Distribución por sexo

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      Términos jerárquicos

      Distribución por sexo

      • Término Específico Sexo

      Términos equivalentes

      Distribución por sexo

      • Usado para Répartition par genre
      • Usado para Clasificación por género

      Términos asociados

      Distribución por sexo

      332 Descripción archivística resultados para Distribución por sexo

      332 resultados directamente relacionados Excluir términos relacionados
      Sue Ward Papers
      GB 0347 D163 · Colección · 1972-1985

      Includes papers and correspondence for: Wandsworth Working Women's Charter Group, 1975-77; Wandsworth Against Corrie's Bill, 1979-1980; National Abortion Campaign local groups, 1975; Wandsworth Women's Aid; Libraries for the Disadvantaged, 1974-75; Holiday Playschemes; Wandsworth Housing Project, 1979-82; County Courthouse development, 1974-78; Law Centres, 1975-77; York Gardens community centre, 1976-78; Wandsworth Housing Aid Society; Wandsworth Poverty Action Group; Channel Tunnel; Wandsworth Against Racism; Wandsworth Rights Umbrella Group papers; Popular Planning Project papers; other correspondence relating to housing, poverty and women's rights.

      Sin título
      DICKINSON, Willoughby Hyett (1859-1943)
      GB 0074 F/DCK · Colección · 1886-1949

      Personal papers of Willoughby Hyett Dickinson, Lord Dickinson of Painwick. These papers reflect Dickinson's interests as a London County Councillor, an MP and a peer, and also his involvement in the London Liberal Federation, of which he was Chairman 1896-1918, the World Alliance for promoting International Friendship through the Churches and the League of Nations Union.

      Sin título
      ASKANASY, Anna Helene
      GB 0106 7AHA · Fondo · c 1950

      The archive consists of a typescript 'The Catastrophe of Patriarchy', volume 1. Described as a 'critical study of the manner in which women under Matriarchy and men under Patriarchy have sought to solve the problems of Earth, Labour and Love', this volume forms Part I of a work whose complete scope is not indicated. In its six chapters, the 'problems' are set out in historical, biological, religious and economic contexts, with the patriarchal solutions found heavily wanting.

      There is an extensive contents list and bibliography: many of the works cited are originally in German.

      Sin título
      RAMSAY, Annie
      GB 0106 7ARA · Fondo · 1913

      The archive consists of a typescript copy of 'The Women's Pilgrimage' - which was a script for a talk given by Annie Ramsay on her part in the 1913 National Union of Women's Suffrage Societies (NUWSS) Pilgrimage from Land's End to London.

      Sin título
      SHARP, Hilda Marjory (1882-1967)
      GB 0106 7HSH · Fondo · [1988]

      The archive consists of a typescript illustrated biography entitled 'The World of an Insignificant Woman' and biographical note, both by Catherine Thackray.

      Sin título
      Sandler, Bernard (1907-1997)
      GB 0120 GC/149 · 1946-1989

      Papers of Bernard Sandler, 1946-1989 including correspondence, reprints and unpublished material on infertility, sex education and allied subjects.

      Sin título
      GB 0120 GC/196 · 1981-1986

      Transcripts of private communications from and interviews with individuals connected with the Central Council for Health Education (CCHE) by Dr GM Blythe, 1981-1986. Correspondents / interviewees include:

      GLC Elliston 18 Aug 1981

      Dr R Sutherland 21 Aug 1981

      Dr C Bibby 23 Aug 1981

      GWH Woodman and I Sutherland 28 Aug 1981

      Dr NC Parfitt 12 Feb 1982

      FS Rowntree 3 Feb 1983

      Sir George Godber 18 Feb 1983

      DS Elliott 10 Sep 1984

      Dr IA McQueen 17 Oct 1984

      Lord Hill of Luton 13 Feb 1985

      L Nicklin 8 May 1985

      G Cranch 23 Dec 1985

      J Pater 28 Jan 1986.

