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Nota(s) de âmbito

  • Refers to both transportation and transport of goods. Use more specific descriptor where appropriate.
  • Se réfère à la fois aux systèmes de transport et au transport de marchandises. Utiliser un descripteur plus précis si possible.
  • Se refiere a los sistemas de transporte y al transporte de mercancias. Utilice un descriptor más preciso cuando sea necesario.

Nota(s) da fonte


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    Termos equivalentes


      647 Descrição arquivística resultados para Transport

      632 resultados diretamente relacionados Excluir termos específicos
      VEASEY, Capt Robert Francis, RN (1883-1964)
      GB 0099 KCLMA Veasey · Created 1940-1947, 1984

      Copies of correspondence relating to his service with the RN in World War Two, 1940-1943, dated 1940-1947, 1984, principally comprising letters to his wife, 1940-1943, mainly letters written during his service as Divisional Sea Transport Officer, Port Said, Egypt, 1943; correspondence concerning coal bunkering abuse by merchants in the Red Sea, 1942-1943; correspondence concerning Veasey's retirement, 1943, dated 1942-1947; catalogue of Veasey's correspondence and brief biography of Veasey, written by his granddaughter Sarah Howard in 1984.

      Sem título
      WALTERS, Cdr Jack Dalrymple (1897-1981)
      GB 0099 KCLMA Walters · Created [1920-1921]

      Copy of memoir covering the period 1914-1921, including his service in World War One in the Mediterranean, 1914-1915 and 1917-1918, and the North Sea, 1916-1917, notably the Battle of Jutland, 1916, in the Baltic during the Russian Civil War, 1918, and on fishery duties in the English Channel, 1920, written in [1920-1921].

      Sem título
      WILSON, Maj Walter Gordon (1874-1957)
      GB 0099 KCLMA Wilson W G · Created 1920

      Copies of pages from Sir Albert Stern's Tanks, 1914-1918: the log book of a pioneer (1919), with annotations by Wilson, 1920.

      Sem título
      BUSH, Capt Eric Wheler (1899-1985)
      GB 0099 KCLMA Bush · Created 1912-1949, 1958, 1962, 1966, 1971, 1975

      Photographs relating to his naval career, 1912-1949, including photograph album containing photographs taken during his service on HMS BACCHANTE, 1914-1915, at Gallipoli, 1915, and in the North Sea, 1916-1918, Baltic Sea, 1918-1920, East Indies and East Africa, 1921-1924, China Station, 1932-1934, Mediterranean, 1941-1943; photographs of Allied landings at Sword Beach, Normandy, France, 1944. Two volumes of press cuttings relating to the publication of Bless our ship (George Allen and Unwin, London, 1958), 1958, The flowers of the sea (George Allen and Unwin, London, 1962), 1962 and 1971, and Salute the soldier, (George Allen and Unwin, London, 1966), 1966, and Gallipoli (George Allen and Unwin, London, 1975), 1975.

      Sem título
      CAPPER, Maj Gen Sir John Edward (1861-1955)
      GB 0099 KCLMA Capper J · Created 1900, [1910], [1913], 1917-1918, [1969]

      Papers relating to the military career of Maj Gen Sir John Edward Capper, dated 1900, [1910] and [1913], 1917-1918, principally comprising typescript notes on military aeronautics, [1910]; text of his lecture to the Staff College on the effect of aircraft on war, [1913]; telegrams between German High Seas Fleet and V Adm Sir David Beatty, Commander-in-Chief of the British Grand Fleet, concerning the surrender of the former at Scapa Flow, 1918; 'Report of the commission appointed by Act of Parliament to enquire into the operations of war in Mesopotamia' (London, HMSO, 1917). Copy of typescript text on the Capper Medal Collection, Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst, [1969], including brief biographies of members of the Capper family.

      Sem título
      CAWTHRA, R Adm Arthur James (1911-2005)
      GB 0099 KCLMA Cawthra · Created 1940-1941

      Three photographs of HMS ORIBI, HMS HOOD and HMS PRINCE OF WALES, 1940-1941.

