Religious institutions

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        Religious institutions

        513 Descrição arquivística resultados para Religious institutions

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        GB 0074 P73/AND · Coleção · 1866-1976

        Records of the parish of Saint Andrew, Peckham, including registers of baptisms, marriages, banns, confirmations, and church services; minutes of the Parochial Church Council; Churchwardens' accounts; and papers relating to church societies and clubs.

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        GB 0074 P73/CRY · Coleção · 1865-1966

        Records of the parish of Saint Chrysostom, Peckham, including registers of baptisms, marriages, confirmations, and church services; parish magazines; papers regarding the assignment of the consolidated chapelry; papers relating to the church building including plans; papers regarding finances; papers relating to parochial charities.

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        GB 0074 P75/ALL · Coleção · 1868-1952

        Records of the parish of All Saints, Hatcham Park, including registers of baptisms and marriages; financial records; registers of church services; Parochial Church Council minutes; administrative files; Churchwardens' reports and accounts; papers of church societies including the Sunday School; papers relating to the maintenance of the church and vicarage including plans and elevations; papers relating to parish boundaries; printed charity appeals; and parish magazines.

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        GB 0074 P77/ALB · Coleção · 1897-1992

        Records of the parish of Saint Alban, Fulham, including registers of baptisms, marriages, confirmations and church services; papers relating to parish boundaries; incumbent's correspondence; faculties, inventories and other papers relating to church fixtures and fittings; papers relating to the church hall; Parochial Church Council minutes; papers regarding parish charities; photographs and parish magazines

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        GB 0074 P79/JN1 · Coleção · 1545-1968

        Records of the parish of Saint John at Hackney (Saint John the Baptist church, Hackney) including registers of baptisms, marriages, banns and burials; Vestry minutes; papers regarding the construction of the church; financial records; papers relating to parochial charities; records of the Churchwardens; correspondence of the Vestry; papers relating to the parish school; legal documents; plans of the churchyard; register of church services; registers of graves; and preachers' book.

        Records relating to civil functions of the parish including settlement examinations; minutes of the Workhouse Management Committee; highways rate books and church rate books.

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        GB 0074 P79/LUK · Coleção · 1872-1972

        Records of the parish of Saint Luke, Hackney, including registers of baptisms, marriages and church services; preachers' books; papers relating to the Sunday School; history of the church; and parish magazines.

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        GB 0074 P81/EMM · Coleção · 1885-2003

        Records of the parish of Emmanuel, Hampstead, including registers of baptisms, marriages, banns of marriage and confirmations; registers of church services; preachers' books; orders of service; papers relating to the benefice; Churchwardens' financial accounts; minutes and papers of the Parochial Church Council and the Annual Vestry; papers of church societies including the Emmanuel Men's Society; newsletters and yearbooks; papers relating to the church building, parsonage, and church hall including legal documents, correspondence, photographs, faculties and plans; and financial accounts. Also, Emmanuel Church of England Primary School is located in this parish. Documents relating to the governance of the school from 1999 are catalogued with the parish records.

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        GB 0074 P82/ALB · Coleção · 1848-1949

        Records of the parish of Saint Alban the Martyr, Holborn, including historical account of parish by Reverend Mackonochie; testimonials of support for Reverend Mackonochie; papers relating to the legal case of Martin v. Mackonochie; papers of the Mackonochie Testimonials and Memorial Fund Committee including correspondence with architects regarding construction of memorial chapel; papers of Reverend E F Russell; papers of curate Arthur Henry Stanton; journal of work conducted by Mackonochie at St George's Mission of St Saviour and Cross, Wellclose Square, Stepney.

        Minutes of annual vestry meetings; day books; letter books and correspondence; registers of church services; financial accounts; registers of communions made; correspondence, estimates and accounts relating to renovation and restoration of church; volumes containing letters of sympathy on destruction of the church by bombs, 1941; scrapbooks of newspaper cuttings, letters, documents and photographs; legal papers relating to church property; catalogue of the library; papers relating to charities in Holborn; papers relating to Saint Alban's School; papers of church societies and clubs; photographs; orders of service and tickets; inventories; sermons and printed appeals.

        No registers held.

