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      Término General Sanción penal


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        • Usado para Établissement pénitentiaire
        • Usado para Geôle
        • Usado para Lieu de détention
        • Usado para Maison centrale
        • Usado para Maison d'arrêt
        • Usado para Calabozo
        • Usado para Cárcel
        • Usado para Celda
        • Usado para Centro penitenciario
        • Usado para Establecimiento penitenciario
        • Usado para Presidio

        Términos asociados


        65 Descripción archivística resultados para Prisión

        65 resultados directamente relacionados Excluir términos relacionados
        HIRSON, Baruch (1921-1999)
        GB 0101 ICS 32 · 1912-1998

        Papers of Baruch Hirson chiefly comprising thirty six boxes of research notes including manuscript notes, typescript drafts and photocopies, arranged by subject on topics including South African politics, trade unions, racism, imperialism, industry and economics. The collection also includes seminar papers by Hirson given at the Institute of Commonwealth Studies; photocopies of correspondence on Hirson's appointment as a Lecturer in the Department of Physics at the University of the Witwatersrand, 1960; photocopy of memoranda written by Dennis Goldberg to the South African Commission of Inquiry into the Penal System from political prisoners in Pretoria Local prison, [1974]; photocopies of material on the Soweto riots, 1976, collected by Hirson while working on his book Year of Fire, year of Ash: the Soweto revolt; roots of a revolution (1979), including press cuttings, published and unpublished papers on the riots, and material produced by the Soweto Students' Representative Council and other groups including the African National Congress (ANC), Black Peoples Convention, Cape Town University Students' Representative Council, the Black Parents Association, the University of Natal Medical Students' Representative Council and the National Union of South African Students. Also archives on South African politics, history, trade unions and social conditions; also comprising papers and correspondence used in Hirson's research. Topics include Workers' International League, Communist Party of South Africa, Workers' Party, Trotskyism in South Africa, Pan-Africanist Congress of Azania, Ruth and Amy Schechter, Cecil Frank Glass, David Ivon Jones, African Peoples Organisation, Workers Dreadnought, women's suffrage movement in South Africa, South Africa and the First World War, Mary Fitzgerald, miners in South Africa (especially strike of 1946), migrant labour in South Africa, University of Bradford School of Peace Studies, South African Coloured Peoples Congress, Searchlight South Africa correspondence and accounts (c1988-c1992), Jack Halpern draft articles and correspondence (1956-1960). Also transcripts of interviews including James Philips, Lewis Nkosi, Louis Kreel, E. J. Burford, Eli Wienberg, Sam and Sarah Woolf, Dan Mokanyana, Pauline Podbury, Anne Bloch, M. B. Yengwa, Eileen Jaffe, John Gaetsewe, Jack Hodgson (June 1977), Guy Routh, and Joan Robinson/Schedrin.

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        Burford, Ephraim John
        GB 0096 MS 1105 · Fondo · 1973-1975

        Papers of historian Ephraim John (E.J.) Burford, including the following: Typescript and galley proofs, original index and corrections of In the Clink by Burford (June 1974); Printer's copy and original typescript of Hollands Leaguer with suggested illustrations (March 1973); Original typescript of book, Orrible Synne by Burford, with suggested illustrations and correspondence with publishers Caldar and Boyers (March 1973); File of research correspondence and removed typescript draft pages for Bankside Stews: Bawds and Lodgings (January 1973- August 1975).

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        GB 0097 KELLEY · 1842-1980

        Papers of Joanna Elizabeth Kelley, 1842-1980, mainly relating to the UK prison service, including historical notes, 1921-1980, on subjects relating to prison buildings, prisoners, legal aid, mental illness, prison security and young offenders; general historical notes and documents, 1842-1980, on Holloway Prison, health and hygiene, suffragettes, and women offenders, notably the manuscript diary of the suffragette Annie Cobden-Sanderson written during her imprisonment in 1906, and papers relating to the Duchess of Bedford's Enquiry into Holloway Prison in 1919 ; bibliographies relating to aspects of the prison service, 1970-1980; card indexes for notes on prison organisation and regulations, [1970-1980]; photograph albums, 1970-1971, containing photographs taken by Robert Donat of HM Prison Holloway, including architectural views, interior and exterior, and staff and prisoners; material relating to the penal system in Australia, 1966-1970, notably surveys of prison populations and developments in the treatment of female prisoners.

