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      • Usado para Therapeutics
      • Usado para Thérapeutique
      • Usado para Terapeútica

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      238 Descripción archivística resultados para Terapia

      GB 0074 LMA/4578 · Colección · 1958-2009

      The focus of much of this collection is the academic work published by the British Music Therapy Society, chiefly the scholarly work delivered at Society conferences and published in the Society newsletter, later journal. This work mainly consists of research into possible uses of music in various therapeutic contexts with a variety of different potential patients. Research is mainly of a practical or observational nature, usually consisting of case studies of individuals or groups, though there is some research into the philosophical under-pinnings of music therapy. One of the main committees of the organisation was the Management Board of the Society Journal (LMA/4578/01/02), which deals with the content and editorial direction of the journal.

      Other records deal with the administration and decision making of the Society in the form of minutes of the executive committee, which ran the Society, and the minutes of other committees that were formed as required. One of these committees, the Fund Raising Sub-committee, later the Juliette Alvin Music Therapy Fund Sub- committee (LMA/4578/01/03/002), established the Juliette Alvin Trust to provide support for trainee music therapists.

      The Administrative Officer files deal with much of the day to day running of the Society, including correspondence records and files that deal with its charitable status.

      The collection also includes records of the internal and external communication of the Society (including newsletters for members, and information booklets and press articles to boost their profile).

      Sin título
      H08 · Colección · 1838-1990

      Records of the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital include records relating to administration (1902 - 1986); patients (1924 - 1990); staff (1962 - 1979); finance (1900 - 1979); education (1885 - 1967); legal records (1907? - 1979); associated organisations (1927 - 1984); and printed material and historic notes (1906 - 1982).

      The collection also contains records of predecessor organisations: Royal Orthopaedic Hospital (1838 - 1905); National Orthopaedic Hospital (1865 - 1905); and City Orthopaedic Hospital (1857 - 1907).

      Sin título
      MCC/HS/SH · Colección · 1944-1965

      Records of the Middlesex County Council Health Department relating to school health, 1944-1965, including general files relating to: juvenile delinquency, physically disabled pupils, special schools, blind and partially sighted pupils, education of the deaf, residential schools, epilepsy, mentally deficient pupils, medical inspections, ear, nose and throat clinics, dermatological survey of schoolchildren, provision of medicines and vitamins, child guidance centres, holiday camps for diabetic and epileptic children, speech therapy, first aid equipment, accidents, employment of children, 'latch-key' children, school canteens, head lice, ophthalmic treatment, colour vision testing, orthopaedic treatment, physiotherapy, surveys of the health and development of children, precautions against tuberculosis, vaccination, maladjusted children, dyslexia, control of infectious diseases and school meals.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 A/LD · Colección · 1827-1957

      Records of the London Dispensary, including minutes, correspondence, deeds and leases, annual reports and financial accounts.

      Sin título
      GB 0074 A/SD · Colección · 1777-1970

      Records of the Surrey Dispensary, Southwark, including rules and regulations; minutes of the Governing Committee; minutes of the Court and Committees; House Visitor's books; subscription books; registers of patients admitted; registers of patients visited at home; annual reports; leases; correspondence files; financial accounts and insurance policies.

      Sin título
      Johnston-Saint, Peter Johnston (1886- )
      GB 0120 MSS.8259-8261 · c 1927-1938

      Essays by Peter Johnston Johnston-Saint, c 1927-1938, including 'The Herbal. The fore-runner of the pharmacopoeia in ancient and modern times', 'Healing Saints. A brief account of some of the Healing Saints to be found in Brittany' and 'Historical View of the Theory of Spontaneous Generation'.

      Sin título
      GB 0120 PP/ARC · 1889-1978

      Papers of Arthur Cushny including correspondence and other items of personal and career interest; manuscripts and notes; photocopies of his correspondence with Dr J J Abel of Johns Hopkins University, 1889-1926 and Sir John McMichael's files relating to Cushy, 1970-1978.

