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      Empresa pública

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      Empresa pública

      40 Descripción archivística resultados para Empresa pública

      GB 0074 P91/LEN · Colección · 1558-1930

      Records of the parish of Saint Leonard, Shoreditch, including registers of baptisms, marriages and burials; preachers' books; Churchwardens' records; land tax surveys; papers relating to church charities; Vestry minute books; Trustee minute books; correspondence; poor rate books; churchyard rate books; police rate books; highways rate books; settlement examinations; bastardy examinations; orders of removal from and to the parish; registers of apprentices; and papers relating to the workhouse including admissions.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 O/274 · Colección · 1868-1931

      Records of the London Cemetery Company, comprising rules, orders and regulations for the burial grounds at Saint James at Highgate and All Saints at Nunhead, 1873; receipt for payments on burial of William Howard Stevenson at Highgate Cemetery, 23 April 1874; bill, receipted, from Henry Cole, undertaker of 408 Harrow Road, Paddington, W9 to Miss H. J. Stevenson, for funeral of Nathaniel Stevenson, 23 July 1931; and grant by the Metropolitan Borough of Paddington to Hilda Jane Stevenson, 32 Delamere Terrace, Paddington, of right of burial in grave No. 18096 in Paddington Cemetery, Willesden Lane, 1931.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 P81/TRI2 · Colección · 1846-2001

      Records of the parish of Holy Trinity, Finchley, including registers of baptisms, marriages, burials and banns of marriage; registers of church services; indexes to graves in the churchyard; papers relating to the refurbishment and modification of the church building; Parochial Church Council minutes and correspondence; cash books and other financial records; booklets on the history of the church and parish and press cuttings.

      Sin título
      COL · Colección · 1067-2004

      Records of the Corporation of London, 1067-2004, including records of the Court of Aldermen (COL/CA) and committees of the Court of Aldermen including Administration of Justice Committee, (COL/CA/AJA), Finance Committee (COL/CA/FNA), Gaol Committee (COL/CA/GAC), General Purposes Committee (COL/CA/GPA), Livery Cloth Committee (COL/CA/LCA), Magistracy Committee (COL/CA/MGA), Prisons Committee (COL/CA/PCA), Police Committee (COL/CA/PLA), Privileges Committee (COL/CA/PVA), Parliamentary Committee (COL/CA/PYA), Whole Committee (COL/CA/WCA) and various other committees (COL/CA/MIN).

