Primary documents

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  • An original "document" which is not the result of a documentation process.
  • "Document" original qui n'a pas fait l'objet d'un traitement documentaire.
  • "Documento" original que no ha sido objeto de un tratamiento documental.

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    Hiërarchische termen

    Primary documents

    Primary documents

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      Primary documents

        2529 Archivistische beschrijving results for Primary documents

        2529 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
        LMA/4008/MSHL · Deelarchief · 1853-1954

        Records of the Maidstone Street Methodist Church, Haggerston, later the Harbour Light Church, Goldsmith's Row, Haggerston, including registers of baptisms, 1897-1944; papers regarding membership of the Church; minute books for Church Meetings, Leader's Meetings and other church committees; Trustees' meeting minutes, correspondence and financial accounts; papers of the Sunday School and leaflets, including a history of the church to 1946.

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        LMA/4008/PHTH · Deelarchief · 1866-1890

        Register of baptisms for Penton Hall Methodist Church (later Twyford Hall Methodist Church), 1866-1890.

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        LMA/4022 · Collectie · 1907-1996

        Records of Putney United Reformed Church including baptism and marriage registers, 1907-1992; minutes of the Session, later the Elders Meeting; minutes of the Board of Managers, later the Deacon's Court, later the Church Meeting; minutes of the Stewards' Meeting; minutes of other church committees; Communicant Books which were attested by order of the Session; papers relating to rebuilding work following World War Two bomb damage; newsletters, reports and other publications of the Church, including Church Notes which provides selected sermons given at the Church; war memorials; a file of press cuttings and photographs relating to special events; order of service sheets; histories of the Putney Church and photographs of centenary celebrations.

        Zonder titel
        LMA/4066 · Collectie · 1808-1991

        Records of constituent churches of the United Reformed Church Southern Province Trust, 1808-1991, including: Battersea Bridge Road United Reformed Church baptism registers 1846-1991 and Church Meeting minute books; Plumstead United Reformed Church baptism registers, 1924-1977; Clapham Congregational Church committee meetings minute book; George Street Chapel, Croydon, committee meetings minute book; Camberwell Green United Reformed Church property trust papers and Hither Green Mission property trust papers.

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        LMA/4082 · Collectie · 1966-1975

        Registers of marriages for Bexley Congregational Church, 1966-1975.

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        LMA/4160 · Collectie · 1924-1961

        Marriage registers for the Providence Congregational Church, Uxbridge, 1924-1961.

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        LMA/4321 · Collectie · 1863-1939

        Records of Saint John's Presbyterian Church including Court of Session minute books, 1865-1939; Church Manager's minute book, 1867-1875; Deacon's Court minute books, 1876-1939; Communicants' roll book, 1863-1938 and register of baptisms, 1868-1938.

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        LMA/4326 · Collectie · 1884-1942

        Records of Trinity Presbyterian Church, Stratford, including Court of Session minute book, 1936-1940; Deacons' Court minute book, 1938-1942 and Church magazines, 1884-1906, including records of baptisms, marriages and deaths, as the original records were destroyed by enemy action in 1941.

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        LMA/4341 · Collectie · 1898-1940

        Records of the Vine Congregational Church comprising annual reports, 1898-1930 and registers of baptisms, 1906-1940.

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        LMA/4365 · Collectie · 1734-1958

