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  • Refers to both transportation and transport of goods. Use more specific descriptor where appropriate.
  • Se réfère à la fois aux systèmes de transport et au transport de marchandises. Utiliser un descripteur plus précis si possible.
  • Se refiere a los sistemas de transporte y al transporte de mercancias. Utilice un descriptor más preciso cuando sea necesario.

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    Equivalent terms


      647 Archival description results for Transport

      632 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
      Signals: Theory
      GB 0064 SIG/D · Subfonds · 1787-1822
      Part of Signals Collection

      Signals: Theory. Most of the seven volumes in this category are printed and are either annotated or designed for annotation; they are concerned with naval signalling, telegraphic and merchant shipping codes, 1787 to 1822. The earliest volume is by Captain (later Admiral) Phillip Patton (1739-1815); in 1787 he published 'A system of signals combining the method commonly used in theBritish Navy...with a numerary method'. As far as is known this was never used, since preference was given to the code invented by Lord Howe. Patton employed two methods: one was the old idea of the meaning of the flag being governed by the position of the hoist and the other gave each flag a fixed numerical value. A new arrangement of Howe's day and night signals and instructions was made in 1792 by John McArthur (1755-1840), while secretary to Lord Hood, and printed in 1793. McArthur also published a comprehensive plan in c 1804, entitled 'Thoughts on several plans combining a system of Universal Signals by day and night', of which there is also a copy. There is a lithographed copy, made in 1822, of 'Practical Rules for making Telegraphic Signals with a description of the two-armed telegraph invented in 1804' by Lieutenant-Colonel Pasley (1780-1861); he put forward a system of sending messages by land using a pole with two moveable arms. A similar manuscript of ca.1820 is by Lieutenant (later Commander) Poynter Crane (1782-1879).

      Signals: Theory
      GB 0064 SGN/D · Subfonds · 1804-1818

      Signals: Theory. Included in this small group of documents are a description of Colonel Pasley's telegraph of 1804 and 'Observations on Signal Shapes as applied to the character of Signals Flags', 1818, by Captain Thomas Shortland (1771-1827).

      GB 0099 KCLMA Simpson · Created [1940]-1946

      Microfilm copies of papers relating to his naval career, 1942-1946, principally comprising 'Africa Navy blues', an illustrated account of his experiences in the RN, 1942-1946, written in 1946, covering his service on HMS BIRMINGHAM in a convoy from Egypt to Malta (Operation VIGOROUS), June 1942, and on anti-submarine trawlers in the Bay of Bengal, 1942, during the Allied invasion of Madagascar, 1942, and in South Africa, 1942-1945; diary, 1943-1945. 'War time trawler', a transcript of a broadcast by James McClurg of the South African Broadcasting Corporation concerning his experiences on board an anti-submarine trawler during World War Two, written in [1940-1945].

      GB 1432 SJC · 1902-1970

      Papers of the Sir John Cass Technical Institute and Sir John Cass College, comprising:

      Publications, including syllabuses, 1902-1936; calendars, 1936-1940, prospectuses and course handbills, 1946-1970.

      Administrative records, including Principal's reports, 1902-1932; annual reports, 1902-1967; Governors of Sir John Cass Foundation minute books, 1901-1964; College Council minute books, 1965-1969; Board of Studies/Academic Board/University Board minutes, 1917-1970; Consultative Committee on Petroleum Technology minutes, 1920-1953; Consultative Committee on Fuel Technology minutes, 1930-1945; Nautical School entry book, 1913-1950; Department of Navigation enrolment book, 1950-1969; staff records, 1916-1960s; Library Committee papers, 1953-1970; School of Art correspondence, 1936-1969; School of Navigation, Board of Studies papers, 1940-1970; Soirée minute book, 1902-1911; building work, plans and correspondence, 1941-1960s.

      Papers of the Teaching Staff Association, Sir John Cass College Association and Students' Union, 1950s-1960s.

      College journals, including Red Quill, 1921, 1959-1967; Cassowary, 1961-1967; The Bookcase, 1950-1956.

      Papers relating to college history, 1880-1970, including charity schemes papers (including report of the Royal City Parochial Charities Commission, 1880, and papers relating to the Aldgate Freedom Foundation, City Parochial Foundation, Sir Thomas Gresham, Wyndham Deedes Memorial Fund, 1946-1972; opening pamphlet, 1902; visitors' book, 1903-1934; institute history, c1939.

      Papers relating to conversion to polytechnic status, 1950s-1970, including proposals and college committee minutes.

      Sir John Cass Technical Institute, 1902-1950 Sir John Cass College, 1950-1970
      GB 0099 KCLMA Slade · Created 1934-1960

      Two pilot's flying log books, 1933-1937 and 1937-1960. Typescript 'Report on GAF (German Air Force) night fighting from the interrogation of prisoners' by Wing Cdr W K Davison, Officer Commanding 88 Sqn, RAF [1944]; typescript report by James Lansdale Hodson entitled 'Night fighters' [1944]; typescript memorandum by Slade, 'Notes for new crews' [1944]; typescript 'Report on GAF night fighter system. A post mortem' [1945]. Photograph album with uncaptioned photographs of Slade's RAF service in Egypt and Iraq, 1933-1937. Fifteen photographic negatives and 185 photographs, 1933-1960, including aerial photographs of terrain, Iraq, 1934-1937, group photographs, 1942-1945, and Fairey Aviation Limited aircraft in flight [1960], notably the Gannet and the Rotodyne.

      GB 0099 KCLMA Slessor · 1949-1968

      Papers of MRAF Sir John Slessor, 1965-1968, including: correspondence regarding the Defence Review on Naval Airpower with Air Chief Marshal Sir Charles Elworthy; W M Mills, Ministry of Defence; Edward Shackleton, Ministry of Defence; Hawker Siddeley Aviation Ltd; Air Marshal Sir Kenneth Cross, Transport Command; and others, 1965-1968, particularly debating the use of aircraft carriers. Correspondence regarding the Battle of the Atlantic with Vice Admiral Sir Peter Gretton; Capt Stephen Roskill, historian; the Air Historical Branch; the Naval Historical Branch; and others, 1966-67, including statistical analysis of efficacy of RAF and information and statistics from Air History Branch regarding U-Boat destruction, 1955. Correspondence with Capt B H Liddell Hart, 1965; with Rear Admiral Samuel Morison, USNR, 1968; with Professor Arthur Marder, 1966. Articles by Slessor relating to the Defence Review on Naval Airpower, including: An Integral part of the Fleet', 1964;The Capital Ship Complex', 1965; Air Power - Seabourne or Shore-based', 1965;Naval Air Power - Is it Worth It?', 1965; The Story of Jutland: Some reflections on Vol. 3 of "From the Dreadnought to Scapa Flow" - Arthur J Marder', 1966;Air Power and the Defence Review', 1966; Air Power East of Suez', 1966;The Purchase of the F111', 1966; Meeting Today's Defence Needs: Virtues of Shore-Based Planes', letter to The Times, 1968; andThe Air League's Memorandum on Defence - January 1967', 1967. Also articles by others including: The case for the Aircraft Carrier' by Fletcher Pratt, and responseThe Case for Land-Based Air Power' by Francis V Drake, The Reader's Digest, 1949; German, Italian and Japanese U-Boat Casualties during the War: Particulars of Destruction, (HMSO, 1946); A memorandum on Defence, The Air League, 1967; and `Merchant Aircraft Carriers' by Kenneth Poolman, Air Pictorial, Oct 1968.

      Slessor , Sir , John Cotesworth , 1897-1979 , Knight , Marshal of the Royal Air Force
      Smeaton, John (1724-1792)
      GB 0117 JS · 1741-1792

      The working drawings of John Smeaton, civil engineer. They illustrate his researches on waterwheels and applied mechanics, and the relative efficiency of overshot as opposed to undershot wheels. With supplementary engravings and manuscript notes.

      Smeaton , John , 1724-1792 , civil engineer
      GB 0074 CLC/B/123-51 · Collection · 1870-1965

      Records of Smith, MacKenzie and Company Limited, general merchants and agents in East Africa, including: memorandum and articles of association, 1936-50 (Ms 28118); agreements, 1891-1945 (Ms 28119, Ms 36444-6); directors' meetings minutes and related papers, 1934-50 (Ms 28120-5); accounts, 1936-64 (Ms 28126-33); operational records, 1886-1950 (Ms 28134-7, Ms 36447-55); list of records, 1870-1945 (Ms 28138); property records, 1890-ca. 1950 (Ms 28139-42, Ms 36458-62); papers relating to staff, 1892-1937 (Ms 36456-7); photographs, c 1871-99 and c 1920 (Ms 28143, Ms 36463); records relating to subsidiaries, 1917-57 (Ms 28144-53, Ms 36464); and miscellaneous items, 1893-1965 (Ms 36465-71).