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        GB 0074 P82/GEO2 · Coleção · 1706-1967

        Records of the parish of Saint George the Martyr, Queen Square, including registers of baptisms, marriages, burials, confirmations, banns of marriages, and church services; papers regarding the creation of the parish; minutes of the Trustees and General Meetings of Proprietors of Pews; financial records including Churchwardens' accounts; papers regarding the maintenance of the church building; Vestry minutes; papers regarding parish charities, societies and the school; newspaper cuttings and photographs.

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        GB 0074 P83/JNE · Coleção · 1809-1976

        Records of the parish of St John the Evangelist, Upper Holloway, Islington, including registers of baptisms, marriages, burials, and banns; registers of church services; curates' licences; papers relating to changes to parish boundaries; papers relating to the benefice; papers relating to church buildings including faculties and surveys; Churchwardens' financial accounts; annual reports; minutes and papers of the Church Council; papers relating to parish charities, the local school and church societies; and parish magazines.

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        GB 0074 P83/PAU1 · Coleção · 1830-1980

        Records of the parish of Saint Paul, Canonbury, Islington, including registers of baptisms, marriages, banns and confirmations; registers of church services; minutes of Parochial Church Council meetings; financial accounts; Churchwardens' accounts; papers relating to church societies; annual reports; church magazines; papers relating to parish boundaries and papers relating to the church building.

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        GB 0074 P83/PET1 · Coleção · 1874-1978

        Records of the parish of Saint Peter, Dartmouth Park Hill, Islington, including registers of baptisms and marriages; church service registers; papers of the Sunday school; Churchwardens' accounts; Church Building Committee minutes; Parochial Church Council minutes; annual reports; parish magazines; papers relating to the benefice; papers relating to parochial charities and the church school.

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        GB 0074 P84/MRY1 · Coleção · 1849-1993

        Records of the parish of St Mary the Boltons, West Brompton, including registers of baptisms, marriages, banns, confirmations and church services; annual reports; Parochial Church Council minutes; papers relating to charities; financial records; records relating to the construction and maintenance of the church; papers of church societies; papers of the Saint Mary's National School; and parish magazines. The series includes records of The Boltons Association, a voluntary residents' association established in 1970 for The Boltons Conservation Area.

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        GB 0074 P84/PHI · Coleção · 1858-1986

        Records of the parish of Saint Philip, Earl's Court Road, Kensington, including registers of baptisms, marriages, banns and confirmations; church services registers; inventories of church fixtures; Vestry and Parochial Church Council minutes; financial records; papers of the Christian Stewardship society; photographs; and parish magazines.

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        GB 0074 P84/TRI2 · Coleção · 1829-2005

        Records of the parish of Holy Trinity, Brompton, including registers of baptisms, marriages, burials, confirmations and banns; registers of church services; papers relating to parish boundaries including plans; papers relating to the maintenance of the church and churchyard, including faculties; financial records; papers relating to the parish school; printed items including pamphlets, scrapbooks, annual letters, annual reports, and parish magazines; photograph of church interior; Parochial Church Council minute books and other administrative papers.

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        GB 0074 CLC/115 · Coleção · 1901-1990

        Records of the Billingsgate Christian Mission comprising annual reports and accounts with other financial records, 1901-90, photographs of the mission and dispensary ca. 1953 and an account of the work of the mission and dispensary ca. 1933.

        Please note that these records are subject to a 50-year closure period. For further information please ask a member of staff.

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        GB 0074 CLC/179 · Coleção · 1664-1957

        Papers of the Devonshire Square (Particular) Baptist Church and predecessor church the Turners' Hall meeting. The records comprise memoranda and constitutional documents, minutes, records of membership and attendance, and financial material. They were catalogued by a member of Guildhall Library staff.

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        HOWLETT, Bartholomew (1767-1827)
        GB 0074 CLC/255 · Coleção · 1800-1835

        Drawings of seals of monastic bodies in London, Southwark and Westminster. The drawings are by Howlett, the descriptions by his friend and patron John Caley, FRS.

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        GB 0074 CLC/323 · Coleção · 1937-1972

        Registers of services at the Adelboden Anglican Chaplaincy, Switzerland.

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        GB 0074 CLC/337 · Coleção · 1891-1911

        Registers of services for Burgenstock Anglican Chaplaincy, Switzerland.

