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        19 Descripción archivística resultados para Material

        GB 0074 CLC/B/123-19 · Colección · 1933

        Records of the Dalhousie Jute Company, comprising annual report and accounts for 1933.

        Sin título
        GB 0074 CLC/B/123-28 · Colección · 1895-1949

        Records of the Gourepore Company, manufacturers of jute, comprising memorandum and articles of association.

        Sin título
        GB 0074 CLC/B/208 · Colección · 1872-1974

        The records of general merchants Steel Brothers and Company Limited mainly comprise annual reports and accounts, photographs and unpublished histories.

        Sin título
        GB 0074 CLC/B/191 · Colección · 1960-1969

        Records of David Robinson and Company Limited, timber and plywood importers, comprising board minutes and agendas; correspondence with Sabah Timber Company; and financial accounts.

        Sin título
        GB 0074 CLC/B/112-081 · Colección · 1912-1979

        Records of Harrisons Ramsay Proprietary Limited, including articles of association; minutes of the board; annual reports; reports on visits to branches; correspondence; memoranda; general reports; financial accounts; summaries of shipments and sales; correspondence regarding arrangements for staff during the Second World War; and papers of various subsidiaries.

        Access to records less than 30 years old (or records less than 70 years old which relate to staff) should be sought from Elementis plc (contact details may be obtained from a member of staff).

        Sin título
        GB 0074 CLC/B/112-137 · Colección · 1889-1985

        Records of Sabah Timber Company Limited, including articles of association; agreements; board minutes, papers and agendas; annual reports; general reports; circulars to shareholders; reports and correspondence relating to timber production and other operational matters; reports on estate visits; financial accounts; statistics regarding timber production; inventories; papers regarding staff; plans; and photographs of war damage to the estates.

        Access to records less than 30 years old (or records less than 70 years old which relate to staff) should be sought from Elementis plc (contact details may be obtained from a member of staff).

        Sin título
        León, Nicolás (1859-1929)
        GB 0120 WMS/Amer.1 and 118 · c1915-c1916

        The collection comprises material on medical history and notes on scatological remedies used in Mexico, and biographical notes on Dr. Miguel Francisco Jiménez (1813-1876).

        Sin título
        GB 0098 L · Created 1948-1991 (ongoing)

        Records relating to Teaching Methods and Equipment at Imperial College, 1948-1991, including papers of Interdisciplinary Research Centres, notably Population Biology, Process Systems Engineering, Semi-Conductor Materials; minutes and inventories of the Audio visual aids working party, 1966-1967; representation on the British Universities Film Council, 1948-1963 (LA);
        Hale Committee Report on teaching methods, 1964-1965 (LB);
        papers of the Educational Technology Committee, 1968-1978, including Rector's correspondence and report on computers (LC);
        Education Forum leaflets; papers relating to Unusual Entry Procedure meeting, 1981 (LD);
        papers concerning English classes, 1972-1974 (LE);
        reports and correspondence of the Postgraduate education working party, 1975-1977 (LF);
        papers relating to the presentation of technical education, 1958-1964 (LL);
        papers concerning Pimlico Connection tutoring schemes, 1981-1991, comprising reports and brochure (LP).

        Sin título
        GB 0098 B/BOVEY · Created 1892-1908

        Papers of Professor Henry Taylor Bovey, [1892]-1908, comprising research papers and notes relating to the strength of materials, hydraulics and electrical engineering, design of bridges and the pin-connected principle, [1892-1902]; papers relating to engineering and mining courses, [1898-1908]; address as Imperial College Rector, 1908.

        Sin título
        Sokolov Collection
        GB 0369 SOK · c 1917

        Typescript by B K Sokolov, entitled "Kamennougol'naia promyshlennost' Rossii v 1914-1917 godskh" [Coal and oil industry of Russia 1914-1917]

        Sin título
        GB 0074 CLC/B/179 · Colección · 1927-1972

        Records of the Plywood Chest Association including minutes; agreements; memoranda; correspondence; sales ledgers; financial accounts; monthly returns of shipments; price lists and lists of members' agents.

        Sin título
        GB 0074 CLC/B/112-138 · Colección · 1963-1984

        Records of Sabah Trading Company Limited, including articles of association, annual reports, and circulars to shareholders.

        Sin título
        GB 0074 CLC/B/112-139 · Colección · 1958-1966

        Records of Sabah Veneers Limited, including correspondence regarding the formation of Borneo Veneers Limited; correspondence regarding trading; and annual reports and accounts.

        Sin título
        GB 0074 CLC/L/WE · Colección · 1661

        Record of the Worshipful Company of Woodmongers, comprising copy order of the court authorising Thomas Wright to occupy a carroom in his possession.

        IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING ACCESS: These records are stored at the Guildhall Library site rather than the LMA Clerkenwell site. Researchers wishing to access these records should do so at the Guildhall Library Rare Books table. The Library is open Monday to Saturday, 9:30 to 16:45. Researchers will need to have an Archives History Card or a Library Readers Card. An archivist will be available at Guildhall Library on Thursday mornings to answer any queries.

        Sin título
        GB 0074 CLC/B/123-46 · Colección · 1949

        Records of the Nuddea Mills Company, comprising memorandum and articles of association.

        Sin título
        GB 0074 CLC/B/227-186 · Colección · 1873-1890

        Financial accounts ledger of Toye and Bromley, yarn, hemp and fibre merchants.

        Sin título
        Philippart, John: correspondence, 1836
        GB 0096 AL231 · Fondo · 1836

        2 letters written to John Philippart, 1836.

        (1) From Herman Hendriks of 2 Copthall Chambers, [London], 26 May 1836. Enclosing a document [?printed prospectus of the Haytien Banking Company]: '... if you felt disposed to join the Direction, after I had explained its nature to you, it would afford me pleasure'.

        (2) From William Wildey of 3 Agar Street, Strand, [London], 28 Jul 1836. 'You were good enough to say some short time since, that when I was prepared to come before the public, with my substitute for horse-hair, that you would give me a helping hand in your valuable gazette ... I am now in that position, having a large quantity of the cocoa-nut fibre broke up.' Inviting inspection of articles filled with coconut fibre and encloses a printed prospectus which sets out its merits over other kinds of stuffing, with testimonials and a list of institutions using the fibre, including the police, prisons, hospitals and Poor Law Unions.

        Both letters are autograph, with signatures.

        Sin título
        GB 0098 B/FLEMING · Created 1967-1983

        Papers of Professor Marston Grieg Fleming, 1967-1983, comprising correspondence with Professor R N Pryor, 1967-1979; papers relating to the Stevens Committee on materials planning, 1974-1975; congratulations on awards, death of Professor Pryor and memorial, 1979-1981; memorial address on Professor Fleming, 1983.

        Sin título
        Rastrick, John Urpeth: notebook
        GB 0096 MS164 · Fondo · [1829]

        Notebook of John Urpeth Rastrick headed: 'Cost price of timber in scantl[in]g', [1829].

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