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      • UP Instrumental music
      • UP Musique instrumentale
      • UP Música instrumental

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      184 Descrição arquivística resultados para Music

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      GB 0074 LMA/4578 · Coleção · 1958-2009

      The focus of much of this collection is the academic work published by the British Music Therapy Society, chiefly the scholarly work delivered at Society conferences and published in the Society newsletter, later journal. This work mainly consists of research into possible uses of music in various therapeutic contexts with a variety of different potential patients. Research is mainly of a practical or observational nature, usually consisting of case studies of individuals or groups, though there is some research into the philosophical under-pinnings of music therapy. One of the main committees of the organisation was the Management Board of the Society Journal (LMA/4578/01/02), which deals with the content and editorial direction of the journal.

      Other records deal with the administration and decision making of the Society in the form of minutes of the executive committee, which ran the Society, and the minutes of other committees that were formed as required. One of these committees, the Fund Raising Sub-committee, later the Juliette Alvin Music Therapy Fund Sub- committee (LMA/4578/01/03/002), established the Juliette Alvin Trust to provide support for trainee music therapists.

      The Administrative Officer files deal with much of the day to day running of the Society, including correspondence records and files that deal with its charitable status.

      The collection also includes records of the internal and external communication of the Society (including newsletters for members, and information booklets and press articles to boost their profile).

      Sem título
      O/516 · Coleção · 1914

      London County Council circulars 'Notes on Allowances to Soldiers' Wives' and 'Notes on Allowances to Sailors' Wives', 1914.

      Sem título
      GB 0074 P78/JNE · Coleção · 1868-1999

      Records of the parish of Saint John the Evangelist, Blackheath, including registers of baptisms, marriages, banns, and church services; registers of preachers, readers and collectors; legal documents relating to church properties; Churchwardens' records; papers relating to the maintenance of the church building and fittings including the organ; financial records; Parochial Church Council minute books; parish magazines; and photographs of the church.

      Sem título
      CLA/072 · Coleção · 1954-1998

      Records of the Barbican Committee, Corporation of London, 1954-1998, including papers relating to the development and building of the Barbican complex, speeches, reports, committee papers, brochures, newsletters and concert programmes. Please note that access to some of the reports is restricted.

      Sem título
      COL/CC/MDC · Subarquivo · 1876-1999

      Records of the Music and Drama Committee, Court of Common Council, comprising minute books of the Deputation regarding a National Training School for Music, Music Deputation and (from 1882) Music Committee, 1876-1999; committee papers, 1876-1957 and order book, 1894-1904.

      Also Minute Book for the Guildhall School of Music and Drama Trust Fund Committee 1984-2002.

      Sem título
      GB 0074 CLC/L/ME · Coleção · 1689-2009

      Records of the Worshipful Company of Musicians, including charter and ordinance books; bye laws; Court minute books; signature book; livery lists; registers of freedom admissions; registers of apprentice bindings; financial accounts including cash books; press cuttings; clerk's correspondence and papers; letters from composers including Richard Strauss, Sir Edward Elgar and Herbert Howells; manuscript music scores including Elgar and Howells; concert and event programmes; photographs; papers relating to scholarships; and papers relating to company property and estates.

      IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING ACCESS: These records are stored at the Guildhall Library site rather than the LMA Clerkenwell site. Researchers wishing to access these records should do so at the Guildhall Library Rare Books table. The Library is open Monday to Saturday, 9:30 to 16:45. Researchers will need to have an Archives History Card or a Library Readers Card. An archivist will be available at Guildhall Library on Thursday mornings to answer any queries.

      Sem título
      GB 0074 DRO/134 · Coleção · 1903-1980

      Records of the parish of Saint Luke, Hornsey, including registers of baptisms, marriages, banns of marriage and confirmations; church service registers; correspondence and papers of the incumbent; papers relating to the appointment of church personnel; papers relating to parish boundaries including plans; papers relating to the benefice and tithes; material regarding the church building including faculties, plans, drawings, contracts and specifications, reports and surveys; Vestry and Parochial Church Council minutes; financial accounts; parish magazines and photographs.

      Sem título
      GB 0074 CLC/001 · Coleção · 1637-1974

      Records of the Ancient Society of College Youths, including membership books, peal books, minutes, and notes on the history of the Society.

      The records were microfilmed in 1985 and 2003. Mss 21656-7A and 33992 are positive copy microfilms and microfiche presented to the Archive by the Society, which has retained the master negatives and the original manuscripts. Permission to take reproductions from the films or to publish extracts from the records should be sought from the Society's Hon. Secretary (please ask staff for further information).

      Sem título
      Chain, Sir Ernst Boris (1906-1979)
      GB 0120 PP/EBC · 1906-1980

      The papers are very extensive though there are some lacunae, probably attributable to Chain's many changes of workplace. The early biographical period is sparsely documented, there are sporadic gaps in the correspondence files, and there is no original documentation of the penicillin research at Oxford (although there are many historical accounts and much correspondence about the history of penicillin). The surviving biographical material provides documentation of the arrangements for Chain to live and work in Britain, later honours and awards and his musical interests, and family correspondence, photographs and press-cuttings. There are very substantial records of his later career at the Istituto Superiore di Sanità and Imperial College, London, including his continuing contributions to biochemical problems such as carbohydrate metabolism, ergot alkaloids, edible proteins and aeration studies. The Imperial College material also contains records of the creation, administration, finance and architectural design of the Biochemistry Department, and developments in the Department after Chain's statutory retirement in 1973. Additional information about Chain's research is available in the documentation of his very extensive consultancy agreements and collaborative work with industrial firms such as Astra, Beechams and Rank Hovis McDougall, and records relating to government, grant-giving and charitable bodies such as the British Heart Foundation, Cancer Research Campaign and Medical Research Council which contributed to the funding of his research. There is much material on Chain's lectures, addresses and broadcasts, and on his extensive travel on visits and conferences, which includes a substantial number of unpublished talks.

