Distribución por sexo

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      Distribución por sexo

      332 Descripción archivística resultados para Distribución por sexo

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      HOW-MARTYN, Edith (1875-1954)
      GB 106 7EHM · Fondo · 1872-1950

      The archive consists of numbered scrapbooks of press cuttings, notes and correspondence, including volumes on women's suffrage, (1872-1899), processions and demonstrations in London (1908), feminist writers (1940-1948), New Zealand including personal correspondence (1940), as well as volumes on her Australian tours (1942-1944) and the issues of the country's war effort during the Second World War (1942-1943), Australian women in politics (1941-1943), meetings in Australia to celebrate 30th anniversary of women's suffrage (and the Suffragette Fellowship (1948-1950), personal correspondence (1948-1950), a journal of a visit to Australia (1947-1948) and two volumes on New Zealand politics and family planning (1940-1941).

      Sin título
      GUNDREY, Elizabeth
      GB 106 7ELG · Fondo · 1959-1975

      The archive consists of papers and correspondence about 'Jobs for Mothers', papers about widows, working mothers and others, press cuttings, working notes, replies to questionnaires and lists of publications on careers.

      Sin título
      FEENY, Everild
      GB 106 7EMF · Fondo · 1977-1999

      The archive consists of:

      • press cutting album (1977-1994) and index

      • UK research material relating to St Joan's Alliance, Catholics for a Changing World, Women in Ministry, Distinctive Dioconate, the Society of St Margaret, etc (1988-1995)

      • United States of America and Canada research material relating to Priests of Equality and the Women's Ordination Conference (1992-1995)

      • correspondence re Catholic Women's Ordination Day (1993-1995)

      • campaign file for Catholic Women's Ordination Day (1994-1995) and Vatican II and Planet Earth; further resource material (1994-1995)

      • books and photocopy manuscript by Feeny (1995-1996)

      • scrapbook by Feeny (1937-1999).

      Sin título
      STEPHENSON, Eva and WILKINS, Maurice
      GB 106 7ESW · Fondo · 1910-1914

      The archive consists of correspondence between Eva Stephenson and her fiance Maurice Wilkins, covering the period 1910-1914. The letters describe Stephenson's experiences in Holloway prison for suffrage activism in 1910 (some letters are written on prison regulation notepaper), her life as an office worker and her family relationships. Subjects covered include: relationships with other suffragettes in prison; trials of the prison regime; Christmas in Holloway; her relationship with her mother who disapproved of her suffrage campaigning; reflections on her upbringing; employment in an office and enjoyment of her independence; her relationship with her future husband.

      With typescript transcriptions of the letters by William Paul Wilkins, son of Eva and Maurice Wilkins (produced in 1998). The transcriptions include a name and place index.

      Sin título
      WATTS, Ethel
      GB 106 7ETW · Fondo · 1928-1961

      The archive consists of files on the National Health Service Superannuation Scheme (1948-1953), Royal Commission on Taxation (1944-1960), Women's superannuation (1947-1950), the Institute of Chartered Accountants (undated.), equal pay (undated.) and the Fawcett Society (undated.); private correspondence including letters from Philippa Strachey (1928-1961).

      Sin título
      WHITE, Mrs F
      GB 106 7FWH · Fondo · c 1910-1912

      The archive consists of cyclostyled lecture notes produced for the Women's Correspondence Bible Class, a flyer and some letters from Katherine Bushnell to Mrs F White. The material reflects the study of women's representation in the Bible.

