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      Hiërarchische termen

      Gelijksoortige termen


      • UF Aerial surveying
      • UF Arpentage
      • UF Levé de plans
      • UF Levé topographique aérien
      • UF Agrimensura
      • UF Medición de tierras
      • UF Prospección topográfica
      • UF Reconocimiento aéreo

      92 Archivistische beschrijving results for Surveying

      92 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
      GB 378 LDGSL/69 · Reeks · [1849-1855]

      Part one of manuscript of paper, 'On the geology of portions of the Turko-Persian frontier and of the districts adjoining' by William Kennett Loftus, [1854-1855], from research conducted during Loftus' tenure as part of the joint Turco-Persian frontier commission between 1849-1852. Also large volume containing the manuscript watercolour and ink drawings of landscapes and geological sections, which illustrated the paper, by Loftus and Henry Adrian Churchill who was the secretary of the British contingent of the joint commission, [1849-1855].

      Zonder titel
      GB 378 LDGSL/74 · Reeks · [1875]

      Manuscript notebook, containing a draft of a paper on the distribution of flint in the Chalk of Yorkshire, by John Robert Mortimer, [1875]. [Note: paper makes reference to a map and tracings, however these are not included.]

      Zonder titel
      GB 378 LDGSL/82 · Reeks · [1808]-1820

      Papers of Nathaniel John Winch, [1808]-1820, comprising:

      Drawing of a plan of the dykes in Montagu Main Colliery, [1808]; Sketches of sections showing dykes in Whitley Quarry and Walbottle Dean, [c 1814]; Letter to Thomas Webster describing a fossil plant found near Whitby, 1820.

      Zonder titel
      GB 2009 JSCSC IF 1/6 · 1918-1919

      59-page typescript foolscap volume with photographs and plans pasted onto and between the pages.

      This volume is one of a set of seven that records the damage caused by the Independent Force's bombing raids during 1918 and the enemy counter-measures that were encountered. This volume starts with a general account of the bombing of Germany by the Independent Force and its predecessor, the 8th Brigade, Royal Flying Corps. The volume records bombing raids and their affect on railway targets including those at Metz, Thionville, Trier (Treves), Saarbrucken, Ehrang and other locations. Many of the photographs show bomb damage caused by specific raids and some of the plans are marked to show where bombs exploded.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0096 MS1127 · Archief · 1788

      List of Irish counties with numbers of houses delineated by the number of hearths, whether newly inhabited and other detail, 1788. Includes comments on the nature of the survey.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0402 EAR · 1909-1930

      Papers of Edward Ayearst Reeves, 1909-1930, including notes on Robert E Peary's report and observations from his expedition to the North Pole, 1919, 'On terrestrial magnetism', letters, maps, and observations (of which some are copies of Peary's and others unidentified), 1909 and memoirs of Reeves' time at the Royal Geographical Society, 1930.

      Zonder titel
      WHYMPER, Edward (1840-1911)
      GB 0402 EWH · Collectie · 1871-1911

      Papers of Edward Whymper, 1871-1911, including computations of heights in the Andes, 1880 and watercolour, 'View of Greenland'.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0402 GHO · c 1950's-1960's

      Papers of George Holland including cartographer's notebooks and correspondence with Brian Moser, 1962, about a map of the Rio Piraparana.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0402 GRP · 1936-1944

      Typescript drafts of works of George Robert Farrar Prowse on the charting of the coast from Baffin Land to Maine, including copy of Cartological Material vol I: Maps, 1936, and Cartological Material vol III: Names, 1942, and extract from Prowse's Cartological Material vol IV: Voyages 'John Cabot sails for Hudson Strait known before 1073', 1944.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0402 JWA · Collectie · 1851-1895

      Correspondence of Gen James T Walker, comprising two volumes of correspondence, 1876-1882, to Walker from correspondants in India and Europe with some draft letters from Walker, principally concerning the Survey of India and pendulum apparatus, correspondents include: G B Airey, David Gill, W J Heaviside, J Herschel, Fr. A Hirsch, Clements R Markham, T G Montgomerie, Lord Roberts, O von Stubendorf, Richard Strachey, H L Thuillier, and Colonel Henry Yule. Copies of extracts from Walker's letters, 1867-1876, from the records held in the Geodetic Branch Library, Dehra Dun, transcribed by R Phillimore, 1964.