      An exceptional feature of the Chain papers is the documentation of the large number of Israel and Jewish organisations with which he was associated, especially the Weizmann Institute of Science, where he was a governor for many years and had at one time considered taking up an appointment.

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      Head, Sir Henry (1861-1940)
      GB 0120 PP/HEA · 1860-1977

      The papers cover some aspects of Head's life in detail, but there are few records of his major achievements in medicine. The records of his work (Section B) are mainly the texts of lectures and papers, but there are some case notes: B2/1 is a volume of reports on the examination of pilgrims to Lourdes which Head undertook in 1895 with the help of George Bull, an English Roman Catholic doctor from Paris; and B3 is a volume of post mortem reports on cases of shingles, which affects the same areas as visceral disease, representing, as Head discovered, the distribution of either a single nerve root or of a single segment of the spinal cord, now known as 'Head's areas'.

      The photographs of Head's arm (B9) probably date from his 1905 work on the effects of severing the nerves in his own arm, and several of the papers and cuttings in Sections A4 and B18 comment upon the experiment.

      In Section A is the text of an autobiography which Head dictated at some time during his last years, but apparently never completed. It covers only his childhood, schooldays at Charterhouse, his residence in Halle in 1880, his undergraduate days at Trinity College, Cambridge, and his work on the physiology of respiration with Ewald Hering at the German University in Prague from 1884 to 1886. Head's letters to his mother [Hester] (D2) give many more details of the same period, the letters from Halle including diary entries.

      Head's and his wife's shared interest in art, architecture, music, literature and drama is recorded in their diaries and scrap books (Section E), and much of their correspondence (D4). Lady Head wrote novels and it is probable that the prose works in Section F are hers.

      The restricted life which he and Lady Head lived after his retirement is vividly illustrated in the correspondence between Lady Head and Hester Marsden-Smedley (D6).

      Sem título
      GB 0120 PP/RKF · 1900-1984

      Papers of Rudolph Karl Freudenberg and Gerda Freudenberg relating to psychiatric practice at Netherne Hospital, Freudenberg's involvement with various professional bodies, and his writings on psychiatry, 1930s-1970s.

      A. Rudolph Karl Freudenberg's Personalia

      1 Personal papers and correspondence; 2 Offprints and publications; 3 Unpublished general papers; 4 Conferences; 5 Files of rough notes; 6 Films

      B Netherne Hospital

      1 Published articles and reports; 2 External reports on Netherne; 3 Unpublished articles on Netherne (excluding training); 4 Material for training; 5 Netherne Magazines; 6 Committees and meetings; 7 Printed guides; 8 League of Friends and other voluntary help; 9 General planning and memoranda; 10 Day hospitals and hostels; 11 Occupational and industrial therapy; 12 Rehabilitation (wider than purely industrial); 13 Questionnaires and forms; 14 Censuses; 15 Art; 16 Other directly Netherne material; 17 Photographs and slides; 18 Audio tapes; 19 Films; 20 Related material - not specifically Netherne

      C Department of Health and Social Security

      D Local related bodies

      1 Cheshire Home, Wimbledon; 2 Schizophrenia Research Fund; 3 Surrey Council for Mental health; 4 Surrey Group of National Schizophrenia Fellowship; 5 Reigate and District Association for Mental Health; 6 National Association of League of Hospital Friends; 7 Disablement Income Group, Godalming; 8 Share Community Ltd; 9 Surrey Resettlement Ltd; 10 West Lambeth Community Health Council; 11 Industrial Therapy Organisation (Epsom) Ltd; 12 London Borough of Sutton: review of Health and Welfare Services; 13 Orpington Mental Health Association

      E Other bodies

      1 King Edward's Hospital Fund; 2 Mental Health Research Fund; 3 National Association for Mental Health; 4 Royal Medico-Psychological Association later Royal College of Psychiatrists; 5 Medical Research Council; 6 General Nursing Council 7 The Council for Music in Schools; 8 Council of Europe; 9 World Health Organisation

      F General offprints

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      STEVENS, Florence C: Memoir
      GB 106 7FCS · Arquivo · [1909]

      The archive consists of a manuscript memoir headed 'Manchester, 19 Jun 1909: Women's Social & Political Union (WSPU) Drum and Fife'. Details journey from London to Manchester and back for the meeting to welcome Miss Patricia Woodlock, provides an account of the meeting, the actions of the police and anti-suffragists, and gives Florence's opinions on the suffrage issue; also contains an account of learning to play the fife with the WSPU Drum & Fife Band and a list of the members of the Band.

      Sem título
      TATTERSHALL, E Somerville (fl 1930s)
      GB 1249 7379 · 1932-1939

      12 letters from E Somerville Tattersall to 'Audrey' concerning the young violinist Yehudi Menuhin, 1932-1939.

