Política social

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    Nota(s) sobre el origen

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      Términos jerárquicos

      Política social

      Términos equivalentes

      Política social

      • Usado para Welfare state
      • Usado para État providence
      • Usado para Mesure sociale
      • Usado para Estado del bienestar
      • Usado para Medidas sociales

      Términos asociados

      Política social

      63 Descripción archivística resultados para Política social

      GB 0074 LMA/4200 · Colección · 1891-1966

      Statistics relating to crime, licensing and prisons, generated by various courts in Middlesex, 1891-1966. Also some Chairman's notebooks.

      Sin título
      BEAL, James (1829-1891)
      GB 0074 F/BL · Colección · 1846-1889

      Personal papers of James Beal, local government reformer. The collection comprises correspondence with and concerning James Beal. Except where stated to the contrary, the letters refer to governmental matters: those in F/BL/12 refer to the presentation made to James Beal for his services to Local Government. The presentation volume includes press cuttings, invitations, menus and similar printed ephemera.

      Sin título
      BRANSON, Noreen (1910-2003)
      GB 0372 BRANSON · Fondo · 1941-1967

      Papers of activist and historian Noreen Branson (1910-2003), including: wartime correspondence between Noreen and husband Clive Branson regarding miscellaneous and personal topics, 1941-1943; photographs of artwork and paintings by Clive Branson, n.d.; miscellaneous papers, press cuttings and correspondence regarding Clive Branson's death in 1944 and papers concerning Branson's art career, 1941-1944; typescript Communist Party of Great Britain papers of various classes and publications, possibly compiled by Noreen Branson, c1945; handwritten notes on books, pamphlets and conferences, possibly by Branson or Emile Burns, c1945 -1950; press cuttings regarding the stock exchange and the economy, 1967.

      Sin título
      Goldsmid Letters
      GB 0103 MS MOCATTA 22 · 1805-1856

      Letterbooks of Sir Isaac Lyon Goldsmid, 1805-1856 and undated but dating largely from the period 1828-1835, mainly comprising letters to Goldsmid concerning his interests and activities in Jewish emancipation, social and educational reform, including the foundation of the University of London. The writers (c350 in total) include Henry Addington, 1st Viscount Sidmouth, 1830, 1833; Peter Bedford, 1832; Henry Peter Brougham, Baron Brougham and Vaux, 1828-1839 and undated; Sir Francis Burdett, Baronet, 1830, 1833; Benjamin Disraeli, 1st Earl of Beaconsfield, 1835 and undated; Michael Faraday, 1831; Henry Richard Vassall Fox, 3rd Baron Holland, 1828-1840 and undated; Elizabeth Fry, 1829, 1833 and undated; Sir Robert Grant, 1830-1834 and undated; Charles Grey, 2nd Earl Grey, 1832-1834; William Lamb, 2nd Viscount Melbourne, 1835; Thomas Babington Macaulay, Baron Macaulay, undated; Thomas Robert Malthus, 1827; Harriet Martineau, 1834 and undated; Daniel O'Connell, 1829; Robert Owen, 1830 and undated; David Ricardo, 1823; Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount Palmerston, 1834-1841; Arthur Wellesley, Duke of Wellington, 1828, 1833; and many other public figures including politicians, aristocrats, members of the royal family, reformers, churchmen, and prominent Jewish figures. There are a few letters from Goldsmid, 1828-1856 and undated, and other documents, including one concerning places of worship in Old and New Lanark, 1823; London University share certificate, 1826; and a copy petition to (Sir) Robert Grant on behalf of the Jewish Disabilities Bill, 1833.

      Sin título
      Horsley Papers
      GB 0103 HORSLEY · 1790-1965 (predominant 1863-1916)

      Papers of and relating to the Horsley family, comprising papers of Sir Victor Horsley; papers of Eldred, Lady Horsley; papers of Siward Horsley and of Oswald Horsley; papers of Pamela, Lady Robinson, including items relating to the Babies Club in Chelsea; papers of Stephen Paget, author of Victor Horsley's biography; photographs and postcards. Victor Horsley's papers include large sections on his medical career, his service in the army during the Great War, and his political and social interests, including his involvement in the temperance movement and the Medical Defence Union, support for the suffragettes and for Home Rule for Ireland, and his role in the reform of the bodies representing the medical profession: the General Medical Council, the British Medical Association, and the Royal College of Surgeons. His personal papers reflect his interest in archaeology and genealogy.

      Sin título
      Burns, John (1858-1943)
      GB 0096 MS1079 · Fondo · c1831-c1955

      Notes, correspondence, press-cuttings and ephemera found in the Burns library. Correspondents include Charles Booth (1903). Press-cuttings cover subjects such as unemployment, local government, religion, and trades unions. Also includes a scrapbook of William Cobbett letters (1831-1832) and minutes of Liverpool branch of Association of All Classes of All Nations (1837-1839).