      Sin título
      H24 · Colección · 1911-1987

      Records of the South London Hospital for Women, 1911-1987, including administrative papers, minutes, staff records, nursing records, publicity and fund raising files, photographs, plans, magazines, programmes, scrapbooks and histories. Also minute books of the Clapham Maternity Hospital, later the Annie McCall Maternity Hospital, 1888-1959.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 O/330 · Colección · 1868?-1888?

      Prospectus of Miss Millman's School, dated to between 1868 and 1888. Includes list of teachers.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 ACC/2527 · Colección · 1930-1980

      Records of the Central Women's Section of the Ilford South Labour Party, comprising minutes and a register of members.

      Sin título
      GB 2381 GSES · Colección · [1990]-

      Material created by the University of East London's MA in Gender, Ethnicity and Sexuality to support study, from [1990] to the time of writing, comprising: a series of folders containing academic papers related to gender, ethnicity and sexuality arranged alphabetically by the surname of the author; printed books, articles, periodicals, journals, course materials, statistics, newssheets, conference materials, academic papers and press cuttings. Topics include racism, multiculturalism, feminism, sexuality, religion, the state, society, development, aid, education, health, culture, gender, international organisations, war, community, human rights, nationalism, imperialism, colonialism, migration, refugees, citizenship, ethnicity and indigenous people.

      Sin título
      ROBERTS, Ursula (1887-1971)
      GB 106 7URO · Fondo · 1920-1965

      The archive consists of correspondence with, inter alia, Dr Emil Oberholzer and Dr Maude Royden, arising out of Mrs Roberts' association with the Anglican Group for the Ordination of Women and the interdenominational Society for the Ministry of Women in the Church. Papers of these organisations include memoranda for submission to Lambeth Conferences. Also included are Press cuttings re the ordination of women, and manuscript extracts in English and Latin, from theological writings on the position of women in the Early Church.

      Sin título
      GOLDSTEIN, Vida (1869-1948)
      GB 106 7VDG · Fondo · 1902-1919

      The archive consists of diaries (1902, 1908); albums (1902, 1911); volumes of press cuttings (1900-1937); letter-books (1919); manuscript of article (undated). These refer to her 1902 visit to the United States of America, her 1903 Federal Senate election campaign (Australia) and her 1911 visit to England.

      Sin título
      VICKERS, Phyllis
      GB 106 7VIC · Fondo · 1958

      The archive consists of answers given by Phyllis Vickers to a questionnaire on the 'position of married women in the British civil service', sent to Lady Paton, wife of the vice-chancellor of Melbourne University, at the request of Mary Field (with covering letters). The questionnaire specifically relates to the following issues: the marriage bar, Equal Pay, Equal Access to Jobs, Equal Promotion, maternity leave, superannuation, pension rights, relationships between single and married female employees, absence and punctuality of married women (compared to single women and men), retention and recruitment, grades. Vickers appears to have been a civil service employee, and her answers provide facts about civil service policy mainly gleaned from official literature.

      Sin título
      GB 106 8SUF · Fondo · 1974-1981

      The collection consists of 205 interviews available in digital audio file format and one folder of contextual material relating to the interviews, including essays and reports by Brian Harrison. The digital files are copies of the original oral history interview recordings that are held on reel-to-reel cassette.