      Sin título
      Bentwich, Helen (1892-1972)
      GB 106 7HBE · [1910-1960]

      The archive consists of correspondence, notebooks and diaries, press cuttings, photographs and other papers. The papers include diaries of Helen's youthful travels in Bosnia and Dalmatia with her family and also some documents pertaining to her later political career. The majority of the collection, however, consists of correspondence: over 2,000 individual letters, spanning the period from around 1914 until the 1960s and documenting many aspects of Helen's life and career. Letters written to Helen's mother from Cairo during the First World War illuminate the British community in the Middle East and the history of Palestine during the conflict. Letters written to Norman give insights into the land army, work at Woolwich Arsenal and trade union activity and also contain information about her brother Hugh Franklin and his suffrage activities at this date. The long and detailed letters to Helen's mother from Jerusalem, 1919-1932 document the history of the British Mandate as well as the evolution of Helen's personal attitude towards Palestine, Jerusalem and the Jewish nation itself. There are frequent references to the political situation and to figures such as Balfour and Herbert Samuel, along with personal observations about every-day life.

      Sin título
      JENNINGS, Mary
      GB 106 7JEN · Fondo · 1768-1773

      The archive consists of documents relating to the educational and personal expenses of a young lady, Mary Jennings [also known as Polly Jennings], comprising:

      • 2 receipted accounts for amounts due to [Sarah and Eliza] Munn covering board, teaching, French, English, dancing, books, fowls when ill and covering the half-years Dec 1768 to Jun 1769 and Dec 1770 - Jun 1771

      • 5 receipted bills to Miss Jennings of Greenwich, for haberdashery, linen and shoes, etc, 1768-1771

      • Statement of income and expenditure of Mary / Polly Jennings for 1772-1773, signed by her uncle Solomon Bay

      • Bill payable to [Nathan or Nathaniel] Clissold, signed by Solomon Bay, 29 Mar 1773.

      Sin título
      STRACHEY, (Joan) Pernel (1876-1951)
      GB 106 7JPS · Fondo · 1894-1951

      The archive consists of: literary papers and lecture notes on French literature (including work on Lamartine, Madame de Sevigne, Chateaubriand, Montaigne, Racine and an article on the Women's movement in France which originated as the Fawcett Lecture of 1942) and Newnham College-related papers and correspondence (1944-1951).

      Sin título
      LACON, Annie (1880-1968)
      GB 106 7LAC · Fondo · 1905-1968

      The archive consists of four copies of the newsletter of the Suffragette Fellowship (1946-1966); roll of honour of Suffragette Prisoners 1905-1914 (undated, c 1960), summons and press cuttings relating her imprisonment and suffrage including postcard from Mrs Pankhurst (1907); pamphlet (1957); photographs of Lacon (1950); press cutting on Lacon and ephemera related to celebrations of suffrage activities (1960s-1970s).

      Sin título
      BURRELL, Louie (1873-1971)
      GB 106 7LBU · Fondo · 1990s

      The archive consists of biographical publications on Louie Burrell and postcard reproductions of her work:

      • 13 postcard reproductions of the following paintings by Louie Burrell: Life Class (1900-1903); Girl at Writing Box (c 1895); A Model (1900-1903); Old Sales - a model (1900-1903); Making Marmalade (1890-1900); Philippa (1917); A Model (1900-1903); The Forge (1890-1900); Julia (1889); A Child Seated (1904); Mrs Stanley Baldwin (1924); Nurse and Philippa (1908); Philip Burrell (1904-1907)

      • 1 postcard reproduction of a painting by Ada (Margetts) Luker (mother of Louie Burrell): Still Life (c 1857)

      • 'The Saratoga Trunk and The Last Door' (Jul 1997), Philippa Burrell. Booklet memoir relating to her own and her mother's artistic life.

      • 'Louie Burrell - A Woman Painter', (The University of Hull Art Collection, c 1990). A short biography compiled from the letters and writings of Philippa Burrell and Jim Murrell.

      • 'Louie Burrell Woman and Artist 1873-1971' (c 1990). Leaflet by Philippa Burrell.

