National cultures

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      National cultures

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      127 Descrição arquivística resultados para National cultures

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      Smith, Edwin
      GB 0102 MMS/Special Series/Biographical/Central Africa/FBN 13-14 & MMS Boxes 611B-C · 1877-1949

      Papers, 1877-1949, of Edwin Smith, comprising Smith's typescript and manuscript translations from religious texts into the Ila language, 1905-c1915, manuscript account of Ila, 1902, and manuscript account of Primitive Methodist missions in Africa, c1929; Smith's general official correspondence files, 1901-1913, the subjects including mission activities and finance; press cuttings, notes, and manuscript by Smith on the Baila-Batonga mission, 1890s-1900s; press cuttings on African, missionary, and Methodist affairs, 1897-1907, Smith's journal, 1898-1901, notes, typescripts and printed material, 1877-1924 and undated, by Smith and others on Ila and missionary work, and two manuscripts in Afrikaans, 1877 and undated (copy letters of the Rev John Smith, 1885-1886); undated photographs of Aliwal North, Basutoland, Nanzela and Kasenga missions (Ref: Box 611B); a letter from Smith in Aliwal North to his mother, 1900 (Ref: Box 611C/1); diary and pamphlet concerning Smith's journey to Nanzela, 1909 (Ref: Box 611C/2); Smith's diaries of trips to Egypt, Palestine, the Sudan, USA, Canada, and South Africa, 1929-1949 (Ref: Box 611C/3).

      Sem título
      Pollard, Samuel
      GB 0102 MMS/Special Series/Biographical/China/FBN 29-30 (Boxes 639-640) · 1885-1915

      Papers, 1885-1915, of the Rev Samuel Pollard, comprising 12 diaries, 1885-1915, describing life and work in China; manuscript and typescript accounts and letters by Pollard and cuttings by Pollard and other authors, 1900s-1910s (some undated), describing missionary work and life and customs in China, including remote regions; eight photographs, undated, including local people, Pollard, and Pollard's grave.

      Sem título
      Thomas, John
      GB 0102 MMS/Special Series/Biographical/South Seas/FBN 37-41 (Boxes 652-657) · 1786-1875

      Papers, 1786-1875, of John and Sarah Thomas, including John Thomas's journals and memoranda books, 1821-1875, including his religious reflections, life in England and Tonga, and missionary work; sermon notes, undated; manuscripts on Tonga and the South Seas, including mythology, religion, history, and ranks of chiefs, undated; photographs, prints and drawings, most unlabelled, of people and places in Tonga, undated [1820s-1850s?]; two accounts of the life of Sarah Thomas by John Thomas [1867 or after]; miscellaneous correspondence, 1825-1873, of John and Sarah Thomas, including letters from John Thomas to Wesleyan Mission House; journals of Sarah Thomas (née Hartshorn), 1826-1855, including her experiences in Tonga; account book for building a new Methodist chapel in Glasgow, 1786-1792; steward's account book, 1813-1820, of the Methodist Society, Glasgow, including Leaders' meetings minutes, 1813-1820.

      Sem título
      Goodyer, Samuel
      GB 0102 MMS/Special Series/Biographical/West Indies/FBN 3 (Box 590) · 1873-1890

      Journals, 1873-1890, of Samuel Goodyer, describing his training, preparations for missionary work in Jamaica, religious practices including preaching and praying, his reading, the journey to Jamaica, missionary work and impressions of Jamaica, and his return to England.

      Sem título
      GB 0102 MS 226830 · 1912-1928

      Correspondence and papers, 1912-1928, on the School of Oriental Studies (later School of Oriental and African Studies) Library book exchange, relating to arrangements concerning the disposition of books on Oriental studies between the School of Oriental Studies, University of London, King's College London, University College London, the Institute of Historical Research, India Office, and London Institution, including some named collections or items, among them the collections of Robert Morrison and William Marsden.

      Sem título
      Madagascar missions
      GB 0102 MS 288587 · 1864-1971

      Papers on missions in Madagascar, 1864-1971 (some undated), largely dating from the mid-20th century, possibly collected by Margaret Burke and including some of her own papers, comprising various printed articles, typescripts, manuscript papers, and correspondence, on evangelistic and educational missionary work by the London Missionary Society and Friends Service Council (including its predecessor the Friends Foreign Mission Association) and on local customs, including undated photographs [1920s] of missionaries, indigenous inhabitants and local scenes.

      Sem título
      Wedlock, Teddy and Dora
      GB 0102 MS 380564 · Created 1924-1932

      Ninety letters from Dora and Teddy Wedlock, covering their postings with the Admiralty to Wei-hai-wei in North China, Trincomalee in Ceylon, and Hong Kong (1924-1932), to Mrs Helen M Heynes who lived at Southsea, England. The letters discuss family matters including Helen Heynes's children and their joint interest in the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. The letters also illustrate well what life was like for the wife of a naval officer posted abroad during this period. The letters also give some indication of national and international events.