      Sem título
      GB 0099 KCLMA Cox · 1999 (1902-1997)

      Autobiography of Harold Roxbee Cox, Baron Kings Norton of Wotton Underwood "A Wrack Behind" (Cranfield University Press, 1999), covering his life and career, particularly the design and construction of the airship R.101, his association with Air Commodore Sir Frank Whittle and the development of the jet propulsion gas turbine, and his association with Cranfield University.

      Sem título
      CUNLIFFE, Dr Percy Walmsey (1898-1992)
      GB 0099 KCLMA Cunliffe P W · [1915-1922], 1927-1928, 1931-1932, 1955, 1990

      Papers relating to his service in the Royal Naval Air Service and RAF, 1917-1918, dated 1917-1918, 1955, 1990, principally comprising log-book covering his flights in the UK, 1917-1918; photographs of aircraft and personnel, including Cunliffe. Texts and notes for lectures relating to photography, 1927, 1928, 1931, 1932. Photographs of Cunliffe in his service uniform and with colleagues from King's College London, [1915-1922].

      Sem título
      CURREY, Adm Bernard (1862-1936)
      GB 0099 KCLMA Currey · 1876-1915

      Midshipman's log book, by Currey, 1876-1878, including service on HMS DUKE OF WELLINGTON, Flagship of Adm Sir George Elliot, Portsmouth, Dec 1876-Jan 1877, HMS ALEXANDRA, Mediterranean Fleet, Jan 1877-Aug 1878 and HMS CRUISER, Mediterranean Fleet, Aug-Sep 1878; papers and plans relating to anti-submarine warfare, 1913-1915, including typescript draft text of lecture by Currey entitled 'Hints on organised coast defence v submarines' [1914]; fifty six manuscript naval signals, Aug-Dec 1914, including signals to R Adm, 5 Battle Sqn from the Admiralty on support to be given to operations by Chatham Royal Marine Force at Ostend, Belgium, 26-27 Aug 1914, signals relating to the loss of the battleship HMS AUDACIOUS to a mine in the Atlantic, 27 Oct 1914, and signals ordering RN battlecruisers HMS INVINCIBLE and HMS INFLEXIBLE to sea, 4 Nov 1914 (prior to the Battle of the Falklands Islands, 8 Dec 1914); journal and signal book kept by Mid Richard Reynell on board Currey's flagship, HMS PRINCE OF WALES, 1914-1915.

      Sem título
      DE CHAIR, Cdr (Henry) Graham (Dudley) (1905-1995)
      GB 0099 KCLMA De Chair · Created 1935-1939

      Journal, 1935-1939, covering his service in Abyssinia (Ethiopia), 1935, UK, 1936-1938, including his court martial after the grounding of HMS SCOUT, Jan 1938, and the Far East, 1938-1939.

      Sem título
      LMA/4560 · Coleção · 1983-2006

      This collection includes: committee minutes, financial reports and records; bound and published research reports, consultation reports, and opinion reports produced both by CAPITAL as well as affiliated associations and organisations; leaflets, pamphlets, and flyers produced by CAPITAL and affiliated organisations; correspondence between CAPITAL, members of parliament, affIliated organisations and members of the public; and one video cassette.

      Sem título
      LRPC · Coleção · 1950-1992

      Papers of the London Regional Passenger Committee, including minutes, 1986 - 1992; reports, 1987 - 1992; press releases, 1988 - 1992; Quality of Service sub-committee minutes, 1986 - 1990; Information and Facilities sub-committee minutes, 1987 - 1992; minutes of advisory panel on public transport for people with disabilities, 1987 - 1989; Service Provision sub-committee minutes, 1986 - 1990; Performance Monitoring sub-committee minutes, 1986; annual reports, 1987 - 1992; correspondence regarding London Transport appeals, 1984 - 1991 and British Rail appeals, 1985 - 1989.