      Sin título
      Fletcher, Charles Montague (1911-1995)
      GB 0120 PP/CMF · 1886-1996

      Papers of Charles Montague Fletcher including material relating to his father and the various organisations that Fletcher was involved in, including ASH, section J, from 1983-1995; Institute of Medical Ethics, section F, 1992-1993; and the working party for patient information leaflets covering the period 1980 - 1990, section F. Section C comprises articles and correspondence for the period 1984-1993, relating to Fletcher's involvement in the clinical trials of penicillin. Section D concerns Fletcher's work in television and communication skills of the medical profession, 1967-1983. Other issues touched upon include general material on smoking, pneumoconiosis and asthma; euthanasia, including some material on the Voluntary Euthanasia Society; and much material relating to medical communication.

      Sin título
      Blacker, Carlos Paton, (1895-1975)
      GB 0120 PP/CPB · c 1920-1974

      Papers of Carlos Paton Blacker, 1920-1974, reflecting his long and active career in psychiatry (including as including as psychiatrist at the Maudsley Hospital and as an Adviser to the Ministry of Health), and his activities as Secretary to the Eugenics Society and with a number of organisations interested in population and birth control, including the Birth Control Investigation Committee, the International Planned Parenthood Federation, and the Simon Population Trust. There is also some material relating to his return to military duty in the Second World War as a Regimental Medical Officer. The collection also includes correspondence (both personal and professional), which sheds light on his interests in ornithology and nature conservation, and other writings both published and unpublished.

      Sin título
      Pochin, Sir Edward Eric, (1909-1990)
      GB 0120 PP/EEP · 1940-1989

      Papers of Sir Edward Eric Pochin, 1940-1989. The collection in no way reflects the entirety of Sir Edward's life's work; he may have discarded much himself when he retired officially. For the most part, the papers suggest that he had decided to keep only those of personal value, a relatively few relating to his clinical research on iodine isotopes and the thyroid gland, and those concerning his current working interest at the time of retirment. This was the 'Index of Harm': in the last ten or so years of his life he was primarily engaged in amassing vast amounts of data and statistics for the purposes of quantifying the risks and harm resulting from exposure to radiation as well as from occupational injuries. Also present are correspondence with Sir Thomas Lewis, 1940-1945, and records of research and treatments in the Medical Research Council Clinical Research Department at University College Hospital, London, 1947-1970s.

      Sin título
      GB 0120 PP/ESS · 1836-1967

      Sharpey-Schafer's correspondence is extensive. In addition to his own correspondence it includes papers of William Sharpey, saved by Sharpey-Schafer after his death, 1836-70 and n.d. There are significant numbers of letters from William Sharpey himself, Sir Michael Foster, Sir John Burdon-Sanderson, Sir William Osler, George John Romanes, Sir Victor Horsley, Sir James Paget, Lord Lister, Sir Charles Sherrington, Sir William Gowers, Thomas Henry Huxley, John Newport Langley, Sir Edwin Ray Lankester, Ernest Henry Starling, Allen Thomson, Sanger Monroe Brown, Sutherland Simpson, Francis Gano Benedict, Harvey Cushing, Albrecht Kossel, Karl Hugo Kronecker, Carl Ludwig, Charles Robert Richet, and Masaharu Kohima.

      Material relating to Sharpey-Schafer's career at UCL includes correspondence on his controversy in the Neurological Society with Sir David Ferrier, 1887-88, and papers relating to the rebuilding of University College Hospital in 1895.

      Material relating to Sharpey-Schafer's career at Edinburgh University includes correspondence on the forced resignation of William Cramer from the department of Physiology on grounds of German nationality, 1914, and papers on the opening of the department of Animal Genetics in 1930.

      Other papers reflect various aspects of Sharpey-Schafer's scientific interests, including the history of the Physiological Society (with several letters from Archibald Vivian Hill), artificial respiration and bird migration. There are also numerous letters in response to his controversial address to the British Association in Dundee in 1912, and correspondence on the position of scientists in post-Revolutionary Russia, 1918-21.