      Zonder titel
      TERRY, Michael (1899-1981)
      GB 0402 MTE · 1921-1950

      Papers of Michael Terry, 1921-1950, including observations and lists of collections made during an expedition to Central West Australia, 1932-1933, used as appendices to an article by Terry, 'Explorations near the Border of Western Australia', published in The Geographical Journal, Vol. 84, No. 6 (Dec, 1934), pp. 498-510; observations from Central Australia, 1928; and geological map with notes.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0402 RRR · 1864-1893

      Papers of Richard Routley Adams Richards including diary on board HMS CHALLENGER, 1872-1876, Atlantic, Antarctic and Pacific oceans: seven volumes, illustrated with sketches; photographs including photographs taken during the voyage of the HMS CHALLENGER, notably Marion Island, Kerguelen Islands and Antarctic sea; four diaries, 1892-1894, Riviera and Carlsbad; and cartoons by Sub Lt Channer.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0402 WHI · 1908-1915

      Papers of Capt William Shakespear, 1908-1915, including field notebooks on 'Kuwait tours' giving route and bearings, 1909-1913; observations in Kuwait, 1911; tour to Nejd and a single page with depths of desert wells, Kuwait hinterland, Mar-Apr, 1913; notes on route and bearings, Feb-May 1914; computations of aneroid observations, 1914; observations of the sun's meridian, 1911, 1913 and 1914; copies of letters and papers including the last letter from Shakespear to his brother, 14 Jan 1915.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0120 PP/AEM · 1919-1996

      Biographical material includes the draft of Mourant's autobiography, Blood and Stones published after his death in 1995, together with the correspondence and papers Mourant assembled while writing it. There is also documentation of Mourant's education at Victoria College Jersey and at Exeter College Oxford. The latter includes notes on lectures 1922 - ca 1926. Documentation of Mourant's career, honours and awards is patchy, although there is material relating to his search for employment in the early 1930s. There are pocket diaries spanning 1915-1982, with a fairly continuous sequence 1922-1961. Biographical material also includes extensive family and personal correspondence, much of which dates from or relates to the German occupation of Jersey or shortly thereafter. Mourant's other documented interests include his membership of the Methodist Church and his political affiliations, the League of Nations Union in particular.

      There is a little material relating to Mourant's early career with the Geological Survey 1929-1931, miscellaneous material relating to Mourant's service with the MRC's Blood Group Reference Laboratory at the Lister Institute and the Nuffield (later Anthropological) Blood Group Centre at the Royal Anthropological Institute, London, and more extensive but uneven coverage of the Serological Population Genetics Laboratory. Although there is some documentation of the foundation of the Laboratory 1964-1965 and of its staff, the surviving material consists chiefly of correspondence and papers relating to Mourant's largely successful efforts to find continued funding for the Laboratory 1969-1977. Haematological research material, though not extensive, covers Mourant's work in a number of areas from research on blood serum in the mid-1940s to the mapping of blood groups in the 1960s and 1970s. There are early research notes, correspondence and papers relating to student and other expeditions undertaking blood group and physical anthropology research and some MRC material assembled by Mourant relating to projects in which he had an interest. The largest group of research papers, however, is maps and data produced during preparation of the second edition of The Distribution of the Human Blood Groups. There is a chronological sequence of drafts and correspondence relating to Mourant's publications, 1929-1991, with extensive material relating to editions of The Distribution of the Human Blood Groups and to The Genetics of the Jews (1978). There is also editorial correspondence relating to publishers and journals, chiefly invitations to review books or referee papers and an incomplete set of offprints. There is correspondence and papers relating to some of Mourant's lectures and broadcasts, most notably the lectures on blood groups given at the Collège de France, Toulouse, 1978-1979. Societies and organisations material is not extensive, and is confined to brief documentation of only a few of the societies and organisations with which Mourant was associated. It includes professional and geological bodies as well as haematological, biological and medical organisations. Visits and conferences material covers the period 1960-1987. It is not comprehensive, though there is also considerable documentation of Mourant's visits and conferences in the papers he assembled in the course of preparing his biography and with lectures material. Mourant's correspondence is extensive. Its complexity reflects Mourant's organisation of the material, the bulk of which was found in three main series: 'Foreign 1965-1977', 'Biological' and 'Geological', together with a fragment of a fourth series 'Home 1965-1977'. Principal correspondents include C.C. Blackwell, B. Bonné, O.J. Brendemoen, V.A. Clarke, L.L. Cavalli-Sforza, A. W. Eriksson, T.J. Greenwalt, J.K. Moor-Jankowski, T. Jenkins, W.S. Pollitzer, D.F. Roberts, J. Ruffié, D. Tills and J.S. Weiner.