      Also minutes of predecessor body the Transport Users Consultative Committee for London, 1950 - 1984 and annual reports, 1951 - 1961; and minutes of the Transport Users Consultative Committee, 1950 - 1984.

      Sem título
      GB 0074 LMA/4027 · Coleção · 19--

      Railway plans, consisting of two plans of Waterloo Station, the exterior and defaults of a window, and a plan of the proposed widening of Charing Cross Bridge.

      Sem título
      GB 0074 LMA/4212 · Coleção · 1885-1929

      Photographs showing a wide variety of scenes, events and items from London, 1885-1929.

      Sem título
      WONG, Hoi Wah
      GB 0074 LMA/4498 · Coleção · [1940-1949]

      Photograph of Chinese seamen, their captain and other staff on an ocean liner, 1940s.

      Sem título
      CHEUNG, Jo Yiu (fl 1938-2008)
      GB 0074 LMA/4503 · Coleção · 1957-2002

      Personal papers of Jo Yiu Cheung, seaman, comprising photograph on board an ocean liner, and portrait in front of a Buddha statue.

      Sem título
      GB 0074 LMA/4677 · Coleção · 1956-1972

      Records of Rotax Limited including nominal and private ledgers covering holding company and subsidiaries, bound in one volume only. No other records are currently known to survive.

      Sem título
      GB 0074 CLC/B/017-03 · Coleção · 1919-1937

      Financial records of the Aircraft Insurance Committee.

      Sem título
      GB 0074 CLC/B/017-15 · Coleção · 1941-1951

      Minute book of the Home Office Vehicles Pool.

      Sem título
      GB 0074 CLC/B/017-22 · Coleção · 1832-1866

      Records of the London Fire Engine Establishment, including Committee minute books; out-letter book; annual accounts and registers of fires in London, which contain information relating to fires attended by the London Fire Engine Establishment, including date, time of discovery, place, name and profession of occupier, possible cause of fire, details of insurance, who raised the alarm, who put out the fire, which engines attended, and what was damaged.

      Sem título
      GB 0074 CLC/B/021-1 · Coleção · 1821-1994

      Records of the Baltic Exchange, comprising: corporate records (mainly minutes and agendas of committees), 1857-1987 (Ms 39476-91); financial records, 1857-1994 (Ms 39492-524); administrative records (including correspondence), 1858-1977 (Ms 39525-43); membership records, 1837-1985 (Ms 39544-70); operational records, 1877-1971 (Ms 39571-612); staff records, 1902-60 (Ms 39613-20); premises records, 1854-1971 (Ms 39621-40); miscellaneous papers, 1889-1987 (Ms 39641-5); records of the Airbrokers Association, 1947-76 (Ms 39646), the Institute of Shipbrokers, 1917-87 (Ms 39647-51), and St Andrew Undershaft parish magazines, 1961-72 (Ms 39663).

      Sem título
      GB 0074 CLC/B/021-3 · Coleção · 1757-1833

      Records of the Jerusalem Coffee House, later the Jerusalem Shipping Exchange, including registers and lists of sailings and shippings, including some East India Company shipping; log of the voyage of the ship 'Walmer Castle' from London to Penang, Malaysia; agreements; and financial accounts.

      Sem título
      GB 0074 CLC/B/051 · Coleção · 1702-1984

      Records of the Coal Factors' Society, beginning in 1761 and consisting of minutes, attendance books, letter books, rules and regulations, an account of market dues at the Coal Exchange, financial records including ledgers and cash books, factors' day and entry books, factors' and meters' postage books, an alphabetical list of ships giving gross and net tonnage, lists of named ships with total monthly cost to each factor, comparative lists of the highest prices of best house coals taken for each, contracts made with various persons for the supply of barges, beams, weights, a Tilbury signal code book, and newspaper cuttings. There are no records for the period 1790-1831.

