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Note(s) sur la portée et contenu

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      Termes hiérarchiques


      Terme générique Animal


      Termes équivalents


        Termes associés


          18 Description archivistique résultats pour Mammifère

          GB 0060 DF ZOO · 1819-2000

          Papers of the Department of Zoology comprising: DF200 Keeper of Zoology's correspondence and files;
          DF201 Keeper of Zoology's out-letters;
          DF202 Department of Zoology: Keeper's miscellaneous documents;
          DF203 Keeper of Zoology's wartime papers and memoranda;
          DF204 Registers and indexes of Zoology departmental correspondence;
          DF205 Zoology Reports to Trustees and other official documents;
          DF206 Keeper of Zoology's subject files;
          DF207 Zoology Departmental finance and accounts;
          DF208 Keeper of Zoology's staff files and official diaries;
          DF209 Zoology reports of progress, monthly and annual;
          DF210 Keeper of Zoology's building and accommodation files;
          DF211 Keeper of Zoology's publication files;
          DF212 Keeper of Zoology's confidential files;
          DF213 Keeper of Zoology's expedition files;
          DF214 Keeper of Zoology's Great Barrier Reef Expedition files;
          DF215 Keeper of Zoology's John Murray Expeditions files;
          DF216 Zoology Acquisition, loan and exchange records;
          DF217 Artwork for publication;
          DF218 Zoology Accessions Registers;
          DF219 Collection Catalogues;
          DF220 Zoology Departmental Visitors Books;
          DF230 Bird Section correspondence;
          DF231 Vertebrate Section reports to Trustees and other official documents;
          DF232 Mammal Section correspondence;
          DF233 Fish Section correspondence;
          DF234 Osteology Section subject files;
          DF235 Reptile Section correspondence;
          DF250 Invertebrate Section correspondence and papers;
          DF251 Invertebrate Section reports to Trustees and other official documents;
          DF252 Crustacea Section correspondence;
          DF253 Coelenterata Section correspondence;
          DF254 Mollusca Section correspondence;
          DF255 Arachnida Section correspondence;
          DF256 Crustacea Section research papers;
          DF257 Coelenterata Section research papers;
          DF258 Coelenterata Section collection records;
          DF259 Parasitic Worms Section correspondence;
          DF260 Sponge Section correspondence;
          DF261 Bryozoa Section correspondence;
          DF262 Invertebrate sections visitors books;
          DF263 Sponge Section, photographs and artwork for publication;
          DF264 Echinodermata and Protochordata Section correspondence;
          DF265 Annelida Section Correspondence and Papers;
          DF266 Echinodermata and Protochordata Section research papers;
          DF270 Zoology Library accession records;
          DF271 Zoology Library correspondence and memoranda;
          DF272 Zoology Library catalogues and related material.

          Sans titre
          GB 0814 ZCA · 1869-1879

          Letters from Frank Buckland to Prince Christian of Schleswig Holstein, 1869-1879. Most are written from the Salmon Fisheries Office, but some are from his 'Land and Water' office. They concern fish, pheasants, Buckland's Museum, seals, and his new book dedicated to Prince Christian, among other topics.

          Sans titre
          Napier Papers
          GB 0103 NAPIER · [1947-1997]

          Papers of John Napier including professional correspondence, 1955-1983; biographical material including curriculum vitae and obituaries; typescript drafts of publications by Napier including Natural History of Primates, Primates and Their Adaptations, New World Monkeys and Hands; reviews by Napier; research material and notes on topics including yeti, structure of hands and feet, fingerprints, hands of primates and primates and early man; reviews of publications by Napier; offprints of articles by Napier and others; notebooks; notes for lectures including 'Elephants and other land giants' and photographs of hands, primates and skulls.