      Sin título
      League Against Cruel Sports
      GB 2392 · 1925- 2003

      Minutes of the Executive Committee, 1927-2003; Annual reports 1925-1934, 1957-2003; printed Memorandum and articles of association, 1967-1989; Constitution, adopted 1995; League publications including leaflets 1920s-2003; posters [1990s-2003]; Wildlife Conservation(formerly titled Cruel Sports, changed in 1980s) journal of the Against Cruel Sports, Jan 1927-2003; League Doings, bulletin of the League Against Cruel Sports, 1940-1959 (quarterly newsletter); press releases 1978-1995; Support Group press releases 1994-1996; copies of Letters to the Editor (letters and cuttings) 1979-1995; correspondence files, 1990-1994;

      Files relating to Fell and moor land working terrier clubs, including cuttings and related papers, 1985-1994; terrier work, 1992-1993; Badger cases - adjourned and dismissed [1985-1994]; Shooting News - lists of adverts, letters and articles by people with convictions (re badgers and dog fighting) 1982-1990; Undercover Britain - the killing set, Channel 4, 18 Jan 1994 including response from the Countryman's Weekly and the Broadcasting Complaints Committee [1994]; Hare coursing bill research 1975-1976; Creatures and wild plants protection Bill (Mr P Hardy) 1975 and Badger Bill (Lord Arran) 1973; Badger convictions adjourned or dismissed cases and investigations [1983-1995]; Research file - lamps, cats, baiting/diggings, terrier men photos, anti-fox campaign; Hunt monitoring files, including applications forms and handbooks and lists of hunts, 1994-1997;

      News cuttings relating to cruelty to animals, arranged annually by subject including hunt havoc; fox hunting; deer hunting; hare hunting, beagles, bassets and harriers; hare coursing; mink, coypu and otter hunting; illegal blood sports; badger baiting and dog fighting; letters - pro blood sports, anti blood sports and miscellaneous; hunt bans - councils, farmers, landowners; shooting, fishing and poisoning; poaching, cross-bows and airguns; terrier work, ferrets; illegal activity; League fundraising shows, walks, trails and sanctuary publicity; drag hunting and bloodhounds; miscellaneous animal welfare; conservation general and falconry; European blood sports; personalities, other animal welfare groups; political; opinion polls; BSE / mad cow disease; hunt saboteurs; pro-blood sports - violence and damage; illegal blood sports - dog fighting; badger digging, baiting, cockfighting and bull fighting; hunt bans - councils, farms, landowners, National trust, church and MOD; conservation; Alan Meale - wild animals Bill ; Foster Bill and Committee; Bateson Report and Ban; 1926-1967s, (7 files); 1980-2001 (420 files);

      LACS support group newsletters, 1992-1994, including letters from the following groups- West Midlands, Bucks, East Dorset, Bath and Bristol, Salisbury, Leeds, Wiltshire, Aberdeen, Isle of Wight, Leicester, Stamford, North East, Banbury, Basingstoke, Gloucester, New Forest, Sussex area, North Hampshire, East Yorkshire, Caerphilly and district, Yeovil, Berkshire, Cornwall, Bedfordshire, Cheshire and Shropshire, Southampton and Waterside;

      pro-hunt and non-League leaflets [1970s];

      non League publications including those of bodies monitored by the League, including Countryman's Weekly, 1995-2001; BBC Wildlife 1995-1997; British Field Sports Society Country Sports, 1987-1995; British Wildlife (with indexes) 1991-1996; Earth dog - running dog, 1996; Horse and Hound, 1970s, 1986-2001; Hounds, 1997; Hunting, 1994-1996; National Geographic, 1996-1998; Shooting Gazette, 1993-1995; Shooting News, 1983-1993; Shooting Times, 1975-6, 1995-2001; Sporting Dog, 1992, 1994; The Field 1977-78, 1983-2001; The Veterinary Record, 1994-1996; Wildlife Conservation, 2001; RSPCA Annual Reports, 1959-1983 (incomplete);

      photographs including black and white, and colour images relating to League activities, arranged in the following categories: Beagling, basset hounds, fox hunting, stag hunting, deer, sanctuaries, dog fighting, buck hunting, hare coursing, shooting; cock fighting, hares and rabbits, fell hunting, wild birds, mammals, fur trade, fluffy foxes (domesticated), drag hunting, foxes general, Euro, kennels, hunting scenes, digging out - terrier work, mink hunting, number plates and tax discs, hunt havoc and violence, meetings, fundraising, personalities - pro and anti, people, exhibitions, annual and extraordinary general meetings, general, Council hunt bans, demonstrations, marches and rallies, [1959-2003];

      slide collection of images relating to the League's activities, arranged in the following categories, fox, hare, pro-hunt supporter, LACS AGMS; legal; mink and otter; badger / dog / cock sports; deer; sanctuaries and wildlife; snares and traps; European blood sports; drag and blood hound hunting; other organisations; anti-hunt supporters; politicians; shooting and falconry; hunt monitoring; hunt bans; hunt havoc; artificial earths; farm animals; miscellaneous, 1974, 1981-2003;

      film and videos collection including footage of hunt monitoring, and television programmes concerning League activities, 1960s-2003;

      audio cassettes recordings of radio broadcasts, reports, interviews and meetings relating to League activities, 1983-1996.