      There is a substantial correspondence on the various textbooks Sharpey-Schafer wrote or to which he contributed, 1910-34.

      Sharpey-Schafer's personal papers include correspondence with his wives and children, 1876-1935, scrapbooks of press cuttings, c. 1899-1930, and a large collection of photographs, mainly portraits.

      Sin título
      Parkes Weber, Frederick (1863-1962)
      GB 0120 PP/FPW · 1886-1962

      The papers of Frederick Parkes Weber, 1886-1962, consist of case notes from his Harley Street and German Hospital practices, some very fine annotated clinical photographs, and (the bulk of the collection) a large number of volumes and bundles dealing with a vast array of diseases and medical conditions, usually accreted around an original paper by Parkes Weber himself. He described how these 'small collections and bundles around kernels of my earliest writings on the subject' evolved in a letter to the Librarian, Wellcome Historical Medical Museum, 27 Feb 1958: "I was in the habit of surrounding my own writings with manuscript and printed correspondence, and all kinds of cuttings and small articles bearing on the subject. Many interesting autograph letters and small essays have in this way become buried and practically altogether lost." These had become 'gradually very extensive, and many of them have become dislocated and unmanageable'. On examination they have been found to include reprints and cuttings of articles, case notes, notes and annotations, correspondence, and photographs. There is also material on more general philosophical questions, and relating to his book Aspects of Death and other publications, and a little personalia and correspondence. Diaries apparently received with the papers were returned to Parkes Weber late in 1958 to assist in the preparation of the notes published as Miscellaneous Notes (see PP/FPW/D.11) and seem never to have been returned to the Wellcome Library (Parkes Weber to Dr Poynter, Wellcome Historical Medical Library, 24 Dec 1958 and 11 Feb 1959). This is a collection of major importance for the medical historian.

      Parkes Weber had a very active life during a period of unprecedented developments in medicine. He produced well over 1000 articles, and was particularly interested in rare diseases and conditions: conditions with which he is eponymously associated are Rendu-Osler-Weber disease (familial telangiectasis), Weber's diseases (localised epidermolysis bullosa), Weber-Klippel syndrome (haemangiectatic hypertrophy of limbs), Weber-Christian disease (relapsing febrile nodular non-suppurative panniculitis) and Sturge-Weber-Kalischer disease (angioma of brain revealed by radiography). His papers also include much on more common ailments and phenomena, on balneological and climatological treatment, healthy life-style and the promotion of longevity, social medicine, etc. His associates and colleagues included many of the great names in medicine of his day.

      Sin título
      GB 0120 PP/HAD · 1920s-1970s

      Papers of Professor Sir Alexander Haddow including correspondence, diaries, autobiographical notes, photographs; scientific notes, 1920s-1970s.

      Sin título
      Hare, Ronald (1899-1986)
      GB 0120 PP/HAR · 1914-1984

      Papers of Ronald Hare, 1914-1984, comprising an unpublished autobiography and other autobiographical material; files on miscellaneous subjects connected with bacteriology; reprints; and material connected with his writings on the discovery of penicillin and other works.

      Sin título
      Sargant, William Walters (1907-1988)
      GB 0120 PP/WWS · c1920s-1987

      Sargant was an outspoken supporter and practitioner of what he termed the 'practical rather than philosophical approaches' to the treatment of mental illness, pioneering and publicising various physical treatments and vociferously opposing the use of psychoanalytic techniques. The majority of the collection consists of his writings, both published and unpublished, supplemented by a small quantity of correspondence and other material. In addition, the collection contains clinical records for about 500 cases from Sutton Emergency Hospital in the 1940s. As well as covering clinical subjects (in Sections D, E, and F) and Sargant's views on the practice of psychiatry in general (Section B), the collection also contains material relating to his interest in the related issues of religious conversion and brainwashing (Section G).

