GOS/9 - Registers of Patients

Área de identidad

Código de referencia



Registers of Patients


  • 1852-1989 (Creación)

Nivel de descripción

Volumen y soporte

250 volumes

Área de contexto

Nombre del productor

Historia biográfica

Great Ormond Street Hospital was founded in 1852, in Bloomsbury. It has undergone several changes of name since its foundation, that of Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children dates from 1994.

Institución archivística

Historia archivística

The patient registers were created by the hospital.

GOS/9 1852-1989 Sub fonds of Great Ormond Street Hospital Archive 250 volumes Great Ormond Street Hospital

Great Ormond Street Hospital was founded in 1852, in Bloomsbury. It has undergone several changes of name since its foundation, that of Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children dates from 1994.

The patient registers were created by the hospital.

Great Ormond Street Hospital.

Registers of Patients of Great Ormond Street Hospital, comprising: GOS/9/1 containing General In- Patient Admissions Registers, 1852-1960; the Ward Registers, GOS/9/2, 1927-1988, cover the main hospital general admissions by ward name (Medical and Surgical), Tadworth Court (House Ward) Admissions, admissions for the following wards: Mr Punch, Winston Churchill, Peter Pan, 2 D, 2 C, Louise, Annie Zunz. 4 D and E, Dresden, 6 A, B, C and D, short stay surgery cases, and cardio-thoracic cases.

GOS/9/2/30-34 and 39 covering the ENT/Dental Ward Register, September 1954-December 1973; GOS/9/2/49 Ward Register (ward 4AB, Surgery), 1985-88.

GOS/9/2/52 is a card index of patients, unidentified ward, 1956-1959; GOS/9/3 contains Surgical Operations Registers, 1864-1902, Theatre Operations Books, October 1901-1904, In-Patient Operations Books, 1904-1938 (with gaps), Neurosurgery Operations Registers, 1955-1978, Operations Register, 1960-1962, Operations Books for specific theatres, 1965-1971.

GOS/9/4 holds Anaesthesia Registers, 1894-1902, 1938-1965; GOS/9/5 Statistical Registers of Out-Patient Attendances, 1904-1960 (with gaps); GOS/9/6 Out-Patient Operations Registers, 1918, 1921, 1926; GOS/9/6/4 Out-Patient Operations Book, Casualty Theatre, 1937; GOS/9/6/5 Out-Patient Operations Book, North End Theatre, 1938-1974; GOS/9/6/6 Out-Patient Operations Book, Casualty Theatre (Tonsil Theatre), 1942-1947.

GOS/9/7 Medical Reports, (Weekly and daily returns of patient statistics; some volumes contain annotations concerning individual patients, and from 1922 lists of deaths), 1855-1963; GOS/9/7/13 Home Sister's Daily Returns of Patients, 1893-1906; GOS/9/7/14-18 Matron's Daily Returns Book, 1907-1961.

GOS/9/8 consists of Other Patient Registers; GOS/9/8/1 'The First Admissions Register' (possibly of Out-Patients seen by Dr Charles West), 1852-1855; GOS/9/8/2 Register of Out-Patients (seen by Dr William Jenner), 1855-1858; GOS/9/8/3 Register of Patient Deaths, 1860-1863; GOS/9/8/4 Register of Patients Admitted when under Two years of Age, 1861-1882; GOS/9/8/5 Register of 'Casual Fever' Cases, 1857-1875; GOS/9/8/6 Casual Fever Register (Volume 8), 1924-1930.

GOS/9/8/7 Admissions Book for children admitted to the Hospital's Infant Nursery (Creche) 1859-1864 (Admission application summaries, including occupations of the children's parents); GOS/9/8/8-9 Register of Beds (Daily totals by Ward/Officer), 1868-1886; GOS 9/8/10-13 Patients Admissions Registers (possibly the Lady Superintendent's counterparts to the main series of admissions registers, GOS/9/1 above).

GOS/9/8/10-13 Admissions Registers, 1870-1892; GOS/9/8/14 Register of Patients who were In-Patients for 2 Months and Upwards, 1915-1922; GOS/9/8/15 Registers of Surgical Patients, 1887-1891 (of Edmund Owen, Howard Marsh, John H. Morgan and Bernard Pitts, also enclosures, Attendance Cards of individual patients); GOS/9/8/16 Register of Applications for In-Patient Beds, 1881-1892(Refused applications from the Hospital's Subscribers, giving grounds for refusal; also contains enclosure, bundle of admission request forms from Governors, 1892); GOS/9/8/17 Applications Register for Surgical Admissions, 1919-1920;GOS/9/8/18 Applications for Admission, 1920-1925.

GOS/9/8/19 Almoner's Patient Register, 1945; GOS/9/8/20 World War II Casualty Clearing Station Register, 1940-1945; GOS/9/8/21 Register of Patients, with summaries of their condition(listed alphabetically by condition), 1946-1948; GOS/9/8/22 Temperature Register, Girl's Surgical Ward, 1908-1910; GOS/9/8/23 Temperature Register, Boy's Surgical Ward, 1908-1910; GOS/9/8/24 Temperature Register, Ward 5B, February-May 1970; GOS/9/8/25 Register of Patient Post- Mortem Permissions, 1921-1948.

