Conditions de vie

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Note(s) sur la portée et contenu

    Note(s) sur la source


    Note(s) d'affichage

      Termes hiérarchiques

      Conditions de vie

      Terme générique Conditions économiques

      Conditions de vie

      Termes équivalents

      Conditions de vie

        Termes associés

        Conditions de vie

        10 Description archivistique résultats pour Conditions de vie

        Society of Medical Officers of Health
        GB 0120 SA/SMO · 1856-1998

        Papers of The Society of Medical Officers of Health, 1856-1998, comprising the constitution, 1892-1993; council records, 1856-1997; records of the general purpose committee, 1937-1981; records of the standing and temporary committees, and working parties and joint meetings, 1892-1996; general meeting records, 1856-1997; attendance books, 1872-1965; financial records, 1892-1996; members lists, 1895-1997; publications and official publicity, 1856-1997; historical material, 1866-1908; comments and evidence c 1879-1998; miscellaneous files, c 1879-1998; records of special interest groups, 1920-1997; papers, minutes and publications relating to the Society's Faculty of Community Health, 1988-1998; public health literature and sources, 1902-1997; files relating to the journal The Medical Officer, 1897-1973; non-Society records documenting public health measures, policies and issues in the first half of the 20th century; and minutes, files, transcripts of papers, correspondence, photographs, and ephemera relating to the regional Branches and Groups of the Society, 1875-1997.

        Sans titre
        War Emergency Workers National Committee
        GB 0097 COLL MISC 0956 · 1914-1918

        Memoranda on the increased cost of living during World War One, Aug 1914- Jun 1917. Also, Executive Committee of the Workers' National Committee minutes, 11 Sep 1914-10 Oct 1918.

        Sans titre
        Account of life in a Polish ghetto
        GB 1556 WL 1244 · Collection · 1942

        Papers comprising an account of life in a Polish ghetto, 1942, contain copy extracts from a letter by a Jewish woman in a ghetto in Poland, in which she describes the horrendous living conditions. Mention is made of the immanent arrival of a Swiss commission of inspection.

        Sans titre
        GB 0097 COLL MISC 0043 · Collection · 1885-1890

        Record of the inhabitants of Katharine Buildings, Cartwright Street, Aldgate, London.

        Sans titre
        Jews in Berlin, early 1942
        GB 1556 WL 872 · Collection · 1942

        Typescript report on conditions for Jews in Berlin at the beginning of 1942 covering such topics as food; work regulations; living conditions; deportations; confiscations of property; cultural activities; the yellow star and the relationship with the non-Jewish population.

        Sans titre
        Ragged Trousered Philanthopists
        GB 1924 RTP · 1901-1910

        Manuscript of The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists by Robert Tressell [Robert Noonan], c 1910, with a short history of the original manuscript, and its publication history by Fred Ball

        Sans titre
        National Council of One Parent Families
        GB 106 5OPF · Fonds · 1917-2002

        Records of the National Council of One Parent Families including proof of status and policy documents; minutes of committees and working parties, 1918-1995; annual reports, 1918-1989, ledgers and associated accounts; case books and related papers, 1918-1947; fundraising and appeals, 1925-1993; correspondence, including with government and associated bodies (1918-1995); publications, draft bills, acts and legislation, details of Friends and Members.

        Sans titre
        Hugo, Edward Victor
        GB 0114 MS0057 · 1915-1918

        Papers of Edward Victor Hugo, 1915-1918, comprising a diary relating to the Gallipoli campaign, when Hugo was senior medical officer of the hospital ship GASCON, 1915; a diary including maps of Baghdad and Lower Mesopotamia, relating to Hugo's period in India and Mesopotamia, 1916; a diary relating to the period when Hugo was in Mesopotamia, and was appointed CMG, 1917; a diary relating to the period when Hugo was in Mesopotamia, including inserted letters, 1918. The diaries contain references to the weather, movements of the ship, living conditions, and details of patients attended, and include inserted letters and photographs.

        Sans titre