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          13 Archivistische beschrijving results for Revolutions

          Spanish Civil War
          GB 0097 COLL MISC 0091 · Collectie · 1936-1939

          Collection of periodicals, leaflets, newsletters and other publications relating to the Spanish Civil War, comprising of a large proportion of nationalist and republican propaganda, which itself includes photographs, statistics and official statements.

          Zonder titel
          GB 0097 TAWNEY · Collectie · 1890s-1961

          Lecture notes, both handwritten and typescript for Tawney's courses on economic history, 1485 - 1800; on English economic history in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries; on the seventeenth century given at Oxford (Ford) and Chicago; on seventeenth century English history; for Denmark and Sweden, October - November 1951; for London School of Economics, January - March 1952, and lectures for Bristol; drafts of chapters for a book on Cranfield; notes and talks on the French Revolution given at Longton, 1910 - 1913; for classes or lectures on nineteenth century economic history; on nineteenth century agriculture, given at LSE; for classes or lectures on nineteenth century economic history; on early nineteenth century reform movements and handloom weavers; public lectures given in Chicago, 1939; various lectures given in the USA, 1941 - 1942; on education; regarding reform of Oxford and Cambridge; papers and memoranda on education; papers and notes on the Labour Party and education; papers for a proposed biography of Sidney Webb; papers found interleaved in books from his library sold to the University of East Anglia; and papers deposited by Dr J.M.Winter on behalf of J.M.K.Vyvyan.

          Further accessions have been added to this collection:

          TAWNEY/ADD. 37 boxes of research notes, correspondence and other papers, 1890s-1960s.

          TAWNEY/II. 102 boxes and 2 volumes: research notes and extracts from sources by Tawney and his research assistants; a few lecture notes; draft articles; correspondence from research assistants, academics and others. Much of the material is undated, but mostly 1910s-1960s.

          TAWNEY/VYVYAN. 18 boxes of personal and family papers of R H Tawney and his wife, Jeannette, 1890s-1961, including: correspondence with family, friends, associates, W H Beveridge and Albert Mansbridge; education papers; commonplace book; and, photographs.

          Zonder titel
          GB 0074 CLC/100 · Collectie · 1788-1793

          Membership list of the Revolution Society in London.

          Zonder titel
          GB 0122 Series B · Reeks · 1293-1889

          Supplementary historical papers, 1293-1889, comprising:

          1 Copy of the charter and statutes of the Vicars Choral of Wells, c 1591.

          2 Volume containing Acta of Archbishops of Canterbury, Robert Winchelsea, 1293-1313; Walter Reynolds, 1313-1327 and Simon Islip, 1349-1366 and heresy presentations in the diocese of Norwich, c 1430.

          3 Volume of letters of Bishop Robert Gradwell, whilst Rector of the English College, Rome, 1817-1828, chiefly to Bishop William Poynter.

          4-5 Volumes containing copies of letters of Bishop Thomas Griffiths, 1837-1847.

          6 Papers of Capt Barker on the Catholic Revival, 1676-1683 and papers of Henry Browne, Secretary of State to James II in exile at St. Germain, chiefly between France and England, c 1689-1691.

          7 Papers relating to the Stuarts, notably James II, 1692-1695, 1711-1713 and 1717-1719.

          8-13 Copies of papers and transcripts gathered by the antiquarian John Kirk when researching a continuation of Charles Dodd's Church History of England (1737-42).

          14 Official printed material relating to the Beatification of St John Fisher, St Thomas More and others, 1866.

          15 Writings of Bishop Richard Challoner and John Kirk's copy of Challoner's Spiritual Letters.

          16 Letters from the French Clergy, following the French Revolution, chiefly to Bishop John Douglass, 1792-1798.

          17 Papers of Bishop Douglass chiefly concerning nuns, 1788-1805.

          18 Papers relating to the Chapter of St Peter, Rome, [by Canon Richard Howard], 1714-1720.

          19 Petition of thanks to Pope Pius IX from the Laity of Westminster and Southwark, following the restoration of the Hierarchy, 1850.

          20 Draft letters of Bishop William Poynter, 1812-1827.

          24-27 Volumes of correspondence of the Roman Agents 1578-1636.

          28 Volume of contemporary catalogues of the English martyrs, 17th century.

          29 Letters and papers of William Howard and a few earlier family papers, c 1633-1680.

          30 Letters of Bishop Robert Gradwell at Rome, 1817-1827.

          31 Manuscript volume of Thomas Worthington's catalogue of martyrs, 1614, and copies of other papers concerning martyrs.

          32 Volume containing transcriptions of documents in the Magliabecchiana Library, c 1549-1625.

          33-46 Epistolae Variarum, 1701-1784, letters from Rome to the Vicars Apostolic.