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      MEYERBEER, Giacomo (1791-1864)
      GB 1249 7379 · 1824-1860

      Letters (10) and papers of or relating to Giacomo Meyerbeer, including to Giovanni Ricordi, 29 Jun 1824; to Leopold Ganz, 17 May 1847; to Jean-Antoine-Just Géraldy, c1850; to Annette Le Brun, ?before 1854; to James Steuart Bowes, ?1854; to C L Gruneisen, [14 Apr 1860]. With two testimonials for Leopold Ganz, 1845.

      Sem título
      DAVIES, Fanny (1861-1934)
      GB 1249 7499-7511 · 1883-1914

      Papers of or relating to Fanny Davies, 1883-1914, comprising:
      Draft of her article 'Some Personal Recollections of Brahms as Pianist and Interpreter' on Brahms for Cobbett's Cyclopedic Survey of Chamber Music London, 1929-1930 (MS 7499a).
      Typescript drafts of articles on Schumann's Piano Trios and Chamber music (MS 7499b).
      Manuscript of 'Joachim's Jubilee in Berlin' (MS 7500a).
      Notes on St Elizabeth of Hungary (MS 7500b).
      Letters (16) and postcards, cards and notes (16) from Clara Schumann, 1883-1892, also includes announcement of Clara Schumann's death, 1896 (MS 7501).
      Letters (3) from Clara Schumann to Dr Richard Wilkinson and George Henschel (MS 7502).
      Letters and other papers relating to the controversy with Eugenie Schumann, 1892-1893 (MS 7503).
      Letters (4) from Alfredo Piatti to Davies, 1887-1894 (MS 7504).
      Letters (15) and postcards (2) from Joseph Joachim, 1886-1904, includes projected programmes in Davies' hand and annotations by Joachim, and programme of recital by Davies and Joachim in the Singakademie, Berlin, 15 Nov 1887 (MS 7505).
      Letters (5) from Mary Cowden-Clarke, George Henschel and Richard Mühlfeld, 1891-1914 (MS 7506).
      Papers 'letters etc which may be interesting for writing memoirs', includes letter from Davies to Mrs Joachim and letters to Davies from Ethel Smyth, A J Hipkins, Frederick Corder and 4 letters from F C Burnand to Miss Grist (MS 7507).
      Concert bills and German concert reviews (MS 7508).
      Agreements between Davies and a) The New Queen's Hall Orchestra and b) Messrs Welte Soehne (MS 7509).
      Correspondence relating to the Woodhill family (maternal branch of her family) (MS 7510).
      Notes and correspondence relating to a proposed music college, 1901 (MS 7511).

      Sem título
      HOWELLS, Herbert Norman (1892-1983)
      GB 1249 Howells · 1899-1978

      Papers of Herbert Howells, 1899-1978, including notes, manuscript drafts and typescripts of BBC talks and broadcasts (box B), including 'Music and the ordinary listener' (1937), 'Music and everyday life' (1938), 'The Three Choirs Festival in Elgar's time' (1960), tributes to Malcom Sargent (1965) and Sir William Harris (1973); manuscript notes for Royal College of Music (RCM) and University of London lectures (boxes C and D), 1940s-1950s, including talks on his work Sine Nomine (1922), Ivor Gurney (c1939), Hubert Parry (1968), Ralph Vaughan Williams (1972); notes and transcripts for his speeches to various organisations including the Incorporated Society of Musicians (1953), Worshipful Company of Musicians (1957), Royal College of Organists (1959); book of poetry copied on first anniversary of the death of his son Michael Howells, 1936; cuttings of articles by Howells in newspapers and journals, and by others on Howells' music and performances (boxes E and H); papers relating to the Sir James Caird Travelling Scholarships, and notebooks containing Howell's adjudications with draft reports (box F); appointment diaries, 1955,1956 and 1973, address books of Herbert and Dorothy Howells, and printed concert programmes with notes written by Howells (box G), RCM student essays on Howells' music; letters received by Howells from over 260 correspondents, 1915-1978, with particular accumulations from Charles Bathurst Viscount Bledisloe, Sir Arthur and Trudy Bliss, Sir Adrian Boult, Robert Thurston Dart, Sybil Eaton, Gerald and Joy Finzi, Harry Plunket Greene, Walter de la Mare, Sir Hubert Parry, William Rothenstein, Marion Scott, Ralph Vaughan Williams, and others including Sir John Barbirolli, Arnold Bax, Nadia Boulanger, Benjamin Britten, Neville Cardus, Aaron Copland, Sir Henry Walford Davies, Thomas Frederick Dunhill, Keith Falkner, Guido Gatti, Edward Health, Gustav Holst, Joseph Horovitz, Zoltán Kodály, Cecil Day-Lewis, Yehudi Menuhin, Peter Pears, Edmund Rubbra, Harold Watkins Shaw, Sir Charles Villiers Stanford, Sybil Thorndike and Michael Tippett; correspondence relating to his medical condition (1917), with Oxford colleges, with publishers and commissioning bodies, on his Cambridge Doctorate; photocopies of letters from Howells to 30 correspondents, including those already mentioned and to the Carnegie UK Trust; family correspondence (box A).