      Sem título
      Wareham, Harold Edgar and Rebecca Purves
      GB 0102 MS 380617 · Created c1893-1960s

      Photographs, c1893-1960s, of Central Africa by Harold Edgar Wareham and his wife Rebecca Purves Wareham (née Stewart). Subject matter includes missionaries and mission stations in Northern Rhodesia, locals, church activities and scenery.

      Sem título
      Pollard, Samuel (Kendall papers)
      GB 0102 MS 380690 · Created 1888-1970

      Correspondence and papers, 1888-1970, of and relating to Samuel Pollard, used by R Elliott Kendall for his work on Pollard, and comprising 12 letters from Pollard, 1888-1915, during his time in China, 11 of them to H W Horwill; four letters concerning Pollard, 1915-1916, 1970; three articles by Pollard on China, c1911-c1913; notes by H W Horwill on Pollard, undated; 50 press cuttings, 1908-1915, including some by Pollard in religious publications; 21 press cuttings, 1915-1921, mainly obituaries and reviews of Pollard's publications.

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      Beighton, Thomas and Abigail
      GB 0102 MS 380698 · 1818-1821

      Typescript transcript of letters and extracts of letters, and some photocopies of original letters, 1818-1821, from Thomas and Abigail Beighton to family and friends, recording problems encountered on the journey from England to Madras; local customs; and missionary work in Malacca and Penang, particularly their work in education; also including much discussion of family matters and of relationships among the missionary communities.

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      Higgins, John Comyn
      GB 0102 MS 95022 · Created c1838-1946

      Papers of John Comyn Higgins, comprising notes and narratives, c1838-1946, of political and social significance regarding the Manipur State, India.

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      Baker, Alan Custance / Evans, William
      GB 0102 PP MS 11 · Created 1883-1922

      Correspondence of William Evans to his wife and family (1883-1905), giving anecdotal experiences of his time in Singapore and China. Also the correspondence of his son-in-law, Alan Baker, primarily to his mother (1905-1922) giving news and accounts of his experiences in Oxford (Keble College) and in Malaya.

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      Huntingford, George Wynn Brereton
      GB 0102 PP MS 17 · Created 1920s-1974

      Papers, 1920s-1974, of George Wynn Brereton Huntingford, comprising correspondence, 1961-1971, seminar papers and reports relating to the history, languages and culture of the peoples of east Africa. Includes a section of material relating to the Nandi language and people.

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      Perlman, Melvin Lee
      GB 0102 PP MS 38 · Created 1890-1987

      Papers, 1890-1987, of Melvin Perlman, comprising correspondence; research data gathered during 1959-1962 for his study on Toro marriages in Uganda; data gathered for his research on Tea Estate Workers in Uganda; and his articles and lectures.

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      Mills, James Philip
      GB 0102 PP MS 58 · Created 1924-c1958

      Papers, 1924-c1958, of James Philip Mills, comprising correspondence, diaries, reports, lecture notes and articles, relating to his experiences in North East India, and his later teaching and research on the area.

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      Hardyman, James Trenchard
      GB 0102 PP MS 63 · Created 1827-1995

      Papers, 1827-1995, of James Hardyman, comprising writings in the form of published articles, press cuttings, typescripts, manuscripts and notes and correspondence relating to his interests in Malagasy history and culture and to his missionary work with the London Missionary Society. Also including photographs, postcards, illustrations, prints, engravings and sketches relating to Madagascar, and a collection of maps.

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      GB 0102 SOAS · 1903-2000

      Archives of the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), 1903-2000, comprising Charter of Incorporation, 1916, and other documents relating to the development of the School, 1903-1947, including Interim Report & Appendices Regarding Proposed School of Oriental & African Languages in London, 1911; minutes of the Governing Body, 1913-2000, and principal Committees, 1916-2000; appointments of Directors and Secretaries; Grant of Charter of Arms; School Development Policies, 1945-1990s, and papers relating to the Bloomsbury site, 1944-1945; general correspondence, 1916-2000; staff records, 1916-2000; student records, 1916-2000, and course files, 1970s-2000; students' union papers, 1957-1972; press cuttings, 1909-1917; picture archive, 1916-2000, including photographs, prints and drawings.

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      TORDAY, Emil (1875-1931)
      GB 1446 MS 192-198 and 424-425 · [1908-1931]

      Papers of Emil Torday, [1908-1931], including:

      MS 192

      Typescript notes for 'African races', published as Division I, no. 4 of Descriptive sociology, edited by H. Spencer, London, 1930, including notes on a number of African peoples including Bantu, Khoikhoi and Bushmen.