          47 Volume of Roman Agency papers, 1625 with some miscellaneous papers, 1605-1715.

          48 Volume of papers of the Roman Agency and papers of [Christopher] Bagshaw, 1590-1790.

          49 Volume of draft letters of Bishop William Poynter, [1806]-1814.

          50-55 Claims for the recovery of the Douai property and for compensation and correspondence with the English Commissioners, c 1814-1830.

          56-57 Process for the English martyrs at Rome, 1888-1889.

          Zonder titel
          Janstein, Elizabeth von
          GB 0096 MS 1080 · 1937-1939

          Comprising 120 photographs illustrating French costume during the revolutionary period and relating to the history of cravattes at this time, compiled by Janstein in her research on the subject (n.d.); Typescript draft of an article on Rose Bertin by Janstein (11pp) (in German) (n.d.); Two copies of the periodical, Ciba-Rundschau containing articles on French revolutionary costume (Issues 26 and 35) (June 1938 and March 1939); Copy of the periodical, Ciba Zeirschrift containing articles on French revolutionary costume (Issue 52) (December 1937).

          Zonder titel
          Pare, William
          GB 0096 MS 578 · 1819-1855

          Scrapbook of material, printed and manuscript, by and relating to Robert Owen, collected and in part copied by William Pare, and annotated by him throughout, 1819-1855. The manuscript items include:
          Copy by Pare of a receipt, 4 Aug 1819, for £500 from Robert Owen to Edward Augustus, Duke of Kent, annotated by Pare in 1872.
          Copy of a letter from Pare to Owen, 1829.
          Copy of letter from Owen to Sir Robert John Wilmot-Horton, 3rd Bt, 1831, with a covering letter from H. Belstead to Pare of 1839.
          Notes made from the Leeds Mercury, [1833-1834], written in ink over pencilled jottings (in Pare's hand?) on single leaf of an account book.
          Account by Pare of a visit by Owen on 21 Mar 1834 to female convicts at Newgate prison about to be transported, written on a manuscript copy of Owen's address to them.
          Holograph draft of Owen's address 'to the government and population of the United States of North America', 6 June 1837.
          Two architectural plans of Harmony Hall, East Tytherley, Hampshire, 1839.
          Letter from Dr. John Borthwick Gilchrist to Owen, 21 Mar 1839.
          Holograph draft by Owen of the address of the Congress of the Association of All Classes of All Nations, and of the National Community Friendly Society to the General Convention of the Industrious Classes 'now sitting at Birmingham', 16 May 1839.
          Holograph draft by Owen beginning 'The influence which may be obtained by society over the young mind', 1839.
          Holograph draft by Owen of his address 'to intending emigrants and those who are dissatisfied with the present condition of society', 1839.
          Single sheet headed 'Social Congress' and endorsed 'Journal', being an account of proceedings of the Congress of the Association of All Classes, 1839.
          Incomplete holograph draft of address made by Owen on 'home colonization', at the Birmingham Congress [of the Association of All Classes], 25 May 1839.
          Draft of Pare's address to Owen on his 68th birthday, 1839, with Owen's holograph reply.
          Extract from The Chronicle, 18 Nov 1841.
          Draft inscriptions, partly in Owen's hand, for the towers at Harmony Hall, 1841.
          Memorial to Owen from the unemployed tradesmen of Glasgow, 15 Dec 1842.
          Copy by Pare of a description of Owen in the Aberdeen Banner, 31 Dec 1842.
          'Twelve question to be answered, according to promise, by Mr Owen in Mr Robertson's Hall this present evening', 30 Dec 1842.
          Incomplete holograph draft by Owen on 'Causes remote and proximate of the present evils of society', [1843].
          Letter of John Finch to Owen, 9 Mar 1843.
          'Address [to Queen Victoria] of the members of branch 63 of the Rational Society and the inhabitants of Tower Hamlets in a public meeting assembled at their institution, Whitechapel, 10 Apr 1843, with covering letter by the Secretary, Thomas Marshall, to Owen, 15 Apr 1843.
          Copy of the petition to Queen Victoria by the inhabitants of Halifax, 1843.
          Bill made out to Owen for his stay at the Royal Hotel, Dundee, from 3-9 Jan, with his own annotations.
          'Address to her most gracious Majesty, from a meeting called by public advertisement, in Sydney's Building, Bradford, 16 Feb 1843, signed by Owen who acted as chairman.
          Address to Queen Victoria by the Congress of the Rational Society, 25 May 1843, signed by Owen as President of the Society.
          Address of the participants of the first Concordium, held at Allcott House, Ham Common, Surrey, 28 Apr 1843, with 17 signatures.
          Copy of two letters to The Times from Samuel Wilderspin, concerning infant schools, 6 Aug 1846.
          Copies of letters by Owen to George William Frederick Howard, Viscount Morpeth (later 7th Earl of Carlisle), on progress in the United States, and to Henry George Grey, 3rd Earl Grey, on 'education and employment of the industrious classes', 1846.
          Holograph draft of an address by Owen on 'The requisites for the permanent happiness of mankind', [1848].
          Copy of a letter from Owen to [William] Cox, written from Paris and describing the revolution, June 1848.
          Letter from William Offord to Owen, concerning members of Offord's family living with William Evans, 8 May 1855.
          Incomplete holograph draft by Owen beginning 'The distress of the country has increased, is increasing, and ought to be diminished', [1848].
          Draft [by Owen] entitled 'The convictions of Robert Owen, founder of the Rational System of Society, on the past, present and future state of the population of the world'.
          Anecdote about the reaction of Thomas Say, Professor of Natural History, on reading Owen's works while in North America, [1851].
          Silhouette sketch of Owen signed by Augustin Amant Constant Fidele Edouart, 1838.
          Miscellaneous printed items include: sketches of Owen, prints of New Lanark, memorial card and order of Owen's funeral procession, printed programme of the 100th anniversary of his birth, 16 May 1871, and newspaper cuttings.