      Zonder titel
      BAX, Bonham Ward (1837-1877)
      GB 0064 BAX/101-102 · 1871-[1877]
      Part of Bax Family Papers

      Papers of Captain Bonham Ward Bax comprising his logs of the HMS DWARF, 1871 to 1874, and his letterbook in the HMS SYLVIA.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0064 BRK · Collectie · 1794-1826

      The collection includes Robert Hammond's record of service and his survey, when Master of the Society of Pilots of the Cinque Ports, of the southern North Sea in the cutter GEM, 1841. The volumes collected by Barker himself consist mainly of logs of naval ships. They include that of the ORION, in home waters, kept by an Edward Barker in 1794, containing an account of the Battle of First of June; the Clyde, 1796 to 1800, kept by Lieutenant John Smith (fl 1780-1805), in home waters; of the CHALLENGER, 1828 to 1831, East Indies Station, kept by Commander John M R Ince (fl 1808-1850); the CALEDONIA, 1835 to 1836, Mediterranean station; the FLY, 1842 to 1846, surveying Australian waters, and the PILOT, 1850, East Indies station. There is also a journal of a voyage in the merchant ship VESTAL from North America to the West Indies, 1759 to 1760, by the author William Falconer (1744-1824); some of Falconer 's unpublished poems appear at the end of this journal.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0064 CLS · Collectie · [1836-1855]

      Papers of Sir Richard Collinson including private journals for 1836, 1850 to 1855, logs, 1843 to 1846, a remark book, 1850 to 1851, and letterbooks, 1845 to 1846 and 1850 to 1854. There is a large amount of material relating to Collinson's survey work, in particular to China and to the voyage of the ENTERPRISE. It includes numerous records of observations and calculations on navigation, magnetic variation, meteorology and tides. There is also a large body of official, semi-official and private correspondence, 1835 to 1855, together with copies of some letters and memoranda by Collinson. His correspondents included Sir Francis Beaufort (1774-1857), Hydrographer to the Admiralty, Peter la Trobe (1795-1863), Horatio T. Austin (so. 1800-1865) and John Barrow the younger (1808-1898). The only items relating to his later career are notebooks on his work for Trinity House and printed papers, mainly official publications.

      Zonder titel
      Donaldson, John (1841-1899)
      GB 0064 DON · Collectie · [1841-1899]

      Papers of John Donaldson, covering most of Donaldson's education and working life, ranging from school work, his university exercise books and exam papers, to government reports and surveys from his time in India, and finally to extensive letters, reprots, etc, covering the period with Thornycroft.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0064 SHP · Collectie · [1857-1903]

