Religious reform

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Religious reform

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8 Archival description results for Religious reform

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BELFIELD, Dorothea Edith
GB 106 7DEB · Fonds · 1930s

The archive consists of a certificate of appointment as Deaconess in the Parishes of Mere with West Knoyle in the County of Wiltshire and Diocese of Salisbury, 30 Jan 1933; correspondence with the Diocesan Registry, Salisbury to Deaconess Belfield; copy of her Assent to the 39 Articles, Jan 1937; press cutting relating to Dorothea Belfield's status and office and to the debate bout the status, role and office of deaconess, as opposed to deacon, within the Church.

Belfield , Dorothea Edith , fl 1933-1940 , deaconess
DENBY, Isobel (fl 1905-1912)
GB 106 7IDE · Fonds · 1912

The archive consists of entitled 'Unconventional Talks with a Modern DD' this typescript collated letters and reflections spanning 1905-1911 and was published in 1912. Addressed to a friend who was a clergyman (DD = Doctor of Divinity) the letters are critical of the Church's teaching with regard to women: in addition to suggesting revision of the Marriage Service they recommended reconsideration of women's place in the economic system and role within the Church Ministry. The letters show that after a woman friend had been deputized to cool the relationship, Isobel said farewell to her 'mentor' in Feb 1911.

Denby , Isobel , fl 1905-1912 , writer
GB 0074 ACC/3529 · Collection · 1888-1985

Records relating to the Liberal Jewish Synagogue and the Jewish Religious Union, consisting of the working papers and sermons of Israel Mattuck, Lily Montagu, Claude Montefiore and Leslie Edgar. The records do not deal exclusively with their roles within the Liberal Jewish movement, but cover a range of their activities. Some more personal correspondence also exists within the collection. There are also some papers of the Jewish Religious Union, including history and press cuttings.

Jewish Religious Union Mattuck, Israel , 1883-1954 , rabbi and founder of Liberal Judaism Montagu, Lily , 1873-1963 , founder of the Jewish Religious Union Montefiore, Claude , 1858-1938 , founde of Anglo-Liberal Judaism Edgar, Leslie , 1905-1984 , rabbi and minister of Liberal Jewish Synagogue
GB 0074 A/LIB · Collection · 1554-1956

Records of the British Anti-State Church Association, later known as the Society for the Liberation of Religion from State-Patronage and Control or the Liberation Society. Records include minutes of the Executive Committee and the Parliamentary Committee; reports and memoranda; annual reports; lists of members, officers and executive; correspondence relating to legacies; financial records; leases for offices; legal opinions; papers relating to burial grounds; copies of relevant Acts of Parliament; printed material such as publications, magazines, addresses, circulars and pamphlets; photographs; and press cuttings.

British Anti-State Church Association , 1844-1853 Society for the Liberation of Religion from State-Patronage and Control x Liberation Society
GB 0096 MS302 · Fonds · 1626-1644

Contains the following items: ff 1-7, 118-119: 'Divine Paradoxes or seeminge Contradictions in Christianitye'; 1644 ff 10-114: 'Sermons concerning the necessity and manner of divine invocation: wherein is taught how our Prayers may be made acceptable unto God, comfortable to our selves', 1626.

Palmer , Herbert , 1601-1647 , Puritan writer
GB 106 5SMW · Fonds · 1938-2004

The archive consists of:

  • Administrative papers (1964-2004)

  • minutes of Annual General Meetings and related papers (1977-2004)

  • minutes of Executive Committee meetings (1938-2000)

  • Financial papers (1982-2004)

  • Papers relating to the Ecumenical Network of Women's Ministries (2003-2004)

  • Publications (1966-2004)

Society for the Ministry of Women in the Church
GB 0074 LMA/4429 · Collection · 193--2002

Records of the Union of Liberal and Progressive Synagogues (ULPS), dealing mainly with the creation of the new version of the prayer book Service of the Heart which was published in 1995. Rabbi John Rayner edited the new edition with Rabbi Chaim Stern as co-editor. Rabbi Julia Neuberger chaired the anthology committee. As well as aiming to combine general Jewish tradition with Progressive Jewish thought the editors wished to respond to changes in Jewish outlook in the late twentieth century. The use of language, in particular gender sensitivity, was carefully examined.

Other records include minutes and correspondence of the Federation of Womens' Societies Executive Committee and papers relating to ULPS educational courses.

Union of Liberal and Progressive Synagogues