      MS 193

      Typescript notes on Loango, Angola.

      MS 194

      Questionnaires, papers and letters in connection with the Union Internationale de Secours aux Enfants, 1930-1931.

      MS 195

      Translation of Bacongo incantations and prayers, by J. van Wing, S.J.; translated by E. Torday. (London, 1930) and related correspondence.

      MS 196

      Draft of a book entitled Yarns from the West coast: being the diary of Mr Hilary Jones, edited by F.R.G.S., c. 1908, annotated with corrections.

      MS 197

      Typescript papers and lectures, [c 1930], including lectures on Hungary to Rotarians; lecture 'On some oddities of the Congo people'; lecture on West Africa, [1931] and lecture on female initiation in Africa.

      MS 198

      Typescript articles and African folk stories, annotated corrections, mostly in Hungarian.

      MS 424
      Notes ethnographiques sur les peoples communément appelés Bakuba, by Torday and Thomas Athol Joyce, 1911 (3 copies).

      MS 425

      Index cards from Torday's library.

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      EARTHY, E Dora (fl 1930-1959): papers relating to Liberia
      GB 1446 MS 60, MS 61, MS 62 and MS 63 · [1930]-1939

      Papers of E Dora Earthy, [1930]-1939, comprising MS 60: typescript manuscript for a book by Earthy, 1939, entitled 'Children of the Liberian hinterland', containing original photographs of Liberians; MS 61: British Association paper by Earthy (abstract only published) entitled 'The social structure of a Gbande town, Liberia'; MS 62: British Association paper by Earthy (abstract only published) entitled 'The Kisi tribe of Liberia' and MS 63: 'Krepoh Kru: a short grammatical sketch by E. Dora Earthy'.

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      LONG, Richard Charles Edward (1872-1951)
      GB 1446 MS 77-89 · 1885-1950

      The collection of Richard Long, 1885-1950, including:

      MS 77

      Manuscript and typescript notes made by Long, extracted from periodicals and books.

      MS 78

      Scrap paper notes made by Long.

      MS 79

      Correspondence between Long and S.G. Morley.

      MS 80

      Three notebooks containing abstracts. [Kilcavan, Geashill, 1885-1896].

      MS 81

      'Researches of Maya astronomy' translated 1-6, [by] Hans Ludendorff, Berlin, 1930-1933.

      MS 82

      Proofs of Maya hieroglyphic writing, by J.E. Thompson, Washington, 1950 with notes by Long inserted.

      MS 83

      Notes and abstracts from papers by various authors including on Mexico, Maya and Egypt.

      MS 84

      Typescript 'The new and the old in Guatemala' and 'The calendar of Soloma and of other Indian towns', by Robert Burkitt. 1929-1930 and proofs of 'The calendar of Soloma', published in Man, 1929.

      MS 85

      'Book of Chilam Balam of Tizimen: Tun prophecies, with comparisons from the Mani version', translated by Ralph Roys, [11 June 1948].

      MS 86

      Collection of reprints and photostat copies of papers by Robert H. Merrill, [1941-1947].

      MS 87

      Collection of reprints by various authors, including correspondence and notes, [1924-1949].

      MS 88

      'Further implications of Thompson's readings of Maya inscriptions at Copan', 2 Apr 1948.

      MS 89

      Biography of Thomas Wentworth, Earl of Strafford (1593-1641).

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      Vergotti Collection
      GB 0369 VER · 1990

      Typescript by Jacques M Vergotti, entitled "Memoirs of a Romanian-American 1940-1990", including material on his work as equerry to King Michael of Romania.

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      CROWDER, Michael (1934-1988)
      GB 0101 ICS 123 · 1958-1988 (mainly 1982-1985)

      The Michael Crowder Papers relate to his academic career. The collection falls into three general series. First, Botswana material, which consists mostly of photocopies and notes made towards his biography of Tshekedi Khama, regent of Bamangwato in Botswana 1929-1950, in whom Crowder became interested while Professor of History at the University of Botswana in 1982-1985. This constitutes the bulk of the material. Secondly, west African material which mostly predates the Botswana material. Thirdly, material from the last two years of his life when Crowder was in London most of the time. Apart from primary and secondary research material there are drafts of chapters, papers, books, and course outlines, as well as related academic and university administrative correspondence from the International Africa Institute and the Journal of African History. There is also a box of photo-slides taken by Crowder during trips to the Caribbean, Morocco and west Africa.