      Papers of Philip Ruffle Sharpe, comprising diaries, 1857-1859, and letterbooks, 1867-1870 and 1875-1877, together with official service documents and a few letters and photographs, Sharpe's own copy of The Voyage of the Rattlesnake, by John MacGillivray (London, 1852, 2 vols), and typescript extracts from an autobiography up to 1849. The letters include one from Sharpe's brother-in-law, William R Hobson, a lieutenant in the FOX, under Captain F L McClintock, describing the finding of relics of the expedition led by Sir John Franklin. There are service papers, three logs and a notebook kept by Commander Philip William Carwithen Sharpe (1884-1957), Sharpe's son, as a midshipman in the MAJESTIC, Channel, 1900 to 1901, DIANA, Mediterranean, 1901 to 1902, and ARIADNE, West Indies, 1902 to 1903. There are also a few service papers of Second Officer Mary Gertrude Sharpe, WRNS (Mrs M G Corran).

      Zonder titel
      GB 0099 KCLMA Jacobs-Larkcom · Created 1916-1945

      Papers relating to service in World War One, 1917-1919, and in China, 1921-1945, including copies of personal letters from Army colleagues, 1918-1919; copy of manuscript account of service during third battle of Ypres, 1917; typescript narrative diary of 15 Field Company Royal Engineers, 8 Div, 2 Army, Somme, German March offensive, 1918, with copy of manuscript account ofthe German attack, 21 Mar 1918; correspondence relating to road surveys in China, 1921-1927, with copy of typescript account of journey by Jacobs-Larkcom from Yunnan to Sichuan, China, 1921; copies of two manuscript narrative diaries, British Military Mission to China, 1943-1945; three typescript articles relating to China entitled 'Disease', 'For those interested in the Chinese language' and 'River travel-and a question of cash' [1945].

      Zonder titel
      GB 0099 KCLMA MISC 49 · 1939-1944

      German armed forces maps, gazetteers, and geographic charts of the United Kingdom, 1939-1944. Includes detailed study produced by the Commander in Chief of the German Air Force concerning the organisation of the RAF, the strengths and locations of British aircraft production facilities, the location of RAF flight schools, airfields and anti-aircraft facilities, the location and strengths of RN facilities in Britain and the North Sea, and British aircraft carrier strengths, 1939; German harbour atlas and gazetteer produced and distributed by the Commander in Chief of the German Air Force, entitled Seehafensatlas Großbritannien, detailing in 1:50,000 maps and aerial photographs, naval harbours and ports in Britain, 1940; German Navy High Command map books of naval ports and harbours in the United Kingdom, their associated agricultural and heavy industries production rates, defence facilities, and geographical locations, 1940; map books issued by the Commander in Chief of the German Air Force, entitled Luftgeographisches Einzelheft Großbritannien, detailing the location of British heavy industry, gas works, water works, aircraft and naval production facilities in Britain, including 1:21,120 maps, 1940; German Army High Command book, entitled Militärgeographie Angaben über Irland, and detailing in photographs the towns, cities and countryside of Ireland and Northern Ireland; German Army Command gazetteer of Ireland and Northern Ireland, entitled Militärgeographie Angaben über Irland, listing county sizes, numbers of inhabitants, population densities, industries, and harbour and port facilities in Ireland and Northern Ireland, 1940; German Army High Command gazetteers of Britain, listing alphabetically towns and cities, their longitude and latitude co-ordinates, their respective counties, numbers of inhabitants, industrial and agricultural production rates, and trains station facilities, 1941; map book distributed by the Commander in Chief of the German Air Force, entitled Britische Flugrüstungsindustrie, detailing the location, size, and production rate of ship-building and aircraft production centres in Great Britain, 1941; map books distributed by the Commander in Chief of the German Air Force including detailed photographs, 1:100,000 and 1:250,000 maps, longitude and latitude co-ordinates, population density statistics, and points of reference notes for town and cities in Britain, 1943-1944

      Zonder titel
      GB 0099 KCLMA MISC 57 · 1977

      Typescript proof copy of article'German Military Mapping: An Exploratory Survey' by Andrew F Tatham, Map Curator, King's College London, for The Cartographic Journal, 1977. Also, typescript draft of same article, in which the author reviews the range and extent of German military mapping, largely of World War Two, and the role of the cartographer in supplying information during conflicts

      Zonder titel
      GB 378 LDGSL/68 · Reeks · 1846

      Manuscript map 'Geological outlines of the country in the vicinity of the Swan River, Western Australia, compiled at the request of his Excellency John Hutt, Esq' and an accompanying geological memoir with list of fossils by Joshua William Gregory and Francis Thomas Gregory, 1846.

