Teaching methods

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Scope note(s)

  • Patterns of teacher behaviour that are recurrent, applicable to various subject matters, characteristic of more than one teacher and relevant to learning.
  • Modèle récurrent de comportement d'un enseignant, applicable à diverses matières, caractéristique à plus d'un enseignant et propice à l'apprentissage.
  • Modelo de un profesor que es recurrente y aplicable a diversas materias, característico de más de un profesor y propicio para el aprendizaje.

Source note(s)

  • http://vocabularies.unesco.org/thesaurus/concept83

Display note(s)

    Equivalent terms

    Teaching methods

    • UF Educational methods
    • UF Instructional methods
    • UF Teaching strategies
    • UF Teaching techniques
    • UF Méthode éducative
    • UF Stratégie d'enseignement
    • UF Technique d'enseignement
    • UF Technique pédagogique
    • UF Estrategia de enseñanza
    • UF Método educativo
    • UF Técnica pedagógica
    • UF Técnica de enseñanza
    • UF Didactics

    317 Archival description results for Teaching methods

    317 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
    CLINE, Henry (1750-1827)
    GB 0100 TH/PP CLINE · 1777-[1824]

    Papers of Henry Cline, 1777-[1824], comprising three notebooks, 1777-[1824], labelled 'pathology and surgery', 'anatomy and physiology', and ' effects of the mind on diseases' containing notes on pathological conditions and contemporary surgical practice, with individual case histories, details of patients inoculated by Cline, 1778-1789, his post-mortem examination of Charles James Fox, account of influenza, 1782; notes on a course of lectures on anatomy, physiology and surgery, [1790]; notes on lectures on surgery, [1818], delivered 1805-1806.

    Cline , Henry , 1750-1827 , surgeon
    GB 0114 MS0259 · 1794-1808

    Papers of William Clift, 1794-1808, comprising 2 volumes of manuscript notes taken at lectures on practical surgery by Sir Everard Home, delivered at 13 Castle Street, Leicester Square, 1794-1796. The notes were corrected by Clift in 1808.

    Clift , William , 1775-1849 , museum curator and scientific illustrator
    GB 0114 MS0239 · 1825-1832

    Papers of William Home Clift, 1825-1832, comprising manuscript notes and sketches by Clift, taken at lectures given by Sir Charles Bell, on topics including sensory organs, hernia, and lythotomy, 1827; notes and sketches by Clift and J Streeten, taken at lectures on surgery given by Sir Charles Bell, on topics including mechanical construction of the body, the structure and growth of teeth, and the nervous system, 1828; notes by Clift and Sir Richard Owen titled Rough Account of Diagrams, Preparations etc., used at the Lectures 1828, containing lists of diagrams for lectures by Sir Charles Bell and Joseph Henry Green; notes by Clift titled Lectures 1832. Mr Guthrie and Sir Charles Bell. Commenced Tuesday February 28th, Terminated Saturday May 5th. WH Clift; reports by Clift to the Board of Curators, on the progress of the catalogue of monsters and osteological items, and other activities in the museum, 1829-1831; and colour drawings of fish by Clift, 10 Jun 1825.

    Clift , William Home , 1803-1832 , museum curator Owen , Sir , Richard , 1804-1892 , Knight , naturalist
    GB 0114 MS0238 · Late 18th century-late 19th century

    Papers relating to the Clift and Owen families, late 18th century-late 19th century, comprising a file of correspondence and papers between the Clift and Owen families. Including material relating to the parish placements of Sir Richard Owen's grandson, Richard Startin Owen, at St Giles Church, and the Parish of Mortlake; a manuscript copy of the inscription from Sir Richard Owen's great grandmother, Elizabeth Froysell's tomb; William Owen's certificate of admittance to the Royal Arch Masons, 1869; a manuscript settlement made between Sir Richard Owen's great grandparents, Richard Eskrigge and Elizabeth Froysell on their marriage, 1725; a letter from John Hunter to Brigadier Lambart, Commander in Chief of his Majesty's Forces at Belle Isle, and Brigadier Lambart's reply, 1762; correspondence between Sir Richard Owen and his family; 2 pencil drawings by Mrs Clift; correspondence between William Clift and his family; correspondence of Sir Richard Owen from the Jessie Dobson estate; other letters to Sir Richard Owen; a diary belonging to William Clift recording activities in the museum, [1806-1816]; a letter from Antonio Scarpa, 1823 [including a transcription and translation]; sheet music for a song with lyrics by Eugenius Roche Esq and music by Gme Tronsson du Coudray, dedicated to Miss Caroline Amelia Clift; letter from Joshua Brookes to Nathan Pointer [1831]; 4 attendance cards for John W MacNee for lectures given by James Armour on Midwifery (1828), John Burns on Surgery (1827), the structure and diseases of the eye by William MacKenzie (1828), and lectures on anatomy by Robert Hunter (1826-1827); invitation card from E M van Butchell to view the embalmed remains of his wife, and a transcribed letter by William Clift from E M van Butchell regarding the display of his wife's remains, 1815; and various other Clift and Owen manuscripts.