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      Brash, Richard: letter, 1826
      GB 0096 AL12 · Arquivo · 1826

      Letter from Richard Brash of 4 Printers Place, Spa Road, Bermondsey, London to Mr Joseph Hume MP of 6 Bryanston Square, Oxford Street, London, 13 Sep 1826. Accompanying 2 copies of Brash's books. 'The first was intended to arouse the minds of the people in favour of the Greeks, and the second to overturn Cobbett's misleading principles.' On the dorse is written: 'his books are mere nonsense', and (in another hand) 'Recd and ansd 13 Sept. 1826. thanks for his pamphlets and that I cannot assist him'.

      Autograph, with signature. Bears a seal marked: R B.

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      MARSDEN, William (1754-1836)
      GB 0100 KCLCA Marsden · c1580-1805

      Manuscripts collected by William Marsden, including letters and other material, 1627-1668, relating to Portuguese Catholic missionaries in India, some from Ajmir and Agra, and Tibet; martyrology of Portuguese missionaries in India and other parts of Asia, [17th century]; manuscript entitled 'Principio do dereito q. tem el Rey de Portugal da Ilha de Goa...1595', bound with 'Livro tresladado dos contos de Goa de todos os ordenados q. Sua Magestade da na India...', both 1658, also with cipher used presumably by the Jesuits, 'Cifra da Compa. q. devem ter todos os superiores...'; texts, grammars and vocabularies, [17th-18th centuries], including Welsh; Icelandic; Kannada; Tamil fragments, some on palmyra leaves; Javanese text; Tagalog fragments; 'Bocabulario Tagalo', [c1580]; 'Vocabulario de la lengua Iloca'; manuscript letter from C T de Murr to William Marsden, 24 Feb 1797, regarding the Bibliotheca glottica universalis, with accompanying typescript transcription; Ionian (Greek) newspaper concerning King George III, 1805.

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      Conference of British Missionary Societies
      GB 0102 CBMS · 1872-1973

      Archives of the Conference of British Missionary Societies, largely dating from 1912-1970, including some material dating from 1872-1973, relating to administration, the work of other missionary bodies, and issues affecting missionary work.

      Records, 1901-1970, of the Standing Committee and other committees comprise minutes, annual reports, and administrative papers and correspondence, including some relating to the CBMS constitution, finance, staffing, World War Two, and broadcasting, and papers relating to various other missionary bodies, including the Foreign Missions Conference of North America and National Council of Churches in Christ in the USA, 1893-1960 (Ref: S).

      Records, 1907-1968, of the Home Council comprise minutes and administrative papers (Ref: H); records, 1926-1960, relating to audio-visual aids, including minutes, administrative papers, and reviews of films (Ref: H/AVA); records, 1920-1944, of the Far and Near Press Bureau, with detailed information on numerous individual missionaries and missionary issues, including BBC talks, publications, manuscripts and matching press cuttings, and obituaries (arranged chronologically), biographical files and photographs of people and regions (arranged alphabetically), and background information on various areas (Ref: H/PB); records, 1921-1960, relating to recruitment and training of missionaries (Ref: H/RT); records, 1946-1965, of the Schools Committee, relating to speakers, exhibitions and publicity material (Ref: H/Sc); records, 1939-1961, of the Youth Committee (Ref: H/Y); records, 1907-1968, of the United Council for Missionary Education and Edinburgh House Press, including minutes, finance papers, records of publications and papers relating to production, stock and publicity, book reviews, correspondence, and publications on missionaries and missionary subjects (Ref: H/UP).

      Area files, including correspondence with national Christian councils, overseas governments and overseas churches and churchmen, comprise minutes of the Africa Committee and papers on missionary work in countries in Central, East, Southern and West Africa, 1915-1960, touching on educational work, political events and decolonization, African customs, Islam, social problems, and interethnic relations, including papers of the Advisory Committee on Education in the Colonies (including areas outside Africa), 1927-1961 (Ref: A); records of the Committee on Work among Jews and Near and Middle East Committee and papers relating to missionary work in Middle Eastern countries and Egypt, 1921-1967, touching on work among Moslems, political events and refugee issues (Ref: N); records of the West Indies Committee and papers relating to missionary work in the Caribbean, 1938-1968, touching on social and economic development (Ref: W); records of the Asia Committee and papers on missionary work, including educational and medical work, in China, India, and other parts of East, South, and South East Asia, 1872-1964, including political events, the Sino-Japanese War and World War Two, the development of Communism in China, and political events and self-government in India (Ref: E).

      Records on literature and medical work comprise records of the Christian Literature Committee and Christian Literature Council, including finance and policy papers, and papers relating to literacy and literature in Central, East, Southern and West Africa, East, South, and South East Asia, the Middle East, and the Caribbean and Latin America, 1920-1968 (Ref: L); records of the Medical Advisory Board and papers on medical missionary work in Africa, India and China, 1928-1963 (Ref: M).