          Sans titre
          Argyle, Edward Percy (1875-1935)
          GB 0114 MS0050 · 1920-1935

          Papers of Edward Percy Argyle, 1920-1935, comprising lecture notes compiled at the Army Veterinary School, Aldershot, 1920; correspondence and notes relating to the Imperial Bureau of Animal Health, 1934-1935; correspondence and notes relating to writing abstracts for the Veterinary Bulletin, for the Imperial Bureau of Animal Health; notes and memoranda for the article 'Lesions in Cases of Roaring' published in the Royal Army Veterinary Corps Journal, Aug 1933; letters, drawings and notes, including letters relating to the Buckstone Browne Research Farm at Downe; press cuttings relating to animals; letters relating to abstracts for Biological Abstracts, 1934; observations on horses and flies, 1933; letters from B Williamson at the Military Veterinary Hospital, Delhi, 1932; research notes; notes from lectures by Professor Monro at the Imperial College of Science, South Kensington, 1931; notes from Professor Munro's 2nd lecture series; notes and diary entries relating to experiments, investigations and publications, 1934-1935; notes for an article, 1934; correspondence and notes concerning research into the condition of roaring, 1933-1935; letter from John Beattie of the Hunterian Museum relating to research reports and Buckstone Browne Research Farm, 1934-1935; notes on Facial Palsy in horses; and photographs.

          Sans titre
          GB 0098 B/HEWER · 1918-1974

          Papers of Professor Humphrey Robert Hewer, 1918-1974, comprising biographical papers, 1918-1974, including diaries, photographs; notebooks, journals and working papers, 1929-1973, relating to field trips, his work on seals, zygaena and woodpeckers; papers and correspondence of various natural history committees and societies on which he served, 1967-1974; drafts and material relating to Hewer's publications (especially British seals), 1926-1972; photographs, drawings, notes, and scripts for various wildlife films, 1951-1974; correspondence;
          notebooks on zoology, cytology, made whilst a student at the Royal College of Science (Imperial College), [1920-1926].

          Sans titre
          GARNHAM, Percy Cyril Claude (1901-1994)
          GB 0809 Garnham · 1966-1995

          Papers of Percy Cyril Claude Garnham, 1966-1995, relate to the last field research project, by Garnham, to Sabah, Malaysia, in 1972 and his death in 1994. Correspondence and notes regarding the expedition to Sabah include an introduction to the expedition and photographs and scanned images of Garnham at work, undated, (Garnham 01/01); typewritten notes with handwritten corrections concerning the film 'Expedition to Borneo', [1972], (Garnham 01/02); correspondence concerning blood films and a bibliography for protozoa, insects and acoredae, 1972-1973, (Garnham 01/03); correspondence, maps, diagrams, reports and notes related to the study of orang-utans including a draft copy of 'Malaria parasity of the orang-utan (pongo pygmaeus)' by Garnham and others, 1969-1975(Garnham 01/04); notes belonging to Peters including a workbook comprising diagrams of blood cells and notes and charts regarding parasites, 1972, (Garnham 01/05); Garnham's correspondence largely with Peters regarding the continuing work concerning malaria and chimpanzees, 1966-1991,(Garnham 01/06); photographs and diagrams including a photograph of G S de Silva outside the animal clinic in Sabah and a diagram indicating zoogeographic sub regions of the oriental region, c1970, (Garnham 01/07); correspondence largely to Wallace Peters including notes on the orang-utans in Sepilok, 1966-1974 (Garnham 01/08); correspondence notably regarding pongo paper, 1966-1975, (Garnham 01/09); photographs of chimp blood slides, c1970, (Garnham 01/10); correspondence mainly addressed to Peters, including notes and graphs of orang-utan study; correspondence regarding the setting up and funding of the project; and draft paper by Garnham, N Rajapaksa, W Peters, and R Killick-Kendrick 'Malaria parasites of the orang-utan (Pongo pygmaeus)', 1969-1973, (Garnham 01/11); photographs of Sepilok, application for Government grant for scientific investigations, correspondence regarding blood films, slides and orang-utans and new buildings in Sepilok, notes and contents of reels of film from Sabah and Borneo, 1969-1977 (Garnham 01/12) and a documentary film entitled 'Expedition to Borneo, 1972', comprising footage of orang-utans in their natural surroundings, transferred to DVD (Garnham 01/13).

          Papers also concern the death of Garnham and notably comprise correspondence from Claude Garnham, including a letter of thanks to Peters for writing Garnham's obituary; copies of many obituaries within various journals and newspapers including two in French; programme of service and thanksgiving for the life and work of Garnham and correspondence regarding the founding of an award in Garnham's memory, 1994-1995,(Garnham 02).