    Clift , William , 1775-1849 , museum curator and scientific illustrator Owen , Sir , Richard , 1804-1892 , Knight , naturalist
    GB 0120 MSS.1663-1670 · 1800-1801

    Notes of lectures on chemistry taken by Aimé Marie Gaspard de Clermont-Tonnerre when a student, plus three short pieces on chemistry, 1800-1801.

    Tonnerre , Aimé Marie Gaspard , de Clermont- , 1779-1865 , French statesman
    GB 0113 MS-CLARA · c.1870

    Clark's papers, c.1870, consist of his notes of lectures on anatomy and physiology, in his hand. It is thought the lectures were delivered at the London Hospital.

    Clark , Sir , Andrew , 1826-1893 , Knight , physician
    Chirac, Pierre (1650-1732)
    GB 0120 MSS.1595-1614 & 7600 · 1696-1734

    Notes from Pierre Chirac's lectures, 1696-1734.

    Chirac , Pierre , 1650-1732 , French physician
    GB 0100 KCLCA C/LEC, C/LECT, C/PRG · 1905-1983

    South-Western Polytechnic, Chelsea Polytechnic, Chelsea College of Science and Technology, and Chelsea College Lectures, Programmes and other Events Literature, 1905-1983. This collection of ephemera provides an insight into the academic and social events that took place at Chelsea from the early years until the merger of Chelsea with King's in 1985. It notably includes copies of inaugural lectures by newly appointed professors on subjects as diverse as science education, physics in a social context and the science of botany, 1969-1980; public lecture texts on occasions ranging from memorial speeches to the award of prizes, 1905-1974; audio tape recordings of lectures and addresses including on the history of the College and of various inaugural lectures, 1965-1973 (Ref: C/LEC, C/LECT); programmes of events and orders of service covering advertisements for exhibitions, the opening of new buildings, the visit of royalty and open days, 1926-1983; prize-giving programmes, 1930-1976; sporting fixtures and entertainments programmes, 1936-1985 (Ref: C/PRG).

    South-Western Polytechnic Chelsea Polytechnic Chelsea College of Science and Technology Chelsea College
    GB 0100 KCLCA 1996 CDE, 1997 CDE · 1968-1996

    Chelsea Polytechnic, Chelsea College of Science and Technology and Chelsea College Department of Electrical Engineering Records, 1968-1996. This series comprises correspondence with overseas research workers, 1990-1996; rough and fair copy teaching notes and handouts for students on courses taught by John Pearson and others on electronic devices, electromagnetism, circuits and control systems, microwave engineering and communications theory, 1972-1995; tape recordings of lectures on electronic devices, [1975]; Departmental research reports, 1989-1995; papers concerning a reunion of Chelsea Electronics graduates, 1985; incomplete set of examination question papers in Electronics and related disciplines, 1968-1993; group photographs of graduates, 1970-1980, 1985-1986, 1989, 1995; histories of the Electronics Department and other memorabilia, 1977-1978.

    Chelsea Polytechnic , Department of Electrical Engineering Chelsea College of Science and Technology , Department of Electrical Engineering Chelsea College , Department of Electrical Engineering
    GB 0074 CLC/156 · Collection · 1677-1679, 1819, 1854

    Records of small collections relating to charities, comprising:

    • Account of the trusts in which all or some of the Broad Street Lecturers are parties, 1819.
    • Account of subscriptions to the fund for making a causeway over Tothill Fields, 1677-1679.
    • Copy deed and schedule of regulations dated 10 May 1854 relating to the use of the working men's fund raised as a memorial of gratitude to Sir Robert Peel for the repeal of the corn laws, 1854.
    GB 0100 KCLCA Chapman · 1937-[1970]

    Papers of Frederick Cecil Chapman, 1937-[1970], notably comprising University of London extension lecture notes, covering psychology, welfare, accounting, secretarial and administration, commerce and society, [1937-1942]; notes, specimen papers, syllabus, County Hall courses and University of London Degree and Postgraduate courses on bookkeeping, commerce, vocational pedagogy and business economics, 1937-1942; notes and draft lectures on energy, government, aircraft production, post-war rehabilitation, hospitals and mental health, 1946-1947; notes used for teaching, commentaries on world events and quasi diary notes, 1947-1956; notebooks entitled 'Personal Copyright and Official Minutes including Provisional Legislation concerning the Royal Commission of Tribunal, Enquiries and Inquiries, 1958-1970', relating to the functioning of a variety of administrative and legislative authorities and boards; pamphlets by Chapman, entitled Random Papers and Reminiscences and Progress within the Empire.