      Records of the Court of Common Council (COL/CC) and committees of the Court of Common Council including Affairs of the Corporation Committee (COL/CC/ACC), Administration of Justice Committee (COL/CC/AJC), Airport Committee (COL/CC/APC), Assessment (City Of London Union) Committee (COL/CC/ASC), Accounts Committee (COL/CC/AUC), Blackfriars Bridge (Building) Committee (COL/CC/BBB), Blackfriars Bridge (Repairing) Committee (COL/CC/BBR), Bunhill Fields Committee (COL/CC/BFC), Bridge House Committee (COL/CC/BHC), Bridge House Trust Committee (COL/CC/BHT), Billingsgate and Leadenhall Markets Committee (COL/CC/BLM), Barbican Arts Centre Joint Working Party (Arts Centre) (COL/CC/BRA), Barbican Centre Committee (COL/CC/BRC), Barbican Development Committee (COL/CC/BRD), Barbican Residential Committee (COL/CC/BRR), Barbican Contracts Working Party (COL/CC/BRW), Coal, Corn and Finance Committee (COL/CC/CCF), Coal and Corn Committee (COL/CC/CCN), Coal, Corn and Rates Finance Committee (COL/CC/CCR), Civil Defence Committee (COL/CC/CDC), Civil Defence (Emergency) Committee (COL/CC/CDE), Central Markets Committee (COL/CC/CEM), City of London (Arizona) Corporation (COL/CC/CLA), City Lands and Bridge House Estates Committee (COL/CC/CLBH), City Lands Committee (COL/CC/CLC), City of London Education Committee (COL/CC/CLE), Board of Governors, City of London Freemen's School (COL/CC/CLF), City of London Freemen's (Orphans) School (COL/CC/CLFO), Board of Governors, City of London School for Girls (COL/CC/CLG), Board Of Governors, City of London School (COL/CC/CLS), City Of London School Building Committee (COL/CC/CLSB), City Of London School For Girls Committee (COL/CC/CLSG), City Of London Schools Committee (COL/CC/CLSS), Computer Sub-Committee (COL/CC/CMB), Computer Steering Group Committee (COL/CC/CMG), County Purposes Committee (COL/CC/CPC), Enquiries into the Constitution of the Corporation (COL/CC/CPR), Court Of Requests Committee (COL/CC/CRC), Central Criminal Court (Extension) Co mmittee (COL/CC/CRE), Central Criminal Court: Newson Smith Committee (COL/CC/CRN), Consolidated Committee (COL/CC/CTC), Cattle Markets Committee (COL/CC/CTM), Elementary Education Committee (COL/CC/EEC), Epping Forest And Open Spaces Committee (COL/CC/EFC), Emanuel Hospital Committee (COL/CC/EHC), Establishment Committee (COL/CC/ESC), Freedom Applications Committee (COL/CC/FAC), Food Control Committee (COL/CC/FCC), Freedom Committee (19th Century) (COL/CC/FDC), Finance Committee (COL/CC/FNC), Gaol Expenses and Finance Committee (COL/CC/FNG), Special Finance/Select Finance or Finance Committee (COL/CC/FNS), Fish Supply Committee (COL/CC/FSC), Guildhall Improvement Committee (COL/CC/GHI), Guildhall Yard East Building Committee (COL/CC/GHY), General Purposes Committee (COL/CC/GPC), Gresham Committee (City Side) (COL/CC/GRC), Joint Gresham Committee (COL/CC/GRJ), Gas/Gas And Water Committee (COL/CC/GWC), Guildhall Yard East Committee (COL/CC/GYE), City Of London Board Of Health (COL/CC/HEB), Health Committee (COL/CC/HEC), Housing Committee (COL/CC/HGC), Hampstead Heath Management Committee (COL/CC/HHM), Highgate Wood Joint Consultative Committee (COL/CC/HWJ), Improvements Committee (Corporation) (COL/CC/IMP), Improvements And Town Planning Committee (C.S/Phd) (COL/CC/ITP), Joint Advisory Committee (COL/CC/JTA), Joint Bridge House Estates and Improvements Committee (COL/CC/JTB), Joint Committee (COL/CC/JTC), Joint (P.H.D) Committee (COL/CC/JTP), Joint Bridge House Estates and Special Committee (COL/CC/JTS), Joint Bridge House Estates and Thames Navigation and Port of London Committee (COL/CC/JTT), Litter Act Committee (COL/CC/LAC), London Bridge Approaches Committee (COL/CC/LBA), London Bridge Committee (COL/CC/LBC), London Bridge Improvements Committee (COL/CC/LBI), Local Centres Examinations Board Executive Committee (COL/CC/LCE), Local Food Control Committee (COL/CC/LFC), Local Government and Taxation Committee (COL/CC/LGT), Libraries, Guildhall Art Gallery and Arch ives Committee (COL/CC/LIB), Law Bills Committee (COL/CC/LLC), Library And Museum Committee (COL/CC/LMC), Law, [Parliamentary] and City Courts Committee (COL/CC/LPC), Lunatic Asylum Committee (COL/CC/LUC), Music and Drama Committee (COL/CC/MDC), Metage on Grain Committee (COL/CC/MGC), Committees (COL/CC/MIN), Museum of London Board of Governors (COL/CC/MLB), Midsummer Prize (later Prize) Committee (COL/CC/MPC), Markets Improvement Committee (COL/CC/MRI), Joint Markets Advisory Committee (COL/CC/MRJ), Markets Committee (COL/CC/MRK), Militia Committee (COL/CC/MTC), Mayoralty 800th Anniversary Committee (COL/CC/MYA), Mayoralty Visits Committee (COL/CC/MYC), Officers and Clerks Committee (COL/CC/OCC), Officers and Clerks Committee, 1815-1834 (COL/CC/OCL), Public Health Committee (COL/CC/PBC), Prisons Committee (COL/CC/PCC), Port Health and Environmental Services Committee (COL/CC/PHE), Port and City of London Health and Social Services Committee (COL/CC/PHS), Police Committee (COL/CC/PLC), Port of London Health Committee (COL/CC/PLH), Port of London Committee (COL/CC/PNC), Policy and Resources Committee (COL/CC/PRC), Planning and Transportation Committee (COL/CC/PTC), Planning and Transportation Committee: Trees, Gardens And Open Spaces Sub-Committee (COL/CC/PTCG), Planning And Transportation Committee: Traffic Management And Road Safety Sub-Committee (COL/CC/PTCT), Privileges Committee (COL/CC/PVC), Parliamentary Committee (COL/CC/PYC), Rates Finance Committee (COL/CC/RFC), Revenue And Officers Committee (COL/CC/ROC), Special Bridge Or Subway Committee (COL/CC/SBC), Special (City Of London Court) Committee (COL/CC/SCC), City Of London School Committee (COL/CC/SCH), Secondaries And Sheriffs' Courts Committee (COL/CC/SDC), Special (Emergency) Committee (COL/CC/SEC), Special Finance Committee (COL/CC/SFC), Special (Guildhall Reconstruction) Committee (COL/CC/SGC), Select General Purposes (Porters) Committee (COL/CC/SGP), Special Housing Committee (COL/CC/SHC), Select And Special Committees (COL/CC/SIC), Special (Labour) Committee (COL/CC/SLC), Special Markets Committee (COL/CC/SMC), Special Committee (COL/CC/SPC), Spitalfields Market Committee (COL/CC/SPM), Special Police Committee (COL/CC/SPO), Special Inquiry Committee (COL/CC/SQC), Special Revenue Committee (COL/CC/SRC), Social Services Committee (COL/CC/SSC), Staff Committee (COL/CC/STF), Special Tithes Committee (COL/CC/STH), Streets Committee (COL/CC/STS), Special (War Damage Act) Committee (COL/CC/SWC), Tithe Committee (COL/CC/TIC), Thames Navigation Committee (COL/CC/TNC), Valuation Committee (COL/CC/VAC), Works Advisory Committee (COL/CC/WAC), Whole Court Committee (COL/CC/WCC), Whole Court (P.H.D.) Committee (COL/CC/WCD), Welfare Committee (COL/CC/WEC), West Ham Park: Committee Of Managers Of West Ham Park (COL/CC/WHP), Watch And Police Committee (COL/CC/WPC), Watch And Police: Day Police Committee (COL/CC/WPD) and Watch And Police: Special Day Police And Nightly Watch Committee (COL/CC/WPS).

