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  • UF Parasites
  • UF Parasite
  • UF Parásito

8 Archival description results for Parasitology

GB 0120 MSS.1456-1499 and 6931-6941 · 1874-1923

MSS.1456-1499 comprise chiefly drafts of essays and papers by Cantlie, spanning his entire career but with the bulk (MSS.1461-1486) dating from his years in Hong Kong. The subject is generally tropical medicine; diseases discussed include leprosy, dropsy, kala-azar, beri-beri, cholera and malaria, with particular emphasis upon leprosy. Worth individual notice are MSS.1456, in which Cantlie describes a case of blood poisoning that he acquired in the dissecting room at Charing Cross Hospital; MS.1459, commemorating the military surgeon Paul Bennett Conolly (died at Khartoum on the Gordon Relief Expedition of 1885); 1461, 1466 and 1463, two diaries and a cashbook respectively to do with his Hong Kong medical practice; 1469, a fragment of a register of patients in the Hong Kong Hospital; 1480-1481, casebooks compiled in Hong Kong; 1489, a dummy copy of the first edition of the Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, founded by Cantlie; and 1499, a collection of questionnaire responses relating to the life history of Eurasian "half-castes" in which Cantlie is one of many respondents drawn from the western fringes of the Pacific (China, Japan, Australia and New Zealand). MSS.6931-6941 contain correspondence, personal and travel papers, medical notes, printed material (including much material relating to papers published in the Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene), illustrative material and certificates, the last also including items relating to other members of Cantlie's family.

Cantlie , Sir , James , 1851-1926 , Knight , surgeon
Donovan, Charles (1863-1951)
GB 0120 MSS.2208-2216 and 5692-5697 · 1889-1921

MSS.2208-2216 comprise notebooks and essays. MSS.2210-2211 are broader in subject than the rest of this block of material, comprising lectures in physiology; the remainder of the manuscripts in this block focus on issues of specifically tropical medicine. Kala-azar and malaria are particularly featured. MS.2208 also includes a list of birds in Dunduan. MSS.5692-5697 consist of illustrative material (primarily water-colours from microscope slides relating to tropical parasitic diseases), correspondence, cuttings and offprints, and miscellaneous other papers relating to Donovan's work on tropical medicine.

Donovan , Charles , 1863-1951 , physician and specialist in tropical medicine
GB 0120 MSS.2248-2268, 4790-4807 and 5690-5691 · 1890-1949

Much of the collection is made up of diaries and notebooks relating to expeditions sent to Africa by the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine to study diseases such as malaria and trypanosomiasis. From Todd's subsequent career there is also material on journeys to Western Canada to study Swamp Fever in horses and to Poland to study Typhus, some general notes on tropical diseases, a laboratory notebook on experiments with fever ticks and a paper on the Congo Free State as a political unit. The dates covered are 1901-1920. A final block of material consists of letters and loose papers including sketches, covering 1890-1949.

Dutton , Joseph Everett , 1874-1905 , physician and tropical medicine specialist Todd , John Lancelot , 1876-1949 , physician and tropical medicine specialist
GB 0809 Garnham · 1966-1995