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        GB 0074 CLC/338 · Coleção · 1910-1963

        Records of Cartagena Anglican Chaplaincy, Spain comprising: minute books, 1910-27, 1933-6 (Ms 23635); miscellaneous chaplaincy corresponcence, accounts and other papers, 1911-40 (Ms 23636); cash book of the Seamen's Institute, 1913-40 (Ms 23637); and registers of services, baptisms, marriages and burials, 1910-63 (Ms 30863). They were catalogued by members of Guildhall Library staff in 1988 and 1997.

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        GB 0074 CLC/374 · Coleção · 1910-1965

        Records of the Leysin Anglican Chaplaincy, Switzerland, comprising chaplains' books, 1910-1965 (Ms 16945), and photographs of the interior of the chapel, early 20th century (Ms 16945A). They were catalogued in 1977 and 1985 by members of Guildhall Library staff.

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        GB 0074 CLC/380 · Coleção · 1895-1914

        Service registers for the Rigi-Kaltbad Anglican Chaplaincy, Switzerland.

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        GB 0074 CLC/411 · Coleção · 1890-1963

        Records of Ulvik Anglican Chaplaincy, comprising two registers of services.

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        GB 0074 CLC/413 · Coleção · 1964

        Certificates of baptisms carried out by the Warsaw Anglican Chaplaincy.

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        GB 0074 CLC/415 · Coleção · 1935-1947

        Chapter minute book for West City Rural Deanery.

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        GB 0074 ACC/2943 · Coleção · 1924-1974

        Records of the New Road Synagogue, Whitechapel, 1924-1974. With the exception of the two minute books the majority of the records date from the mid 1960s, when J. Lindsay took over as Secretary of the New Road Synagogue. He remained in post until the amalgamation in 1974. The correspondence files are those which were maintained by J. Lindsay. Their contents reflect the wide range of duties undertaken by members of the Synagogue within the Jewish community.

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        GB 0074 ACC/3349 · Coleção · 1872-1901

        Two volumes of press cuttings from Anglo-Jewish newspapers, concerning aspects of Jewish life; and from national and international newspapers concerning Chief Rabbi Nathan Adler and his successor Chief Rabbi Herman Adler, 1872-1901.

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        GB 0074 ACC/2805 · Coleção · 1829-2004

        The archive consists of the official working papers of the Chief Rabbinate from the mid-nineteenth century onwards. Files, volumes, bundles of papers, photographs, prints, video tapes, publications and leaflets make up the bulk of the collection. The Chief Rabbis represented in this collection are Nathan Adler (1868-1901), Hermann Adler (1868-1921), Joseph Hertz (1899-1946), Israel Brodie (1917-1967), Immanuel Jakobovits (1913-1992) and Jonathan Sacks (1988-2004). Also included are some papers of the Deputy for the Chief Rabbi, Harris Lazarus (1942-1950).

        The archive is primarily concerned with the activities of the Chief Rabbinate. Because of the cosmopolitan nature of the office there are files on Jewish congregations overseas which are of interest, also some papers on the Holocaust and its immediate aftermath (ACC/2805/06/05/1-11). The varying interests of individual Chief Rabbis are reflected in the collection: for instance Immanuel Jakobovits' role in Jewish medical ethics.

        PLEASE NOTE: Records can only be accessed with the written permission of the depositor. Contact the Chief Executive, Office of Chief Rabbi.

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        Series B: supplementary historical series
        GB 0122 Series B · Série · 1293-1889

        Supplementary historical papers, 1293-1889, comprising:

        1 Copy of the charter and statutes of the Vicars Choral of Wells, c 1591.

        2 Volume containing Acta of Archbishops of Canterbury, Robert Winchelsea, 1293-1313; Walter Reynolds, 1313-1327 and Simon Islip, 1349-1366 and heresy presentations in the diocese of Norwich, c 1430.

        3 Volume of letters of Bishop Robert Gradwell, whilst Rector of the English College, Rome, 1817-1828, chiefly to Bishop William Poynter.

        4-5 Volumes containing copies of letters of Bishop Thomas Griffiths, 1837-1847.