      Smith, MacKenzie and Co Ltd , general merchants and agents in East Africa
      GB 0096 AL387 · Fonds · 1794

      Letter from Richard Smith of 'Bordeaux River', [France] to Seth Barton, merchant, Baltimore, [USA], 1794. Giving the terms of a charter party between James Swan and Co and Thomas Harris, on the London Packet (c 260 tons), which was to take on a cargo of wines and brandy at Bordeaux, to carry to Baltimore; discussing expenses and asks Barton to take out £400 insurance for him.

      Autograph, with signature.

      Smith , Richard , fl 1794 , of Bordeaux
      GB 0074 CLC/104 · Collection · 1774-1828

      Memorandum book including copy letters to the Court of the East India Company; bye-laws and resolutions of the Society; and printed East India Company notices.

      Society of East India Commanders East India Company
      GB 0074 ACC/1364 · Collection · 1894

      Insurance policy upon passengers' effects, to be shipped on the "Rhone" from London to Algoa Bay, Cape Province, South Africa, taken out by A. F. Evans, 1894.

      The North China Insurance Company Limited
      GB 0064 SAC · Collection · 1892-1971

      Papers relating to the South Africa Conference (1892-1971). The collection consists of a series of volumes dating from 1892 to 1971. SAC/1-4 relate to the various trade routes between Europe and Southern Africa, and consist of minutes of the various meetings held. SAC/6-9 consists of the South Africa Conference major meetings, including meetings with D.O.A.L, between shipowners, committee and joint minutes. SAC/10 is a volume containing various agreements between the conference and the countries it traded with.

      South Africa Conference
      South Eastern Gas Board
      GB 0064 XX(63021.1) · Collection · [1925-1970]

      Papers of the South Eastern Gas Board. They consist of a number of Portage Bills and disbursement accounts, 1959 to 1970; a file of the case histories of casualties; certificates issued by Lloyds for engines and boilers, freeboard, anchors and chain cables and classification: a series of Chief Officers' and Chief Engineers' log books, 1961 to 1970: and specification plans and technical data, 1925 to 1959. In addition there is an extensive photographic record of the fleet and a number of charts, surveys of wharves and ships' plans.

      South Eastern Gas Board
      GB 0074 ACC/1297/SMET · Collection · 1899-1934

      Records of South Metropolitan Electric Tramways, comprising minutes of Board meetings and minutes of General meetings.

      South Metropolitan Electric Tramways and Lighting Co Ltd
      GB 0064 SWS · Collection · [1835-1883]

      Papers of South Western Steam Packet Company. They include Deeds of Settlement (later known as Articles of Association) of the Commercial Steam Packet Company, 1835 to 1837; the South Western Steam Packet Company, 1843; and the New South Western Steam Navigation Company, 1846. These documents give lists of shareholders and their occupations. There is a minute book covering shareholders' meetings of the South Western Company, 1842 to 1845; notices to shareholders and reports of the Commercial and South Western Steam Packet Companies, the New South Western and the London and South Western Railway, 1838 to 1847; mortgage deeds, Bills of Sale and Certificates of Sale. Of technical interest are two contracts of 1855 for a wrought iron steam vessel and a set of engines, and a 'Return of Rolling Stock owned by English, Welsh and Scotch Railway Companies', 1883.

      South Western Steam Packet Company
      Southampton shipping papers
      GB 0096 MS 713 · 1844-1847

      Papers relating to shipping at Southampton, 1844-1847, comprising:

      1. Printed form, completed in manuscript, headed 'The Grand Turk. Captain V. Wrightson from Southampton to Havre'. The form provides for entries of the number and names of hands (not entered), log of the voyage (Southampton and Portsmouth), nature and value of merchandise carried, and cabins occupied, 28-30 Sep 1844. It is endorsed '1 Havre Station. G.Turk. Sep 28 - Oct 1 [18]44. £85 12s.O. C.B. 56.'
      2. Valuations of the following vessels: Monarch, Atalanta, Ariadne, Camilla, and Sarah (coal hulk), all th £8,800; Calpe, Transit, South Western, Grand Turk, Lady de Saumarez, Robert Burns, City of Edinbro', and Queen Mab (coal hulk), all worth £14, 718; and also of 12 horse boxes on wheels (£84), and one office on wheels (£15) belonging to the South Western Steam Packet Company; and of mooring chains, anchors, etc., of the hulks Queen Mab and Sarah (£70). Each valuation is signed by Joseph White, ship builder, East Cowes, for Ritherdon & Carr, Oct 1844.
      3. Three bills of sale, completed in manuscript, for the Ariadne, Camilla and Monarch, all dated 8 Jun 1847, sold to George Henderson of Southampton, and Matthew Uzielli, merchant, of 62 King William Street, London, by the trustees of the South of England Steam Navigation Company. Each bill is endorsed 'Custom House Southampton' 21 June 1847, with signatures of customs officials. The bills include details of the construction (and subsequent alterations) of the ships, date of building, and date of registrations. On the dorse of each bill is a printed form, completed in manuscript, for the receipt of money.
        (a) Bill of sale for Ariadne of Southampton, master John Fuszard, sold for £3,000.
        (b) Bill of sale for the Camilla of Southampton, master John Priaulx, sold for £2,000.
        (c) Bill of sale for the Monarch of Southampton, master Richard White, sold for £10,000.
      LCC/MIN-2 · Subfonds · 1889-1965

      Minutes and presented papers of London County Council special and joint committees, 1889-1965, as follows:

      Allegations (Council Officials) Committee

      Special Committee on the Establishment of an Ambulance Service

      Special Committee on Building Control

      Advisory Committee on the Control on the Construction of Buildings in London

      Charing Cross Bridge Advisory Committee

      Church of England Advisory Board on Spiritual Ministration

      Special Committee on Contracts

      Special Joint Committee on the provision of Coroner's Courts and Mortuaries

      Council Chamber and Offices Committee

      Special Committee on the transfer of County Business

      County Hall Luncheon Club Committee

      County Rate Committee

      Departmental Committees on the Organisation and Working of LCC Departments

      Special Committee on the Office of Deputy Chairman of the Council

      Advisory Committee on the Design of Consumer Goods

      Special Committee on Finance Bill, 1914

      Special Committee on Fire Insurance

      Greater London Regional Planning Committee

      Meetings of Heads of Departments

      Special Committee on Health Administration in London

      Hospitals Committee

      Interim Panel

      Juveniles Committee

      Lack of Employment Conference

      Joint Committee on the working of the Leyton tramways

      Loan Fund for Prospective Teachers

      Special Committee on Local Expenditure

      Local Pension Committee

      Special Committee on Locomotion and Transport in London

      London Air Terminal

      Advisory Committee on the Amendment of the London Building Act, 1930

      Special Committee on London Electricity Supply

      Special Committee on changes in London Local Government

      Special Committee on London Government

      London War Pensions Committee

      Special Joint Committee on the Control of lunatics, imbeciles and infectious poor

      Advisory Committee on combined medical appointments in Division 9 of the LCC Public Health Department

      Members and Staff Committee

      Joint Committee of Members and School-keepers

      Special Committee of Inquiry into certain matters of administration in the Mental Hospitals Department

      Sub-committee of the Provisional LCC appointed to confer with a Committee of the Metropolitan Board of Works

      Special Committee on the provision of New Offices

      Officers (Education) Superannuation Committee

      Conference on Open Spaces for recreational purposes

      Special Committee on the Organisation of the Council's Service

      Poor Law Committee

      Procedure Committee

      Richmond Hill (Preservation of View) Executive Committee

      Committee of Inquiry on Sadlers Wells

      Special Committee on Staff Appeals

      Conference on regulations in connection with Streets and Street traffic

      Special Committee on the allocation of the cost of Street Improvements along Tramway Routes

      Survey of London (Joint Publishing) Committee

      Teacher's Superannuation Committee

      Special Committee on Technical Education

      Special Committee on Thames Bridges

      Joint Committee on Thames Flood Prevention

      Special Committee on Traffic

      Tramways Committee

      Special Joint Sub-committee on the Typhoid Fever Epidemic in Maidstone and the London Water Supply

      Special Committee on the Unemployment

      Special Committee on the Valuation of Land

      Special Committee on the War Estimates

      Special Committee on the Works Department

      Please note that copies of these minutes and papers are on open access in the Information Area.

      GB 0097 SR 0139 · [1838-1839]

      Birmingham and Gloucester Railway time book, filled in by Herbert Spencer with details of his surveying work, [1838-1839].

      Spencer , Herbert , 1820-1903 , philosopher
      GB 0096 MS 644 · 1861-1864

      Nine notes and memoranda, 1861-1864, addressed to Rainford Junction, near St Helens on railway traffic matters, mostly from the Engineer's Office and the Passenger Dept., St Helens, but also from the Goods Dept. at Garston and Widnes Docks.