        Records of Marylebone Presbyterian Church, including Court of Session minute books for predecessor Swallow Street Church, 1734-1806, including a brief history of Swallow Street Meeting House; Court of Session minute books, 1843-1958, including a history; Deacon's Court minute books, 1847-1958; Women's Missionary Association minute book, 1919-1958; House Committee minute book, 1899-1900; Bell Street Mission minute book, 1886-1892; Building Committee minute book, 1844-1847; Finance and Collections Committee minute book, 1922-1933; Teachers' minute book for Lisson Street Sunday School, 1899-1938; Reports of the Four Commissions, special minute book, 1919; Scrapbook containing annual reports, 1847-1873; annual reports for 1912, 1913, 1923 and 1925; Communicants' roll book, 1856-1929; register of baptisms, 1884-1958; list of subscribers to the scheme for raising a sum of money by way of debenture for defraying the expenses of building The Presbyterian Church, Upper George Street, Marylebone, 1846; printed booklet containing lists of elders, members and seatholders, 1934; financial accounts, 1844-1958; Lease arrangement and papers relating to the purchase of a premises on Upper George Street, 1853-1879; monthly journals, 1947-1958 and photograph of W.J.Blunden, former treasurer and elder of the church who died in 1946.

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        LMA/4377 · Collectie · 1905-1934

        Records of Hither Green Presbyterian Church including Communicants' roll book, 1912-1934; Court of Session minute book, 1905-1934; register of baptisms, 1906-1933 and Treasurer's account book, 1924-1934.

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        LMA/4388 · Collectie · 1860-1936

        Records of Camberwell Presbyterian Church, including Court of Session minute books, 1867-1936; Deacons' Court minute books, 1866-1936; minute book of the Presbytery of London South on Camberwell, 1927; Communicants' roll book, 1868-1877; Communicants' roll book 1860-1935 and register of baptisms, 1867-1935.

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        LMA/4392 · Collectie · 1871-1945

        Records of Wandsworth Presbyterian Church including Court of session minute books, 1904-1945; Deacons' Court minute books, 1871-1945; Sunday School teachers' minute book, 1902-1925; Communicants' roll books, 1874-1936 and register of baptisms, 1872-1944.

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        GB 0074 CLC/024 · Collectie · 1993

        Index of the register, 1669-1849, of the Hamburg Lutheran Church on the site of Holy Trinity the Less. The index was compiled by Mrs Pam Freeman and Len Metzner of the Anglo-German Family History Society.

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        GB 0074 CLC/037 · Collectie · 1716-1814

        Registers of baptisms, marriages and burials for the British Factory at Oporto, 1716-1807.

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        GB 0074 CLC/165 · Collectie · 1556

        Court roll of the manor of Aldbury, Hertfordshire.

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        GB 0074 CLC/170 · Collectie · 1731

        Rental for the manor of Hendon, Middlesex.

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        GB 0074 CLC/174 · Collectie · 1519-1539

        Court roll of the manor of Marshalls, in North Weald Bassett, Essex, 1519-36; with (at back) pen and ink drawing of the Great Garner at Leadenhall and the "chapel of St Michael on the East" (Leadenhall chapel?), by William Wright, 1539.

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        GB 0074 CLC/175 · Collectie · 1707-1824

        Records of the Manor of Southwark, including court leet rolls for the Clink Liberty, memorandum book and ordinances of the Southwark court leet.

        Zonder titel
        GB 0074 CLC/180 · Collectie · 1462-1945

        Records of the Dutch Church at Austin Friars, City of London, including registers of baptisms, marriages and burials; financial accounts; letter books; lists of members; council and committee minute books; memoranda books; legal papers; property records including title deeds; rules and regulations relating to the governance of the church.

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        GB 0074 CLC/182 · Collectie · 1689-1868

        The records of the Scots Church before 1856 comprise constitutional documents, registers and records of the congregation, financial material, letterbooks and administrative papers, and deeds. Also papers of Dr Robert Young (1801-1813).

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        GB 0074 CLC/188 · Collectie · 1818-1938

        Records of the English Reformed Church, Hamburg, comprising registers (and related papers) of baptisms, marriages and burials. They were catalogued by members of Guildhall Library staff.

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        GB 0074 CLC/189 · Collectie · 1688-1945

        Records of the Hamburg Lutheran Church, including letters patent granting the right to establish the church; registers of baptisms, confirmations, marriages and burials; consistorial act books; papers relating to the construction of the new church in Dalston; and financial accounts.

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