        6 Papers of Capt Barker on the Catholic Revival, 1676-1683 and papers of Henry Browne, Secretary of State to James II in exile at St. Germain, chiefly between France and England, c 1689-1691.

        7 Papers relating to the Stuarts, notably James II, 1692-1695, 1711-1713 and 1717-1719.

        8-13 Copies of papers and transcripts gathered by the antiquarian John Kirk when researching a continuation of Charles Dodd's Church History of England (1737-42).

        14 Official printed material relating to the Beatification of St John Fisher, St Thomas More and others, 1866.

        15 Writings of Bishop Richard Challoner and John Kirk's copy of Challoner's Spiritual Letters.

        16 Letters from the French Clergy, following the French Revolution, chiefly to Bishop John Douglass, 1792-1798.

        17 Papers of Bishop Douglass chiefly concerning nuns, 1788-1805.

        18 Papers relating to the Chapter of St Peter, Rome, [by Canon Richard Howard], 1714-1720.

        19 Petition of thanks to Pope Pius IX from the Laity of Westminster and Southwark, following the restoration of the Hierarchy, 1850.

        20 Draft letters of Bishop William Poynter, 1812-1827.

        24-27 Volumes of correspondence of the Roman Agents 1578-1636.

        28 Volume of contemporary catalogues of the English martyrs, 17th century.

        29 Letters and papers of William Howard and a few earlier family papers, c 1633-1680.

        30 Letters of Bishop Robert Gradwell at Rome, 1817-1827.

        31 Manuscript volume of Thomas Worthington's catalogue of martyrs, 1614, and copies of other papers concerning martyrs.

        32 Volume containing transcriptions of documents in the Magliabecchiana Library, c 1549-1625.

        33-46 Epistolae Variarum, 1701-1784, letters from Rome to the Vicars Apostolic.

        47 Volume of Roman Agency papers, 1625 with some miscellaneous papers, 1605-1715.

        48 Volume of papers of the Roman Agency and papers of [Christopher] Bagshaw, 1590-1790.

        49 Volume of draft letters of Bishop William Poynter, [1806]-1814.

        50-55 Claims for the recovery of the Douai property and for compensation and correspondence with the English Commissioners, c 1814-1830.

        56-57 Process for the English martyrs at Rome, 1888-1889.

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        GB 1556 WL 558a · Coleção · 1930s-1958

        Microfilm of correspondence and papers detailing the activities of the German Evangelical Church during the Third Reich, in particular the role of Eugen Gerstenmaier, [1933-1958]. Also included are a number of periodicals of German Evangelical organisations during the 1930s and other related reports and papers.

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        SHAW, (Harold) Watkins (1911-1996)
        GB 1249 Shaw & MS 6068-6069 · 1950s-1991

        Papers of Harold Watkins Shaw, 1950s-1991, including manuscript notes, notebooks, typescripts and associated research material relating to Shaw's articles, particularly in regard to the music and life of George Frideric Handel and Handel's Messiah; offprints of Shaw's articles from various journals; printed orchestral parts of Shaw's edition of Handel's Messiah (1965) with minor manuscript corrections; Shaw's manuscript edition of Handel's Theodora (1984); research papers for a series of articles by Shaw on John Blow, with offprints; manuscript editions by Shaw of works by John Blow, including Awake, awake my lyre!, the orchestral Te Deum and Jubilate in D, Ode on St Cecilia's Day 1691, Evening service, other odes and Latin pieces; research papers for his The Succession of Organists of the Chapel Royal and the Cathedrals of England and Wales from c.1538 (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1991), mostly comprising autobiographical details (name, birthdates and appointments as organist) of organists then living, together with a few biographical memoirs compiled by relatives of organists recently deceased; correspondence with the deans, provosts and chapter clerks of Anglican cathedrals of modern foundation (formerly parish churches) in connection with lists of their organists; files of correspondence and research papers on organists of ancient cathedrals, and related correspondence with Oxford University Press, librarians and cathedral and college authorities for permission to publish.