      Sin título
      BECKER, Lydia (1827-1890)
      GB 106 7LEB · Fondo · 1770-1927

      The archive consists of Lydia Becker's notebooks, articles by and concerning her, book manuscripts, copies of her letters written out by her sister, lock of hair, notebook of obituaries, biography; two folders of genealogical materials on the Becker family, Becker family diary, notebooks on Leigh family pedigree and German relatives, invoices, receipts and bills, folder of family papers, copies of family tomb inscriptions, wallet containing property administration papers, photographs, probate documents; letters to and from Lydia Becker; LEB's draft will, death certificate, receipt for burial, family suffrage organisation papers concerning her death; Becker family letters.

      Sin título
      NUTTING, Lady Helen (1890-1973)
      GB 106 7LHN · Fondo · 1938-1969

      The archive consists of press cuttings concerning marriage in the UK (1961-1968); correspondence, press cuttings, articles and official publications on marriage law and the status of women in various countries (1938-1967); correspondence, parliamentary papers and press cuttings on divorce law reform (1960-1969); copy of report on Homosexual Offences and prostitution (1957).

      Sin título
      JACKSON, Mary Alexandra (1905-1977)
      GB 106 7MAJ · Fondo · 1956-1997

      The archive consists of a typescript biography and curriculum vitae (1997); correspondence (1956-1987).

      Sin título
      RAWLE, Mary Ann (1878-1964)
      GB 106 7MAR · Fondo · 1907-2006

      The archive consists of Mary Ann Rawle's working papers relating to the women's suffrage campaign and the Independent Labour Party. It includes correspondence, a prison diary describing her time in Holloway, an illuminated address and a badge awarded for bravery in prison, copy family certificates and photographs.

      Sin título
      GB 106 7MCA · Fondo · 1869-1979

      Family correspondence including letters of Charles Corbett, H E Corbett, Marie Corbett, Margery and Cicley (1869-1960); diaries of Margery Corbett (1912, 1930-79); passport (1919); address book; typescript sections of autobiography; papers related to the pre-1914 suffrage movement (1905-1912), First World War (1914-1918), various women s organisations (1915-1978), general elections (1913-1955), papers related to the activities of the International Alliance of Women and international activities (1921-1980).

      Sin título
      PILLOW, Margaret Eleanor (1859-1929)
      GB 106 7MEP · Fondo · 1891-1924

      The archive consists of lecture material, including notes, schedules and lists of lecturers (1891-1919), printed material, including newspapers, pamphlets and posters (1891-1924) and general papers, which include leaflets and correspondence (1860-1896).

      Sin título
      FAWCETT, Millicent Garrett (1847-1929)
      GB 106 7MGF · Fondo · 1870-1929

      The archive consists of the personal papers of Millicent Garrett Fawcett; correspondence (related to suffrage; the Henry Cust case, the Northwest Durham by-election (1914) and on the status of women in India (1899-1918)); items relating to the Paris Women's Congress (1919) and Fawcett's Stansfeld lecture (1921-1902); papers relating to the creation of the Commission of Inquiry's report into South African Concentration Camps (1901-2), including Fawcett's personal diary of the visit and official report with photographs, pamphlets and tickets inserted; papers related to the role of Women in the Great War (including a large collection of press cuttings); personal memorabilia, including Philippa Fawcett's Irish holiday diary (1893) and albums and a bag owned by Millicent Garrett Fawcett; personal financial papers; a variety of working papers of Millicent Garrett Fawcett (1880-1929), including notes on speeches, volumes and articles she received or wrote herself.

      Sin título
      HAYWARD, Marjorie (1905-1974)
      GB 106 7MJH · Fondo · 1928-1968

      The archive consists of a bound volume of printed articles by Marjorie Hayward in the Commercial Bulletin of South Africa (1928-1930); promotional materials for ICI (1930-1939); reports, publications, correspondence, memoranda and working papers written for the Ministry of Labour related to woman power during the Second World War (1942-1944); memoranda, notes and working papers of the International Federation of Business and Professional Women 1953 and report produced for the Ministry of Labour's use (1953); reports and correspondence on women's employment (1940-1953); notes for proposed by Hayward on women power in the Second World War (1960-1); printed materials on women at war, the Civil Service and women's employment (1943-1950); press cuttings (1910-1963); publicity material (1970s), photographs (1923-1968).

