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      • UP Therapeutics
      • UP Thérapeutique
      • UP Terapeútica

      Termos associados

      238 Descrição arquivística resultados para Therapy

      238 resultados diretamente relacionados Excluir termos específicos
      GB 0120 SA/RBC · 1937-1960

      Papers of the Research Board for the Correlation of Medical Science and Physical Education, 1937-1960, comprising records of general meetings, 1942-1956; finance records, 1944-1956; policy committee records, 1937-1956; research committee records, 1943-1950; records relating to research sponsored by the Board, 1944-1960; and miscellaneous papers.

      Sem título
      Mexico: Junta Principal de Caridad
      GB 0120 WMS/Amer.45 and 89 · 1797-1798

      The items in the collection span the work of the Junta during the 1797-1798 smallpox epidemic, comprising a circular announcing the setting up in late 1797 of local charitable societies to be co-ordinated by the Junta, and the Junta's concluding report of early 1798.

      Sem título
      Browne, Stanley George (1907-1986)
      GB 0120 WTI/SGB · 1909-1986

      The archive spans Browne's career from school onwards, but the core series of records focus on his work as a medical missionary at the BMS hospital in Yakusu, Belgian Congo (now the Democratic Republic of Congo). Section B comprises records for the period 1938-1958, including registers of leprosy sufferers, case records and photograph albums documenting various symptoms. Section K contains further photographs (mainly clinical) for the period 1938-1977, the most important series of which dates from Browne's time at the Baptist Mission Hospital and comprises over 900 negatives and prints together with supporting documentation, 1954-1958.

      Section C contains a small number of files compiled by Browne during his research into leprosy, yaws, onchocerciasis and ainhum, 1946-1983. Particularly notable are the files on the anti-leprosy drug B663 (now known as clofazimine), into the use of which Browne conducted pioneering studies whilst director of the Leprosy Research Unit, Uzuakoli, Eastern Nigeria, 1959-1966.The remaining records comprise personal and biographical material, 1923-1985 (section A); general subject files containing correspondence, reprints etc. on a wide variety of topics, 1948-1986 (section D); writings by Browne, 1935-1985 (section E); records of Browne's involvement with the International Leprosy Association, 1909-1985 (section F) and various other organisations, 1959-1986 (section G); records on foreign visits, 1965-1985 (section H); and a few files on religious matters, 1959-1984 (section J).

      Sem título
      Albert Dock Seamen's Hospital
      RLHAD · Arquivo · 1916-1979

      Administrative records, patient records, nursing records.

      Sem título
      BARNES, Robert Sydenham Fancourt (1849-1908)
      GB 0113 MS-BARNR · 1884-1890

      Two volumes of medical case notes, 1884-90, apparently of the private practice of Robert Sydenham Fancourt Barnes or possibly of the practice of his father, Robert Barnes.

      Sem título
      LAWRENCE, Thomas (1711-1783)
      GB 0113 MS-LAWRT · c.1750-1766

      Papers of Thomas Lawrence, c.1750-1766, consisting of his comment on lectures in the physician Frank Nicholls's Compendium Anatomicum, c.1750; Lawrence's compendium of pathology and therapeutics, in his own hand, c.1750; Lectures on digestion, given at the Royal College of Physicians, in his own hand, c.1750; Course of lectures on pathology and therapeutics, dictated by Lawrence, 1751; Lectures on inflammation, the liver, and the kidneys, given at the Royal College of Physicians, in his own hand, 1766 and c.1766; Unpublished manuscript on human physiology, 'De Natura Animali', in his own hand, with corrections by Samuel Johnson, the lexicographer, mid-18th century.

      Sem título
      Bedford, Nathaniel (b 1757)
      GB 0114 MS0002 · Arquivo · 1781-1783

      This collection contains a single manuscript volume, the 'Naval Surgeons Casebook'. The volume begins with details of cases, symptoms and cures of Nathaniel Bedford's patients at St George's hospital during 1781. The rest of the volume contains descriptions of cases, sickness, and treatments during his travels whilst a ship's surgeon in the West Indies during 1781-1783.

      Sem título
      Hunter-Baillie Collection
      GB 0114 MS0014 · 1704-1923

      The collection represents the contacts through two centuries of a group of men and women of high distinction ramifying through the medical, legal and literary worlds. It forms a not unimportant fund of minor historical material, comprising more than a thousand letters from nearly five hundred writers.