      Sin título
      GB 0120 SA/BAC · 1976-1993

      The records cover the period 1976-1993, although the majority of the records date from 1985-1993. Many sections of the archive are complete - minutes of the Executive Committee, 1985-1993; annual reports, 1986-1993 and newsletters, 1986-1993. The archive also contains a great deal of information relating to other cancer organisations, both in this country and abroad.

      Sin título
      British Medical Association
      GB 0120 SA/BMA · 1888-1988

      Papers of the British Medical Association compring files [1915-1960], from the following subject series: Medico-Political, Science, Groups, Ethics, Public Health, Hospitals, Organisation. Also incomplete set of copy minutes of Council, Committees and of the Annual Representatives' Meetings and Special Representatives' Meetings, [1907-1982].

      Sin título
      GB 0120 SA/CME · 1944-1968

      An almost complete set of the written evidence to the Royal Commission on Medical Education (copy "no. 3"), except for four pieces of evidence given in confidence and closed for 30 years after the date of the commission (these items are deposited in the Public Record Office).

      Also included is a collection of relevant published papers and reports, including the "Todd Report" itself.

      Sin título
      Chartered Society of Physiotherapy
      GB 0120 SA/CSP · 1894-1991

      The archive of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy provides a comprehensive record of its activities and development, dating back to its foundation - with two press cuttings books of the 1894 'massage scandals' (P.1), and Council minutes from 1894 onwards (B.1). The core of the collection is formed by complete runs of minute books for the various committees. There are no committee working papers or correspondence files other than those bound with the minutes. Papers relating to education and examination including minutes for all the major committees and sub-committees (C.1), and material relating to the actual administration of examinations: syllabuses, examination papers, result books and reports (C.2). Records relating to membership including membership registers 1895-1975, published lists of members 1920-1986 and minutes and registers of the fund and prize committees 1949-1957 (D). Records of some branches and special interest groups within the CSP can be found in section J.

      Material relating to protecting and improving the status of its members within the medical profession can be found in section F, especially in connection with the debates on the place of physiotherapy within the NHS - training, conditions of service and its existence as a profession distinct from others such as occupational therapy. These topics are also discussed in publications (N). Other publications illustrate specific physiotherapy and lifting techniques and advertise physiotherapy as a career. Section P contains 'historical' material relating to the early years of the Society: the 'massage scandal' press cuttings, and correspondence re the Harley Institute massage school 1912-1914. Section P also contains material relating to the writing of the Society's commissioned histories, and personal papers and reminiscences, including a group of papers and photographs relating to Olive Guthrie-Smith and the Swedish Institute, (later St Mary's Hospital School of Physiotherapy), 1904-1939. There is a substantial photograph collection (Q.1), dating from 1900-1980, illustrating many aspects of the Society's work as well as specific treatments and hospital departments. There are also nine films (Q.5), 1942-1976, illustrating techniques, training and events; sound recordings (Q.3); and a series of tapes of oral history interviews recorded in 1992 (Q.4).

      Sin título
      PINNEY, Dr Rachel (1909-1995)
      GB 106 7RPI · Fondo · 1960-1986

      Papers of Rachel Pinney on the technique of Creative Listening, correspondence, transcript of an article, press cuttings concerning her court appearance on a kidnap charge.

      Sin título
      Crooks, Henry Edward (b.1918)
      GB 0120 GC/250 · 1967-1998, [n.d.]

      Papers of Henry Edward Crooks, [1967-1998] including reminiscences relating to his work as radiographer entitled 'Shaftesbury Military Hospital: A Radiographer's World War II recollection of 21st Company, RAMC Military Hospital, Dorset (with map and photographs)', Nov 1998; extract from 'Once Upon A Ward: VADs' own stories and pictures of Service at Home and Overseas 1939-1946', compiled by Doreen Boys, containing further information about Shaftesbury Military Hospital; paper by Crooks, 'The Introduction of the Copper-Reference X-Ray Pentameter', Oct 1998; United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority Research Group Memorandum, 'Diagnostic X-Ray Beam Quality', by GM Ardran and Crooks, 1967 and Curriculum Vitae of Crooks.