      Sin título
      PRICE, Millie (nee Browne)
      GB 106 7MPR · Fondo · c 1960

      The archive consists of a typescript autobiography entitled 'This World's Festival' (incomplete) and biographical notes by Catherine Thackray.

      Sin título
      BROWN, Myra Sadd (1872-1938)
      GB 106 7MSB · Fondo · 1912-1938

      The archive consists of eight letters of condolence written to Myra Stedman on the death of her mother, Myra Sadd Brown (Apr 1938). Members of the Women's Freedom League, the St Joan's Alliance and the British Commonwealth League expressed admiration of Mrs Sadd Brown's personality and her work in the women's movements. The archive also contains two photographs: one of the medal awarded to Myra Sadd Brown on her release from Holloway in 1912, with the inscriptions 'For Valour' and 'Hunger Strike' (medal held in Melbourne Museum, Australia); one of a drawing of Sadd Brown by fellow suffragette Jessie Mothersole, at a suffrage meeting, c. 1912 (original drawing held by the donor).

      Sin título
      POPPLEWELL, Nina (1890-1979)
      GB 106 7POP · Fondo · c 1950-1968

      The archive consists of typescript and manuscript lectures by Nina Popplewell, correspondence and papers relating to her work as secretary of the National Council of Women (mainly about women's employment and pensions), and a letter from the former suffragette Lilian Lenton describing her experience of being force-fed in Holloway.

      Sin título
      YATES, Rose Lamartine (1875-1954)
      GB 106 7RLY · Fondo · 1909-1986

      The archive consists predominantly of photocopies of manuscript and typescript lecture notes by Yates. It also includes photocopies of press cuttings, flyers, membership cards and annual reports relating to the Wimbledon Women's Social and Political Union (WSPU) of which Yates was an active member. The archive also contains press cuttings concerning the donation of the Emily Wilding Davison papers to the Fawcett Library in 1986.

      Sin título
      BILLINGHURST, Rosa May (1875-1953)
      GB 106 7RMB · Fondo · 1854-1917

      The archive consists of two folders, one oversize album and 2 posters. It comprises maps and publicity materials (1908-1917); in memoriam items regarding Emily Davison (1913); press cuttings (1908, 1928); correspondence (1912-1913); notes for speech at trials (1912-1913) autobiographical manuscript account of prison hunger strike and force feeding (1913); autograph album (1909-1918); collection of papers, letters and newspapers (1890-1938).

      Sin título
      GB 0809 Sexual Health · 1980s-1990s

      Papers of The Centre for Sexual and Reproductive Health Research comprise posters and ephemera relating to sexual and reproductive health, and evaluation and campaign material, 1980s-1990s. Posters notably concern AIDS prevention and originate from countries across Europe including Norway, Greece, Switzerland and UK. Posters use strong imagery including condoms and syringes to illustrate the importance of sexual health, for example a Swedish poster includes an image of man and woman with condoms as halos, the caption reads 'Var din egen skyddsangel' or 'Be your own guardian angel'. Ephemera includes badges, bags, leaflets and tapes and videos from various countries concerning AIDS and sexual health campaigns.

      Evaluation and campaign material relates to work carried out in 1980s and 1990s concerning AIDS and notably includes pamphlets and leaflets from campaigns carried out across Europe, AIDS Strategic Monitor publications and surveys and research collated by various market research companies. The material was presumably collected from and hence relates to Sweden, Switzerland, Spain, Netherlands, Poland, Austria, Italy, Luxemburg, UK, Germany, Belgium, Denmark, France, Ireland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Norway and Greece.

      Sin título
      Museum Collection
      GB 106 TWL.museum · 1877-2000

      As at Jan 2009, The Women's Library held approximately 4,000 objects in the Museum Collection, with 3,840 additional objects identified in the archives.

