Board minutes of the General Accident and Guarantee Company Limited.
The minutes are held off-site and require 24 hours notice for access.
General Accident and Guarantee Co LtdBoard minutes of the General Accident and Guarantee Company Limited.
The minutes are held off-site and require 24 hours notice for access.
General Accident and Guarantee Co LtdExplanatory booklet regarding the 'Friends Provident Pension Scheme', 2000.
Friends Provident Group plc , life and pensions companyRecords of the Fine Art and General Insurance Company Limited comprising Board minute books, Committee minute books and general meeting minute books.
They are held off-site and require 24 hours notice for access.
Fine Art and General Insurance Co LtdCopies of Bills, Acts of Parliament and statutory instruments relating to the Festival of Britain and the Festival Pleasure Gardens; memorandum and articles of association; alteration of the articles of association by chartered accountants; report by chartered accountants on financial administration; prospectus, brochure and guides to the Festival Pleasure Gardens; signed visitor's book; register of members of the company and books of share certificates; minutes of the Board of Directors; minutes of Committees; minutes of and papers presented at Annual General Meetings; Chairman's report on future of the Gardens; notes of meetings with London County Council representatives; papers on estimates and budgets; notes on investigations into the affairs of the company; leader of London County Council's papers as Director; Finance Officers files including accounting procedures, audit reports, budgets, statistics, fees and estimates; general correspondence files including applications for concessions, circulars, notices, opening day events, publicity and special events; papers regarding construction work and the delay in opening, including the Clerk of Works diaries; papers relating to the winding up of the company including liquidator's papers; contracts with entertainments, entertainers, concessions and catering; statistics, including turnstile takings, rides and shows takings and daily returns; financial accounts including balance sheets, journals, ledgers and summaries; plans of the layout of the gardens and the construction of attractions and charts of financial comparisons.
Chairman and Managing Director's files and correspondence on a variety of topics including the Beer Garden, catering, entertainments pier, maintenance and miniature railways; General Manager's files regarding the Guinness Clock; General Manager's correspondence with businesses including Aerated Bread Company, Floral Crown, Franco British Electrical Signs, National Car Parks, Royal Family Models, Thames Passenger Owners Association and Walls Ice Cream; Secretary's files on a variety of subjects including accident claims, appointment of Directors, attendance figures, Board of Trade, catering, contracts and agreements, correspondence, designers, insurance, London Electricity Board, London County Council, Metropolitan Water Board, North Thames Gas Board, Public Accounts Committee, staffing, and HM Treasury; general files relating to accidents, accounting, art exhibitions, the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), catering, British-American Novelty Company, Brylcream, budgets, closing the Gardens, commission and sales, the crown jewels, conditions of employment, flying cars, solicitors, banking, car parks, miniature railway, statistics, wages and salaries, weekly summaries and works orders.
Festival Gardens LimitedRecords of insurance brokers Fenning and Shepard, comprising annual abstracts of balances, which were drawn from company ledgers 'A' and 'B' (whereabouts now unknown).
Fenning and Shepard , insurance brokers and underwritersThe Farmers and General Fire and Life Insurance and Loan and Annuity Company collection primarily comprises minutes, but also includes some constitutional documents, examples of policies and other administrative records.
Farmers and General Fire and Life Insurance and Loan and Annuity CoDirectors' minute book of the Farmers and Gardeners Hailstorm Insurance Company.
Farmers and Gardeners Hailstorm Insurance CoEssex and Suffolk Insurance Company Limited records comprise board minutes and agendas 1907-1909 (Mss 16193-4) and a register of applications for and allotment of shares 1907 (Ms 16192).
Essex and Suffolk Insurance Co LtdEssex and Suffolk Accident Indemnity Society records comprise board minutes and agendas 1907-9 (Mss 16193-4) and a register of applications for and allotment of shares 1907 (Ms 16192).
Essex and Suffolk Accident Indemnity SocietyRecords of the Equitable Reversionary Interest Society including out-letter books; deeds of settlement; minute books; annual reports; ledgers; registers of valuations of reversions; registers of recoveries; and registers of debentures.
Equitable Reversionary Interest SocietyRecords of the Equitable Life Assurance Society spanning 1803 to 1976; with records of associated societies the Equitable Reversionary Interest Society (spanning 1835 to 1976); the Reversionary Interest Society (spanning 1823 to 1982) and the University Life Assurance Society (spanning 1825 to 1957).