        Sin título
        CLA/003 · Colección · 1869-2009

        Records relating to Holloway Prison, 1869-2009, including administrative, medical, staff records, records of the chaplain, records relating to prisoners' employment. Prisoners' records include registers of prisoners and some files on individual prisoners (Edith Thompson and Styllou Christofi, both executed at Holloway, Helen Kroger, Cynthia Payne and Caroline Richardson). Related documentation includes photographs of the prison and staff, registers relating to predecessor prisons and printed material.

        Sin título
        GB 0074 A/RSD · Colección · 1747-2010

        Records of the Society for the Relief of Persons Confined for Small Debts, including minutes; extracts of proceedings; Acts of Parliament; papers concerning J C Neild; financial accounts including legacy books, income books, general expenditure books, annual accounts and auditor's reports; papers regarding the disposal of surplus funds; bequests; press cuttings; correspondence; and histories of the Society.

        The minutes contain reports of visits of inspection as well as names and numbers of prisoners assisted. A number of the papers relate to the destruction of the book containing the minutes and accounts of the Society 4 Mar 1818 to 5 Apr 1826 by John Camden Neild, treasurer 1814-1827.

        Sin título
        GB 0074 ACC/0275 · Colección · 1608-1894

        Collection of printed items relating to various subjects, including Westminster, Newgate and Newgate criminals, and the Old Bailey.

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        LIDDELL HART, Adrian John (1922-1991)
        GB 0099 KCLMA Liddell Hart A J · Created 1926-1991

        Papers relating to Adrian Liddell Hart's life and career, and to the life and work of his father, Capt Sir Basil Henry Liddell Hart, 1926-1991, including typescript extracts from the diaries of Capt Basil Henry Liddell Hart, 1926-1944; Adrian Liddell Hart's letters to his father, 1930-1969; newspaper cuttings relating to Capt Basil Henry Liddell Hart, 1939-1950; correspondence with John Frederick Lehmann, 1940-1986; typescript articles by Adrian Liddell Hart, 1945-1972, notably 'Reflections on the General Election before the announcement of the result', 1945, 'The Free University of Berlin', Feb 1949, 'The Foreign Legion', Jan 1952, and 'Rehabilitation of drug offenders', Jun 1968; correspondence with MPs and Peers, 1946-1991, including Rt Hon Arthur Leslie Noel Douglas Houghton, Baron Houghton of Sowerby, 1958-1991, Rt Hon (John) Enoch Powell, 1973-1991, Sir (John) Anthony Kershaw, 1960-1986, Rt Hon Francis Aungier Pakenham, 7th Earl Longford, 1985-1991; typescript notes by Adrian Liddell Hart relating to recollections of his father, 1970-1982; correspondence with academics, 1973-1991, including Professor Sir Michael (Eliot) Howard, 1973-1990, Professor Brian (James) Bond, 1974-1991, Professor Robert John O'Neill, 1988-1991; correspondence with authors and journalists, 1978-1991; correspondence with the Foreign Legion Association of Great Britain, 1981-1991; typescript text of lecture by Adrian Liddell Hart entitled 'The British way in warfare', given to students of the Department of War Studies, King's College London, 11 Feb 1982; typescript copies of Adrian Liddell Hart's letters to the press and to magazines, 1983-1991; correspondence relating to Adrian Liddell Hart's research on correspondents of Capt Sir Basil Henry Liddell Hart, 1985-1991; correspondence with the HMS JAMAICA Association and the Flower Class Corvette Association, 1986-1991; papers relating to a proposed book by Adrian Liddell Hart on penology, 1988-1991; book reviews of Liddell Hart and the weight of history by John J Mearsheimer (Cornell University Press, Ithaca, New York, USA, 1988), with typescript review by Adrian Liddell Hart, 25 Feb 1989; correspondence with the T E Lawrence Society, 1990-1991.