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        Rule of St Benedict
        GB 0103 MS GERM 12 · 14th century

        Late 14th century manuscript volume: Benediktinerregel (Rule of St Benedict), divided into 73 chapters (numbered in error as 72), each chapter consisting of a passage in Latin followed by the German translation. There are some ink sketches of monks (ff 6r, 37v, 38r, 82v) and one sketch of an abbot standing before a table (f 71r). The front cover bears a strip of parchment with the inscription: 'Regula Benedictj / Jn Theutunice'. The volume also contains a list of monastic orders with descriptions of the characteristic dress of each order (ff 94r-94v); the text of regulations, in Latin, containing many quotations from the Latin Rule (f 95r-97ra); and the later inscription 'Jste liber p[er]tinet ad mo[na]ste[r]iu[m] ot[e]nbure[n] (this book belongs to the monastery of Ottobeuren) (f 104r).

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        Prayer Book (German and Latin, 1466)
        GB 0103 MS GERM 26 · 1466

        Gebetbuch (Book of Prayers), 1466, including visitation of the sick, administration of the Last Sacrament, and burial of the dead.

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        Bartholomew of Pisa Manuscript
        GB 0103 MS LAT 24 · 15th century

        Manuscript volume, 15th century, containing Bartholomew of Pisa's 'De Conformitate Vitae Sancti Francisci Ad Vitam Domini Jesu Christi' (On the conformity of the life of Saint Francis to the life of our Lord Jesus Christ) and lists of privileges etc granted to the Friars Minor (Franciscans), extracted from papal registers by Marcus Trevisanus, minister of the Roman province. The list is dated 1418 in the rubric on folio 313v.

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        DUGMORE, Rev Clifford William (1909-1990)
        GB 0100 KCLCA K/PP97 · 1956-1978

        The papers of Clifford William Dugmore contain correspondence relating to the Journal of Ecclesiastical History, and printed booklets, 1956-1978; notably including correspondence with a number of leading historians such as Professors Murray Tolmie and Alfred Cobban, William Cargill-Thompson, and Geoffrey Nuttall, relating to Dugmore's editorship of the Journal of Ecclesiastical History, remarking upon aspects of publication, proofs and the chasing-up of contributors, 1956-1978; correspondence concerning senior staff appointments, 1958-1977 (closed); press cuttings describing the career of Professor Dugmore, 1957-1971; text, reviews and correspondence concerning Professor Dugmore's inaugural lecture in the Chair of Ecclesiastical History, 'Ecclesiastical History. No Soft Option', 1959-1960; copies of printed booklets entitled 'Rome and the Churches', the inaugural lecture of Professor Stuart Hall of King's College, delivered in 1979; Grace Abounding. A Comparison of Frederick Denison Maurice and Karl Barth by Dr Ellen Flesseman-Van Leer (1978).

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        Bangladesh: Pressure Groups Material
        GB 0101 PG.BG · 1956-1992

        Letters, press cuttings, manifestos, constitutions, resolutions and pamphlets issued by the Bangladesh Scheduled Castes' Federation and the Commission for Justice and Peace, reflecting the interests of Bangladesh political pressure groups.

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        Treatises on gallicanism and on French legislation
        GB 0096 MS 588 · c1611-1639

        Manuscript volume lettered 'Memoire de Finance' containing two works written in the same hand, probably mid 17th century, and attributed by an inscription on the fly-leaf to Charles de Marillac, Archbishop of Vienne (c 1510-1560) and his nephew, Michel de Marillac (1563-1632). The first section of the volume comprises three Gallican tracts, namely 'De patrimonio ecclesie', in Latin and French (latest date mentioned is 1646), arguing that secular patronage was the source of ecclesiastical wealth; 'Cura et authoritas in his quae pertinent ad fidem', defending control of the church by the Chritian prince, with much reference to the early church; and 'La Jurisdiction en generale est un pouvoir et autorite publique', arguing that independent ecclesiastical jurisdiction was confined to spiritual matters, citing papal and royal legislation up to 1639.
        The second part of the manuscript contains a treatise entitled 'Du Conseil du Roy', in French and dated to [1611], being a discussion of the personnel, functions and rules of the King's Council (begins on folio 110 + 2, latest date 1629).
        The attribution to the Marillacs is made in a later hand than that of the main text.