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      Haydn Clavichord
      GB 1249 MS 4117 · 1766, 1835-1930

      Volume containing documents relating to a clavichord made by Johann Bohak, Vienna, 1794, belonging to the composer Joseph Haydn, including incomplete keyboard partite in manuscript of Haydn [1766]; letter from Anton Prinster on provenance of the partite, 1835; statement by Anton Richter on the provenance and ownership of the clavichord [1852]; letter from Prinster on same subject, 1852; statement from Prinster's niece, Fanny Elssler, on same; letter to Anton Richter from members of his orchestra in Eisenstadt, Austria, on a performance of his Requiem, undated; English translations of the original German documents; two letters from Hans Richter, on sale of the manuscripts, 1911; article `Haydn's clavichord and a sonata manuscript' from The Musical Times, 1 Apr 1930.

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      BENNETT, J R Sterndale (fl 1890-1920)
      GB 1249 MS 4992 · c1894-1900

      Manuscript notes by James Robert Sterndale Bennett on the history of the Bach Society (1849-1870) for his biography of his father Sir William Sterndale Bennett (1816-1875) The Life of William Sterndale Bennett (Cambridge University Press, 1907), comprising 'Short history of the Bach Society' by Charles Steggall; 'Diary of the Bach Society' made with the assistance of Steggall, 1900; various biographical notes on members of the Society.

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      CLIFFE, Frederic (1857-1931)
      GB 1249 MS 6870-6871 · 1889-1929

      Papers of Frederic Cliffe, comprising cuttings and correspondence, Feb 1908, regarding Cliffe's letter to The Daily Telegraph, advocating the performance of opera in the English language, and the establishment of a national opera house, 11 Feb 1908; Cliffe's reports as examiner on compositions of students at the Royal College of Music, 1907-1908; agreement with Novello & Co for publication of his 'Ode to the North East Wind', 1905; marriage certificate, 1897; Freemason's certificates, 1895 (MS 6870). Letters (c25) to Cliffe, 1889-1929, including from Sir George Grove and August Manns on performance of Cliffe's symphony for Crystal Palace, 1889; from C V Stanford, regarding submission of Cliffe's work for the Leeds Festival, 1901; from Hubert H Parry recommending Cliffe for appointment as Principal of the Guildhall School of Music, 1910; from Sir Hugh Allen, on Cliffe's retirement from the RCM, 1929 (MS 6871).

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      TATTON, Jack Meredith (1901-1970)
      GB 1249 MS 6886 · 1926

      Notebook of Jack Meredith Tatton in relation to singing studies at the Royal College of Music, 1926.

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      BOULT, Sir Adrian Cedric (1889-1983)
      GB 1249 MS 6905 · 1920-1954

      Papers of Sir Adrian Boult, comprising letters (9), 1920-1954, including from Sir Hugh Allen, thanking for Boult's conducting of rehearsals; from Sir Edward Elgar, in regard to his arrival at Boult's rehearsal; from Ethel Smyth on the possible performance of her works; from Adam Carse, sending score of his latest composition. Typescript programme and repertoire lists, mainly 1920s-1930s.

      Sem título
      PARKER, Adelaide (? d 1980)
      GB 1249 MS 6912 · 1910-1959

      Letters to Adelaide Parker, Bruno d'Arba and Joan McLeod, 1910-1959, including letters and postcards to Adelaide Parker regarding her performances from, Joseph Bonnet, Basil Harwood, Wanda Landowska, C Hubert H Parry, Ethel Smyth, Ralph Vaughan Williams, Charles-Marie Widor; letters to Bruno d'Arba from Francis Jackson; letters to Joan d'Arba from George W Russell (`AE'); letters to Joan Mcleod in relation to submission of her poetry for publication, including 8 from Walter de la Mare; letter from W B Yeats on setting of his poetry to music, undated.

      Sem título
      BELL, Doyne Courtenay (1830-1888)
      GB 1249 MS 6914 · 1858-1882

      Letters (44), 1858-1882, mostly to Doyne Courtenay Bell, mainly in regard to music, concerts and social gatherings, including letters from Hamilton Aidé, Lucy Anderson, Sir Julius Benedict, William H Cummings, Pauline Lucca, Cipriani Potter, Anton Rubinstein, Adelaide Sartoris (formerly Adelaide Kemble), Sir George Thomas Smart and Auguste Vianesi.

      Sem título
      PARRY, Sir (Charles) Hubert (Hastings) (1848-1918)
      GB 1249 Parry, MS 4811-4812; 4265; 4305-4338; 4764; 7278-7288 · 1876-1924

      Papers of Sir Charles Hubert Hastings Parry, comprising:
      Manuscripts of Parry's lectures on various musical subjects at the Royal College of Music, the Royal Institution, Oxford, Birmingham and Leeds, c1891-c1915 (MS 4305-4338, 4811-4812).
      15 letters from Parry to Charles Stuart-Wortley, 1876-1907, the earlier letters relating mainly to social matters and containing advice from Parry on points of composition, the later letters relating to the business of the Council of the RCM (Stuart-Wortley was a member of the Council), particularly to appointments of staff and finances (MS 4764).
      'History essays', rough examination notes on student's work, undated (MS 6937).
      Letter from Parry to [R S] Thatcher, regarding a setting for ['Arthur'], 1910 (MS 6967).
      Correspondence with Robert Bridges, 1895, concerning 'Invocation to Music' (MS 7278).
      Manuscript draft of Parry's address as Director of the RCM, Jan 1901 (MS 7279).
      DMus citations for Elgar and Glazunov [1907] and papers concerning RCM Patron's Fund [1904-1905], (MS 7280).
      Correspondence with J F Bridge concerning 'I was glad', 1901-1902 (MS 7281).
      Papers and correspondence with Kegan Paul Trench Trubner & Co. concerning Parry's book The art of music, 1896-1911 (MS 7282).
      Correspondence with James Murray, editor of the Oxford English Dictionary, 1902, regarding musical information for the dictionary (MS 7283).
      4 letters from Hugh P Allen (mostly undated), including letters relating to Parry's election as an honorary member of the Cambridge University Musical Society, and to Parry's election to the Music Board of the RCM (MS 7284).
      Correspondence between RCM, Repton School and Novello, publishers, concerning Repton School's use of a hymn tune from Parry's Judith, 1924 (MS 7285).
      Miscellaneous drafts, letters and papers, 1898-1931, including various copies of Parry's letters as Director of the RCM, mainly in regard to honours, and correspondence with A P Watt, literary agent, 1916, regarding setting of Rudyard Kipling's poem 'For all we have and are' to music by Parry (MS 7286).
      Letters concerning wills, properties and other legal matters, 1907-1924 (MS 7287).
      Agreement with Pitman to print The aims and limits of musical education (MS 7288).