    Chapman , Frederick Cecil , c 1900-1970 , management consultant and lecturer
    GB 0120 GC/200 · 1924-[1980]

    Papers of Herbert Davies Chalke, 1924-[1980] including lecture notes, papers and publications, including re alcoholism, TB, care of the elderly, and food safety. Also papers re service with RAMC in North Africa.

    Chalke , Herbert Davies , 1897-1979 , Medical Officer of Health
    GB 0120 PP/EBC · 1906-1980

    The papers are very extensive though there are some lacunae, probably attributable to Chain's many changes of workplace. The early biographical period is sparsely documented, there are sporadic gaps in the correspondence files, and there is no original documentation of the penicillin research at Oxford (although there are many historical accounts and much correspondence about the history of penicillin). The surviving biographical material provides documentation of the arrangements for Chain to live and work in Britain, later honours and awards and his musical interests, and family correspondence, photographs and press-cuttings. There are very substantial records of his later career at the Istituto Superiore di Sanità and Imperial College, London, including his continuing contributions to biochemical problems such as carbohydrate metabolism, ergot alkaloids, edible proteins and aeration studies. The Imperial College material also contains records of the creation, administration, finance and architectural design of the Biochemistry Department, and developments in the Department after Chain's statutory retirement in 1973. Additional information about Chain's research is available in the documentation of his very extensive consultancy agreements and collaborative work with industrial firms such as Astra, Beechams and Rank Hovis McDougall, and records relating to government, grant-giving and charitable bodies such as the British Heart Foundation, Cancer Research Campaign and Medical Research Council which contributed to the funding of his research. There is much material on Chain's lectures, addresses and broadcasts, and on his extensive travel on visits and conferences, which includes a substantial number of unpublished talks.

    An exceptional feature of the Chain papers is the documentation of the large number of Israel and Jewish organisations with which he was associated, especially the Weizmann Institute of Science, where he was a governor for many years and had at one time considered taking up an appointment.

    Chain , Sir , Ernst Boris , 1906-1979 , Knight , biochemist
    Cecchini, Mario
    GB 0120 MSS.1536-1538 · 1732-1752

    Students' notes of Mario Cecchini's lectures on tumours, at the Archiospedale del Santo Spirito, Rome.

    Cecchini , Mario
    GB 0114 MS0269 · 1810-1837

    Papers of Sir Anthony Carlisle, 1810-1837, comprising a letter from Carlisle to Mr Bartley (a surgeon) of Mitcham, Surrey, 6 Apr 1816; a note from Carlisle to William Clift, 6 May 1829, relating to a porpoise; a letter from Carlisle to Mr Balfour, 29 Jun 1824; assorted letters from Carlisle to William Clift and others, relating to museum specimens, 1820-1837; Academy lectures, 1822-1824; Museum lectures delivered at the Royal Collge of Surgeons of England, 4 May 1818 and onwards; series of lectures; a volume of student Henry Herring's notes taken at the surgical lectures of Carlisle, at Westminster Hospital, 1810-1811.

    Carlisle , Sir , Anthony , 1768-1840 , Knight , surgeon
    CARLESS, Albert (1863-1936)
    GB 0100 KCLCA KH/PP1 · 1907-1911

    Manuscript volume of summary surgical lecture notes compiled by Professor Albert Carless, 1907-1911, possibly for the instruction of nurses, under a wide variety of headings comprising surgical bacteriology and its manifestation in the descriptions of the types and treatment of skin lesions, gangrene, ulcers, septicaemia and tetanus; the treatment of arterio-venous wounds, aneurysms and haemorrhages, and the diagnosis and treatment of gastric ulcers and carcinomas, peritonitis and injuries to the abdominal walls; skeletal abnormalities including rickets, inflammation of the bone and spinal incongruities, syphilis and skull fractures. The collection also includes loose pages listing the subject of individual lectures.

    Carless , Albert , 1863-1936 , Professor of Surgery
    Carboni, Pietro
    GB 0120 MSS.1507-1508 · 1727

    Notes from the lectures of Pietro Carboni, taken down by Francesco Petrucelli at Naples.

    Carboni , Pietro
    GB 0120 MSS.1500-1504 · [1840-1845]

    Notes of lectures by Giuseppe Canziani, on veterinary medicine, anatomy, physiology and phrenology, [1840-1845].