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        Fragments relating to Scottish religion
        GB 0096 MS 610 · [1609] or [1625-1638]

        Two paper leaves, formerly pastedowns and much mutilated, relating to Scottish religion. The date of the fragments is uncertain, and Professor Gordon Donaldson of the University of Edinburgh, who examined these two fragments in Jan 1965, inclined to a date in the 1630s for both items - his opinion is contained in a letter now accompanying MS 610.
        The first fragment is part of a letter from 'your disciples & se[rvants?] to suffer with you: EL, AD [Andrew Duncan?], IC [Isaac Casaubon?], et cet.', which may have been written to Andrew Melville while he was imprisoned in England, which would date the documents to c 1609. Donaldson states that the text makes reference to what seems to be the Act of Revocation of 1625 and could relate to the opposition of Scottish Presbyterians to Charles I in that year.
        The second fragment is part of a draft of a petition from Scotland against the attempt to re-establish episcopacy in Scotland, c 1609. Donaldson's view is that the terminology used associates it with the National Covenant of 1638.

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        Emperor Ferdinand I: letter (1562)
        GB 0096 AL149 · Arquivo · 1562

        Letter from Emperor Ferdinand I of Prague to the Judge and Councillor of Enns, 10 May 1562. Refusing a petition, sent by his son Maximilian, for the closing down of a church.

        Written in another hand and signed by the Emperor.

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        Legal commonplace book, [1708-1732]
        GB 0096 MS 807 · [1708-1732]

        Legal commonplace book, [1708-1732], containing miscellaneous memoranda, mainly relating to ecclesiastical courts, including the following:

        1. Tables of fees, including those payable to officials in the archdeaconry of Leicester (c 1708); visitation fees; 'Fees due to the Clerk of the Peace and other Officers at the General Quarter Sessions of the Peace'; fees taken by Proctors at Norwich and Leicester and by officials of the archdeaconry of Sudbury; lists of stationery required for legal transactions, available at 'Mr. Moley's near the Cross in Bury St Edmunds'; and 'Mr. Nelsons account of artificers servants & labourers wages etc', giving 61 occupations.
        2. List of deaneries in Norfolk and Suffolk giving the churches in each, and the apparitors of each deanery, with a 'Table of fees where the court proceeds of its own accord', and a note of activities of Mr. Clagett in 1732.
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        GB 0096 MS 815 · 14th century

        Premonstratensian Breviary from the abbey of Parc, diocese of Liège (now in the diocese of Malines, Belgium), with a calendar of folios 3-8v.

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        Murdoch, Iris (1919-1999): Letters to Sugana Ramanathan
        GB 2108 KUAS9 · Coleção · c1981-c1995

        Papers of Iris Murdoch, c 1981-c 1995, comprising letters to Sugana Ramanathan, responding initially to Ramanathan's letter expressing interest in Murdoch's books, which later developed into a literary friendship. The letters discuss Jesuits and a Jesuit College (presumably in India) and Murdoch's interest in this, as she has had 'many highly intelligent Jesuit pupils'; describe their first meeting, and reflect on Murdoch's works including the Gifford lectures.

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        Cardinal Herbert Vaughan papers
        GB 2254 HCV · sub-fonds · 1832-c1966

        The collection comprises material and memorabilia of Cardinal Herbert Vaughan, including:
        Papers from 1832 to 1903, including pastoral letters and correspondence relating to his acquisition of The Tablet and his notebooks and sermon notes.
        Material relating to Vaughan and his family including books by, relating to and about Vaughan, books by and about the Vaughan family, biographical material, books of cuttings from local and national newspapers, collected by Vaughan's Mill Hill neighbour Caroline Hanmer and relating to Vaughan and his work, and other newspaper cuttings.
        Artefacts and personal effects such as Vaughan's bishop's hat.
        Other material such as material relating to the 1966 centenary of the founding of St Joseph's Society of the Sacred Heart for Foreign Missions, and miscellaneous material such as publications on Westminster Cathedral, and information on 18th and 19th century English Catholics.

        Publications include bound volumes of mission magazines left by Vaughan, such as: Annals of the Propagation of the Faith (1838-1902) and Illustrated Catholic Missions (a monthly publication that Vaughan helped to found in 1885; incomplete).