          Zonder titel
          Bradby, Godfrey Fox
          GB 0096 MS 924/57-63 · c1914

          The collection, c 1914 contains notes and transcripts of letters made by Godfrey Fox Bradby on the French Revolution.

          Zonder titel
          GB 0096 MS1148 · Archief · 1794-1807

          French revolutionary pamphlets collection comprises pamphlets by the Interior Ministry, the Police Ministry and other official bodies in the French republic. Pamphlet by the Chief of Police Sotin warns citizens that the enemies of the revolution are regrouping (c1794). A pamphlet of 1795 also urges vigilance.

          Zonder titel
          GB 0097 HARRISON · 1840-1931

          Correspondence to and from Frederic and Ethelberta Harrison, including family correspondence and photocopies of Harrison's correspondence with Edward Spencer Beesly; Frederic Harrison's writings and speeches, including diaries on subjects such as the cotton famine in Lancashire, essays on subjects such as positivism, peoples education and the French Revolution, autobiographical notes, and ephemera; and press cuttings.

          Zonder titel
          HANS, Nicholas (1888-1969)
          GB 0366 NH · Collectie · 1906-1969

          Papers of Nicholas Hans, including drafts of published works and manuscripts of unpublished essays and other writings; notebooks, including from his time at the University of Odessa, 1907-1912; correspondence, 1925-1969; personalia, including certificates and letters of reference and appointment, 1906-1969; papers relating to his position during the Russian Revolution of 1917; papers relating to teaching, 1948-1966; conference papers, 1936-1966; some collected papers by colleagues.

          Zonder titel
          GB 0096 AL155 · Archief · 1830

          Letter form Henry Peter Brougham of York to T Hodgkin, Esq, of 5 Brunswick Terrace, Pentonville, [London], 5 Aug 1830. Written on the eve of Brougham's election as one of the four MPs for Yorkshire: 'I have not the least shadow of a claim to sit for this immense county except my principles and my known devotion to them.' Refers to the July Revolution in France: 'Never was such a death blow dealt to tyranny and priestcraft, never such a severe lesson inflicted on our own infatuated rulers ...'. Autograph, with signature.

          Zonder titel
          PAINE, Thomas (1737-1809)
          GB 0372 PAINE · Archief · 1812-1928

          Collection of material relating to the life and work of Thomas Paine collected by Hypatia Bradlaugh-Bonner, including: letters to Hypatia Bradlaugh-Bonner regarding Thomas Paine's works, lectures by Bradlaugh-Bonner and a dinner of the Thomas Paine Natural Historical Association,1909 - 1928; four notebooks and one essay on the subject of Thomas Paine, by Hypatia Bradlaugh Bonner, and a memorandum by a "J.H." on the difficulty of accuracy re: the life of Thomas Paine, 1909-1910; pamphlets, 1810-1909; photographs, postcards and prints, c1905; and press cuttings, 1812-1923. (1812-1928).

          Zonder titel
          Jones, Edward Alfred
          GB 0096 MS 925 · c1930

          Transcripts and documents made by Jones for his book on the American loyalists, The Loyalists of Massachusetts: Their memorials, petitions and claims (St Catherine Press, 1930).

          Zonder titel