      Sin título
      GB 106 9/06 · Fondo · 1913-1963

      The collection contains letters written to members of the Church League for Women's Suffrage, principally Ursula Roberts, connected with fact-finding and the organisation of a conference on the role of women in the Church and the general issue of women's ordination. Letters to Ursula Roberts in 1913 regarding reply to circular questionnaire from: Isabel Basnett (2 letters), Gertrude Francis, Ethel M Davis (2 letters), Miss Clare Portsmouth, William Temple, Edith Clarence, Dr Maude Royden, Mabel Day, Jessie C Barton, Janet B Allen, Ruth Cavendish Bentinck, Irene Batty, GM Gunter, Ethel Fennings, MEJ Taylor, Florence Canning, Mother Gertrude, Miss RL Taylor, Dorothea Layton, MB Alder, Edith de Burgh, EM Griffiths. Papers and letters to Ursula Roberts in 1914 regarding arrangements for a conference in Sep 1914, later postponed until 1917: from Ruth Cavendish Bentinck, Edith Picton Turberville, the Rector of Rampton College Cambridge, Isabel Basnett, Miss Z Fairfield, Janet B Allen (2 letters), GM Gunter, Ethel M Davis (2 letters), Miss Clare Portsmouth, Dr Maude Royden, Jessie C Barton, Janet B Allen, Ruth Cavendish Bentinck, MEJ Taylor, Florence Canning, MB Alder, E Maude Griffiths, Miss IB O'Malley, Agnes Aubrey Hilton, G Tollemache, Dr Jane Walker, Sister Ethel (2 letters), Mabel Fitzroy Hecht, Dorothea Jordan, Mrs Anne Warner Marsh. Papers and letters to Miss Corben in 1914 regarding arrangements for the same conference: Bishop of Kensington (2 letters), Board of Trade (in reply to letter from her also in the collection), Bishop of London. Letters in 1915: to Miss Corben from William Temple, Archbishop of Canterbury (and reply); to Mrs Roberts from Anne Gilchrist, Rev. TB Allworthy. Letters in 1916: to Miss Corben from Bishop of Kensington, Bishop of Willesden, Dr Maude Royden; to Ursula Roberts from Anne Gilchrist (3 letters), Arthur W Robinson, JC Squire, Dr Jane Walker (2 letters), MEJ Taylor (2 letters), Maude Royden (2 letters), Miss Edith Picton Turberville; to Anne Gilchrist from Maude Royden; to Miss Corben from Maude Royden; Ursula Roberts to the Bishop of London, Lady Willoughby de Broke to Dr Maude Royden; paper by Miss MEJ Taylor. Letters in 1917: to Miss Corben from the Archbishop of Canterbury, Bishop of London and Miss GE Hodgeson; to Miss Picton Turberville from the following - Bishop of Southwark, Bishop of Wakefield, Bishop of St Edmundsbury and Ipswich, Bishop of Lichfield (2 letters), Bishop of Newcastle, Bishop of Sheffield, Bishop of Oxford, Bishop of Gloucester (2 letters), Bishop of Ripon, Bishop of Norwich, Bishop of Lincoln, Bishop of St David's, Archbishop of Canterbury, Bishop of Salisbury, Bishop of Ely, Millicent Garrett Fawcett; letters to the Church league for Women's Suffrage from Mr Athelstan Riley and the Earl of Halifax; letters to Ursula Roberts from Rev. FM Green and Edith Picton Turberville; Alfred Fawkes to the Rev Roberts, Lady Montgomery to Miss Glichrist, J Outram Marshall to Rev. CG Langdon and reply, circular letter to all bishops from the Bishop of Willesden and timetable of Quiet Day and conference conducted by Agnes Maude Royden. Letters in 1918: to Church League for Women's Suffrage from Dean Inge of St Paul's (2 letters), Rev HJ Hall, Rev V Holt, Rev. AM Bolland; to Miss Corben from Millicent Garrett Fawcett, Bishop of Lincoln, Maude Royden. Letters in 1919: to Miss Corben from Maude Royden, the Bishop of Kensington, Rev HRL Sheppard, Bishop of Lincoln, Bishop of Oxford; to Miss Picton Turbeville from Rev S Proudfoot (6 letters) and Mrs Knox; to Ursula Roberts from Maude Royden. Letters in 1920: to Miss Corben from the Bishop of Winchester, the secretary of the Bishop of Lincoln, the bishop of Ely, the archbishop of Canterbury and Edward A Welch, the Rector of Southchurch; to Miss Picton Turberville from Rev JEC Welldon, and the Rev. Gage S Green; M Dorothea Jordan to Mrs Roberts, the Bishop of Norwich to the League (2 letters) and the Archbishop of Canterbury to the Bishop of London. Letters in 1921: Secretary of King's College London to the League, Dr Maude Royden to Miss Corben, the Rev. GKA Bell to Miss Corben and Miss Abadam to Mrs Acres. Letters in 1922: Rev GKA Bell to Mrs Acres (2 letters), Lawrence Housman to the CLWS, AG Robinson Archdeacon of Surrey to Mrs Acres. Letters in 1924: Rev Edward Paget to Mrs Acres, Mary Scharlib to Mrs Acres Letters in 1926: Father Lacey to Mrs Acres (2 letters). Letters in 1927: Rev Dick Sheppard to Mrs Acres. Letters in 1928: Sybil Thorndyke to Mrs Acres, Archbishop of Canterbury to Mrs Acres Letters in 1931: John Carl Flugel to Ursula Roberts, Helen Ward to Viscount Cecil, Rev. Alfred Fawkes to Ursula Roberts. Letters in 1932: JK Mozley, Cannon Matthews and SM Payne to Ursula Roberts. Letters in 1933: Marjorie Brierly, Evelyn Underhill, Canon Grensted and Leonard Hodgson to Ursula Roberts.