      Records of the Comptroller and City Solicitor (COL/CCS) including Comptroller's papers (COL/CCS/CO), Plans (COL/CCS/PL) and Solicitor's papers (COL/CCS/SO).

      Records of the Chamberlain's Department including Apprenticeship (COL/CHD/AP), Bridge House Estates (COL/CHD/BH), Chamber Accounts (COL/CHD/CM), Chamberlain (COL/CHD/CP), Chamberlain's Court (COL/CHD/CR), City's Cash (COL/CHD/CT), Duties and Metage (COL/CHD/DM), Freedom (COL/CHD/FR), Institutions and Courts (COL/CHD/IC), Improvements (COL/CHD/IM), Loans and Assessments (COL/CHD/LA), Military and Naval (COL/CHD/MN), Pensions (COL/CHD/PN), Poor and other Relief (COL/CHD/PR), Rents and Rentals (COL/CHD/RN), Rates (COL/CHD/RT) and Trust and other Funds (COL/CHD/TF).

      Records of Mansion House including Administration (COL/MH/AD), Lord Mayor (COL/MH/LM), Lord Mayor's Household (COL/MH/LMH) and The Mansion House (COL/MH/MSH).

      Records of the Planning Department including Architect (COL/PLD/AR), Plans (COL/PLD/PL) and Town Planning (COL/PLD/TP).

      Records of the Remembrancer's Department including Ceremonials (COL/RMD/CE), Parliamentary (COL/RMD/PA) and Remembrancer's Papers COL/RMD/RM.

      Other records including administrative records (COL/AD); Brokers (COL/BR), charters (COL/CH), Common Hall (COL/CN), Common Hall: Livery Consultative Committee (COL/CN/LCN), Common Hall: Livery Committee (COL/CN/LVC), Livery Companies (COL/CP), Custumals (COL/CS), Community Services Department: Housing (COL/CSD/HO), Community Services Department: Social Services (COL/CSD/SS), Charities (COL/CT), Environmental Services Department (COL/ESD), Libraries and Art Galleries: Administration (COL/LBD/AD), Guildhall Art Gallery (COL/LBD/AG), Guildhall Library (COL/LBD/GHL), Officers (COL/OF), Public Health Department: Administration (COL/PHD/AD), Public Health Department: Plans (COL/PHD/PL), Plans (COL/PL), Recognizances (COL/RG), Surveyor's Department: Administration (COL/SVD/AD), Surveyor's Department: Plans (COL/SVD/PL), Town Clerks Department: Administration (COL/TCD/AD), Town Clerks Department: Civil Defence (COL/TCD/CD), Registration COL/TCD/RG, Technical Services Department: Plans (COL/TSD/PL), Sheriffs (COL/SF) and Wards (COL/WD).