      The autograph letters are mounted in 10 large volumes: -

      1. Letterbook of John Arbuthnot (1667-1735). The most interesting letters are those of Pope and Swift and their circle written in 1714 when the Queen's death involved the destruction of their political hopes. Letterbook of William Hunter (1719-1783). It includes letters from Tobias Smollett the novelist, from Dr. Johnson thanking Hunter for presenting his book to the King, and from Edward Gibbon 'proposing himself the pleasure of attending some of Dr. Hunter's Anatomical lectures.'

      2. Hunter and Baillie family letters and reminiscences, including the letters written by John to William Hunter from active service in 1761-62; poems by Sophia Baillie, Jenner family letters.

        1. Letters to Matthew Baillie from the Royal Princesses. Letters of the Bentham family, including three from Jeremy Bentham. Autograph letter collection includes letters from Thomas Carlyle and Charles Dickens. 1735 - 1845
      3. Denman family collection; autographs collections of Lady Bell and Dr. William Whewell; letters of John Baron, Edward Jenner's biographer; fragment of unpublished music by Mozart; letters from Joanna Baillie's friends including c.1782-1877

      4. Letters to Joanna Baillie includes letters from Sir Walter Scott and Maria Edgeworth. Various dates

      5. William Hunter's diplomas, and letters to him, Hunter family documents, and notes on family history compiled by Joanna and Matthew Baillie. Locks of hair and christening caps worn by Hunter family. Various dates

      6. Matthew Baillie's letters to William Hunter includes material relating to treatment of George III and to his wife Sophia (Denman) and his diplomas. C. 1783-1823

      7. Matthew Baillie's professional correspondence including notes on illness of George III and on labour of Princess Charlotte. Letter to Helen Hunter Baillie from George Peachy re Matthew Baillie's notebooks (1923). 1783-1923

      8. Joanna Baillie's letters and papers relating to her plays, sale of her works, mss. of two stories and a comedy, letters from Mrs Sigourney, Henry Siddons, Anne Hunter, Mary Somerville; Agnes Baillie's reminiscences, prescriptions by Matthew Baillie

      9. Princess Mary's letters to Baillie concerning the illness of Princess Amelia, Anne Hunter's autograph poems, libretto of Haydn's Creation; account of death of Princess Charlotte.

        The Hunter Baillie collection comprises also a number of manuscript books, the oldest of which is a commonplace book of the early eighteenth century, giving details of family history of the Hunters. Matthew Baillie's notebooks include: -

      Journal of a tour in Europe in 1788 and A short memoir of my life, 1818. 'Some brief observations from my own experience upon a considerable number of diseases', in two volumes. n.d. With these are his casebooks, fee-books and other professional notes, including details of his attendance on King George III. Baillie records that his total annual fees mounted from £121 in 1792 to £9,995 in 1815.

      Sem título
      Freeman, Thomas Augustus (fl 1779-1780)
      GB 0114 MS0088 · 1779-1780

      Papers of Thomas Augustus Freeman, 1779-1780, comprising a manuscript volume titled A Collection of choice Receipts Compil'd by Thomas Augutus Freeman And wrote by him Sunday June the 20th in the Year of our Lord 1779 and finish'd by him Sunday January the 2nd 1780., containing receipts or recipes for various medical conditions.

      Sem título
      GB 0114 MS0205 · 1776-1812

      Papers of William Allison and William Jeremiah Allison, 1776-1812, comprising a volume titled Hunters Lectures Volume 1, containing manuscript notes by William Allison of lectures given by William Hunter, c 1785. Including a portrait of William Hunter; a volume titled Hunters Lectures Volume 2, containing manuscript notes by William Allison of lectures given by William Hunter, on topics including 'Chirurgical Operations' and 'The method given by Dr Hunter for the preservation of dead bodies called embalming', c 1775-1776; a volume titled Hunter's Lectures Volume 3, and Dr Hunter on the Gravid Uterus, containing manuscript notes by William Allison of lectures given by William Hunter, c 1785; a volume titled A Summary View of the Succeeding Lectures, containing manuscript notes by William Allison of lectures thought to be by William Hunter, on topics including midwifery and children's diseases, c 1785; a volume titled Fordyces Lectures Volume 1, containing manuscript notes by William Allison of lectures given by George Fordyce, on topics including blood, bile, urine, milk, anatomy and fevers; a volume titled Fordyces Lectures Volume 2 containing manuscript notes by William Allison of lectures given by George Fordyce, on topics including diseases; a volume titled Fordyces Lectures Volume 3, containing manuscript notes by William Allison of lectures given by George Fordyce, on topics including chronic diseases, preganancy, and children's diseases; and a volume of manuscript notes by William Jeremiah Allison titled Lectures on the Principal Operations of Surgery delivered by Sir Everard Hume Bart in the year 1812.