      Sin título
      Coleherne Patrons Committee
      Parte de HALL-CARPENTER Archives

      Papers regarding Coleherne Patrons Committee, 1978-1983, including constitution, minutes, records of meetings with the Coleherne Road Area Residents Association, and financial records.

      Sin título
      Labour Campaign for Criminal Justice
      GB 0097 LCCJ · Colección · 1985-1999

      Papers of Labour Campaign for Criminal Justice, 1985-1999, include minutes, financial papers, newsletters and publications.

      Sin título
      GB 0097 LYNES · Colección · 1957-1997

      Papers of Tony Lynes, 1957-1997, including research papers, correspondence and publications concerning various fields of social policy and administration collected by Lynes in his own research and as advisor to various organisations and individuals. Includes: material relating to research conducted as an assistant to Richard Titmuss and as an advisor to the Labour Party on social security policy; notes and papers concerning Lynes' involvement with the formulation of social security legislation; research material concerning pension schemes and policy (both domestic and international), housing, immigrants, asylum seekers, taxation, unemployment and work undertaken with his wife, Sally; papers, correspondence, reports and publications from and relating to Lynes campaigning and research into the functioning and operation of the Social Fund, 1988-1991.

      Sin título
      GB 0097 MAYO · Colección · 1913-1947

      The papers comprise personal correspondence between G Elton Mayo and his wife, Dorothea and his daughters, Patricia and Gael, 1913-1947. Dorothea Mayo expected her husband to write to her daily whenever he was away and the result is a series of diary style letters sent during their periods of separation. The fullest series are for 1922-1923 when Mayo visited the USA prior to settling in Philadelphia and for the period from 1929 to 1937 when Dorothea remained in England with their daughters.
      The second series of correspondence comprises letters to his daughters while they continued their education at Bedales in England and during World War Two. The correspondence is mainly with his eldest daughter, Patricia, though there is some correspondence with Gael and also Patricia's first husband, Walter Goetz.
      Both series of letters contain detail on Mayo's work and life at Harvard, including meetings with colleagues, lectures and research projects. In addition there is discussion of books, ideas and people which influenced his work and thinking. The World War Two letters include comments on the war from the USA and detail events leading to Gael's escape from behind German lines in France with her son and first husband.

      Sin título
      GB 0097 SEROTA · Colección · 1953-2002

      Papers of Beatrice Serota, 1953-2002, relate to her work in London local government, as a Minister of State, member of the House of Lords and of a number of advisory bodies and committees, including the Advisory Council on the Penal System and the Commission on Local Administration. Includes correspondence, reports, publications, notes, speeches and other papers.

      Sin título
      Thatcher Factor Television Documentary
      GB 0097 THATCHER FACTOR · Colección · 1979-1990

      This collection contains Betacam cassettes of interviews and transcripts of interviews with leading political figures and members of the public from Margaret Thatcher's Premiership, 1979-1990. The subject matter ranges from issues of social history during the 1980s to ideological commentary on the nature of Thatcherism. The interviews also cover the impact of Thatcherism after Mrs Thatcher's departure from office.

      Sin título
      Tory Reform Group
      GB 0097 TRG · Colección · 1970-2006

      Papers of the Tory Reform Group, 1970-2006, including correspondence, minutes of meetings, financial papers, membership records and files regarding events and seminars. Subjects covered include economics, the environment, social policy and Europe (including papers regarding the Single Currency/Euro). The collection also contains papers of PEST - Pressure for Economic and Social Toryism (TRG/1), Parliamentary Mainstream and Conservative Mainstream (TRG/3), and the Macleod Group of Conservative MPs (TRG/4).

      Sin título
      GB 0366 STO · Colección · c1968-1989

      Records of the Society of Teachers Opposed to Physical Punishment, [1968-1989], including press cuttings, letters to the press, press releases, publications, case files, administrative, policy and subject files.

      Sin título
      Coefficients, The
      GB 0097 ASSOC 17 · 1902-1908

      Printed minutes of the Coefficients dining club, 1902-1908, comprising discussions on a set theme introduced by one of the group, including typescript minutes for the dinner of 23 May 1903, introductions to each year, and some programme cards. Members of the club were Leopold Stenett Amery, Lt Carlyon Bellairs, Henry Birchenough, Sir Clinton Edward Dawkins, James Louis Garvin, Sir Edward Grey, 3rd Bt, Richard Burden Haldane, William Albert Samuel Hewins, Halford John Mackinder, Leopold James Maxse, Alfred Milner, Viscount Milner, Henry John Newbolt, William Pember Reeves, Bertrand Arthur William Russell, Michael Ernest Sadler, Arnold John Hugh Smith, Herbert George Wells, and Sidney Webb.

      Sin título
      GB 0097 BAAF · Colección · 1936-2001

      Papers of the British Association for Adoption and Fostering (BAAF) and predecessor bodies, (the Association of British Adoption Agencies, formerly the Association of British Adoption Agencies and the Standing Conference of Societies Registered for Adoption; and the Adoption Resource Exchange), 1936-2001. Includes minutes, correspondence, working party papers and other policy documents.