      Also records arranged in Subject Series: Individuals (COL/SD), Subjects (COL/SJ) and Places (COL/SP).

      The records in the CLRO are thought to be one of the finest and most complete municipal archives in Europe. However, researchers may notice some substantial gaps and these merit an explanation. The majority of the records of the Freedom of the City prior to 1681 and the City's Cash accounts prior to 1632 were either destroyed in the Great Fire in 1666 or in another fire in the Chamber (the finance department of the Corporation) in 1786. Similarly, it is thought that a fire at the Sessions House in the Old Bailey in 1877 destroyed the early Sessions minutes and files, as well as the bulk of the supporting papers. The paucity of surviving Sheriffs' Court records for the medieval period is thought to be because these records were considered to be the personal property of a Sheriff, who might be called upon to produce records in order to account for his actions during his time in office long after his Shrievalty had ended. Similarly, it is thought the records of coroner's inquests have not survived in any quantity before 1788 because inquests were not held in a court building until relatively recently, and so the records of inquests were considered part of the personal papers of office holders rather than administrative records.

      Sin título
      COL/CC/MIN · Subfondo · 1668-1990

      Minutes and papers of various small, temporary committees of the Court of Common Council, 1668-1990. The Committees were formed to consider various matters including the election, remuneration and behaviour of officers and staff of the Corporation of London; consideration of the effects of various Parliamentary Acts and Bills; the historical rights and privileges of the City of London; the provision of cemeteries; parishes and benefices; metage, particularly of coal and corn; the reform of the Corporation; markets; building maintenance and preservation; debtors, insolvency and bankruptcy; the Gresham bequest; food imports; transport including railways; presentation of the Freedom to William Pitt; militia; the erection of monuments and statues; the funerals of Arthur Wellesley, Duke of Wellington and Horatio, Viscount Nelson; legacies and bequests; care of orphans; poor relief; estate management; schools and libraries; City finances; water and gas supply; Port of London; sewers; regulation of trade and licensing; street lighting; prisons and compters.

      Also papers relating to the general organisation and running of Court of Common Council Committees, including the decision to allow public and press to attend certain committees, 1974; lists of committee Chairmen and members for various years; committee books, 1690-1727 and 1813-1990; bills books, 1873-1884; notes on the historical powers of the Court of Common Council and the Court of Aldermen and notes on the streamlining of committees and administration, 1835-1965.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 DS · Colección · 1742-2000

      Records of the Diocese of Southwark, 1742-2000. The collection relates to the area of London covered by the Diocese of Southwark south of the River Thames, dating mainly from 1905. It provides a wealth of information on church architecture and fixtures, sources for marriages and clergy (of particular use for family history), and the morals and conduct of clergy and their parishioners. Some records date from when parishes were under the jurisdiction of the Diocese of Winchester (before 1877) and the Diocese of Rochester (1877-1904).

      The records of Southwark Diocesan Regsistry include the following: grants of faculties relating to church buildings and fittings with a large number of coloured drawings and plans of churches, monuments, stained glass designs and other fittings (1905-2000); consecration and dedication papers including petitions and plans relating to new churches and burial grounds (1905-1976); ordinations and appointments of clergy (1878-1974); records relating to marriages including lists of marriage licences granted to couples intending to marry in churches within the Diocese of Rochester and Southwark (1877-1910, 1940-1958) and marriage warrants and affidavits recording the declarations made by parties intending to marry by licence (1905-1974).

      Also records relating to visitations, the process by which the bishop maintained faith and discipline and corrected clerical and lay abuses, including lists of churchwardens (1924-1956), visitation returns (1907-1956) and presentment reports submitted by churchwardens on the state of church buildings and the conduct of clergy and parishioners in the parish (1905-1974).

      The collection also contains minutes and property deeds from the Rochester and Southwark Diocesan Church Trust (1817-1966) relating to the College of Saint Saviour, Saint Olave, Southwark and All Saints, North Peckham, including correspondence relating to the removal of remains from the Flemish Burial Ground, adjacent to Saint Olave in 1842 (reference DS/CT); and minutes and related papers of Rural Deaneries of Dulwich, and Newington and Southwark (1869-1990) (reference DS/DRD).