      Sin título
      McLeod, Professor James Walter
      GB 0120 GC/268 · [1940-1945]

      Papers of Professor James Walter McLeod, [1940-1945], including minute book of the Central Penicillin Committee, Leeds, Oct 1944-Apr 1945, and photographs of laboratories, University of Leeds, c 1940s.

      Sin título
      GB 0120 GC/63 · 1898-1910

      Case transcripts, press cuttings, memoranda, reports and correspondence acquired by Henry Hillyard, Sanitary Inspector to Malvern UDC, relating to cases concerning responsibility for polluted water at a hydropathic establishment and a school in Malvern, 1898-1910.

      Sin título
      GB 0120 GC/69 · Colección · 1890-1892

      Correspondence and financial papers of P A Gordon (alias James Kasper) relating to Sequah Ltd, 1890-1892 and his work as a Sequah agent selling quack medicines, including a variety of advertising material and copies of the Sequah Chronicle.

      Sin título
      Craddock, Stuart (1903-1972)
      GB 0120 MS.8441 · 1909-2000

      Material relating to Stuart Craddock's research while working with Alexander Fleming, 1909-2000, in particular on penicillin and acne, a personal manuscript memoir of Fleming, and correspondence with Fleming, Lady Fleming, Ronald Hare, Prof F Bustinza of Madrid, Norman Heatley and others, also some personalia.

      Sin título
      Bidault de Villiers, F. T. (1775-1824)
      GB 0120 MSS.1164-1165 · c 1800-1823

      Two volumes of notes, on medical and chemical books, and on diseases and their treatment, c 1800-1823.

      Sin título
      Boerhaave, Hermann (1668-1738)
      GB 0120 MSS.1279-1285 · early 18th century - mid 18th century

      Notes on Herman Boerhaave's lectures and material extracted from his publications, with some material by others, 18th century.

      Sin título
      Brunton, Sir Thomas Lauder (1844-1916)
      GB 0120 MSS.1384-1386 · 1892-[1895]

      Reports of Thomas Lauder Brunton's lectures on therapeutics and notes from a lecture on chloroform with three fragments of lectures on eye affections, on the effects of alcohol, and the effect of drugs on the brain given at St. Bartholomew's Hospital, 1892-[1895].

      Sin título
      Hambleton, Godfrey William (1852-1929)
      GB 0120 MSS.2721-2761 & 6889 · 1878-1914

      Papers of Godfrey William Hambleton including holograph MSS and corrected typescripts, mainly relating to Pulmonary Tuberculosis. Produced in London, 1878-1914.

      Sin título
      Rodati, Luigi (d 1832)
      GB 0120 MSS.4235-4238 · Colección · [1830]

      Notes of Rodati's lectures compiled by students, c 1830, produced in Bologna.

      Sin título
      GB 0120 MSS.4284, 4285 · 1796

      'Prophilactique et thérapeutique'. This MS. appears to be a précis of Nicolas François Rougnon de Magny's 'Traité d'hygiène et médecine pratique', published in 1799, and to have been taken from his own MS. Produced in Besançon.

      Sin título
      Sisco, Giuseppe (1748-1830)
      GB 0120 MSS.4617-4620 · 1790-1834

      Notes from Giuseppe Sisco's lectures on surgery including 'Lezzioni di chirurgia' with Antonio Trasmondi, 1834.

      Sin título
      Venel, Gabriel François (1723-1775)
      GB 0120 MSS.4914-4917 · 1761-1796

      Student notes taken from Gabriel François Venel's lectures including on materia medica and chemistry, 1761-1796.