      Sin título
      GB 0097 CAB · Colección · 1972-1975

      Papers of the Review Committee of the Greater London Citizens Advice Bureau Service Limited, 1972-1975, comprising:
      Official Review Committee papers, 1972-1975, including agendas, minutes and correspondence between members, with the National Citizens Advice Bureau Council and London Borough CABs.

      Research papers and survey material used by the Review Committee, 1972-1975, regarding the structure, finances and organisation of the Greater London Citizens Advice Bureau Service Limited and London borough CABs.

      Research and survey material regarding information and advice services offered by local councils in Greater London.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 LMA/4060 · Colección · 1801-1996

      Records of the Field Lane Foundation. The earliest records date to 1842 in its incarnation as the Sabbath School. These comprise management committee minutes which run as a continuous series to 1984 and reflect the change from Sabbath School to Ragged School in 1850.

      Important series include the deeds and papers of Field Lane dating from 1801 to 1961. There are also series relating to each of the major homes and organisations associated with or run by the Field Lane Association including the Home Workers Aid Association and the 5 holiday or retirement homes: Eastwood, Dovers, The Priory, Holly Hill and Singholm. There is also a set of annual reports from 1847-1996 and a series of printing blocks used for many of the Field Lanes' publications.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 LMA/4539 · Colección · 1971-1989

      Records of the Southwark and Lambeth Group of the Campaign for Homosexual Equality. The records reflect a number of issues being dealt with by gay rights campaigners in the '70s including the trial of Gay News for blasphemy, the fight against fascism, and an involvement in women's and lesbian rights. Local matters touched on in the papers include the branch's deliberation over joining the Southwark Campaign against Rascism and Fascism, and application for recognition by the national council.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 LMA/4540 · Colección · 1991-1995

      Papers of Lesbian London Publications, producers of the Lesbian London newsletter. The archive includes a file of over a hundred completed (anonymous) survey forms, relating to lifestyle, relationships and feedback on Lesbian London (LMA/4540/03/007). Other papers include minutes; correspondence; press releases; financial accounts; papers relating to advertising; issues of the newsletter and photographs.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 LMA/4713 · Colección · 1986-1994

      Records of the London Boroughs Disability Resource Team including documents relating to training courses, publications, administration. Also includes an annual report of the London Boroughs Disability Committee.

      Sin título
      SPRAGGS, Gillian (b 1952)
      LMA/4616 · Colección · 1980-199-

      Records of Gillian Spraggs, 1980-199-, including numerous leaflets, pamphlets, magazines and posters produced, printed and publicised by various gay and lesbian action and support groups during the latter part of the 20th century. Many of them advertise the existence and need for such support groups, while others work to promote necessary information and advice for lesbians and gays who had either suffered from discrimination or wanted to help campaign against such discrimination. They document the campaign against the introduction of Clause 27 and the campaign to ensure equality and equal opportunities for lesbians and gays within the work place.

      Sin título
      LSPU · Colección · 1900-1988

      LSPU/CS: Central Services, 1982-1988, including secretariat files, legal opinions, committee documentation, information videotapes and audiotapes, posters.

      LSPU/DIR: Director's Papers, 1961-1987, including files of P Brayshaw and D Stevenson as Directors of the Policy Unit.

      LSPU/EPG: Economic Policy Group, 1900-1987, including GLC Popular Planning Unit photographs, research project files, files of the Economic Policy group and files of the GLC Industry and Employment Branch.

      LSPU/PMRG: Police Monitoring and Research Group, 1986-1987, comprising copies of 'Policing London' press cuttings bulletin.

      LSPU/PPG: Planning Policy Group, 1965-1987, including Land Use Survey files and plans, GLC Development Planning Branch, policy division files, files of GLC Planning Studies Group on Tourism, office survey files from the GLC Central Policy Unit, files on the statistical analysis of planning decisions, planning files.

      LSPU/PUB: Publications by the London Strategic Policy Unit.

      LSPU/RAG: Recreation and Arts Group policy files, 1986-1987.

      LSPU/REPG: Race Equality Policy Group, 1968-1987, including files of the GLC Ethnic Minorities Unit, files of the GLC Recreation and Arts Department Race Equality Unit, files of the GLC Ethnic Minorities Unit Irish team, files of the GLC Ethnic Minorities Unit Industry and Employment Section, policy team files, 'Patrolling the Frontline' press cuttings bulletin, grants files of the GLC Ethnic Minorities Unit, Development Team files, files of A Wong, Principal Race Equality Adviser, files of the GLC Ethnic Minorities Unit on the Anti-Racist Year Programme.

      LSPU/TG: Transport Group, 1972-1988, including policy files, files of the GLC Public Transport Campaign Unit, and plans.

      LSPU/WEG: Women's Equality Group, 1981-1988, including GLC Women's Committee Support Unit; policy files; files on childcare provision; exhibition boards; files of grant monitoring and administration files.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 A/PMC · Colección · 1899-1967

      Records of the London Council for the Promotion of Public Morality, later known as the Public Morality Council. Scarcely any of the early records survive, the earliest useful series being the annual reports, 1901-1913 and 1932-1954. Minutes of the council and its sub-committees cover 1940-1965.