      Sem título
      Asbury, Jacob Vale (fl 1816-1870)
      GB 0114 MS0213 · 1816-1842

      Papers of Jacob Vale Asbury, 1816-1843, comprising a manuscript volume by Asbury, containing notes of the lectures of John Abernethy given at St Bartholomew's, 25 Jul 1816; notes titled Observations on the Pulse, by Dr Fordyce, 18 Sep 1816; notes titled Lectures on the Principle Operations of Surgery by Sir Everard Home, 1812; notes titled Cases and Original Observations, 1842; tables of statistics on the population of Enfield, and Great Britain; and mathematical calculations on the cubic inches of water in a box.

      Sem título
      GB 0114 MS0279 · c1960-1963

      Papers of Sir Herbert John Seddon, c 1960-1963, comprising manuscript notes relating to Seddon's attendances on Churchill's fracture of the upper thoracic spine, 1960; fracture of the upper end of the left femur, 1962; abbreviated typescript versions of these notes, including notes on Seddon's attendances on Churchill's ischaemia of the left leg, 1963; and a letter from Dr Campbell Golding to Seddon, 17 Nov 1960, relating to Churchill's pelvis and spine.

      Sem título
      Monro, Alexander (secundus): Notes of lectures
      GB 0114 MS0291 · 1776-1784

      Papers relating to Alexander Monro secundus, 1776-1784, comprising a 2 volumes of manuscript notes titled Lectures of Surgery by Alexander Monro MD, Professor of Anatomy and Surgery in the University of Edinburgh; transcribed from the copy of his lectures as taken down in short hand by Mr Thorburn in the year 1776. With additional abbreviations delivered during the years 1781-2-3 and 4 by James Curry, both containing a pen and ink portrait of Monro, and covering topics such as teeth, sutures, lithotomy, caesarean section, spinal injuries, ranula, trepanning, cupping, and inoculation.

      Sem título
      Dominicetti, Bartholomew di
      GB 0117 MS 63 · sub-fonds · 1764

      A medical tract on a new system of medicinal bathing in the form of a letter addressed to the Royal Society by Bartholomew di Dominicetti, 3 Dec 1764.

      Sem título
      OPPÉ, Thomas Ernest, (b 1925)
      GB 0098 MS/PD · Created 1960-1984

      Papers of Professor Thomas Ernest Oppé, 1960-1984, comprising papers relating to Paddington General Hospital (later St Mary's Hospital, Harrow Road), 1960-1972, notably minutes of the Medical Committee, 1960-1961, correspondence concerning the Obstetrics Department, 1961; arrangements for paediatrics, 1963-1964; report into medical care and nursing of children, 1969; closure of the Children's Ward, 1972; papers relating to the redevelopment of St Mary's Hospital and Medical School, 1970-1978; paediatrics in St Mary's Group, 1969-1975; proposed closure of Paddington Green Children's Hospital, 1979-1981; children's services at St Charles' Hospital, 1984.

      Sem título
      FORDYCE, George (1736-1802)
      GB 0100 GH/PP9 · 1786

      Papers of George Fordyce, comprising notes on his lectures on chronic diseases, 1786, and notes on his lectures on acute diseases, 1786, taken by a student, Daniel Jarvis.

      Sem título
      CLAYTON, Edward Bellis (b 1882)
      GB 0100 KCLCA K/PP26 · [1908-1947]

      Photographs of King's College Hospital and family events, [1908-1947], notably images of nursing and other staff, Physio-Therapeutic Department, wards, patients with electrical treatment machines, informal Christmas and other celebrations, stage productions, men in uniform in the Hospital during World War One, [1912-1920s], retirement card listing staff in the department, 1947; family holidays including fishing, sailing, walking, [1908-1914].