        Sin título
        LMA/4607 · 1818-2009

        Minutes of The Committe and Council, General Committee and Finance Committee (1897-1987); balance sheets (1927-1947), accounts and investments (1926-1975), registers of legacies (1897-1951) left to the The Mission, some salaries and wages registers (1934-1978) and registers of donations and subscriptions (1927-1967). The Central Administration of The Mission covers Governance including Memorandum and Articles of Association and change of registered name in 1956; Membership registers (1928-2000); Annual Reports (1861, 1895-2009); Property covering deeds, agreements, rentals and inventories for property owned or rented by The Mission (1863-1962); Committee papers (1929-1983) including speeches given at annual meetings and reports and reviews of the work of The Mission; Correspondence (1883-1979); Registers of baptisms, marriages and burials held at The Mission (1943-1986) and Plans (1967-1988).

        The records of the individual Mission churches Little Wild Street Chapel (1859-1962) and Arundel Square Chapel 1859-1948); Individual homes and hostels included are Wheatley Homes and Pemberton Gardens (1922-1947); 'The Retreat', Maldon (1928-1963); Eastlea Court, Frimlea (1945-1963); 'Fairlawn' Herne Bay (1939-1952); Chatfield House, Whetstone (1937-1940).

        Printed material incldues fundraising and appeals (1898-1963); services (1944-1949) scrap books, cuttings and ephemera (1922-1973); histories and articles (1877-2010) and drawings and art work (1899-1948).

        Sin título
        GB 1556 WL 1582 · Colección · 1939-1985

        Papers of Rudolf Hess, 1939-1985, comprise copies of correspondence and papers regarding the imprisonment of Rudolf Hess at Spandau Prison.

        Sin título
        GB 1556 WL 616 · 1919-1981

        The diaries and personal papers of George Francis Jack Bergmann, dated 1919-1981, notably comprise a set of typescript transcripts of diaries which document in detail Bergmann's experiences in the Foreign Legion and in prison. They also provide a full report on the infamous trial of French officers and guards at Hadjerat M'Guil. In addition there are newsletters, bulletins and correspondence, 1919-1981, which reflect Bergmann's interest in, and membership of, a Jewish student organisation, 'Kartellverband jüdischer Studenten'.

        Sin título
        Archive of the Irish in Britain
        GB 1924 Irish in Britain · c1930-2002

        Records of the Archive of the Irish in Britain, c1930-2002, comprising:
        Special Collections: including the Paul Hill Prison Letters, 1974-1989; correspondence related to the Commission for Racial Equality funded research programme into the Irish in Britain in the mid 1990s; correspondence between Irish Community Groups and the Greater London Council Irish Liaison Unit, in the 1980s, and individual accounts of experiences of migrating to, and settling in Britain during the 20th Century.
        Community Collection: including community organisation reports, information sheets and publicity material.
        Photographic collections: including prints by Joanne O'Brien of Irish community events in the 1980s, and a collection of photographs of activities of the London Irish Womens Centre.
        Audio recordings: including oral history interviews with Irish people in Britain, recorded in the 1980s; recordings of lectures given to the Irish in Britain History Group, 1980s; recordings of radio broadcasts on the Irish in Britain, 1980-1990s, and recordings of UNL Irish Studies Centre public lectures, 1991-2001.
        Ephemera including posters publicising political, cultural and social events; Irish step-dance medals, sporting medals and shields, rosettes and banners; exhibition panels relating to the Guildford Four Campaign, and about the activities of the Camden Irish Pensioners Group.
        Researchers should note that the archive contains no genealogical material.