      Please note that some of the collection is uncatalogued. Please ask a member of staff for information regarding the procedure to access uncatalogued records.

      Sin título
      GOSDEN, Thomas (1780-1843)
      GB 0074 CLC/250 · Colección · 1843

      Watercolour drawings of the grave monuments of 'celebrated persons' in London, Middlesex, Surrey and Kent, by Thomas Gosden.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 CLC/352 · Colección · 1839-1953

      Records of the English Church, Bagni di Lucca, Italy, including register of baptisms; registers of burials and graves; plan of the English cemetery; service register; preacher's book; financial accounts; minutes of the church trustees; churchwarden's books; and subscription books.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 CLC/B/030 · Colección · 1917-1949

      Records of the British Funeral Workers' Association, comprising minute books of the Executive Committee and the Cemetery Committee; and minutes of the Southampton Branch.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 ACC/2712/USY · Colección · 1807-1880

      Records of the Union of Synagogues, consisting of articles of agreement, minutes of the conjoint committee of the Great, New and Hambro Synagogues, minutes of the Conjoint Committee for managing the West Ham Burial Ground, correspondence, accounts and burial returns.

      PLEASE NOTE: Records can only be accessed with the written permission of the depositor. Contact the Chief Executive, United Synagogue.

      Sin título
      Wandsworth Burial Registers
      GB 0347 D110 · Colección · 7 November 1878 - 29 March 1930

      Burial Registers for the Putney Vale and Wandsworth cemeteries.

      Sin título
      GB 0102 CGPC · 1926-1951

      Records, 1926-1951, of the Chinese Government Purchasing Commission (CGPC), including information on the state of Chinese communications; the workings of the Chinese Ministries of Communications, Railways and Industries; Chinese banking; construction and engineering technology and the work of British manufacturers; and some information on Chinese educational and cultural institutions in receipt of subsidies from the Board of Trustees for the Administration of the Indemnity Funds Remitted by the British Government.

      Records, 1926-1951, relating to the foundation and constitution of the CGPC comprise printed report of the Anglo-Chinese Advisory Committee (China Indemnity Advisory Committee), 1926; correspondence, largely letters from the Board of Trustees to the CPGC, 1931-1950, concerning the constitution of the Commission, procedural issues, personnel and financial matters; file on procedure on appointment of a new member of the Commission, 1947-1948; correspondence concerning events preceding the winding-up of the Commission, 1951.

      Financial records, 1931-1951, comprise papers on the Board Account, 1937-1950; papers on the Chin Fund (apparently a grant paid to Constance Chin, a patient of the Bethlem Royal Hospital), 1945-1951; summaries of expenses relating to purchase orders made by Chinese ministries, 1931-1951; Indemnity Fund cash books, 1937-1950; invoices and receipts relating to CGPC business, 1937-1951; financial statements and correspondence relating to banking matters with the Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank, 1931-1951, the subjects including investments and tax.

      Operational records, c1928-1951, relating to the administration of purchase orders, comprise register of tenders/purchase orders, 1942-1946; contract registers (not comprehensive), 1931-1949, recording the management of contracts for the supply and delivery in China of plant, machinery and other materials manufactured in the UK for the Chinese government, and over 1,000 related contract files for engineering companies and manufacturers for industrial, construction, railway and other projects; tender forms, 1934, issued to contractors by the CGPC; specifications and standards, c1928-1937 and undated, largely for the construction of railways and carriages; correspondence concerning administration of purchase orders, 1932-1951, relating especially to delivery of locomotive spare parts and related materials; registers of export licences issue to British manufacturers under wartime regulations, 1941-1946; applications for export licences, 1939-1945; registers of shipments, insurance, freight and inspection fees, 1931-1951; shipping letters, 1937-1950, issued for CGPC shipments; general correspondence concerning the administration of the CGPC, 1931-1951, including correspondence with solicitors and correspondence concerning the CGPC premises in Tothill Street, London.

      Annual reports and accounts, 1931-1950, comprise typescript accounts and reports, 1931-1950, of the CGPC and published annual reports, 1931-1950, including summaries of receipts and payments; and annual reports of the Board of Trustees, 1931-1938.

