1994; 372. Ronald G Stansfield, The origins of the International Ergonomics Association, 1979; 373. David J Vandyke-Lee, The conservation of wooden specimens, 1974; 374. David J Vandyke-Lee, Ethnographical conservation, 1974; 375. Ronald G Stansfield, Operational research and sociology, 1980; 376. James Woodburn, Exhibition of material equipment of the Hadza, 1965; 377-78. Myra Bluebond-Langner, The dying child speaks, 1975; Death, self and society, 1976; 379. Juana Elbein Dos Santos, Les Nago et la mort, 1972; 380. William O Oldman, Index to tribes, rivers etc of Africa shown on map, 1919-1923; 381. P F Farina, Il popolo Karimojong; 382. A T H Jolly and Frederick George Godfrey Rose, The place of the Australian Aboriginal in the evolution of society, 1941; 383. Myra Bluebond-Langner and Marianne G Everett, The meanings of death in American society and its implications for health education, 1976; 384. Jeremy Montagu, Musical instruments of the world, 1970; 385. A A Y Kyerematen, Asante Cultural Centre, 1958; 386. Centre d'Analyse Documentaire Pour L'Afrique Noire: Various papers, 1965-1966; 387. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization: Various papers, 1946-1976; 388. Jehanne H Teilhet, Paper to determine precisely who, among the French artists, were the first to feel the impact of, and to find inspiration in, the tribal arts of Oceania and the tribal arts in Africa, post 1966; 389. William Edward Hanley Stanner, Papers concerning New Hebrides administration, 1935-1937; 390-91. Craig Maginnis (Nelson), Notes and papers on the South Seas; Notebooks and pamphlets on the South Seas.

  13. William Horsfall, Papers on Tonga; 393. Keith Nicklin, Ekpu, 1988; 394. Patrick Muyendekwa Sikana, Agro-pastoralism and market integration, 1998; 395. Rachael Jane Sara Gooberman-Hill, The constraints of feeling free', 1999; 396. Alan Passes, The hearer, the hunter, and the Agouti head, 1998; 397. Richard Ssewakiryanga and David Mills,Vegetarianus economicus', 1995; 398. David Mills and Richard Ssewakiryanga, Women on top?, 1995; 399. Mary Mugyenyi and David Mills, Feminism, social theory and social reform, 1995; 400. Margaret Sarkissian, What happens when two worlds collide?, 1993; 401. Thomas Johnston, Two essays, 1969; 402.

Various anthropologists
GB 0100 KCLCA Souter · 1889-1930s

Working papers of Alexander Souter, 1889-1930s and undated, comprising 20 notebooks, 1889-1913, on his studies in Aberdeen and Cambridge and on classical and patristic sources for his later work in Oxford, Aberdeen and Italy, and also including a diary for 1890, with entries noting work completed, news cuttings relating to his interests, and a book containing short publications such as Souter's The Predicative Dative Especially in Later Latin (1926) and A fragment of an unpublished Latin text of the Epistles to the Hebrews with a brief exposition (1924); manuscript texts for articles and lectures, mostly annotated with the dates and places of delivery, 1911-1936, including 'Classical Studies in the United States of America', 'Four Great Scholars', 'The Latin Bible', The History of Latin Lexicography', 'Statius: the Poet of the Silvae', 'Statius Silvae, with special reference to the manuscript tradition', 'Pelagius's Commentary on the Epistles of St Paul', 'Recent Advances in Palaeography', 'St Augustine', 'Recollections of a Travelling Scholar' and 'Beginnings of Christianity in Africa'; manuscript catalogue of editions of Latin authors in Souter's collection (1918).

Souter , Alexander , 1873-1949 , Professor of New Testament Greek and Exegesis , Regius Professor of Humanity
Taylor, William Ernest
GB 0102 MSS 20264, 41960-1, 47752-9, 47768-9, 47780, 47782, 54341, 54343, 198870, 373394 · c1810-c1899

Collected papers, c1810-c1899 (some undated), of the Rev William Ernest Taylor, including Swahili verses, proverbs, chronicles, stories, songs, hymns, religious texts, and vocabularies, and some of Taylor's own correspondence.

Taylor , William Ernest , 1856-1927 , missionary and Swahili scholar
Troward Manuscript
GB 0103 MS LAT 18 · Early 19th century-mid 19th century

Manuscript volume, 19th century [before 1876]: Richard Troward's 'Latinum inverso ordine vocabularium' (Latin vocabulary in reverse order), possibly in his own hand.

Troward , Richard
Whitehouse, Leslie
GB 0102 MS 380646 · 1933-1955

Papers, 1933-1955, of Leslie Whitehouse, relating to the language and customs of the Masai, comprising a letter to Whitehouse concerning the proof of 'Masai Social Customs', synopsis of a chapter on the Masai by Whitehouse, and typescript notes, 1933; undated typescripts on Masai grammar and vocabulary; manuscripts on Masai vocabulary and grammar, c1953-1955.

Whitehouse , Leslie , 1901-1989 , colonial administrator , known as Wouse