GOS/9/8/26-32 Casualty Registers, 1921-1986; GOS/9/8/33 -36 Private Patient Register, 1938-1976 (note, although described as 'Private Patient Register' on the cover, the contents of 8/35-36 appear to be further Casualty Registers); GOS/9/8/37 Index to Private Patient Registers, 1949-1952; GOS/9/8/38 Register of Admissions to the Paul Sandifer Unit, 1959-1968; GOS/9/8/39 Register of Conditions treated at the Hospital (unbound draft, for 1932 Annual Report); GOS/9/8/40 Register of Operations, 1931 (unbound monthly statistical returns, by Ward); GOS/9/8/41 Statistical Register of Operations conducted at the Hospital, 1932; GOS/9/8/42 Register (unbound)of conditions treated at the Hospital, 1932; GOS/9/8/43 Statistical Summary of conditions treated at the Hospital, 1935; GOS/9/8/44 Statistical summary, Operations performed in the Hospital's In-Patient Theatre, 1935; GOS/9/8/45 Register of Operations performed at the Hospital, 1936; GOS/9/8/46 Register of Operations performed at the Hospital, 1937; GOS/9/8/47 Asthma Clinic Admissions Register (unbound), 1943-1945.

Arranged chronologically by general admissions, ward admissions, speciality, operating theatre, anaesthesia, out patient admissions and operations, medical reports and other patient registers that do not form part of a series.

Records over 100 years old are open, otherwise GOS/9 is closed. Researchers wishing to consult later material can apply to the Great Ormond Street Hospital and Institute of Child Health Research Ethics Committee.

Most of the open registers are oversized, therefore no photocopying is permitted. The archivist may allow digital photography of open material on application. Alternatively, permission may be granted for copies to be made through the Hospital's Medical Illustration Department.


The catalogue is available as hard copy and on computer in the Archive Office.

The information contained in the patient admission registers, 1852-1914, GOS9/1/1-20, (anonymised for records less than 100 years old) is available through the Historic Hospitals' Admission Project (HHARP) on www.hharp.org.

Compiled by Andrea Tanner

October 2010 People Health services Hospitals Hospital patients Child health Great Ormond Street Hospital x Hospital for Sick Children , Great Ormond Street x Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Trust x The Hospital for Sick Children x The Hospital for Children People by roles Medical institutions

Origen del ingreso o transferencia

Great Ormond Street Hospital.

Área de contenido y estructura

Alcance y contenido

Registers of Patients of Great Ormond Street Hospital, comprising: GOS/9/1 containing General In- Patient Admissions Registers, 1852-1960; the Ward Registers, GOS/9/2, 1927-1988, cover the main hospital general admissions by ward name (Medical and Surgical), Tadworth Court (House Ward) Admissions, admissions for the following wards: Mr Punch, Winston Churchill, Peter Pan, 2 D, 2 C, Louise, Annie Zunz. 4 D and E, Dresden, 6 A, B, C and D, short stay surgery cases, and cardio-thoracic cases.

GOS/9/2/30-34 and 39 covering the ENT/Dental Ward Register, September 1954-December 1973; GOS/9/2/49 Ward Register (ward 4AB, Surgery), 1985-88.

GOS/9/2/52 is a card index of patients, unidentified ward, 1956-1959; GOS/9/3 contains Surgical Operations Registers, 1864-1902, Theatre Operations Books, October 1901-1904, In-Patient Operations Books, 1904-1938 (with gaps), Neurosurgery Operations Registers, 1955-1978, Operations Register, 1960-1962, Operations Books for specific theatres, 1965-1971.

GOS/9/4 holds Anaesthesia Registers, 1894-1902, 1938-1965; GOS/9/5 Statistical Registers of Out-Patient Attendances, 1904-1960 (with gaps); GOS/9/6 Out-Patient Operations Registers, 1918, 1921, 1926; GOS/9/6/4 Out-Patient Operations Book, Casualty Theatre, 1937; GOS/9/6/5 Out-Patient Operations Book, North End Theatre, 1938-1974; GOS/9/6/6 Out-Patient Operations Book, Casualty Theatre (Tonsil Theatre), 1942-1947.

GOS/9/7 Medical Reports, (Weekly and daily returns of patient statistics; some volumes contain annotations concerning individual patients, and from 1922 lists of deaths), 1855-1963; GOS/9/7/13 Home Sister's Daily Returns of Patients, 1893-1906; GOS/9/7/14-18 Matron's Daily Returns Book, 1907-1961.

GOS/9/8 consists of Other Patient Registers; GOS/9/8/1 'The First Admissions Register' (possibly of Out-Patients seen by Dr Charles West), 1852-1855; GOS/9/8/2 Register of Out-Patients (seen by Dr William Jenner), 1855-1858; GOS/9/8/3 Register of Patient Deaths, 1860-1863; GOS/9/8/4 Register of Patients Admitted when under Two years of Age, 1861-1882; GOS/9/8/5 Register of 'Casual Fever' Cases, 1857-1875; GOS/9/8/6 Casual Fever Register (Volume 8), 1924-1930.