      Sem título
      CHEATLE, Sir (George) Lenthal (1865-1951)
      GB 0100 KCLCA KH/PP2 · 1899-1951

      One file of miscellaneous papers relating mainly to obstetrics, and comprising rough notes on embryology, the staining of blood, the condition of bones, and sketching the topography of the brain, 1899; a list of examination questions from the Royal College of Physicians of London and Royal College of Surgeons of England midwifery exam, 10 July 1902; King's College London Faculty of Medicine Tanner Prize examination question paper on obstetrics, 16 July, 1902; list of questions from the King's College London Faculty of Medicine Obstetric Medicine Prize Class Examination, 17 July, 1902; two examination appointment cards for Cheatle issued by the Royal College of Physicians of London and the Royal College of Surgeons for examinations leading to membership of the Colleges, taking place at the Exam Hall, Victoria Embankment, London, 14, 21 October 1903; programme sheet for a complimentary dinner in honour of Sir William Watson Cheyne at the Waldorf Hotel, London, 17 July 1908; circular from the Ministry of Health on orthopaedic services and on tetanus antitoxin,10 August 1946; an errata page from a printed formulary; typescript summaries of the symptoms and treatment of nasal catarrh and the means of avoiding accidental haemorrhage of the placenta [1945-1951]; photograph, probably late nineteenth century showing reclining clergyman in a walled garden, probably a cathedral or university cloister.

      Sem título
      FRANKLIN, Alfred White (1905-1984)
      GB 0100 KCLCA KH/PP6 · 1941

      Photocopies of letters, 1941, to Franklin replying to his enquiries about papers of Sir George Frederic Still, Consulting Physician for Diseases of Children and Emeritus Professor of Diseases of Children, King's College London; includes a newspaper cutting listing the memorial service held for Still.

      Sem título
      GB 1538 C4 · 1949-1997

      Papers of the Standing Joint Committee of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists and British Paediatric Association, later Royal College of Paediatric and Child Health, 1949-1993, mainly from the time of the reconstitution of the committee in 1965 and dealing particularly with staffing structure of maternity units for the care of the newborn. They include Committee agenda, minutes and papers, 1980-1988; Papers and correspondence of the Joint BPA/RCOG Standing Committee on Prematurity, 1949-1954; Correspondence and some minutes largely concerned with the establishment of the National Perinatal Epidemiology Unit, Oxford, 1974-1979; Results of questionnaires circulated when compiling data for the BPA/RCOG discussion document: Midwife and nurse staffing and training for special care and intensive care of the new born, 1978-1980; RCOG/BPA reviews of Maternity Services Advisory Committee reports, 1985-1986; Correspondence and papers relating to Royal College of Physicians working party on neonatal services, 1986; records of multidisciplinary working party on resuscitation of the newborn, 1995-1997; report on fetal abnormalities - guidelines for screening, diagnosis and management, 1997.

      Sem título
      Hospital Visiting Working Party
      GB 1538 M41 · 1993

      Report of the Hospital Visiting Working Party (May 1993).

      Sem título
      GB 1538 S1 · 1913-1931

      Papers of William Blair-Bell, 1913-1931, comprising personal correspondence, correspondence and papers relating to the treatment of cancer, and letters relating to individual patients; casebooks, 1900-1903, 1908-1911; notebook containing physiological tracings obtained by Blair-Bell and G H Lansdown, 1893; notebook of test results kept for Blair-Bell, 1911 with case notes inserted; Blair-Bell's lecture notebooks, c1904, on topics including chemistry, insanity, anatomy, diseases of the eye, psychology, surgical pathology, zoology, physiology, intestinal obstruction, surgery, tumours: innocent and malignant, midwifery and gynaecology, infectious diseases, diseases of the gall bladder, a sketchbook of histology and loose notes on various medical conditions; notebooks entitled 'catalogue of old books belonging to W Blair Bell', divided into 'general' and 'medical', 1907 and thesis by Helen Standring, 'An investigation of the cause and treatment of uterine inertia', 1928.

      Sem título
      Incubator plan
      GB 1538 S25 · 1934

      Plan of an incubator, prepared by R G Kirby & Sons, Toronto, Oct 1934.

      Sem título
      WILSON, John (1811-1879)
      GB 0402 JWI · Coleção · 1839-1843

      Log and private journal of John Wilson as ship's surgeon on the second voyage of the South Seas whaler GYPSY, 23 Oct 1839-19 Mar 1843 and portfolio of 23 watercolours, illustrating places named in the journal.