      Records on co-operative action with other missionary bodies relate to the World Missionary Conference and its Continuation Committee, 1907-1929, the International Missionary Council, 1917-1973, World Council of Churches, 1945-1960, and British Council of Churches, 1938-1960 (Ref: C).

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      GB 0102 CIM · c1850-1999

      Records of the China Inland Mission (later the Overseas Missionary Fellowship), including the minutes of the London Council, 1872-1951; minutes of the Mission's China Council, 1886-1947, 1951; various publications including Chinese Missionary Gleaner, 1853-1859, China's Millions, 1875-1964, and Chinese Recorder, 1867-1933 (Ref: CIM);
      Overseas Missionary Fellowship papers (Ref: CIM/OMF) for the post-1950 period;
      substantial papers of the mission's founder, James Hudson Taylor (Ref: CIM/JHT), including some records, c1850-1860, of the Chinese Evangelization Society;
      material, 1880-1999, relating to the Chefoo Schools (Ref: CIM/CSP), founded by Hudson Taylor, including registers of pupils and papers of the Chefoo Schools Association;
      private papers (Ref: CIM/PP), comprising varied information on the lives of individual missionaries;
      a large photographic collection (Ref: CIM/PHOTO), including the official records of the China Inland Mission and Overseas Missionary Fellowship, among them a series of photographs collected from missionaries in the field concerning medical work and scenes of life in China, Taiwan, Thailand and Tibet.

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      Broomhall, Anthony James
      GB 0102 CIM/PP 158-479 · 1776-1991

      Papers, 1776-1991 (including some copies), some undated, collected by Anthony James Broomhall for his work on the China Inland Mission, Hudson Taylor and China's Open Century, comprising manuscript, typescript and printed notes and sources, largely undated, on Chinese and missionary history, on James Hudson Taylor, including his letters and personal papers, the chronology of his life, and his forebears, and on Frederick Howard Taylor; photocopies of drawings and photographs, including James Hudson Taylor and also Chinese buildings, cities, boats and rivers, and other scenes, copies of documents associated with Taylor, including his Bible and marriage certificate, and a photograph of his grave; maps of China and other parts of Asia, some including China Inland Mission stations; Broomhall's correspondence relating to his research, 1939-1991.

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      Mather, Percy Cunningham
      GB 0102 CIM/PP 6-13 · 1911-1938

      Papers, 1911-1938, of and relating to Percy Cunningham Mather, comprising letters to Mather from various correspondents, 1911-1931; letters of condolence on his death, 1933; letters from Mather, 1911-1933, largely to his sister Edith, including his experiences in China; typescript letters from Mather in Chuguchak (Tacheng), Sinkiang (Xinjiang Uygur Zizhiqu), to prayer companions, 1930-1932, describing his impressions and activities; six journals, 1911-1917, recording his activities; articles by Mather in Young China, 1928-1929; articles on Mather's life, 1933, 1938 and undated.

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      London Missionary Society
      GB 0102 CWM/LMS · Created 1764-1966

      Records, 1764-1966, of the London Missionary Society (LMS), dating mainly from the foundation of the Society in 1795, but with some material from 1774 onwards relating to Madagascar and Mauritius, and a series of 'Extra' correspondence dating from 1764. The records relate to the structure and administration of the Society and mission activity overseas and comprise LMS Home Office minutes and papers, committee minutes, correspondence inward and outwards, candidates' papers, and papers of official deputations; official journals, reports and correspondence from LMS missionaries in the field; special series of 'Odds', a collection of miscellaneous documents including material from the mission field; a large collection of portraits of missionaries; more than 15,000 photographs, showing individual converts, mission staff and buildings, and also depicting the lives, work and pursuits of indigenous peoples, means of transport, topographical scenes and historical events.

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      Willoughby, William Charles
      GB 0102 CWM/LMS Africa Personal Boxes 4, 6 · 1883-1939

      Papers, 1883-1939, of and relating to William Charles Willoughby, comprising sketches of Urambo, 1883; photographic negative of Mirambo, king of Urambo; building accounts, 1894, 1897; correspondence, 1897-1904, 1917, 1923-1924, relating to his missionary work and writing, comprising letters received and copies of letters sent; pass for travel, 1900; invitation, 1900; various undated typescript and manuscript notes by Willoughby, some for sermons and addresses, others including information about Africa and Tiger Kloof; The Congregationalist, Jan 1914, publishing a speech by Willoughby; undated article by Willoughby in a London Missionary Society (LMS) newsletter; miscellaneous photographs of people and scenes in Africa; sketch map, undated; press cuttings, 1924-1932, of articles by Willoughby and reviews of his books on race relations in Africa and African beliefs and customs; correspondence and papers relating to Willoughby and Tiger Kloof, 1938-1939 and undated, including press cuttings.