      Zonder titel
      GB 378 LDGSL/701 · Reeks · 1778, [1808]

      'Scotland coloured according to the rock formations', by Louis Albert Necker, [1808]. Geological colouring on base map 'North Britain or Scotland divided into its Counties, corrected from the best surveys and astronomical observations by Thomas Kitchin', published by William Faden, 1 December 1778. Dissected on cloth.

      Zonder titel
      GB 378 LDGSL/714 · Reeks · [1865-1872]

      Papers of Frederic William Harmer, comprising maps of East Anglia, annotated with geological lines, notes and colouring, used as field maps during research into glacial deposits in the south east of England, in collaboration with Searles Valentine Wood jnr, [1862-1872]. Base maps are Ordnance Survey, one inch (Old Series) sheets nos 50-51, 65-69 (quarter sheets).

      Zonder titel
      MACCULLOCH, John (1773-1835)
      GB 378 LDGSL/78 · Reeks · [1808-1858]

      Papers of John MACCULLOCH, [1808-1858], principally comprising:

      Proofs and publications of John MacCulloch - Author's reprints of nine papers published in the 'Transactions of the Geological Society of London, 1811-1817; Printed proofs of John MACCULLOCH's paper, "On malaria", parts 1 and 2, from the 'Quarterly Journal of Science, Literature and the Arts', 1827; Proofs for John MACCULLOCH's book 'Proofs and illustrations of the attributes of God, from the facts and laws of the physical universe; being the foundation of natural and revealed religion', 1832-[1837];

      Prints and drawings by John MacCulloch, including - the Channel Islands, 1811; granite tors of Cornwal and Devon, 1814; Glen Roy, 1817; Western Isles of Scotland, 1819; Conwy and Dunkeld, [1808]-1822, although file contains some later material not by MacCulloch; Pentland Hills and Dumfriesshire, [nd, c.1810s]; 'Illustrations of the Highlands of Scotland', [c.1820s]; album of sketches and prints, [1810-1832];

      Maps and sections by John MacCulloch - Sections, elevation and plan of the strata of Heligoland, 1809; Watercolours of fracturing of veins in limestone with sections, 1811; Geological map of Scotland, 1836 [poor condition].

      Zonder titel
      HOEY, A C
      GB 0402 ACH · 1909

      Bearings and positions by A C Hoey of Lake Baringo to Addis Abbaba, 1909.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0402 ALS · 1892-1895

      Observation files of Sir Alfred Sharpe, including positions, Lake Mweru, 1892 and positions on and near Lake Nyasa including letters and calculations, 1894-1895.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0402 CFA · 1934-1944

      Papers of Sir Charles Frederick Arden-Close, 1934-1944, comprise a copy of 'The International Congress of Geography', Warsaw, 1934; three scrapbooks of letters, notes and memos from 1927-1930, the period when Close was President of the RGS; one volume of papers on the Anglo-German Nyasaland/Tanganyika Boundary Commission, 1898; proof of a review written by Close for Nature on the RGS publication of English county maps, 1933; bound volume of printed papers, news cuttings and a photo of the 'centenary meeting' showing Close and the Prince of Wales all marking the centenary celebrations of the RGS, 1930; bound diary illustrated with photographs of the survey of the Niger Kamerun Boundary, 1895 and papers referring to the National Atlas Project 1940-1941.