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        Digby Stuart College
        GB 99999 Digby Stuart · [1672]-2001

        Records of Digby Stuart College, comprising: Minutes of Governors' Meetings, 1874-1953; Student registers, 1874-1938; staff registers, 1886-1956; College Journal, 1911-1939, 1960-1968; Studies Journal, 1904-1968; papers relating to teaching practice and school visits, 1924-1953; papers relating to examinations, [1874-1939], including schedules and results; Inspectors' reports, 1874-1909; papers relating to the University of London Delegacy, 1932-1949, including the McNair Report, 1944; papers relating to the Missionary Sisters Course, 1931-1940, including the setting up and the running of the course, the syllabus, brochures, lecture material and a register of students; Warden's Book (West Hill), 1954-1967; papers relating to the Old Students' Association (later the Digby Stuart Association), 1874-1973, notably registers of old students, 1874-1957; rules and lists, 1874-1935; minutes, 1966-1975; material relating to Decade Lunches, 1956, 1969-1974; secretaries book, 1874-1961; newsletters, 1946-1954, 1970-1995; copies of St Charles' Chronicle, 1922-1945; copies of The Chronicle, 1920-1969; reports, 1946-1954; material relating to student activities, including copies of Prism, 1962-1966, Fleet, 1963, and Those Days, [1984]; papers relating to the Student Union, notably handbooks, 1972-1988; and press cuttings concerning student activity, [1980s-1990s]; papers relating to the College Centenary, 1974, including liturgies, committee papers, correspondence and press cuttings; scrapbook containing photographs and memorabilia, 1935-1946; material concerning conferences and meetings, 1982-1990s; material relating to buildings, notably Shaw House and the Jubilee Wing, [1994-1996]; papers relating to the College Chaplaincy, 1970-2000; material on the Roehampton Institute of Higher Education, 1973-2001, including annual reports, 1980-1994, press cuttings, 1974-1999, trust deeds, 1977-1978, and prospectuses, 1975-1995; papers relating to the constituent colleges pre and post RIHE, [1970-2001].
        There are also working papers of several principals of Digby Stuart College namely:
        Papers of Sister Mary Kathleen Richardson (Principal 1948-1969), comprising papers on subjects including three year training, the Robbins Report, the Committee of Principals of Roman Catholic Colleges, the University of London visitations, and the Association of Catholic Teacher-College Students (ACTS); as well as Academic Board minutes, 1956-1967, and documents on the governance and maintenance of the College.
        Papers of Sister Dorothy Bell (Principal 1969-1989), including papers of the Committee of Principals of Roman Catholic Colleges; minutes and papers of the Academic Board and Academic Council, 1968-1988; correspondence on the governance of the College and the site, 1968-1982; papers relating to the Roehampton Institute of Higher Education, 1975-1987; College staff lists, [1966-1987]; lists of student numbers, 1968-1974, student nuns, 1969-1983, and exam results, 1969-1988; Annual Reports, 1971-1977; papers relating to involvement in Provincial matters, 1968-1973; papers of College Governors meetings, 1971-1989; papers of the Senate, 1975-1984; papers of the RIHE Council, 1975-1986; minutes and papers of various College committees, 1976-1989.
        Papers of Sister Bernadette Porter (Principal 1989-1999), comprising papers of the Committee of Principals of Roman Catholic Colleges, 1990-1992 and the Council of Church and Associated Colleges, 1988-1992; papers of the Senate, 1989-1992; papers of the Committee of Principals, 1990-1991 and the RIHE Collegiate Committee, 1990-1996; minutes and papers of various College committees, 1990-1993; papers of the RIHE Council, 1989-1999; and papers of College Governors meetings, 1989-1998.