Society for Equitable Assurances on Lives and Survivorships Equitable Life Assurance Society Equitable Reversionary Interest Society Reversionary Interest Society University Life Assurance SocietyRecords of the Equitable Gas Light and Coke Company, including endorsement to be made on the deed of settlement, 1835; supplemental deed of settlement, 1838; certificate of formal registration of the company, 1844; reports of the Company's Directors; papers relating to legal proceedings and lawsuits; correspondence; agreements and contracts; papers relating to premises owned by the Company in Kensington, Westminster, Pimlico and Chelsea.
Equitable Gas Light and Coke Company , 1831-1871Records of the Equitable Gas Light and Coke Company, 1831-1949, including minutes of Director's meetings; minutes of shareholder meetings; minutes of Committee of Works; minutes of Committee of Accounts and General Purposes; minutes of the Conference of representatives from the Equitable, London and Chartered Gas Light Companies; deed of settlement; site plan of gasworks; legal case papers and press cuttings.
Equitable Gas Light and Coke Company , 1831-1871Minute books of the Engineering Offices Association, an association of engineering insurers.
Engineering Offices Association , association of engineering insurersRecords from the Marine Department of the Edinburgh Assurance Company Limited, comprising registers of vessels, casualty books, loss report books, and salvage books.
Edinburgh Assurance Co LtdEconomic Life Assurance Society records comprise constitutional documents, minutes and other financial and administrative material.
Economic Life Assurance SocietyRecords of the Tottenham and District Gas Company, 1847-1959, including register of shareholders and stockholders; minutes of shareholders' meetings; minutes of directors' meetings; out-letter book of board of directors; reports of the chief engineer and general manager to the directors, containing details of coal stocks, gas consumption, laying of mains, etc.
Reports of the managing director to the directors, incorporating those of both the chief engineer and the gas sales manager; reports of the secretary to the directors; files of printed Acts and Orders and correspondence; financial and accounting records; staff records and estimate and bill of costs for the extension of showrooms and offices at 639 High Road, Tottenham.
Records of the Southgate and District Gas Company, 1858-1938, including volume of Acts of Parliament relating to the Gas Companies; registers of shareholders; list of proprietors; registers of debenture stock and of debenture stockholders; register of transfers of stocks and shares; minutes of shareholders' meetings; minutes of directors' meetings; financial and accounting records.
Tottenham and District Gas Company , 1928-1948 Tottenham and Edmonton Gaslight and Coke Company , 1847-1914 Tottenham District Light, Heat and Power Company , 1914-1928 Southgate and District Gas Company , 1858-1938Papers of the East London Waterworks Company relating to water supply and distribution, including Engineers' reports; Engineers' correspondence; volumes of accepted tenders; water supply agreements; Collectors' and Inspectors' letter books; indexes to the locations of meters; rating volumes; accounts; plans and diagrams.
East London Waterworks CompanyStaff records of the East London Waterworks Company, including Officers' guarantees; papers relating to salaries annual holidays and sickness; and staff lists.
East London Waterworks CompanyProperty records of the East London Waterworks Company, including rental ledgers; particulars of land purchases; notices and plans of intended purchase and schedule of deeds.
East London Waterworks CompanyCorporate records of the East London Waterworks Company, including Court of Director's minute books; legal papers; Committee papers; title deeds; correspondence and letter books; papers relating to stocks, shares and debentures; Parliamentary papers; papers relating to royal commissions on water supply; Secretary's files; press cuttings; and plans.
East London Waterworks CompanyFinancial records of the East London Waterworks Company, including general ledgers; journals and cash books; Collectors' accounts volumes; analyses of expenditure volumes; minor financial volumes and rating files.
East London Waterworks CompanyMinute book of the Debris Clearance Pool Committee.
Debris Clearance Pool CommitteeRecords of Noble Lowndes and Partners Ltd including Paul R Dawson's records on Noble Lowndes and Company Limited. Pension Technical Information Service instruction bulletins (1989-1992). Copy article on Noble Frank Lowndes by Hugh Woolhouse from 'Dictionary of Business Biography'. 'Pension Fund Investment' volume edited by A G Shepherd and accompanying correspondence to Paul Dawson from Anthea Nugent.
Dawson , Paul , R , fl 1985-1992 , pensions administratorRecords of the Crystal Palace District Gas Company, later called the South Suburban Gas Company, 1853-1949. The records include deeds of settlement, proprietors' and directors' meeting minutes and committee meeting minutes and a volume relating to a Parliamentary Bill, 1903.