      Sin título
      GB 106 9/19 · Fondo · 1908-1947

      The collection contains the following: letters from Beatrice Webb to Miss M Lees (1908) on the treatment of infants in Oldham; Sidney Webb to Lady Strachey (1911) on model standing orders form; Beatrice Webb to Cavendish Bentinck (undated), Sidney Webb to CB (1912) on his role as suffragist, his wife's changing attitudes to the question and the Fabian Society; Sidney Webb to Cavendish Bentinck (1913); Ray Strachey to Sidney Webb (1919) asking permission to include name on advisory council with reply written on setting out position via women as 'blackleg' workers; Beatrice Webb to Miss Moore (undated.) on forms for committee membership sent out; card from Sidney Webb to Ray Strachey (1929) to say the copy of the requested publication is on its way and requesting payment); BW to 'Ruth' [Cavendish Bentinck] can't come to stay as too busy with BBC talk.

      Sin título
      GB 106 9/20 · Fondo · 1890-1956

      The collection contains letters to, from and about women who were in the past traditionally perceived to be 'militant suffragettes' and who were involved in direct action as well as other areas of activity. Including Emmeline Pankhurst (18 letters, 1890-1927), Christabel Pankhurst (17 letters, 1904-1956), Adela Pankhurst (1 letter, 1908), Sylvia Pankhurst (19 letters, 1915-1956), Emmeline Pethick-Lawrence (34 letters, 1907-1936), correspondence to, from and related to Myra Sadd-Brown and her imprisonment, including press cuttings, draft letters and propaganda sheet (33 letters, 1911-1927), Charlotte Despard (29 letters, 1907-1928), Teresa Billington Greig (1 letter, 1910), Nina Boyle (1 letter, 1913), MVC Brackenbury(1 letter, 1908), Flora Drummmond (1 letter, 1909), Katherine Gatty (6 letters from prison, 1912), Mary Gawthorpe (2 letters, 1908), Annie Kenney (1 letter, 1907), Jessie Kenney (1 letter, 1961), Nellie Kenney (1 letter, 1908), Eunice Murray (1 summons, 1913), Alison Neilans (3 letters, 1909) and Mary Philips (1 letter, 1968).

      Sin título
      GB 106 PC/03 · [1860-2008]

      The Josephine Butler Society Library is an unrivalled resource for the study of sexuality and public morality from the late nineteenth to the mid twentieth century. This unique collection of books, pamphlets, periodicals, leaflets and, campaigning documents, covers subjects ranging from the regulation of prostitution, venereal disease, social purity, sexuality and public health to criminology, penology, eugenics and population control. Although a small number of individual items continue to be added to the collection by the Josephine Butler Society, the bulk of the printed materials date from the late nineteenth and early to mid twentieth centuries.

      The Josephine Butler Society Library is particularly important because it brings together the Library of the organisation alongside its campaigning literature and business papers. In addition to sources for the study of prostitution and attitudes to sexuality in Britain the collection includes significant amounts of material on slavery, procuring, public health and the armed forces in India. It contains late nineteenth century works on sexology by Havelock Ellis, Bloch, Forel and Krafft-Ebing and psychology by Freud, Jung and Ellis, as well as works on marriage, the family and sex education. Although most material in the collection is in English there are small but significant numbers of works in European languages. The geographic scope of the collection extends beyond Britain and the Commonwealth; papers of the International Bureau for the Suppression of Traffic in Persons 1899-1968, for example, relate to the Bureau's work with the League of Nations.