      St Helens Canal & Railway Company
      GB CR/1919/2 JSCSC · 1919

      101Precis of lecture – infantry assembly positions, A Div, Brig Gen Dill. 102 Notes on the strength of certain attacks in 1918, A Div, Br Gen Dill. 103 Demonstration of tank tactics, A & B Div, Lt Col Neame. 104 Precis – Q (8) administrative arrangements in small wars, A Div, Br Gen Anderson. 105 Notes on Somaliland, A Div, Br Gen Anderson. 106 Scheme for summer term. Sec. XI. Indoor ex no 8 “assembly for attack”, A Div, Col Anley. 107 Scheme for summer term, Sec. X, paper F, A Div, Lt Col Liddell. 108 Indian frontier warfare calculations Ex 8, A Div, Br Gen Charles. 109 Indian frontier warfare scheme no 1 (indoor portion), A & B Div, Br Gen Charles. 110 Precis of lecture – campaign of Salamanca (1), B Div, Lt Col Haskard. 111 Precis of lecture – outposts, A & B Div, Lt Col Haskard. 112 Precis of lecture – the rear guard, A & B Div, Lt Col Haskard. 113 Paper on promotion examinations, B Div, Br Gen Kearsley. 114 Two special papers on war establishments, A Div, Lt Col Liddell. 115 Extract from “the Times” – “distribution of the fleet”, A & B Div, The Commandant. 116 Offensive battle (set piece). Gen idea & continuation in outdoor ex no 10 (see no. 140), B Div, Lt Col Collins. 117 Outdoor ex no 7, selection of a defensive position, B Div, Lt Col Neame. 118 Scheme for summer term (sec. XI) – assembly for, and conduct of infantry assault, A Div, Col Anley. 119 Lecture notes – preparation for the offensive, A & B Div, Br Gen Farmar. 120 Lecture notes – Waterloo I précis, A Div, Lt Col Luckock. 121 Special paper on war establishments for a D.A.C, A Div, Lt Col Liddell. 122 Special paper on war establishments for Div. Engrs, A Div, Lt Col Liddell. 123 Suggested index for instructions to be issued by the general staff of a division for a deliberate offensive, A & B Div, Lt Col Collins. 124 Lectures – Waterloo II & III and order of battle, A Div, Lt Col Luckock. 125 Lectures – Waterloo IV, A Div, Lt Col Luckock. 126 Lecture – Waterloo general map, A Div, Lt Col Luckock. 126a Lectures – Waterloo V & 2 maps (Ligny & disposition 14 6/1815), A Div, Lt Col Luckock. 127 Lectures – artillery no 6, A Div, Lt Col Broad. 128 Table of weights carried on the soldier, A & B Div, Lt Col Collins & Grubb. 129 Notes – capture of Tsingtau, A&B Div, Br Gen Charles. 130 Salamanca campaign – map position forces end of May, B Div, Lt Col McHaskard. 131 Waterloo campaign – distribution of Wellington’s army, A Div, Lt Col Luckock. 132 Distribution of duties divisional staffs, A&B Div, Lt Col Collins & Grubb. 133 Outdoor ex no 10 “reconnaissance for placing artillery to support an attack”, A Div, Lt Col Broad. 134 Paper “G” – strategy, A Div, Col Anley. 135 Waterloo lecture VI précis and map Quatre Bras, A Div, Lt Col Luckock. 136 Rifle shooting – précis of lecture, A Div, Lt Col Croft. 137 Table of organisation pack transport, A Div, Lt Col Grubb. 138 Notes administrative preparations “set piece offensive”, A Div, Lt Col Grubb. 139 Precis. Notes & 2 maps Salamanca, B Div, Lt Col Haskard. 140 Outdoor exercise No 10 (in continuation indoor Ex. No 10 see No. 116), B Div, Lt Col Collins. 141 Waterloo campaign, lecture VII précis, A Div, Lt Col Luckock. 142 Outdoor ex. No 11 “administrative arrangements for an offensive”, A Div, Lt Col Grubb. 143 Lecture – “Inf assembly positions précis, A &B Div, Lt Col Herbert. 144 Table characteristics of British aeroplanes, A&B Div, Col Anley. 145 Offensive battle (set piece) administration preparations, B Div, Lt Col Wingfield. 146 Paper G. Strategy, B Div, Col Anley. 147 Precis of lecture – administrative arrangements for offensive, B Div, Lt Col Wingfield. 148 Precis of Waterloo campaign – lecture VIII and maps 377 & 378, A Div, Lt Col Luckock. 149 Precis of lecture IX Waterloo campaign & diagram situation 14th June, A Div, Lt Col Luckock. 150 Precis of lecture Salamanca (3), B Div, Lt Col Haskard. 151 Appreciation of a situation, A Div, Lt Col Broad. 152 Hints on the writing of an appreciation of a situation, B Div, Br Gen Kearsley. 153 Tank lecture No 1 – précis, A&B Div, Lt Col Neame. 154 Cavalry lecture (3), B Div, Lt Col Osborne. 155 Staff duties No 7 lecture – précis staff duties in connection with an offensive, A Div, Lt Col Collins. 156 Precis of lecture on army education scheme, A Div, Lt Col Tanner. 157 Outdoor exercise no 12 (set piece offensive), B Div, Lt Col Collins. 158 Precis of 4th lecture; military history & strategy, A&B Div, Col Anley. 159 Precis & lecture – Russian situation & our Eastern Empire, A&B Div, Maj Waterhouse. 160 Precis & lecture; British cavalry 1914, A Div, Maj Balfour. 161 Staff tour, A Div, Commandant. 162 Staff tour, B Div, Commandant. 163 Precis of lecture – “Gunnery as affecting other arms”, B Div, Lt Col Crozier. 164Lecture administrative arrangements in small wars, B Div, Br Gen Farmar. 165 Precis of lecture – A.4 “organization of the British army”, A Div, Lt Col Liddell. 166 Tables – establishment of strength British Army &c, A Div, Lt Col Liddell. 167 Precis of lecture – Salamanca (4), B Div, Lt Col Haskard. 168 Precis of lecture – Waterloo campaign – Paper I, A Div, Lt Col Luckock. 169 Precis of artillery lecture no 7 development of artillery tactics, A Div, Lt Col Broad.170 Outdoor exercise No 12 preparation of a tactical scheme, A Div, Br Gen Dill. 171 Outdoor exercise No 13 “offensive battle: conduct of the battle”, A Div, Col Anley. 172 Precis of lecture – “Imperial strategy” IV, A&B Div, Br Gen Charles. 173 Precis of lecture – “Indian frontier warfare” L of C & administration, A & B Div, Student’s lecture. 174 Paper H. Military history, B Div, Lt Col Haskard. 175 Precis of lecture – campaign in Palestine & Syria, B Div, Student lecture. 176 Precis of lecture – submarines & their method of attack, A & B Div, Comdr. Hall. 177 Special paper: organization Cav. Div, A Div, Lt Col Liddell. 178 Special paper: organization div medical services, A Div, Lt Col Liddell. 179 Indoor exercise No 9 army artillery instruction of an offensive, A Div, Lt Col Broad. 180 Indoor ex No 11: offensive & Outdoor ex No 13: battle, B Div, Lt Col Collins. 181 Precis of lecture 8 development of artillery tactics, A Div, Lt Col Broad. 182 Indoor exercise No 10 “clearing the battlefield”, A Div, Lt Col Liddell. 183 Precis of lecture A.5 clearing the battlefield, A Div, Lt Col Liddell. 184 Precis of lecture – final evacuation of Gallipoli, A Div, Maj Dawnay. 165 Precis of lecture – organization of the Indian army, B Div, Lt Col Crozier. 186 Precis of lecture – E African campaign, B Div, Lt Col Giffard. 187 Outdoor Ex no 14 cavalry, A Div, Lt Col Osborne. 188 Special paper on div medical services, B Div, Lt Col Venning. 189 Lecture notes on “Aeroplanes”, A Div, Lt Col Holt. 190 Special paper – organization infantry division, A Div, Lt Col Liddell. 191 Agenda for general staff conference, B Div, Br Gen Kearsley. 192 Special paper – W.E. Cav Regt etc, B Div, Lt Col Venning. 193 Precis of lecture – pay staff duties, B Div, Lt Col Venning. 194 Precis of lecture – artillery (R.A.B) Bde & Bty tactics, B Div, Lt Col Crozier. 195 Precis of lecture – Cav (3) cavalry staff duties, B Div, Lt Col Osborne. 196 Precis of lecture – food supply in war, A&B Div, Br Gen Charles. 197 Exercise – reconnaissance, B Div, Lt Col Haskard. 198 Precis of lecture – Tanks (2) “Co-operation of tanks with other arms”, A&B Div, Lt Col Neame. 199 Indoor exercise No 12 message writing, B Div, Lt Col Venning. 200 Precis of lecture – “A & Q” (11) man power, B Div, Lt Col Liddell.