      The collection also includes a register of names, destinations and owners of ships, and weight of coal shipped from Newcastle, 1702-4, Ms 30689, which had been found amongst the archives of the Coal Factors' Society and Coal Meters' Committee. It predates both bodies and appears to have been collected as a curio.

      Sem título
      GB 0074 CLC/B/055 · Coleção · 1701-1962

      Records of the Commercial Union Assurance Company Limited, including minutes, ledgers, journals, letters, and insurance registers. Also records of subsidiary and predecessor companies, including:

      Accident Insurance Company;
      British and European Insurance Company;
      British General Insurance Company;
      Edinburgh Assurance Company;
      Employers' Liability Assurance Corporation;
      Fine Art and General Insurance Company;
      General Accident and Guarantee Company;
      Guardian Plate Glass Insurance Company;
      Hand-in-Hand Fire and Life Insurance Company;
      Imperial Live Stock and General Insurance Company;
      Indemnity Marine Insurance Company;
      Liverpool Victoria Insurance Corporation;
      London Amicable Assurance Society;
      London and Scottish Assurance Corporation;
      Mercantile Fire Insurance Company;
      New India Assurance Company;
      North British and Mercantile Insurance Company;
      Northern Assurance Company;
      Ocean Accident and Guarantee Corporation;
      Ocean and General Guarantee Company;
      Ocean Marine Insurance Company;
      Palatine Insurance Company;
      Planet Assurance Corporation;
      Provident Clerks and General Guarantee and Accident Company;
      Railway Passengers Assurance Company;
      Scottish Metropolitan Life Assurance Company;
      Union Assurance Society;
      United Kingdom Life Assurance Company;
      Westminster and Kensington Freeholds Limited;
      World Auxiliary Insurance Corporation;
      World Marine and General Insurance Company.

      Sem título
      GB 0074 CLC/B/055-05 · Coleção · 1925-1961

      Records from the Marine Department of the Edinburgh Assurance Company Limited, comprising registers of vessels, casualty books, loss report books, and salvage books.

      Sem título
      GB 0074 CLC/B/112-063 · Coleção · 1938

      Articles of associaton of Hadden & Company Limited, shipping agency.

      Sem título
      GB 0074 ACC/1297 · Coleção · 1853-1934

      Papers of predecessor companies of London Transport. More information regarding each company can be found in the separate sub-fonds entry for that company.


      Aylesbury and Buckingham Railway

      Baker Street And Waterloo Railway

      Central London Railway Minutes

      Central London Railway Correspondence, Contracts, Reports, Etc.

      City And South London Railway

      City And South London Railway

      Charing Cross, Euston And Hampstead Railway

      Earls Court Grounds Limited

      Edgware And Hampstead Railway

      Great Northern And City Railway

      Great Northern Piccadilly And Brompton Railway

      Hammersmith And City Railway

      Hounslow And Metropolitan Railway

      Harrow And Uxbridge Railway

      Hammersmith And City Railway

      Kingston And London Railway

      London Electric Railway

      London General Country Services (Buses)

      London General Omnibus Company

      Lots Road Power House

      London Passenger Transport Board

      London And Suburban Traction Company (Tramways)

      London Transport Board Reports And Accounts

      London Transport Executive Files

      London United Tramways

      Metropolitan And Metropolitan District Joint Railways

      Metropolitan And District Electric Traction Company

      Metropolitan District Railway

      Metropolitan Electric Tramway

      Metropolitan And Great Central Joint Railways

      Morden Station Garage

      Metropolitan And St Johns Wood Railway Company

      Metropolitan Tower Construction Company

      North Metropolitan Tramways

      Railway Equipment And Construction Company

      South Metropolitan Electric Tramways

      Tramways M.E.T. Omnibus Company

      Underground Electric Railways

      Union Construction Company

      Union Surplus Lands Company

      Whitechapel And Bow Railway

      Watford Joint Railway Committee - Metropolitan And London North Eastern Railways

      Watford And Edgware Railway

      Wembley Park Estate Company

      Also bus companies comprising:

      A1 Bus Company

      Acme Pullman Services (Buses)

      Alberta Omnibus

      Amersham And District Motor Bus And Haulage Company

      Associated Omnibus Company

      Atlas Omnibus Company

      C W Batten And Company Limited (Buses)

      Bracklin And Vandy Limited (Buses)

      Britannia Traction Company

      Brixton Motor Omnibus Company

      Bucks Expresses (Buses)

      Cambrian Coaching And Goods Transport Limited

      Cambrian Landray Coaching Limited

      Celtic Omnibus Company

      Central Omnibus Company

      Chesham And District Bus Company

      Cosgrove Omnibus Company

      Criterion Omnibus Company

      Dangerfield Limited (Buses)

      Direct Omnibus Company

      District Omnibus Company

      Dominion Omnibus Company

      East Ham Omnibus Company

      Empress Omnibus Company

      Fleet Omnibus Company

      Florence Omnibus Company

      Gearless Motor Omnibus Company

      Grafton Omnibus Company

      Grangewood Omnibus Company

      Green Line Coaches Limited

      Haywood And Nowell Limited (Buses)

      Horseshoe Traction Company

      Invicta Traction Company (Buses)

      Jockey Omnibus Company

      Lea Valley Omnibus Company

      Legion Omnibus Company

      London Road Car Company

      Lonsdale Omnibus Company

      Loveland Omnibus Company

      Mcmahon Omnibus Company

      Marathon Omnibus Company

      Mason Omnibus Company

      Metropolitan Steam Omnibus Company

      New Central Omnibus Company

      Northern Omnibus Company

      Nulli Secundus Omnibus Company

      Olympic Traction Company

      Omnibus Proprietors Limited

      Overground Limited (Buses)

      Edward Paul Limited (Buses)

      Pc Omnibus Company

      Priest Brothers (Buses)

      Primrose Omnibus Company

      Ra Motor Services

      Charles Randall Limited (Buses)

      Reburn's Motor Services

      Shamrock Traction Company

      Skylark Motor Coach Company

      Silver Star Omnibus Company

      Superbus Limited

      T And W Omnibus Company

      Tottenham Hotspur Omnibus Company

      Tower Carriers Limited

      Unique Omnibus Company

      Victoria Road Car Company

      Vivid Omnibus Company

      W And P Omnibus Company

      Watford Omnibus Company

      Wellington Omnibus Company

      Western Omnibus Company

      White Star Omnibus Company

      London And South Coast Transport Limited

      National Omnibus And Transport Company

      Sem título
      GB 0074 ACC/1297/GNCY · Coleção · 1892-1913

      Records of the Great Northern and City railway, comprising Board meeting minutes and General meeting minutes.

      Sem título
      GB 0074 ACC/1297/KL · Coleção · 1881-1891

      Records of the Kingston and London Railway Company, comprising Joint Committee Minutes.

      Sem título
      GB 0074 ACC/1297/LGOC · Coleção · 1855-1933

      Records of the London General Omnibus Company, including minutes of Managers Committee meetings, General Board meetings, and the Conseil de Surveillance; reports to Shareholders; Guard Books containing newspaper cuttings relating to early omnibus services and particularly to the last horsedrawn service, photographs, Omnibus and Tramway Guides from 1878, lists of company's stables and premises, time-keepers' books, rules and regulations of the LGOC, checkers' rules prior to 1891, sample tickets and so on; press cuttings; London General Omnibus Company rules and regulations; photographs; list of premises; timekeepers' books; volume containing manuscript copies in French and English of the Deed of Constitution, Statutes and so on of the company, together with prospectus of the Compagnie Generale des Omnibus de Londres; monthly reports relating to Coach Factories and Traffic; Traffic Circulars and financial records including ledgers, journals, and cash books.

      Sem título
      GB 0074 ACC/1297/LST · Coleção · 1912-1934

      Records of the London and Suburban Traction Company, including minutes of Board Meetings; minutes of General Meetings; minutes of Stockholder meetings; and traffic reports.