          Sans titre
          GB 0402 ADC · 1904-1957

          Papers of Alexander Douglas Mitchell Carruthers, 1904-1957, comprise travel diaries and notebooks from Syria and Lebanon, Central Africa, Turkestan and Arabia; correspondence, notes, published articles and cuttings about birds, mammals and other natural history topics.

          Sans titre
          Romer, John Dudley (b 1920)
          GB 0814 ZCB · 1938-1981

          Papers of John Dudley Romer, 1938-1981, including:

          Herpetological Notebook, 1938-1958: Handwritten notes on JD Romer's published articles, papers and memoranda, plus a crossed-out distribution list for reprints.

          General correspondence, 1955-1980: A selection of papers and correspondence on professional and personal matters. Includes items from GM Vevers and J Corney.

          A collection of papers mainly relating to the herpetology of Hong Kong, including: a typewritten paper entitled "Notes on the Geckos of Hong Kong"; a series of black and white photographs (plus negatives) showing a Hong Kong landscape with accompanying notes detailing the collection of herpetological specimens; a list of reptile and amphibian specimens in Romer's collection; two colour photographs and accompanying sketch of a turtle (Trionyx steindachneri); Romer's curriculum vitae.

          Microscope slides of Siphonaptera, 1875-1976: A series of mounted Siphonaptera specimens, in a wooden box.

          Negatives of a marmoset, tamarin and gibbon, and of extended injection instrument, 1975.

          Negatives of views of Bristol and Paignton Zoos, 1977.

          Black and white negatives of "unusually colored cobras" (Naja naja) in captivity in Hong Kong, dated 21 December 1979 and 12 January 1980.

          Black and white negatives of landscape views of Tai Mo Shan, Hong Kong, dated 8 December 1979 and 2 December 1980, illustrating herpetofauna habitats.

          Black and white negatives of the landscape of Tai Mo Shan and Victoria Peak, Hong Kong, illustrating herpetofauna habitats. Undated, c 1979-1980.

          Colour negatives of various views of Hong Kong Zoological and Botanical Gardens, dated 1975, 6 March 1977, 12 March 1977, 13 March 1977.

          Colour negatives of the Hong Kong Zoological and Botanical Gardens, and of Hong Kong from a helicopter, dated April 1975.

          Colour negatives of Indian python in captivity, dated 3 January 1976; captive jaguars, dated 17 June 1977; a hatching budgerigar and of a macaque/Celebes ape (Macaca nigra) and baby, dated September 1977; snakes in captivity, and some personal images, dated 25 December 1979.

          Colour negatives of the Japan Snake Institute and Ueno Zoo, Tokyo, dated September 1974.

          Colour negatives taken in the Hong Kong Zoological and Botanical Gardens, of: the mammal house, dated November 1974: lemurs, marmosets, a Celebes ape and an agouti, dated 1975; orangutans, dated May 1978; a hand-reared squirrel monkey and other mammals, dated 25 September 1975.

          Black and white negatives of toads (Megophrys brachykolos), dated 18 February 1979.

          Colour negatives of views of Stuttgart, Frankfurt, Jakarta and Bogor zoos, dated August 1977.

          Black and white and colour photographs, including images of herpetofauna (snakes, turtles and frogs) in captivity and in the wild, as well as views of habitats in Hong Kong, dated 1954-1980.

          An album of black and white and colour photographs of various python specimens, dated 1965-1977.

          Black and white and colour photographs, mainly of various zoos, including Frankfurt, Berlin, Jersey, Antwerp, Stuttgart, Bristol, Paignton, Thoiry, Ueno (Tokyo) and Singapore, as well as images of herpetological specimens in captivity, dated 1961-1977.

          An album of black and white and colour photographs, including images of herpetofauna (snakes, frogs and crocodiles) in captivity and in the wild, as well as various zoo reptile enclosures, including Berlin, Frankfurt, Stuttgart, Singapore and Chester, dated 1967-1980.

          Unmounted colour transparencies of captive snakes. Undated, 1970s.

          Mounted colour slides mainly of snake specimens, but also including images of the Hong Kong Zoological and Botanical Gardens and local landscape, along with some personal images, dated c 1975-1979.