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      Lomas, Elizabeth
      GB 0102 CWM/LMS Madagascar Personal Boxes 3-4 · 1846-1950s

      Papers, 1846-1950s, of Elizabeth Lomas, comprising certificates and testimonials for her education and teaching posts in England, 1888-1918; postcards of England; typescript and manuscript notes, addresses, stories, poems, etc, from her life in Madagascar [1919-1939]; diaries and notebooks including notes on personal and domestic matters, poetry, and press cuttings, 1920s-1930s; photographs of individuals, groups and places in Madagascar [1919-1939]; typescript circulars relating to missionary work in Madagascar, 1947-1950; various letters received, 1890s-1950s; various personal papers, 1900s-1950s; papers relating to Lomas family affairs, 1846-1916, including documents relating to probate and property and various certificates; photographs of her family and ancestors [19th-20th century].

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      Newell, James Edward
      GB 0102 CWM/LMS South Seas Special Personal Boxes 1-16 · 1850s-1947

      Papers, 1850s-1947, of and relating to James Edward Newell, comprising diaries, 1870-1887, 1891-1892, 1898-1908, describing his life and activities, including life in Samoa; correspondence, c1880-1910, including letters received and letterbooks containing copies of outgoing letters; notes by Newell, 1870s-1900s, including various notebooks and commonplace books, and his recollections of Robert Louis Stevenson; sermon notes; typescript and manuscript mission reports, 1880s-1900s; printed and manuscript papers, 1880s-1900s, including talks and articles by Newell and others, relating to Samoan life, culture and anthropology, and missionary work, also including various printed proclamations and the Samoan constitution; press cuttings, 1850s-1900s, on Samoa, including colonial politics, on missionary affairs, and on Newell himself; copies of the newspaper Samoanische Zeitung, 1907; papers relating to Newell, 1910-1947, including manuscript notes, reminiscences, press cuttings, and a photograph of his grave in Gütersloh.

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      Gray, S Douglas
      GB 0102 MMS/Special Series/Biographical/Central Africa/FBN 15-20 (Boxes 613-623) · 1910-1962

      Papers, 1910-1962, of the Rev S Douglas Gray, comprising personal correspondence, 1910-1940s; personal papers, 1910-1950, among them journals and diary and autobiographical extracts, including accounts of journeys in Rhodesia (later Zambia), addresses on missionary work, notes for sermons, and papers on Gray's furloughs, MBE, health, and retirement; papers relating to missionary work, including correspondence with Missionary Society officials, 1924-1954, correspondence and papers on medical, educational, and evangelistic matters and on indigenous customs including marriage, 1919-1962, and printed material, 1911-1940s; circular letters and circuit and district reports, 1912-1951, on various circuits in north and south Rhodesia; papers, 1911-1955, largely typescript, on general missionary affairs in Rhodesia; correspondence with Oliver Roebuck, 1923-1925, 1930, and Roebuck's diary, 1923.

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      Hill, David
      GB 0102 MMS/Special Series/Biographical/China/FBN 24-29 (Boxes 630-636) · 1822-1917

      Papers, 1822-1917, of and relating to the Rev David Hill, including journals, 1865-1889 (some gaps); Hill's notes, sermons and addresses, 1863-1875 and undated, including some lantern slides, the subjects including the Old Testament, missionary work, China, including the opium trade and Chinese literature, and Hill's visit to America; letters from Hill to various members of his family, 1847-1896, and other correspondents, 1873-1895; various letters, 1847-1917, some to Hill, but including miscellaneous others; photographs of Hill and other subjects, including Chinese costumes; books belonging to Hill, 1857-1895, such as Bibles, a prayerbook, and hymnbooks; woodcut for visiting card; correspondence and papers, 1858-1897 and undated, some printed, relating to missionary work and other affairs in China, including anti-foreign riots, 1891; papers, 1877-1881 and undated, relating to the opium trade; Central China Lay Mission cash book, 1894-1899; printed papers, 1822-1917, including material relating to missionary work in China and to Methodism, including Methodism in York.

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      Freeman, Thomas Birch
      GB 0102 MMS/Special Series/Biographical/West Africa/FBN 4-7 (Boxes 594-597) · 1837-1928

      Papers, 1837-1928, of and relating to Thomas Birch Freeman, comprising journals, 1837-1845, including his life and work in Africa; a manuscript account of a journey from Badagry to Dahomey, 1842-1843, perhaps prepared for publication, with a letter, 1843, from George Maclean concerning the manuscript; letterbooks, 1848-1857, containing copy letters from Freeman; Freeman's manuscript history of the rise and progress of Wesleyan missions in the Gold Coast to 1838 [after 1838], with later, undated manuscript transcript; typed transcript [20th century], lacking chapters I-II, of Freeman's reminiscences [1884] of the Gold and Slave Coasts, including his extensive travels in the region, and microfilm negative of the typescript; typed transcript [20th century] of two letters to Annie Goulstone (1849); copy certificate, 1928, recording Freeman's marriage to Lucinda Cowan (1840).