      The Women's Library Museum Collection objects are grouped in the following categories: Badges; Banners; Paintings; Photographs; Postcards; Posters; Textiles; - Objects and other ephemera e.g. souvenir material related to women's campaigning, ceramics used to promote or commemorate women's campaigning activities, artefacts associated with famous/prominent women.

      The strength of the Museum Collection lies in the range of printed ephemera and artefacts that document suffrage campaign activities, in addition there is some material relating to later 20th century women's organisations and campaigning, such as feminist activity during the 1970s and 1980s. The Museum Collection complements the range of artefacts and ephemera held in The Women's Library archive and printed collections.

      For further information about the scope of the banner, postcard, photograph and poster holdings see the introductions to (object numbers: twl.banner; twl.postcard; twl.poster).

      Objects can be searched using the 'ObjectName' field. The main categories are named: badge, banner, photograph, postcard, painting, poster, textile.

      Additional object names include: Album, Arm band , Ashtray, Bag, Blouse, Bookmark, Book token, Bottle, Braid, Bunting, Bunting flag, cake server, Calendar, Candleholder, Caricature, Cartoon, Chair back, Christmas card, Cigarette box, Clay pipe, Coaster, Coin, Comb, Cup, Design, Envelope, Flag, Flier, Fragment of aluminium, Game, Goblet, Gown, Greetings Card, Illustration, Jabot, Jacket, Key-ring, Magazine, Mallet, Map, Medal, Medallion, Membership Card, Memorial, Menu, Metal Cast, Mug, Needlecraft, Notebook, Offprint, Ornament, Packaging, Page, Patch, Pattern, Pen, Pin, Plaque, Plate, Print, Presentation volume, Programme, Record, Ribbon, Rosette, Sash, Saucer, Scarf, Seal, Shield, Ship's card, Sign, Silhouette, Spoon, Stamp, Sticker, Swizzle stick, T-Shirt, Tea Spoon, Tea Towel, Textile, Textile fragment, Ticket, Toy, Trousers, Unitard, Wallet, Wallpaper.

      Sin título
      Museum Collection: Postcard Collection
      GB 106 TWL.postcard · 1906-2000

      As at Jan 2009, The Women's Library held approximately 1,144 postcards in the Museum Collection, with 211 postcards identified in the archives.

      The earliest postcards held result from suffrage campaigning and include: documentary photographs of suffrage activities and events, and portraits of activists produced by the Women's Social and Political Union, the Women's Freedom League, and illustrated propaganda cards produced by the Artists' Suffrage League and the Suffrage Atelier. The collection also includes a significant number of anti-suffrage comic cards produced by commercial printers. There is a range of cards illustrating the campaigns for women's enfranchisement in Holland, Sweden, France and USA amongst other countries. Women's contribution to the First World War is documented in a number of postcards that represent the Scottish Women's Hospitals and other hospitals.

      In addition, the collection contains contemporary postcards dating from the late 1970s to the present day. It includes a selection of satirical cartoons concerned with female characteristics and roles, a range of cards produced by women's organisations and campaign groups, particularly peace groups, cards representing campaigning on issues internationally.

      Most postcards in the collection are blank on the reverse side. There are a number, such as those sent by women on the suffrage caravan tours and during the First World War, which were sent and the text may be useful for research.

      Sin título
      GB 106 10/07 · Fondo · 1914-1920

      Two scrapbooks of presscuttings and printed ephemera documenting Miss Nettlefold's legal career and the campaigns relating to women's entry into the legal profession. It also includes legal documents relating to Bebb v. The Law Society, a ms paper [by Miss Nettlefold] entitled, 'Women and the Legal Profession'; and a ts paper entitled, 'History of the efforts to open the legal profession to women in England and Scotland', Mar 1920. Also included are articles on women lawyers in Britain and abroad and cuttings relating to the barrister Helena Normanton.