Papers of Percy Cyril Claude Garnham, 1966-1995, relate to the last field research project, by Garnham, to Sabah, Malaysia, in 1972 and his death in 1994. Correspondence and notes regarding the expedition to Sabah include an introduction to the expedition and photographs and scanned images of Garnham at work, undated, (Garnham 01/01); typewritten notes with handwritten corrections concerning the film 'Expedition to Borneo', [1972], (Garnham 01/02); correspondence concerning blood films and a bibliography for protozoa, insects and acoredae, 1972-1973, (Garnham 01/03); correspondence, maps, diagrams, reports and notes related to the study of orang-utans including a draft copy of 'Malaria parasity of the orang-utan (pongo pygmaeus)' by Garnham and others, 1969-1975(Garnham 01/04); notes belonging to Peters including a workbook comprising diagrams of blood cells and notes and charts regarding parasites, 1972, (Garnham 01/05); Garnham's correspondence largely with Peters regarding the continuing work concerning malaria and chimpanzees, 1966-1991,(Garnham 01/06); photographs and diagrams including a photograph of G S de Silva outside the animal clinic in Sabah and a diagram indicating zoogeographic sub regions of the oriental region, c1970, (Garnham 01/07); correspondence largely to Wallace Peters including notes on the orang-utans in Sepilok, 1966-1974 (Garnham 01/08); correspondence notably regarding pongo paper, 1966-1975, (Garnham 01/09); photographs of chimp blood slides, c1970, (Garnham 01/10); correspondence mainly addressed to Peters, including notes and graphs of orang-utan study; correspondence regarding the setting up and funding of the project; and draft paper by Garnham, N Rajapaksa, W Peters, and R Killick-Kendrick 'Malaria parasites of the orang-utan (Pongo pygmaeus)', 1969-1973, (Garnham 01/11); photographs of Sepilok, application for Government grant for scientific investigations, correspondence regarding blood films, slides and orang-utans and new buildings in Sepilok, notes and contents of reels of film from Sabah and Borneo, 1969-1977 (Garnham 01/12) and a documentary film entitled 'Expedition to Borneo, 1972', comprising footage of orang-utans in their natural surroundings, transferred to DVD (Garnham 01/13).

Papers also concern the death of Garnham and notably comprise correspondence from Claude Garnham, including a letter of thanks to Peters for writing Garnham's obituary; copies of many obituaries within various journals and newspapers including two in French; programme of service and thanksgiving for the life and work of Garnham and correspondence regarding the founding of an award in Garnham's memory, 1994-1995,(Garnham 02).

Garnham , Professor , Percy Cyril Claude , 1901-1994 , Parasitologist
GB 0809 Gillett · [1941]-1993

Papers of Professor John David Gillett, [1941]-1993, relate to his work concerning mosquitoes and tropical diseases and comprise published and unpublished works by Gillett and others, and original research carried out by Gillett.

Published work includes The swarming habits of some Danish mosquitoes by E T Nielson and H T Nielson, (Entomolgiske Meddeleber, 1963) and The essential role of temporal discontinuity in swarming insects by J D Gillett (Flying Kites, Biologist, 1993). Unpublished work includes a copy of Gillett's bound PhD 'Embryonic Diapause in the genus aedes Meigen (Diptera: Culicadae)', 1952.

The collection also notably contains a notebook used by Gillett to collate research and encloses correspondence with Kenneth C Smithburn and A F Mahaffey of Yellow Fever Research Institute, Uganda regarding samples, including mosquitoes, sent by Gillett, 1941.

Gillett , John David , 1913-1995 , Professor of Tropical Medicine
GB 0809 Leiper · 1880s-1960s

Papers of Robert Thomson Leiper, [1880-1960] contain material concerning an expedition by Leiper to British Guiana and the West Indies; a commission from the London School of Tropical Medicine to study filariasis and material relating to Leiper, his work at the School and his family including photographs, postcards from West Africa, autograph book, reports as an helminthologist, material on the Peking Union Medical College and family history research.

Leiper , Robert Thomson , 1881-1969 , Helminthologist
GB 0120 GC/66 · 1959

Papers of Sir Philip Manson-Bahr, 1959, including 'Whole original handwritten manuscript of 'The Story of Filaria''. This is the original text of 'The Story of Filaria bancrofti: A Critical review' published in Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 1959, 62, pp53-61, 85-94, 106-117, 138-145, 160-173. This was divided up into five parts: I Early history; II Metamorphosis of W bancrofti, in the mosquito and filarial periodicity; III Advances in the 20th century; IV Mosquito intermediaries of W bancrofti; V Description of W bancrofti and pathology of filiariasis. Also watercolours illustrations of parasites, etc; photographs and charts re amoebiasis.

Bahr , Sir , Philip , Manson- , 1881-1966 , Knight , Medical Researcher x Manson-Bahr
GB 1556 WL 1179 · Collection · 1945

Minutes of a meeting held between Ing. Georg Vogel and Major Kusmin, 1945, concerning the repatriation of some Czech nationals which Kusmin authorised on receipt of medical certificates and a statement that they are free of lice. The remaining minutes deal with applications for food and clothing and the need for more disinfectors following the removal of the Russian ones.

Theresienstadt post-war camp management