    Canziani , Giuseppe , 1815-1849 , veterinary surgeon
    GB 0100 KCLCA KAP/BUR · 1912-1920

    The collection comprises Principal Ronald Montagu Burrows' office files including correspondence, memoranda and accounts, 1912-1920. These include correspondence relating specifically to the impact on the College of World War One, including war grants, War Office classes, war-work by staff, lists of student casualties, the Officer Training Corps (OTC), the special constabulary, War Relief Council, erection of a war memorial, lists of refugee students, their status, examinations taken and the hospitality they enjoyed; reports and correspondence relating to the teaching and assessment of individual subjects or departments including Anatomy, Chemistry, Chinese, Day Training, Engineering, Law, Modern Greek, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and Theology, 1913-1919; correspondence relating to scholarships, studentships and medals, 1913-1917; correspondence on staff, notably academic appointments and pensions, and the establishment of new chairs, 1913-1918; correspondence relating to public lectures, 1913-1918; correspondence concerning Egyptian students at King's including lists of names, 1914-1915; correspondence and accounts of King's College for Women including the transference of many of its functions to King's College in the Strand, 1915-1917; correspondence relating to the Westminster Training College, Horseferry Road, 1913-1917; typescript accounts of the Plantanes Hall of Residence [King's College Hospital, Denmark Hill], 1913-1915; estimated accounts of King's College London, 1913-1919; incomplete examination pass lists, 1914-1918; framed photograph of Eleutherios Venizelos, Greek Statesman, [1913-1920].

    Burrows , Ronald Montagu , 1867-1920 , Principal of King's College London
    BURGES, John (1745-1807)
    GB 0113 MS-BURGJ · 1769-c.1790s

    Burges' papers, 1767-c.1790s, include records of his medical cases, 1769-75; Printed copy of the St George's Hospital Pharmacopoeia, with annotations by Burges, mid-late 18th century (c.1770s-80s); his lecture notes on various subjects, such as materia medica, Boerhaave's institutes, and the hydraulic and chemical systems, mid-late 18th century (c.1770s-90s); Notes on diseases, and on chemistry and materia medica, mid-late 18th century (c.1770s-90s).

    Burges , John , 1745-1807 , physician
    GB 0120 MSS.1411-1414 · 1836-1853

    Lectures on inflammation and pathology by Maurizio Bufalini, 1836-1853.

    Bufalini , Maurizio , 1787-1875 , Professor of Clinical Medicine
    GB 0114 MS0125 · 1812-1839

    Papers of Thomas Egerton Bryant, 1812-1839, comprising notes of lectures by Henry Cline (Jnr) (d 1820), 1814; notes of lectures by Sir Astley Paston Cooper, some together with Henry Cline, 1812-1814; notes of lectures by Joseph Henry Green, 1824-1828; notes of lectures by Alexander Marcet and William Allen, 1814; notes of lectures by Richard Owen, 1839; unidentified lecture notes, c 1812; notes on cholera cases, 1832-1834; and medical notes, early 19th century.

    Bryant , Thomas Egerton , fl 1816-1840 , general practitioner
    GB 0120 MSS.1384-1386 · 1892-[1895]

    Reports of Thomas Lauder Brunton's lectures on therapeutics and notes from a lecture on chloroform with three fragments of lectures on eye affections, on the effects of alcohol, and the effect of drugs on the brain given at St. Bartholomew's Hospital, 1892-[1895].

    Brunton , Sir , Thomas Lauder , 1844-1916 , first baronet , physician and pharmacologist
    GB 0120 MSS.1376-1377 · c 1870

    'Physiologische Vorlesungen ... an der Universität Wien, geschrieben von Karl Langer', paged continuously: illustrated by small marginal pen and pencil diagrams and figures, some coloured. Produced in Vienna.

    Brücke , Ernst Wilhelm , von , 1819-1892 , physiologist
    GB 0113 MS-BROWC · 1787-1963

    Papers of Charles Edouard Brown-Sequard and his family, 1787-1963. Includes family correspondence and papers, 1787-71, and correspondence and papers of Brown-Sequard's mother, Henrietta Perrine Charlotte Brown, 1838-41, including her marriage certificate, 1813; Correspondence and papers of Brown-Sequard, both personal and professional, spanning his life and career in Mauritius, France, America, and England, 1838-94, including correspondence with well known figures such as Thomas Huxley, Charles Darwin and Louis Pasteur, [1862]-1876, letters to his first wife Ellen, 1852-64, to his second wife Maria, and their marriage certificate, 1872-73, and correspondence with his third wife Elizabeth Emma, 1876-80, poems and literary notes of Brown-Sequard and Elizabeth Emma, 1837, 1883, correspondence regarding his French nationality, 1856-97, his will [1886]-94 and diary entries in his final days, 1894