      Sem título
      Smith, Brian: The Brian Smith Theatre Programme Collection
      GB 2108 KUAS73 · 1954-2005

      Brian Smith's collection of theatre programmes, compiled over several decades of visiting a range of theatrical productions in London and the surrounding area. The programmes date from 1954 up until the 2000s and as well as covering productions at theatres all over London’s West End there are some from New York, Paris, Sydney and Cape Town. Brian enjoyed a wide range of theatre including plays, musicals and variety shows. There is also a large collection of opera, ballet and concert programmes.

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      Hotchkiss, John
      GB 0096 MS 954 · 1952

      Musical score for the principle theme from the incidental music for John Masfield's Melloney Hotspur (William Heinemann, London, 1922), with an accompanying letter sent by John Hotchkiss to Rev L.H. Clench of Sheringham, 1952.

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      Catch Club, London
      GB 0096 MS 970 · 1821-1832

      Lists of the several catches, glees and canons to which gold medals have been adjudged by the Catch Club, from the year of its institution in 1761; with the names of the respective composers and the dates of their compositions. The awards for 1821-32 are added in manuscript.

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      British Library music manuscripts
      GB 0096 MS 1078 · Coleção · 19th century

      British Library music manuscripts, 19th century, comprise manuscript transcriptions of music manuscripts held at the British Library, in several unidentified hands. Contains copies of the following: - Harleian 4664: codex containing a wide variety of liturgical music, principally antiphons, of various dates - Harleian 2954: 15th century Sarum hymnary - Unidentified Harleian ms. - Lansdowne 460: 15th century Gregorian antiphonary - Lansdowne 462: late 14th century Sarum antiphonary - Lansdowne 463: late 14th century Sarum antiphomary and Kalendar - Harleian 978: antiphons for Easter and Saint's Days from mainly English sources.

      Sem título
      American theatre and opera scrapbooks
      GB 0096 MS 1088 · Coleção · 1875-1892

      Papers concerning American theatre and opera scrapbooks, 1875-1892, comprise to scrapbooks containing programmes of plays, concerts and operas performed in the USA, with particular reference to New York and the Metropolitan Opera House, from 1875 to 1892. MS1088/2 includes postcards of members of singers performing in the Metropolitan Opera 1890 to 1891 season, posing in some of their operatic roles. The volumes contained two loose inserts, which have now become MS1088/3 and MS1088/4.

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      Bax, Sir Arnold Edward Trevor
      GB 0096 MS 435 · 1934

      Musical scores in manuscript of two versions of A Lyke-Wake: Border Ballad 1934.

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      Stephen Sondheim Society Archive
      GB 2108 KUAS96 · 1845-date

      The Stephen Sondheim Society Archive documents the life and work of musical theatre composer and lyricist Stephen Sondheim. The core of the collection was collected by antiquarian bookseller and Sondheim enthusiast Peter Wood- his collection later passed to the Society. Additional material has been added since, filling in gaps in the Peter Wood collection and documenting productions and publications that have occurred since it was transferred to the Society.

      Both parts of the Collection contain a range of material on Stephen Sondheim and his work- notably programmes, leaflets, posters and press cuttings. There are also journals, books, audio visual material and collectables. The Collection dates from Sondheim's earliest work to the present and will continue to be added to as his works continue to be performed. There are also documents relating to the work of the Society itself, notably the Stephen Sondheim Society Student Performer of the Year awards (SSSSPOTY).

      Sem título
      COX, Caroline (fl 1970-2002)
      GB 2159 Caroline Cox · 1989-1992

      Papers compiled by Caroline Cox relating to raves and the rave scene in Britain, [1989-1992], comprising press cuttings, invitations, leaflets, flyers, publicity material and articles.

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      Gourlay Archive
      GB 2603 GOURLAY · c.1970-1990

      The archive includes field recordings, papers, drafts of articles, notebooks and a set of index cards from Kenneth A Gourlay's ethnomusicological research on the musical cultures of the Karamojong of Uganda, in Nigeria and in Papua New Guinea.

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      MacLoghlin, Eliza Millard
      GB 0114 MS0126 · 1905-1928

      Papers of Eliza Millard MacLoghlin, 1905-1928, comprising a collection of typescript poems by MacLoghlin, titled Sir, What are these? and dedicated to "My Niece, Aileen Millard"; 10 manuscripts of music written by W G Cook, for songs based on MacLoghlin's poetry, c 1927-1928; and 4 cards and letters, c 1905.