      Zonder titel
      MARTIN, C G C
      GB 0402 CGM · 1979

      Pre-publication duplicated typescript, by C G C Martin entitled 'Malawi - A study of maps and surveys'.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0402 FCV · Collectie · 1884-1886

      Journals and logs of Foley Charles Prendergast Vereker, 1865-1886, relating to his service in RN Survey ships: Vol. 1, 1865-1867 as a midshipman in HMSs VICTORY, MUTINE, SUTLEJ, MALACCA, SCOUT and MUTINE again, home and South American (Atlantic and Pacific) stations; Vol. 2, 1867-1870 as a midshipman in HMSs MUTINE, NASSAU and DUKE OF WELLINGTON, Pacific and Home stations; Vol. 3, 1870-1872, as officer in HMS DUKE OF WELLINGTON, East Indies and China Seas; Vol. 4, 1873-1877, in HMSs NASSAU and THAMAR, Pacific; Vol. 5, 1878-1883, as lieutenant in HMS ALERT, South American Stations; Vol. 6, 1883-1884, as lieutenant in the P and O ships SS CLYDE, ROHILLA and BAUCA and as a lieutenant commanding HMS MAGPIE; 1884-1886, as lieutenant commanding HMS RAMBLER. Illustrated with watercolour drawings and charts, with mounted photographs at the end of each volume.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0402 FKW · 1911-1958

      Two notebooks of Frank Kingdon Ward, 1911-1958, including bearings, positions and topographical notes made in Tibet, 1933-1934, and statement of the results of his observations.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0402 GCT · 1935-1985

      Papers of Gertrude Caton-Thompson, 1935-1985, comprise artwork including preliminary drawings of maps, an offprint of an article 'Lake Moeris, re-investigations and some comments' by G Caton Thompson, E W Gardner and S A Huzayyin from Bulletin de l'Institut d'Egypte, T. XIX, 1936-1937 and photocopy of article 'Recent geological work in the Faiyun...' by O H Little from Bulletin de l'Institut d'Egypte, T. XVIII 1935-1936; aerial photo taken autumn 1938 by US pilot prospecting for oil, showing drainage pattern on edge of high plateau between Mukalla and Wadi Hadhramaut; Watercolour by Edith Hughes of the Fayum depression and preliminary drawing of map/sections of Wadi 'Amd at Hureidha, prepared for plate LXXII in the book Tombs and Moon Temple of Hureidha published in 1944.

      Zonder titel
      RITCHIE, Adm George S
      GB 0402 GSR · 1937-1959

      Workbooks containing hydrographic survey observations and calculations of George S Richie comprising Vol. 1: HMSS HERALD, JASON and FRANKLIN,1937-1939, China Sea; Vol. 2: HMSS FRANKLIN and ENDEAVOUR, 1939, 1942-1943, Labrador, North Africa; and Vol. 3: HMSS SCOTT, SHARPSHOOTER, OWEN, CHALLENGER, HMZS LACHLAN and HMS DALRYMPLE, 1943-1959, North Africa, Scotland, Malaya and the River Thames.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0402 JWG · 1903-1922

      Papers of John Walter Greogory, 1903-1922, including photostat of annual report of the Secretary for Mines and Water Supply to D McLeod, State of Victoria Australia, including a report by Gregory, Director of the Geological Survey, 1903; hyposometric and astronomical observations, Yunnan and Tibet, 1913; and notes and letters from E A Reeves and A R Hinks of the Royal Geographical Society to J W Gregory and C J Gregory, 1921-1922.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0402 MCA · 1909 -1934

      Papers of Michael Corbet Andrews, 1909-1934, comprising notes, photographs, tracings and drawings made by M C Andrews from 1909-1934. They refer to early cartographers, calendars, calendar staves, medieval and Sixteenth Century maps of the world with particular attention to the placenames of Scotland and Ireland. This collection notably includes calendars and almanacs; calendars including notes on lunar notations; correspondence notably concerning maps and calendars; descriptive notes on the work of cartographers; tracings and photographs of medieval maps; maps inlcuding Higden maps; photographs and photostats including maps of British Islands and Scotland. The collection also includes portolan charts and some County and medieval maps.