    Correspondence about his experimental work, 1868-1935, and his appointments and awards, 1849-89, with testimonials and letters of introduction, 1852-57; Notes of Brown-Sequard's lectures, mostly in his hand, 1855-93; DM Thesis, 1846; Articles by Brown-Sequard, including published versions of his lectures, 1856-90, articles and newspaper cuttings about his work, 1851-1945, and articles on medical subjects written by his contemporaries, 1844-1935; Case notes and prescriptions, c.1860-91; Photographs of, and relating to, Brown-Sequard, including the unveiling of his bust in Mauritius in 1928, mostly n.d., and cartoon of Brown-Sequard, 1889; Published material relating to Brown-Sequard, including obituaries, 1894 , biographic articles, 1894-1931, and newspaper cuttings, 1894-193

    Correspondence and papers of his daughter, Charlotte Maria McCausland (nee Brown-Sequard), his son-in-law, Richard Bolton McCausland, and his grandson, Charles E. McCausland, 1894-1963, including correspondence about Brown-Sequard, 1894-1963, particularly on the subject of biographies and his bibliography, 1909-46, and a notebook and letterbook about Brown-Sequard, in his daughter's hand, c.1846-1926.

    Brown-Sequard , Charles Edouard , 1817-1894 , physiologist
    GB 0120 WTI/SGB · 1909-1986

    The archive spans Browne's career from school onwards, but the core series of records focus on his work as a medical missionary at the BMS hospital in Yakusu, Belgian Congo (now the Democratic Republic of Congo). Section B comprises records for the period 1938-1958, including registers of leprosy sufferers, case records and photograph albums documenting various symptoms. Section K contains further photographs (mainly clinical) for the period 1938-1977, the most important series of which dates from Browne's time at the Baptist Mission Hospital and comprises over 900 negatives and prints together with supporting documentation, 1954-1958.

    Section C contains a small number of files compiled by Browne during his research into leprosy, yaws, onchocerciasis and ainhum, 1946-1983. Particularly notable are the files on the anti-leprosy drug B663 (now known as clofazimine), into the use of which Browne conducted pioneering studies whilst director of the Leprosy Research Unit, Uzuakoli, Eastern Nigeria, 1959-1966.The remaining records comprise personal and biographical material, 1923-1985 (section A); general subject files containing correspondence, reprints etc. on a wide variety of topics, 1948-1986 (section D); writings by Browne, 1935-1985 (section E); records of Browne's involvement with the International Leprosy Association, 1909-1985 (section F) and various other organisations, 1959-1986 (section G); records on foreign visits, 1965-1985 (section H); and a few files on religious matters, 1959-1984 (section J).

    Browne , Stanley George , 1907-1986 , medical missionary
    GB 0117 GLB · 1925-1970

    The correspondence, papers and scientific notebooks of Sir George Lindor Brown. The majority of notebooks relate to the investigations of Brown and his co-workers (notably Feldberg, Harvey and Maycock) at the National Institute for Medical Research, Hampstead, into neuromuscular transmission. The correspondence and remaining papers cover Brown's administrative work in the decades from the 1950's. His relationships with the Royal Society and the Medical Research Council are well represented. The papers include personal files, correspondence with institutions and individuals, working scientific notes and sets of slides.

    Brown , Sir , George Lindor , 1903-1971 , Knight , physiologist
    GB 0114 MS0228 · 1821-1823

    Papers of Richard Wilson Brown, 1821-1823, comprising a volume of manuscript notes taken by Brown at the lectures of Sir Astley Cooper (1821-1822), Joseph Henry Green, and John Abernethy (1822); including notes from Sir Charles Bell's Operative Surgery, 1823.

    Brown , Richard Wilson , d 1860 , surgeon
    GB 0120 MSS.1359-1361 · c 1930

    Addresses by Louis de Broglie including 1929 Nobel address, a fragment of a series of lectures at the Sorbonne and an address to a scientific conference in Warsaw in 1933.

    Broglié , Louis Victor , de , 1892-1987 , 7th Duc de Broglié , physicist x de Broglié , Louis Victor
    GB 0114 MS0277 · 1816-c1970

    Papers of Sir Benjamin Brodie, 1816-c 1970, comprising manuscript notes by Brodie, for his lectures on Physiology, 1820-1823; Brodie's manuscript autobiography, c 1855; 2 typescript copies of Brodie's autobiography; 4 manuscript receipt books of fees paid to Brodie, 1816-1860; Brodie's prescription book, c 1850; manuscript letters including 7 letters to Dr W J Little, prescriptions, a letter of recommendation, and letters of admittance to the RCS Museum, c 1841-1859; manuscript notes of observations whilst inspecting the body of Mr Scott, 11 Sep 1811; map of Broome Park, former home of Brodie, c 1946; ephemera including notes and a photograph relating to Peter Martin, who attended Brodie in his last illness; a photocopy of a poem about Brodie from Punch, 1858; photographs of Brodie's gravestone; photographs of Brodie-related buildings and memorials, c 1970; and an undated diploma from Philadelphia, and a diploma from the University of Giessen, Germany, 1850.