      Sem título
      Arnott, David Whitehorn
      GB 0102 PP MS 73 · 1950s-1980s

      Papers, 1950s-1980s, of Professor David W Arnott on West African languages, comprising papers, including notes and questionnaires, from his study leave (1955-1956) spent travelling from Nigeria through Niger, Dahomey (Benin), Upper Volta (Burkina Faso), French Sudan (Mali), Senegal and Gambia to Guinea and Sierra Leone; copies (photocopied and photographic) of manuscripts; translations and transcriptions; transcriptions of language recordings; seminar and conference papers; teaching material; offprints of articles by Arnott; typescripts or corrected proofs of articles; and reviews of books by other authors. The papers relate largely to Nigeria but also to Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Gambia, Guinea, Mali, Niger and Senegal, relating mainly to Fulfulde, Fula and Fulani (language of the Fulani people of West Africa), and also to Tiv and to Hausa poetry and songs. The subjects include literature, including poetry (religious and non-religious), oral literature and folklore, proverbial lore, Islamic influences on African literary cultures, grammar, including morphology, verbal and nominal systems, nouns, vocabulary, and the distribution of dialects.

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      Royal Opera House
      GB 1440 · 18th century-2003

      Archives of the Royal Opera House (ROH), comprising:
      some business records of the ROH and associated companies including Board minutes and papers of various opera companies using the ROH, 1919-1939; box office returns and payment slips for artists and theatre staff, 1919-1939; individual artist files, containing biographical information, prints and photographs 18thc to present]; production files 1946-present; minutes of the Board of the Royal Opera House Ltd, sub-committees, and management groups, 1946-present; files of the General Administrator/Chief Executive Office, and Assistants to the General Administrator, 1946-present; files of the Chairman of the Board 1946-1997; files of the Company Secretary's office, 1948-1996; files of the Personnel Office -2002 (closed); Contract files 1946-1980s (closed);
      Opera Company files 1970s - 1999; Ballet Company files 1947-1996; Birmingham Royal Ballet files 1970s-1991; some early performing company files are found with the General Administrator's files; Finance Department records, 1946-present;

      19th century correspondence, including letters of Frederick Gye (1809-1878), opera manager; Giovanni Matteo Mario (1810-1883) Italian tenor; Giulia Grisi (1811-1869), and Michael Costa (1810-1884) conductor;

      Press, Publication, Community Relations, Marketing and Box Office departmental files, 1980-2000; House Management files, 1948-1999; Orchestra Office files, 1948-present; Friends of Covent Garden files, 1964-1999;

      Ballet for All - education initiative files, 1964-1970s; London Opera Centre records, 1963-1970s; Production Office files, 1946-1980; Fly Department files, 1947-1977; Technical Department files, 1952-present;

      audiovisual collection comprising:
      audio recordings of oral history interviews relating to the Royal Opera House Development Project, 1997-2000; Verdi Centenary, 2001-2002; recordings of interviews and events at the Royal Opera House, 1964-2003;

      photographic collection comprising:
      photographs by Donald Southern, including black and white negatives and colour transparencies of performances, events and personnel at the ROH, 1959-1991; photographs by John Graham, including negatives of ballet and opera performances at the ROH, 1940s-1950s; photographs by Felix Fonteyn, including negatives of ballet productions from 1950s; photographs by Richard Holttum, including black and white negatives and colour transparencies of the ROH interior and exterior prior to development 1988-1991; photographs by Rob Moore including contact prints and colour transparencies of the ROH development, 1997-2001; Schal time-lapse photography of the development of the ROH, 1996-1999; Historic Monuments Commission photographic survey of the ROH interior and exterior prior to site development 1990-1996; two albums of photographs compiled by Edwin Sachs of the redevelopment of the ROH stage, 1899-1900, and the workshops; glass plate negatives used to create ballet post cards, 1950s-1960s;

      collection of music and choreographic scores comprising:
      printed songs, 18th -early 19th century; operas scores (vocal and orchestral) and stage managers scores, 1840s-1939; annotated opera stage managers scores 1946- present; annotated ballet stage managers scores, 1946-present; Staff Director's annotated scores for opera productions, 1946-present; Ninette de Valois' printed and manuscript music for ballet, 1920s -1930s; printed and manuscript ballet music, 1840s-1950s;
      choreographic scores for ballets performed by The Royal Ballet and Birmingham Royal Ballet;

      design and costume and collections comprising:
      Yolanda Sonnabend design collection including notebooks, reference files, and related material, 1973-1995;
      Ian Spurling collection of designs, photographs and press cuttings, 1975-1994; Toby Ward collection of drawings of the ROH prior to and during development 1996-1999;
      Glynne Boyd Hart collection of watercolours of the ROH development, 1998-1999;
      Ruth Hurle collection of drawings of back state, craft workrooms, opera and ballet rehearsals, 1930s-1940s;

      costumes and accessories, such as headdresses, jewellery, shoes and wigs, worn by artist appearing at he ROH, 1920s-2003;
      Comelli costume design collection including artwork by Attilio Comelli and others for costumes of operas performed at the ROH 1880s-1920s;
      Costume design artwork, 1946-present; design artwork for sets and props, 1946-present; models of sets for productions, 1946-present; Model Room files relating to ground plans, and technical drawing or set and prop construction 1946 to present; stage and ground plans, 1939; Production Wardrobe files relating to costume and accessories design 1946-present;