      Directing Staff, Staff College Camberley
      GB CR/1919/4 JSCSC · 1919

      301 Indoor exercise No 15: administrative problems, A Div, Lt Col Venning. 302 Subject anti-tank defence, A Div, Lt Col Neame. 303 Precis of lecture: 2nd Afghan War 1st phase, A & B Div, Br Gen Charles. 304 Precis of lecture: transportation with special reference to railways and railheads, A & B Div, Lt Col Grubb. 305 Indoor exercise: Corps Cavalry, B Div, Lt Col Osborne. 306 Precis of lecture: staff duties (10), A Div, Lt Col Collins. 307 Precis of lecture: 2nd Afghan War 1st Phase (II), A & B Div, Br Gen Charles. 308 Precis of lecture: retreat 1914, A Div, Lt Col Perkins. 309 Agenda Conference 11/11/19, A Div, Lt Col Neame. 310 Precis of lecture: 2nd Afghan War 1st Phase (III), A & B Div, Br Gen Charles. 311 Indoor exercise No 15: Administrative Problems (solutions), A Div, Lt Col Venning. 312 Outdoor exercise No 19: Tactical exercise with troops, B Div, Lt Col Collins. 313 Precis of lecture: minor tactics and inf. Formations, A Div, Lt Col Freyberg. 314 Indoor exercise No 16: Staff duties (orders), A Div, Lt Col Luckock. 315 Precis of lecture: Ludendorff, A Div, Lt Col Cornwall. 316 Agenda conference 11/11/19, A Div, Col Anley. 317 Precis of lecture: freedom of the sea, A&B Div, Lt Col Pigott. 318 Notes on conference 30/10/19, A Div, Lt Col Neame. 319 Conference notes: outdoor exercise no 17: preparation of a scheme for a tactical exercise with troops, A Div, Br Gen Dill. 320 Syllabus of lecture: the seamanship of combined operations, A&B Div, Capt Egerton RN. 321 Precis of lecture: combined naval & military operations, A&B Div, Lt Col Festing. 322 Naval & military exercise Parts 1 & 2, A&B Div, Br Gen Charles. 323 Agenda for conference: anti tank defence, A Div, Lt Col Neame. 324 Conference notes: anti tank defence, A Div, Lt Col Neame. 325 Precis of lecture: history of M G [machine gun] development, A Div, Maj Cameron. 326 Precis of lecture: M G [machine gun] fire direction, A Div, Lt Col Charteris. 327 Precis of lecture: Provost duties in peace and war, B Div, Lt Col Venning. 328 Conference 11/11/19: inf. Formations in the attack, A Div, Lt Col Neame. 329 Precis of lecture: machine guns in the attack, A Div, Col Anley. 330 Precis of lecture: ordnance services, B Div, Lt Col Grubb. 331 Precis of lecture: night operations, A Div, Lt Col Luckock. 332 Precis of lecture: east coast defences, A Div, Maj Rowan. 333 Precis of lecture: Japan, A Div, Lt Col Piggott. 334 Precis of lecture: the evolution of the tank and its influence on future tactics, A&B Div, Col J.F.C.Fuller. 335 Agenda Conference 25/11/19: night attacks, A Div, Lt Col Neame. 336 Precis lecture: intelligence, B Div, Lt Col Piggott. 337 Precis of lecture: administrative staff duties in peace, A Div, Br Gen Anderson. 338 Precis of lecture R.A.8: development of artillery tactics, B Div, Lt Col Crozier. 339 Agenda conference 25/11/19: night attacks, A Div, Br Gen Dill. 340 Outdoor exercise No 23: arrangements for Div training, A Div, Lt Col Grubb. 341 Indoor exercise No 16: preparation for the inspection of a division, B Div, Lt Col Wingfield. 342 Precis lecture R.A.9: Development of arty. Tactics 1914-1918, B Div, Lt Col Crozier. 343 Precis lecture: petroleum supply in war, A Div, Maj Hopwood. 344 War Game 1.12.19, A Div, Lt Col Luckock. 344a War game 1.12.19, B Div, Br Gen Charles. 345 Precis of lecture: convening & checking courts martial, A Div, Lt Col Venning. 346 Indoor exercise No 17: checking courts martial, A Div, Lt Col Venning. 347 Precis of opening remarks on discussion of exploitation of success, B Div, Lt Col Collins. 348 Agenda. Conference 6/12/19: morale: on rising [sic] the soldiers moral in war, A Div, Lt Col Neame. 349 Conference notes: “night attack”, A Div, Lt Col Neame. 350 Signal lecture III. A & B Div, Lt Col C-Smith. 351 War Game 4.12.19, A Div, Lt Col Osborne. 352 Precis of lecture & maps: Sinai operations, B Div, Lt Col Farr. 353 Precis of signal lecture IV, A&B Div, Lt Col C-Smith. 354 Artillery lecture No 12: counter battery work and art. Intelligence, A Div, Lt Col Broad. 355 Precis of lecture on mines warfare, A&B Div, Lt Col Williams. 356 Precis of lecture: the Canadian forces, B Div, Lt Col Alexandra. 357 Conference Dec 6th: means of raising a soldiers morale in war, A Div, Lt Col Neame. 358 Precis of lecture: “interior economy”, B Div, Lt Col Venning. 359 Conference 9.12.19 on defence, B Div, Lt Col Collins. 360 Signals exercise, A&B Div, Lt Col C-Smith. 361 2 maps: campaign of Sir J Moore, B Div, Maj Fellows. 362 Maps of Australia: to illustrate lecture on organization of Australian forces, A Div, Lt Col Somerville. 363 Indoor exercise No 17: checking courts martial, B Div, Lt Col Venning. 364 War Game 15.12.19, B Div, Lt Col Haskard. 365 Precis of lecture: interior economy, A Div, Lt Col Venning. 366 Conference on intelligence duties, 13th Dec 1919, A Div, Lt Col Neame. 367 Indoor exercise No 19: staff duties, A Div, Lt Col Luckock. 368 Conference 17.12.19: counter attacks, A Div, Lt Col Neame. 369 Diagram “Ramps”: embarkation & disembarkation, A Div, Lt Col Grubb. 370 Precis of lecture: the New Zealand forces, B Div, Maj Bremner. 371 Precis of lecture: organization of Canadian forces, A Div, Lt Col Boak. 372 Precis of lecture: staff duties in defence, B Div, Lt Col Neame. 373 R.E Lecture No 5, A&B Div, Lt Col Neame. 374 Artillery in defence, B Div, Lt Col Wynter. 375 Precis of lecture: mobilization, A&B Div, Lt Col Liddell. 376 Conference notes: soldiers morale in modern war, A Div, Lt Col Neame. 377 Precis of lecture: South African defence force, B Div, Capt Prine. 378 Maps illustrating preparations for an offensive, B Div, Maj Priestman. 379 Notes on the conference on defence 9.12.19, B Div, Br Gen Kearley. 380 Precis of lecture: campaign in Mesopotamia, A Div, Lt Col Bond. 381 Precis “Royal Military College of Canada”m A Div, Lt Col Neame. 382 Precis of lecture: territorial forces, A Div, Lt Col Grubb. 383 Precis of lecture: campaign in the Balkans, A Div, Maj Lucy. 384 Precis: development of platoon organization & tactics in France, A Div, Lt Col Pearkes. 385 Agenda conference: counter attacks 18.12.18, A Div, Lt Col Neame. 386 Notes on games & sports in the Army, A Div, Lt Col Liddell. 387 Precis of lecture: Italian campaign 1915-18 (with maps), A Div, Maj Richardson. 388 Indoor exercise No 20: corps mounted troops, A Div, Lt Col Osborne. 389 Precis of lecture: tactical turning movement in a division, B Div, Maj Blewitt. 390 List of student lectures 1919, A Div, Br Gen Dill. 391 List of outdoor & indoor exercises: winter term, A Div, Br Gen Dill. 392 List of weekly conferences, A Div, Br Gen Dill. 393 List of outdoor lectures, A&B Div, Br Gen Dill. 394 List of exercises: winter term, B Div, Br Gen Kearsley. 395 List of students lectures 1919, B Div, Br Gen Kearsley. 396 Conference notes: infantry tactics in the attack, A Div, Lt Col Neame. 397 Conference notes: counter attacks, A Div, Lt Col Neame. 398 Precis of lecture: campaign in the Balkans, A Div, Lt Col Stevens. 399 List of outdoor & indoor exercises, May to July, A Div. 400 List of papers & lecture, May to July, A Div.