    Brodie , Sir , Benjamin Collins , 1783-1862 , 1st Baronet , physiologist and surgeon
    GB 0120 MSS.6915-6927 · 18th century - 19th century

    Manuscripts from the collection of the British Medical Association, formerly held in the BMA Library, Tavistock Square, London. The manuscripts were numbered and catalogued at the BMA, with two exceptions among these papers - however the numbering of surviving documents is not consecutive, so that the original collection must have contained at least 26 catalogued items and an unknown number of unrecorded acquisitions. Former BMA MSS.1-6 (transferred at the same time as the manuscripts described here) are now GC/140; one fugitive BMA manuscript was purchased separately and is now MS. 6881. The location of the remainder is not known. The contents mainly comprise transcripts of medical lectures and case notes.

    British Medical Association
    Bonnet, Hyacinthe (fl 1795)
    GB 0120 MSS.1316-1317 · 1795-1804

    Collection of 9 'cahiers' containing a student's notes of lectures on medicine and allied subjects: Volume 1: (1) Médecine clinique de la Charité de Paris du 7 Prairial inclus le 22 Messidor l'an 3me; [1795] (76 ll.). (2) Clinique externe de l'Hospice de l'Humanité [Hôtel-Dieu] le Paris. Maladies des os. L'an 3me de la République, [1795] (54 ll.). (3) Clinique externe de l'Hôtel-Dieu de Paris. an. xi [1803] (6 ll.). (4) Dartre [etc.]. an. xi [1804] (8 ll.). (5) Candolle (A. P. de) Physiologie végétale. an. xi [1803] (33 ll.). Volume II: (1) Vauquelin (L. N.) Chimie. Analyse des eaux minérales et chimie végétale. an. xi [1803] (54 ll.). (2) [Cuvier (G. L. C. F. D. de)] Anatomie comparée. an. xi et xii [1803, 1804] (48 ll.). (3) Dumas (C. L.) Extrait des Principes de physiologie. n.d. (30 ll.). (4) Mémoires lus à l'Académie des Sciences. n.d. (68 ll.). On Meteorology. The writer's name appears on the 5th and 6th leaves of the 'Physiologie végétale' (No. 5), in the form of a copy of a Certificate of Attendance given to Hyacinthe Bonnet by [Joseph Claude Anthelme] Récamier [1774-1752], 'Chirurgien en chef de l'Hospice de l'Humanité à Paris [Hôtel-Dieu], et professeur de l'École de Médecine à Paris, etc.' Produced in Paris.

    Bonnet , Hyacinthe , fl 1795 , medical student
    Bonnet, Charles (fl 1854)
    GB 0120 MSS.1303-1315 · 1849-1854

    'Notes médicales prises dans les hôpitaux de Paris aux Cours de MM. Velpeau, Claude Bernard, Wurtz, Orfila, etc.' Produced in Paris.

    (1) Bouillaud (J. B.) médecine clinique. n.d. (40 ll. + 4 bl. ll.).

    (2) Velpeau (A. A. L. M.) Clinique chirurgicale. 1852 (46 ll.).

    (3) - Observations de chirurgie. 1852 (32 ll.).

    (4) Andral (G.) Observations de chirurgie. 1852 (46 ll.).

    (5) Velpeau (A. A. L. M.) Pathologie externe. 1854 (26 ll. + 12 bl. ll.).

    (6) Bernard (C.) Cours de physiologie. 1849-50 (46 ll.).

    (7) Wurtz (C. A.) Chimie organique. 1849 (92 pp.).

    (8) - Chimie organique. 1849 (48 ll.).

    (9) - Chimie inorganique. [Incomplete] (27 ll.).

    (10) Orfila (M. J. B.) Chimie inorganique (26 ll.).

    (11) Velpeau (A. A. L. M.) Notes de pathologie chirurgicale. (14 ll. + 10 bl. ll.).

    (12) Notes de médecine légale. (30 ll.).

    (13) Notes de médecine légale. [Incomplete] (18 ll.).

    (14) Notes de l'hygiène. (34 ll.).