      Sin título
      Printed Collections: Sadd Brown Library
      GB 106 PC/04 · 1900-[2008]

      The Sadd Brown Library was founded in 1939 in memory of Myra Sadd Brown, and contains books and periodicals about, and often by, women of the Commonwealth. It covers colonial pioneers to modern day freedom fighters, as well as investigations of women's political and economic advancement and their positions in other societies and religions. For example it includes conference reports of the British Commonwealth League from 1925 to 1938 which vividly reveal the feminist concerns of pre-war generation, some issues having a contemporary resonance many decades later.The Library was the tribute of her suffrage colleagues to Myra Sadd Brown and it continues to grow with support from her family and the Commonwealth Countries League. The collection includes some late nineteenth century publications, such as Olive Schreiner's Trooper Peter Halket of Mashonaland, 1897, but most of the collection dates from the twentieth century. Some examples of books and periodicals in the Sadd Brown Library include The African child by Evelyn Sharp 1931, Women living under Muslim laws newsheet, Pakistan 1992-, Onions are my husband: survival and accumulation by West African market women by Gracia Clark, 1994 and Race relations news, South Africa 1947-1955.

      Sin título
      GB 106 PC/06 · 1930-[2008]

      The catalogued Pamphlet Collection comprises over 12,000 titles dating from approximately 1830 to the present. The Pamphlet Collection consists of printed material less than 60 pages in length and includes government policies, reports, annual reports and campaigning material, primary law, including Bills and Acts. The subject material of the collection reflects and enriches the wide range of topics held elsewhere in the Women's Library.The topics covered include: English fiction, children's stories, poetry, women's organisations, feminism, role of women in society - UK and abroad, nursing, sex discrimination law, divorce law, employment, occupations, careers, equal opportunities, labour law, pension law, social security, taxation, housing, health, pregnancy, abortion, birth control, domestic violence, mothers, one-parent families, children, family life, housekeeping, religion, ordination, arts, costume, suffrage. Organisations include Equal Opportunities Commission, Elizabeth Garrett Anderson Hospital, National Union of Suffragettes, National Society for Women's Suffrage, US Women's Bureau, American National Red Cross, Union of Jewish Women, National Union of Townswomen's Guilds, National Federation of Women's Institutes, Fawcett Society, National Council for the Unmarried Mother and Her Child, British Federation of University Women, Association of University Women Teachers, Divorce Law Reform Union. Most of the material is in English, but there are also pamphlets in other languages, such as Italian, German and French.The pamphlets are arranged in two sections - one for standard sized pamphlets and one for oversized pamphlets.

      The 'UDC Pamphlet Collection' [Universal Dewey Decimal Classification]: In addition to the main Pamphlet Collection is the 'UDC Pamphlet Collection.' The UDC collection was the first pamphlet collection created by the Library and consists of approximately 10,000 pamphlets dating from mid nineteenth to mid twentieth centuries, covering all subjects. As the collection was gradually acquired during the Library's first 20 years of life, it was arranged by subject, using the Universal Decimal Classification system. The pamphlets were primarily deposited by organisations and individuals, although some purchases were made. There is a finding aid kept with the collection but the collection was never catalogued and therefore remained a hidden resource within the Library for more than 80 years. Unsurprisingly other libraries did not collect most of these pamphlets. In 2007 as part of a cataloguing funding bid preliminary sampling of the collection against Copac (the merged online catalogues of 24 university research libraries in the UK, plus the British Library and the National Library of Scotland) found that over 60% of the UDC pamphlets were not listed in these major research collections. This is a very significant level of unique printed material.Cataloguing of the UDC collection started in 2007 and as the pamphlets are catatogued, they are transferred to the main pamphlet collection described above. As at 2009 the collection was partially catalogued and The Library was seeking additional funds to complete the project.