      Directing Staff, Staff College Camberley
      Stephens family papers
      GB 0064 MSS/64/115 · Collection · [1887-1980]

      Collection of books, papers and photographs relating to the Stephens family of Fowley, [1887-1980], comprising unsorted papers, newspaper cuttings, photographs and postcards relating to the Stephens family and their ships. Including the following: Lloyd's Register certificate confirming classification of the LITTLE SECRET, 1887. Bill of lading and charter party documents for the RIPPLING WAVE, 1890-1892. Bill of lading and charter party documents for the ISABELLA, 1894-1908. Statement of general average for the LITTLE MYSTERY, Captain J.H. Greet, from Herring Neck, Newfoundland, to Figueira with a cargo of codfish, 1905. Statement of general average for the R.T.K., Captain Henry Purches, from Batteau, Labrador, to Seville with a cargo of codfish, 1905. Board of Trade Examination of Oath document for Robert Acford, master of the R.T.K., lost after a collision in 1910. Folder of typescript reports relating to damage and loss of cargo during the voyage of the ISABELLA from Newfoundland bound for Oporto, 1911-1912. Last log of the ISABELLA, 22 April to 11 October 1913. Original photographs of the vessels JANE BANKS, LITTLE GEM, LITTLE MYSTERY, MARIA JOSE, OCEAN SWELL, SPINAWAY and others.

      Stephens family
      GB 0064 STP · Collection · [1868-1883]

      Papers of Sir Henry Frederick Stephenson. There are letterbooks for 1868 and 1880 to 1883, and a printed account of the court martial following the loss of the RATTLER. Most of the collection relates to the Arctic expedition, 1875 to 1876. It includes Stephenson's diary in three volumes, a letter-book, a book of general proceedings of the DISCOVERY, a rough survey book and a scrapbook, with letters and orders from Nares and some other loose papers. There are also printed volumes of the official reports of the expedition and of earlier arctic expeditions.

      Stephenson , Sir , Henry Frederick , 1842-1919 , Knight , Admiral
      GB 0099 KCLMA Stern · Created 1914-1959, 1964, 1994

      Papers relating to his role in the development and production of armoured fighting vehicles, dated 1914-1959, 1964, 1994, principally comprising correspondence, memoranda and minutes relating to the Landships Committee, 1915-1916, and the Tank Supply Committee, Tank Supply Department (later Mechanical Warfare Supply Department) and Mechanical Warfare (Overseas and Allies) Department, 1916-1918; progress reports and memoranda on design and construction of landships, 1915; plans, drawings and blueprints for landships and tanks, 1915-1916; 'Notes on the employment of tanks' by Col Ernest Dunlop Swinton, printed at the Foreign Office, 1916; 'Mechanical warfare, a summary of British tank development, 1914-1918', typescript text by Stern, [1925]; papers relating to the establishment of the Allied Tank Factory at Neuvy Pailloux, Chateauroux, France, dated 1917-1918; notes and reports by Lt J Rackham and George Watson relating to the use of tanks on the Western Front, 1917; 'The tactical employment of tanks in 1918', unofficial report by Col John Frederick Charles Fuller, 1917; correspondence and memoranda relating to Ministry of Supply Special Vehicle Development Committee and the Tank Board, 1939-1943, and the design and development of TOG heavy tanks, 1939-1944, including correspondence with Rt Hon Edward Leslie Burgin, Minister of Supply, 1939-1940, Rt Hon Herbert Stanley Morrison, Minister of Supply, 1940, Rt Hon Sir Andrew Rae Duncan, Minister of Supply, 1940-1941 and 1942, Rt Hon William Maxwell Aitken Beaverbrook, 1st Baron Beaverbrook, Minister of Supply, 1941-1942, Sir James Lithgow, Chairman of the Tank Board, 1941, and Rt Hon Winston (Leonard Spencer) Churchill 1940-1942, Prime Minister, First Lord of the Treasury and Minister of Defence, Sir William Tritton of Tritton, Foster and Co, and Cdr R H Stokes-Rees, 1943-1944; official reports by Lt Col Gordon Hall on British and Italian use of tanks in the Middle East, 1940-1941, dated 1941; specifications and technical reports relating to tanks, 1939-1944; minutes of Special Vehicle Development Committee, 1939-1942; papers relating to investigation of Stern's position in the Ministry of Supply, 1942, dated 1939-1942, including transcriptions of interviews with Stern, 1942; correspondence and memoranda relating to Stern's evidence before the Sub-Committee on National Production and Supply of the House of Commons Select Committee on National Expenditure; publications and printed material relating to tanks, 1915-1919, 1939-1946, 1959; photographs, 1915-1918, 1939-1945, principally comprising British, French and Canadian photographs of tanks, 1915-1918; photographs of TOG tanks, 1939-1942; films concerning the development of the tank, 1918, 1941-1942, 1957. Other papers relating to his life and career, notably including photographs relating to his service with the Royal Naval Air Service, 1914-1915; copies of personal correspondence, 1918-1919.

      Stewart Family papers
      GB 0064 SWT · Collection · 1871-[1884]

      Papers of William Stewart, consisting of letters to Sir William, 1879 to 1884, including those from the First Lord, William Henry Smith (1825-1891) and other private correspondents. His period in the Marlborough is represented by letters as well as a book of remarks on the discipline of the ship. There is a book entitled the 'Dimensions, cost etc. of H.M. Ships built under contract and in the Dockyards', 1860 to 1873. The collection also contains the proceedings of the Naval Brigade attached to the expeditionary force for the relief of Tokar in 1884 when Lieutenant Houston Stewart, Sir William's son, in command of the Right Half-Battery, was killed at the action of El Teb. A midshipman's log for the ARIADNE, Portsmouth, 1871, MINOTAUR, Channel Squadron, 1872, and NARCISSUS, West Indies, October 1872 to 1873, belonged to Lieutenant Houston Stewart. Finally there are a few letters written to Sir William's father, Sir Houston Stewart, between 1853 and 1854 when Sir Houston was Superintendent of Malta Dockyard.

      Stewart , Houston , d 1884 , Lieutenant Stewart , Sir , William Houston , 1822-1901 , Knight , Admiral
      GB 0064 SWT/101-106 · Subfonds · [1879-1884]
      Part of Stewart Family papers

      Papers of William Stewart, consisting of letters to Sir William, 1879 to 1884, including those from the First Lord, William Henry Smith (1825-1891) and other private correspondents. His period in the MARLBOROUGH is represented by letters as well as a book of remarks on the discipline of the ship. There is a book entitled the 'Dimensions, cost etc. of H.M. Ships built under contract and in the Dockyards', 1860 to 1873. The collection also contains the proceedings of the Naval Brigade attached to the expeditionary force for the relief of Tokar in 1884 when Lieutenant Houston Stewart, Sir William's son, in command of the Right Half-Battery, was killed at the action of El Teb. Finally there are a few letters written to Sir William's father, Sir Houston Stewart, between 1853 and 1854 when Sir Houston was Superintendent of Malta Dockyard.

      Stewart , Sir , William Houston , 1822-1901 , Knight , Admiral
      GB 0096 MS 640 · 1862

      Two way bills of the Stockton and Darlington Railway Company, 1862, one dated 10 Feb from Adelaide Colliery, Bishop Auckland; the other dated 13 Feb from North Bitchburn Colliery, Witton-le-Wear, Durham.

      Stockton and Darlington Railway Company
      GB 0099 KCLMA Street · Created 1932-1960

      Typescript transcripts of letters home from Street, 1932, May-Sep 1938 and 1941-1944, including accounts of Allied evacuation from Greece, 1941, and Street's escape from an Italian submarine as a POW, 1943. Two narrative diaries relating to service in Palestine, Aug-Oct 1939, and Kenya, Jun-Dec 1940. Volume entitled 'Long ago and far away', typescript memoir by Annette Street, widow of Maj Gen Vivian Wakefield Street, foreword by Sir Fitzroy Hew Maclean, 1st Bt, with seven photographs, 1938-1945. Sixty one photographs relating to Street's career, 1938-1960, including rebellion in Palestine, 1938-1939, and Middle East, 1940-1943. Edition of Blackwood's Magazine, Mar 1947, with article by Street entitled 'Some men have nine lives', an account of the escape from the Italian submarine, 1943. Printed programme of official visit to Aden by Julian Amery MP, Under Secretary of State for War, and Gen Sir Geoffrey Kemp Bourne, Commander-in-Chief, Middle East Land Forces, Sep-Oct 1957, with typescript itineraries of visit and four photographs. Newspaper cuttings and related papers on the award of the MC to Street, Palestine, 1938, the evacuation from Greece, 1941, and the escape from the Italian submarine, 1943.