      Miscellaneous records, c1932-1950, comprise one file including papers on subjects including railways, training Chinese students, Japanese imperialism, and CGPC records, a photograph of ships in harbour, and maps of China and the Far East.

      Records, 1939-1943, of the China Purchasing Agency Ltd comprise standing regulations of the Board of Directors, undated; correspondence, 1939-1943, concerning various purchase orders; miscellaneous items, c1939-1940, including list of tenders passed for acceptance, 1939, and an undated schedule of materials shipped.

      Sin título
      ACC/0491 · Colección · 1950

      Diagrammatic plan of Ealing, then part of the County of Middlesex, showing locations of existing and proposed schools, 1950.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 LMA/4074 · Colección · 1937-1983

      Guild of Memorial Craftsmen records including minutes and AGMs dating from 1949, a register of members, a short series of accounts and balance sheets and a nice series of photographs showing the work of members.

      Sin título
      SUSSER, Bernard (1930-1997)
      GB 0074 LMA/4440 · Colección · 1993-1997

      Papers of Rabbi Bernard Susser relating to the survey of Alderney Road Cemetery done in 1993-1997, including notes, illustrations and working papers.

      Sin título
      COL/CC/PBC · Subfondo · 1866-1956

      Records of the Sanitary Committee (1866-1897) and the Public Health Committee (1898-1956) including minutes, 1866-1956; committee papers, 1906-1956; report books, 1866-1956; Burial Board letter books, 1948-1956 and subject files, 1867-1955. Subjects include handling of condemned food; house drainage; sanitary inspectors; slaughter houses; bacteriologists; pigeon nuisance; the Housing Act 1936; the National Health Service; the London County Council health committee; smoke abatement and the City of London Cemetery including footpaths, boundaries, fees for internment, maintenance and arrangements for civilian deaths during the Second World War.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 P79/BAN1 · Colección · 1847-1978

      Records of the parish of Saint Barnabas, Homerton, including registers of baptisms; registers of marriages; register of burials; register of church services; papers relating to parish boundaries including map; papers regarding the maintenance of the church, church hall and vicarage; papers relating to the churchyard; and financial records.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 P79/JN1 · Colección · 1545-1968

      Records of the parish of Saint John at Hackney (Saint John the Baptist church, Hackney) including registers of baptisms, marriages, banns and burials; Vestry minutes; papers regarding the construction of the church; financial records; papers relating to parochial charities; records of the Churchwardens; correspondence of the Vestry; papers relating to the parish school; legal documents; plans of the churchyard; register of church services; registers of graves; and preachers' book.

      Records relating to civil functions of the parish including settlement examinations; minutes of the Workhouse Management Committee; highways rate books and church rate books.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 P84/TRI2 · Colección · 1829-2005

      Records of the parish of Holy Trinity, Brompton, including registers of baptisms, marriages, burials, confirmations and banns; registers of church services; papers relating to parish boundaries including plans; papers relating to the maintenance of the church and churchyard, including faculties; financial records; papers relating to the parish school; printed items including pamphlets, scrapbooks, annual letters, annual reports, and parish magazines; photograph of church interior; Parochial Church Council minute books and other administrative papers.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 CLC/196 · Colección · 1777-1781

      Interment order book for the Whitechapel Quaker Burial Ground, 1777-1781, comprising printed orders to the gravemaker, annotated with the name, address, age, date and cause of death, monthly meeting membership and date of burial of the deceased.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 CLC/271 · Colección · [1671?]-1854

      Papers of the Bunhill Fields Burial Ground. The records comprise: interment order books and registers of burials, [1671]-1854; accounts, 1788-1854; and a volume concerning stones taken out, 1840-1854. There are also records of monumental inscriptions, 19th century, together with alphabetical index of surnames based on a tomb survey of 1972, with plans, 1973, which are useful for locating surviving monuments.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 B/GC · Colección · 1830-1930

      Records of the General Cemetery Company, Kensal Green, 1830-1930, including correspondence; papers relating to shares; financial accounts; bonds; grants, transfers and declarations of ownership of grave spaces; burial registers (1842-1850 only, other registers are held at Kensal Green Cemetery) and accounts of fees paid to incumbents of various parishes for persons removed from their parishes for interment in cemetery.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 B/NBF · Colección · 1824-1853

      Records of New Bunhill Fields Burial Ground, Islington, including burial registers, 1831-1853, one containing an order book, 1841-1846, and registers recording fees 1824-1853

      Sin título
      Battersea Burial Board
      GB 0347 D111 · Colección · 1855-1937

      Minutes and accounts of the Burial Board, burial registers for the cemeteries at Battersea Rise and Morden.