        The College records are only a part of the English Provincial Archive of the Society of the Sacred Heart, which contains a large collection of archival material relating to convents, colleges and training schools founded by the Society. These records include papers of Cannington Priory Church and Convent, [1843-1975]; the convent at Roscrea, Ireland, [1842-1884], the first foundation in the British Isles; the convent at Woldingham, Roehampton, [1842-1992], including material relating to Woldingham School; the convent at West Hill, Wandsworth, 1874-1975, including papers relating to attached schools; the convent in St Charles' Square, 1905-1946, and Roehampton, 1946-1992, including papers relating to attached schools, [1906-1994]; the convent at Hammersmith, [1672-1994], including papers of the attached schools; the convents at Blackheath and Goodrington, [1903-1975], and Leamington, [1913]; the convent at Bonchurch, [1904-1975]; the convent at Tunbridge Wells, [1915-1973], with material relating to the training school; the convent at Oxford, [1902-1972]; the convent at Fenham, Newcastle, [1828-1998], including a history of the site and material concerning the attached schools and St Mary's Training College; and papers relating to small communities at Gateshead, Burnham, Bexhill, Blyth and Southall, [1984-2000]. The Provincial Archive also holds the papers of AMASC (World Association of the Alumnae of the Sacred Heart), NASHE (National Association of the Sacred Heart, England and Wales) and associated groups, 1957-1995.

        There is a large collection of photographs relating to all of the above, as well as historical material relating to the Roehampton area, [1724-1995], mainly relating to buildings owned and including plans, deeds, and specifications relating to 'Roehampton House' (now Queen Mary's Hospital) and 'Parkstead' (now Manresa House); historical material relating to Wimbledon and Putney.

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        Warren, W H
        GB 0102 CIM/PP 28-33 · 1903-1940

        Papers, 1903-1940, of the Rev W H Warren, comprising four station reports from Shaohsing, 1903-1914; two printed China Inland Mission reports from Shanghai, 1931; Warren's manuscript account of an attack by pirates on a mission party travelling from Shanghai to Chefoo schools (Yantai), 1935; typescript report on events in China and their implications for missionary work, 1937; typescript report from Shanghai, 1940; Nosu hymnbook, undated.

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        Liberty, Eric and Edith
        GB 0102 CIM/PP 38-92 · 1887, 1920-1980s

        Papers, 1887, 1920-1980s, of Eric and Edith Liberty, comprising letters received, 1947-1978; papers relating to Eric Liberty's funeral, 1971; notes, 1920-1979 and undated, including Bible and devotional notes, sermons, and autobiographical notes; articles, 1887, 1950-1952 and undated, including The Gospel Magazine; undated book of Chinese characters; three audio tapes, [1967], 1973 and undated, including a church service and sermons; China Inland Mission badge; undated chart comparing religious and agricultural calendars; undated posters and painted cloths, including Christian subjects; papers relating to Edith Liberty and her estate, 1980s; ten photograph albums and over 400 loose photographs, 1923-1973 and undated, the subjects including the Libertys and their family, congregations and churches, and places in Taiwan, the Philippines, China and Singapore.

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        Mackenzie, John
        GB 0102 CWM/LMS Africa Personal Box 2 · 1858-1899

        Correspondence, 1858-1899 and undated, of John Mackenzie while in southern Africa, including his work in Bechuanaland and at Hankey, comprising letters received and copies or drafts of letters sent, the subjects including travel, missionary work, other missionaries, finance and personnel, and events in South Africa, including colonial jurisdiction.

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        Campbell, John
        GB 0102 CWM/LMS Africa Personal Boxes 3, 5 · 1772-1840

        Papers, 1772-1840, of and relating to John Campbell, concerning his family, life and work and comprising miscellaneous papers, including certificates and handbills, 1772-1829; miscellaneous correspondence, 1784-1818; correspondence on Campbell's death, 1840; notes for sermons, 1826 and undated; notes on Campbell from the Dictionary of National Biography and genealogy, undated; original sketches from his South African travels, 1813 and undated, and illustrations from his published accounts of his travels, 1815, 1822; proof copy of An Account of the London Missionary Society, c1823; a tract, A Brief Comparison ... of Popery and Protestantism [author unknown; after 1791], with a notebook cover containing odd notes, undated; notebook containing diary entries on an London Missionary Society (LMS) deputation to Norfolk, 1806; New Testament (Edinburgh, 1802) inscribed by John Campbell, 1803, and with a note by him, dated 1839, describing how he preached from it extensively, from Orkney to Cornwall and at the Cape of Good Hope; a tract for children, Cuff, the Negro Boy [by John Campbell, undated].

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        Clements, Marjorie
        GB 0102 CWM/LMS China Personal Box 13 · 1930-1933

        Letters, 1930-1933, of Marjorie Clements from northern China, largely to Mrs J May, including observations on her missionary work and on Chinese life.

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