      Zonder titel
      SURVEY OF INDIA, Reunion
      GB 0402 SIR · [1955]-1988

      Papers of the Survey of India Reunion, 1955-1988, including accounts, records of meetings; lists of members; letters to the Reunion; unpublished accounts of (20th century) life in India; correspondence, 1967-1986; Bulletins; album of photographs of all Surveyors General of India and of room of the Surveyor General and seal of the Survey of India.

      Zonder titel
      MOLYNEUX, Thomas Howard
      GB 0402 THM · 1847-[1980s]

      Papers of Thomas Howard Molyneux including Molyneux's journal of a survey of the Dead Sea, 1847 with a transcript by E O Eriksen and copies of notes and a map by Molyneux and lists of soundings in the Dead Sea.

      Zonder titel
      Classified Papers
      GB 0117 Cl.P · 1660-1741

      Scientific and other papers sent to the Royal Society, presented at meetings of Fellows, or commissioned by the Society. They form a complementary series to the Early Letters, both of which were superseded by the Letters and Papers. Many of these items, referred to as the 'Guard Books', are duplicated in the Register Book of the Society. The classification is a simplified form of the 'Philosophical Transactions' abridgment by John Lowthorp. This arrangement was completed in 1741 by Thomas Birch. The majority of the papers in these volumes are manuscript, but a few printed documents occur throughout the series. Some of the papers are earlier in date than the grant on 15 July 1662 of the First Charter to the Society. The Committee of Trades seems to have been associated with the earlier meetings of those philosophers who subsequently became Fellows, and produced a number of practical papers, some of which were written in 1639 and which are mostly found in Volume 3(i). There are still earlier documents, mostly in Volume 25, which may have been included in the gift, in 1667, of the Arundel Library.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0402 WMS · 1905-1906

      Papers of Walter Mersh Strong, 1905-1906, comprising notes on secondary positions, notebook containing maps, language notes, bearings and positions, Mafulu to Kambodi, New Guinea, 1905 and two mapping books, New Guinea, 1905-1906.

      Zonder titel
      GB 0108 SC MSS 001 · 1818-1871

      Material created by Ronalds' during his time abroad, and as Honorary Director of the British Association's Observatory at Kew, with various notes on electricity, 1818-1871. It comprises material relating to Ronalds' travels abroad including journals, notebooks, sketchbooks, bills of expenses, and correspondence relating to two journeys to Italy, Egypt, the Holy Land and the Greek Islands; Material relating to 'Sketches at Carnac' and atmospheric electricity including pencil sketches and notes on atmospheric electricity taken from published sources; Correspondence while Honorary Director at the British Association's Observatory at Kew, including letters to Ronalds from various correspondents, mainly dealing with aspects of meteorology and magnetism, and the affairs of the Observatory at Kew, with technical discussion of self-registration by photography, bifilar magnets, atmospheric electricity; Notes, reports and copy correspondence relating to Ronalds' time at the Kew Observatory including a foolscap notebook with several loose insertions relating to a system devised by Ronalds for propelling or towing vessels in water by means of a stationary fulcrum; Papers relating to telescopes, fires, meteorology and Report on Kew for 1849-1850, including notes and diagrams relating to the design of a stand for a telescope, material relating to the design of a self-acting fire alarm, barometric and temperature readings, material relating to expenses and experiments at Kew for report on the observatory 1849-1850 presented to the British Association at their meeting in 1850, papers relating to a proposed 'Turner's Manual' which Ronalds began writing 1838-1839; Papers relating to perspective, the electric telegraph, galvanism and electromagnetism, electric columns, atmospheric electricity, aquatic propulsion and drawing and surveying; Notes and sketches on items relating to various subjects, including a small catalogue of books on meteorology, electricity etc, and a bundle of unused photographic paper and some tracings from Ronalds' self registering instruments; Printed material relating to Ronalds' perspective tracing instruments; Extracts from diaries and newspaper cuttings; Portrait album of well-known European scientists.

      Zonder titel