      Sem título
      ACC/1776 · Coleção · 1915-1916

      Exercise book belonging to S.F.D. Lawrence, containing notes of lessons on home nursing given by Dr Mildred Burgess, 1915-1916. Enclosed are loose lesson notes; London County Council first aid examination paper and 2 observation charts on a measles case.

      Sem título
      Pereira, Jonathan (1804-1853)
      GB 0120 MSS.5943-5944 · 1837-1851

      The elements of materia medica and therapeutics, by Jonathan Pereira. Author's copy, interleaved with additional notes and correspondence.

      Sem título
      Jones, Robert (1807-1843)
      GB 0120 MSS.6061-6062 · 1826-1840

      Correspondence and papers of Robert Jones relating to his work as House Surgeon and Apothecary of the Denbighshire Infirmary and General Dispensary, 1826-1828, and to his studies in Dublin at the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland and the Meath Hospital 1836-1837.

      Sem título
      Guttmann, Sir Ludwig (1899-1980)
      GB 0120 PP/GUT · 1914-1981

      Papers of Sir Ludwig Guttmann covering most of his career, although there is relatively little on the earlier years in Germany before he emigrated with his family to the UK in 1939. There is some personal and biographical material, and a typescript autobiography. There are a number of items relating to Stoke Mandeville Hospital and its work in the rehabilitation of paraplegics, which Sir Ludwig pioneered. There is also some material, mostly photographs, relating to the International Paralympics which developed from his initiatives at Stoke Mandeville.

      Sem título
      Trowell, The Rev Dr Hubert Carey (Hugh)
      GB 0120 PP/HCT · 1928-1989

      The majority of papers in this collection concern Trowell's work on fibre, carried out in close cooperation with Denis Burkitt, exploring its role in the prevention of obesity, diabetes and coronary heart disease. There are no primary sources from the period Trowell spent as Senior Physician at the Mulago Hospital, Uganda, 1930-1958, where he was one of the key researchers into the protein-calorie malnutrition disease kwashiorkor. However, publications can be found at C.1 and the work is discussed in transcripts of taped reminiscences (A.2), and in Trowell's biography (A.5).

      Section D of this list consists of papers generated by Trowell's engagement in the debate on the interface of religion and medicine.

      Sem título
      Whittingham, Sir Harold E. (1887-1983), Air Marshal
      GB 0120 PP/HEW · 1904-1983

      Papers of Sir Harold Whittingham including A. Personal Papers and Early Career, 1904-1956, including papers on cancer research, Glasgow, 1904-1915; B. RAF Sandfly Fever Commission, Malta, 1921-1952; C. RAF Medical Services, c.1920-1945; D. Biochemistry Lectures, London School of Tropical Medicine, 1926-1930; E. British Red Cross Society, 1946-1959; F. Flying Personnel Research Committee, 1940-1976; G. British Airways Overseas Corporation, 1945-1970; H. International Air Transport Association Medical Committee, 1949-1960; J. World Health Organisation, 1948-1968; K. Commonwealth Development Corporation, 1958-1976; L. History of RAF Medical Services, 1958-1983 and M. Publications, 1911-1975.

      Sem título
      Epstein, Hans Georg (1909-2002)
      GB 0120 PP/HGE · 1906-2002

      Hans Epstein papers including on anaesthesia and inhalers, 1906-2002. Within Epstein's papers is a large amount of correspondence with work colleagues and companies employed to manufacture his inhalers. Occassionally, Epstein kept copies of the out letters he sent, however, their retention appears to be more of a random occurance than one based on a considered filing scheme. The correspondence covers a wide range of topics (usually related to the field of anaesthesia) which include Epstein giving advice on certain subjects, being invited to lecture at specific events, discussing inhaler designs and test result data (of both his own products and those of others). Also existing is a significant amount of correspondence on various aspects of the book Epstein co-wrote, Physics for the Anaesthetist. Correspondence related to Epstein's own education is also included.

      Also relating to Epstein's research and development activities are a number of laboratory notebooks and loose papers which record, amongst other things test results of various anaesthetic inhalers and anaesthetic gases. Epstein also kept notebooks in which he wrote out general maths, physics and chemical equations and formula, often citing who discovered the relevent information/data and when.