      miscellaneous large prints and drawings of performers and performances 19th and 20th century;

      collection of advertising posters, 19th century-present;

      programme collection including programmes for Gala and Special performances, and decorative programmes 1750s-present;

      press cuttings of announcements, reviews, interviews, 18th century, 1847-1939; Harold Rosenthal collection of press puttings, relating mainly to the ROH performances, 1847-1950s; press cuttings of reviews and articles about performers and performances, 1946-present;
      miscellaneous albums and scrap books relating to Anna Pavlova, and Nellie Melba, amongst others 1920s;

      library collection comprising books, periodicals and specialist publication relating to ballet, dance, opera, music and theatre; libretti, 1840-present; playtexts 1776-[1850]; reports commissioned by the ROH and general arts reports 1946-present; ROH publications and souvenir year books 1956-2002;

      special collections comprising:
      Royal Ballet Benevolent Fund collection of material relating to the celebration of the 50th anniversary of The Royal Ballet (RB), including papers, photographs, press cuttings, programmes concerning the RB and its predecessors - Vic Wells and Sadler's Wells Ballet companies 1931- 1950s;

      Spellman Song Sheet Covers containing illustrations of operas, and ballets late 19th-early 20th century;

      albums of Lady de Grey albums containing photographs of singers, composers, conductors, mostly autographed, dedicated to (Constance) Gladys De Grey, (1859-1917) Marchioness of Ripon, and opera patron, 1870-1920;

      collection of Dame Margot Fonteyn De Arias (1918-1991) ballet dancer, including costumes, accessories, photographs, correspondence and books, 1920s-1980s;

      collection of Dame Ninette de Valois (1898-2001) founder of The Royal Ballet, including awards, honours and correspondence, 1947-1993;

      collection of Leslie Edwards (1916-2001), principal dancer The Royal Ballet, including photographs 1920s-1980s;

      collection of Eva Turner (1892-1990) English soprano, relating to her singing career, including costumes, accessories, photographs, press cuttings, music and books 1920s-1940s;

      diaries of Frederick Gye (1809-1878), Royal Italian Opera General manager, 1847-1878, his daughter Clara Gye, and son Ernest Gye, ROH Manager, 1847-1877;

      collection of Olive Grime, dancer with the Beecham Opera Company, including press cuttings, contracts, correspondence, photographs, books and costumes, 1920s-1930s;

      collection of Reginald Goodall (1901-1990) English conductor, including correspondence and personal papers, 1900-1958.

      Sem título
      ACC/1443 · Coleção · 1969-1979

      Preaching plans and directories for Methodist circuits including the Ealing and Acton Circuit, 1978; Enfield Circuit, 1975-1976; Finchley and Hendon Circuit, 1973; Finsbury Park Circuit, 1969; Finsbury Park and Southgate Circuit, 1977-1978; Harlesden Circuit, 1973; Harrow Circuit, 1978; Highgate Circuit, 1977-1979; Teddington Circuit, 1977-1978 and Wembley and Golders Green Circuit, 1977-1978.

      Sem título
      GB 0074 LMA/4569 · Coleção · 2007-2015

      Brent Black Music History and NARM (Naming and Role Models) Heritage Lottery Funded projects published booklets and DVD recordings (the latter are available by prior appointment). Also African Histories Revisited's published 'Race/Racism Primer' (2014).

      Sem título
      GB 0074 LMA/4670 · Coleção · 1940-2000

      Records of The Greene Sisters mainly relating to their professional life: correspondence concerning their working life, organising concerts and issues with their agents Foster's, copies of their wartime contracts as well as examples of publicity material particularly play bills for variety performance they appeared and a few programmes.

      There are copies of radio broadcasts including some from the series 'Hi Gang' recorded between 1951-1952.

      Included are both professional photographs and family photographs of The Greene Sisters, Jeanette, Gertie and Judy as well as their brother Marcus and youngest sister Sylvia; their parents Jack and Rebecca.

      There is a series of papers of Sylvia Greene the youngest sister which include the book, lyrics and music for a musical play 'A Great Guy' written by Sylvia.

      Sem título
      N/M/039 · Coleção · 1894-1973

      Minutes of Trustees' Meetings and related papers, 1919-1949; Treasurer's balance sheets, 1936-1938; Trust accounts, 1939-1940 and 1952-1962; receipts and payments, 1947-1948; cash book, 1898-1904; Treasurer's cash book, 1900-1912; Trustees Treasurer's account book, 1945-1964, including Paddington Circuit, Willesden Circuit and Kilburn and Hampstead Circuit; Trustees Treasurer's statements, cash accounts and other documents, 1923-1937; minutes of Kensal Rise organ trust, 1900-1907; scheme for debt clearing on organ and school building, 1907-1908; papers regarding organ reconstruction and other repairs to the Church, 1947-1960; trust papers, accounts, receipts and correspondence, 1923-1937; correspondence, 1945-1951; minutes of the Manse Trust, 1920-1958; correspondence, accounts, and other papers relating to the Manse trustees, 1922 and 1950-1957; minutes of Leaders' Meetings, 1900-1909; minutes of Leaders' Meetings and minutes of Annual Society Meetings, 1910-1936 and 1947-1965; minutes of Teachers' Meetings, 1894-1906; minutes of Finance Committee, 1935-1941; Class book, 1897-1899.