      Sin título
      Wedel, Georg Wolfgang (1645-1721)
      GB 0120 MSS.4983-4984 · 1694-1698

      Two volumes of notes, in Latin comprising 'Collegium formulare habitum ab illustri Domino Georgio Wolfgangio Wedelio. A.O.R. MDCXCIV coeptum Die 19 Novembris'. The last four leaves contain an account of a 'Zermabschwechtende hitzigen Fieber', which broke out in 1696. At the end of the main text 'Finit die 27 April 1695'. On the t.p. is an inscription 'Sorte obtinuit Johannes Philippus Huth, Doctor Fridburgensis in Wetterau. 1712. 14 Novembris'. MS. No. 4984, a copy of Wedel's 'Collegium casuale', 1695-98, has a similar inscription on the t.p. in which it is stated that the MS. was inherited by J. P. Huth from his uncle Philippus Huth, Doctor at Gemersheim 1712, who was probably the compiler of both these MSS. At the end of this MS. is inserted a printed leaflet containing an account of a disturbance in the city of Thorn between Polish and German students on 16 July 1724. (This leaflet is entered in the Catalogue of Printed Books, s.v. 'THORN'.) and 'Collegium casuale' (in two books). 'Collegium therapeuticum'. The two folding leaves have been inserted, and contain a 'Tabula de methodo consultandi epistolari et renunciatoria'. On the recto of the first of these is written 'Collegium casuale a chymista Wedelio habita' and below this 'Sorte obtinuit hoc manuscriptum ex hereditate beati Domini Patruelis Philippi Huth, Medicinae Doctoris et Physici Germersheimensis 1712. 14 Septembris. Johannes Philippus Huth'. The second inscription is by a different hand from that of the text. A similar inscription is found in MS. No. 4983, Wedel's 'Collegium formulare', 1695-96. At the end of the second book of the 'Collegium casuale' is written 'Finit. Anno [16]98 die 23 Januarii', and at the beginning of the 'Collegium therapeuticum' 'Mense Maii 1695 inceptum'.

      Sin título
      Kellgren, [Jonas] Henrik (1837-1916)
      GB 0120 MSS.5406-5409 and 7869-7872 · 1871-1892 and undated

      The collection comprises prescriptions issued by Kellgren at various institutes for Swedish medical gymnastics; namely, the Schwedisches Heilgymnastisches Institut in Gotha, Germany (MSS.5406-5407 and 7869), the Schwedisches Institut für Manuelle Behandlung der Krankheiten, Baden-Baden (MS.7872), the Swedish Institution for the Cure of Diseases by Manual Treatment, London (MSS.5408 and 7870), the Institutet för Manuel Sjukbehandling, Sanna, near Jönköping, Sweden (MS.5409), and the Institution Suèdoise pour le Traitement Manuel des Maladies, Paris (MS.7871). Patients include members of the nobility of the United Kingdom and of Germany, as well as members of the Kellgren and Cyriax families.

      Sin título
      Baker, Thomas (1710-1770)
      GB 0120 MSS.5780-5781 · 1732-1770

      Journal and account book of Thomas Baker comprising journal of a visit to Paris containing narratives of visits to the Surgeons' College of Saint-Côme, and to the hospitals of Les Invalides, L'Hôtel-Dieu, and La Charité. At the latter Baker witnessed operations for fistula in ano and facial abscess by Sauveur François Morand (1697-1733), whose collection on the pathology of bones he also inspected and account book containing accounts of his income and expenditure. Included are accounts of annual income from surgery and bleeding, and from named apprentices, dressers and surgical pupils at St Thomas' Hospital, London, where Baker held the post of Surgeon from 1739. On ff. 1, 2, 40, 41 and on the end-papers are notes by Baker and others on his family and on surgeons at St Thomas' Hospital, 1703-1768.

      Sin título
      GB 0120 GC/109 · Colección · 1945-1988

      Papers of Jaques Frederic Alexandre Schupbach, 1945-1988, relating to the Society for the Study of Physiological Patterns (of which he was a founder), and other materials on alternative medicine, including lecture notes, correspondence and case notes, 1945-1988.