      Amongst the papers are large amounts of published material. The majority are journal articles, written by third parties, which covered current and historical developments in anaesthesia or focussed on the development of specific anaesthesia apparatus. Epstein also compiled a set of research papers, journal articles and information on the specific subject of the history of resuscitation.

      The collection also includes material related to World and European Congresses of Anaesthesiologists attended by Epstein, including invitations, travel arrangements and congress itineries. Epstein also retained invitations to lecture and lecture notes as well as details (invoices) of a variety of work-related expenses incurred during his career.

      Other papers include those related to Epstein's work with Penlon, a medical apparatus manufacturer as well as papers related to Sir Robert Macintosh (Epstein's boss at Nuffield). The Penlon section includes correspondence between Epstein and Penlon and inhaler test data from tests conducted by Epstein for Penlon. The Macintosh section includes documents concerning Sir Robert's 90th birthday and his obituary.

      Sem título
      Wright, Helena Rosa (1887-1982)
      GB 0120 PP/HRW · 1908-1982, n.d.

      Papers of Helena Wright including correspondence, papers and photographs: personal and re family planning movement, 1920s-1970s, and alternative medicine, 1970s.

      Sem título
      Hunter, Donald (1898-1977)
      GB 0120 PP/HUN · 1910-1977

      Papers of Donald Hunter, 1910-1977. There are two large, parallel series of case files and reference files (section C) relating to a wide range of conditions, most but not all connected with occupational hazards and many being dermatological or osteopathic, as well as factory visit notes, correspondence, both personal and professional, publications, writings, and audio-visual material.

      Sem título
      Kekwick, Ralph Ambrose F.R.S. (b.1908)
      GB 0120 PP/KEK · 1920-2002

      Papers of Ralph Ambrose Kekwick, 1920-2002. The collection is dominated by very comprehensive documentation of Kekwick's research. Section A, Biographical, is not extensive. It includes a copy of the Royal Society biographical memoir, some material from Kekwick's education including a bound set of school reports from the Leyton County High School for Boys which indicate his early academic distinction. There is a small amount of correspondence and papers relating to scientific colleagues of Kekwick, including R.K. Cannan and C.S. Sherrington. the section concludes with a sequence of photographs from a mounted photograph of Kekwick and F.G.Young as graduates in 1929 to 1971 photographs probably from Kekwick's retirement party. Section B, Lister Institute of Preventive Medicine, presents very modest documentation of Kekwick's long association with this Institute. The bulk of the material relates to the celebrations of the seventy-fifth anniversary of the Institute.

      Section C, Research, is the largest in the collection. It presents comprehensive documentation of Kekwick's research over six decades, from earliest postgraduate study in 1929 right up to retirement in 1971 and beyond. The section is divided into four. There are research notebooks 1929-1971 which include early work at University College London, the periods spent in the US in 1931-1933 and working with T. Svedberg in Sweden in 1935, and wartime and ongoing postwar research. There are extensive research notes, mostly dating from the mid 1930s to the early 1970s, found in Kekwick's folders and boxfiles which may include data from ultracentrifuge and electrophoresis tests (including photographic data), notes, graphs, calculations, correspondence and drafts of publications. There are also papers and photographs of research equipment, instructional notebooks and graphs. Section D, Publications and lectures, is very patchy in its coverage. Publications material includes a few drafts of publications, inclusing two 1935 papers with R.K. Cannan and his memoirs of Sir Lana Drury for the Royal Society biographical memoir and the Dictionary of National Biography. There is also a set of Kekwick's offprints. Lectures material includes a sequence of public and invitation lectures from 1947 to the late 1960s. These report on Kekwick's work in progress and its signficance. Section E, Societies and organisations, principally documents Kekwick's association with the Medical Research Council: the largest component of the section is papers of MRC's Blood Transfusion Research Committee, on which Kekwick served from 1948 to 1978. There is also documentation of the Albumin Working Party of the World Health Organisation's International Committee for Standardisation in Haematology on which Kekwick served from 1970.

      Sem título
      Lowenfeld, Margaret, (1890-1973)
      GB 0120 PP/LOW · 1930s-1970s

      Papers of and relating to Margaret Lowenfeld and the Institute of Child Psychology, London, 1930s-1970s.

      Boxes 1-15 contain material catalogued by the Centre for Family Research, the detailed listing of which is given on the Wellcome Library catalogue and also on the Dr Margaret Lowenfeld Trust website,

      Boxes 16-23 contain uncatalogued material that cannot currently be made accessible; the majority of this material comprises patient case notes and will thus be closed under the Data Protection Act for some years even when catalogued.