      Sem título
      GB 0074 ACC/1297/MGCJ · Coleção · 1889-1948

      Records of the Metropolitan and Great Central Joint Railways, including minutes of the Joint Committee; minutes of Officers' Conferences; reports and papers of the Oxford and Aylesbury Tramroad Company; plans of the line between Harrow and Verney Junction; and financial records including ledgers, journals and cash books.

      Sem título
      GB 0074 ACC/1297/TMO · Coleção · 1911-1934

      Records of the Tramways M.E.T. Omnibus Company, comprising minutes of Board meetings; minutes of the Director's Motor Bus Company; minutes of General meetings and minutes of the Share Allotment Committee.

      Sem título
      GB 0074 ACC/1297/UER · Coleção · 1902-1936

      Records of the Underground Electric Railways Company of London Limited, including minutes of Board meetings; minutes of General meetings; minuts of General Managers Conferences; minutes of the Finance Committee, Works Committee, Advisory Committee and General Purposes Committee; minutes of meetings of Stockholders; minutes of meetings of Executive Officers; registers of designs, trademarks and licences; registers of monthly expenditure; monthly traffic reports and statistics; financial reports; departmental reports; technical handbooks and staff manuals; papers relating to foreign visits by staff; diaries; and publications.

      Sem título
      LCC/TWYS · Subarquivo · 1904-1950

      Records of the London County Council Tramways Department, 1904-1950, comprising posters, and original artworks used in posters, advertising various attractions and destinations reachable by tram. Some of the posters were designed at the LCC Central School of Arts and Crafts. Also plans of works to LCC tramways and trolleybus routes.

      Sem título
      LMA/4010 · Coleção · 1897-1988

      File of deeds, assignments and agreements for the Paragon School site, New Kent Road, Southwark.

      Sem título
      GB 0074 CLC/B/123-14 · Coleção · 1885-1904

      Records of British India Associated Steamers Limited, including board minutes; annual reports; and financial accounts.

      Sem título
      GB 0074 CLC/B/123-20 · Coleção · 1919-1964

      Records of Delmege, Allen and Company Limited, shipping agents, comprising memorandum and articles of association, and balance sheets.

      Sem título
      GB 0074 CLC/B/123-33 · Coleção · 1899-1968

      Records of the India General Navigation and Railway Company Limited, including articles of association; papers relating to annual general meetings; notices to shareholders; financial accounts; fleet lists; papers regarding ship repairs; and photograph of steamer 'Nagpore'.

      CLC/B/123/MS38763 (staff list) is subject to a 70 year closure period.

      Sem título
      GB 0074 CLC/B/123-41 · Coleção · 1854-1955

      Records of MacKinnon, MacKenzie and Company, general merchants and agents of Calcutta, India; comprising: partnership deeds and other records concerning the establishment and regulation of the company, 1854-1955 (Ms 27793-6, 27838-41); private journals, 1929-51 (Ms 27797); correspondence, 1852-1955 (Ms 27798-814) operational records, 1847-1940 (Ms 27815-27); photographs, ca. 1905-31 (Ms 27828-8A); historical notes, c 1860-1955 (Ms 27829-34, 27847); and accounts, 1927-51 (Ms 27835-7, Ms 27842-6, 27848).

      Sem título
      GB 0074 CLC/B/123-47 · Coleção · 1873-1979

      Records of Rivers Steam Navigation Company Limited, including:

      1) Corporate records, Mss 27910-20;
      2) Internal accounting and financial records, Mss 27921-39;
      3) General correspondence, Mss 27940-5;
      4) Papers concerning the operation of transport services and the development of transport generally, and the transport of particular commodities:
      i) general-river, rail and road, Mss 27946-53;
      ii) river transport, Mss 27954-66;
      iii) rail transport, Mss 27967-72;
      iv) road transport, Mss 27973-8;
      v) passenger services, Mss 27979-82;
      vi) tea, Mss 27983-90;
      vii) coal, Mss 27991-5;
      viii) jute, Mss 27996-9;
      ix) miscellaneous (oil, sugar, mail), Mss. 28000-2;
      5) Papers concerning post war operations and the reconstruction of the company, Mss 28003-13;
      6) Fleet records, i.e. fleet lists, and records of shipbuilding, repair, losses and casualties. (NB see records of subsidiaries for Garden Reach Workshops, R.S.N.'s shipbuilding subsidiary), Mss 28014-37;
      7) Records concerning co-operation and competition with Assam Railway and Trading Co, Mss 28038-43;
      8) Competition with other companies, Mss 28044-54;
      9) Records of terms and conditions of work, pension funds and trade unions, Mss 28055-67;
      10) Investment in other companies, Mss 28068-72;
      11) Maps, photographs, historical notes, Mss 28073-8;
      12) Subsidiary companies:
      i) Pakistan River Steamers Ltd, Mss 28079-91;
      ii) Rivers Steam Navigation Co (Holdings) Ltd, Mss 28092-5;
      iii) Garden Reach Workshops Ltd, Mss 28096-9;
      iv) India Rivers Steam Navigation Co Ltd, Ms 28100;
      v) Pakistan Rivers Steam Navigation Co Ltd, Ms 28101.

      Sem título
      GB 0074 CLC/B/123-51 · Coleção · 1870-1965

      Records of Smith, MacKenzie and Company Limited, general merchants and agents in East Africa, including: memorandum and articles of association, 1936-50 (Ms 28118); agreements, 1891-1945 (Ms 28119, Ms 36444-6); directors' meetings minutes and related papers, 1934-50 (Ms 28120-5); accounts, 1936-64 (Ms 28126-33); operational records, 1886-1950 (Ms 28134-7, Ms 36447-55); list of records, 1870-1945 (Ms 28138); property records, 1890-ca. 1950 (Ms 28139-42, Ms 36458-62); papers relating to staff, 1892-1937 (Ms 36456-7); photographs, c 1871-99 and c 1920 (Ms 28143, Ms 36463); records relating to subsidiaries, 1917-57 (Ms 28144-53, Ms 36464); and miscellaneous items, 1893-1965 (Ms 36465-71).

      Sem título
      GB 0074 CLC/B/227-045 · Coleção · 1909-1945

      Minute book of the trustees of the Central Bahia Railway Trust.

      Sem título
      GB 0074 CLC/B/227-094 · Coleção · 1792-1797

      Day book of Holmes and Pyke, coachbuilders.

      Sem título
      GB 2856 (NEW)LT000457 · Série · 1906-1933

      This series contains correspondence, memoranda, minutes and reports concerning the renewal and improvement of rolling stock on various lines including details of designs of rolling stock cars, the fiftieth anniversary of the District Line, the modernisation of equipment and the replacement of steam locomotives.

      Sem título
      GB 2856 (NEW)LT000474 · Série · 1936-1937

      This series contains correspondence, memoranda and extracts from minutes concerning arrangements for the coronation of George VI including details of measures to control passenger traffic and congestion, openings and closures of stations, the rehearsal of the procession, special travel services and facilities and references to the coronation of Edward VIII.

      Sem título
      GB 2856 (NEW)LT000475 · Série · 1933-1939

      This series contains correspondence, memoranda and extracts from minutes including details of possible railway extensions, trolleybus and bus facilities, a survey of the passenger transport facilities in the London Passenger Transport area and other companies' interest in the Board's outer area.

      Sem título
      GB 2856 (NEW)LT000479 · Série · 1932-1939

      This series contains correspondence, memoranda and reports concerning the proposed prohibition of horse-drawn traffic, the restricted use of heavy vehicles, the possible improvement of the position of rear lights on road vehicles, the prohibition of the use of horns in certain zones and restrictions of the use of certain routes by specific types of vehicles.

      Sem título