          Colour negatives of JD Romer with: a marmoset and with a tamarin in a zoo setting, and of Mrs Ray Romer with an indigo snake, dated 1975; a puma at Hong Kong Zoological and Botanical Gardens, dated 28 August 1976; a puma and of raccoons at Hong Kong Zoological and Botanical Gardens, dated 4 September 1976; a puma and with a python, plus images of a python in a terrarium and some personal pictures, dated April 1976; at a desk and of tree frog terraria, undated, c 1973.

          Black and white negatives and accompanying proof sheet of a macaque/Celebes ape (Macaca nigra) and baby in Hong Kong Zoological and Botanical Gardens, dated 1 January 1972; colour negatives of a young jaguar with JD Romer, and of snakes (Rhabdophis subminiatus) in captivity, probably in Hong Kong, dated February to March 1980.

          Colour negatives of Mrs Ray Romer with a baby gorilla at Frankfurt Zoo, and views of Antwerp Zoo and Stuttgart Zoo, along with some personal images, dated June to July 1975; Colour negatives of Mrs Ray Romer with a baby gorilla and a baby orangutan at Frankfurt Zoo, along with various views of that zoo and of the Hong Kong Zoological and Botanical Gardens, plus some personal images, dated July 1975.

          Handwritten notes by JD Romer on: Hong Kong chelonians, lizards and amphibians, 1947-1965; Hong Kong amphibians, 1967-1981; Hong Kong chelonians and lizards, 1967-1981; Hong Kong snakes, 1947-1967; Hong Kong snakes, 1967-1981.

          British Herpetological Society Notices, 1947-1976: Various correspondence and notices from the British Herpetological Society, dated April 1947 to March 1976.

          Sans titre
          GB 0120 MSS.700-706 & 7756 · late 13th century - mid 16th century

          Manuscript copies of texts by, or collated by Ruffo, plus in some cases other veterinary texts added to works by Ruffo. The texts reflect his work in veterinary medicine, primarily concerning the care and treatment of domestic animals, particularly horses. Includes 'De medicina equorum'; 'Arte de conoscere la natura dei cavalli'; 'Libro dell'infirmita dei cavalli' and 'Le medicine de' cavalli'.

          Sans titre
          Veterinary Miscellany
          GB 0120 MSS.7159-7162 · 19th Century

          A small collection of English veterinary manuscripts including volume of notes on care of the horse, its anatomy, breeds, training, ailments and diseases, with a number of veterinary recipes. The notes, in a variety of hands, seem to be taken largely from lectures, some apparently given by one Mitchell Dean in April 1833. The volume includes a pen sketch illustrating diseases of the horse's legs. Notebook of veterinary and general household prescriptions and recipesentitled 'Genuine and warranted good prescriptions for horses by "Old Joe" G. Peacock and W. Dixon, vetenaires and co, 1852.' Pocket account book recording the purchase of drugs from Messrs Spencer Dakers and Co., of Low Friar Street, Newcastle, apparently by a veterinarian and notebook containing veterinary prescriptions and recipes, some for named individuals.

          Sans titre
          Ashby, Eusebius (1662-1741) (and others)
          GB 0120 MSS.993-994 · 1705-1740

          The first book of horses and the Second book of horses contributed to by a number of different grooms, huntsmen, farriers, etc., but predominately in the hand of Eusebius Ashby.

          Sans titre
          Camper, Petrus (1722-1787)
          GB 0114 MS0061 · 1805-[1800s]

          Papers relating to Petrus Camper, 1805-[1800s], comprising 2 volumes of manuscript translations of works by Petrus Camper, mostly by unknown translators but including Sir Richard Owen. Containing treatises on the organs of hearing of various fish and a whale, 1805; and a treatise on the Orangutan, [1800s].

          Sans titre
          GB 0074 CLC/L/FB · Collection · 1400? - 2000

          Records of the Worshipful Company of Farriers. The records have been compiled from the 15th century, but they include copies of documents dating from 1356. The archive includes freemen lists from 1709, registers of freedom admissions from 1755 and of apprentice bindings from 1619; as well as charter and memorandum books; Court minute books; financial accounts; inventories and papers relating to the charitable trust.

          IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING ACCESS: These records are stored at the Guildhall Library site rather than the LMA Clerkenwell site. Researchers wishing to access these records should do so at the Guildhall Library Rare Books table. The Library is open Monday to Saturday, 9:30 to 16:45. Researchers will need to have an Archives History Card or a Library Readers Card. An archivist will be available at Guildhall Library on Thursday mornings to answer any queries.

          Sans titre
          GB 0099 KCLMA MacFetridge · 1987, 1995, 2000

          Publications by Lt Col Charles MacFetridge: A Memoir of Greece in 1948: A Year of Crisis, privately published, 1987, detailing experiences as British Liaison Officer, XL Greek Infantry Brigade, British Military Mission to Greece, operating in the Pindhos, Grammos and Vitsi mountains, Apr-Oct 1948; Mules in the British Army', a tribute published on the website of the British Mule Society (article no longer available online), [1995]; and British Mule Society booklet The Military Mule in the British Army and Indian Army: An Anthology. Part III: The Mountain Artillery Mule, 2000. Also copy of articleTales from the bushy-topped tree: a brief survey of military sketching', PJ Gough, Imperial War Museum Review No 10, Nov 1995, including mention of MacFetridge.

          Sans titre
          Hopkins, June Mary (b 1930)
          GB 0814 ZAAP · 1962-2005

          Papers of June Hopkins, 1962-1968, comprising observational notes on the rearing and behaviour of duikers and other animals (lions, antelopes and a pet cat) in Nigeria. Includes some correspondence. Also an extract from June Hopkins' journal describing a visit to Nairobi National Park Animal Orphanage in Dec 1966; and explanatory notes by Brian Hopkins, 2005. People mentioned in the notes include Niels Bolwig (Professor of Zoology) and Robert Golding (Curator of the Zoo).

          Sans titre
          BACK, Sir George (1796-1878)
          GB 0402 SGB · 1814-1878

          Papers of Sir George Back, 1814-1878, including c. 250 letters addressed to Sir George Back by various correspondents (listed by name), 1848-1878; personal letters from Back to his family, 1813-1878; photocopies of extracts from Back's sketchbook and slides of his sketches from 1819-1822 expedition to Arctic; passports and framed letter with sketches of polar bear, 1874.

          Sans titre
          HUXLEY Scientific papers
          GB 0098 B/HUXLEY · Created 1846-1846

          Scientific papers of T H Huxley, 1846-1898, comprising notebooks made whilst Assistant Surgeon to HMS RATTLESNAKE, 1846-1850, containing his observations, sketches of specimens, notably oceanic hydrozoa, mollusca and crustacea, related notes;

          scientific notebooks, papers and correspondence, [1855-1888], relating to botany and principally zoology, bound in volumes largely according to zoological classification, including invertebrata, crustacea, vertebrata, teleostei, amphibia, reptilia, aves, mammalia, carnivora, primates, anthropology, mycological, bacteria, hirudinea, mollusca, petromyzon, ganoidei, sturiones, dipnoi, teleostei, salmonidae, insectivora, rodentia, lepus, canidae, fossil fishes, dinosauria, ethnology, origins of biology, gentiana; correspondence concerning deep sea soundings, 1857; syllabus and notes for lectures, [1860-1886], for the Government (later Royal) School of Mines, Royal Institution, working men, London Institution, University of Edinburgh, notably on natural history, zoology, ethnology, elementary geography, physiography; correspondence, 1851-1894; notebooks, [1847-1884], concerning visits to Switzerland, Tenby, Italy, notes on anatomy and vertebrae;

          drawings, [1847-1895] many illustrating laboratory work, and relating to observations in his notebooks, relating to protozoa and botany; coelenterata, brachiostomata, echinodermata, mollusca; vermes and arthropoda with peripatus; pisces with tunicata and amphioxus; mammalia; anthropological photographs, [1868-1898].

          Sans titre
          Johnson, George Lindsay
          GB 0117 MS 697 · sub-fonds · c 1900-1927

          Original Drawings of the Mammalian Eye by George Lindsay Johnson created for paper in 'Philosophical Transactions' B Volume 194, 1 and Volume 254, 207.

          Sans titre