        Sin título
        GUNN, John Charles (b 1937)
        GB 0100 KCLCA IOP/PP2 · 1962-2002

        Papers of John Gunn, 1926-2002, including extensive correspondence, notes, memoranda, funding applications, lecture presentations and press cuttings. The collection includes: files concerning the administration of the Institute of Psychiatry and its Department of Forensic Psychiatry, 1975-2000 (including policy, planning, funding, assessments and staffing), and the running of the Denis Hill Unit forensic in-patient service, Bethlem Royal Hospital, 1985-1998; published articles, book, chapters and book reviews by Gunn, 1966-2001, on topics including epilepsy, aggression, sex offenders, mental health legislation and suicide prevention in prison; research and research applications, 1966-2001, on topics including epileptic offenders, violence, and the discharge and subsequent care of Special Hospital patients; psychiatric questionnaires and assessments, 1967-1988; files relating to the Home Office, chiefly 1966-2000, and relating to the treatment of mentally disordered offenders, also copy medical evidence given to the Wolfenden Committee on Homosexual Offences and Prostitution, 1954, and papers relating to the May enquiry, 1989-1992, into the convictions for IRA bombings in Guildford and Woolwich, 1974.

        Prison Service correspondence and reports, 1975-2000, covering the provision of secure psychiatric units and psychiatric care of the general prison population; papers, 1975-2000, relating to the UK Special Hospitals (high security psychiatric hospitals), and to Grendon experimental prison for offenders with antisocial personality disorders; correspondence, meeting papers and background information on the impact of amendments and proposed amendments to UK mental health legislation, 1972-2000, including the Floud Committee on dangerous offenders, 1976-1981, and the work of the Parliamentary Mental Health Group in formulating policy to restrict the spread of AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome), 1987-1988; reports and correspondence, 1972-2001, relating to the conduct of psychiatry, psychiatric facilities and prison welfare in countries including Australia, China, Egypt, Greece, Ireland and Turkey; papers, 1967-1999, relating to the Effra Trust, founded by Gunn in 1974 to provide accommodation and support to homeless male ex-offenders suffering from physical or mental disability.

        Sin título
        BUCHANAN, Dr Alec William (b 1958)
        GB 0100 KCLCA IOP/PP8 · [1984]-2001

        The collection consists of working papers relating to Buchanan's professional career as a forensic psychiatrist in the UK, [1984]-2001, chiefly research papers relating to the Special Hospitals Service Authority and psychiatric reports relating to Maudsley Hospital patients.
        Section 1 comprises papers arising from the daily administrative operations of Maudsley Hospital London. Section 2 contains research notes, questionnaires and criminal record 'multiple enquiry forms' produced from the Home Office Offenders Index. This material relates to an unpublished study conducted by Buchanan from 1992-1995 of discharged special hospital patients convicted of violent re-offences. The findings, intended to inform the decision making of those entrusted with the care of special hospital patients, were funded by the Special Hospitals Service Authority. There are also confidential psychiatric reports (see ref 3/1 to 3/6), produced by forensic psychiatrists at Maudsley Hospital, London. The reports evaluate an individual's competency to stand trial, defences based on mental diseases or defects (for instance the "insanity" defence), and sentencing recommendations. Section 4 contains questionnaires relating to a project funded by the John D and Catherine T MacArthur Foundation focused on developing the Maudsley Assessment of Delusions Schedule to provide a more accurate and effective way of assessing patient's delusions. Section 5 consists of papers relating a psychiatric case assessed by Buchanan in his capacity as a member of the Serious Untoward Incident Panel of the Hounslow and Spelthorne Community and Mental Health NHS Trust. The collection also includes photocopies of articles from medical publications and on-line resources compiled by Buchanan which relate to the ethical connotations of patient confidentiality in connection with medical trials and research (see ref 6/1).

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        JACOBS, Richard (fl 1813-1847)
        GB 0100 KCLCA KH/PP19 · [1813-1847]

        Bundle of receipts, [1813-1847], for what appear to be payments out of the estate of Richard Jacobs to the debtors of various gaols, including the Fleet Prison, Marshalsea and Horne Monger Lane Gaol, London. A number relate to school fees or other educational requirements, possibly for the children of the poor.

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