      Sin título
      Scrapbook of Mrs A.E.W. Winterne
      GB 106 10/09 · Fondo · c 1910

      Scrapbook of press cuttings and printed ephemera on a range of subjects, 1910, including the suffrage campaigns, the General Election and the death and funeral of King Edward VII. Includes commemorative postcards of the latter.

      Sin título
      Scrapbook [of Cécile Matheson]
      GB 106 10/36 · Fondo · 1907-1917

      This scrapbook consists of press cuttings from the regional and specialist press, including many articles written by Cécile Matheson, relating to the Birmingham Women's Settlement and her other social welfare interests and activities.

      Sin título
      Colonial Intelligence League
      GB 106 1CIL · Fondo · 1910-1919

      The archive consists of Minutes of the Council (Jun 1912-Jun 1919) and the executive committees (Feb 1910-Mar 1911, Apr 1911-Oct 1913, Oct 1913- Jun 1919) and for the finance and settlement (Nov 1913-Jul 195, Nov 1915-Dec 1919), County Organisation (Mar 1912-Jul 1914) and literature (Nov 1913-Jul 1915) subcommittees; Reference volume of abstracts on Canada; volume of Annual reports (1910-1919).

      Sin título
      South African Colonisation Society
      GB 106 1SAX · Fondo · 1901-1922

      The archive consists of the following.

      Executive Committee: minutes including a report from Lady Malmesbury's Committee of Enquiry and a draft letter; Finance Committee: volume of minutes and unbound duplicate minutes; minutes of the shipping, Rhodesia, Rhodes Hostel, Transvaal, Orange River, Cape Colony and Natal subcommittees; Annual Reports: 1903-1905, 1908-1909, 1910-1912, 1913-1916, 1916-1919; volumes of correspondence.

      Sin título
      Societies for Equal Citizenship
      GB 106 2SEC · Fondo · 1911-1933

      The archive consists of an agenda, accounts and duplicated manuscript annual report for the annual general meeting of the Petersfield Society in 1912 and annual reports 1921-1933. Annual reports of the St Pancras Society 1927-1930.

      Sin título
      GB 106 3BGF · Fondo · 1874-1915

      The archive consists of Annual Reports (1875-1880), Executive Committee (1887-1888) and British Committee (1890-1915) minutes with British Committee Chairperson's Book and Log (1897-1903), circulars (1909), pamphlet (1896), indexes to pamphlets (1874-1909) and indexes to Henry J Wilson files, an 'inwards' letter-book including an envelope containing copies of correspondence with government (1893), a letter-book of correspondence from India and a report compiled by Dr Kate Bushell and Mrs Andrews during a visit there (1891-1896).

      Sin título
      GB 106 3JBL · Fondo · c 1816-1907

      This archive consists of letters primarily by Josephine Butler, but also by key members of her family (such as her husband) and by colleagues and friends (such as Henry Wilson). Josephine Butler was a Victorian social reformer who campaigned against prostitution and the Contagious Diseases Acts (1864,1866 and 1869). In addition to the original letters held by The Women's Library, this archive includes photocopies of correspondence held at the University of Liverpool Special Collections.

      At some point (probably in the 1960s) the correspondence held at The Women's Library was placed in chronological order. Prior to the collection being copied to microfiche (possibly in the 1980s), the photocopies from Liverpool were interleaved. Also interleaved and copied to microfiches were abstracts and administrative history notes made by Miss Burton, a member of the Fawcett Library.

      The online catalogue includes the index of who the letters were to and from; the date of the letter; abstracts of each individual letter; and the administrative history and biographical notes made by Miss Burton.

      The catalogue supercedes the original finding aid, a card index of correspondents that was available in The Women's Library Reading Room. The collection is available on microfiche in the Reading Room.

      Henry J Wilson was Honorary Secretary of the Northern Counties Electoral League For The Repeal Of The Contagious Diseases Acts. There are a number of letters in the Josephine Butler Letters Collection which relate to the Northern Counties Electoral League. These letters bear Henry J Wilson's usual stamp for those files and his reference numbers (marked in blue pencil). At some stage his copies of letters were removed from his personal archive and placed in the Josephine Butler Letters Collection. Readers should also look at 3HJW for further records re the Northern Counties League.