      Sin título
      CLA/079 · Colección · 1394-1985

      Papers relating to the administration and management of various London churches, 1394-1985, including general reports, correspondence, and printed acts; papers relating to individual parish churches, including Saint Andrew Undershaft, Saint Bartholomews, Saint Bartholomew the Great, Saint Benet Link, Saint Botolph (without) Aldgate, Saint Dunstans, Saint George Southwark, Saint Giles, Cripplegate, Saint John the Evangelist, Brownswood Park, Saint Katharine by the Tower, Saint Lawrence Jewry, Saint Maquis, Saint Margaret Pattens, Saint Peter Cornhill, Saint Martin's le Grand, Saint Olave Old Jury, Saint Mary Aldermanbury, Saint Mary, Colechurch, Saint Mary-le-Bow, Saint Mary Magdalen, Old Fish Street, Saint Olave, Hart Street, Saint Olaves, Silver Street, Saint Pancras, Saint Peter's, Cornhill, Saint Saviour, Southwark, Saint Stephens Walbrook and Saint Brides; papers relating to burial grounds and reports, correspondence, minutes, orders of service and programmes, staff lists, account books, orders, inventories and agreements from Saint Paul's Cathedral.

      Sin título
      CTHC · Colección · 1841-1966

      Registers and day books of burials in consecrated or church ground and unconsecrated or chapel ground, 1841-1952, showing name, abode, when buried, age, place of burial, when and by whom buried, private vault or grave, purchased monuments and where placed (registers are not available for consultation, please use microfilms X64/1-41); fee books, 1902-1966, including remarks, registrar, sub-district, date of certificate, digger, stone, bill number, name of deceased, age, time, depth, received by, minister, undertaker, secretary's signature, price, description of graves, square position (not always), size of coffin, undertaker's commission, amount; registers of private graves, 1841-1941, showing number of graves, description of place of burial, date and consideration of grant, names and addresses of purchasers, name and description of person interred, year and number (registers are not available for consultation, please use microfilms X64/42-46); registers of public graves, 1900-1965, showing number, date, name, age and time of burial (registers are not available for consultation, please use microfilm X64/47); register of private grave transfers, 1938-1966, showing transfer number, date, grave number, transfer from/to, address and remarks; correspondence relating to private graves; incumbents' account book, divided parish by parish, 1922-1966, and plans of the graves.

      Also deeds and legal papers, 1841-1898; report to Directors by Committee of Proprietors appointed by an Extraordinary Court, to investigate expenditure and general state of the Company's affairs, 1843; report to Directors by Henry George Haywood on proposals for draining the cemetery, 1857; correspondence relating to staffing, sewers and the East London Eastern Extension Railway, 1849-1871; bills, 1841-1897; specification for sewers and roads, with sections, 1884; plans of cemetery including proposed southern extension, 1800s; impression in red wax of seal of Company, 1841; legal records, 1844-1942.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 O/190 · Colección · 1847-1879

      Records of Victoria Park Cemetery, later known as Meath Gardens, Bethnal Green, comprising lists of names and dates of death, 1847-1879, transcribed from tombstones in April 1893 and plan showing position of graves, numbered, with key to names of persons buried, 1891.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 P71/MMG · Colección · 1548-1969

      Records of the parish of Saint Mary Magdalene, Bermondsey, including registers of baptisms, marriages and burials; registers of preachers; church services registers; papers relating to the parish school; faculties; papers relating to the churchyard; Easter Vestry meeting minutes; Parochial Church Council meeting minutes; cash book; and parish magazines.

      Records relating to civil functions including copies of Acts of Parliament; bye-laws of the Directors of the Poor and Overseers of the Poor account books.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 CLC/011 · Colección · 1882-1972

      Records of the Metropolitan Public Gardens Association, comprising: minutes, 1882-1972 (Ms 11097, 22284-5); subscription books, 1884-1957 (Ms 11098); financial records, 1884-1965 (Ms 11099-103); correspondence and related papers, [1857?]-1914 (Ms 21670-1); deeds, surveys and plans 1883-1958 (Ms 22286-8); reports and other papers, 1920-51 (Ms 22289-92); financial records relating to the wartime allotment gardens scheme, 1939-43 (Ms 22293-4); and records of London Children's Gardens Fund, 1921-62 (Ms 22295-7). They were catalogued by members of Guildhall Library staff between 1963 and 1987.

