Matériel didactique

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Note(s) sur la portée et contenu

  • Any printed and/or nonprinted material designed specifically for or used in instruction. Use more specific descriptor where appropriate.
  • Tout matériel, imprimé ou non, conçu spécialement ou utilisé dans l'enseignement. Employer un descripteur plus précis quand c'est pertinent.
  • Todo material, impreso o no, concebido especialmente para la enseñanza o empleado en ella. Utilizar un descriptor más preciso cuando sea necesario.

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    Termes hiérarchiques

    Matériel didactique

    Termes équivalents

    Matériel didactique

    • Employé pour Educational materials
    • Employé pour Educational media
    • Employé pour Instructional materials
    • Employé pour Teaching aids
    • Employé pour Aide didactique
    • Employé pour Auxiliaire pédagogique
    • Employé pour Matériel éducatif
    • Employé pour Matériel pédagogique
    • Employé pour Média pédagogique
    • Employé pour Moyen éducatif
    • Employé pour Support didactique
    • Employé pour Material de apoyo didáctico
    • Employé pour Material pedagógico
    • Employé pour Medios pedagógicos

    Termes associés

    Matériel didactique

    1 Description archivistique résultats pour Matériel didactique

    1 résultats directement liés Exclure les termes spécifiques
    Bland-Sutton, Sir John: Papers
    GB 0114 MS0287 · 1799-1940

    Papers of Sir John Bland-Sutton, 1799-1940, comprising 9 volumes of diaries relating to the operations of private patients, 1921-1929; 13 volumes of appointment diaries, 1921-1934; an address book containing notes and press cuttings relating to Bland-Sutton, archaeology, astronomy, and medicine, c 1928-1933; volume titled Principles of Doll Surgery with manuscript additions. Including a printed page relating to the books in the Queen's dolls house, and a letter (with a copy of his reply) from Princess Marie-Louise relating to publishing a book about the books in the Queen's dolls house library; manuscript of The Story of a Surgeon (first published 1930), with author's corrections; manuscript drafts and published copies of articles on Joan Proctor, eunuchs, Lord Lister, angler fish, robber crabs and antler cutting, c 1931; papers and press cuttings relating to Bland-Sutton's publications, 1929-1933; financial records, 1929-1932; notes from Bland-Sutton to Victor Plarr, and other librarians of the RCSEng, relating to books and periodicals in the College library, 1892-1918; a letter relating to a monkey with rickets, 10 Jan 1916; press cuttings and obituaries relating to Bland-Sutton, 1936; a drawing and biography of Bland-Sutton from the Vanity Fair series 'Men of the Day no.1214'; a visitors book from 47 Brook Street, including a poem by Rudyard Kipling, 1905-1932; visitors book from Villa Vita, a gift from the Kiplings, 1935-1940; friends and family photograph album, 1903-1938; family photograph album including Persia, Egypt and Near-East, portraits, statues and the Persian Court, c 19th century; approximately 50 unidentified photographs, c 19th century; photograph and papers relating to Miss Ada Heather Bigg (elder sister of Edith Bland-Sutton), 1874-1879; and a collection of autograph letters including Viscount Horatio Nelson, Sir George Smyth Baden-Powell, and Sir Frederick Treves, 1799-1918.

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