      Records include constitution of the Council; Council and committees minutes and papers; membership lists for the council and committees; annual reports; papers relating to annual public meetings and Hyde Park meetings; paper relating to conferences and talks; general correspondence; financial accounts; records relating to links with other societies, both national and international; PMC publications and related magazines, films and other publications.

      Sin título
      Post Office: Agency Services
      GB 0813 POST 80 Series · Serie · 1874-1937

      This series comprises material relating to the introduction and operation of agency services provided by The Post Office. It covers: the payment of Old Age Pensions at post offices; the sale of Health Insurance and Unemployment Insurance stamps; the floatation of the 'War Loan', in 1915, to help finance the war; and the payment of money due to public corporations through The Post Office.

      Sin título
      Mondcivitan Republic
      GB 0372 MR · Fondo · 1955-1976

      Papers of the Mondcivitan Republic, (1904-2005), including: governance Papers, 1951-1985; financial Papers, 1954-1978; correspondence, 1946-1986; conferences, events and visits, 1954-1983; membership and citizenship's, 1951-1975; newsletters, 1941-1980; international relations, 1957-1985; papers of Hugh Schonfield, 1940-1983; photographs, 1950-1976; propaganda, 1936-1989; International Arbitration League, 1906-1989; Cremer Trust, 1904-1969; World Service Trust, 1956-1980; Civil World Army, 1952-1963; London Service Section, 1944-1945; Mondcivitan Community School, 1973-1975;Mondcivitan Boutique, 1973-1975; articles and publications, 1932-1989; newspaper cuttings, c.1940-1990; audio-visual material of the Republic, 1956-2005; and objects of the Republic, 1956-2005..

      Sin título
      Clarkson, Thomas: letter, 21 Apr 1826
      GB 0096 AL215 · Fondo · 1826

      Letter from Thomas Clarkson of Woodbridge, [Suffolk] to Peter Clare of Manchester, 21 Apr 1826. Thanking him for details of a successful petition: 'Yours indeed is a great triumph, when you consider the opposition, if I may so call it, of the Boroughreeve ... It was much the case at Glasgow, where the hireling [James] Macqueen, the Editor of a Glasgow paper [?Glasgow Herald], and pensioned by two of the West Indian legislatures, and a host of W. India planters owners of West Indiamen and coopers, mechanics working for that employ resided ... There is ... something so good in our cause [the abolition of slavery], that it must always make its way among a moral people.

      Autograph, with signature.

      Sin título
      Roberts, Samuel: letter (1833)
      GB 0096 AL307 · Fondo · 1833

      Letter from Samuel Roberts of Park Grange, [Sheffield, Yorkshire] to George Thompson, c/o Alexander Cruickshanks, Meadowside, Edinburgh, 26 Oct 1833. Covering note to a copy of Roberts's An address to the members of the two Wilberforce-Committees, London and York, concerning a suitable memorial to the late William Wilberforce, slavery abolitionist.

      Autograph, with signature.

      This note is written on a blank portion at the end of the third page of the printed pamphlet. The date stamp, frank, seal and address are on the fourth (back) page.

      Sin título
      Social Democratic Federation
      GB 0097 COLL MISC 0522 · Colección · 1884-1889

      Section 1: Letters from Herbert Burrows to members of the Social Democratic Federation (SDF) about the Staffordshire miners strike, on which he was reporting for 'Justice', correspondence concerning 'Justice' and the SDF by various authors, articles intended for 'Justice', either undated or dated 1884.
      Section 2: Letters to 'Justice' and various members of the SDF, 1884-1889.
      Section 3: Manuscripts of articles for 'Justice', mainly undated.
      Section 4: 4/1 Fly sheet. Eight hours demonstration at Birmingham town Hall, Herbert Burrows, Chairman, on the back pencil notes on wages in the metal trades; 4/2 Walter Crane cartoon for May Day; Appendix (M859 R (SR) ARC2) William Morris letter to "Dear Comrade of the SDF, the Labour League and Justice", 19 Dec 1885.

      Sin título
      HELLMAN, Michael, fl 1938-2004
      GB 0097 HELLMAN · Colección · c1955-2004

      Correspondence, memoranda and press cuttings, 1955-2004, relating to Michael Hellman's attempts to obtain an enquiry into his sectioning in Horton Hospital, Epsom (1955).

      Sin título
      GB 0097 ORME · Colección · 1974-2004

      Political papers of Stanley Orme, 1974-2004, comprise papers relating to his work as a government minister in the Northern Ireland Office and subsequently the Department for Health and Social Security (1974-1979), Labour Party Opposition Spokesman on Trade and Industry (1979-1983), Energy (1983-1987), and Chairman of the Parliamentary Labour Party (1987-1992). Papers from Orme's period in the Northern Ireland Office are related mainly to his work on industrial democracy in Harland and Wolff shipyard, and also contains reports of visits to USA to meet politicians to discuss Northern Ireland politics. Section 2 contains many articles and speeches by Orme relating to health and social security. Section 3 consists mainly in correspondence, and includes discussions of industrial policy and unemployment. Orme's role as Opposition Spokesman on Energy has been divided into two sections. Section 4 covers the general policy area of energy, dealing with such issues as fuel poverty, nuclear power, and industrial relations in the energy sector, whilst Section 5 is devoted to the significant amount of material relating to the 1984-1985 miners' strike. Section 6 contains material from Orme's Chairmanship of the Parliamentary Labour Party, and Section 7 contains articles and speeches written throughout Orme's career.