    Bonnet , Charles , fl 1854 , medical student
    GB 0120 MSS.1279-1285 · early 18th century - mid 18th century

    Notes on Herman Boerhaave's lectures and material extracted from his publications, with some material by others, 18th century.

    Boerhaave , Herman , 1668-1738 , chemist and physician
    GB 0114 MS0114 · 1702-1738

    Papers of Herman Boerhaave, 1702-1738, comprising lecture notes, 1702-1738; and letters, 1733-1735.

    Boerhaave , Herman , 1668-1738 , chemist and physician
    BLUNT, H S (fl 1938)
    GB 0402 SSC/6 · 1938-

    Papers of HS Blunt, 1938-, comprise lecture notes on Prehistoric and Roman Britain, and a collection of postcards and letters.

    Blunt , H S , fl 1938
    GB 0114 MS0170 · 1785-1826

    Papers of Sir William Blizard, 1785-1826, comprising a volume, possibly by Samuel Helbert Israel, titled Lectures on Anatomy, Phys[iology] and Surgery by Wm Blizard RS-SA, containing manuscript notes of 27 lectures given by Blizard; letters, including a letter to L [?] Hoect, 3 Mar 1785; manuscripts, including a manuscript describing particular cases, Oct 1816; a manuscript titled The dissection of a dislocated thigh with fractures of some parts of the bones of the pelvis and other injury, July 1826. by Blizard; a manuscript copy of correspondence with Mr F C Daniel regarding Blizard's refusal to provide a certificate proving attendance as a pupil at the London Hospital, 27 Jun 1817; and an autograph signature.

    Blizard , Sir , William , 1743-1835 , Knight , surgeon
    GB 0117 CB · 1771-1820

    The correspondence, papers and diaries of Sir Charles Blagden. Blagden's papers are interesting on several levels, generally for his close contact with European men of learning, and his relationship with Sir Joseph Banks. Blagden's professional researches are represented by medical notes in the boxed sequence. These are grouped with papers on other subject interests, including linguistics, e.g. a draft Tahitian-English dictionary, compiled from conversations with Omai, whom Blagden inoculated after Omai's voyage to England with James Cook. Blagden's interest in antiquities and travel is documented by diary entries, as is his intercourse with fellow scientists, particularly those associated with the founding of the Royal Institution.

    Blagden , Sir , Charles , 1748-1820 , Knight , physician
    Blackman, John (fl 1822)
    GB 0114 MS0230 · 1822

    Papers of John Blackman, 1822, comprising a volume of manuscript notes written by Blackman, in a printed volume outlining the lectures of Sir Astley Cooper titled Outlines of the Lectures on Surgery delivered by Sir Astley Cooper, Bart. at St Thomas's and Guy's Hospitals. Printed for the use of students. London 1822 .

    Blackman , John , fl 1822 , medical student
    GB 0117 Blackett papers · 1911-1975

    The papers are extensive, relating to almost every aspect of Blackett's career in science and public life. There is biographical and personal material including large numbers of letters of congratulation received on the occasion of the various scientific and public awards and honours with which Blackett's achievements were recognised. There are records of his work on particle disintegration, cosmic rays, astrophysics and magnetism in the form of laboratory notebooks, working papers, correspondence, lectures, publications and broadcasts. There is documentation of his activities on various defence projects and as a member of government committees before, during and after the Second World War. Blackett's political interests are represented by material relating to the Association of Scientific Workers, Labour Party discussion groups on science and technology policy and the Ministry of Technology instituted after the Party's 1964 electoral victory. There are records of a wide range of science-related interests such as the history of science and technology, science, education and government, and nuclear weapons and disarmament, and of his overseas activities including material relating specifically to India and that concerned with matters more generally affecting developing countries.

    A few lacunae in the surviving material have been identified. There are no documents relative to Blackett's service with the National Research and Development Corporation or the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research and, of his correspondence during the Second World War, only that for 1942 survives.

    Blackett , Patrick Maynard Stuart , Baron Blackett of Chelsea , 1897-1974 , physicist
    GB 0114 MS0157 · Mid 18th century-late 18th century

    Papers relating to Joseph Black, Professor of Chemistry and Medicine at the University of Edinburgh, and Dr George Pearson, lecturer in Chemistry at St George's Hospital, mid to late 18th century, comprising a volume of manuscript notes, by an unknown hand, taken at chemistry lectures by Black and Pearson. Including some notes on natural philosophy.

    Black, Joseph (1728-1799)
    GB 0120 MSS.1219-1227 · 1766-1778

    Lectures on chemistry: three sets of holograph notes of Joseph Black's lectures taken by students at Edinburgh University. Students taking the notes include the future Sir Charles Blagden (1748-1820) (MSS.1219-1227). Produced in Edinburgh.