GOS/9/8/7 Admissions Book for children admitted to the Hospital's Infant Nursery (Creche) 1859-1864 (Admission application summaries, including occupations of the children's parents); GOS/9/8/8-9 Register of Beds (Daily totals by Ward/Officer), 1868-1886; GOS 9/8/10-13 Patients Admissions Registers (possibly the Lady Superintendent's counterparts to the main series of admissions registers, GOS/9/1 above).

GOS/9/8/10-13 Admissions Registers, 1870-1892; GOS/9/8/14 Register of Patients who were In-Patients for 2 Months and Upwards, 1915-1922; GOS/9/8/15 Registers of Surgical Patients, 1887-1891 (of Edmund Owen, Howard Marsh, John H. Morgan and Bernard Pitts, also enclosures, Attendance Cards of individual patients); GOS/9/8/16 Register of Applications for In-Patient Beds, 1881-1892(Refused applications from the Hospital's Subscribers, giving grounds for refusal; also contains enclosure, bundle of admission request forms from Governors, 1892); GOS/9/8/17 Applications Register for Surgical Admissions, 1919-1920;GOS/9/8/18 Applications for Admission, 1920-1925.

GOS/9/8/19 Almoner's Patient Register, 1945; GOS/9/8/20 World War II Casualty Clearing Station Register, 1940-1945; GOS/9/8/21 Register of Patients, with summaries of their condition(listed alphabetically by condition), 1946-1948; GOS/9/8/22 Temperature Register, Girl's Surgical Ward, 1908-1910; GOS/9/8/23 Temperature Register, Boy's Surgical Ward, 1908-1910; GOS/9/8/24 Temperature Register, Ward 5B, February-May 1970; GOS/9/8/25 Register of Patient Post- Mortem Permissions, 1921-1948.

GOS/9/8/26-32 Casualty Registers, 1921-1986; GOS/9/8/33 -36 Private Patient Register, 1938-1976 (note, although described as 'Private Patient Register' on the cover, the contents of 8/35-36 appear to be further Casualty Registers); GOS/9/8/37 Index to Private Patient Registers, 1949-1952; GOS/9/8/38 Register of Admissions to the Paul Sandifer Unit, 1959-1968; GOS/9/8/39 Register of Conditions treated at the Hospital (unbound draft, for 1932 Annual Report); GOS/9/8/40 Register of Operations, 1931 (unbound monthly statistical returns, by Ward); GOS/9/8/41 Statistical Register of Operations conducted at the Hospital, 1932; GOS/9/8/42 Register (unbound)of conditions treated at the Hospital, 1932; GOS/9/8/43 Statistical Summary of conditions treated at the Hospital, 1935; GOS/9/8/44 Statistical summary, Operations performed in the Hospital's In-Patient Theatre, 1935; GOS/9/8/45 Register of Operations performed at the Hospital, 1936; GOS/9/8/46 Register of Operations performed at the Hospital, 1937; GOS/9/8/47 Asthma Clinic Admissions Register (unbound), 1943-1945.

Valorización, destrucción y programación


Sistema de arreglo

Arranged chronologically by general admissions, ward admissions, speciality, operating theatre, anaesthesia, out patient admissions and operations, medical reports and other patient registers that do not form part of a series.

Área de condiciones de acceso y uso

Condiciones de acceso

Records over 100 years old are open, otherwise GOS/9 is closed. Researchers wishing to consult later material can apply to the Great Ormond Street Hospital and Institute of Child Health Research Ethics Committee.


Most of the open registers are oversized, therefore no photocopying is permitted. The archivist may allow digital photography of open material on application. Alternatively, permission may be granted for copies to be made through the Hospital's Medical Illustration Department.

Idioma del material

  • inglés

Escritura del material

  • latín

Notas sobre las lenguas y escrituras


Características físicas y requisitos técnicos

Instrumentos de descripción

The catalogue is available as hard copy and on computer in the Archive Office.

Área de materiales relacionados

Existencia y localización de originales

Existencia y localización de copias

Unidades de descripción relacionadas

The information contained in the patient admission registers, 1852-1914, GOS9/1/1-20, (anonymised for records less than 100 years old) is available through the Historic Hospitals' Admission Project (HHARP) on www.hharp.org.

Descripciones relacionadas

Área de notas

Identificador/es alternativo(os)

Puntos de acceso

Puntos de acceso por materia

Puntos de acceso por lugar

Puntos de acceso por autoridad

Tipo de puntos de acceso

Área de control de la descripción

Identificador de la descripción

Identificador de la institución

Great Ormond Street Hospital Archives

Reglas y/o convenciones usadas

Estado de elaboración

Nivel de detalle

Fechas de creación revisión eliminación


  • inglés



    Área de Ingreso