      Sin título
      Returned Volunteers Association
      GB 0097 RVA · Colección · c1962-c1997

      Records collected or created by the Returned Volunteers Association, [1962-1997] including: correspondence and papers relating to VSO, including volunteers reports and papers relating to reorientation weekends; correspondence and papers relating to European Non Governmental Organisations and BOND (British Overseas NGOs for Development), including EVI (Ex-Volunteers International) and European Community projects; correspondence and papers relating to sending agencies, including CIIR (Catholic Institute for International Relations), IVS (International Voluntary Service) and UNAIS (United Nations Association International Service); RVA Policy Group papers; BVALG (British Volunteer Agencies Liaison Group) minutes, November 1986-July 1993; BVP (British Volunteers Programme) Committee papers, c1978-c1983; RVA national conferences, 1979-1990; training courses and events for returners and local groups; publications, c1967-c1997, including VOSA News, RVA London Newsletter, VOSA/RVA Newsletter, Feedback, Comeback, plus handbooks, guides and pamphlets; BVP (British Volunteer Programme) Committee minutes 1969-1983 and Council minutes, 1974-1983, plus Overseas Development Group report on BVP, 1978; Council for Volunteers Overseas minutes, 1964-1972; Lockwood Committee minutes, 1962-1969.

      Sin título
      GB 0097 SEEAR · [1930]-1997

      Papers of Beatrice Nancy Seear, Baroness Seear of Paddington, [1930]-1997, mainly comprising case studies, reports and memoranda relating to her work with the Runnymeade Industrial Unit, the London Business School Minority Groups, and the Community Relations Commission, as well as material concerning women's employment.

      Sin título
      Seventies (TV documentary programme)
      GB 0097 THE SEVENTIES · Colección · 1970-1988

      This collection contains betacam videotapes and transcripts of interviews with leading political figures and members of the public during the 1970s and broadcast as the documentary 'The Writing on the Wall'. The collection covers many areas of political and social history during the period, most notably trade unionism and industrial relations.

      Sin título
      GB 0366 SV · Colección · 1950s-1980s

      Papers of Harold and Pamela Silver, mainly research material for An Educational War on Poverty including: audio-cassettes of 41 taped interviews and some manuscript interview notes, 1981-1982; published and unpublished reports, articles and research papers relating to educational programmes and initiatives in the United States and Britain, 1950s-1980s; correspondence and papers (mainly photocopies) of A.H. Halsey and Michael Young relating to the National Educational Priority Area Projects, 1967-1972; articles, reports and correspondence relating to the report of the Central Advisory Council for Education (England) Committee of Enquiry into Primary Education, Children and Their Primary Schools (The Plowden Report), including some papers of Maurice Kogan, 1963-1987.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 ACC/0334 · Colección · 1834-1850

      This collection comprises: a statement of the rates and tithes owed by Phineas Davis and Henry Ward, 1834; a report of the Vestry Committee on the receipt and expenditure of the Middlesex County Rate in Saint Marylebone, 1835; Metropolitan Police criminal returns and comparative statistics, 1831-1836; and lists of voters in Ealing.

      Sin título
      Archive of the Mothers' Union
      GB 0109 MU · Fondo · [1790-2000]

      Records of the headquarters of the Mothers' Union, Mary Sumner House, Westminster. The majority of the archive dates from when the Mothers' Union established a centralised structure in the 1890s, and contains a small number of papers from members who, although not always based at Mary Sumner House, played important roles within the MU (see MU/MSS/2). Although some files run into the 1990s, many of the series stop in the early 1980s, which coincides with a survey undertaken of the archive in Mary Sumner House (see MU/CO/1/127).

      The foundation of the Mothers' Union is dated to the publication of the first membership card in 1876. The society was established by Mary Sumner, wife of the Rector of Old Alresford in the Diocese of Winchester, to defend the institution of marriage and promote Christian family life. This concern broadened over time to consider all factors affecting the morality of society, within the home and without.

      Initially a network of meetings in parishes in the Diocese of Winchester, by the mid 1890s, the MU had established a centralised governing body in London, and had a number of branches overseas; from the early twentieth century, departments were established to deal with specialised tasks in the society's work. Although the society was primarily concerned with the role of the mother and the upbringing of children, married women without children and unmarried women were allowed to join as Associate Members from the outset. Throughout the twentieth century the MU addressed a variety of contemporary social issues (such as runaway children, drug dependence, venereal disease, housing conditions and birth control), but reserved particular efforts for campaigning against divorce and marriage breakdown.

      Faced with a need to address a liberalisation in both society and the Church in the decades following the Second World War, the Mothers' Union revised its constitution in 1974 giving greater autonomy to the MU overseas and no longer excluding divorcées. Further reassessment took place in the early 1990s when the need to comply with charity regulations prompted a restructuring of the organisation.