      Some of the copy letters are very faint, both on the microfiche and in the original. These are primarily letters that were copied using a 'wet' process. A thin sheet of tissue paper was damped and blotted over the original letter. This took a pale, often fuzzy copy of the letter, which was read 'through' the tissue. As well as being very faint these copies are very fragile.


      CD / CDA Contagious Diseases Act

      'RR' in the notes refers to 'Rough Record' a copy of which is available in the library, [search Printed Collections Catalogue for 'Keyword' for 'Rough Record'.]

      Sin título
      Equal Rights International Group
      GB 106 5ERI · Fondo · 1926-1934

      The archive consists of correspondence correspondence (1929-1934) with members, affiliated branches and other groups, annual reports (1929-1934), minutes and correspondence of the Equal Political Rights Campaign Committee (1927-1930), papers relating to the foundation of ERI (1926-1930) and to their work with the League of Nations (1930-1934), financial papers including the accounts of the ERI and the National Women's Party (1932-3).

      Sin título
      Greenham Common Collection
      GB 106 5GCC · Fondo · 1982-1983

      The 'archive' consisted of periodicals: Greenham Common Women's Peace Camp News' (1 issue, 1983); pamphlets (1982-1983), ephemera including leaflets and circulars (1982-1983); Press cuttings (1982-1983), badges.

      Sin título
      Mothers in Action
      GB 106 5MIA · Fondo · 1965-1989

      The archive consists of minutes, agendas, constitutions, circulars, working papers, publications, reports, correspondence, newsletters, and source material for publications including press cuttings and printed works from other organisations.

      The archive was transferred to The Women's Library by two members of the group, both active in the late 1960s to mid 1970s. As a result, survival of records is not uniform and reflects their interests, rather than being representative of MIA as a whole. Some non-MIA material was also present: this has been catalogued as 5MIA/13.

      Sin título
      National Council of One Parent Families
      GB 106 5OPF · Fondo · 1917-2002

      Records of the National Council of One Parent Families including proof of status and policy documents; minutes of committees and working parties, 1918-1995; annual reports, 1918-1989, ledgers and associated accounts; case books and related papers, 1918-1947; fundraising and appeals, 1925-1993; correspondence, including with government and associated bodies (1918-1995); publications, draft bills, acts and legislation, details of Friends and Members.

      Sin título
      GB 106 5SMW · Fondo · 1938-2004

      The archive consists of:

      • Administrative papers (1964-2004)

      • minutes of Annual General Meetings and related papers (1977-2004)

      • minutes of Executive Committee meetings (1938-2000)

      • Financial papers (1982-2004)

      • Papers relating to the Ecumenical Network of Women's Ministries (2003-2004)

      • Publications (1966-2004)

      Sin título
      Women and Socialism Conferences
      GB 106 5WSC · Fondo · 1973

      Printed papers relating to The Women and Socialism Conference 1973, and the Leeds Conference on The Family 1973, from a left-wing Women's Liberation Movement perspective. Includes papers from International Feminist Collective and Gay Liberation. Collator unknown.

      Sin título
      WATSON, Edith M
      GB 106 6EMW · Fondo · 1995

      Note concerning provenance of papers (1995); photocopies of press-cuttings (1995).

      Sin título
      HEMMING, Alice (1907-1994)
      GB 106 7ALH · Fondo · 1951-1972

      The archive consists of papers and publicity material relating to the Commonwealth Countries League, personal correspondence and publicity for the Women's Freedom League and the establishment of the Mermaid Theatre.

      Sin título
      PIEROTTI, A Muriel (1897-1982)
      GB 106 7AMP · Fondo · 1912-1978

      The archive consists of minutes and working papers for the organisations in which Pierotti was involved, namely the National Union of Women Teachers (1924-1964), the Joint Standing Parliamentary Committee of Women's Organisations (1942-1950) and the Status of Women Committee (1945-1978) including details of its establishment; Suffrage material relating to the movement in general, her membership of the Women's Freedom League (1919-1928). There is also material related to the Pethick Lawrences and Charlotte Despard; various press cuttings, pamphlets, photographs, postcards and objects. The pamphlets include material on equal pay and equal rights.