      Sem título
      O/466 · Coleção · 1909-1912

      Items from the Crystal Palace Handel-Mendelssohn Festival including admission ticket, to Orchestra, for Miss M. Bruin, 1909; admission ticket to South Area Stall, 1909; photograph of orchestra and choir, 1909 and label for instrument case, 1912.

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      Elkins, Vice-Admiral Sir Robert Francis (1903-)
      GB 0064 ELK · Coleção · [1921-1974]

      Papers of Sir Robert Francis Elkins, comprising Elkin's midshipman's journal, 1921 to 1923, his summaries and reports on Invergordon, 1931, and a later report written in 1967 for Captain Stephen Roskill's (1903- ) use in his History on Naval Policy between the Wars (London, 1968) as well as Elkin's wartime 'Line' books. These include accounts (as well as his official report, (1947) of his escape from St Valery, and of the proceedings for the surrender of the German squadron at Copenhagen. The remainder of this group consists of arrangements for ceremonial Royal occasions, 1948 to 1951, and a selection of sea shanties, arranged for orchestra. The second group, relates to the publication of Len Wincott's book Invergordon mutineer (London, 1974) and the publicity given to his visit to England, also in that year.

      Sem título
      GB 0064 MUS · Coleção · [18th century-19th century]

      This class contains a volume of seventy-three printed songs maninly by Charles Dibdin (1745-1814) and autographed or initialled by him, but also including works by Charles Dibdin the Younger (1768-1833) and Thomas Dibdin (1771-1841); many of these songs have naval subjects such as 'Jervis for Ever', 'The Death of Nelson' and the 'Blind Sailor'. The volume was probably compiled by Thomas Legard whose name it bears with the date 1806. There is also a full score, in manuscripts, of a cantata entitled 'The Sea Engagement' celebrating the Battle of the Nile, August 1798, and composed shortly afterwards. The work, both words and music, is by Adam Kroll. who describes himself as an 'amateur', and is dedicated to Nelson. Arranged for an orchestra of forty-three performers, it consists of an overture, a descriptive instrumental piece, two airs and a duet.

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      Royal Navy: Signal Books and Signals
      GB 0064 SGN/B · Subarquivo · 1778-1794

      Pendant and vane lists are included in this category; amongst these is a sheet of distinguishing signals issued by Lord Howe, 1794; a number of sheets of signals which were issued in addition to the printed signals, which include two recognition signals issued by the Admiralty for naval vessels and East Indiamen, 1778 and 1780.

      Sem título
      GB 0064 SNG · Coleção · 588-1848]

      The earliest document in this class is a contemporary copy of a song composed by Elizabeth I to celebrate the defeat of the Spanish Armada, 1588; also there are drafts by Charles Dibdin of the words of three of his songs, 'Every Man His Own Pilot' (1801), 'The Standing Toast' (1811), which vary slightly from the versions published in George Hogarth's The Songs of Charles Dibdin (1842 and 1848), and 'The Danes' (1807), which is not included in Hogarth's work. There is also a manuscript copy by Dibdin of the words (first verse only) and music of 'Poor Jack' (1788) and an anecdote in his hand regarding the words of 'Jack and the Windlass' (1791). Among the fourteen printed songs, the majority of which are autographed, are 'The Sailor's Return' (1791), 'Tack and Half Tack' (1795) and 'The Watery Grave' (1790) by Charles Dibdin; and 'The Heart of a Sailor' (1802), 'Love and Glory', and 'All's Well' (1805) by John Braham ([1774]-1856) with words by Thomas Dibdin. Finally there is a programme of a musical performance in commemoration of Charles Dibdin at the Theatre Royal, Covent Garden, in 1829.

      Sem título
      CLA/057 · Coleção · 1891-1963

      Papers of the Morgan family, 1891-1963, comprising papers, reports, photographs, music and other personal memorabilia of Robert Orlando Morgan, R.G.S.M., Professor of the Guildhall School of Music and Drama 1887-1951, of his second son, Cyril Douglas Morgan, Principal Clerk to the Chamberlain of London 1946-1958 and of his son, M.D. Morgan, the depositor of these documents.

      Sem título
      CLA/058 · Coleção · 1901-1924

      Papers of Dorothea (or Dorothy) Crompton, pupil at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama, 1913-1924. The collection, consisting of concert programmes, advertising posters, professors' reports and correspondence, had been found at the School and had been used in an exhibition there. The exhibition, entitled "Who was Dorothea Crompton?", had been mounted to try to establish some details about Crompton as nothing was known about her. As far as can be gathered, no information about Dorothea Crompton was produced as a result of the exhibition.

      Sem título
      GB 0074 ACC/0449 · Coleção · 1596

      Bond discharging the parish of Clerkenwell to provide for the maintenance and upbringing of a child, 1596. Also letter explaining how documents in the parish chest of Saint James Church, Clerkenwell, were being given away ca.1898 to make room when church was being repaired.

      Sem título
      GB 0074 P76/JS1 · Coleção · 1561-1949

      Records of Saint James Church, Clerkenwell, including registers of baptisms, marriages, burials and banns; financial accounts; minutes and papers of the church branch of the Church of England Temperance Society; vestry minutes and orders; churchwardens vouchers; papers regarding charity and relief work; bequests and donations to the church; preacher's books; and details of the reconstruction of the organ.

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