      Strick, Frank C., Co Ltd
      GB 0064 SRI · Collection · [1898-1974]

      Papers of Frank Clarke Strick comprising minutes of the Board of Directors' and General Meetings, profit and loss accounts and annual returns of the numerous companies which made up the Strick group, 1896 to 1974. These include Frank C. Strick and Company Limited, 1903 to 1965; Anglo-Algerian Steamship Company (1896) Limited, 1896 to 1922; London, Paris and Marseilles Steamship Company Limited (later London and Paris Steamship Company Limited -- later London and Paris Steamship and Investment Company Limited), 1920 to 1965; Strick Line Limited, 1915 to 1970; Strick Line (1923) Limited, 1924 to 1958; the Shahristan Steamship Company Limited, 1923 to 1971; the Dwina Limited, 1908 to 1965; Strick, Gorchs and Company Limited, 192] to 1965: the North Devon Steamship Company Limited (later Frank Strick and Company (South Wales) Limited), 1923 to 1965; United Ship Supplies Limited, 1930 to 1965; Strick, Scott and Company Limited, 1921; Frank Strick and Company (Glasgow) Limited, 1920 to 1971, (Newcastle) 1931 to 1976 and (Liverpool) 1954 to 1974. There are ships' voyage accounts and cargo documents for a number of ships from 1969 to 1971; six freight contracts of 1914 and the 1922 management agreement between Strick's and Gray Dawes; and two letterbooks with out-letters to Government Ministries and Departments, 1909 to 1918. Finally, there are some technical records and publicity and personal material relating to Strick; included here is a memorandum on 'Ormuz' Red Oxide ore which gives details of rates and shipments, 1906 to 1942.

      Strick , Frank Clarke , 1849-1943 , shipowner
      GB 0064 BRA/1 · Subfonds · 1799-1814

      Papers of Capt Lord William Stuart. They consist of order books, 1799 to 1810 and 1811 to 1814; logs, 1811 and 1813 to 1814; in and out-letterbooks, 1809 to 1814, and loose papers, which are mainly orders received from the Admiralty, Ordnance, Navy and Victualling Offices and various senior officers, 1811 to 1814. There are also requests for surveys, returns and other administrative ships' papers, 1811 to 1814.

      Stuart , Lord William , 1778-1814 , Captain RN
      GB 0099 KCLMA Swinton · Created 1916-1941, 1970

      Papers and correspondence relating to Swinton's libel action brought against Herbert George (H G) Wells on the origin of the tank, 1941, including letters to Swinton from R Adm Sir Murray Fraser Sueter, H G Wells, B A Levinson and Sir Richard (Roy) Maconachie, 1940-1941. Typescript letter from Col Sir Maurice Paschal Alers Hankey, Secretary of the Committee of Imperial Defence, dated 5 May 1932, on the manuscript of Swinton's book Eyewitness. Being personal reminiscences of certain phases of the Great War, including the genesis of the tank (Hodder and Stoughton, London, 1932). Two scrapbooks containing cuttings, photographs and memorabilia, 1915-1970, mostly relating to Swinton's military career. Edition of The supply of munitions. Part III. Tanks [1920], Royal Commission on awards to inventors. First Report (HMSO, London, 1921), The defence of Duffer's Drift by Swinton, (George Ronald, Oxford, 1949), and War commentary. Broadcasts delivered between October, 1939 and March, 1940 (Hodder and Stoughton, London, 1940).

      GB 0102 JSS · Created 1869-1967

      Records, 1869-1967, of John Swire & Sons Ltd, comprising the bulk of known surviving material stored in the London Office, covering the development of the firm from about 1870 to 1947, and including series of correspondence coming in and out of the London Office; legal material including original deeds and leases; accounts; organisation papers; and photographs. The importance of the collection lies in the comprehensiveness of the nineteenth and twentieth century correspondence in illustrating the development of the firm and its subsidiaries from the London side where policies were decided, and from the Eastern side where they were implemented. It also gives a good picture of leading figures and firms involved in the Far Eastern trade at that time such as Jardine, Matheson & Company, the China Merchants Company and Holt's, and reveals aspects of Chinese trade and British business philosophy at the end of the Victorian era.

      John Swire & Sons , merchants
      John Swire & Sons Ltd , merchants
      GB 0101 ICS 120 · 1770-1835 [predominantly 1770-1819]

      Mainly letters written and received between 1770 and 1835 by Simon Taylor, his family and heirs, and his friends, agents and business partners, relating to their Jamaican estates and business interests. Over a quarter are contained in Simon Taylor's letterbooks. Though the majority of the correspondence consists of letters either to or from Simon Taylor up to his death in 1813, there is also correspondence of other family members, like his brother Sir John Taylor (1741-1786) and his widow Lady Elizabeth Haughton Taylor (1758-182[?2]), their son and his heir Sir Simon Richard Brissett Taylor, and his cousin and business partner Robert Taylor. Subject matter ranges from the domestic (illness, family quarrels, disinheritance, bigamy) to business (slaves, sugar, trade and shipping, the effects of hurricanes, the introduction of a steam engine on an estate), to the Maroon and French wars and the politics of Abolition. The collection also includes correspondence of George Watson Taylor, 1815-1819, and detailed reports on the estates made for Anna Susannah Watson Taylor in 1835. Genealogical tables for the Taylor, Haughton, Brissett and Hibbert families have been added to the collection at a later date.

      Taylor , Simon , 1740-1813 , Jamaican Sugar Planter Taylor , George Watson , 1770-1841 , Jamaican Sugar Planter
      GB 0096 AL308 · Fonds · 1795

      Letter from John Taylor of the Cannon Coffee House, Charing Cross to Alexander Dalrymple Esq, 17 Feb 1795. Covering letter to a 1794 proof copy of Captain Taylor's Considerations on the practicability and advantages of a more speedy communication between Great Britain and her possessions in India [advocating the superiority of the overland route above the usual sea voyage]. 'I hope I have profited by the advice you was kind enough to give me some time ago in regard to the accompanying plan ... I have ... condensed the subject and am now busy in arranging what authorities I have been able to collect ...'.

      Autograph, with signature.

      Taylor , John , d 1808 , East India Company employee and writer
      COL/TSD/EG · Collection · 1736-1997

      Records of the Technical Services department relating to the City Engineer, including authority to set up posts to preserve foot passage, 1736; Order from the Common Council to remove projecting signs, water spouts and so on to prevent obstructions, 1764; abstract of streets, lanes, courts, alleys and so on within the City showing the position and depth of public sewers, by William Haywood, surveyor, 1847; papers regarding the scheme of Frank Forster, engineer, for the drainage of districts north of the Thames, 1850-1851; papers regarding the schemes of the Great London Drainage Company, 1852-1854; report by Joseph Bazalgette and William Haywood on the sewage and drainage north of the Thames, with related papers including plans, objections and correspondence, 1853-1855; report by Joseph Bazalgette and William Haywood on the sewage and drainage south of the Thames, 1856; plans by Joseph Bazalgette in connection with Southern high level sewers, 1861; papers regarding the construction of the Commissioners of Sewers' new offices at Basinghall Street, including reports, agreements, plans, photographs and correspondence, [1860]; papers regarding the Central London Railway including acts and bills, petitions, correspondence, memoranda, plans, progress reports, evidence and invoices, particularly for Bank, St Paul's and Chancery Lane stations, 1871 - 1909; papers relating to the Royal Commission on London Traffic, consisting of interviews and evidence presented by City officials including the mayor, engineer, surveyor, chair of Bridge House Estates Committee, Public Health Department medical officer, City Solicitor, Superintendent of Police and the Director of the Great Northern Railway Company, 1903-1904; regulations for the laying of mains and so on beneath the public streets and for opening and closing pavements in the City, 1909; annual report of the London and Home Counties Traffic Advisory Committee, 1926-1927; papers relating to the clearing and repair of war damage, 1941-1946; articles and notes relating to the history of street lighting in the City of London, 1941-1976; photograph albums recording various streets and walkways in the City, focusing on street signs, [1990]; the City Engineer Quality Commitment manual, 1993 and consultation paper The Way Ahead: traffic and the environment, 1993.

      Also papers relating to the numbering and naming of City streets, including register of numbered and renamed streets, 1853-1899, lists of streets with corrections to their names, 1878-1982, London County Council orders and correspondence, 1898-1955, Greater London Council orders and correspondence, 1971-1979, orders for the renaming of specific streets, 1986-1997.

      Also papers relating to the Holborn Valley Improvement works, including acts and bills, papers of the Improvement Committee, observations and reports, memorandums, correspondence, applications for jobs, publicity material, estimates and abstracts of costs, engineer's financial accounts, technical measurements and other data, contracts, notebooks, speeches, lists of properties affected by the works, sales catalogues, correspondence with gas, water and telegraph companies, photographs, papers relating to statuary on the bridge including the Prince Consort memorial and papers relating to the exhumation of St Andrew's churchyard and the removal of remains, 1863 - 1873.

      Papers relating to street easements including registers of petitions and applications, 1849-1899; registers of licences for hoards and scaffolds, 1858-1897; register and rental of licences for easements, 1899-1902; counterfoil licences for easements under vaults, 1870-1899; counterfoil licences for easements under coal plates, cellar flaps and so on, 1870-1899; counterfoil licences for easements over private lamps, signboards, cranes and so on, 1870-1899; counterfoil licences for easements over sky-signs, 1891-1896; counterfoil licences for easements over and under, 1899-1907; counterfoil licences for easements over reflectors, 1899-1907; counterfoil licences for easements upon and beneath vaults, 1907-1954; counterfoil licences for easements over lamps, signboards, cranes and so on, 1907-1939; notices regarding cellar flaps, 1881-1891; notices regarding projections, issued under the Sewer Act, 1899-1932 and indexes to registers of petitions and applications, 1849-1899.