      Sin título
      GRAY, Mary (1854-1941)
      GB 2665 GRAY · 1854-1935

      Personal papers of Mary Gray, nee Rogers, comprising:

      birth certificate, 11 Jan 1854; marriage certificate, 16 Sep 1876; membership card of Social Democratic Federation, Mar 1890-1891; membership card for International Socialist and Trade Union Congress, 1896;

      printed copy of resolutions including one relating to the action of Dr Blandford in certifying Edith Lanchester, (undated); agenda, and programme and rules of the SDF 12th Annual Conference, 1892; Programme and Rules of the Social Democratic Federation, 1892;

      printed notices for a public meeting concerning votes for women, 1892; SDF London School Board Election, Nov 1894, West Lambeth Division; International Socialist Workers and Trade Union Congress London, SDF demonstration, 1896;

      papers relating to Gray as a speaker including printed notice of SDF meeting of the Coventry Branch, advertising Gray on Socialism, the only hope of the worker' andThe economic position of women' [1896]; news cutting reporting Gray's speech at the SDF Ilkeston Branch, 1897;

      invitations for various events including one from Emmeline Pankhurst, 1892; a Mayoral reception, Leicester, 1899; meeting with Louis Botha, and De Le Rey and Mr Schalk Burger of South Africa, 1902;

      miscellaneous receipts, 1895, 1998; ticket to Women's suffrage public meeting, Piccadilly 1893; typescript poem `to my grand daughter Olive, on her first birthday', 1903; manuscript music for the alto part of the 'Song of the Lower Classes';

      letters to Gray, 1891-1899 from family members, as well as Herbert Burrows, 1893, Charles Heneags, 1896, Eleanor Marx Aveling, 1896, 1898, Duncan Milligan, H Percy Thompson, 1897, and H C Phillips, 1899;

      material relating to Socialist Sunday Schools including a letter from National Council of British Socialist Sunday Schools, 1935; three photographs, including the Brixton Socialist Sunday School, and unidentified scene and group of people; The Socialist Sunday School Hymn Book, 1910; manuscript report of Battersea Socialist Sunday School, Sydney Hall, Nov 1892; Cutting from The New Leader relating to Socialist Sunday Schools, 1932;

      and photocopies of articles from journals, 1895 and related news papers.

      Sin título
      GB 0101 ICS 56 · 1938-1945

      Papers of Walter Edward Guiness, Lord Moyne, relating to his chairmanship of the West India Royal Commission (WIRC), 1938-1939; comprising speech notes by Moyne for the first public session of WIRC; annotated notes for preparation of the WIRC report; copies of published Colonial Office reports including Report of the West India Sugar Commission, 1930, Report by Lord Moyne on Financial Mission to Kenya, 1932, Report of Enquiry on the Trinidad and Tobago disturbances, 1937, Report by G St J Orde Browne on Labour Conditions in the West Indies, 1939, WIRC Report on agriculture, fisheries and veterinary matters by F L Engledow, 1945; memoranda submitted to WIRC by interested parties in Trinidad and Tobago, on means of improving the social and economic conditions of the people, including the Port of Spain Ministerial Association, the Civil Service Association of Trinidad and Tobago, the Port of Spain Nurses and Midwives Association, the Railway Workers Trade Union, Captain C R Williams, Church Army, the Presbyterian Church in Trinidad, the Trinidad Labour Party, Port of Spain City Council, the British West Indies and British Guiana Teachers' Association, the Trinidad and Tobago Teachers' Union, Trinidad Federation Workers Trade Union, the Guianese and West Indies Labour Congress, the Chinese Commercial Association, Trinidad Chamber of Commerce, South Trinidad Cane Farmers Association, the Government of Trinidad and Tobago on agriculture, forestry and fisheries and social welfare, the Agricultural Society of Trinidad and Tobago, Trinidad Asphalt Operating Company, the Coconut Growers Association, the Petroleum Association of Trinidad, memorandum by Arthur Calder-Marshall on Trinidad, impressions of the social situation in Trinidad by A E Jeffery, the Trinidad and Tobago Union of Shop Assistants and Clerks and the Trinidad Landowners' Association.

      Sin título
      BROOKE, Helen C. (fl.1919-1947)
      GB 0113 MS-BROOH · 1919- c.1952

      Brooke's scrapbook and letters relating to her work as a Health Visitor, 1919- c.1952. Scrapbook includes photographs, notes and annual reports of the Child Welfare Department of University College Hospital; Letters sent to Brooke, 1947 and n.d., and a typescript history of the Department, c.1952, which were originally interleaved with the scrapbook.

      Sin título
      GB 0097 COLL MISC 0484 · Colección · 1850-1864

      24 letters from Richard Cobden to Thomas Thomasson on political and personal matters and one memorandum (2 letters incomplete).

      Sin título
      GB 0097 SURVIVAL · Colección · 1973-2006

      Survival Programmes comprises photographs (all black and white), interview transcripts, drafts and other materials relating to the book Survival Programmes by the Exit Photography Group (Nicholas Battye/Chris Steele-Perkins/Paul Trevor). The photographs and interviews were made between 1974 and 1979, and record life in Britain's inner urban areas in the 1970s.