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      CROWLEY, J P
      GB 0074 CLC/441 · Colección · 1952-1964

      Records of J P Crowley comprising drawings of and notes on sundials in churches and churchyards in North Devon, 1952-62, and in Cornwall, 1957-64.

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      O/429 · Colección · 1890-1894

      Printed posters displaying rules, orders and bye-laws for the preservation and use of Paddington Green; Saint Mary's parish church disused burial ground, and Saint George's Parish Vestry Hall Gardens, Mount Street, Hanover Square, 1890-1894.

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      O/467 · Colección · 1880-1890

      Papers relating to Saint Mary's, Lewisham, comprising blank subscription form, 1880, and printed bye-laws for the churchyard, made by the Lewisham District Board of Works, 1890. Also printed leaflet setting out the need for a permanent Church of Emmanuel in Hornsey Road, Holloway, 1880.

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      GB 0096 MS 83 · 1702-1705

      Manuscript volume containing an account of the respective grants in Parliament for public services in the years 1702-1705, and the money raised from those grants up to Nov 1704. The account was made due to orders by the House of Commons dated 7 Nov 1704 and 8 Nov 1705.

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      ACC/2802 · Colección · 1947-1990

      London Electricity Consultative Council, 1947-1990, comprising minutes; reports, including annual reports, complaint reports and general reports; papers relating to conduct and operations, including rules and regulations; correspondence of the policy working party; minutes and correspondence of the district committees; nominations and appointments to council and district committees; Chairman's meetings and correspondence; correspondence and administrative papers of the Electricity Consumers Council and Area Electricity Consultative Councils; correspondence and reports of the National Consumer Council; correspondence and reports regarding electricity supply industry reorganisation; reports and papers regarding accountability and performance indicators; research and publicity; papers relating to tariffs; correspondence and reports of the London Electricity Board and Central Electricity Generating Board; correspondence, papers and statistics relating to consumer complaints; minutes, correspondence and papers of the Fuel Poverty Group; pamphlets and correspondence relating to methods of payment and meters; papers regarding appliances, retailing and other issues; general correspondence.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 DRO/007 · Colección · 1565-1993

      Records of the parish of Saint Mary, Sunbury on Thames, including registers of baptisms, confirmations, banns, marriages and burials; service registers; papers relating to endowments; papers of the churchwardens including accounts, rates, and papers regarding the maintenance of the church and churchyard; Vestry meeting minutes; Overseers of the Poor financial accounts; papers relating to parish charities; papers relating to Sunbury National Schools including minutes; papers of Sunbury Parochial Committee; papers of the Church Rebuilding Campaign; papers relating to the cemetery; Enclosure Acts and awards; and maps of the parish.

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      GB 0074 P85/MTW1 · Colección · 1820-1968

      Records of the parish of Saint Matthew, Brixton Hill, Brixton, including registers of baptisms, marriages, banns and burials; registers of preachers and church services; pew registers; Vestry and Parochial Church Council minutes; Churchwardens' accounts and orders; papers relating to parish charities; papers relating to parish schools; plans of the church; maps of the parish; papers relating to tithes; papers relating to the churchyard, vaults and tombs.

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      POLLARD, William
      GB 0074 ACC/2667 · Colección · 1868-1895

      Records of William Pollard, including documents relating to the purchase of land in Hornsey, 1868-72; plan of Islington Burial Ground, East Finchley, showing location of numbered grave spaces, 1882; grant of grave space in Islington Burial Ground, East Finchley, 1888; accounts for burials at the London Necropolis Company cemetery, 1894-95.

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      CANSICK, Frederick Teague (b 1829)
      GB 0074 CLC/231 · Colección · 1874-1887

      The records comprise transcripts by Frederick Teague Cansick of monumental inscriptions in churchyards and burial grounds in Saint Andrew Holborn, Saint Giles in the Fields, All Hallows Bread Street, All Hallows London Wall, Christchurch Newgate Street, Saint Benet Paul's Wharf, Saint Botolph Aldersgate, Saint Mary Aldermary, Saint Mary Woolnoth, Saint Mary Magdalen Old Fish Street, Saint Mary Queenhithe, Saint Sepulchre, Saint James Pentonville Road, All Saints Edmonton and All Hallows Tottenham.

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