      Corporation of London
      GB 0074 LMA/4246 · Collection · 194-

      Six photographs showing the merchant ship 'Challenger' damaged with a puncture in the side of the vessel, and the Thames Forts.

      THANACODY, Dr Reygoobady
      GB 0402 RTH · 1980-1986

      Articles by Reygoobady Thanacody on conditions in Mauritius including food production, transport, social behaviour and unemployment, 1980-1991.

      Thanacody , Dr , Reygoobady , fl 1964-1991
      THRALE, Ralph (1905-1993)
      GB 0099 KCLMA Thrale · 1916-1984

      Papers of Ralph Thrale, 1916-1984, mainly relating to the Royal Observer Corps, including: memoir 'Seaborne', co-authored by Thrale, detailing experiences of Thrale and a colleague while Royal Observer Corps 'Seaborne' volunteers posted to merchant shipping as aircraft identifiers, 1944; Thrale's Royal Navy certificate of service, 1944, and Royal Observer Corps certificate of war service, 1946.

      The collection also includes publications collected by Thrale on related topics, including books: Aircraft of the fighting powers by H J Cooper and O G Thetford (Harborough Publishing Company, Leicester, 1941); Britain's wonderful Air Force edited by Air Cdre Peregrine Forbes Morant Fellowes (Odhams Press, London, 1942); Forewarned is forearmed: the authorized history of the Royal Observer Corps by T E Winslow (William Hodge & Co, London, 1948) and Observers' tale: the story of Group 17 of the ROC edited by H Ramsden Whitty, Commandant, 17 Group, Royal Observer Corps (London, 1950). Journals: The Journal of the Royal Observer Corps Club, Oct 1941-Nov 1942 and an incomplete run of Aircraft recognition Sep 1942-Sep 1984. Ministry of Information publications: The Battle of Britain, August-October 1940 (HMSO, 1941); Coastal Command (HMSO, 1943) and Combined Operations, 1940-1942 (HMSO, 1943). Also The Bystander's Fragments from France, volumes of cartoons by Bruce Bairnsfather detailing life in the trenches (numbers 1-6, c 1916-1918) and article, 'The reply to English propaganda' by Joseph Paul Goebbels, translated from German and reprinted from Völkischer Beobachter, 14 Jul 1939.

      Thrale , Ralph , 1905-1993
      GB 0064 THY · Collection · [1909-1917]

      Papers of Sir Cecil Fiennes Thursby. The papers include a number of official orders and reports, some relating to Thursby's time as Captain of HMS SWIFTSURE in 1909. Many more concerned with the Dardenelles campaign, especially the Gallipoli landings and subsequent evacuation. Also present in the collection are British Adriatic Reports for 1916-17, reports on the 1917 Conference of Corfu, letters to Thursby during his time in the Eastern Mediterranean and reports on the use of submarine chasers.

      Thursby , Sir , Cecil Fiennes , 1861-1936 , Knight , Admiral
      Tocher, Rev Forbes Scott
      GB 0102 MS 380570 · 1927-1973

      Papers, 1927-1973, concerning the Rev Forbes Tocher, comprising manuscript letter from George Wilson to Mrs Tocher concerning the Lalor case, 1927; typescript letter from Butterfield and Swire, Shanghai, to Forbes Tocher thanking him for his help in releasing Captain Lalor, 1928; undated press cutting announcing the award to Tocher of the CBE, following his release of Captain Lalor, and giving an account of the events [1928]; photocopy of undated notes by Tocher concerning his work securing the release of Captain Lalor in 1927; press cuttings from Scottish newspapers on celebrations to commemorate Tocher's 55 years as a minister, giving accounts of his life and career, 1964; typescript copy of funeral oration to Tocher, 1973.

      Tocher , Forbes Scott , 1885-1973 , missionary
      Toyne Carter & Co
      GB 0064 XX(63027.1) · Collection · [1896-1973]

      Records of Toyne Carter and Co comprising register of shareholders and Directors' minute books, 1921 to 1958; balance sheets and profit and loss accounts, 1924 to 1975; cash books, ledgers and journals, 1896 to 1968; wages and salaries books, 1944 to 1971, and a broker's commission book, 1951 to 1972. The bulk of the collection relates to the china clay trade, including a volume listing cargoes to the United States, via Liverpool, 1899 to 1903, and direct from Fowey, 1904 to 1952, together with detailed accounts of the same, 1926 to 1935, and 1966 to 1973; cargo manifests, 1931 to 1961; and Bills of Lading, 1958 to 1967.

      There are also accounts of shipments to Holland, 1925 to 1972; to Italy and the Mediterranean, 1924 to 1939 and 1948 to 1959, together with details of cargoes lifted by 'general' ships, 1922 to 1970. There is a small amount of correspondence, numerous loose papers, cables, invoices, vouchers and receipts, chartering circulars, 1926 to 1928; chartering records, 1925 to 1934; Charter Parties, 1929 to 1935 and 1947 to 1972; details of ships cleared through customs, 1939 to 1971; a continuous series of disbursement books of ships whilst loading at Fowey, 1909 to 1970; and a large number of cargo plans demonstrating the care which was needed to stow china clay. In 1947 the company took a controlling interest in the Fowey Tug Company, and the collection contains balance sheets and profit and loss accounts, account books, towage rates and tonnage sheets for this undertaking, 1947 to 1960. At different times, members of the company held appointment as Vice-Consul to several European countries, and surviving records of this office include German Seals of Appointment, 1896 to 1926. Tape recordings of conversations with one of the firm's employees and with D R Carter (1901- ), son of one of the founders, who joined the business in 1919, complete the collection.

      Toyne Carter & Co
      GB 0096 MS 542 · Late 18th century

      Draft of a short late 18th century tract on the legal implications of the inspection of shipping at sea, with particular reference to an incident between Great Britain and Sweden concerning the ship 'Mary', and beginning 'I come at once to state in as plain & concise terms as I am m[aste]r of & with as much impartiality as possible ye questio]n now in dispute between this country & Sweden relative to ye ship Mary...'.

      GB 0074 ACC/2575 · Collection · 1930

      The records consist of issues of TOT magazines, 1930, and a souvenir programme of a rugby match between London Underground Railways and the Union Sportive du Metropolitain of Paris, 1930.

      TOT Staff Magazine x Train Omnibus Tram Staff Magazine
      LCC/TWYS/GEN · Subfonds · 1870-1933

      Records of the London County Council Tramways Department, 1870-1933, including copies of relevant legislation; reports by solicitor; annual accounts; printed reports on the purchase of undertakings, methods of traction, electrification and so on, tramways development, financial matters, fares, staff and organisation and light railways; papers relating to arbitration proceedings against the London Street Tramways Company, North Metropolitan Tramway Company, London Tramways Company, London Deptford and Greenwich Tramways Company, Woolwich and South-East London Tramways Company and London United Tramways Company; arbitration concerning contract for construction of the superstructure of Greenwich Generating Station by Joseph Westwood and Company Limited; proceedings on claim for reduction of weekly hours from 56 to 48 and award thereon; proceedings on claim for increased wages for employees in the Electrical Section and award thereon.

      Map of the tramways of London; maps showing the tramways of London North and South of the Thames; tramway map of London and suburbs showing the LCC tramways, their connections with other tramways and the tube railways; copies of the Official LCC Tram Map and Guide, containing descriptions of places of public interest and the tram routes serving them; 'Direct Services between North and South London - A Guide to Kingsway Tramway'; 'A Description of the System of LCC Tramways prepared on the occasion of the Annual conference of the Tramways, Light Railways and Transport Association'; issues of brochure 'The London Holiday Maker'; publicity brochures and fixture cards; regulations regarding the Electrical Power (Conduit System) on the LCC tramways; rules and regulations for conductors and drivers; 'What the progressives have done for the people's Trams', LCC election campaign literature (text and photographs reprinted from The Daily News).

      LCC , London County Council x London County Council
      LCC/TWYS · Subfonds · 1904-1950

      Records of the London County Council Tramways Department, 1904-1950, comprising posters, and original artworks used in posters, advertising various attractions and destinations reachable by tram. Some of the posters were designed at the LCC Central School of Arts and Crafts. Also plans of works to LCC tramways and trolleybus routes.

      LCC , London County Council x London County Council
      GB 0074 ACC/1297/TMO · Collection · 1911-1934

      Records of the Tramways M.E.T. Omnibus Company, comprising minutes of Board meetings; minutes of the Director's Motor Bus Company; minutes of General meetings and minutes of the Share Allotment Committee.