      Sem título
      MacKeith, Ronald (1908-1977)
      GB 0120 PP/MKH · 1949-1998

      The Ronald MacKeith papers, 1949-1998, include not only MacKeith's own research papers, mainly comprised of reports and published articles, but material relating to the Medical Education Information Unit of The Spastics Society, which he was director of and intimately involved in developing. These files predominately relate to the study groups MacKeith established (programmes, recorders' summaries, typescripts of papers presented and photographs) and Medical Advisory Council and Editorial Board (minutes, memorandum, correspondence). There are also a small number of informational booklets from other medical societies and research material from Martin Bax, who worked closely with MacKeith and succeeded him as senior editor.

      Sem título
      Virtudes del Balsamo Peruano
      GB 0120 WMS/Amer.2 and 13 · late 18th century

      These manuscripts comprise two copies of a work on the theory and extensive therapeutic uses of Peruvian balsam, probably produced in Mexico in the second half of the 18th century.

      Sem título
      Mexico: Recipe book for diseases
      GB 0120 WMS/Amer.47-48 and 54-55 · 1823-1840

      These items comprise disbound sections of a recipe book, possibly that of a hacienda; the probable area of origin is Amozoc de Mota, Puebla, Mexico. They give recipes for the treatment of diseases such as typhus, cholera and smallpox. WMS/Amer.55 comprises a copy of a contemporary broadside by Gaspar Escayola.

      Sem título
      Mexico: Hospital de San Andrés
      GB 0120 WMS/Amer.80 and 87 · 1819-1840

      The collection comprises a detailed financial report on the state of the hospital, dated 1819 (WMS/Amer.80) and a prescription book for the women's section of a large hospital, dated 1840 and conjecturally assigned to the Hospital de San Andrés (WMS/Amer.87).

      Sem título
      London Fever Hospital
      GB 0074 H71/LF · 1801-1975

      Records of the London Fever Hospital, Islington, latterly the Liverpool Road branch of the Royal Free Hospital, 1801-1975 comprising:

      Administrative records, 1801-1948; notably Annual Reports, 1815-1931; Committee Minutes, 1801-1947 (volume for 1815-1818 lost); Sub-Committee minutes, 1835-1847, 1880-1929; Secretary's letter books, 1914-1920 and correspondence files, 1937-1956, register of employees, 1917-1924, 1936-1939; House Director's minutes, 1858-1940; Visitor's Book, 1928-1940.

      Financial records, including Capital Dividend Accounts, 1887-1921; records of Monthly expenditure, 1918-1949; salaries, 1932-1944; papers on legacies and bequests to LFH, 1880-1947, including copies of wills in which there were bequests to the Hospital; Subscriptions and Donations Register, 1932-1937 and papers of Development Committee on appeal for funds, 1936-1939

      Nursing records, including Trained Nurses Registers, 1920-1945; Register of Probationers, 1920-1939; Register of voluntary and part-time staff, 1939-1945; inventory of linen and bedding, 1881-1907

      Patient records including reports of Resident Medical Officer, 1824-1825, 1875-1886, 1928-1934; Patients Admission and Discharge Registers, 1837-1874, 1880-1888, 1896-1911, 1916-1938; Death Registers, 1849-1853, 1864, 1867-1869; Consultant's books, 1921-1938, containing patient notes organised by Consultant, Dr Charles Box, Sir John Broadbent, Dr William Hunter, Dr C Lakin, and Sir William Willcox; Anaesthetic registers, 1955-1975

      World War Two records including Air Raid Casualty Records, 1943-1944; Casualty List, 1940; Operating Theatre Record Books (air raid casualties), 1940-1944

      Press Cuttings, 1882-1948 (4 vols)

      Albums (2 vols) containing blocks and photographs, 1934-1942;

      City of London Maternity Hospital: correspondence, accounts, minutes of finance committee and weekly board, including details of proposed 'regionalisation' of London maternity services, 1941-1948.