      Sin título
      GB 0097 TITMUSS · c1938-1973

      Papers and correspondence regarding finance and tax (Labour Party); papers and notes from Titmuss' social administration related research; papers and correspondence relating to the London School of Economics; official papers and notes from Titmuss' involvement with advisory committees and international organisations; overseas research papers and notes.

      Sin título
      FRY, Isabel (1869-1958)
      GB 0366 FY · Colección · 1878-1958

      The collection mainly consists of a set of Isabel Fry's personal diaries and notebooks dating from 1878-1958. These are supplemented by letters to her friend Eugénie Dubois, c1930-1958, and a few publications and photographs. The diaries reflect all aspects of her life and career including her teaching activities and educational ideas; her preoccupations with political and social affairs, including political reform and emancipation in the East and in Turkey and Persia; her friendships with liberal intellectuals; and her involvement with anti-militarist movements, slum clearance, socialism and feminism. Also included are details of her relationship with her family, friends and their wider social circle.

      Sin título
      The Moot
      GB 0366 MOO · Colección · 1939-1949

      Papers of The Moot, mainly consisting of Sir Fred Clarke's set of the circulated discussion papers, 1939-1942; also an incomplete run of the Christian News-Letter, 1939-1949.

      Sin título
      Whitechapel Art Gallery
      GB 2859 · 1882-2002

      Records of the Whitechapel Art Gallery (WG) and its predecessor, comprising:

      minutes of the Gallery Trustees 1898-1976; Gallery Trustees, Finance and Fundraising committees, 1976-1981; Gallery Trustees, Finance and Building committees, 1981-1986; Gallery Trustees and Finance committees 1987-1988; Trustees, Finance and Joint Trustees committees, 1988-1996; Finance Subcommittee 1950-1951, 1966-1971; Development Trust Planning Group, 1981-1983; and Foundation Trustees, 1984-1995; as well as Development Trust Scheme files, 1978-1982; Gallery Trustees correspondence 1949-1981; Foundation Trustees correspondence, 1981-1989;

      annual reports and accounts 1901-present;

      early records of the Gallery including files relating to the establishment of the Gallery 1893-1901; correspondence of Gallery Directors and Secretary's 1901-1947; financial records and treasurer's correspondence, 1902-1947; and exhibition files 1901-1947;

      Gallery Directors' papers including administrative and correspondence files of Hugh Scrutton, 1947-1953; Bryan Robertson, 1952-1969; Mark Glazebrook, 1964-1973; Jennie Stein (acting Director), 1971-1974; Jasia Reichardt, 1974-1976; Nicholas Serota, 1978-1987;

      exhibition files 1947-1990 files, arranged chronologically by year date of exhibition, including correspondence and papers relating to exhibition arrangements such as loan of artworks, sales, valuations, catalogues, private views, and installation;

      printed publicity materials including catalogues of Whitechapel Fine Art Exhibitions, 1882-1886; catalogues of Whitechapel Art Gallery exhibitions, 1901-1965-present;

      printed posters relating to individual exhibitions, 1956-2002;

      press cuttings relating to reviews and listings of WG exhibitions, and some general cuttings about the gallery and the London art scene, 1897-1922, 1952-2002;

      guard books containing ephemera - relating to each exhibition, 1949-2002;

      records of the Whitechapel Art Gallery Society including correspondence and papers concerning subscriptions 1947-1988; and cash books 1948-1978;

      photographs of exhibitions and artists works 1948-1998; photographs and illustrations of the Gallery and its exhibitions, 1901-1939; photographs of the Gallery building, staff and the local area, 1890-1915, 1951, [1972]-1998; contact sheets and negatives of exhibitions and the gallery, 1966-1995;

      Gallery visitors books 1949-1965;

      Financial records including cashbooks, wages books and exhibition accounts, 1899-1971;

      Sin título
      BARNETT, Henrietta (1851-1936)
      GB 0074 LMA/4063 · Colección · 1891-1936

      These records comprise Dame Henrietta Barnett's Autobiographical Memoirs together with autograph letters and other papers in manuscript and typescript by Henrietta and her friend and literary agent Marion Paterson. Most of the records concern travel to the USA, Japan, India and Italy.

      Sin título
      BARNETT, Samuel AND BARNETT, Henrietta
      GB 0074 LMA/4266 · Colección · 1883-1932

      This collection consists of 186 letters sent to or written by Samuel and Henrietta Barnett. The correspondence is from public figures, including authors, poets, artists and other social reformers.

      Sin título
      TATCHELL, Peter (b 1952)
      GB 0074 LMA/4466 · Colección · 1971-2004

      The papers of Peter Tatchell includes correspondence, newspaper and magazine articles, press releases, posters, leaflets and publications on the following topics: Aids/HIV research, vivisection and animal rights, homophobic violence and policing, the age of consent, media portrayal of homosexuality, negative comments on sexuality by 'personalities', homophobic lyrics and the music industry, international politics, green socialism, Labour and politics, Members of Parliament and 'outing', the Bermondsey By-election, the Greater London Assembly, Christian, Jewish and Islamic leaders' stances on homosexuality, the law and sexuality, the prosecution of homosexual acts, and the employment of homosexuals in the armed forces.

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