      Tramways M.E.T. Omnibus Company
      Transport History collection
      GB 3245 THC · Fonds · [1811-1990]

      Papers relating to British railway history, especially that of the Great Western Railway (GWR) and railways in the London area, including books, maps, periodicals, timetables and several thousand photographs, c 1920s-1980s. The books represent a strong collection on British railway history from earliest times to the early 1980s. There are some substantial runs of major periodical titles. There is a large collection of early railway maps including Airey and Railway Clearing House (RCH) maps; also Ordnance Survey maps and railway junction diagrams, a substantial collection of Bradshaw guides, working and passenger timetables, with the following archival material:

      Clinker Collection comprising notes and correspondence relating to the publications of Charles Ralph Clinker on railway history, particularly his Register of closed passenger stations and goods depots in England, Scotland and Wales, 1830-1977 (1963, revised 1978) and papers relating to his 1982 revision of the History of the Great Western Railway (London, 1964) by E T MacDermot; timetables, including those for the Bristol area, 1880s-1970s; General Strike, 1926; timetables during other strikes, 1920s; Great Western and Midland, various notices; Midland and South Western Junction Railway timetables, 1885-1947; operation instructions, GWR, London Midland and Scottish (LMS), London and North Eastern Railway (LNER), Southern Railway (SR); GWR working of stations, 1939-1965; LMS Railway train marshalling, 1943-1944; LMS timetables, 1890s-1940s; train arrangements during World War One and World War Two, 1914-1918, 1939-1945; papers relating to Broadgauge conversion; papers relating to Golden Valley Railway and Leominster-Kington Railway; ephemera relating to the Hay Railway, 1811-1977; Southern Railway plans for stations west of Salisbury, 1905- (mainly 1920s-1930s); Severn Bridge, General Manager's file, 1936-1943; logging of train performances, 1918-1927; books and periodicals, including rare and 19th century printed material on the early railway system, particularly guidebooks and station instructions.

      Garnett Collection, mainly comprising railway maps, particularly those produced from 1869 by John Airey, an employee of the Railway Clearing House (RCH), and subsequently by the RCH itself, and also includes Ordnance Survey maps and railway maps produced by the various railway companies; catalogues and research notes by Garnett, including lists of maps prepared by Airey and the RCH, 1869-1960; Macaulay [Zachary] series for Great Britain, Ireland and London, 1851-1908; notes on tramways and railways in Port Talbot area; catalogues of station handbooks, 1851-1956, and railway junction diagrams (the Airey and RCH maps, station handbooks and junction diagrams were used to determine ownership of stations and junctions for commercial purposes).

      Research notes and photographs relating to Railway structures by Stuart Kear (9 vols); typescript of Chronology of the construction of Britain's railways, 1856-1922 by Leslie James; research notes by John Palmer on 19th century railway periodicals and the Eastern Counties Railway in its formative years; research notebooks and papers of Harold Vernon Borley on the history of railways in London, used for his Chronology of London railways (Railway and Canal Historical Society, Oakham, 1982).

      Locomotive and General Railway Collection, featuring several thousand photographs (photographer unknown) of British locomotives, particularly steam trains, 1920s-1970s.

      Wookey Collection, comprising several thousand photographs of British railway stations and signal boxes.

      Mowat Collection (of Professor Charles Loch Mowat, 1911-c1969), comprising 2500 photographs in albums of railway scenes, 1926-1969 (mostly 1942-1969, with a few before 1924). These are mostly of small and medium sized railway stations (trains are generally incidental), covering most of the United Kingdom, with particular emphasis on the GWR and Wales, with coverage of Somerset and Dorset, Midland and South Western Junction, Lincolnshire, Midland Railway in the West Country, Great Eastern, Glasgow and Edinburgh Suburban, Bristol Suburban, Ireland, and narrow gauge lines in the UK such as Ffestiniog, Penrhyn, Bishop's Castle and Ditton's Prior. He also covered south east of Manchester in 1962, including the Hayfield, Macclesfield, Buxton (London North Western and Midland) and North Staffordshire lines. The collection also includes Mowat's index to his photographs and 14 notebooks containing track diagrams and notes on the stations he photographed, c 1920-1969.

      Garnett , David , 1909-1984 , electrical engineer and railway historian
      Transport History Collection
      GB 1975 Transport History · c1811-1990s

      Papers relating to British railway history, especially that of the Great Western Railway (GWR) and railways in the London area, including books, maps, periodicals, timetables and several thousand photographs, c1920s-1980s. The books represent a strong collection on British railway history from earliest times to the early 1980s. The collection is less strong in periodicals but there are some substantial runs of major titles. There is a large collection of early railway maps including Airey and Railway Clearing House (RCH) maps; also Ordnance Survey maps and railway junction diagrams, and a substantial collection of Bradshaw guides, and working and passenger timetables, with the following archival material:

      Clinker Collection comprising notes and correspondence relating to the publications of Charles Ralph Clinker on railway history, particularly his Register of closed passenger stations and goods depots in England, Scotland and Wales, 1830-1977 (1963, revised 1978) and papers relating to his 1982 revision of the History of the Great Western Railway (London, 1964) by E T MacDermot; timetables, including those for the Bristol area, 1880s-1970s; General Strike, 1926; timetables during other strikes, 1920s; Great Western and Midland, various notices; Midland and South Western Junction Railway timetables, 1885-1947; operation instructions, GWR, London Midland and Scottish (LMS), London and North Eastern Railway (LNER), Southern Railway (SR); GWR working of stations, 1939-1965; LMS Railway train marshalling, 1943-1944; LMS timetables, 1890s-1940s; train arrangements during World War One and World War Two, 1914-1918, 1939-1945; papers relating to Broadgauge conversion; papers relating to Golden Valley Railway and Leominster-Kington Railway; ephemera relating to the Hay Railway, 1811-1977; Southern Railway plans for stations west of Salisbury, 1905- (mainly 1920s-1930s); Severn Bridge, General Manager's file, 1936-1943; logging of train performances, 1918-1927; books and periodicals, including rare and 19th century printed material on the early railway system, particularly guidebooks and station instructions.

      Garnett Collection, mainly comprising railway maps, particularly those produced from 1869 by John Airey, an employee of the RCH, and subsequently by the RCH itself, and also includes Ordnance Survey maps and railway maps produced by the various railway companies; catalogues and research notes by Garnett, including lists of maps prepared by Airey and the RCH, 1869-1960; Macaulay [Zachary] series for Great Britain, Ireland and London, 1851-1908; notes on tramways and railways in Port Talbot area; catalogues of station handbooks, 1851-1956, and railway junction diagrams (the Airey and RCH maps, station handbooks and junction diagrams were used to determine ownership of stations and junctions for commercial purposes).

      Research notes and photographs relating to Railway structures by Stuart Kear (9 vols); typescript of Chronology of the construction of Britain's railways, 1856-1922 by Leslie James; research notes by John Palmer on 19th century railway periodicals and the Eastern Counties Railway in its formative years; research notebooks and papers of Harold Vernon Borley on the history of railways in London, used for his Chronology of London railways (Railway and Canal Historical Society, Oakham, 1982).

      Locomotive and General Railway Collection, featuring several thousand photographs (photographer unknown) of British locomotives, particularly steam trains, 1920s-1970s.

      Wookey Collection, comprising several thousand photographs of British railway stations and signal boxes.

      Mowat Collection (of Professor Charles Loch Mowat, 1911-c1969), comprising 2500 photographs in albums of railway scenes, 1926-1969 (mostly 1942-1969, with a few before 1924). These are mostly of small and medium sized railway stations (trains are generally incidental), covering most of the United Kingdom, with particular emphasis on the GWR and Wales, with coverage of Somerset and Dorset, Midland and South Western Junction, Lincolnshire, Midland Railway in the West Country, Great Eastern, Glasgow and Edinburgh Suburban, Bristol Suburban, Ireland, and narrow gauge lines in the UK such as Ffestiniog, Penrhyn, Bishop's Castle and Ditton's Prior. He also covered south east of Manchester in 1962, including the Hayfield, Macclesfield, Buxton (London North Western and Midland) and North Staffordshire lines. The collection also includes Mowat's index to his photographs and 14 notebooks containing track diagrams and notes on the stations he photographed, c1920-1969.

      Clinker , Charles Ralph , 1906-1983 , railway historian Garnett , David , 1909-1984 , electrical engineer and railway historian Wookey , Chris , 1957-1989 , chemistry teacher and railway photographer Borley , Harold Vernon , fl 1982 , railway historian Mowat , Charles Loch , 1911-1970 , professor and railway photographer
      GB 0099 KCLMA Travers · Created 1989

      Cross country (Hothersall and Travers, Sittinbourne, 1990), a biography of James Lindsay Travers, 1883-1924, Herbert Gardner Travers, 1891-1958, Charles Tindal Travers, 1898-1969, notably including details of James Lindsay Travers' experiments with seaplanes and flying boats, 1909-1914, and of the brothers' service in World War One with the Royal Naval Air Service, Royal Flying Corps and RAF, written by E Travers, the daughter of Herbert Gardner Travers, and privately published in 1990. Includes extracts from the brothers' letters and from Herbert Gardner Travers' flying log-books.