      Sem título
      Martindale, Louisa (1872-1966)
      GB 0120 GC/25 · Coleção · 1872-1964

      Louisa Martindale collection, 1872-1964. The collection consists of Section A: a little personal correspondence, papers, articles, speeches and lectures by Louisa Martindale, and some personal material including notes on the glaucoma which eventually blinded her, 1872-1960; and Section B: papers concerning the Medical Women's International Association (founded 1919) of which Miss Martindale was President from 1937 to 1947. As well as her own correspondence in this capacity, 1937-1946, there is one file of the correspondence of Mme Montreuil-Strauss, Secretary of the Medical Women's International Association at his period. (Louisa Martindale destroyed the vast bulk of her case records at the time of her retirement from practice around 1950, those remaining were destroyed by her executors after her death).

      Sem título
      Wellcome Witness Seminars
      GB 0120 GC/253 · 1993-1997

      Papers relating to the Wellcome Witness Seminars, 1993-1997, including original audio tapes of the seminars (in most cases, master plus copy); photographs of witnesses and other participants; correspondence, both administrative and between the Twentieth Century Group and witnesses; and programmes and lists of participants.

      Sem título
      Walter, Joseph (1910-1979)
      GB 0120 GC/37 · c 1964

      Papers of Joseph Walter, c 1964, including essay: 'The History of Radioactive Isotopes and their Medical Applications', bibliography, and curriculum vitae.

      Sem título
      Broman, Allan (1861-1947)
      GB 0120 GC/6 · Coleção · 1885-1911

      Attendance book, 1885-1901, and casebooks, including some correspondence, 1905-1911, of Allan Broman's private practice in London (partly in Swedish).

      Sem título
      Morison, Professor John Miller Woodburn, (1865-1951)
      GB 0120 GC/77 · 1912-1951

      Papers of J.M. Woodburn Morison, mainly covering his work in Edinburgh and Egypt. They comprise a miscellaneous assortment of documents, including: abstracts; case notes; lecture notes on radiology and cancer and on James Gregory (1753-1822); report on radium, 1929; correspondence and reports as visiting professor in Egypt, 1948-1951 and lantern slides.

      Sem título
      Stewart, Captain Archibald Mathison (1917-1985) RAMC
      GB 0120 MS.8030 · c 1938-1945

      Papers relating to Captain Stewart's service in the Royal Army Medical Corps during World War Two, including some course notes, surgical case records and medical standing orders.

      Sem título
      Colliette de Froqueville
      GB 0120 MSS.1734-1735 · 1790

      Collections of recipes etc entitled 'Le Médecin des pauvres', and 'Le Médecin expert portatif', 1790.

      Sem título
      GB 0120 MSS.3667-3681 · 1780-1805

      The collection consists of original and copy documents relating to Viscount Nelson. Although it spans his career from 1780 to his death in 1805, the bulk of the collection centres on 1798 - the year of the battle of Aboukir Bay - and the three years 1803-1805, during which Nelson commanded the Mediterranean Fleet. Included are several hundred official reports and surveys concerned with the manning, ordnance, stores, defects and sick lists of the ships under Nelson's overall command, plus reports on courts martial, prize money, prisoners, sailors' pay, etc. Also present are weekly reports by the chief physicians of the Fleet comparing health on various vessels and giving details of treatments proposed; letters to Nelson on issues such as inventions, requests for places, etc.; and a collection of bills. The papers carry the signatures of most of the senior officers under Nelson and are generally addressed to Nelson himself.

      Sem título
      Quatroux, Isaac (fl 1671)
      GB 0120 MSS.4025, 4026 · Coleção · 1662-1663

      Le Pharmacien accomply. Ou le Cabinet pharmaceutique. Contenant des moyens familières et facilles pour bien connoistre, distinguer et médicamenter les maladies ordinaires et extraordinaires qui peuvent arriver à l'homme, tant par préceptes astrologiques et Galénistes que par remèdes chymiques. Avec l'Antidotaire. Le tout reduict en ordre pour suppléer au véritable Médecin, et mis en pratique par F[rère] Is[aac] Q[uatroux] R[éligieux] M[édecin] or[dre] M[inime]. These MSS., now divided into two volumes, formed originally one volume. There is a pen-drawn historiated frontispiece to the 'Antidotaire': texts within black rules. The Antidotire is dated 1662, the other volume 1663.

      Sem título
      Wilson, [Anna] Justina [Augusta] (1863-1949)
      GB 0120 MSS.5027-5028 · 1917-1919

      The material comprises notes, taken by Susan H. Cannon, of Wilson's lectures on pathology and the treatment of diseases by Swedish remedial gymnastics.

      Sem título