      Sin título
      Namibia: Pressure Groups Material
      GB 0101 PG.SX · 1976-

      Pamphlets, leaflets, manifestos, conference reports, histories, speeches, appeals, letters and newsletters, 1976 onwards, issued by Afrikaans-Duitse Kultuurunie (Namibia), the Campaign Against the Namibian Uranium Contracts, Interessengemeinschaft Deutschsprachiger Südwester, the Namibia Support Committee, the South West Africa Volunteer Enterprise, the SWA/Namibia Information Service and the SWAPO Women's Solidarity Campaign.

      Sin título
      GB 0402 AP · 1830-1945

      The Royal Geographical Society Additional Papers relate to all aspects of the RGS's history, 1830-1945, including Council minutes; committee minutes; Prospectus of 1830; reports on the state of the RGS, 1833 and 1837; correspondence concerning special meetings; financial statements and reports; notes on the Map Room and the Library; papers relating to the RGS's awards; regulations and byelaws; lists of Council and committee members; papers of the African Exploration Committee, 1877-1881; the fire-watcher's log books, 1940-1944; papers relating to the election of women as Fellows; papers on scientific enquiries, instruments and instruction; papers relating to the Kosmos, Raleigh and Geographical Clubs; formal addresses and diplomas; papers relating to anniversaries and other events; evening meeting minute books and papers relating to the leasing and furnishing of premises for the RGS, 1837-1930, in particular the purchase of Lowther Lodge.

      Sin título
      Translation of Gilbertus Anglicus
      GB 0114 MS0175 · Early 15th century

      Translation of Gilbertus Anglicus The Sekenesse of Wymmen [formerly identified as the Liber Trotularis], early 15th century, comprising a manuscript translation of a medieval obstetric/ gynaecological manuscript; an envelope containing 7 slips of transcripts of various pages in the manuscript, possibly written by Samuel Merriman (1771-1852); a letter from Mrs Dorothea Waley Singer concerning the manuscript and the publication of a catalogue of medieval manuscripts in Great Britain, Nov 1919; a notebook containing an unfinshed transcript of the manuscript when it was erroneously identified as the Liber Trotularis, Jan 1949; notebook and envelope of notes made by William Le Fanu on the 'Trotula' manuscript (now known to be Gilbertus Anglicus), and other medieval manuscripts from the Bodleian Library and other libraries.

      Sin título
      GB 0102 OA3 · 1997, 2000

      Sound recordings and papers relating to the radio series 'India: A People Partitioned', 1997. Cassette tapes of interviews (83 tapes) and partial transcripts concern the social history of partition between India and Pakistan (1947) and its effect on people in south Asia. Interviewees included some prominent political and cultural figures, but also 'ordinary' people whose lives were affected by the events surrounding independence, including the large number of refugees created. The subjects discussed include Communism, politicians including Muhammad Ali Jinnah, the Muslim League, Muslims, Sikhs and Hindus. Cassette tapes of the five broadcast programmes (3 tapes) are also included: 'The Gathering of the Storm', on the context of partition, disturbances in 1946, and Gandhi's attempts to broker peace; 'The Killing Fields of Punjab', examining partition violence; ' Tearing the Veil', on women's experiences, including abduction; 'Comers and Goers', concerning the experiences of Muslims in India and their dilemma as to whether to migrate to Pakistan or remain in India; 'Unfinished Business', on the Kashmir dispute and the continuing legacy of partition in regional politics, culture and diplomacy. The partial transcripts were made for working purposes and are an indication rather than a definitive record of the contents of the tapes. Appended to the transcripts are copies of an occasional series of articles written by Andrew Whitehead for the Indian Express based on the material he gathered. An additional deposit comprises a cassette tape of the revised programme, 'Unfinished Business', 2000, and six further interview tapes, the interviewees including key participants in India-Pakistan relations, with notes on the contents of the interviews compiled for working purposes.

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