    Blagden , Sir , Charles , 1748-1820 , Knight , physician Perceval , Robert , 1756-1839 , Professor of Chemistry
    GB 0370 STB · 1934-1976

    Papers of Professor Stanley Thomas Bindoff [known as Tim or S.T. Bindoff], 1908-1980, historian.

    Letters to and from Bindoff, and papers including committee meeting papers and exam papers. Includes papers and correspondence concerning:

    Queen Mary College Academic Board, Faculty of Arts, History Department, and other Queen Mary College correspondence and papers.

    The University of London: Board of Studies in History, History Special Subject 'Church, Society and Government in England, c. 1530-c.1570', Institute of Historical Research, and Senate Committee on Colleges Overseas in Special Relation. Also includes papers relating to Essex Records Committee, several educational institutions, other University of London files, and files of letters to S.T Bindoff from, and regarding, his students.

    Visiting Professorship at U.S. colleges and universities including Wellesley College and Harvard University.

    External Examinerships for the Universities of Oxford, Reading, and Nottingham.

    Conferences, including the Anglo-Dutch Historical Conferences.

    Publications edited or contributed to by Bindoff, including the History of Parliament Trust.

    Other interests of S.T. Bindoff, such as The Historical Association.

    Bindoff's various roles, interests and activities.

    Also contains correspondence series concerning:

    Lectures, including The Neale Lecture in English History, 1973-74.

    Letters to and from S.T. Bindoff arranged alphabetically into files mainly according to the initial of the surname of the sender or recipient.

    Bindoff , Stanley Thomas , 1908-1980 , historian
    GB 0120 MSS.7059-7060 · 1801-1802

    'Cours d'anatomie pathologique...', transcribed by Augustin Palle, a medical student, year 10. An apparently complete transcript of Bichat's final course of lectures on pathological anatomy, delivered at the Hôtel-Dieu, Paris, between September 1801 and the spring of 1802. Palle must have written up his notes sometime between 1 August 1802 (the date of a letter from Bonaparte copied before the text) and 22 September 1802 (the last day of year 10). The arrangement of the text broadly conforms to that of the version published by F.-G. Boisseau, Anatomie pathologique, dernier cours de Xavier Bichat (Paris, 1825).

    Bichat , Marie Francois Xavier , 1771-1802 , French anatomist
    GB 0117 Bawden papers · 1934-1973

    The papers include laboratory notebooks dealing with Bawden's research on various plant viruses, and in particular his collaborative work with N.W. Pirie and with A.A.P. Kleczkowski. There is also a detailed exchange of correspondence with Pirie on research in progress, 1937-1940. (Pirie moved to Rothamsted as Virus Physiologist in 1940 when Bawden became Head of the Plant Physiology Department.) There is a wide range of correspondence, with individuals and institutions. It deals with scientific research and problems including viral nomenclature, lectures, conferences, publications, Bawden's reports on research projects, grant applications and appointments. The correspondence relating to Bawden's overseas visits as adviser or lecturer is mainly after 1958 and is sometimes accompanied by Bawden's reports.

    Bawden , Sir , Frederick Charles , 1908-1972 , Knight , Plant pathologist
    GB 0114 MS0112 · 1881-1882

    Papers of George Backett Batten, 1881-1882, comprising a manuscript volume of lecture notes of physiology lectures by William Rutherford, at the University of Edinburgh.

    Batten , George Beckett , 1860-1942 , surgeon and radiologist
    Bateman, Harry (1882-1946)
    GB 0117 MS 746 · sub-fonds · 1880-1904

    Papers of Harry Bateman including three notebooks, two (numbered six and seven) containing notes from the lectures of E T Whittaker at Trinity College Cambridge 1903-1904; one containing formulae connected with the Legendre and Bessel functions, with Trinity examination paper 1880 and printed testimonial by Rutherford.

    Bateman , Harry , 1882-1946 , mathematician
    GB 0120 MSS.5733-5740 · 1907-1918

    Notebooks and diary including notebooks containing notes taken from lectures on physics and electricity given at the Royal Naval College, Greenwich, illustrated with sketches and diagrams, 1902; pilotage notes, 1907; Diary while serving with HMS VIRAGO, a destroyer on the China station, including visits to Hong Kong, Japan and elsewhere in the Far East, 1908 and notebooks containing lecture notes on electricity and mechanics, illustrated with small sketches and diagrams. Inscriptions 'J E L Bashford, HMS Vernon, Aug. 1911.' MS. 5740 also includes notes on mine-sweeping and on torpedoes fired, 1916-1918.

    Bashford , J E L , fl 1907-1918 , naval officer