Crystal Palace District Gas Company , 1854-1904 x South Suburban Gas Company , 1904-1949Crown Life Assurance Company records comprise: deed of settlement, 1853; conveyance of assets, 1867; agreement for amalgamation, 1891; rules and regulations, 1825-1873; minutes, 1825-92; and report books, 1870-1890.
Permission to publish any material must be obtained: ask a member of staff for further information.
Crown Life Assurance CoRecords of the County Fire Office Limited, including instructions to agents; deed of constitution; deeds of settlement; papers relating to the takeover by Alliance Assurance Company; minutes; annual reports and accounts; financial records; share registers; specimen policies; correspondence; policy registers; registers of fires in London; staff registers; newsletters; papers relating to office premises; notes on the history of the Company; and photographs.
The archives contain many references to the Provident Life Office, the sister company of the County Fire Office, with which it shared many of its premises and staff.
County Fire Office LtdMinute books and circulars of the Consequential Loss Committee, part of the Fire Offices' Committee. Please note that permission must be obtained from the Association of British Insurers for access to records less than 75 years old. Contact details may be obtained from staff.
Fire Offices' Committee , Consequential Loss CommitteeRecords of the Commercial Union Assurance Company Limited, including minutes, ledgers, journals, letters, and insurance registers. Also records of subsidiary and predecessor companies, including:
Accident Insurance Company;
British and European Insurance Company;
British General Insurance Company;
Edinburgh Assurance Company;
Employers' Liability Assurance Corporation;
Fine Art and General Insurance Company;
General Accident and Guarantee Company;
Guardian Plate Glass Insurance Company;
Hand-in-Hand Fire and Life Insurance Company;
Imperial Live Stock and General Insurance Company;
Indemnity Marine Insurance Company;
Liverpool Victoria Insurance Corporation;
London Amicable Assurance Society;
London and Scottish Assurance Corporation;
Mercantile Fire Insurance Company;
New India Assurance Company;
North British and Mercantile Insurance Company;
Northern Assurance Company;
Ocean Accident and Guarantee Corporation;
Ocean and General Guarantee Company;
Ocean Marine Insurance Company;
Palatine Insurance Company;
Planet Assurance Corporation;
Provident Clerks and General Guarantee and Accident Company;
Railway Passengers Assurance Company;
Scottish Metropolitan Life Assurance Company;
Union Assurance Society;
United Kingdom Life Assurance Company;
Westminster and Kensington Freeholds Limited;
World Auxiliary Insurance Corporation;
World Marine and General Insurance Company.
Records of the Commercial Gas Light and Coke Company, 1844-1949. The records include minutes of directors' meetings, correspondence, half-yearly reports of the company, newspaper cuttings and miscellaneous papers. Also notice of meeting of shareholders of Crystal Palace District Gas Company.
Commercial Gas Light and Coke Company , 1839-1949Records of the Commercial Gas Light and Coke Company, including half yearly report and accounts submitted by the Directors of the Commercial Gas Company to the Proprietors; reports of proceedings of ordinary half yearly meetings; register of stockholders attending ordinary annual meetings of the Commercial Gas Company; original prospectus of the company; bye laws of the company; letters about Robert Jones and copies of articles by and about him; petition presented on behalf of stokers and gas workers; statement of average rates of wages paid during the year to various grades; photograph of the centenary dinner of the company, and two letters from the Rt. Hon. Hugh Gaitskell, M.P., Ministry of Fuel and Power; deed of trust and settlement of the Commercial Gas Light and Coke Company; alphabetical list of shareholders recording their receipt of the first dividend; agreement with other companies as to sphere of influence of the Commercial Gas Light and Coke Company, and indemnity and map; minutes of evidence before committee of inquiry into the company's proposed bill; Act for incorporating the Commercial Gas Light and Coke Company; Act to convert stock of the Commercial Gas Company and insurance policy on the company's works at Jonsons Fields, Stepney.
Commercial Gas Light and Coke Company , 1839-1949Records of the Colombo Gas and Water Company Limited, comprising constitutional documents, minutes and correspondence, share records, accounts and title deeds. It should be noted that CLC/B/054/MS14890 requires proof of identity to see.
Colombo Gas and Water Co Ltd , 1872-1982This collection contains Pension Scheme Explanatory Booklets; 'Rules of the West Somerset and Devon Manufacturing Company Superannuation Fund and Life Assurance Scheme' (1950's); 'Staff Assurance Scheme English Sewing Cotton Company Limited' (1962); 'Pasolds Limited and Subsidiary Companies Retirement Benefits Plan Revised Scheme B' (1969); 'Pasolds Limited and Subsidiary Companies Retirement Benefits Plan Revised Scheme A' (1970); 'Coats Patons Superannuation Fund' (1978) and 'Your Guide Through The Coats Pension Plan' (2007).