      Sin título
      VERNON, Elizabeth
      GB 106 7BEV · Fondo · 1957

      The archive consists of letters to Mrs Vernon relating to a biography of Philippa Fawcett, the daughter of Millicent, which she wrote in May 1957 and sent in typescript to Miss Douie, the then Librarian of the Fawcett Society and to Miss Philippa Strachey, Secretary of the Fawcett Society for many years, also to Dame Margaret Cole.

      Sin título
      GRONOW, Cornelius
      GB 106 7COG · Fondo · 1917

      The archive consists of a signed letter and three signed postcards from E Sylvia Pankhurst to Mr Cornelius Gronow regarding a possible talk to the Rhondda Socialist Society, Jul-Sep 1917. It also includes a fragment of a letter from Christabel Pankhurst.

      Sin título
      ELLIOT, Dorothy Mary (1897-1980)
      GB 106 7DEL · Fondo · 1914-1969

      The archive consists of a typescript of Dorothy Elliot's memoirs (1914-1969) in which she described a lifetime of work in organisations dealing with the problems of women in employment. See her biographical history for details of the organisations she worked for. Mrs Elliott concluded the memoir with a tribute to the power of 'domesticity in its fullest sense'.

      Sin título
      BARTON, Dorothea M
      GB 106 7DMB · Fondo · c 1900-1920

      The archive consists of historical and contemporary notes, statistics, press cuttings and correspondence on women's wages including specific classes of trades (1914-1919); printed reports on conditions of juvenile employment (1912), of the sub-committee of the Women's Industrial Council (1917), on women's employment in industry (c 1910-1915); press cuttings, articles and reviews, on women and their welfare (1912-1917); papers, reports and typescript of articles on women's wages and conditions (1912-1919); notes on the employment of women in the Civil Service (1914-1916); questionnaire of the Fabian Society's Women's Group and other organisations (undated).

      Sin título
      EVANS, Dorothy Elizabeth (1889-1944)
      GB 106 7DME · Fondo · 1933-1934

      The archive consists of drafts, typescripts, proofs, correspondence, comments on the drafts of Miss Evans' book 'Women and the Civil Service', published by Pitman. (4 folders)

      Sin título
      DOUIE Family Papers
      GB 106 7DOU · Fondo · 1885-1953

      The archive consists of a Douie family photograph album and a photocopied pamphlet and notes relating to Douie family history.

      Sin título
      BROWN, Dorothy Shelagh
      GB 106 7DSB · Fondo · 1942-1945

      The archive consists of a diary of experiences in a Japanese prisoner-of-war camp 1942-1945 during the Second World War, plus a few notes on provenance (photocopied typescript only).

      Sin título
      FRAENKEL, Elsa (1892-1975)
      GB 106 7EFR · Fondo · 1957-1967

      The archive consists of photocopies of letters sent to Fraenkel by Pankhurst mainly concerned with an exhibition of the latter's paintings which Elsa organised and which was held in London in 1959. Includes a pastel drawing of Pankhurst by Fraenkel (c.1957).

      Sin título
      FYFFE, Elsie
      GB 106 7EFY · Fondo · 1941

      The archive consists of 4 letters from the Sunday Pictorial and a diploma signed by Lord Woolton, dated 1 Nov 1941, all re wartime rationing. Also typescript of Mrs Fyffe's account of a week's routine in feeding her household of two adults and five children, with a summary of housekeeping expenditure for a week in Sep 1941, and details of each day's meals during that week.

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      ANDERSON, Elizabeth Garrett (1836-1917)
      GB 106 7EGA · Fondo · 1871-1907

      The archive consists of legal papers related to the marriage of Elizabeth Garrett and James Anderson in 1871: marriage settlement, notices to insurance companies, solicitors correspondence, estate duty form, stock certificates, trustees cash accounts, memorandum.

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