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      Edwards, Evangeline Dora
      GB 0102 MS 145609 · Created c1932-1943

      Papers, articles, texts and lecture notes, c1932-1943, largely undated, of Evangeline Dora Edwards, relating to her work and interest in Chinese language, literature and history. The material reflects her particular interest in the T'ang Dynasty (AD 618-907). Lecture notes cover topics such as T'ang poetry, the history of the early T'ang, the social life of the T'ang Dynasty and secular schools of music founded by Ming Huang (AD 713-752) of the T'ang Dynasty. Also includes a typescript article entitled 'Development of Drama before the T'ang Dynasty' (1933). There are several Chinese texts in the collection, some with English translations.

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      Winstedt, Sir Richard
      GB 0102 MS 312646 · 1925-[1960s]

      Papers, 1925-[1960s], of Sir Richard Winstedt relating to his publications, comprising annotated proofs of Malay dictionary, 1960; manuscripts of Malay Dictionary, undated; copy of his An English-Malay Dictionary (1952), with extensive manuscript annotations and alterations [after 1952]; manuscripts and typescripts for his memoirs Start from Alif: Count from One (published in 1969), largely relating to his time in south-east Asia [1960s]; manuscript on philosophy, undated; letter on Malay law to [S G?] Vesey-Fitzgerald, 1945; letter on a Malay manuscript from P Voorholne[?] of the Bibliotheek der Rijks-Universiteit te Leiden, 1951; part of a letter on Raffles College and educational needs in Malaya from an unknown correspondent, 1965; miscellaneous offprints by Winstedt on Malay literature, law, customs and culture, 1925, 1929, 1945, and undated.

      Sem título
      Plaatje, Solomon Tshekisho
      GB 0102 MS 375495 · Created 1902-1933

      Papers, 1902-1933, of and concerning Solomon Tshekisho Plaatje, including biographical material, notes, correspondence and photographs.

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      Molema, Silas Modiri
      GB 0102 MS 380268 · Created 1941-1966

      Papers, 1941-1966, of Silas Modiri Molema, comprising original notebooks and unpublished typescripts, including manuscripts for Montshiwa 1815-1896: BaRolong Chief and Patriot, Chief Moroka: His Life, His Country and His People, and The Scapegoat of the Boer War: General Piet Cronje, which was never published. Notebooks contain details of meetings of Tshidi Barolong Chiefs (1947-1961), genealogical, medical and historical information on the Barolong in addition to general South African history.

      Sem título
      Cousins, (Ethel) Constance
      GB 0102 MS 380325 · Created 1865-1974

      Papers, 1865-1974, of and relating to (Ethel) Constance Cousins, including correspondence with her family, photographs, press cuttings and the unpublished typescript biography by her niece Janet E. Cousins. Also includes letters dated 1893-1900 from her father, Rev. William Edward Cousins, chiefly from Madagascar.

      Sem título
      Alabaster, Sir Chaloner
      GB 0102 MS 380451 · Created 1845-1898

      Papers, 1845-1898, of Sir Chaloner Alabaster, including nine diaries, 1854-1875, which give accounts of his time in China. The later diaries are incomplete and contain far less detail than earlier volumes. Additional material, 1868-1898, includes papers and correspondence detailing his military service, accounts, obituaries and copies of 'A Chapter from the Chinese Gospel', by Alabaster, from Occasional Papers on Chinese Philosophy.

      Sem título
      Earthy, Emily Dora
      GB 0102 MS 380515 · Created 1917-1930

      Papers, 1917-1930, collected by Dora Earthy during her fieldwork amongst the Valenge women, including notes and drafts of her book Valenge Women: the social and economic life of the Valenge women of Portugese East Africa in various typed and hand-written stages.

      Sem título
      Francis, Rev David Lloyd
      GB 0102 MS 380563 · Created 1933-1989

      Papers, 1933-1989, of David Lloyd Francis, comprising his diaries (1943, 1947-8) and correspondence concerning his work with the Melanesian Mission, the effects of the War on the Mission's work and his own work during this period. Later correspondence with the BBC is also included.

      Sem título
      Roberts Memorial Hospital photographs
      GB 0102 MS 380584 · [Early 20th century]

      Three captioned photograph albums [early 20th century] of the Roberts Memorial Hospital, T'sangchou, including images relating to damage caused by the Boxer Rebellion (1900-1901), construction of the hospital, dispensary, out-patients, Chinese and European members of staff, patients and hospital scenes, also including some general scenes of Chinese life outside the hospital. One album apparently belonged to Dr A D Peill and two albums to Dr S G Peill.