Coats Plc , textile manufacturersMinutes and financial records of the Coal Pool, later the Colliery Pool, an association for sharing colliery insurance claims.
Coal Pool , insurance for collieries x Colliery Pool , insurance for collieriesRecords of the City of London Gas Light and Coke Company, 1705-1881, comprising deeds of title and co-partnerships and letters, relating to premises in Water Lane, Pigs Quay Wharf and other premises between Tudor Street and Water Street; and deeds relating to premises between Whitefriars Dock, Victoria Embankment and Tudor Street, near to Dorset Street.
City of London Gas Light and Coke CompanyChurch of England Life and Fire Insurance Trust and Annuity Institution records consist of deeds of settlement, minutes and some financial material.
Church of England Life and Fire Insurance Trust and Annuity InstitutionWater supply and distribution records of the Chelsea Waterworks Company, including engineer's reports; meter inspection reports; storekeeper's reports; water supply aggreements and applications; supply records; meter registers; district water services records; collector's rate books; special supplies records; parish assessments and rates; statistical records; stopcock registers; pipelaying and works records; cartage books; meterological data and water analysis records.
Chelsea Waterworks CompanyRecords of the Chelsea Waterworks Company, including papers relating to steam engines and other machinery; service records of workmen; sick pay regulations; deeds and other legal documents relating to company property; financial accounts; legal case records; Parliamentary papers; licences and historical notes.
Chelsea Waterworks CompanyStaff records of the Chelsea Waterworks Company, including register of employment; wages accounts and wages books.
Chelsea Waterworks CompanyPurchase records of the Chelsea Waterworks Company, including works day books; day books; Pipe Yard day book; stock books; and records relating to the delivery and consumption of coal.
Chelsea Waterworks CompanyProperty records of the Chelsea Waterworks Company, comprising land purchase registers and rent books.
Chelsea Waterworks CompanyGeneral records of the Chelsea Waterworks Company, including correspondence relating to water charges; printed circulars and forms; newspaper cuttings; and reference material.
Chelsea Waterworks CompanyFinancial records of Chelsea Waterworks Company, including annual account books; annual reports; accounts ledgers; journals; cash books; bills books; revenue ledgers; meter accounts; and order books.
Chelsea Waterworks CompanyCorporate records of the Chelsea Waterworks Company, including Court of Directors minute books; General Board minute books; Committee of Accounts and Works minute books; Finance and Audit Committee minute books; Parliamentary Committee minutes; Secretary's report books; agenda books; correspondence; letter books; legal papers; register of stock and share holders; stock and share ledgers and other records; dividend books; registers of wills; bond records; contracts and specifications.
Chelsea Waterworks CompanyRecords of the Chartered Gas Light and Coke Company, 1812-1949, including Director's meeting minutes; Proprietors' Meeting minutes; Committee of Accounts, Finance and Audit minutes; Committee of Works minutes; Committee of Works and Products minutes; Committee of Chemistry and Machinery minutes; Committee of Light and Experiments minutes; Committee on Machinery and Works minutes; Committee on the Provision for Wear and Tear minutes; financial accounts; map of London Gas Companies' Districts; evidence presented to various Committees including Select Committees; proceedings in Parliament relating to the gas companies; and Gas Light and Coke Company's Acts, Charter and Bye-Laws.
Gas Light and Coke Company , 1812-1949 x Chartered Gas Light and Coke CompanyRecords of Chandler, Hargreaves, Whittall and Company Limited, insurance brokers, comprising general correspondence and papers relating to the purchase of the company by Harrisons and Crosfield Limited.
Chandler, Hargreaves, Whittall and Co Ltd , insurance brokersPapers of the Chamber of Ships Insurance relating to the appointment of a French agent to the Chamber.
Chamber of Ships InsuranceLondon Committee minutes of the Central Insurance Company, formerly the Birmingham Mutual Fire and General Insurance Association.
Central Insurance Co x Birmingham Mutual Fire and General Insurance AssociationAccount book of the London Coffee and Eating House Keepers' Benevolent Association (later the Catering Trade's Benevolent Association).
London Coffee and Eating House Keepers' Benevolent AssociationRecords of Catering Services (Newark) Limited, comprising register of seals; one entry only.
Catering Services (Newark) Ltd