      Sin título
      Cade, Sir Stanford, (1895-1973)
      GB 0120 GC/147 · 1929-1971

      Papers of Sir Stanford Cade including series of detailed manuscript and typescript case summaries, many illustrated with diagrams and photographs, 1929-1970. Original indexes to some of the case records are included, facilitating access by patient name.

      Sin título
      Save a Life Campaign
      GB 0120 GC/164 · Colección · 1985-1988

      Correspondence, press cuttings and records of establishment and administration of first aid courses in this campaign sponsored by the Royal Society of Medicine, 1985-1988.

      Sin título
      GB 0120 GC/171 · Colección · 1993

      Cassette tape and transcript of an interview, 1993, with Professor Kurt Hellman, Professor Gerald Westbury and Dr Kenneth Newton, former colleagues of Sir Stanford Cade at Westminster Hospital. Their reminiscences cover the closure of the radiotherapy department at Westminster and the re-organisation of the National Health Service in the 1980s, as well as their early years and the work of cancer therapy under Cade.

      Sin título
      Vaughan, Dame Janet, (1899-1993)
      GB 0120 GC/186 · 1939-1987

      Papers of Dame Janet Vaughan, mainly 1939-1949, including material on her work with the Emergency Blood Transfusion Service, social and industrial medicine and post-War medical services, child guidance, Health Survey and Development Committee in India, and treating sufferers from starvation liberated from Belsen.

      Sin título
      GB 0120 GC/19 · Colección · 1932-1945

      Correspondence on the enzyme phosphotase, 1932; correspondence, notes, lists, pamphlets etc re talks to forces (general and on first aid) during Second World War; anatomical and physiological information supplied to RAF; personal correspondence, 1940-1945.

      Sin título
      Eastern Dispensary
      RLHED · Fondo · 1808-1952

      Administrative records.

      Sin título
      East End Maternity Hospital
      RLHEM · Fondo · 1884-1968

      Administrative records, Chaplain's records, financial records, patient records, nursing records.

      Sin título
      BATTY, Bryan (fl 1815-1871)
      GB 0113 MS-BATTB · [1846]-1854

      Batty's medical notebook, c.1846-1854

      Sin título
      BAYLY, John (1735-1815)
      GB 0113 MS-BAYLJ · 1762-1764

      Bayly's medical casebook, 1762-64

      Sin título
      GREGORY, James (1753-1821)
      GB 0113 MS-GREGJ · 1785

      James Gregory's clinical case note book, 1785, containing notes on male patients, followed by notes on female patients.

      Sin título
      HEBERDEN, William (1710-1801)
      GB 0113 MS-HEBEW · c.1744-[1784]

      Heberden's papers, c.1744 - [1784], include his notes on the history and cure of diseases, 1782, thought to be the original manuscript for his Commentaries on the History and Cure of Diseases (1802), and his index of the history of disease, [1784] (date '22 Maii 1784' is written at the end of the volume), containing the notes from which his Commentaries were drawn up; Manuscript of his Goulstonian Lectures, 1749, in Heberden's hand; Index of materia medica containing remedies and their effects compiled by Heberden from his case notes, with additional notes on the opposite pages by his son, William Heberden the younger, 18th century. The collection also includes manuscript volumes attributed to Heberden's hand, 'An Introduction to the Study of Physic', c.1744-1755; 'Preliminary Observations', c.1782; 'A Collection of Essays', 18th century (although it is now thought that this manuscript is definitely not in Heberden's hand).

      Sin título
      SAUNDERS, William (1743-1817)
      GB 0113 MS-SAUNW · 1790

      Text of oration on the improvement of medicine given by Saunders, 27 Jan 1790.

      Sin título
      TWEEDIE, Alexander (1794-1884)
      GB 0113 MS-TWEEA · 1832

      Tweedie's casebooks detailing cases of cholera in Abchurch Lane, East London, March-September 1832

      Sin título