      Sem título
      Scott, Harry
      GB 0102 MS 380601 · (1884-1887 [1935-1936]) [1992]

      Typescript transcripts [1992] of circular letters of Harry Scott sent to relatives and friends in England while missionary at Murray Island, Torres Straits, New Guinea, 1884-1887, with his later additions [1935-1936], giving a detailed account of life there, including his missionary work and Biblical translations, the landscape, and local customs.

      Sem título
      Slessor, Mary Mitchell
      GB 0102 MS 380621 · (1877-1913) 1986

      Typescript transcriptions, 1986, of letters of Mary Slessor in West Africa, written between 1877-1913 to various recipients, the subjects including her missionary work, life in Africa, religious reflections and Presbyterian church matters, fellow missionaries and other Europeans, and indigenous inhabitants.

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      Inkster, Robert
      GB 0102 MS 380736 · 1931-1958

      Papers, 1931-1958, of Robert Inkster, largely dating from the 1930s, mainly comprising correspondence with friends on subjects including Chinese affairs, Anglo-Chinese relations, the national and international political and economic situation, and the Chinese in Liverpool, including correspondence with General C Y Chang, 1931-1954. Other papers include a photograph of the United Committee for Christian Universities of China luncheon, 1937, and miscellaneous other papers, among them undated notes on China and the Chinese, including politics, language and customs, and a printed pamphlet on Tunghai University, Taichung, Taiwain, 1958.

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      Fürer-Haimendorf, Christoph von
      GB 0102 PP MS 19 · c1917-1990

      Papers, c1917-1990, of Christoph von Fürer-Haimendorf relating to his work on tribes and anthropology in India, Ceylon, Nepal, Tibet and the Philippines.

      Papers relating to anthropological fieldwork, 1936-1989, comprise diaries, 1936-1985, some by Betty Fürer-Haimendorf, including detailed accounts of fieldwork; field-notes, 1936-1989; research proposals and reports relating to fieldwork, c1953-1985; fieldwork questionnaires, 1949-1957, on marriage, economic status and kinship; house-lists and genealogies, undated; diagrams and charts on distribution of tribes, families, households, and herds, undated; maps, undated; official correspondence and permits to travel, c1974-1988; miscellaneous papers, c1960-1981, including some relating to travel arrangements.

      Papers relating to tribal welfare and development, Andhra Pradesh, c1918-1985, comprise tour notes, c1918, 1945-1946; correspondence between Fürer-Haimendorf and the Revenue Department of the Nizam's Government, 1939-1949; reports on Hyderabad Tribal Affairs, c1935-1949; Gondi reading charts for adults produced as part of an education scheme, 1943-1948; correspondence with tribesmen concerning the alienation of tribal land, 1976-1978; notes on the position of Indian tribal populations, c1960-1985; press cuttings on tribal affairs in India, c1977-1984; Government reports and publications, c1949-1979; miscellaneous papers on tribal welfare, undated.

      Working papers for teaching and research, c1949-1979, comprise conference and symposia papers, 1960-1978; lectures and seminar papers, c1949-1977; working papers (subject files) on miscellaneous research topics, c1960-1979 but largely undated; working papers created by René de Nebesky-Wojkowitz on Tibetan dance, religion and ritual, and on medicine and medicinal plants, undated.

      Publications and accompanying material, c1917-1990, comprise published texts and articles, 1932-1990; rough drafts and working copies (books) [1939]-[1990]; rough drafts and working copies (articles), largely undated; publications containing photographs by Fürer-Haimendorf, 1937-1960; illustrations used in texts by Fürer-Haimendorf, undated; reviews of Fürer-Haimendorf's publications, 1943-1982; reviews by Fürer-Haimendorf, 1958-1983; extracts and notes from anthropological works by other authors, undated; bibliographies compiled by Fürer-Haimendorf, undated; a large collection of published and unpublished works by other authors, c1917-1989, largely on social and cultural anthropology, and particularly on India, Nepal and Tibet.

      Miscellaneous papers, c1935-1989, include further correspondence with colleagues, other scholars, students, publishers, academic institutions and other organisations.

      Sem título
      Allen, John Willoughby Tarleton
      GB 0102 PP MS 20 · Created 1898-1977

      Working papers of John Willoughby Tarleton Allen, 1898-1978 and undated, the bulk dating from 1957-1978, including correspondence, 1963-1977; papers on Swahili culture, poetry and customs, 1903-1978 and undated; papers relating to the Danish Volunteer Training Society, including language instruction, 1969-1973, and Britain Tanzania Society, 1974-1977; published articles by Allen and others, 1898, 1970 and undated; undated photocopies of various Arabic manuscripts; tape recordings of literary performances; microfilms of Swahili material.

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